 * Copyright 2002-2020 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.http.codec.multipart;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.OpenOption;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

import org.synchronoss.cloud.nio.multipart.DefaultPartBodyStreamStorageFactory;
import org.synchronoss.cloud.nio.multipart.Multipart;
import org.synchronoss.cloud.nio.multipart.MultipartContext;
import org.synchronoss.cloud.nio.multipart.MultipartUtils;
import org.synchronoss.cloud.nio.multipart.NioMultipartParser;
import org.synchronoss.cloud.nio.multipart.NioMultipartParserListener;
import org.synchronoss.cloud.nio.multipart.PartBodyStreamStorageFactory;
import org.synchronoss.cloud.nio.stream.storage.StreamStorage;
import reactor.core.publisher.BaseSubscriber;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.FluxSink;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import reactor.core.publisher.SignalType;

import org.springframework.core.ResolvableType;
import org.springframework.core.codec.DecodingException;
import org.springframework.core.codec.Hints;
import org.springframework.core.io.buffer.DataBuffer;
import org.springframework.core.io.buffer.DataBufferLimitException;
import org.springframework.core.io.buffer.DataBufferUtils;
import org.springframework.core.io.buffer.DefaultDataBufferFactory;
import org.springframework.core.log.LogFormatUtils;
import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.http.ReactiveHttpInputMessage;
import org.springframework.http.codec.HttpMessageReader;
import org.springframework.http.codec.LoggingCodecSupport;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

HttpMessageReader for parsing "multipart/form-data" requests to a stream of Part's using the Synchronoss NIO Multipart library.

This reader can be provided to MultipartHttpMessageReader in order to aggregate all parts into a Map.

Author:Sebastien Deleuze, Rossen Stoyanchev, Arjen Poutsma, Brian Clozel
See Also:
/** * {@code HttpMessageReader} for parsing {@code "multipart/form-data"} requests * to a stream of {@link Part}'s using the Synchronoss NIO Multipart library. * * <p>This reader can be provided to {@link MultipartHttpMessageReader} in order * to aggregate all parts into a Map. * * @author Sebastien Deleuze * @author Rossen Stoyanchev * @author Arjen Poutsma * @author Brian Clozel * @since 5.0 * @see <a href="https://github.com/synchronoss/nio-multipart">Synchronoss NIO Multipart</a> * @see MultipartHttpMessageReader */
public class SynchronossPartHttpMessageReader extends LoggingCodecSupport implements HttpMessageReader<Part> { private int maxInMemorySize = 256 * 1024; private long maxDiskUsagePerPart = -1; private int maxParts = -1;
Configure the maximum amount of memory that is allowed to use per part. When the limit is exceeded:

By default this is set to 256K.

  • byteCount – the in-memory limit in bytes; if set to -1 this limit is not enforced, and all parts may be written to disk and are limited only by the maxDiskUsagePerPart property.
/** * Configure the maximum amount of memory that is allowed to use per part. * When the limit is exceeded: * <ul> * <li>file parts are written to a temporary file. * <li>non-file parts are rejected with {@link DataBufferLimitException}. * </ul> * <p>By default this is set to 256K. * @param byteCount the in-memory limit in bytes; if set to -1 this limit is * not enforced, and all parts may be written to disk and are limited only * by the {@link #setMaxDiskUsagePerPart(long) maxDiskUsagePerPart} property. * @since 5.1.11 */
public void setMaxInMemorySize(int byteCount) { this.maxInMemorySize = byteCount; }
Get the configured maximum in-memory size.
/** * Get the {@link #setMaxInMemorySize configured} maximum in-memory size. * @since 5.1.11 */
public int getMaxInMemorySize() { return this.maxInMemorySize; }
Configure the maximum amount of disk space allowed for file parts.

By default this is set to -1.

  • maxDiskUsagePerPart – the disk limit in bytes, or -1 for unlimited
/** * Configure the maximum amount of disk space allowed for file parts. * <p>By default this is set to -1. * @param maxDiskUsagePerPart the disk limit in bytes, or -1 for unlimited * @since 5.1.11 */
public void setMaxDiskUsagePerPart(long maxDiskUsagePerPart) { this.maxDiskUsagePerPart = maxDiskUsagePerPart; }
Get the configured maximum disk usage.
/** * Get the {@link #setMaxDiskUsagePerPart configured} maximum disk usage. * @since 5.1.11 */
public long getMaxDiskUsagePerPart() { return this.maxDiskUsagePerPart; }
Specify the maximum number of parts allowed in a given multipart request.
/** * Specify the maximum number of parts allowed in a given multipart request. * @since 5.1.11 */
public void setMaxParts(int maxParts) { this.maxParts = maxParts; }
Return the configured limit on the number of parts.
/** * Return the {@link #setMaxParts configured} limit on the number of parts. * @since 5.1.11 */
public int getMaxParts() { return this.maxParts; } @Override public List<MediaType> getReadableMediaTypes() { return MultipartHttpMessageReader.MIME_TYPES; } @Override public boolean canRead(ResolvableType elementType, @Nullable MediaType mediaType) { if (Part.class.equals(elementType.toClass())) { if (mediaType == null) { return true; } for (MediaType supportedMediaType : getReadableMediaTypes()) { if (supportedMediaType.isCompatibleWith(mediaType)) { return true; } } } return false; } @Override public Flux<Part> read(ResolvableType elementType, ReactiveHttpInputMessage message, Map<String, Object> hints) { return Flux.create(new SynchronossPartGenerator(message)) .doOnNext(part -> { if (!Hints.isLoggingSuppressed(hints)) { LogFormatUtils.traceDebug(logger, traceOn -> Hints.getLogPrefix(hints) + "Parsed " + (isEnableLoggingRequestDetails() ? LogFormatUtils.formatValue(part, !traceOn) : "parts '" + part.name() + "' (content masked)")); } }); } @Override public Mono<Part> readMono(ResolvableType elementType, ReactiveHttpInputMessage message, Map<String, Object> hints) { return Mono.error(new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot read multipart request body into single Part")); }
Subscribe to the input stream and feed the Synchronoss parser. Then listen for parser output, creating parts, and pushing them into the FluxSink.
/** * Subscribe to the input stream and feed the Synchronoss parser. Then listen * for parser output, creating parts, and pushing them into the FluxSink. */
private class SynchronossPartGenerator extends BaseSubscriber<DataBuffer> implements Consumer<FluxSink<Part>> { private final ReactiveHttpInputMessage inputMessage; private final LimitedPartBodyStreamStorageFactory storageFactory = new LimitedPartBodyStreamStorageFactory(); @Nullable private NioMultipartParserListener listener; @Nullable private NioMultipartParser parser; public SynchronossPartGenerator(ReactiveHttpInputMessage inputMessage) { this.inputMessage = inputMessage; } @Override public void accept(FluxSink<Part> sink) { HttpHeaders headers = this.inputMessage.getHeaders(); MediaType mediaType = headers.getContentType(); Assert.state(mediaType != null, "No content type set"); int length = getContentLength(headers); Charset charset = Optional.ofNullable(mediaType.getCharset()).orElse(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); MultipartContext context = new MultipartContext(mediaType.toString(), length, charset.name()); this.listener = new FluxSinkAdapterListener(sink, context, this.storageFactory); this.parser = Multipart .multipart(context) .usePartBodyStreamStorageFactory(this.storageFactory) .forNIO(this.listener); this.inputMessage.getBody().subscribe(this); } @Override protected void hookOnNext(DataBuffer buffer) { Assert.state(this.parser != null && this.listener != null, "Not initialized yet"); int size = buffer.readableByteCount(); this.storageFactory.increaseByteCount(size); byte[] resultBytes = new byte[size]; buffer.read(resultBytes); try { this.parser.write(resultBytes); } catch (IOException ex) { cancel(); int index = this.storageFactory.getCurrentPartIndex(); this.listener.onError("Parser error for part [" + index + "]", ex); } finally { DataBufferUtils.release(buffer); } } @Override protected void hookOnError(Throwable ex) { if (this.listener != null) { int index = this.storageFactory.getCurrentPartIndex(); this.listener.onError("Failure while parsing part[" + index + "]", ex); } } @Override protected void hookOnComplete() { if (this.listener != null) { this.listener.onAllPartsFinished(); } } @Override protected void hookFinally(SignalType type) { try { if (this.parser != null) { this.parser.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { // ignore } } private int getContentLength(HttpHeaders headers) { // Until this is fixed https://github.com/synchronoss/nio-multipart/issues/10 long length = headers.getContentLength(); return (int) length == length ? (int) length : -1; } } private class LimitedPartBodyStreamStorageFactory implements PartBodyStreamStorageFactory { private final PartBodyStreamStorageFactory storageFactory = (maxInMemorySize > 0 ? new DefaultPartBodyStreamStorageFactory(maxInMemorySize) : new DefaultPartBodyStreamStorageFactory()); private int index = 1; private boolean isFilePart; private long partSize; public int getCurrentPartIndex() { return this.index; } @Override public StreamStorage newStreamStorageForPartBody(Map<String, List<String>> headers, int index) { this.index = index; this.isFilePart = (MultipartUtils.getFileName(headers) != null); this.partSize = 0; if (maxParts > 0 && index > maxParts) { throw new DecodingException("Too many parts (" + index + " allowed)"); } return this.storageFactory.newStreamStorageForPartBody(headers, index); } public void increaseByteCount(long byteCount) { this.partSize += byteCount; if (maxInMemorySize > 0 && !this.isFilePart && this.partSize >= maxInMemorySize) { throw new DataBufferLimitException("Part[" + this.index + "] " + "exceeded the in-memory limit of " + maxInMemorySize + " bytes"); } if (maxDiskUsagePerPart > 0 && this.isFilePart && this.partSize > maxDiskUsagePerPart) { throw new DecodingException("Part[" + this.index + "] " + "exceeded the disk usage limit of " + maxDiskUsagePerPart + " bytes"); } } public void partFinished() { this.index++; this.isFilePart = false; this.partSize = 0; } }
Listen for parser output and adapt to Flux<Sink<Part>>.
/** * Listen for parser output and adapt to {@code Flux<Sink<Part>>}. */
private static class FluxSinkAdapterListener implements NioMultipartParserListener { private final FluxSink<Part> sink; private final MultipartContext context; private final LimitedPartBodyStreamStorageFactory storageFactory; private final AtomicInteger terminated = new AtomicInteger(); FluxSinkAdapterListener( FluxSink<Part> sink, MultipartContext context, LimitedPartBodyStreamStorageFactory factory) { this.sink = sink; this.context = context; this.storageFactory = factory; } @Override public void onPartFinished(StreamStorage storage, Map<String, List<String>> headers) { HttpHeaders httpHeaders = new HttpHeaders(); httpHeaders.putAll(headers); this.storageFactory.partFinished(); this.sink.next(createPart(storage, httpHeaders)); } private Part createPart(StreamStorage storage, HttpHeaders httpHeaders) { String filename = MultipartUtils.getFileName(httpHeaders); if (filename != null) { return new SynchronossFilePart(httpHeaders, filename, storage); } else if (MultipartUtils.isFormField(httpHeaders, this.context)) { String value = MultipartUtils.readFormParameterValue(storage, httpHeaders); return new SynchronossFormFieldPart(httpHeaders, value); } else { return new SynchronossPart(httpHeaders, storage); } } @Override public void onError(String message, Throwable cause) { if (this.terminated.getAndIncrement() == 0) { this.sink.error(new DecodingException(message, cause)); } } @Override public void onAllPartsFinished() { if (this.terminated.getAndIncrement() == 0) { this.sink.complete(); } } @Override public void onNestedPartStarted(Map<String, List<String>> headersFromParentPart) { } @Override public void onNestedPartFinished() { } } private abstract static class AbstractSynchronossPart implements Part { private final String name; private final HttpHeaders headers; AbstractSynchronossPart(HttpHeaders headers) { Assert.notNull(headers, "HttpHeaders is required"); this.name = MultipartUtils.getFieldName(headers); this.headers = headers; } @Override public String name() { return this.name; } @Override public HttpHeaders headers() { return this.headers; } @Override public String toString() { return "Part '" + this.name + "', headers=" + this.headers; } } private static class SynchronossPart extends AbstractSynchronossPart { private final StreamStorage storage; SynchronossPart(HttpHeaders headers, StreamStorage storage) { super(headers); Assert.notNull(storage, "StreamStorage is required"); this.storage = storage; } @Override public Flux<DataBuffer> content() { return DataBufferUtils.readInputStream( getStorage()::getInputStream, DefaultDataBufferFactory.sharedInstance, 4096); } protected StreamStorage getStorage() { return this.storage; } } private static class SynchronossFilePart extends SynchronossPart implements FilePart { private static final OpenOption[] FILE_CHANNEL_OPTIONS = {StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, StandardOpenOption.WRITE}; private final String filename; SynchronossFilePart(HttpHeaders headers, String filename, StreamStorage storage) { super(headers, storage); this.filename = filename; } @Override public String filename() { return this.filename; } @Override public Mono<Void> transferTo(Path dest) { ReadableByteChannel input = null; FileChannel output = null; try { input = Channels.newChannel(getStorage().getInputStream()); output = FileChannel.open(dest, FILE_CHANNEL_OPTIONS); long size = (input instanceof FileChannel ? ((FileChannel) input).size() : Long.MAX_VALUE); long totalWritten = 0; while (totalWritten < size) { long written = output.transferFrom(input, totalWritten, size - totalWritten); if (written <= 0) { break; } totalWritten += written; } } catch (IOException ex) { return Mono.error(ex); } finally { if (input != null) { try { input.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } if (output != null) { try { output.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } } return Mono.empty(); } @Override public String toString() { return "Part '" + name() + "', filename='" + this.filename + "'"; } } private static class SynchronossFormFieldPart extends AbstractSynchronossPart implements FormFieldPart { private final String content; SynchronossFormFieldPart(HttpHeaders headers, String content) { super(headers); this.content = content; } @Override public String value() { return this.content; } @Override public Flux<DataBuffer> content() { byte[] bytes = this.content.getBytes(getCharset()); return Flux.just(DefaultDataBufferFactory.sharedInstance.wrap(bytes)); } private Charset getCharset() { String name = MultipartUtils.getCharEncoding(headers()); return (name != null ? Charset.forName(name) : StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } @Override public String toString() { return "Part '" + name() + "=" + this.content + "'"; } } }