 * Copyright 2019-2020 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
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package org.springframework.data.mapping.callback;

import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

Interface to be implemented by objects that can manage a number of EntityCallback objects and invoke these with a specific entity.
Author:Christoph Strobl
See Also:
/** * Interface to be implemented by objects that can manage a number of {@link EntityCallback} objects and invoke these * with a specific entity. * * @author Christoph Strobl * @since 2.2 * @see EntityCallback */
public interface ReactiveEntityCallbacks {
Add the given callback using generic type argument detection for identification of supported types.
  • callback – must not be null.
/** * Add the given {@link EntityCallback callback} using generic type argument detection for identification of supported * types. * * @param callback must not be {@literal null}. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the required argument is {@literal null}. */
void addEntityCallback(EntityCallback<?> callback);
On subscribe invoke the matching entity callbacks with given arguments.
  • callbackType – must not be null.
  • entity – must not be null.
  • args – optional arguments.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – Entity type.
Returns:a Mono emitting the result after invoking the callbacks.
/** * On {@link Mono#subscribe() subscribe} invoke the matching {@link EntityCallback entity callbacks} with given * arguments. * * @param callbackType must not be {@literal null}. * @param entity must not be {@literal null}. * @param args optional arguments. * @param <T> Entity type. * @return a {@link Mono} emitting the result after invoking the callbacks. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a required argument is {@literal null}. */
<T> Mono<T> callback(Class<? extends EntityCallback> callbackType, T entity, Object... args);
Create a new ReactiveEntityCallbacks instance with given callbacks.
The provided callbacks are immediately added.
/** * Create a new {@link ReactiveEntityCallbacks} instance with given {@link EntityCallback callbacks}. <br /> * The provided {@link EntityCallback callbacks} are immediately {@link #addEntityCallback(EntityCallback) added}. */
static ReactiveEntityCallbacks create(EntityCallback<?>... callbacks) { ReactiveEntityCallbacks entityCallbacks = create(); for (EntityCallback<?> callback : callbacks) { entityCallbacks.addEntityCallback(callback); } return entityCallbacks; }
Obtain a new ReactiveEntityCallbacks instance.
Use addEntityCallback(EntityCallback<?>) to register callbacks manually.
/** * Obtain a new {@link ReactiveEntityCallbacks} instance. <br /> * Use {@link #addEntityCallback(EntityCallback)} to register callbacks manually. */
static ReactiveEntityCallbacks create() { return new DefaultReactiveEntityCallbacks(); }
Obtain a new ReactiveEntityCallbacks instance.

callbacks are pre loaded from the given BeanFactory.
Use addEntityCallback(EntityCallback<?>) to register additional callbacks manually.
  • beanFactory – must not be null.
/** * Obtain a new {@link ReactiveEntityCallbacks} instance. * <p /> * {@link EntityCallback callbacks} are pre loaded from the given {@link BeanFactory}. <br /> * Use {@link #addEntityCallback(EntityCallback)} to register additional callbacks manually. * * @param beanFactory must not be {@literal null}. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a required argument is {@literal null}. */
static ReactiveEntityCallbacks create(BeanFactory beanFactory) { Assert.notNull(beanFactory, "Context must not be null!"); return new DefaultReactiveEntityCallbacks(beanFactory); } }