 * Copyright 2012-2020 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
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package org.springframework.boot.web.reactive.context;

import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory;
import org.springframework.boot.availability.AvailabilityChangeEvent;
import org.springframework.boot.availability.ReadinessState;
import org.springframework.boot.web.context.ConfigurableWebServerApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.boot.web.reactive.server.ReactiveWebServerFactory;
import org.springframework.boot.web.server.WebServer;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextException;
import org.springframework.core.metrics.StartupStep;
import org.springframework.http.server.reactive.HttpHandler;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;

A GenericReactiveWebApplicationContext that can be used to bootstrap itself from a contained ReactiveWebServerFactory bean.
Author:Brian Clozel
/** * A {@link GenericReactiveWebApplicationContext} that can be used to bootstrap itself * from a contained {@link ReactiveWebServerFactory} bean. * * @author Brian Clozel * @since 2.0.0 */
public class ReactiveWebServerApplicationContext extends GenericReactiveWebApplicationContext implements ConfigurableWebServerApplicationContext { private volatile WebServerManager serverManager; private String serverNamespace; /** * Create a new {@link ReactiveWebServerApplicationContext}. */ public ReactiveWebServerApplicationContext() { }
Create a new ReactiveWebServerApplicationContext with the given DefaultListableBeanFactory.
  • beanFactory – the DefaultListableBeanFactory instance to use for this context
/** * Create a new {@link ReactiveWebServerApplicationContext} with the given * {@code DefaultListableBeanFactory}. * @param beanFactory the DefaultListableBeanFactory instance to use for this context */
public ReactiveWebServerApplicationContext(DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory) { super(beanFactory); } @Override public final void refresh() throws BeansException, IllegalStateException { try { super.refresh(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { WebServerManager serverManager = this.serverManager; if (serverManager != null) { serverManager.getWebServer().stop(); } throw ex; } } @Override protected void onRefresh() { super.onRefresh(); try { createWebServer(); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new ApplicationContextException("Unable to start reactive web server", ex); } } private void createWebServer() { WebServerManager serverManager = this.serverManager; if (serverManager == null) { StartupStep createWebServer = this.getApplicationStartup().start("spring.boot.webserver.create"); String webServerFactoryBeanName = getWebServerFactoryBeanName(); ReactiveWebServerFactory webServerFactory = getWebServerFactory(webServerFactoryBeanName); createWebServer.tag("factory", webServerFactory.getClass().toString()); boolean lazyInit = getBeanFactory().getBeanDefinition(webServerFactoryBeanName).isLazyInit(); this.serverManager = new WebServerManager(this, webServerFactory, this::getHttpHandler, lazyInit); getBeanFactory().registerSingleton("webServerGracefulShutdown", new WebServerGracefulShutdownLifecycle(this.serverManager)); getBeanFactory().registerSingleton("webServerStartStop", new WebServerStartStopLifecycle(this.serverManager)); createWebServer.end(); } initPropertySources(); } protected String getWebServerFactoryBeanName() { // Use bean names so that we don't consider the hierarchy String[] beanNames = getBeanFactory().getBeanNamesForType(ReactiveWebServerFactory.class); if (beanNames.length == 0) { throw new ApplicationContextException( "Unable to start ReactiveWebApplicationContext due to missing ReactiveWebServerFactory bean."); } if (beanNames.length > 1) { throw new ApplicationContextException("Unable to start ReactiveWebApplicationContext due to multiple " + "ReactiveWebServerFactory beans : " + StringUtils.arrayToCommaDelimitedString(beanNames)); } return beanNames[0]; } protected ReactiveWebServerFactory getWebServerFactory(String factoryBeanName) { return getBeanFactory().getBean(factoryBeanName, ReactiveWebServerFactory.class); }
Return the HttpHandler that should be used to process the reactive web server. By default this method searches for a suitable bean in the context itself.
Returns:a HttpHandler (never null
/** * Return the {@link HttpHandler} that should be used to process the reactive web * server. By default this method searches for a suitable bean in the context itself. * @return a {@link HttpHandler} (never {@code null} */
protected HttpHandler getHttpHandler() { // Use bean names so that we don't consider the hierarchy String[] beanNames = getBeanFactory().getBeanNamesForType(HttpHandler.class); if (beanNames.length == 0) { throw new ApplicationContextException( "Unable to start ReactiveWebApplicationContext due to missing HttpHandler bean."); } if (beanNames.length > 1) { throw new ApplicationContextException( "Unable to start ReactiveWebApplicationContext due to multiple HttpHandler beans : " + StringUtils.arrayToCommaDelimitedString(beanNames)); } return getBeanFactory().getBean(beanNames[0], HttpHandler.class); } @Override protected void doClose() { if (isActive()) { AvailabilityChangeEvent.publish(this, ReadinessState.REFUSING_TRAFFIC); } super.doClose(); }
Returns the WebServer that was created by the context or null if the server has not yet been created.
Returns:the web server
/** * Returns the {@link WebServer} that was created by the context or {@code null} if * the server has not yet been created. * @return the web server */
@Override public WebServer getWebServer() { WebServerManager serverManager = this.serverManager; return (serverManager != null) ? serverManager.getWebServer() : null; } @Override public String getServerNamespace() { return this.serverNamespace; } @Override public void setServerNamespace(String serverNamespace) { this.serverNamespace = serverNamespace; } }