 * Copyright (C) 2009-2020 The Project Lombok Authors.
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package lombok.javac.handlers;

import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags.GENERATEDCONSTR;
import static lombok.core.handlers.HandlerUtil.*;
import static lombok.javac.Javac.*;
import static lombok.javac.JavacAugments.JCTree_generatedNode;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.lang.model.element.Element;

import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Attribute;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.BoundKind;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Scope;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.ClassSymbol;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.MethodSymbol;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.VarSymbol;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symtab;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type.MethodType;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCAnnotation;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCArrayTypeTree;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCAssign;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCBlock;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCClassDecl;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCCompilationUnit;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCExpression;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCExpressionStatement;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCFieldAccess;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCIdent;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCImport;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCLiteral;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCMethodDecl;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCMethodInvocation;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCModifiers;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCNewArray;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCPrimitiveTypeTree;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCStatement;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCTypeApply;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCTypeParameter;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCVariableDecl;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCWildcard;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.TypeBoundKind;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.TreeMaker;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.TreeScanner;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Context;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticPosition;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.List;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.ListBuffer;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Name;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Options;

import lombok.AccessLevel;
import lombok.ConfigurationKeys;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.core.AST.Kind;
import lombok.core.AnnotationValues;
import lombok.core.AnnotationValues.AnnotationValue;
import lombok.core.CleanupTask;
import lombok.core.LombokImmutableList;
import lombok.core.TypeResolver;
import lombok.core.configuration.CheckerFrameworkVersion;
import lombok.core.configuration.NullAnnotationLibrary;
import lombok.core.configuration.NullCheckExceptionType;
import lombok.core.configuration.TypeName;
import lombok.core.handlers.HandlerUtil;
import lombok.core.handlers.HandlerUtil.FieldAccess;
import lombok.delombok.LombokOptionsFactory;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import lombok.experimental.Tolerate;
import lombok.javac.Javac;
import lombok.javac.JavacNode;
import lombok.javac.JavacTreeMaker;
import lombok.permit.Permit;

Container for static utility methods useful to handlers written for javac.
/** * Container for static utility methods useful to handlers written for javac. */
public class JavacHandlerUtil { private JavacHandlerUtil() { //Prevent instantiation } private static class MarkingScanner extends TreeScanner { private final JCTree source; private final Context context; MarkingScanner(JCTree source, Context context) { this.source = source; this.context = context; } @Override public void scan(JCTree tree) { if (tree == null) return; setGeneratedBy(tree, source, context); super.scan(tree); } }
Contributed by Jan Lahoda; many lombok transformations should not be run (or a lite version should be run) when the netbeans editor is running javac on the open source file to find inline errors and such. As class files are compiled separately this does not affect actual runtime behaviour or file output of the netbeans IDE.
/** * Contributed by Jan Lahoda; many lombok transformations should not be run (or a lite version should be run) when the netbeans editor * is running javac on the open source file to find inline errors and such. As class files are compiled separately this does not affect * actual runtime behaviour or file output of the netbeans IDE. */
public static boolean inNetbeansEditor(JavacNode node) { return inNetbeansEditor(node.getContext()); } public static boolean inNetbeansEditor(Context context) { Options options = Options.instance(context); return (options.keySet().contains("ide") && !options.keySet().contains("backgroundCompilation")); } public static boolean inNetbeansCompileOnSave(Context context) { Options options = Options.instance(context); return (options.keySet().contains("ide") && options.keySet().contains("backgroundCompilation")); } public static JCTree getGeneratedBy(JCTree node) { return JCTree_generatedNode.get(node); } public static boolean isGenerated(JCTree node) { return getGeneratedBy(node) != null; } public static <T extends JCTree> T recursiveSetGeneratedBy(T node, JCTree source, Context context) { if (node == null) return null; setGeneratedBy(node, source, context); node.accept(new MarkingScanner(source, context)); return node; } public static <T extends JCTree> T setGeneratedBy(T node, JCTree source, Context context) { if (node == null) return null; if (source == null) JCTree_generatedNode.clear(node); else JCTree_generatedNode.set(node, source); if (source != null && (!inNetbeansEditor(context) || (node instanceof JCVariableDecl && (((JCVariableDecl) node).mods.flags & Flags.PARAMETER) != 0))) node.pos = source.pos; return node; } public static boolean hasAnnotation(String type, JavacNode node) { return hasAnnotation(type, node, false); } public static boolean hasAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation> type, JavacNode node) { return hasAnnotation(type, node, false); } public static boolean hasAnnotationAndDeleteIfNeccessary(Class<? extends Annotation> type, JavacNode node) { return hasAnnotation(type, node, true); } private static boolean hasAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation> type, JavacNode node, boolean delete) { if (node == null) return false; if (type == null) return false; switch (node.getKind()) { case ARGUMENT: case FIELD: case LOCAL: case TYPE: case METHOD: for (JavacNode child : node.down()) { if (annotationTypeMatches(type, child)) { if (delete) deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary(child, type); return true; } } // intentional fallthrough default: return false; } } private static boolean hasAnnotation(String type, JavacNode node, boolean delete) { if (node == null) return false; if (type == null) return false; switch (node.getKind()) { case ARGUMENT: case FIELD: case LOCAL: case TYPE: case METHOD: for (JavacNode child : node.down()) { if (annotationTypeMatches(type, child)) { if (delete) deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary(child, type); return true; } } // intentional fallthrough default: return false; } } public static JavacNode findInnerClass(JavacNode parent, String name) { for (JavacNode child : parent.down()) { if (child.getKind() != Kind.TYPE) continue; JCClassDecl td = (JCClassDecl) child.get(); if (td.name.contentEquals(name)) return child; } return null; } public static JavacNode findAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation> type, JavacNode node) { return findAnnotation(type, node, false); } public static JavacNode findAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation> type, JavacNode node, boolean delete) { if (node == null) return null; if (type == null) return null; switch (node.getKind()) { case ARGUMENT: case FIELD: case LOCAL: case TYPE: case METHOD: for (JavacNode child : node.down()) { if (annotationTypeMatches(type, child)) { if (delete) deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary(child, type); return child; } } // intentional fallthrough default: return null; } }
Checks if the Annotation AST Node provided is likely to be an instance of the provided annotation type.
  • type – An actual annotation type, such as lombok.Getter.class.
  • node – A Lombok AST node representing an annotation in source code.
/** * Checks if the Annotation AST Node provided is likely to be an instance of the provided annotation type. * * @param type An actual annotation type, such as {@code lombok.Getter.class}. * @param node A Lombok AST node representing an annotation in source code. */
public static boolean annotationTypeMatches(Class<? extends Annotation> type, JavacNode node) { if (node.getKind() != Kind.ANNOTATION) return false; return typeMatches(type, node, ((JCAnnotation) node.get()).annotationType); }
Checks if the Annotation AST Node provided is likely to be an instance of the provided annotation type.
  • type – An actual annotation type, such as lombok.Getter.class.
  • node – A Lombok AST node representing an annotation in source code.
/** * Checks if the Annotation AST Node provided is likely to be an instance of the provided annotation type. * * @param type An actual annotation type, such as {@code lombok.Getter.class}. * @param node A Lombok AST node representing an annotation in source code. */
public static boolean annotationTypeMatches(String type, JavacNode node) { if (node.getKind() != Kind.ANNOTATION) return false; return typeMatches(type, node, ((JCAnnotation) node.get()).annotationType); }
Checks if the given TypeReference node is likely to be a reference to the provided class.
  • type – An actual type. This method checks if typeNode is likely to be a reference to this type.
  • node – A Lombok AST node. Any node in the appropriate compilation unit will do (used to get access to import statements).
  • typeNode – A type reference to check.
/** * Checks if the given TypeReference node is likely to be a reference to the provided class. * * @param type An actual type. This method checks if {@code typeNode} is likely to be a reference to this type. * @param node A Lombok AST node. Any node in the appropriate compilation unit will do (used to get access to import statements). * @param typeNode A type reference to check. */
public static boolean typeMatches(Class<?> type, JavacNode node, JCTree typeNode) { return typeMatches(type.getName(), node, typeNode); }
Checks if the given TypeReference node is likely to be a reference to the provided class.
  • type – An actual type. This method checks if typeNode is likely to be a reference to this type.
  • node – A Lombok AST node. Any node in the appropriate compilation unit will do (used to get access to import statements).
  • typeNode – A type reference to check.
/** * Checks if the given TypeReference node is likely to be a reference to the provided class. * * @param type An actual type. This method checks if {@code typeNode} is likely to be a reference to this type. * @param node A Lombok AST node. Any node in the appropriate compilation unit will do (used to get access to import statements). * @param typeNode A type reference to check. */
public static boolean typeMatches(String type, JavacNode node, JCTree typeNode) { String typeName = typeNode == null ? null : typeNode.toString(); if (typeName == null || typeName.length() == 0) return false; int lastIndexA = typeName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1; int lastIndexB = Math.max(type.lastIndexOf('.'), type.lastIndexOf('$')) + 1; int len = typeName.length() - lastIndexA; if (len != type.length() - lastIndexB) return false; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) if (typeName.charAt(i + lastIndexA) != type.charAt(i + lastIndexB)) return false; TypeResolver resolver = node.getImportListAsTypeResolver(); return resolver.typeMatches(node, type, typeName); }
Returns if a field is marked deprecated, either by @Deprecated or in javadoc
  • field – the field to check
Returns:true if a field is marked deprecated, either by @Deprecated or in javadoc, otherwise false
/** * Returns if a field is marked deprecated, either by {@code @Deprecated} or in javadoc * @param field the field to check * @return {@code true} if a field is marked deprecated, either by {@code @Deprecated} or in javadoc, otherwise {@code false} */
public static boolean isFieldDeprecated(JavacNode field) { if (!(field.get() instanceof JCVariableDecl)) return false; JCVariableDecl fieldNode = (JCVariableDecl) field.get(); if ((fieldNode.mods.flags & Flags.DEPRECATED) != 0) { return true; } for (JavacNode child : field.down()) { if (annotationTypeMatches(Deprecated.class, child)) { return true; } } return false; } public static CheckerFrameworkVersion getCheckerFrameworkVersion(JavacNode node) { CheckerFrameworkVersion cfv = node.getAst().readConfiguration(ConfigurationKeys.CHECKER_FRAMEWORK); return cfv == null ? CheckerFrameworkVersion.NONE : cfv; }
Returns if a node is marked deprecated (as picked up on by the parser).
  • node – the node to check (type, method, or field decl).
/** * Returns if a node is marked deprecated (as picked up on by the parser). * @param node the node to check (type, method, or field decl). */
public static boolean nodeHasDeprecatedFlag(JCTree node) { if (node instanceof JCVariableDecl) return (((JCVariableDecl) node).mods.flags & Flags.DEPRECATED) != 0; if (node instanceof JCMethodDecl) return (((JCMethodDecl) node).mods.flags & Flags.DEPRECATED) != 0; if (node instanceof JCClassDecl) return (((JCClassDecl) node).mods.flags & Flags.DEPRECATED) != 0; return false; }
Creates an instance of AnnotationValues for the provided AST Node.
  • type – An annotation class type, such as lombok.Getter.class.
  • node – A Lombok AST node representing an annotation in source code.
/** * Creates an instance of {@code AnnotationValues} for the provided AST Node. * * @param type An annotation class type, such as {@code lombok.Getter.class}. * @param node A Lombok AST node representing an annotation in source code. */
public static <A extends Annotation> AnnotationValues<A> createAnnotation(Class<A> type, final JavacNode node) { return createAnnotation(type, (JCAnnotation) node.get(), node); }
Creates an instance of AnnotationValues for the provided AST Node and Annotation expression.
  • type – An annotation class type, such as lombok.Getter.class.
  • anno – the annotation expression
  • node – A Lombok AST node representing an annotation in source code.
/** * Creates an instance of {@code AnnotationValues} for the provided AST Node * and Annotation expression. * * @param type An annotation class type, such as {@code lombok.Getter.class}. * @param anno the annotation expression * @param node A Lombok AST node representing an annotation in source code. */
public static <A extends Annotation> AnnotationValues<A> createAnnotation(Class<A> type, JCAnnotation anno, final JavacNode node) { Map<String, AnnotationValue> values = new HashMap<String, AnnotationValue>(); List<JCExpression> arguments = anno.getArguments(); for (JCExpression arg : arguments) { String mName; JCExpression rhs; java.util.List<String> raws = new ArrayList<String>(); java.util.List<Object> guesses = new ArrayList<Object>(); java.util.List<Object> expressions = new ArrayList<Object>(); final java.util.List<DiagnosticPosition> positions = new ArrayList<DiagnosticPosition>(); if (arg instanceof JCAssign) { JCAssign assign = (JCAssign) arg; mName = assign.lhs.toString(); rhs = assign.rhs; } else { rhs = arg; mName = "value"; } if (rhs instanceof JCNewArray) { List<JCExpression> elems = ((JCNewArray) rhs).elems; for (JCExpression inner : elems) { raws.add(inner.toString()); expressions.add(inner); if (inner instanceof JCAnnotation) { try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<A> innerClass = (Class<A>) Class.forName(inner.type.toString()); guesses.add(createAnnotation(innerClass, (JCAnnotation) inner, node)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { guesses.add(calculateGuess(inner)); } } else { guesses.add(calculateGuess(inner)); } positions.add(inner.pos()); } } else { raws.add(rhs.toString()); expressions.add(rhs); if (rhs instanceof JCAnnotation) { try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<A> innerClass = (Class<A>) Class.forName(rhs.type.toString()); guesses.add(createAnnotation(innerClass, (JCAnnotation) rhs, node)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { guesses.add(calculateGuess(rhs)); } } else { guesses.add(calculateGuess(rhs)); } positions.add(rhs.pos()); } values.put(mName, new AnnotationValue(node, raws, expressions, guesses, true) { @Override public void setError(String message, int valueIdx) { if (valueIdx < 0) node.addError(message); else node.addError(message, positions.get(valueIdx)); } @Override public void setWarning(String message, int valueIdx) { if (valueIdx < 0) node.addWarning(message); else node.addWarning(message, positions.get(valueIdx)); } }); } for (Method m : type.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (!Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers())) continue; String name = m.getName(); if (!values.containsKey(name)) { values.put(name, new AnnotationValue(node, new ArrayList<String>(), new ArrayList<Object>(), new ArrayList<Object>(), false) { @Override public void setError(String message, int valueIdx) { node.addError(message); } @Override public void setWarning(String message, int valueIdx) { node.addWarning(message); } }); } } return new AnnotationValues<A>(type, values, node); }
Removes the annotation from javac's AST (it remains in lombok's AST), then removes any import statement that imports this exact annotation (not star imports). Only does this if the DeleteLombokAnnotations class is in the context.
/** * Removes the annotation from javac's AST (it remains in lombok's AST), * then removes any import statement that imports this exact annotation (not star imports). * Only does this if the DeleteLombokAnnotations class is in the context. */
public static void deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary(JavacNode annotation, String annotationType) { deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary0(annotation, annotationType); }
Removes the annotation from javac's AST (it remains in lombok's AST), then removes any import statement that imports this exact annotation (not star imports). Only does this if the DeleteLombokAnnotations class is in the context.
/** * Removes the annotation from javac's AST (it remains in lombok's AST), * then removes any import statement that imports this exact annotation (not star imports). * Only does this if the DeleteLombokAnnotations class is in the context. */
public static void deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary(JavacNode annotation, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType) { deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary0(annotation, annotationType.getName()); }
Removes the annotation from javac's AST (it remains in lombok's AST), then removes any import statement that imports this exact annotation (not star imports). Only does this if the DeleteLombokAnnotations class is in the context.
/** * Removes the annotation from javac's AST (it remains in lombok's AST), * then removes any import statement that imports this exact annotation (not star imports). * Only does this if the DeleteLombokAnnotations class is in the context. */
public static void deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary(JavacNode annotation, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType1, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType2) { deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary0(annotation, annotationType1.getName(), annotationType2.getName()); }
Removes the annotation from javac's AST (it remains in lombok's AST), then removes any import statement that imports this exact annotation (not star imports). Only does this if the DeleteLombokAnnotations class is in the context.
/** * Removes the annotation from javac's AST (it remains in lombok's AST), * then removes any import statement that imports this exact annotation (not star imports). * Only does this if the DeleteLombokAnnotations class is in the context. */
public static void deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary(JavacNode annotation, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType1, String annotationType2) { deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary0(annotation, annotationType1.getName(), annotationType2); } private static void deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary0(JavacNode annotation, String... annotationTypes) { if (inNetbeansEditor(annotation)) return; if (!annotation.shouldDeleteLombokAnnotations()) return; JavacNode parentNode = annotation.directUp(); switch (parentNode.getKind()) { case FIELD: case ARGUMENT: case LOCAL: JCVariableDecl variable = (JCVariableDecl) parentNode.get(); variable.mods.annotations = filterList(variable.mods.annotations, annotation.get()); break; case METHOD: JCMethodDecl method = (JCMethodDecl) parentNode.get(); method.mods.annotations = filterList(method.mods.annotations, annotation.get()); break; case TYPE: try { JCClassDecl type = (JCClassDecl) parentNode.get(); type.mods.annotations = filterList(type.mods.annotations, annotation.get()); } catch (ClassCastException e) { //something rather odd has been annotated. Better to just break only delombok instead of everything. } break; default: //This really shouldn't happen, but if it does, better just break delombok instead of breaking everything. return; } parentNode.getAst().setChanged(); for (String annotationType : annotationTypes) { deleteImportFromCompilationUnit(annotation, annotationType); } } public static void deleteImportFromCompilationUnit(JavacNode node, String name) { if (inNetbeansEditor(node)) return; if (!node.shouldDeleteLombokAnnotations()) return; ListBuffer<JCTree> newDefs = new ListBuffer<JCTree>(); JCCompilationUnit unit = (JCCompilationUnit) node.top().get(); for (JCTree def : unit.defs) { boolean delete = false; if (def instanceof JCImport) { JCImport imp0rt = (JCImport)def; delete = (!imp0rt.staticImport && imp0rt.qualid.toString().equals(name)); } if (!delete) newDefs.append(def); } unit.defs = newDefs.toList(); } private static List<JCAnnotation> filterList(List<JCAnnotation> annotations, JCTree jcTree) { ListBuffer<JCAnnotation> newAnnotations = new ListBuffer<JCAnnotation>(); for (JCAnnotation ann : annotations) { if (jcTree != ann) newAnnotations.append(ann); } return newAnnotations.toList(); }
Serves as return value for the methods that check for the existence of fields and methods.
/** Serves as return value for the methods that check for the existence of fields and methods. */
public enum MemberExistsResult { NOT_EXISTS, EXISTS_BY_LOMBOK, EXISTS_BY_USER; }
Translates the given field into all possible getter names. Convenient wrapper around HandlerUtil.toAllGetterNames(AST<?,?,?>, AnnotationValues<Accessors>, CharSequence).
/** * Translates the given field into all possible getter names. * Convenient wrapper around {@link HandlerUtil#toAllGetterNames(lombok.core.AnnotationValues, CharSequence, boolean)}. */
public static java.util.List<String> toAllGetterNames(JavacNode field) { return HandlerUtil.toAllGetterNames(field.getAst(), getAccessorsForField(field), field.getName(), isBoolean(field)); }
Returns:the likely getter name for the stated field. (e.g. private boolean foo; to isFoo). Convenient wrapper around HandlerUtil.toGetterName(AST<?,?,?>, AnnotationValues<Accessors>, CharSequence).
/** * @return the likely getter name for the stated field. (e.g. private boolean foo; to isFoo). * * Convenient wrapper around {@link HandlerUtil#toGetterName(lombok.core.AnnotationValues, CharSequence, boolean)}. */
public static String toGetterName(JavacNode field) { return HandlerUtil.toGetterName(field.getAst(), getAccessorsForField(field), field.getName(), isBoolean(field)); }
Translates the given field into all possible setter names. Convenient wrapper around HandlerUtil.toAllSetterNames(AST<?,?,?>, AnnotationValues<Accessors>, CharSequence).
/** * Translates the given field into all possible setter names. * Convenient wrapper around {@link HandlerUtil#toAllSetterNames(lombok.core.AnnotationValues, CharSequence, boolean)}. */
public static java.util.List<String> toAllSetterNames(JavacNode field) { return HandlerUtil.toAllSetterNames(field.getAst(), getAccessorsForField(field), field.getName(), isBoolean(field)); }
Returns:the likely setter name for the stated field. (e.g. private boolean foo; to setFoo). Convenient wrapper around HandlerUtil.toSetterName(AST<?,?,?>, AnnotationValues<Accessors>, CharSequence).
/** * @return the likely setter name for the stated field. (e.g. private boolean foo; to setFoo). * * Convenient wrapper around {@link HandlerUtil#toSetterName(lombok.core.AnnotationValues, CharSequence, boolean)}. */
public static String toSetterName(JavacNode field) { return HandlerUtil.toSetterName(field.getAst(), getAccessorsForField(field), field.getName(), isBoolean(field)); }
Translates the given field into all possible with names. Convenient wrapper around HandlerUtil.toAllWithNames(AST<?,?,?>, AnnotationValues<Accessors>, CharSequence).
/** * Translates the given field into all possible with names. * Convenient wrapper around {@link HandlerUtil#toAllWithNames(lombok.core.AnnotationValues, CharSequence, boolean)}. */
public static java.util.List<String> toAllWithNames(JavacNode field) { return HandlerUtil.toAllWithNames(field.getAst(), getAccessorsForField(field), field.getName(), isBoolean(field)); }
Translates the given field into all possible withBy names. Convenient wrapper around HandlerUtil.toAllWithByNames(AST<?,?,?>, AnnotationValues<Accessors>, CharSequence).
/** * Translates the given field into all possible withBy names. * Convenient wrapper around {@link HandlerUtil#toAllWithByNames(lombok.core.AnnotationValues, CharSequence, boolean)}. */
public static java.util.List<String> toAllWithByNames(JavacNode field) { return HandlerUtil.toAllWithByNames(field.getAst(), getAccessorsForField(field), field.getName(), isBoolean(field)); }
Returns:the likely with name for the stated field. (e.g. private boolean foo; to withFoo). Convenient wrapper around HandlerUtil.toWithName(AST<?,?,?>, AnnotationValues<Accessors>, CharSequence).
/** * @return the likely with name for the stated field. (e.g. private boolean foo; to withFoo). * * Convenient wrapper around {@link HandlerUtil#toWithName(lombok.core.AnnotationValues, CharSequence, boolean)}. */
public static String toWithName(JavacNode field) { return HandlerUtil.toWithName(field.getAst(), getAccessorsForField(field), field.getName(), isBoolean(field)); }
Returns:the likely withBy name for the stated field. (e.g. private boolean foo; to withFooBy). Convenient wrapper around HandlerUtil.toWithByName(AST<?,?,?>, AnnotationValues<Accessors>, CharSequence).
/** * @return the likely withBy name for the stated field. (e.g. private boolean foo; to withFooBy). * * Convenient wrapper around {@link HandlerUtil#toWithByName(lombok.core.AnnotationValues, CharSequence, boolean)}. */
public static String toWithByName(JavacNode field) { return HandlerUtil.toWithByName(field.getAst(), getAccessorsForField(field), field.getName(), isBoolean(field)); }
When generating a setter, the setter either returns void (beanspec) or Self (fluent). This method scans for the Accessors annotation to figure that out.
/** * When generating a setter, the setter either returns void (beanspec) or Self (fluent). * This method scans for the {@code Accessors} annotation to figure that out. */
public static boolean shouldReturnThis(JavacNode field) { if ((((JCVariableDecl) field.get()).mods.flags & Flags.STATIC) != 0) return false; AnnotationValues<Accessors> accessors = JavacHandlerUtil.getAccessorsForField(field); return HandlerUtil.shouldReturnThis0(accessors, field.getAst()); } public static JCExpression cloneSelfType(JavacNode childOfType) { JavacNode typeNode = childOfType; JavacTreeMaker maker = childOfType.getTreeMaker(); while (typeNode != null && typeNode.getKind() != Kind.TYPE) typeNode = typeNode.up(); return JavacHandlerUtil.namePlusTypeParamsToTypeReference(maker, typeNode, ((JCClassDecl) typeNode.get()).typarams); } public static boolean isBoolean(JavacNode field) { JCExpression varType = ((JCVariableDecl) field.get()).vartype; return isBoolean(varType); } public static boolean isBoolean(JCExpression varType) { return varType != null && varType.toString().equals("boolean"); } public static Name removePrefixFromField(JavacNode field) { java.util.List<String> prefixes = null; for (JavacNode node : field.down()) { if (annotationTypeMatches(Accessors.class, node)) { AnnotationValues<Accessors> ann = createAnnotation(Accessors.class, node); if (ann.isExplicit("prefix")) prefixes = Arrays.asList(ann.getInstance().prefix()); break; } } if (prefixes == null) { JavacNode current = field.up(); outer: while (current != null) { for (JavacNode node : current.down()) { if (annotationTypeMatches(Accessors.class, node)) { AnnotationValues<Accessors> ann = createAnnotation(Accessors.class, node); if (ann.isExplicit("prefix")) prefixes = Arrays.asList(ann.getInstance().prefix()); break outer; } } current = current.up(); } } if (prefixes == null) prefixes = field.getAst().readConfiguration(ConfigurationKeys.ACCESSORS_PREFIX); if (!prefixes.isEmpty()) { CharSequence newName = removePrefix(field.getName(), prefixes); if (newName != null) return field.toName(newName.toString()); } return ((JCVariableDecl) field.get()).name; } public static AnnotationValues<Accessors> getAccessorsForField(JavacNode field) { for (JavacNode node : field.down()) { if (annotationTypeMatches(Accessors.class, node)) { return createAnnotation(Accessors.class, node); } } JavacNode current = field.up(); while (current != null) { for (JavacNode node : current.down()) { if (annotationTypeMatches(Accessors.class, node)) { return createAnnotation(Accessors.class, node); } } current = current.up(); } return AnnotationValues.of(Accessors.class, field); }
Checks if there is a field with the provided name.
  • fieldName – the field name to check for.
  • node – Any node that represents the Type (JCClassDecl) to look in, or any child node thereof.
/** * Checks if there is a field with the provided name. * * @param fieldName the field name to check for. * @param node Any node that represents the Type (JCClassDecl) to look in, or any child node thereof. */
public static MemberExistsResult fieldExists(String fieldName, JavacNode node) { node = upToTypeNode(node); if (node != null && node.get() instanceof JCClassDecl) { for (JCTree def : ((JCClassDecl)node.get()).defs) { if (def instanceof JCVariableDecl) { if (((JCVariableDecl)def).name.contentEquals(fieldName)) { return getGeneratedBy(def) == null ? MemberExistsResult.EXISTS_BY_USER : MemberExistsResult.EXISTS_BY_LOMBOK; } } } } return MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS; } public static MemberExistsResult methodExists(String methodName, JavacNode node, int params) { return methodExists(methodName, node, true, params); }
Checks if there is a method with the provided name. In case of multiple methods (overloading), only the first method decides if EXISTS_BY_USER or EXISTS_BY_LOMBOK is returned.
  • methodName – the method name to check for.
  • node – Any node that represents the Type (JCClassDecl) to look in, or any child node thereof.
  • caseSensitive – If the search should be case sensitive.
  • params – The number of parameters the method should have; varargs count as 0-*. Set to -1 to find any method with the appropriate name regardless of parameter count.
/** * Checks if there is a method with the provided name. In case of multiple methods (overloading), only * the first method decides if EXISTS_BY_USER or EXISTS_BY_LOMBOK is returned. * * @param methodName the method name to check for. * @param node Any node that represents the Type (JCClassDecl) to look in, or any child node thereof. * @param caseSensitive If the search should be case sensitive. * @param params The number of parameters the method should have; varargs count as 0-*. Set to -1 to find any method with the appropriate name regardless of parameter count. */
public static MemberExistsResult methodExists(String methodName, JavacNode node, boolean caseSensitive, int params) { node = upToTypeNode(node); if (node != null && node.get() instanceof JCClassDecl) { top: for (JCTree def : ((JCClassDecl)node.get()).defs) { if (def instanceof JCMethodDecl) { JCMethodDecl md = (JCMethodDecl) def; String name = md.name.toString(); boolean matches = caseSensitive ? name.equals(methodName) : name.equalsIgnoreCase(methodName); if (matches) { if (params > -1) { List<JCVariableDecl> ps = md.params; int minArgs = 0; int maxArgs = 0; if (ps != null && ps.length() > 0) { minArgs = ps.length(); if ((ps.last().mods.flags & Flags.VARARGS) != 0) { maxArgs = Integer.MAX_VALUE; minArgs--; } else { maxArgs = minArgs; } } if (params < minArgs || params > maxArgs) continue; } if (isTolerate(node, md)) continue top; return getGeneratedBy(def) == null ? MemberExistsResult.EXISTS_BY_USER : MemberExistsResult.EXISTS_BY_LOMBOK; } } } } return MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS; } public static boolean isTolerate(JavacNode node, JCTree.JCMethodDecl md) { List<JCAnnotation> annotations = md.getModifiers().getAnnotations(); if (annotations != null) for (JCTree.JCAnnotation anno : annotations) { if (typeMatches(Tolerate.class, node, anno.getAnnotationType())) return true; } return false; }
Checks if there is a (non-default) constructor. In case of multiple constructors (overloading), only the first constructor decides if EXISTS_BY_USER or EXISTS_BY_LOMBOK is returned.
  • node – Any node that represents the Type (JCClassDecl) to look in, or any child node thereof.
/** * Checks if there is a (non-default) constructor. In case of multiple constructors (overloading), only * the first constructor decides if EXISTS_BY_USER or EXISTS_BY_LOMBOK is returned. * * @param node Any node that represents the Type (JCClassDecl) to look in, or any child node thereof. */
public static MemberExistsResult constructorExists(JavacNode node) { node = upToTypeNode(node); if (node != null && node.get() instanceof JCClassDecl) { for (JCTree def : ((JCClassDecl)node.get()).defs) { if (def instanceof JCMethodDecl) { JCMethodDecl md = (JCMethodDecl) def; if (md.name.contentEquals("<init>")) { if ((md.mods.flags & Flags.GENERATEDCONSTR) != 0) continue; if (isTolerate(node, md)) continue; return getGeneratedBy(def) == null ? MemberExistsResult.EXISTS_BY_USER : MemberExistsResult.EXISTS_BY_LOMBOK; } } } } return MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS; } public static boolean isConstructorCall(final JCStatement statement) { if (!(statement instanceof JCExpressionStatement)) return false; JCExpression expr = ((JCExpressionStatement) statement).expr; if (!(expr instanceof JCMethodInvocation)) return false; JCExpression invocation = ((JCMethodInvocation) expr).meth; String name; if (invocation instanceof JCFieldAccess) { name = ((JCFieldAccess) invocation).name.toString(); } else if (invocation instanceof JCIdent) { name = ((JCIdent) invocation).name.toString(); } else { name = ""; } return "super".equals(name) || "this".equals(name); }
Turns an AccessLevel instance into the flag bit used by javac.
/** * Turns an {@code AccessLevel} instance into the flag bit used by javac. */
public static int toJavacModifier(AccessLevel accessLevel) { switch (accessLevel) { case MODULE: case PACKAGE: return 0; default: case PUBLIC: return Flags.PUBLIC; case NONE: case PRIVATE: return Flags.PRIVATE; case PROTECTED: return Flags.PROTECTED; } } private static class GetterMethod { private final Name name; private final JCExpression type; GetterMethod(Name name, JCExpression type) { this.name = name; this.type = type; } } private static GetterMethod findGetter(JavacNode field) { JCVariableDecl decl = (JCVariableDecl)field.get(); JavacNode typeNode = field.up(); for (String potentialGetterName : toAllGetterNames(field)) { for (JavacNode potentialGetter : typeNode.down()) { if (potentialGetter.getKind() != Kind.METHOD) continue; JCMethodDecl method = (JCMethodDecl) potentialGetter.get(); if (!method.name.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(potentialGetterName)) continue; /** static getX() methods don't count. */ if ((method.mods.flags & Flags.STATIC) != 0) continue; /** Nor do getters with a non-empty parameter list. */ if (method.params != null && method.params.size() > 0) continue; return new GetterMethod(method.name, method.restype); } } // Check if the field has a @Getter annotation. boolean hasGetterAnnotation = false; for (JavacNode child : field.down()) { if (child.getKind() == Kind.ANNOTATION && annotationTypeMatches(Getter.class, child)) { AnnotationValues<Getter> ann = createAnnotation(Getter.class, child); if (ann.getInstance().value() == AccessLevel.NONE) return null; //Definitely WONT have a getter. hasGetterAnnotation = true; } } // Check if the class has a @Getter annotation. if (!hasGetterAnnotation && HandleGetter.fieldQualifiesForGetterGeneration(field)) { //Check if the class has @Getter or @Data annotation. JavacNode containingType = field.up(); if (containingType != null) for (JavacNode child : containingType.down()) { if (child.getKind() == Kind.ANNOTATION && annotationTypeMatches(Data.class, child)) hasGetterAnnotation = true; if (child.getKind() == Kind.ANNOTATION && annotationTypeMatches(Getter.class, child)) { AnnotationValues<Getter> ann = createAnnotation(Getter.class, child); if (ann.getInstance().value() == AccessLevel.NONE) return null; //Definitely WONT have a getter. hasGetterAnnotation = true; } } } if (hasGetterAnnotation) { String getterName = toGetterName(field); if (getterName == null) return null; return new GetterMethod(field.toName(getterName), decl.vartype); } return null; } static boolean lookForGetter(JavacNode field, FieldAccess fieldAccess) { if (fieldAccess == FieldAccess.GETTER) return true; if (fieldAccess == FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD) return false; // If @Getter(lazy = true) is used, then using it is mandatory. for (JavacNode child : field.down()) { if (child.getKind() != Kind.ANNOTATION) continue; if (annotationTypeMatches(Getter.class, child)) { AnnotationValues<Getter> ann = createAnnotation(Getter.class, child); if (ann.getInstance().lazy()) return true; } } return false; }
Returns the type of the field, unless a getter exists for this field, in which case the return type of the getter is returned.
See Also:
  • createFieldAccessor(TreeMaker, JavacNode, FieldAccess)
/** * Returns the type of the field, unless a getter exists for this field, in which case the return type of the getter is returned. * * @see #createFieldAccessor(TreeMaker, JavacNode, FieldAccess) */
static JCExpression getFieldType(JavacNode field, FieldAccess fieldAccess) { if (field.getKind() == Kind.METHOD) return ((JCMethodDecl) field.get()).restype; boolean lookForGetter = lookForGetter(field, fieldAccess); GetterMethod getter = lookForGetter ? findGetter(field) : null; if (getter == null) { return ((JCVariableDecl) field.get()).vartype; } return getter.type; }
Creates an expression that reads the field. Will either be this.field or this.getField() depending on whether or not there's a getter.
/** * Creates an expression that reads the field. Will either be {@code this.field} or {@code this.getField()} depending on whether or not there's a getter. */
static JCExpression createFieldAccessor(JavacTreeMaker maker, JavacNode field, FieldAccess fieldAccess) { return createFieldAccessor(maker, field, fieldAccess, null); } static JCExpression createFieldAccessor(JavacTreeMaker maker, JavacNode field, FieldAccess fieldAccess, JCExpression receiver) { boolean lookForGetter = lookForGetter(field, fieldAccess); GetterMethod getter = lookForGetter ? findGetter(field) : null; JCVariableDecl fieldDecl = (JCVariableDecl) field.get(); if (getter == null) { if (receiver == null) { if ((fieldDecl.mods.flags & Flags.STATIC) == 0) { receiver = maker.Ident(field.toName("this")); } else { JavacNode containerNode = field.up(); if (containerNode != null && containerNode.get() instanceof JCClassDecl) { JCClassDecl container = (JCClassDecl) field.up().get(); receiver = maker.Ident(container.name); } } } return receiver == null ? maker.Ident(fieldDecl.name) : maker.Select(receiver, fieldDecl.name); } if (receiver == null) receiver = maker.Ident(field.toName("this")); JCMethodInvocation call = maker.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(), maker.Select(receiver, getter.name), List.<JCExpression>nil()); return call; } static JCExpression createMethodAccessor(JavacTreeMaker maker, JavacNode method) { return createMethodAccessor(maker, method, null); } static JCExpression createMethodAccessor(JavacTreeMaker maker, JavacNode method, JCExpression receiver) { JCMethodDecl methodDecl = (JCMethodDecl) method.get(); if (receiver == null && (methodDecl.mods.flags & Flags.STATIC) == 0) { receiver = maker.Ident(method.toName("this")); } else if (receiver == null) { JavacNode containerNode = method.up(); if (containerNode != null && containerNode.get() instanceof JCClassDecl) { JCClassDecl container = (JCClassDecl) method.up().get(); receiver = maker.Ident(container.name); } } JCMethodInvocation call = maker.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(), receiver == null ? maker.Ident(methodDecl.name) : maker.Select(receiver, methodDecl.name), List.<JCExpression>nil()); return call; } public static Type getMirrorForFieldType(JavacNode fieldNode) { Element fieldElement = fieldNode.getElement(); if (fieldElement instanceof VarSymbol) return ((VarSymbol) fieldElement).type; return null; }
Adds the given new field declaration to the provided type AST Node. The field carries the @SuppressWarnings("all") annotation. Also takes care of updating the JavacAST.
/** * Adds the given new field declaration to the provided type AST Node. * The field carries the &#64;{@link SuppressWarnings}("all") annotation. * Also takes care of updating the JavacAST. */
public static JavacNode injectFieldAndMarkGenerated(JavacNode typeNode, JCVariableDecl field) { return injectField(typeNode, field, true); }
Adds the given new field declaration to the provided type AST Node. Also takes care of updating the JavacAST.
/** * Adds the given new field declaration to the provided type AST Node. * * Also takes care of updating the JavacAST. */
public static JavacNode injectField(JavacNode typeNode, JCVariableDecl field) { return injectField(typeNode, field, false); } public static JavacNode injectField(JavacNode typeNode, JCVariableDecl field, boolean addGenerated) { return injectField(typeNode, field, addGenerated, false); } public static JavacNode injectField(JavacNode typeNode, JCVariableDecl field, boolean addGenerated, boolean specialEnumHandling) { JCClassDecl type = (JCClassDecl) typeNode.get(); if (addGenerated) { addSuppressWarningsAll(field.mods, typeNode, field.pos, getGeneratedBy(field), typeNode.getContext()); addGenerated(field.mods, typeNode, field.pos, getGeneratedBy(field), typeNode.getContext()); } List<JCTree> insertAfter = null; List<JCTree> insertBefore = type.defs; while (true) { boolean skip = false; if (insertBefore.head instanceof JCVariableDecl) { JCVariableDecl f = (JCVariableDecl) insertBefore.head; if ((!specialEnumHandling && isEnumConstant(f)) || isGenerated(f)) skip = true; } else if (insertBefore.head instanceof JCMethodDecl) { if ((((JCMethodDecl) insertBefore.head).mods.flags & GENERATEDCONSTR) != 0) skip = true; } if (skip) { insertAfter = insertBefore; insertBefore = insertBefore.tail; continue; } break; } List<JCTree> fieldEntry = List.<JCTree>of(field); fieldEntry.tail = insertBefore; if (insertAfter == null) { type.defs = fieldEntry; } else { insertAfter.tail = fieldEntry; } return typeNode.add(field, Kind.FIELD); } public static boolean isEnumConstant(final JCVariableDecl field) { return (field.mods.flags & Flags.ENUM) != 0; } static class JCAnnotatedTypeReflect { private static Class<?> TYPE; private static Constructor<?> CONSTRUCTOR; private static Field ANNOTATIONS, UNDERLYING_TYPE; private static void initByLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) { if (TYPE != null) return; Class<?> c; try { c = classLoader.loadClass("com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree$JCAnnotatedType"); } catch (Exception e) { return; } init(c); } private static void init(Class<?> in) { if (TYPE != null) return; if (!in.getName().equals("com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree$JCAnnotatedType")) return; try { CONSTRUCTOR = Permit.getConstructor(in, List.class, JCExpression.class); ANNOTATIONS = Permit.getField(in, "annotations"); UNDERLYING_TYPE = Permit.getField(in, "underlyingType"); TYPE = in; } catch (Exception ignore) {} } static boolean is(JCTree obj) { if (obj == null) return false; init(obj.getClass()); return obj.getClass() == TYPE; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static List<JCAnnotation> getAnnotations(JCTree obj) { init(obj.getClass()); try { return (List<JCAnnotation>) ANNOTATIONS.get(obj); } catch (Exception e) { return List.nil(); } } static void setAnnotations(JCTree obj, List<JCAnnotation> anns) { init(obj.getClass()); try { ANNOTATIONS.set(obj, anns); } catch (Exception e) {} } static JCExpression getUnderlyingType(JCTree obj) { init(obj.getClass()); try { return (JCExpression) UNDERLYING_TYPE.get(obj); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } static JCExpression create(List<JCAnnotation> annotations, JCExpression underlyingType) { initByLoader(underlyingType.getClass().getClassLoader()); try { return (JCExpression) CONSTRUCTOR.newInstance(annotations, underlyingType); } catch (Exception e) { return underlyingType; } } } static class JCAnnotationReflect { private static Field ATTRIBUTE; static { try { ATTRIBUTE = Permit.getField(JCAnnotation.class, "attribute"); } catch (Exception ignore) {} } static Attribute.Compound getAttribute(JCAnnotation jcAnnotation) { try { return (Attribute.Compound) ATTRIBUTE.get(jcAnnotation); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } } // jdk9 support, types have changed, names stay the same static class ClassSymbolMembersField { private static final Field membersField; private static final Method removeMethod; private static final Method enterMethod; static { Field f = null; Method r = null; Method e = null; try { f = Permit.getField(ClassSymbol.class, "members_field"); r = Permit.getMethod(f.getType(), "remove", Symbol.class); e = Permit.getMethod(f.getType(), "enter", Symbol.class); } catch (Exception ex) {} membersField = f; removeMethod = r; enterMethod = e; } static void remove(ClassSymbol from, Symbol toRemove) { if (from == null) return; try { Scope scope = (Scope) membersField.get(from); if (scope == null) return; removeMethod.invoke(scope, toRemove); } catch (Exception e) {} } static void enter(ClassSymbol from, Symbol toEnter) { if (from == null) return; try { Scope scope = (Scope) membersField.get(from); if (scope == null) return; enterMethod.invoke(scope, toEnter); } catch (Exception e) {} } } public static void injectMethod(JavacNode typeNode, JCMethodDecl method) { injectMethod(typeNode, method, null, null); }
Adds the given new method declaration to the provided type AST Node. Can also inject constructors. Also takes care of updating the JavacAST.
/** * Adds the given new method declaration to the provided type AST Node. * Can also inject constructors. * * Also takes care of updating the JavacAST. */
public static void injectMethod(JavacNode typeNode, JCMethodDecl method, List<Type> paramTypes, Type returnType) { Context context = typeNode.getContext(); Symtab symtab = Symtab.instance(context); JCClassDecl type = (JCClassDecl) typeNode.get(); if (method.getName().contentEquals("<init>")) { //Scan for default constructor, and remove it. int idx = 0; for (JCTree def : type.defs) { if (def instanceof JCMethodDecl) { if ((((JCMethodDecl) def).mods.flags & Flags.GENERATEDCONSTR) != 0) { JavacNode tossMe = typeNode.getNodeFor(def); if (tossMe != null) tossMe.up().removeChild(tossMe); type.defs = addAllButOne(type.defs, idx); ClassSymbolMembersField.remove(type.sym, ((JCMethodDecl) def).sym); break; } } idx++; } } addSuppressWarningsAll(method.mods, typeNode, method.pos, getGeneratedBy(method), typeNode.getContext()); addGenerated(method.mods, typeNode, method.pos, getGeneratedBy(method), typeNode.getContext()); type.defs = type.defs.append(method); List<Symbol.VarSymbol> params = null; if (method.getParameters() != null && !method.getParameters().isEmpty()) { ListBuffer<Symbol.VarSymbol> newParams = new ListBuffer<Symbol.VarSymbol>(); for (int i = 0; i < method.getParameters().size(); i++) { JCTree.JCVariableDecl param = method.getParameters().get(i); if (param.sym == null) { Type paramType = paramTypes == null ? param.getType().type : paramTypes.get(i); VarSymbol varSymbol = new VarSymbol(param.mods.flags, param.name, paramType, symtab.noSymbol); List<JCAnnotation> annotations = param.getModifiers().getAnnotations(); if (annotations != null && !annotations.isEmpty()) { ListBuffer<Attribute.Compound> newAnnotations = new ListBuffer<Attribute.Compound>(); for (JCAnnotation jcAnnotation : annotations) { Attribute.Compound attribute = JCAnnotationReflect.getAttribute(jcAnnotation); if (attribute != null) { newAnnotations.append(attribute); } } if (annotations.length() == newAnnotations.length()) { varSymbol.appendAttributes(newAnnotations.toList()); } } newParams.append(varSymbol); } else { newParams.append(param.sym); } } params = newParams.toList(); if (params.length() != method.getParameters().length()) params = null; } fixMethodMirror(typeNode.getContext(), typeNode.getElement(), method.getModifiers().flags, method.getName(), paramTypes, params, returnType); typeNode.add(method, Kind.METHOD); } private static void fixMethodMirror(Context context, Element typeMirror, long access, Name methodName, List<Type> paramTypes, List<Symbol.VarSymbol> params, Type returnType) { if (typeMirror == null || paramTypes == null || returnType == null) return; ClassSymbol cs = (ClassSymbol) typeMirror; MethodSymbol methodSymbol = new MethodSymbol(access, methodName, new MethodType(paramTypes, returnType, List.<Type>nil(), Symtab.instance(context).methodClass), cs); if (params != null && !params.isEmpty()) { methodSymbol.params = params; } ClassSymbolMembersField.enter(cs, methodSymbol); }
Adds an inner type (class, interface, enum) to the given type. Cannot inject top-level types.
  • typeNode – parent type to inject new type into
  • type – New type (class, interface, etc) to inject.
/** * Adds an inner type (class, interface, enum) to the given type. Cannot inject top-level types. * * @param typeNode parent type to inject new type into * @param type New type (class, interface, etc) to inject. * @return */
public static JavacNode injectType(JavacNode typeNode, final JCClassDecl type) { JCClassDecl typeDecl = (JCClassDecl) typeNode.get(); addSuppressWarningsAll(type.mods, typeNode, type.pos, getGeneratedBy(type), typeNode.getContext()); addGenerated(type.mods, typeNode, type.pos, getGeneratedBy(type), typeNode.getContext()); typeDecl.defs = typeDecl.defs.append(type); return typeNode.add(type, Kind.TYPE); } public static long addFinalIfNeeded(long flags, Context context) { boolean addFinal = LombokOptionsFactory.getDelombokOptions(context).getFormatPreferences().generateFinalParams(); if (addFinal) flags |= Flags.FINAL; return flags; } public static JCExpression genTypeRef(JavacNode node, String complexName) { String[] parts = complexName.split("\\."); if (parts.length > 2 && parts[0].equals("java") && parts[1].equals("lang")) { String[] subParts = new String[parts.length - 2]; System.arraycopy(parts, 2, subParts, 0, subParts.length); return genJavaLangTypeRef(node, subParts); } return chainDots(node, parts); } public static JCExpression genJavaLangTypeRef(JavacNode node, String... simpleNames) { if (LombokOptionsFactory.getDelombokOptions(node.getContext()).getFormatPreferences().javaLangAsFqn()) { return chainDots(node, "java", "lang", simpleNames); } else { return chainDots(node, null, null, simpleNames); } } public static JCExpression genJavaLangTypeRef(JavacNode node, int pos, String... simpleNames) { if (LombokOptionsFactory.getDelombokOptions(node.getContext()).getFormatPreferences().javaLangAsFqn()) { return chainDots(node, pos, "java", "lang", simpleNames); } else { return chainDots(node, pos, null, null, simpleNames); } } public static void addSuppressWarningsAll(JCModifiers mods, JavacNode node, int pos, JCTree source, Context context) { if (!LombokOptionsFactory.getDelombokOptions(context).getFormatPreferences().generateSuppressWarnings()) return; boolean addJLSuppress = !Boolean.FALSE.equals(node.getAst().readConfiguration(ConfigurationKeys.ADD_SUPPRESSWARNINGS_ANNOTATIONS)); if (addJLSuppress) { for (JCAnnotation ann : mods.annotations) { JCTree type = ann.getAnnotationType(); Name n = null; if (type instanceof JCIdent) n = ((JCIdent) type).name; else if (type instanceof JCFieldAccess) n = ((JCFieldAccess) type).name; if (n != null && n.contentEquals("SuppressWarnings")) { addJLSuppress = false; } } } if (addJLSuppress) addAnnotation(mods, node, pos, source, context, "java.lang.SuppressWarnings", node.getTreeMaker().Literal("all")); if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(node.getAst().readConfiguration(ConfigurationKeys.ADD_FINDBUGS_SUPPRESSWARNINGS_ANNOTATIONS))) { JavacTreeMaker maker = node.getTreeMaker(); JCExpression arg = maker.Assign(maker.Ident(node.toName("justification")), maker.Literal("generated code")); addAnnotation(mods, node, pos, source, context, "edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings", arg); } } public static void addGenerated(JCModifiers mods, JavacNode node, int pos, JCTree source, Context context) { if (!LombokOptionsFactory.getDelombokOptions(context).getFormatPreferences().generateGenerated()) return; if (HandlerUtil.shouldAddGenerated(node)) { addAnnotation(mods, node, pos, source, context, "javax.annotation.Generated", node.getTreeMaker().Literal("lombok")); } if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(node.getAst().readConfiguration(ConfigurationKeys.ADD_LOMBOK_GENERATED_ANNOTATIONS))) { addAnnotation(mods, node, pos, source, context, "lombok.Generated", null); } } public static void addAnnotation(JCModifiers mods, JavacNode node, int pos, JCTree source, Context context, String annotationTypeFqn, JCExpression arg) { boolean isJavaLangBased; String simpleName; { int idx = annotationTypeFqn.lastIndexOf('.'); simpleName = idx == -1 ? annotationTypeFqn : annotationTypeFqn.substring(idx + 1); isJavaLangBased = idx == 9 && annotationTypeFqn.regionMatches(0, "java.lang.", 0, 10); } for (JCAnnotation ann : mods.annotations) { JCTree annType = ann.getAnnotationType(); if (annType instanceof JCIdent) { Name lastPart = ((JCIdent) annType).name; if (lastPart.contentEquals(simpleName)) return; } if (annType instanceof JCFieldAccess) { if (annType.toString().equals(annotationTypeFqn)) return; } } JavacTreeMaker maker = node.getTreeMaker(); JCExpression annType = isJavaLangBased ? genJavaLangTypeRef(node, simpleName) : chainDotsString(node, annotationTypeFqn); annType.pos = pos; if (arg != null) { arg.pos = pos; if (arg instanceof JCAssign) { ((JCAssign) arg).lhs.pos = pos; ((JCAssign) arg).rhs.pos = pos; } } List<JCExpression> argList = arg != null ? List.of(arg) : List.<JCExpression>nil(); JCAnnotation annotation = recursiveSetGeneratedBy(maker.Annotation(annType, argList), source, context); annotation.pos = pos; mods.annotations = mods.annotations.append(annotation); } private static List<JCTree> addAllButOne(List<JCTree> defs, int idx) { ListBuffer<JCTree> out = new ListBuffer<JCTree>(); int i = 0; for (JCTree def : defs) { if (i++ != idx) out.append(def); } return out.toList(); }
In javac, dotted access of any kind, from java.lang.String to var.methodName is represented by a fold-left of Select nodes with the leftmost string represented by a Ident node. This method generates such an expression.

The position of the generated node(s) will be unpositioned (-1). For example, maker.Select(maker.Select(maker.Ident(NAME[java]), NAME[lang]), NAME[String]).

See Also:
  • JCIdent
  • JCFieldAccess
/** * In javac, dotted access of any kind, from {@code java.lang.String} to {@code var.methodName} * is represented by a fold-left of {@code Select} nodes with the leftmost string represented by * a {@code Ident} node. This method generates such an expression. * <p> * The position of the generated node(s) will be unpositioned (-1). * * For example, maker.Select(maker.Select(maker.Ident(NAME[java]), NAME[lang]), NAME[String]). * * @see com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCIdent * @see com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCFieldAccess */
public static JCExpression chainDots(JavacNode node, String elem1, String elem2, String... elems) { return chainDots(node, -1, elem1, elem2, elems); } public static JCExpression chainDots(JavacNode node, String[] elems) { return chainDots(node, -1, null, null, elems); } public static JCExpression chainDots(JavacNode node, LombokImmutableList<String> elems) { assert elems != null; JavacTreeMaker maker = node.getTreeMaker(); JCExpression e = null; for (String elem : elems) { if (e == null) e = maker.Ident(node.toName(elem)); else e = maker.Select(e, node.toName(elem)); } return e; }
In javac, dotted access of any kind, from java.lang.String to var.methodName is represented by a fold-left of Select nodes with the leftmost string represented by a Ident node. This method generates such an expression.

The position of the generated node(s) will be equal to the pos parameter. For example, maker.Select(maker.Select(maker.Ident(NAME[java]), NAME[lang]), NAME[String]).

See Also:
  • JCIdent
  • JCFieldAccess
/** * In javac, dotted access of any kind, from {@code java.lang.String} to {@code var.methodName} * is represented by a fold-left of {@code Select} nodes with the leftmost string represented by * a {@code Ident} node. This method generates such an expression. * <p> * The position of the generated node(s) will be equal to the {@code pos} parameter. * * For example, maker.Select(maker.Select(maker.Ident(NAME[java]), NAME[lang]), NAME[String]). * * @see com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCIdent * @see com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCFieldAccess */
public static JCExpression chainDots(JavacNode node, int pos, String elem1, String elem2, String... elems) { assert elems != null; JavacTreeMaker maker = node.getTreeMaker(); if (pos != -1) maker = maker.at(pos); JCExpression e = null; if (elem1 != null) e = maker.Ident(node.toName(elem1)); if (elem2 != null) e = e == null ? maker.Ident(node.toName(elem2)) : maker.Select(e, node.toName(elem2)); for (int i = 0 ; i < elems.length ; i++) { e = e == null ? maker.Ident(node.toName(elems[i])) : maker.Select(e, node.toName(elems[i])); } assert e != null; return e; }
In javac, dotted access of any kind, from java.lang.String to var.methodName is represented by a fold-left of Select nodes with the leftmost string represented by a Ident node. This method generates such an expression. For example, maker.Select(maker.Select(maker.Ident(NAME[java]), NAME[lang]), NAME[String]).
See Also:
  • JCIdent
  • JCFieldAccess
/** * In javac, dotted access of any kind, from {@code java.lang.String} to {@code var.methodName} * is represented by a fold-left of {@code Select} nodes with the leftmost string represented by * a {@code Ident} node. This method generates such an expression. * * For example, maker.Select(maker.Select(maker.Ident(NAME[java]), NAME[lang]), NAME[String]). * * @see com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCIdent * @see com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCFieldAccess */
public static JCExpression chainDotsString(JavacNode node, String elems) { return chainDots(node, null, null, elems.split("\\.")); }
Searches the given field node for annotations and returns each one that matches the provided regular expression pattern. Only the simple name is checked - the package and any containing class are ignored.
/** * Searches the given field node for annotations and returns each one that matches the provided regular expression pattern. * * Only the simple name is checked - the package and any containing class are ignored. */
public static List<JCAnnotation> findAnnotations(JavacNode fieldNode, Pattern namePattern) { ListBuffer<JCAnnotation> result = new ListBuffer<JCAnnotation>(); for (JavacNode child : fieldNode.down()) { if (child.getKind() == Kind.ANNOTATION) { JCAnnotation annotation = (JCAnnotation) child.get(); String name = annotation.annotationType.toString(); int idx = name.lastIndexOf("."); String suspect = idx == -1 ? name : name.substring(idx + 1); if (namePattern.matcher(suspect).matches()) { result.append(annotation); } } } return result.toList(); } public static String scanForNearestAnnotation(JavacNode node, String... anns) { while (node != null) { for (JavacNode ann : node.down()) { if (ann.getKind() != Kind.ANNOTATION) continue; JCAnnotation a = (JCAnnotation) ann.get(); for (String annToFind : anns) if (typeMatches(annToFind, node, a.annotationType)) return annToFind; } node = node.up(); } return null; } public static boolean hasNonNullAnnotations(JavacNode node) { for (JavacNode child : node.down()) { if (child.getKind() == Kind.ANNOTATION) { JCAnnotation annotation = (JCAnnotation) child.get(); for (String nn : NONNULL_ANNOTATIONS) if (typeMatches(nn, node, annotation.annotationType)) return true; } } return false; } public static boolean hasNonNullAnnotations(JavacNode node, List<JCAnnotation> anns) { if (anns == null) return false; for (JCAnnotation ann : anns) { for (String nn : NONNULL_ANNOTATIONS) if (typeMatches(nn, node, ann)) return true; } return false; }
Searches the given field node for annotations and returns each one that is 'copyable' (either via configuration or from the base list).
/** * Searches the given field node for annotations and returns each one that is 'copyable' (either via configuration or from the base list). */
public static List<JCAnnotation> findCopyableAnnotations(JavacNode node) { JCAnnotation anno = null; String annoName = null; for (JavacNode child : node.down()) { if (child.getKind() == Kind.ANNOTATION) { if (anno != null) { annoName = ""; break; } JCAnnotation annotation = (JCAnnotation) child.get(); annoName = annotation.annotationType.toString(); anno = annotation; } } if (annoName == null) return List.nil(); java.util.List<TypeName> configuredCopyable = node.getAst().readConfiguration(ConfigurationKeys.COPYABLE_ANNOTATIONS); if (!annoName.isEmpty()) { for (TypeName cn : configuredCopyable) if (cn != null && typeMatches(cn.toString(), node, anno.annotationType)) return List.of(anno); for (String bn : BASE_COPYABLE_ANNOTATIONS) if (typeMatches(bn, node, anno.annotationType)) return List.of(anno); } ListBuffer<JCAnnotation> result = new ListBuffer<JCAnnotation>(); for (JavacNode child : node.down()) { if (child.getKind() == Kind.ANNOTATION) { JCAnnotation annotation = (JCAnnotation) child.get(); boolean match = false; for (TypeName cn : configuredCopyable) if (cn != null && typeMatches(cn.toString(), node, annotation.annotationType)) { result.append(annotation); match = true; break; } if (!match) for (String bn : BASE_COPYABLE_ANNOTATIONS) if (typeMatches(bn, node, annotation.annotationType)) { result.append(annotation); break; } } } return result.toList(); }
Searches the given field node for annotations that are specifically intentioned to be copied to the setter.
/** * Searches the given field node for annotations that are specifically intentioned to be copied to the setter. */
public static List<JCAnnotation> findCopyableToSetterAnnotations(JavacNode node) { return findAnnotationsInList(node, COPY_TO_SETTER_ANNOTATIONS); }
Searches the given field node for annotations that are specifically intentioned to be copied to the builder's singular method.
/** * Searches the given field node for annotations that are specifically intentioned to be copied to the builder's singular method. */
public static List<JCAnnotation> findCopyableToBuilderSingularSetterAnnotations(JavacNode node) { return findAnnotationsInList(node, COPY_TO_BUILDER_SINGULAR_SETTER_ANNOTATIONS); }
Searches the given field node for annotations that are in the given list, and returns those.
/** * Searches the given field node for annotations that are in the given list, and returns those. */
private static List<JCAnnotation> findAnnotationsInList(JavacNode node, java.util.List<String> annotationsToFind) { JCAnnotation anno = null; String annoName = null; for (JavacNode child : node.down()) { if (child.getKind() == Kind.ANNOTATION) { if (anno != null) { annoName = ""; break; } JCAnnotation annotation = (JCAnnotation) child.get(); annoName = annotation.annotationType.toString(); anno = annotation; } } if (annoName == null) return List.nil(); if (!annoName.isEmpty()) { for (String bn : annotationsToFind) if (typeMatches(bn, node, anno.annotationType)) return List.of(anno); } ListBuffer<JCAnnotation> result = new ListBuffer<JCAnnotation>(); for (JavacNode child : node.down()) { if (child.getKind() == Kind.ANNOTATION) { JCAnnotation annotation = (JCAnnotation) child.get(); boolean match = false; if (!match) for (String bn : annotationsToFind) if (typeMatches(bn, node, annotation.annotationType)) { result.append(annotation); break; } } } return result.toList(); }
Generates a new statement that checks if the given variable is null, and if so, throws a configured exception with the variable name as message.
/** * Generates a new statement that checks if the given variable is null, and if so, throws a configured exception with the * variable name as message. */
public static JCStatement generateNullCheck(JavacTreeMaker maker, JavacNode variable, JavacNode source) { return generateNullCheck(maker, (JCVariableDecl) variable.get(), source); }
Generates a new statement that checks if the given local is null, and if so, throws a configured exception with the local variable name as message.
/** * Generates a new statement that checks if the given local is null, and if so, throws a configured exception with the * local variable name as message. */
public static JCStatement generateNullCheck(JavacTreeMaker maker, JCExpression typeNode, Name varName, JavacNode source, String customMessage) { NullCheckExceptionType exceptionType = source.getAst().readConfiguration(ConfigurationKeys.NON_NULL_EXCEPTION_TYPE); if (exceptionType == null) exceptionType = NullCheckExceptionType.NULL_POINTER_EXCEPTION; if (typeNode != null && isPrimitive(typeNode)) return null; JCLiteral message = maker.Literal(exceptionType.toExceptionMessage(varName.toString(), customMessage)); LombokImmutableList<String> method = exceptionType.getMethod(); if (method != null) { return maker.Exec(maker.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(), chainDots(source, method), List.of(maker.Ident(varName), message))); } if (exceptionType == NullCheckExceptionType.ASSERTION) { return maker.Assert(maker.Binary(CTC_NOT_EQUAL, maker.Ident(varName), maker.Literal(CTC_BOT, null)), message); } JCExpression exType = genTypeRef(source, exceptionType.getExceptionType()); JCExpression exception = maker.NewClass(null, List.<JCExpression>nil(), exType, List.<JCExpression>of(message), null); JCStatement throwStatement = maker.Throw(exception); JCBlock throwBlock = maker.Block(0, List.of(throwStatement)); return maker.If(maker.Binary(CTC_EQUAL, maker.Ident(varName), maker.Literal(CTC_BOT, null)), throwBlock, null); }
Generates a new statement that checks if the given variable is null, and if so, throws a configured exception with the variable name as message. This is a special case method reserved for use when the provided declaration differs from the variable's declaration, i.e. in a constructor or setter where the local parameter is named the same but with the prefix stripped as a result of @Accessors.prefix.
/** * Generates a new statement that checks if the given variable is null, and if so, throws a configured exception with the * variable name as message. * * This is a special case method reserved for use when the provided declaration differs from the * variable's declaration, i.e. in a constructor or setter where the local parameter is named the same but with the prefix * stripped as a result of @Accessors.prefix. */
public static JCStatement generateNullCheck(JavacTreeMaker maker, JCVariableDecl varDecl, JavacNode source) { return generateNullCheck(maker, varDecl.vartype, varDecl.name, source, null); }
Given a list of field names and a node referring to a type, finds each name in the list that does not match a field within the type.
/** * Given a list of field names and a node referring to a type, finds each name in the list that does not match a field within the type. */
public static List<Integer> createListOfNonExistentFields(List<String> list, JavacNode type, boolean excludeStandard, boolean excludeTransient) { boolean[] matched = new boolean[list.size()]; for (JavacNode child : type.down()) { if (list.isEmpty()) break; if (child.getKind() != Kind.FIELD) continue; JCVariableDecl field = (JCVariableDecl)child.get(); if (excludeStandard) { if ((field.mods.flags & Flags.STATIC) != 0) continue; if (field.name.toString().startsWith("$")) continue; } if (excludeTransient && (field.mods.flags & Flags.TRANSIENT) != 0) continue; int idx = list.indexOf(child.getName()); if (idx > -1) matched[idx] = true; } ListBuffer<Integer> problematic = new ListBuffer<Integer>(); for (int i = 0 ; i < list.size() ; i++) { if (!matched[i]) problematic.append(i); } return problematic.toList(); } static List<JCAnnotation> unboxAndRemoveAnnotationParameter(JCAnnotation ast, String parameterName, String errorName, JavacNode annotationNode) { ListBuffer<JCExpression> params = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>(); ListBuffer<JCAnnotation> result = new ListBuffer<JCAnnotation>(); outer: for (JCExpression param : ast.args) { boolean allowRaw; String nameOfParam = "value"; JCExpression valueOfParam = null; if (param instanceof JCAssign) { JCAssign assign = (JCAssign) param; if (assign.lhs instanceof JCIdent) { JCIdent ident = (JCIdent) assign.lhs; nameOfParam = ident.name.toString(); } valueOfParam = assign.rhs; } /* strip trailing underscores */ { int lastIdx; for (lastIdx = nameOfParam.length() ; lastIdx > 0; lastIdx--) { if (nameOfParam.charAt(lastIdx - 1) != '_') break; } allowRaw = lastIdx < nameOfParam.length(); nameOfParam = nameOfParam.substring(0, lastIdx); } if (!parameterName.equals(nameOfParam)) { params.append(param); continue outer; } int endPos = Javac.getEndPosition(param.pos(), (JCCompilationUnit) annotationNode.top().get()); annotationNode.getAst().removeFromDeferredDiagnostics(param.pos, endPos); if (valueOfParam instanceof JCAnnotation) { String dummyAnnotationName = ((JCAnnotation) valueOfParam).annotationType.toString(); dummyAnnotationName = dummyAnnotationName.replace("_", "").replace("$", "").replace("x", "").replace("X", ""); if (dummyAnnotationName.length() > 0) { if (allowRaw) { result.append((JCAnnotation) valueOfParam); } else { addError(errorName, annotationNode); continue outer; } } else { for (JCExpression expr : ((JCAnnotation) valueOfParam).args) { if (expr instanceof JCAssign && ((JCAssign) expr).lhs instanceof JCIdent) { JCIdent id = (JCIdent) ((JCAssign) expr).lhs; if ("value".equals(id.name.toString())) { expr = ((JCAssign) expr).rhs; } else { addError(errorName, annotationNode); } } if (expr instanceof JCAnnotation) { result.append((JCAnnotation) expr); } else if (expr instanceof JCNewArray) { for (JCExpression expr2 : ((JCNewArray) expr).elems) { if (expr2 instanceof JCAnnotation) { result.append((JCAnnotation) expr2); } else { addError(errorName, annotationNode); continue outer; } } } else { addError(errorName, annotationNode); continue outer; } } } } else if (valueOfParam instanceof JCNewArray) { JCNewArray arr = (JCNewArray) valueOfParam; if (arr.elems.isEmpty()) { // Just remove it, this is always fine. } else if (allowRaw) { for (JCExpression jce : arr.elems) { if (jce instanceof JCAnnotation) result.append((JCAnnotation) jce); else addError(errorName, annotationNode); } } else { addError(errorName, annotationNode); } } else { addError(errorName, annotationNode); } } ast.args = params.toList(); return result.toList(); } private static void addError(String errorName, JavacNode node) { if (node.getLatestJavaSpecSupported() < 8) { node.addError("The correct format up to JDK7 is " + errorName + "=@__({@SomeAnnotation, @SomeOtherAnnotation}))"); } else { node.addError("The correct format for JDK8+ is " + errorName + "_={@SomeAnnotation, @SomeOtherAnnotation})"); } } public static List<JCTypeParameter> copyTypeParams(JavacNode source, List<JCTypeParameter> params) { if (params == null || params.isEmpty()) return params; ListBuffer<JCTypeParameter> out = new ListBuffer<JCTypeParameter>(); JavacTreeMaker maker = source.getTreeMaker(); Context context = source.getContext(); for (JCTypeParameter tp : params) { List<JCExpression> bounds = tp.bounds; if (bounds != null && !bounds.isEmpty()) { ListBuffer<JCExpression> boundsCopy = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>(); for (JCExpression expr : tp.bounds) { boundsCopy.append(cloneType(maker, expr, source.get(), context)); } bounds = boundsCopy.toList(); } out.append(maker.TypeParameter(tp.name, bounds)); } return out.toList(); } public static List<JCAnnotation> getTypeUseAnnotations(JCExpression from) { if (!JCAnnotatedTypeReflect.is(from)) return List.nil(); return JCAnnotatedTypeReflect.getAnnotations(from); } public static JCExpression removeTypeUseAnnotations(JCExpression from) { if (!JCAnnotatedTypeReflect.is(from)) return from; return JCAnnotatedTypeReflect.getUnderlyingType(from); } public static JCExpression namePlusTypeParamsToTypeReference(JavacTreeMaker maker, JavacNode type, List<JCTypeParameter> params) { JCClassDecl td = (JCClassDecl) type.get(); boolean instance = (td.mods.flags & Flags.STATIC) == 0; return namePlusTypeParamsToTypeReference(maker, type.up(), td.name, instance, params, List.<JCAnnotation>nil()); } public static JCExpression namePlusTypeParamsToTypeReference(JavacTreeMaker maker, JavacNode type, List<JCTypeParameter> params, List<JCAnnotation> annotations) { JCClassDecl td = (JCClassDecl) type.get(); boolean instance = (td.mods.flags & Flags.STATIC) == 0; return namePlusTypeParamsToTypeReference(maker, type.up(), td.name, instance, params, annotations); } public static JCExpression namePlusTypeParamsToTypeReference(JavacTreeMaker maker, JavacNode parentType, Name typeName, boolean instance, List<JCTypeParameter> params) { return namePlusTypeParamsToTypeReference(maker, parentType, typeName, instance, params, List.<JCAnnotation>nil()); } public static JCExpression namePlusTypeParamsToTypeReference(JavacTreeMaker maker, JavacNode parentType, Name typeName, boolean instance, List<JCTypeParameter> params, List<JCAnnotation> annotations) { JCExpression r = null; if (parentType != null && parentType.getKind() == Kind.TYPE) { JCClassDecl td = (JCClassDecl) parentType.get(); boolean outerInstance = instance && ((td.mods.flags & Flags.STATIC) == 0); List<JCTypeParameter> outerParams = instance ? td.typarams : List.<JCTypeParameter>nil(); r = namePlusTypeParamsToTypeReference(maker, parentType.up(), td.name, outerInstance, outerParams, List.<JCAnnotation>nil()); } r = r == null ? maker.Ident(typeName) : maker.Select(r, typeName); if (!annotations.isEmpty()) r = JCAnnotatedTypeReflect.create(annotations, r); if (!params.isEmpty()) r = maker.TypeApply(r, typeParameterNames(maker, params)); return r; } public static List<JCExpression> typeParameterNames(JavacTreeMaker maker, List<JCTypeParameter> params) { ListBuffer<JCExpression> typeArgs = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>(); for (JCTypeParameter param : params) { typeArgs.append(maker.Ident(param.name)); } return typeArgs.toList(); } public static void sanityCheckForMethodGeneratingAnnotationsOnBuilderClass(JavacNode typeNode, JavacNode errorNode) { List<String> disallowed = List.nil(); for (JavacNode child : typeNode.down()) { for (String annType : INVALID_ON_BUILDERS) { if (annotationTypeMatches(annType, child)) { int lastIndex = annType.lastIndexOf('.'); disallowed = disallowed.append(lastIndex == -1 ? annType : annType.substring(lastIndex + 1)); } } } int size = disallowed.size(); if (size == 0) return; if (size == 1) { errorNode.addError("@" + disallowed.head + " is not allowed on builder classes."); return; } StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); for (String a : disallowed) out.append("@").append(a).append(", "); out.setLength(out.length() - 2); errorNode.addError(out.append(" are not allowed on builder classes.").toString()); } static List<JCAnnotation> copyAnnotations(List<? extends JCExpression> in) { ListBuffer<JCAnnotation> out = new ListBuffer<JCAnnotation>(); for (JCExpression expr : in) { if (!(expr instanceof JCAnnotation)) continue; out.append((JCAnnotation) expr.clone()); } return out.toList(); } static List<JCAnnotation> mergeAnnotations(List<JCAnnotation> a, List<JCAnnotation> b) { if (a == null || a.isEmpty()) return b; if (b == null || b.isEmpty()) return a; ListBuffer<JCAnnotation> out = new ListBuffer<JCAnnotation>(); for (JCAnnotation ann : a) out.append(ann); for (JCAnnotation ann : b) out.append(ann); return out.toList(); } static boolean isClass(JavacNode typeNode) { return isClassAndDoesNotHaveFlags(typeNode, Flags.INTERFACE | Flags.ENUM | Flags.ANNOTATION); } static boolean isClassOrEnum(JavacNode typeNode) { return isClassAndDoesNotHaveFlags(typeNode, Flags.INTERFACE | Flags.ANNOTATION); } public static boolean isClassAndDoesNotHaveFlags(JavacNode typeNode, int flags) { JCClassDecl typeDecl = null; if (typeNode.get() instanceof JCClassDecl) typeDecl = (JCClassDecl)typeNode.get(); else return false; long typeDeclflags = typeDecl == null ? 0 : typeDecl.mods.flags; return (typeDeclflags & flags) == 0; } public static JavacNode upToTypeNode(JavacNode node) { if (node == null) throw new NullPointerException("node"); while ((node != null) && !(node.get() instanceof JCClassDecl)) node = node.up(); return node; } public static List<JCExpression> cloneTypes(JavacTreeMaker maker, List<JCExpression> in, JCTree source, Context context) { if (in.isEmpty()) return List.nil(); if (in.size() == 1) return List.of(cloneType(maker, in.get(0), source, context)); ListBuffer<JCExpression> lb = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>(); for (JCExpression expr : in) lb.append(cloneType(maker, expr, source, context)); return lb.toList(); }
Creates a full clone of a given javac AST type node. Every part is cloned (every identifier, every select, every wildcard, every type apply, every type_use annotation). If there's any node in the tree that we don't know how to clone, that part isn't cloned. However, we wouldn't know what could possibly show up that we can't currently clone; that's just a safeguard. This should be used if the type looks the same in the code, but resolves differently. For example, a static method that has some generics in it named after the class's own parameter, but as its a static method, the static method's notion of T is different from the class notion of T. If you're duplicating a type used in the class context, you need to use this method.
/** * Creates a full clone of a given javac AST type node. Every part is cloned (every identifier, every select, every wildcard, every type apply, every type_use annotation). * * If there's any node in the tree that we don't know how to clone, that part isn't cloned. However, we wouldn't know what could possibly show up that we * can't currently clone; that's just a safeguard. * * This should be used if the type looks the same in the code, but resolves differently. For example, a static method that has some generics in it named after * the class's own parameter, but as its a static method, the static method's notion of {@code T} is different from the class notion of {@code T}. If you're duplicating * a type used in the class context, you need to use this method. */
public static JCExpression cloneType(JavacTreeMaker maker, JCExpression in, JCTree source, Context context) { JCExpression out = cloneType0(maker, in); if (out != null) recursiveSetGeneratedBy(out, source, context); return out; } private static JCExpression cloneType0(JavacTreeMaker maker, JCTree in) { if (in == null) return null; if (in instanceof JCPrimitiveTypeTree) return (JCExpression) in; if (in instanceof JCIdent) { return maker.Ident(((JCIdent) in).name); } if (in instanceof JCFieldAccess) { JCFieldAccess fa = (JCFieldAccess) in; return maker.Select(cloneType0(maker, fa.selected), fa.name); } if (in instanceof JCArrayTypeTree) { JCArrayTypeTree att = (JCArrayTypeTree) in; return maker.TypeArray(cloneType0(maker, att.elemtype)); } if (in instanceof JCTypeApply) { JCTypeApply ta = (JCTypeApply) in; ListBuffer<JCExpression> lb = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>(); for (JCExpression typeArg : ta.arguments) { lb.append(cloneType0(maker, typeArg)); } return maker.TypeApply(cloneType0(maker, ta.clazz), lb.toList()); } if (in instanceof JCWildcard) { JCWildcard w = (JCWildcard) in; JCExpression newInner = cloneType0(maker, w.inner); TypeBoundKind newKind; switch (w.getKind()) { case SUPER_WILDCARD: newKind = maker.TypeBoundKind(BoundKind.SUPER); break; case EXTENDS_WILDCARD: newKind = maker.TypeBoundKind(BoundKind.EXTENDS); break; default: case UNBOUNDED_WILDCARD: newKind = maker.TypeBoundKind(BoundKind.UNBOUND); break; } return maker.Wildcard(newKind, newInner); } if (JCAnnotatedTypeReflect.is(in)) { JCExpression underlyingType = cloneType0(maker, JCAnnotatedTypeReflect.getUnderlyingType(in)); List<JCAnnotation> anns = copyAnnotations(JCAnnotatedTypeReflect.getAnnotations(in)); return JCAnnotatedTypeReflect.create(anns, underlyingType); } // This is somewhat unsafe, but it's better than outright throwing an exception here. Returning null will just cause an exception down the pipeline. return (JCExpression) in; } public static enum CopyJavadoc { VERBATIM { @Override public String apply(final JCCompilationUnit cu, final JavacNode node) { return Javac.getDocComment(cu, node.get()); } }, GETTER { @Override public String apply(final JCCompilationUnit cu, final JavacNode node) { final JCTree n = node.get(); String javadoc = Javac.getDocComment(cu, n); // step 1: Check if there is a 'GETTER' section. If yes, that becomes the new method's javadoc. String out = getJavadocSection(javadoc, "GETTER"); final boolean sectionBased = out != null; if (!sectionBased) { out = stripLinesWithTagFromJavadoc(stripSectionsFromJavadoc(javadoc), "@param(?:eter)?\\s+.*"); } node.getAst().cleanupTask("javadocfilter-getter", n, new CleanupTask() { @Override public void cleanup() { String javadoc = Javac.getDocComment(cu, n); if (javadoc == null || javadoc.isEmpty()) return; javadoc = stripSectionsFromJavadoc(javadoc); if (!sectionBased) { javadoc = stripLinesWithTagFromJavadoc(stripSectionsFromJavadoc(javadoc), "@returns?\\s+.*"); } Javac.setDocComment(cu, n, javadoc); } }); return out; } }, SETTER { @Override public String apply(final JCCompilationUnit cu, final JavacNode node) { return applySetter(cu, node, "SETTER"); } }, WITH { @Override public String apply(final JCCompilationUnit cu, final JavacNode node) { return addReturnsUpdatedSelfIfNeeded(applySetter(cu, node, "WITH|WITHER")); } }, WITH_BY { @Override public String apply(final JCCompilationUnit cu, final JavacNode node) { return applySetter(cu, node, "WITHBY|WITH_BY"); } }; public abstract String apply(final JCCompilationUnit cu, final JavacNode node); private static String applySetter(final JCCompilationUnit cu, JavacNode node, String sectionName) { final JCTree n = node.get(); String javadoc = Javac.getDocComment(cu, n); // step 1: Check if there is a 'SETTER' section. If yes, that becomes the new method's javadoc. String out = getJavadocSection(javadoc, sectionName); final boolean sectionBased = out != null; if (!sectionBased) { out = stripLinesWithTagFromJavadoc(stripSectionsFromJavadoc(javadoc), "@returns?\\s+.*"); } node.getAst().cleanupTask("javadocfilter-setter", n, new CleanupTask() { @Override public void cleanup() { String javadoc = Javac.getDocComment(cu, n); if (javadoc == null || javadoc.isEmpty()) return; javadoc = stripSectionsFromJavadoc(javadoc); if (!sectionBased) { javadoc = stripLinesWithTagFromJavadoc(stripSectionsFromJavadoc(javadoc), "@param(?:eter)?\\s+.*"); } Javac.setDocComment(cu, n, javadoc); } }); return shouldReturnThis(node) ? addReturnsThisIfNeeded(out) : out; } } public static void copyJavadoc(JavacNode from, JCTree to, CopyJavadoc copyMode) { copyJavadoc(from, to, copyMode, false); }
Copies javadoc on one node to the other. in 'GETTER' copyMode, first a 'GETTER' segment is searched for. If it exists, that will become the javadoc for the 'to' node, and this section is stripped out of the 'from' node. If no 'GETTER' segment is found, then the entire javadoc is taken minus any @param lines and other sections. any @return lines are stripped from 'from'. in 'SETTER' mode, stripping works similarly to 'GETTER' mode, except param are copied and stripped from the original and @return are skipped.
/** * Copies javadoc on one node to the other. * * in 'GETTER' copyMode, first a 'GETTER' segment is searched for. If it exists, that will become the javadoc for the 'to' node, and this section is * stripped out of the 'from' node. If no 'GETTER' segment is found, then the entire javadoc is taken minus any {@code @param} lines and other sections. * any {@code @return} lines are stripped from 'from'. * * in 'SETTER' mode, stripping works similarly to 'GETTER' mode, except {@code param} are copied and stripped from the original and {@code @return} are skipped. */
public static void copyJavadoc(JavacNode from, JCTree to, CopyJavadoc copyMode, boolean forceAddReturn) { if (copyMode == null) copyMode = CopyJavadoc.VERBATIM; try { JCCompilationUnit cu = ((JCCompilationUnit) from.top().get()); String newJavadoc = copyMode.apply(cu, from); if (newJavadoc != null) { if (forceAddReturn) newJavadoc = addReturnsThisIfNeeded(newJavadoc); Javac.setDocComment(cu, to, newJavadoc); } } catch (Exception ignore) {} } public static boolean isDirectDescendantOfObject(JavacNode typeNode) { if (!(typeNode.get() instanceof JCClassDecl)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a type node"); JCTree extending = Javac.getExtendsClause((JCClassDecl) typeNode.get()); if (extending == null) return true; String p = extending.toString(); return p.equals("Object") || p.equals("java.lang.Object"); } public static void createRelevantNullableAnnotation(JavacNode typeNode, JCMethodDecl mth) { NullAnnotationLibrary lib = typeNode.getAst().readConfiguration(ConfigurationKeys.ADD_NULL_ANNOTATIONS); if (lib == null) return; applyAnnotationToMethodDecl(typeNode, mth, lib.getNullableAnnotation(), lib.isTypeUse()); } public static void createRelevantNonNullAnnotation(JavacNode typeNode, JCMethodDecl mth) { NullAnnotationLibrary lib = typeNode.getAst().readConfiguration(ConfigurationKeys.ADD_NULL_ANNOTATIONS); if (lib == null) return; applyAnnotationToMethodDecl(typeNode, mth, lib.getNonNullAnnotation(), lib.isTypeUse()); } public static void createRelevantNonNullAnnotation(JavacNode typeNode, JCVariableDecl arg) { NullAnnotationLibrary lib = typeNode.getAst().readConfiguration(ConfigurationKeys.ADD_NULL_ANNOTATIONS); if (lib == null) return; applyAnnotationToVarDecl(typeNode, arg, lib.getNonNullAnnotation(), lib.isTypeUse()); } public static void createRelevantNullableAnnotation(JavacNode typeNode, JCVariableDecl arg) { NullAnnotationLibrary lib = typeNode.getAst().readConfiguration(ConfigurationKeys.ADD_NULL_ANNOTATIONS); if (lib == null) return; applyAnnotationToVarDecl(typeNode, arg, lib.getNullableAnnotation(), lib.isTypeUse()); } private static void applyAnnotationToMethodDecl(JavacNode typeNode, JCMethodDecl mth, String annType, boolean typeUse) { if (annType == null) return; JavacTreeMaker maker = typeNode.getTreeMaker(); JCAnnotation m = maker.Annotation(genTypeRef(typeNode, annType), List.<JCExpression>nil()); if (typeUse) { JCExpression resType = mth.restype; if (resType instanceof JCTypeApply) { JCTypeApply ta = (JCTypeApply) resType; resType = ta.clazz; } if (resType instanceof JCFieldAccess || resType instanceof JCArrayTypeTree) { mth.restype = maker.AnnotatedType(List.of(m), resType); return; } if (JCAnnotatedTypeReflect.is(resType)) { List<JCAnnotation> annotations = JCAnnotatedTypeReflect.getAnnotations(resType); JCAnnotatedTypeReflect.setAnnotations(resType, annotations.prepend(m)); return; } if (resType instanceof JCPrimitiveTypeTree || resType instanceof JCIdent) { mth.mods.annotations = mth.mods.annotations == null ? List.of(m) : mth.mods.annotations.prepend(m); } } else { mth.mods.annotations = mth.mods.annotations == null ? List.of(m) : mth.mods.annotations.prepend(m); } } private static void applyAnnotationToVarDecl(JavacNode typeNode, JCVariableDecl arg, String annType, boolean typeUse) { if (annType == null) return; JavacTreeMaker maker = typeNode.getTreeMaker(); JCAnnotation m = maker.Annotation(genTypeRef(typeNode, annType), List.<JCExpression>nil()); if (typeUse) { JCExpression varType = arg.vartype; JCTypeApply ta = null; if (varType instanceof JCTypeApply) { ta = (JCTypeApply) varType; varType = ta.clazz; } if (varType instanceof JCFieldAccess || varType instanceof JCArrayTypeTree) { varType = maker.AnnotatedType(List.of(m), varType); if (ta != null) ta.clazz = varType; else arg.vartype = varType; return; } if (JCAnnotatedTypeReflect.is(varType)) { List<JCAnnotation> annotations = JCAnnotatedTypeReflect.getAnnotations(varType); JCAnnotatedTypeReflect.setAnnotations(varType, annotations.prepend(m)); return; } if (varType instanceof JCPrimitiveTypeTree || varType instanceof JCIdent) { arg.mods.annotations = arg.mods.annotations == null ? List.of(m) : arg.mods.annotations.prepend(m); } } else { arg.mods.annotations = arg.mods.annotations == null ? List.of(m) : arg.mods.annotations.prepend(m); } } }