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package com.sun.glass.ui.monocle;

import com.sun.javafx.logging.PlatformLogger;
import com.sun.javafx.logging.PlatformLogger.Level;
import com.sun.javafx.util.Logging;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;

Provides the values of the EPD system properties.
/** * Provides the values of the EPD system properties. */
class EPDSettings { private static final String BITS_PER_PIXEL = "monocle.epd.bitsPerPixel"; private static final String ROTATE = "monocle.epd.rotate"; private static final String Y8_INVERTED = "monocle.epd.y8inverted"; private static final String NO_WAIT = "monocle.epd.noWait"; private static final String WAVEFORM_MODE = "monocle.epd.waveformMode"; private static final String FLAG_ENABLE_INVERSION = "monocle.epd.enableInversion"; private static final String FLAG_FORCE_MONOCHROME = "monocle.epd.forceMonochrome"; private static final String FLAG_USE_DITHERING_Y1 = "monocle.epd.useDitheringY1"; private static final String FLAG_USE_DITHERING_Y4 = "monocle.epd.useDitheringY4"; private static final String[] EPD_PROPERTIES = { BITS_PER_PIXEL, ROTATE, Y8_INVERTED, NO_WAIT, WAVEFORM_MODE, FLAG_ENABLE_INVERSION, FLAG_FORCE_MONOCHROME, FLAG_USE_DITHERING_Y1, FLAG_USE_DITHERING_Y4 }; private static final int BITS_PER_PIXEL_DEFAULT = Integer.SIZE; private static final int ROTATE_DEFAULT = EPDSystem.FB_ROTATE_UR; private static final int WAVEFORM_MODE_DEFAULT = EPDSystem.WAVEFORM_MODE_AUTO; private static final int[] BITS_PER_PIXEL_PERMITTED = { Byte.SIZE, Short.SIZE, Integer.SIZE }; private static final int[] ROTATIONS_PERMITTED = { EPDSystem.FB_ROTATE_UR, EPDSystem.FB_ROTATE_CW, EPDSystem.FB_ROTATE_UD, EPDSystem.FB_ROTATE_CCW }; private static final int[] WAVEFORM_MODES_PERMITTED = { EPDSystem.WAVEFORM_MODE_DU, EPDSystem.WAVEFORM_MODE_GC16, EPDSystem.WAVEFORM_MODE_GC4, EPDSystem.WAVEFORM_MODE_A2, EPDSystem.WAVEFORM_MODE_AUTO };
Obtains a new instance of this class with the current values of the EPD system properties.
Returns:a new EPDSettings instance
/** * Obtains a new instance of this class with the current values of the EPD * system properties. * * @return a new {@code EPDSettings} instance */
static EPDSettings newInstance() { return AccessController.doPrivileged( (PrivilegedAction<EPDSettings>) () -> new EPDSettings()); } private final PlatformLogger logger = Logging.getJavaFXLogger(); private final boolean y8inverted; private final boolean flagEnableInversion; private final boolean flagForceMonochrome; private final boolean flagUseDitheringY1; private final boolean flagUseDitheringY4; final int bitsPerPixel; final int rotate; final boolean noWait; final int waveformMode; final int grayscale; final int flags;
Creates a new EPDSettings, capturing the current values of the EPD system properties.
/** * Creates a new EPDSettings, capturing the current values of the EPD system * properties. */
private EPDSettings() { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { var map = new HashMap(); for (String key : EPD_PROPERTIES) { String value = System.getProperty(key); if (value != null) { map.put(key, value); } } logger.fine("EPD system properties: {0}", map); } bitsPerPixel = getInteger(BITS_PER_PIXEL, BITS_PER_PIXEL_DEFAULT, BITS_PER_PIXEL_PERMITTED); rotate = getInteger(ROTATE, ROTATE_DEFAULT, ROTATIONS_PERMITTED); noWait = Boolean.getBoolean(NO_WAIT); waveformMode = getInteger(WAVEFORM_MODE, WAVEFORM_MODE_DEFAULT, WAVEFORM_MODES_PERMITTED); y8inverted = Boolean.getBoolean(Y8_INVERTED); if (bitsPerPixel == Byte.SIZE) { if (y8inverted) { grayscale = EPDSystem.GRAYSCALE_8BIT_INVERTED; } else { grayscale = EPDSystem.GRAYSCALE_8BIT; } } else { grayscale = 0; } flagEnableInversion = Boolean.getBoolean(FLAG_ENABLE_INVERSION); flagForceMonochrome = Boolean.getBoolean(FLAG_FORCE_MONOCHROME); flagUseDitheringY1 = Boolean.getBoolean(FLAG_USE_DITHERING_Y1); flagUseDitheringY4 = Boolean.getBoolean(FLAG_USE_DITHERING_Y4); flags = (flagEnableInversion ? EPDSystem.EPDC_FLAG_ENABLE_INVERSION : 0) | (flagForceMonochrome ? EPDSystem.EPDC_FLAG_FORCE_MONOCHROME : 0) | (flagUseDitheringY1 ? EPDSystem.EPDC_FLAG_USE_DITHERING_Y1 : 0) | (flagUseDitheringY4 ? EPDSystem.EPDC_FLAG_USE_DITHERING_Y4 : 0); }
Gets an integer system property.
  • key – the property name
  • def – the default value
  • list – a list of the permitted values for the property
Returns:the value provided for the property if it is equal to one of the permitted values; otherwise, the default value
/** * Gets an integer system property. * * @param key the property name * @param def the default value * @param list a list of the permitted values for the property * @return the value provided for the property if it is equal to one of the * permitted values; otherwise, the default value */
private int getInteger(String key, int def, int... list) { int value = Integer.getInteger(key, def); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < list.length && !found; i++) { found = value == list[i]; } if (!found) { logger.severe("Value of {0}={1} not in {2}; using default ({3})", key, value, Arrays.toString(list), def); value = def; } return value; } @Override public String toString() { return MessageFormat.format("{0}[bitsPerPixel={1} rotate={2} " + "noWait={3} waveformMode={4} grayscale={5} flags=0x{6}]", getClass().getName(), bitsPerPixel, rotate, noWait, waveformMode, grayscale, Integer.toHexString(flags)); } }