 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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package com.sun.scenario.animation.shared;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
import javafx.animation.KeyValue;
import javafx.beans.value.WritableValue;

General implementation of ClipInterpolator, which covers all use-cases.
/** * General implementation of ClipInterpolator, which covers all use-cases. */
// @@OPT: // - A binary search in interpolate might make sense. // - Prepare only first segment when starting timeline and do the rest later => // improves startup time? // - Store 1 / (rightMillis - leftMillis) for each interval and multiply class GeneralClipInterpolator extends ClipInterpolator { private KeyFrame[] keyFrames; private long[] keyFrameTicks; // List of interpolation-points associated with each target private InterpolationInterval[][] interval = new InterpolationInterval[0][]; // List of indexes for targets with undefined start value private int[] undefinedStartValues = new int[0]; // Is internal representation up-to-date? private boolean invalid = true; GeneralClipInterpolator(KeyFrame[] keyFrames, long[] keyFrameTicks) { this.keyFrames = keyFrames; this.keyFrameTicks = keyFrameTicks; } // See comment in ClipInterpolator @Override ClipInterpolator setKeyFrames(KeyFrame[] keyFrames, long[] keyFrameTicks) { if (ClipInterpolator.getRealKeyFrameCount(keyFrames) == 2) { return ClipInterpolator.create(keyFrames, keyFrameTicks); } this.keyFrames = keyFrames; this.keyFrameTicks = keyFrameTicks; invalid = true; return this; } @Override void validate(boolean forceSync) { if (invalid) { final Map<WritableValue<?>, KeyValue> lastKeyValues = new HashMap<>(); final int n = keyFrames.length; int index; for (index = 0; index < n; index++) { final KeyFrame keyFrame = keyFrames[index]; if (keyFrameTicks[index] == 0) { for (final KeyValue keyValue : keyFrame.getValues()) { lastKeyValues.put(keyValue.getTarget(), keyValue); } } else { break; } } final Map<WritableValue<?>, List<InterpolationInterval>> map = new HashMap<>(); final Set<WritableValue<?>> undefinedValues = new HashSet<>(); // iterate through all keyFrames for (; index < n; index++) { final KeyFrame keyFrame = keyFrames[index]; final long ticks = keyFrameTicks[index]; // iterate through all keyValues in this keyFrame for (final KeyValue rightKeyValue : keyFrame.getValues()) { final WritableValue<?> target = rightKeyValue.getTarget(); List<InterpolationInterval> list = map.get(target); final KeyValue leftKeyValue = lastKeyValues.get(target); if (list == null) { // first encounter of a particular target, generate a // new interval list list = new ArrayList<>(); map.put(target, list); if (leftKeyValue == null) { list.add(InterpolationInterval.create( rightKeyValue, ticks)); undefinedValues.add(target); } else { list.add(InterpolationInterval .create(rightKeyValue, ticks, leftKeyValue, ticks)); } } else { assert leftKeyValue != null; list.add(InterpolationInterval.create(rightKeyValue, ticks, leftKeyValue, ticks - list.get(list.size() - 1).ticks)); } lastKeyValues.put(target, rightKeyValue); } } // copy everything to arrays final int targetCount = map.size(); if (interval.length != targetCount) { interval = new InterpolationInterval[targetCount][]; } final int undefinedStartValuesCount = undefinedValues.size(); if (undefinedStartValues.length != undefinedStartValuesCount) { undefinedStartValues = new int[undefinedStartValuesCount]; } int undefinedStartValuesIndex = 0; final Iterator<Map.Entry<WritableValue<?>, List<InterpolationInterval>>> iterator = map .entrySet().iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < targetCount; i++) { final Map.Entry<WritableValue<?>, List<InterpolationInterval>> entry = iterator .next(); interval[i] = new InterpolationInterval[entry.getValue().size()]; entry.getValue().toArray(interval[i]); if (undefinedValues.contains(entry.getKey())) { undefinedStartValues[undefinedStartValuesIndex++] = i; } } invalid = false; } else if (forceSync) { final int n = undefinedStartValues.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { final int index = undefinedStartValues[i]; interval[index][0].recalculateStartValue(); } } } @Override void interpolate(long ticks) { final int targetCount = interval.length; // iterate through all targets targetLoop: for (int targetIndex = 0; targetIndex < targetCount; targetIndex++) { InterpolationInterval[] intervalList = interval[targetIndex]; final int intervalCount = intervalList.length; // leftMillis keeps the timestamp of the left side of the interval long leftTicks = 0; // iterate through all intervals except the last one for (int intervalIndex = 0; intervalIndex < intervalCount - 1; intervalIndex++) { final InterpolationInterval i = intervalList[intervalIndex]; final long rightTicks = i.ticks; if (ticks <= rightTicks) { // we found the current interval final double frac = (double)(ticks - leftTicks) / (rightTicks - leftTicks); i.interpolate(frac); continue targetLoop; } leftTicks = rightTicks; } // we did not find a current interval, use the last one final InterpolationInterval i = intervalList[intervalCount - 1]; // the last interval may end before the timeline ends, make sure we // set the end value final double frac = Math.min(1.0, (double)(ticks - leftTicks) / (i.ticks - leftTicks)); i.interpolate(frac); } } }