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package com.sun.prism.impl.ps;

import com.sun.glass.ui.Screen;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.Rectangle;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.Affine3D;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.BaseTransform;
import com.sun.javafx.sg.prism.NGCamera;
import com.sun.prism.CompositeMode;
import com.sun.prism.PixelFormat;
import com.sun.prism.RTTexture;
import com.sun.prism.RenderTarget;
import com.sun.prism.ResourceFactory;
import com.sun.prism.Texture;
import com.sun.prism.impl.BaseContext;
import com.sun.prism.impl.BaseGraphics;
import com.sun.prism.paint.Color;
import com.sun.prism.paint.Gradient;
import com.sun.prism.paint.ImagePattern;
import com.sun.prism.paint.LinearGradient;
import com.sun.prism.paint.Paint;
import com.sun.prism.paint.RadialGradient;
import com.sun.prism.ps.Shader;
import com.sun.prism.ps.ShaderFactory;

Maintains resources such as Shaders and GlyphCaches that are intended to be cached on a per-Screen basis, and provides methods that are called by BaseShaderGraphics to validate current state. The inner State class is used to encapsulate the current and previously validated state (such as texture bindings) so that the validation routines can avoid redundant state changes. There should be only one BaseShaderContext per Screen, however there may be one or more State instances per BaseShaderContext.

A note about State objects... The JOGL architecture creates a GLContext for each GLDrawable (one GLContext per GLDrawable, and one GLDrawable per onscreen window). Resources such as textures and shaders can be shared between those GLContext instances, but other state (texture bindings, scissor rect, etc) cannot be shared. Therefore we need to maintain one State instance per GLContext instance, which means there may be more than one State instance per BaseShaderContext. The currentState variable holds the current State instance corresponding to the current RenderTarget, and is revalidated as part of the updateRenderTarget() method. The ES2 backend will create a new State instance for each window, but the D3D backend is free to create a single State instance that can be shared for the entire Screen.

/** * Maintains resources such as Shaders and GlyphCaches that are intended to * be cached on a per-Screen basis, and provides methods that are called by * BaseShaderGraphics to validate current state. The inner State class is * used to encapsulate the current and previously validated state (such as * texture bindings) so that the validation routines can avoid redundant * state changes. There should be only one BaseShaderContext per Screen, * however there may be one or more State instances per BaseShaderContext. * <p> * A note about State objects... The JOGL architecture creates a GLContext * for each GLDrawable (one GLContext per GLDrawable, and one GLDrawable * per onscreen window). Resources such as textures and shaders can be * shared between those GLContext instances, but other state (texture bindings, * scissor rect, etc) cannot be shared. Therefore we need to maintain * one State instance per GLContext instance, which means there may be more * than one State instance per BaseShaderContext. The currentState variable * holds the current State instance corresponding to the current RenderTarget, * and is revalidated as part of the updateRenderTarget() method. The ES2 * backend will create a new State instance for each window, but the D3D * backend is free to create a single State instance that can be shared for * the entire Screen. */
public abstract class BaseShaderContext extends BaseContext { private static final int CHECK_SHADER = (0x01 ); private static final int CHECK_TRANSFORM = (0x01 << 1); private static final int CHECK_CLIP = (0x01 << 2); private static final int CHECK_COMPOSITE = (0x01 << 3); private static final int CHECK_PAINT_OP_MASK = (CHECK_SHADER | CHECK_TRANSFORM | CHECK_CLIP | CHECK_COMPOSITE); private static final int CHECK_TEXTURE_OP_MASK = (CHECK_SHADER | CHECK_TRANSFORM | CHECK_CLIP | CHECK_COMPOSITE); private static final int CHECK_CLEAR_OP_MASK = (CHECK_CLIP); public enum MaskType { SOLID ("Solid"), TEXTURE ("Texture"), ALPHA_ONE ("AlphaOne", true), ALPHA_TEXTURE ("AlphaTexture", true), ALPHA_TEXTURE_DIFF ("AlphaTextureDifference", true), FILL_PGRAM ("FillPgram"), DRAW_PGRAM ("DrawPgram", FILL_PGRAM), FILL_CIRCLE ("FillCircle"), DRAW_CIRCLE ("DrawCircle", FILL_CIRCLE), FILL_ELLIPSE ("FillEllipse"), DRAW_ELLIPSE ("DrawEllipse", FILL_ELLIPSE), FILL_ROUNDRECT ("FillRoundRect"), DRAW_ROUNDRECT ("DrawRoundRect", FILL_ROUNDRECT), DRAW_SEMIROUNDRECT("DrawSemiRoundRect"); private String name; private MaskType filltype; private boolean newPaintStyle; private MaskType(String name) { this.name = name; } private MaskType(String name, boolean newstyle) { this.name = name; this.newPaintStyle = newstyle; } private MaskType(String name, MaskType filltype) { this.name = name; this.filltype = filltype; } public String getName() { return name; } public MaskType getFillType() { return filltype; } public boolean isNewPaintStyle() { return newPaintStyle; } } // mask type 4 bits (14 types) // paint type 2 bits // paint opts 2 bits private static final int NUM_STOCK_SHADER_SLOTS = MaskType.values().length << 4; // TODO: need to dispose these when the context is disposed... (RT-27379) private final Shader[] stockShaders = new Shader[NUM_STOCK_SHADER_SLOTS]; // stockShaders with alpha test private final Shader[] stockATShaders = new Shader[NUM_STOCK_SHADER_SLOTS]; public enum SpecialShaderType { TEXTURE_RGB ("Solid_TextureRGB"), TEXTURE_MASK_RGB ("Mask_TextureRGB"), TEXTURE_YV12 ("Solid_TextureYV12"), TEXTURE_First_LCD ("Solid_TextureFirstPassLCD"), TEXTURE_SECOND_LCD ("Solid_TextureSecondPassLCD"), SUPER ("Mask_TextureSuper"); private String name; private SpecialShaderType(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getName() { return name; } } private final Shader[] specialShaders = new Shader[SpecialShaderType.values().length]; // specialShaders with alpha test private final Shader[] specialATShaders = new Shader[SpecialShaderType.values().length]; private Shader externalShader; private RTTexture lcdBuffer; private final ShaderFactory factory; private State state; protected BaseShaderContext(Screen screen, ShaderFactory factory, int vbQuads) { super(screen, factory, vbQuads); this.factory = factory; init(); } protected void init() { state = null; if (externalShader != null && !externalShader.isValid()) { externalShader.dispose(); externalShader = null; } // the rest of the shaders will be re-validated as they are used } public static class State { private Shader lastShader; private RenderTarget lastRenderTarget; private NGCamera lastCamera; private boolean lastDepthTest; private BaseTransform lastTransform = new Affine3D(); private Rectangle lastClip; private CompositeMode lastComp; private Texture[] lastTextures = new Texture[4]; private boolean isXformValid; private float lastConst1 = Float.NaN; private float lastConst2 = Float.NaN; private float lastConst3 = Float.NaN; private float lastConst4 = Float.NaN; private float lastConst5 = Float.NaN; private float lastConst6 = Float.NaN; private boolean lastState3D = false; } protected void resetLastClip(State state) { state.lastClip = null; } protected abstract State updateRenderTarget(RenderTarget target, NGCamera camera, boolean depthTest); protected abstract void updateTexture(int texUnit, Texture tex); protected abstract void updateShaderTransform(Shader shader, BaseTransform xform); protected abstract void updateWorldTransform(BaseTransform xform); protected abstract void updateClipRect(Rectangle clipRect); protected abstract void updateCompositeMode(CompositeMode mode); private static int getStockShaderIndex(MaskType maskType, Paint paint) { int paintType; int paintOption; if (paint == null) { paintType = 0; paintOption = 0; } else { paintType = paint.getType().ordinal(); if (paint.getType().isGradient()) { paintOption = ((Gradient)paint).getSpreadMethod(); } else { paintOption = 0; } } return (maskType.ordinal() << 4) | (paintType << 2) | (paintOption << 0); } private Shader getPaintShader(boolean alphaTest, MaskType maskType, Paint paint) { int index = getStockShaderIndex(maskType, paint); Shader shaders[] = alphaTest ? stockATShaders : stockShaders; Shader shader = shaders[index]; if (shader != null && !shader.isValid()) { shader.dispose(); shader = null; } if (shader == null) { String shaderName = maskType.getName() + "_" + paint.getType().getName(); if (paint.getType().isGradient() && !maskType.isNewPaintStyle()) { Gradient grad = (Gradient) paint; int spreadMethod = grad.getSpreadMethod(); if (spreadMethod == Gradient.PAD) { shaderName += "_PAD"; } else if (spreadMethod == Gradient.REFLECT) { shaderName += "_REFLECT"; } else if (spreadMethod == Gradient.REPEAT) { shaderName += "_REPEAT"; } } if (alphaTest) { shaderName += "_AlphaTest"; } shader = shaders[index] = factory.createStockShader(shaderName); } return shader; } private void updatePaintShader(BaseShaderGraphics g, Shader shader, MaskType maskType, Paint paint, float bx, float by, float bw, float bh) { Paint.Type paintType = paint.getType(); if (paintType == Paint.Type.COLOR || maskType.isNewPaintStyle()) { return; } float rx, ry, rw, rh; if (paint.isProportional()) { rx = bx; ry = by; rw = bw; rh = bh; } else { rx = 0f; ry = 0f; rw = 1f; rh = 1f; } switch (paintType) { case LINEAR_GRADIENT: PaintHelper.setLinearGradient(g, shader, (LinearGradient)paint, rx, ry, rw, rh); break; case RADIAL_GRADIENT: PaintHelper.setRadialGradient(g, shader, (RadialGradient)paint, rx, ry, rw, rh); break; case IMAGE_PATTERN: PaintHelper.setImagePattern(g, shader, (ImagePattern)paint, rx, ry, rw, rh); default: break; } } private Shader getSpecialShader(BaseGraphics g, SpecialShaderType sst) { // We do alpha test if depth test is enabled boolean alphaTest = g.isAlphaTestShader(); Shader shaders[] = alphaTest ? specialATShaders : specialShaders; Shader shader = shaders[sst.ordinal()]; if (shader != null && !shader.isValid()) { shader.dispose(); shader = null; } if (shader == null) { String shaderName = sst.getName(); if (alphaTest) { shaderName += "_AlphaTest"; } shaders[sst.ordinal()] = shader = factory.createStockShader(shaderName); } return shader; } @Override public boolean isSuperShaderEnabled() { return state.lastShader == specialATShaders[SpecialShaderType.SUPER.ordinal()] || state.lastShader == specialShaders[SpecialShaderType.SUPER.ordinal()]; } private void updatePerVertexColor(Paint paint, float extraAlpha) { if (paint != null && paint.getType() == Paint.Type.COLOR) { getVertexBuffer().setPerVertexColor((Color)paint, extraAlpha); } else { getVertexBuffer().setPerVertexColor(extraAlpha); } } @Override public void validateClearOp(BaseGraphics g) { checkState((BaseShaderGraphics) g, CHECK_CLEAR_OP_MASK, null, null); } @Override public void validatePaintOp(BaseGraphics g, BaseTransform xform, Texture maskTex, float bx, float by, float bw, float bh) { validatePaintOp((BaseShaderGraphics)g, xform, maskTex, bx, by, bw, bh); } Shader validatePaintOp(BaseShaderGraphics g, BaseTransform xform, MaskType maskType, float bx, float by, float bw, float bh) { return validatePaintOp(g, xform, maskType, null, bx, by, bw, bh); } Shader validatePaintOp(BaseShaderGraphics g, BaseTransform xform, MaskType maskType, float bx, float by, float bw, float bh, float k1, float k2, float k3, float k4, float k5, float k6) { // this is not ideal, but will have to do for now (tm). // various paint primitives use shader parameters, and we have to flush // the vertex buffer if those change. Ideally we would do this in // checkState but there is no mechanism to pass this info through. if (state.lastConst1 != k1 || state.lastConst2 != k2 || state.lastConst3 != k3 || state.lastConst4 != k4 || state.lastConst5 != k5 || state.lastConst6 != k6) { flushVertexBuffer(); state.lastConst1 = k1; state.lastConst2 = k2; state.lastConst3 = k3; state.lastConst4 = k4; state.lastConst5 = k5; state.lastConst6 = k6; } return validatePaintOp(g, xform, maskType, null, bx, by, bw, bh); } Shader validatePaintOp(BaseShaderGraphics g, BaseTransform xform, MaskType maskType, Texture maskTex, float bx, float by, float bw, float bh, float k1, float k2, float k3, float k4, float k5, float k6) { // this is not ideal, but will have to do for now (tm). // various paint primitives use shader parameters, and we have to flush // the vertex buffer if those change. Ideally we would do this in // checkState but there is no mechanism to pass this info through. if (state.lastConst1 != k1 || state.lastConst2 != k2 || state.lastConst3 != k3 || state.lastConst4 != k4 || state.lastConst5 != k5 || state.lastConst6 != k6) { flushVertexBuffer(); state.lastConst1 = k1; state.lastConst2 = k2; state.lastConst3 = k3; state.lastConst4 = k4; state.lastConst5 = k5; state.lastConst6 = k6; } return validatePaintOp(g, xform, maskType, maskTex, bx, by, bw, bh); } Shader validatePaintOp(BaseShaderGraphics g, BaseTransform xform, Texture maskTex, float bx, float by, float bw, float bh) { return validatePaintOp(g, xform, MaskType.TEXTURE, maskTex, bx, by, bw, bh); } Shader validatePaintOp(BaseShaderGraphics g, BaseTransform xform, MaskType maskType, Texture maskTex, float bx, float by, float bw, float bh) { if (maskType == null) { throw new InternalError("maskType must be non-null"); } if (externalShader == null) { Paint paint = g.getPaint(); Texture paintTex = null; Texture tex0; Texture tex1; if (paint.getType().isGradient()) { // we need to flush here in case the paint shader is staying // the same but the paint parameters are changing; we do this // unconditionally for now (in theory we could keep track // of the last validated paint, and the shape bounds in the // case of proportional gradients, but the case where the // same paint parameters are used multiple times in a row // is so rare that it's not worth optimizing this any further) flushVertexBuffer(); // we have to fetch the texture containing the gradient // colors in advance since checkState() is responsible for // binding the texture(s) if (maskType.isNewPaintStyle()) { paintTex = PaintHelper.getWrapGradientTexture(g); } else { paintTex = PaintHelper.getGradientTexture(g, (Gradient)paint); } } else if (paint.getType() == Paint.Type.IMAGE_PATTERN) { // We need to flush here. See comment above about paint parameters changing. flushVertexBuffer(); ImagePattern texPaint = (ImagePattern)paint; ResourceFactory rf = g.getResourceFactory(); paintTex = rf.getCachedTexture(texPaint.getImage(), Texture.WrapMode.REPEAT); } Shader shader; if (factory.isSuperShaderAllowed() && paintTex == null && maskTex == factory.getGlyphTexture()) { // Enabling the super shader to be used to render text. // The texture pointed by tex0 is the region cache texture // and it does not affect text rendering shader = getSpecialShader(g, SpecialShaderType.SUPER); tex0 = factory.getRegionTexture(); tex1 = maskTex; } else { // NOTE: We are making assumptions here about which texture // corresponds to which texture unit. In a JSL file the // first sampler mentioned will correspond to texture unit 0, // the second sampler will correspond to texture unit 1, // and so on, and there's currently no way to explicitly // associate a sampler with a texture unit in the JSL file. // So for now we assume that mask-related samplers are // declared before any paint-related samplers in the // composed JSL files. if (maskTex != null) { tex0 = maskTex; tex1 = paintTex; } else { tex0 = paintTex; tex1 = null; } // We do alpha test if depth test is enabled shader = getPaintShader(g.isAlphaTestShader(), maskType, paint); } checkState(g, CHECK_PAINT_OP_MASK, xform, shader); setTexture(0, tex0); setTexture(1, tex1); updatePaintShader(g, shader, maskType, paint, bx, by, bw, bh); updatePerVertexColor(paint, g.getExtraAlpha()); if (paintTex != null) paintTex.unlock(); return shader; } else { // note that paint is assumed to be a simple Color in this case checkState(g, CHECK_PAINT_OP_MASK, xform, externalShader); setTexture(0, maskTex); setTexture(1, null); // Needed? updatePerVertexColor(null, g.getExtraAlpha()); return externalShader; } } @Override public void validateTextureOp(BaseGraphics g, BaseTransform xform, Texture tex0, PixelFormat format) { validateTextureOp((BaseShaderGraphics)g, xform, tex0, null, format); } //This function sets the first LCD sample shader. public Shader validateLCDOp(BaseShaderGraphics g, BaseTransform xform, Texture tex0, Texture tex1, boolean firstPass, Paint fillColor) { Shader shader = firstPass ? getSpecialShader(g, SpecialShaderType.TEXTURE_First_LCD) : getSpecialShader(g, SpecialShaderType.TEXTURE_SECOND_LCD); checkState(g, CHECK_TEXTURE_OP_MASK, xform, shader); setTexture(0, tex0); setTexture(1, tex1); updatePerVertexColor(fillColor, g.getExtraAlpha()); return shader; } Shader validateTextureOp(BaseShaderGraphics g, BaseTransform xform, Texture[] textures, PixelFormat format) { Shader shader; if (format == PixelFormat.MULTI_YCbCr_420) { // must have at least three textures, any more than four are ignored if (textures.length < 3) { return null; } if (externalShader == null) { shader = getSpecialShader(g, SpecialShaderType.TEXTURE_YV12); } else { shader = externalShader; } } else { // add more multitexture shaders here return null; } if (null != shader) { checkState(g, CHECK_TEXTURE_OP_MASK, xform, shader); // clamp to 0..4 textures for now, expand on this later if we need to int texCount = Math.max(0, Math.min(textures.length, 4)); for (int index = 0; index < texCount; index++) { setTexture(index, textures[index]); } updatePerVertexColor(null, g.getExtraAlpha()); } return shader; } Shader validateTextureOp(BaseShaderGraphics g, BaseTransform xform, Texture tex0, Texture tex1, PixelFormat format) { Shader shader; if (externalShader == null) { switch (format) { case INT_ARGB_PRE: case BYTE_BGRA_PRE: case BYTE_RGB: case BYTE_GRAY: case BYTE_APPLE_422: // uses GL_RGBA as internal format if (factory.isSuperShaderAllowed() && tex0 == factory.getRegionTexture() && tex1 == null) { // Enabling the super shader to be used for texture rendering. // The shader was designed to render many Regions (from the Region // texture cache) and text (from the glyph cache texture) without // changing the state in the context. shader = getSpecialShader(g, SpecialShaderType.SUPER); tex1 = factory.getGlyphTexture(); } else { shader = getSpecialShader(g, SpecialShaderType.TEXTURE_RGB); } break; case MULTI_YCbCr_420: // Must use multitexture method case BYTE_ALPHA: default: throw new InternalError("Pixel format not supported: " + format); } } else { shader = externalShader; } checkState(g, CHECK_TEXTURE_OP_MASK, xform, shader); setTexture(0, tex0); setTexture(1, tex1); updatePerVertexColor(null, g.getExtraAlpha()); return shader; } Shader validateMaskTextureOp(BaseShaderGraphics g, BaseTransform xform, Texture tex0, Texture tex1, PixelFormat format) { Shader shader; if (externalShader == null) { switch (format) { case INT_ARGB_PRE: case BYTE_BGRA_PRE: case BYTE_RGB: case BYTE_GRAY: case BYTE_APPLE_422: // uses GL_RGBA as internal format shader = getSpecialShader(g, SpecialShaderType.TEXTURE_MASK_RGB); break; case MULTI_YCbCr_420: // Must use multitexture method case BYTE_ALPHA: default: throw new InternalError("Pixel format not supported: " + format); } } else { shader = externalShader; } checkState(g, CHECK_TEXTURE_OP_MASK, xform, shader); setTexture(0, tex0); setTexture(1, tex1); updatePerVertexColor(null, g.getExtraAlpha()); return shader; } void setExternalShader(BaseShaderGraphics g, Shader shader) { // Note that this method is called when the user calls // ShaderGraphics.setExternalShader(). We flush any pending // operations and synchronously enable the given shader here // because the caller (i.e., decora-prism-ps peer) needs to be // able to call shader.setConstant() after calling setExternalShader(). // (In the ES2 backend, setConstant() bottoms out in glUniform(), // which can only be called when the program is active, i.e., after // shader.enable() is called. Kind of gross, but that's why the // external shader mechanism is setup the way it is currently.) // So here we enable the shader just so that the user can update // shader constants, and we set the externalShader instance variable. // Later in checkState(), we will set the externalShader and // update the current transform state "for real". flushVertexBuffer(); if (shader != null) { shader.enable(); } externalShader = shader; } private void checkState(BaseShaderGraphics g, int checkFlags, BaseTransform xform, Shader shader) { setRenderTarget(g); if ((checkFlags & CHECK_SHADER) != 0) { if (shader != state.lastShader) { flushVertexBuffer(); shader.enable(); state.lastShader = shader; // the transform matrix is part of the state of each shader // (in ES2 at least), so we need to make sure the transform // is updated for the current shader by setting isXformValid=false state.isXformValid = false; checkFlags |= CHECK_TRANSFORM; } } if ((checkFlags & CHECK_TRANSFORM) != 0) { if (!state.isXformValid || !xform.equals(state.lastTransform)) { flushVertexBuffer(); updateShaderTransform(shader, xform); state.lastTransform.setTransform(xform); state.isXformValid = true; } } if ((checkFlags & CHECK_CLIP) != 0) { Rectangle clip = g.getClipRectNoClone(); if (clip != state.lastClip) { flushVertexBuffer(); updateClipRect(clip); state.lastClip = clip; } } if ((checkFlags & CHECK_COMPOSITE) != 0) { CompositeMode mode = g.getCompositeMode(); if (mode != state.lastComp) { flushVertexBuffer(); updateCompositeMode(mode); state.lastComp = mode; } } } private void setTexture(int texUnit, Texture tex) { if (tex != null) tex.assertLocked(); if (tex != state.lastTextures[texUnit]) { flushVertexBuffer(); updateTexture(texUnit, tex); state.lastTextures[texUnit] = tex; } } //Current RenderTarget is the lcdBuffer after this method. public void initLCDBuffer(int width, int height) { lcdBuffer = factory.createRTTexture(width, height, Texture.WrapMode.CLAMP_NOT_NEEDED); // TODO: RT-29488 we need to track the uses of the LCD buffer, // but the flow of control through the text methods is // not straight-forward enough for a simple set of lock/unlock // fixes at this time. lcdBuffer.makePermanent(); } public void disposeLCDBuffer() { if (lcdBuffer != null) { lcdBuffer.dispose(); lcdBuffer = null; } } @Override public RTTexture getLCDBuffer() { return lcdBuffer; } //Current RenderTarget is undefined after this method. public void validateLCDBuffer(RenderTarget renderTarget) { if (lcdBuffer == null || lcdBuffer.getPhysicalWidth() < renderTarget.getPhysicalWidth() || lcdBuffer.getPhysicalHeight() < renderTarget.getPhysicalHeight()) { disposeLCDBuffer(); initLCDBuffer(renderTarget.getPhysicalWidth(), renderTarget.getPhysicalHeight()); } } abstract public void blit(RTTexture srcRTT, RTTexture dstRTT, int srcX0, int srcY0, int srcX1, int srcY1, int dstX0, int dstY0, int dstX1, int dstY1); @Override protected void setRenderTarget(RenderTarget target, NGCamera camera, boolean depthTest, boolean state3D) { if (target instanceof Texture) { ((Texture) target).assertLocked(); } if (state == null || state3D != state.lastState3D || target != state.lastRenderTarget || camera != state.lastCamera || depthTest != state.lastDepthTest) { flushVertexBuffer(); state = updateRenderTarget(target, camera, depthTest); state.lastRenderTarget = target; state.lastCamera = camera; state.lastDepthTest = depthTest; // the projection matrix is set in updateShaderTransform() // because it depends on the dimensions of the destination surface, // so if the RenderTarget is changing we force a call to the // updateShaderTransform() method by setting isXformValid=false state.isXformValid = false; // True if we switch between 2D and 3D primitives if (state3D != state.lastState3D) { state.lastState3D = state3D; state.lastShader = null; state.lastConst1 = Float.NaN; state.lastConst2 = Float.NaN; state.lastConst3 = Float.NaN; state.lastConst4 = Float.NaN; state.lastConst5 = Float.NaN; state.lastConst6 = Float.NaN; state.lastComp = null; state.lastClip = null; for (int i = 0; i != state.lastTextures.length; i++) { state.lastTextures[i] = null; } if (state3D) { // switch to 3D state setDeviceParametersFor3D(); } else { // switch to 2D state setDeviceParametersFor2D(); } } } } @Override protected void releaseRenderTarget() { // Null out hard references that cause memory leak reported in RT-17304 if (state != null) { state.lastRenderTarget = null; for (int i=0; i<state.lastTextures.length; i++) { state.lastTextures[i] = null; } } } }