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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
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package com.sun.prism.impl.ps;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import java.util.List;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.PickRay;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.Point2D;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.Vec3d;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.Affine2D;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.Affine3D;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.AffineBase;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.BaseTransform;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.NoninvertibleTransformException;
import com.sun.javafx.sg.prism.NGCamera;
import com.sun.javafx.sg.prism.NGPerspectiveCamera;
import com.sun.prism.Image;
import com.sun.prism.PixelFormat;
import com.sun.prism.ResourceFactory;
import com.sun.prism.Texture;
import com.sun.prism.Texture.Usage;
import com.sun.prism.Texture.WrapMode;
import com.sun.prism.impl.BufferUtil;
import com.sun.prism.paint.Color;
import com.sun.prism.paint.Gradient;
import com.sun.prism.paint.ImagePattern;
import com.sun.prism.paint.LinearGradient;
import com.sun.prism.paint.RadialGradient;
import com.sun.prism.paint.Stop;
import com.sun.prism.ps.Shader;
import com.sun.prism.ps.ShaderGraphics;

class PaintHelper {

/****************** Shared MultipleGradientPaint support ********************/

The maximum number of gradient "stops" supported by our native fragment shader implementations. This value has been empirically determined and capped to allow our native shaders to run on all shader-level graphics hardware, even on the older, more limited GPUs. Even the oldest Nvidia hardware could handle 16, or even 32 fractions without any problem. But the first-generation boards from ATI would fall back into software mode (which is unusably slow) for values larger than 12; it appears that those boards do not have enough native registers to support the number of array accesses required by our gradient shaders. So for now we will cap this value at 12, but we can re-evaluate this in the future as hardware becomes more capable.
/** * The maximum number of gradient "stops" supported by our native * fragment shader implementations. * * This value has been empirically determined and capped to allow * our native shaders to run on all shader-level graphics hardware, * even on the older, more limited GPUs. Even the oldest Nvidia * hardware could handle 16, or even 32 fractions without any problem. * But the first-generation boards from ATI would fall back into * software mode (which is unusably slow) for values larger than 12; * it appears that those boards do not have enough native registers * to support the number of array accesses required by our gradient * shaders. So for now we will cap this value at 12, but we can * re-evaluate this in the future as hardware becomes more capable. */
static final int MULTI_MAX_FRACTIONS = 12;
Make the texture width a power of two value larger than MULTI_MAX_FRACTIONS.
/** * Make the texture width a power of two value larger * than MULTI_MAX_FRACTIONS. */
private static final int MULTI_TEXTURE_SIZE = 16; private static final int MULTI_CACHE_SIZE = 256; private static final int GTEX_CLR_TABLE_SIZE = 101; // for every % from 0% to 100% private static final int GTEX_CLR_TABLE_MIRRORED_SIZE = GTEX_CLR_TABLE_SIZE * 2 - 1; private static final float FULL_TEXEL_Y = 1.0f / MULTI_CACHE_SIZE; private static final float HALF_TEXEL_Y = FULL_TEXEL_Y / 2.0f; private static final FloatBuffer stopVals = BufferUtil.newFloatBuffer(MULTI_MAX_FRACTIONS * 4); private static final ByteBuffer bgraColors = BufferUtil.newByteBuffer(MULTI_TEXTURE_SIZE*4); private static final Image colorsImg = Image.fromByteBgraPreData(bgraColors, MULTI_TEXTURE_SIZE, 1); private static final int[] previousColors = new int[MULTI_TEXTURE_SIZE]; private static final byte gtexColors[] = new byte[GTEX_CLR_TABLE_MIRRORED_SIZE * 4]; private static final Image gtexImg = Image.fromByteBgraPreData(ByteBuffer.wrap(gtexColors), GTEX_CLR_TABLE_MIRRORED_SIZE, 1); private static long cacheOffset = -1; private static Texture gradientCacheTexture = null; private static Texture gtexCacheTexture = null; private static final Affine2D scratchXform2D = new Affine2D(); private static final Affine3D scratchXform3D = new Affine3D(); private static float len(float dx, float dy) { return ((dx == 0f) ? Math.abs(dy) : ((dy == 0f) ? Math.abs(dx) : (float)Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy))); } static void initGradientTextures(ShaderGraphics g) { gradientCacheTexture = g.getResourceFactory().createTexture( PixelFormat.BYTE_BGRA_PRE, Usage.DEFAULT, WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_EDGE, MULTI_TEXTURE_SIZE, MULTI_CACHE_SIZE); gradientCacheTexture.setLinearFiltering(true); // gradientCacheTexture remains permanently locked, useful, and permanent // an additional lock is added when a caller calls getGreientTeture for // them to unlock gradientCacheTexture.contentsUseful(); gradientCacheTexture.makePermanent(); gtexCacheTexture = g.getResourceFactory().createTexture( PixelFormat.BYTE_BGRA_PRE, Usage.DEFAULT, WrapMode.CLAMP_NOT_NEEDED, GTEX_CLR_TABLE_MIRRORED_SIZE, MULTI_CACHE_SIZE); gtexCacheTexture.setLinearFiltering(true); // gtexCacheTexture remains permanently locked, useful, and permanent // an additional lock is added when a caller calls getWrapGreientTeture for // them to unlock gtexCacheTexture.contentsUseful(); gtexCacheTexture.makePermanent(); } static Texture getGradientTexture(ShaderGraphics g, Gradient paint) { if (gradientCacheTexture == null) { initGradientTextures(g); } // gradientCacheTexture is left permanent and locked so it never // goes away or needs to be checked for isSurfaceLost(), but we // add a lock here so that the caller can unlock without knowing // our inner implementation details gradientCacheTexture.lock(); return gradientCacheTexture; } static Texture getWrapGradientTexture(ShaderGraphics g) { if (gtexCacheTexture == null) { initGradientTextures(g); } // gtexCacheTexture is left permanent and locked so it never // goes away or needs to be checked for isSurfaceLost(), but we // add a lock here so that the caller can unlock without knowing // our inner implementation details gtexCacheTexture.lock(); return gtexCacheTexture; } private static void stopsToImage(List<Stop> stops, int numStops) { if (numStops > MULTI_MAX_FRACTIONS) { throw new RuntimeException( "Maximum number of gradient stops exceeded " + "(paint uses " + numStops + " stops, but max is " + MULTI_MAX_FRACTIONS + ")"); } bgraColors.clear(); Color lastColor = null; for (int i = 0; i < MULTI_TEXTURE_SIZE; i++) { Color c; if (i < numStops) { c = stops.get(i).getColor(); lastColor = c; } else { // repeat the last color for the remaining slots so that // we can simply reference the last pixel of the texture when // dealing with edge conditions c = lastColor; } c.putBgraPreBytes(bgraColors); // optimization: keep track of colors used each time so that // we can skip updating the texture if the colors are same as // the last time int argb = c.getIntArgbPre(); if (argb != previousColors[i]) { previousColors[i] = argb; } } bgraColors.rewind(); } private static void insertInterpColor(byte colors[], int index, Color c0, Color c1, float t) { t *= 255.0f; float u = 255.0f - t; index *= 4; colors[index + 0] = (byte) (c0.getBluePremult() * u + c1.getBluePremult() * t + 0.5f); colors[index + 1] = (byte) (c0.getGreenPremult() * u + c1.getGreenPremult() * t + 0.5f); colors[index + 2] = (byte) (c0.getRedPremult() * u + c1.getRedPremult() * t + 0.5f); colors[index + 3] = (byte) (c0.getAlpha() * u + c1.getAlpha() * t + 0.5f); } private static Color PINK = new Color(1.0f, 0.078431375f, 0.5764706f, 1.0f); private static void stopsToGtexImage(List<Stop> stops, int numStops) { Color lastColor = stops.get(0).getColor(); float offset = stops.get(0).getOffset(); int lastIndex = (int) (offset * (GTEX_CLR_TABLE_SIZE - 1) + 0.5f); insertInterpColor(gtexColors, 0, lastColor, lastColor, 0.0f); for (int i = 1; i < numStops; i++) { Color color = stops.get(i).getColor(); offset = stops.get(i).getOffset(); int index = (int) (offset * (GTEX_CLR_TABLE_SIZE - 1) + 0.5f); if (index == lastIndex) { insertInterpColor(gtexColors, index, lastColor, color, 0.5f); } else { for (int j = lastIndex+1; j <= index; j++) { float t = j - lastIndex; t /= (index - lastIndex); insertInterpColor(gtexColors, j, lastColor, color, t); } } lastIndex = index; lastColor = color; } // assert (lastIndex = GTEX_CLR_TABLE_SIZE); // now mirror the list for fast REFLECT calculations // mirroring is around index = (GTEX_CLR_TABLE_SIZE-1) which is // where the last color for fract=1.0 should have been stored for (int i = 1; i < GTEX_CLR_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { int j = (GTEX_CLR_TABLE_SIZE - 1 + i) * 4; int k = (GTEX_CLR_TABLE_SIZE - 1 - i) * 4; gtexColors[j + 0] = gtexColors[k + 0]; gtexColors[j + 1] = gtexColors[k + 1]; gtexColors[j + 2] = gtexColors[k + 2]; gtexColors[j + 3] = gtexColors[k + 3]; } } // Uses a least recently allocated algorithm for caching Gradient colors. // This could be optimized so that we never use the same color twice. // We always increment the cacheOffset (long) and keep the gradients stored // the cache in the range [cacheOffset - cacheSize + 1, cacheOffset].. public static int initGradient(Gradient paint) { long offset = paint.getGradientOffset(); if (offset >= 0 && (offset > cacheOffset - MULTI_CACHE_SIZE)) { return (int) (offset % MULTI_CACHE_SIZE); } else { List<Stop> stops = paint.getStops(); int numStops = paint.getNumStops(); stopsToImage(stops,numStops); stopsToGtexImage(stops, numStops); long nextOffset = ++cacheOffset; paint.setGradientOffset(nextOffset); int cacheIdx = (int)(nextOffset % MULTI_CACHE_SIZE); // both gradientCacheTexture and gtexCacheTexture should be // left permanent and locked so we can always call update on // either or both of them here. gradientCacheTexture.update(colorsImg, 0, cacheIdx); gtexCacheTexture.update(gtexImg, 0, cacheIdx); return cacheIdx; } } private static void setMultiGradient(Shader shader, Gradient paint) { List<Stop> stops = paint.getStops(); int numStops = paint.getNumStops(); stopVals.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < MULTI_MAX_FRACTIONS; i++) { // TODO: optimize this... (RT-27377) stopVals.put((i < numStops) ? stops.get(i).getOffset() : 0f); stopVals.put((i < numStops-1) ? 1f / (stops.get(i+1).getOffset() - stops.get(i).getOffset()) : 0f); stopVals.put(0f); // unused stopVals.put(0f); // unused } stopVals.rewind(); shader.setConstants("fractions", stopVals, 0, MULTI_MAX_FRACTIONS); float index_y = initGradient(paint); shader.setConstant("offset", index_y / (float)MULTI_CACHE_SIZE + HALF_TEXEL_Y); // Note that the colors image/texture has already been updated // in BaseShaderContext.validatePaintOp()... } private static void setTextureGradient(Shader shader, Gradient paint) { float cy = initGradient(paint) + 0.5f; float cx = 0.5f; float fractmul = 0.0f, clampmul = 0.0f; switch (paint.getSpreadMethod()) { case Gradient.PAD: // distance from 0.5 texels to TABLE_SIZE - 0.5 texels clampmul = GTEX_CLR_TABLE_SIZE - 1.0f; break; case Gradient.REPEAT: // distance from 0.5 texels to TABLE_SIZE - 0.5 texels fractmul = GTEX_CLR_TABLE_SIZE - 1.0f; break; case Gradient.REFLECT: // distance from 0.5 texels to MIRROR_TABLE_SIZE - 0.5 texels fractmul = GTEX_CLR_TABLE_MIRRORED_SIZE - 1.0f; break; } float xscale = 1.0f / gtexCacheTexture.getPhysicalWidth(); float yscale = 1.0f / gtexCacheTexture.getPhysicalHeight(); cx *= xscale; cy *= yscale; fractmul *= xscale; clampmul *= xscale; shader.setConstant("content", cx, cy, fractmul, clampmul); // Note that the colors image/texture has already been updated // in BaseShaderContext.validatePaintOp()... } /********************** LinearGradientPaint support *************************/
This method uses techniques that are nearly identical to those employed in setGradientPaint() above. The primary difference is that at the native level we use a fragment shader to manually apply the plane equation constants to the current fragment position to calculate the gradient position in the range [0,1] (the native code for GradientPaint does the same, except that it uses OpenGL's automatic texture coordinate generation facilities). We Also, project in the 3D case to create a perspective vector which is used in the fragment shader. One other minor difference worth mentioning is that setGradientPaint() calculates the plane equation constants such that the gradient end points are positioned at 0.25 and 0.75 (for reasons discussed in the comments for that method). In contrast, for LinearGradientPaint we setup the equation constants such that the gradient end points fall at 0.0 and 1.0. The reason for this difference is that in the fragment shader we have more control over how the gradient values are interpreted (depending on the paint's CycleMethod).
/** * This method uses techniques that are nearly identical to those * employed in setGradientPaint() above. The primary difference * is that at the native level we use a fragment shader to manually * apply the plane equation constants to the current fragment position * to calculate the gradient position in the range [0,1] (the native * code for GradientPaint does the same, except that it uses OpenGL's * automatic texture coordinate generation facilities). We Also, project * in the 3D case to create a perspective vector which is used in the * fragment shader. * * One other minor difference worth mentioning is that * setGradientPaint() calculates the plane equation constants * such that the gradient end points are positioned at 0.25 and 0.75 * (for reasons discussed in the comments for that method). In * contrast, for LinearGradientPaint we setup the equation constants * such that the gradient end points fall at 0.0 and 1.0. The * reason for this difference is that in the fragment shader we * have more control over how the gradient values are interpreted * (depending on the paint's CycleMethod). */
static void setLinearGradient(ShaderGraphics g, Shader shader, LinearGradient paint, float rx, float ry, float rw, float rh) { BaseTransform paintXform = paint.getGradientTransformNoClone(); Affine3D at = scratchXform3D; g.getPaintShaderTransform(at); if (paintXform != null) { at.concatenate(paintXform); } float x1 = rx + (paint.getX1() * rw); float y1 = ry + (paint.getY1() * rh); float x2 = rx + (paint.getX2() * rw); float y2 = ry + (paint.getY2() * rh); // calculate plane equation constants float x = x1; float y = y1; at.translate(x, y); // now gradient point 1 is at the origin x = x2 - x; y = y2 - y; double len = len(x, y); at.rotate(Math.atan2(y, x)); // now gradient point 2 is on the positive x-axis at.scale(len, 1); // now gradient point 1 is at (0.0, 0), point 2 is at (1.0, 0) double p0, p1, p2; if (!at.is2D()) { BaseTransform inv; try { inv = at.createInverse(); } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) { at.setToScale(0, 0, 0); inv = at; } NGCamera cam = g.getCameraNoClone(); Vec3d tmpVec = new Vec3d(); PickRay tmpvec = new PickRay(); PickRay ray00 = project(0,0,cam,inv,tmpvec,tmpVec,null); PickRay ray10 = project(1,0,cam,inv,tmpvec,tmpVec,null); PickRay ray01 = project(0,1,cam,inv,tmpvec,tmpVec,null); p0 = ray10.getDirectionNoClone().x - ray00.getDirectionNoClone().x; p1 = ray01.getDirectionNoClone().x - ray00.getDirectionNoClone().x; p2 = ray00.getDirectionNoClone().x; p0 *= -ray00.getOriginNoClone().z; p1 *= -ray00.getOriginNoClone().z; p2 *= -ray00.getOriginNoClone().z; double wv0 = ray10.getDirectionNoClone().z - ray00.getDirectionNoClone().z; double wv1 = ray01.getDirectionNoClone().z - ray00.getDirectionNoClone().z; double wv2 = ray00.getDirectionNoClone().z; shader.setConstant("gradParams", (float)p0, (float)p1, (float)p2, (float)ray00.getOriginNoClone().x); shader.setConstant("perspVec", (float)wv0, (float)wv1, (float)wv2); } else { try { at.invert(); } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException ex) { at.setToScale(0, 0, 0); } p0 = (float)at.getMxx(); p1 = (float)at.getMxy(); p2 = (float)at.getMxt(); shader.setConstant("gradParams", (float)p0, (float)p1, (float)p2, 0.0f); shader.setConstant("perspVec", 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } setMultiGradient(shader, paint); } static AffineBase getLinearGradientTx(LinearGradient paint, Shader shader, BaseTransform renderTx, float rx, float ry, float rw, float rh) { AffineBase ret; float x1 = paint.getX1(); float y1 = paint.getY1(); float x2 = paint.getX2(); float y2 = paint.getY2(); if (paint.isProportional()) { x1 = rx + x1 * rw; y1 = ry + y1 * rh; x2 = rx + x2 * rw; y2 = ry + y2 * rh; } float dx = x2 - x1; float dy = y2 - y1; float len = len(dx, dy); if (paint.getSpreadMethod() == Gradient.REFLECT) { len *= 2.0f; } BaseTransform paintXform = paint.getGradientTransformNoClone(); if (paintXform.isIdentity() && renderTx.isIdentity()) { Affine2D at = scratchXform2D; // calculate plane equation constants at.setToTranslation(x1, y1); // now gradient point 1 is at the origin at.rotate(dx, dy); // now gradient point 2 is on the positive x-axis at.scale(len, 1); // now 0,0 maps to gradient point 1 and 1,0 maps to point 2 ret = at; } else { Affine3D at = scratchXform3D; at.setTransform(renderTx); at.concatenate(paintXform); // calculate plane equation constants at.translate(x1, y1); // now gradient point 1 is at the origin at.rotate(Math.atan2(dy, dx)); // now gradient point 2 is on the positive x-axis at.scale(len, 1); // now 0,0 maps to gradient point 1 and 1,0 maps to point 2 ret = at; } try { ret.invert(); } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) { scratchXform2D.setToScale(0, 0); ret = scratchXform2D; } setTextureGradient(shader, paint); return ret; } /********************** RadialGradientPaint support *************************/
This method calculates six m** values and a focus adjustment value that are used by the native fragment shader. (See LinearGradient Comment for the 3D case.) These techniques are based on a whitepaper by Daniel Rice on radial gradient performance (attached to the bug report for 6521533). One can refer to that document for the complete set of formulas and calculations, but the basic goal is to compose a transform that will convert an (x,y) position in device space into a "u" value that represents the relative distance to the gradient focus point. The resulting value can be used to look up the appropriate color by linearly interpolating between the two nearest colors in the gradient.
/** * This method calculates six m** values and a focus adjustment value that * are used by the native fragment shader. (See LinearGradient Comment for * the 3D case.) These techniques are based on a whitepaper by Daniel Rice * on radial gradient performance (attached to the bug report for 6521533). * One can refer to that document for the complete set of formulas and * calculations, but the basic goal is to compose a transform that will * convert an (x,y) position in device space into a "u" value that represents * the relative distance to the gradient focus point. The resulting * value can be used to look up the appropriate color by linearly * interpolating between the two nearest colors in the gradient. */
static void setRadialGradient(ShaderGraphics g, Shader shader, RadialGradient paint, float rx, float ry, float rw, float rh) { Affine3D at = scratchXform3D; g.getPaintShaderTransform(at); // save original (untransformed) center and focus points and // adjust to account for proportional attribute if necessary float radius = paint.getRadius(); float cx = paint.getCenterX(); float cy = paint.getCenterY(); float fa = paint.getFocusAngle(); float fd = paint.getFocusDistance(); if (fd < 0) { fd = -fd; fa = fa+180; } fa = (float) Math.toRadians(fa); if (paint.isProportional()) { float bcx = rx + (rw / 2f); float bcy = ry + (rh / 2f); float scale = Math.min(rw, rh); cx = (cx - 0.5f) * scale + bcx; cy = (cy - 0.5f) * scale + bcy; if (rw != rh && rw != 0f && rh != 0f) { at.translate(bcx, bcy); at.scale(rw / scale, rh / scale); at.translate(-bcx, -bcy); } radius = radius * scale; } // transform from gradient coords to device coords BaseTransform paintXform = paint.getGradientTransformNoClone(); if (paintXform != null) { at.concatenate(paintXform); } // transform unit circle to gradient coords; we start with the // unit circle (center=(0,0), focus on positive x-axis, radius=1) // and then transform into gradient space at.translate(cx, cy); at.rotate(fa); at.scale(radius, radius); // invert to get mapping from device coords to unit circle try { at.invert(); } catch (Exception e) { at.setToScale(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } if (!at.is2D()) { NGCamera cam = g.getCameraNoClone(); Vec3d tmpVec = new Vec3d(); PickRay tmpvec = new PickRay(); PickRay ray00 = project(0, 0, cam, at, tmpvec, tmpVec, null); PickRay ray10 = project(1, 0, cam, at, tmpvec, tmpVec, null); PickRay ray01 = project(0, 1, cam, at, tmpvec, tmpVec, null); double p0 = ray10.getDirectionNoClone().x - ray00.getDirectionNoClone().x; double p1 = ray01.getDirectionNoClone().x - ray00.getDirectionNoClone().x; double p2 = ray00.getDirectionNoClone().x; double py0 = ray10.getDirectionNoClone().y - ray00.getDirectionNoClone().y; double py1 = ray01.getDirectionNoClone().y - ray00.getDirectionNoClone().y; double py2 = ray00.getDirectionNoClone().y; p0 *= -ray00.getOriginNoClone().z; p1 *= -ray00.getOriginNoClone().z; p2 *= -ray00.getOriginNoClone().z; py0 *= -ray00.getOriginNoClone().z; py1 *= -ray00.getOriginNoClone().z; py2 *= -ray00.getOriginNoClone().z; double wv0 = ray10.getDirectionNoClone().z - ray00.getDirectionNoClone().z; double wv1 = ray01.getDirectionNoClone().z - ray00.getDirectionNoClone().z; double wv2 = ray00.getDirectionNoClone().z; shader.setConstant("perspVec", (float) wv0, (float) wv1, (float) wv2); shader.setConstant("m0", (float) p0, (float) p1, (float) p2, (float) ray00.getOriginNoClone().x); shader.setConstant("m1", (float) py0, (float) py1, (float) py2, (float) ray00.getOriginNoClone().y); } else { float m00 = (float) at.getMxx(); float m01 = (float) at.getMxy(); float m02 = (float) at.getMxt(); shader.setConstant("m0", m00, m01, m02, 0.0f); float m10 = (float) at.getMyx(); float m11 = (float) at.getMyy(); float m12 = (float) at.getMyt(); shader.setConstant("m1", m10, m11, m12, 0.0f); shader.setConstant("perspVec", 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } // clamp the focus point so that it does not rest on, or outside // of, the circumference of the gradient circle fd = (float) Math.min(fd, 0.99f); // pack a few unrelated, precalculated values into a single float4 float denom = 1.0f - (fd * fd); float inv_denom = 1.0f / denom; shader.setConstant("precalc", fd, denom, inv_denom); setMultiGradient(shader, paint); } static AffineBase getRadialGradientTx(RadialGradient paint, Shader shader, BaseTransform renderTx, float rx, float ry, float rw, float rh) { Affine3D at = scratchXform3D; at.setTransform(renderTx); // save original (untransformed) center and focus points and // adjust to account for proportional attribute if necessary float radius = paint.getRadius(); float cx = paint.getCenterX(); float cy = paint.getCenterY(); float fa = paint.getFocusAngle(); float fd = paint.getFocusDistance(); if (fd < 0) { fd = -fd; fa = fa+180; } fa = (float) Math.toRadians(fa); if (paint.isProportional()) { float bcx = rx + (rw / 2f); float bcy = ry + (rh / 2f); float scale = Math.min(rw, rh); cx = (cx - 0.5f) * scale + bcx; cy = (cy - 0.5f) * scale + bcy; if (rw != rh && rw != 0f && rh != 0f) { at.translate(bcx, bcy); at.scale(rw / scale, rh / scale); at.translate(-bcx, -bcy); } radius = radius * scale; } if (paint.getSpreadMethod() == Gradient.REFLECT) { radius *= 2.0f; } // transform from gradient coords to device coords BaseTransform paintXform = paint.getGradientTransformNoClone(); if (paintXform != null) { at.concatenate(paintXform); } // transform unit circle to gradient coords; we start with the // unit circle (center=(0,0), focus on positive x-axis, radius=1) // and then transform into gradient space at.translate(cx, cy); at.rotate(fa); at.scale(radius, radius); // invert to get mapping from device coords to unit circle try { at.invert(); } catch (Exception e) { at.setToScale(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } // clamp the focus point so that it does not rest on, or outside // of, the circumference of the gradient circle fd = (float) Math.min(fd, 0.99f); // pack a few unrelated, precalculated values into a single float4 float denom = 1.0f - (fd * fd); float inv_denom = 1.0f / denom; shader.setConstant("precalc", fd, denom, inv_denom); setTextureGradient(shader, paint); return at; } /************************** ImagePattern support ****************************/
We use the plane equation to automatically map the ImagePattern image to the geometry being rendered. The shader uses two separate plane equations that take the (x,y) location (in device space) of the fragment being rendered to calculate (u,v) texture coordinates for that fragment: u = Ax + By + Cz + Dw v = Ex + Fy + Gz + Hw For the 3D case we calculate a perspective vector by projecting rays at various points, can finding the deltas. So we need to calculate appropriate values for the plane equation constants (A,B,D) and (E,F,H) such that {u,v}=0 for the top-left of the ImagePattern's anchor rectangle and {u,v}=1 for the bottom-right of the anchor rectangle. We can easily make the texture image repeat for {u,v} values outside the range [0,1] by using the fract() instruction within the shader. Calculating the plane equation constants is surprisingly simple. We can think of it as an inverse matrix operation that takes device space coordinates and transforms them into user space coordinates that correspond to a location relative to the anchor rectangle. First, we translate and scale the current user space transform by applying the anchor rectangle bounds. We then take the inverse of this affine transform. The rows of the resulting inverse matrix correlate nicely to the plane equation constants we were seeking.
/** * We use the plane equation to automatically * map the ImagePattern image to the geometry being rendered. The * shader uses two separate plane equations that take the (x,y) * location (in device space) of the fragment being rendered to * calculate (u,v) texture coordinates for that fragment: * u = Ax + By + Cz + Dw * v = Ex + Fy + Gz + Hw * * For the 3D case we calculate a perspective vector by projecting rays * at various points, can finding the deltas. So we need to calculate appropriate * values for the plane equation constants (A,B,D) and (E,F,H) such * that {u,v}=0 for the top-left of the ImagePattern's anchor * rectangle and {u,v}=1 for the bottom-right of the anchor rectangle. * We can easily make the texture image repeat for {u,v} values * outside the range [0,1] by using the fract() instruction within * the shader. * * Calculating the plane equation constants is surprisingly simple. * We can think of it as an inverse matrix operation that takes * device space coordinates and transforms them into user space * coordinates that correspond to a location relative to the anchor * rectangle. First, we translate and scale the current user space * transform by applying the anchor rectangle bounds. We then take * the inverse of this affine transform. The rows of the resulting * inverse matrix correlate nicely to the plane equation constants * we were seeking. */
static void setImagePattern(ShaderGraphics g, Shader shader, ImagePattern paint, float rx, float ry, float rw, float rh) { float x1 = rx + (paint.getX() * rw); float y1 = ry + (paint.getY() * rh); float x2 = x1 + (paint.getWidth() * rw); float y2 = y1 + (paint.getHeight() * rh); ResourceFactory rf = g.getResourceFactory(); Image img = paint.getImage(); Texture paintTex = rf.getCachedTexture(img, Texture.WrapMode.REPEAT); float cx = paintTex.getContentX(); float cy = paintTex.getContentY(); float cw = paintTex.getContentWidth(); float ch = paintTex.getContentHeight(); float texw = paintTex.getPhysicalWidth(); float texh = paintTex.getPhysicalHeight(); paintTex.unlock(); // calculate plane equation constants Affine3D at = scratchXform3D; g.getPaintShaderTransform(at); at.translate(x1, y1); at.scale(x2 - x1, y2 - y1); // Adjustment for case when WrapMode.REPEAT is simulated if (cw < texw) { at.translate(0.5/cw, 0.0); cx += 0.5f; } if (ch < texh) { at.translate(0.0, 0.5/ch); cy += 0.5f; } try { at.invert(); } catch (Exception e) { at.setToScale(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } if (!at.is2D()) { NGCamera cam = g.getCameraNoClone(); Vec3d tmpVec = new Vec3d(); PickRay tmpvec = new PickRay(); PickRay ray00 = project(0,0,cam,at,tmpvec,tmpVec,null); PickRay ray10 = project(1,0,cam,at,tmpvec,tmpVec,null); PickRay ray01 = project(0,1,cam,at,tmpvec,tmpVec,null); double p0 = ray10.getDirectionNoClone().x - ray00.getDirectionNoClone().x; double p1 = ray01.getDirectionNoClone().x - ray00.getDirectionNoClone().x; double p2 = ray00.getDirectionNoClone().x; double py0 = ray10.getDirectionNoClone().y - ray00.getDirectionNoClone().y; double py1 = ray01.getDirectionNoClone().y - ray00.getDirectionNoClone().y; double py2 = ray00.getDirectionNoClone().y; p0 *= -ray00.getOriginNoClone().z; p1 *= -ray00.getOriginNoClone().z; p2 *= -ray00.getOriginNoClone().z; py0 *= -ray00.getOriginNoClone().z; py1 *= -ray00.getOriginNoClone().z; py2 *= -ray00.getOriginNoClone().z; double wv0 = ray10.getDirectionNoClone().z - ray00.getDirectionNoClone().z; double wv1 = ray01.getDirectionNoClone().z - ray00.getDirectionNoClone().z; double wv2 = ray00.getDirectionNoClone().z; shader.setConstant("perspVec", (float)wv0, (float)wv1, (float)wv2); shader.setConstant("xParams", (float)p0, (float)p1, (float)p2, (float)ray00.getOriginNoClone().x); shader.setConstant("yParams", (float)py0, (float)py1, (float)py2, (float)ray00.getOriginNoClone().y); } else { float m00 = (float)at.getMxx(); float m01 = (float)at.getMxy(); float m02 = (float)at.getMxt(); shader.setConstant("xParams", m00, m01, m02, 0.0f); float m10 = (float)at.getMyx(); float m11 = (float)at.getMyy(); float m12 = (float)at.getMyt(); shader.setConstant("yParams", m10, m11, m12, 0.0f); shader.setConstant("perspVec", 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } cx /= texw; cy /= texh; cw /= texw; ch /= texh; shader.setConstant("content", cx, cy, cw, ch); } static AffineBase getImagePatternTx(ShaderGraphics g, ImagePattern paint, Shader shader, BaseTransform renderTx, float rx, float ry, float rw, float rh) { float px = paint.getX(); float py = paint.getY(); float pw = paint.getWidth(); float ph = paint.getHeight(); if (paint.isProportional()) { px = rx + px * rw; py = ry + py * rh; pw = pw * rw; ph = ph * rh; } ResourceFactory rf = g.getResourceFactory(); Image img = paint.getImage(); Texture paintTex = rf.getCachedTexture(img, Texture.WrapMode.REPEAT); float cx = paintTex.getContentX(); float cy = paintTex.getContentY(); float cw = paintTex.getContentWidth(); float ch = paintTex.getContentHeight(); float texw = paintTex.getPhysicalWidth(); float texh = paintTex.getPhysicalHeight(); paintTex.unlock(); // calculate plane equation constants AffineBase ret; if (renderTx.isIdentity()) { Affine2D at = scratchXform2D; at.setToTranslation(px, py); at.scale(pw, ph); ret = at; } else { Affine3D at = scratchXform3D; at.setTransform(renderTx); at.translate(px, py); at.scale(pw, ph); ret = at; } // Adjustment for case when WrapMode.REPEAT is simulated if (cw < texw) { ret.translate(0.5/cw, 0.0); cx += 0.5f; } if (ch < texh) { ret.translate(0.0, 0.5/ch); cy += 0.5f; } try { ret.invert(); } catch (Exception e) { ret = scratchXform2D; scratchXform2D.setToScale(0.0, 0.0); } cx /= texw; cy /= texh; cw /= texw; ch /= texh; shader.setConstant("content", cx, cy, cw, ch); return ret; } static PickRay project(float x, float y, NGCamera cam, BaseTransform inv, PickRay tmpray, Vec3d tmpvec, Point2D ret) { tmpray = cam.computePickRay(x, y, tmpray); return tmpray.project(inv, cam instanceof NGPerspectiveCamera, tmpvec, ret); } }