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package com.sun.glass.ui.monocle;

import com.sun.glass.ui.Size;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.Buffer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.nio.ShortBuffer;

Cursor using a framebuffer overlay on Freescale i.MX6.
/** Cursor using a framebuffer overlay on Freescale i.MX6. */
class MX6Cursor extends NativeCursor { private int hotspotX; private int hotspotY; private int offsetX; private int offsetY; private int cursorX; private int cursorY; private static final int SHORT_KEY = 0xABAB; private static final int CURSOR_WIDTH = 16; private static final int CURSOR_HEIGHT = 16; private Buffer cursorBuffer; private Buffer offsetCursorBuffer; private ByteBuffer offsetCursorByteBuffer; private int screenWidth; private int screenHeight; private LinuxSystem system; private MXCFBPos pos = new MXCFBPos(); private MXCFBGblAlpha alpha = new MXCFBGblAlpha(); private long fd = -1; private static class MXCFBColorKey extends C.Structure { private final IntBuffer data; MXCFBColorKey() { b.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); data = b.asIntBuffer(); } @Override int sizeof() { return 8; } void setEnable(int enable) { data.put(0, enable); } void setColorKey(int key) { data.put(1, key); } } private static class MXCFBGblAlpha extends C.Structure { private final IntBuffer data; MXCFBGblAlpha() { b.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); data = b.asIntBuffer(); } @Override int sizeof() { return 8; } void setEnable(int enable) { data.put(0, enable); } void setAlpha(int alpha) { data.put(1, alpha); } } private static class MXCFBPos extends C.Structure { private final ShortBuffer data; MXCFBPos() { b.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); data = b.asShortBuffer(); } @Override int sizeof() { return 4; } void set(int x, int y) { data.put(0, (short) x); data.put(1, (short) y); } } MX6Cursor() { try { SysFS.write("/sys/class/graphics/fb1/blank", "0"); system = LinuxSystem.getLinuxSystem(); LinuxSystem.FbVarScreenInfo screen = new LinuxSystem.FbVarScreenInfo(); fd = system.open("/dev/fb1", LinuxSystem.O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) { throw new IOException(system.getErrorMessage()); } system.ioctl(fd, LinuxSystem.FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, screen.p); screen.setRes(screen.p, CURSOR_WIDTH, CURSOR_HEIGHT); screen.setVirtualRes(screen.p, CURSOR_WIDTH, CURSOR_HEIGHT); screen.setOffset(screen.p, 0, 0); screen.setActivate(screen.p, 0); // set up cursor as 16-bit screen.setBitsPerPixel(screen.p, 16); screen.setRed(screen.p, 5, 11); screen.setGreen(screen.p, 6, 5); screen.setBlue(screen.p, 5, 0); screen.setTransp(screen.p, 0, 0); system.ioctl(fd, LinuxSystem.FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, screen.p); system.ioctl(fd, LinuxSystem.FBIOBLANK, LinuxSystem.FB_BLANK_UNBLANK); MXCFBColorKey key = new MXCFBColorKey(); key.setEnable(1); key.setColorKey(((SHORT_KEY & 0xf800)<<8) | ((SHORT_KEY & 0xe000)<<3) | ((SHORT_KEY & 0x07e0)<<5) | ((SHORT_KEY & 0x0600)>>1) | ((SHORT_KEY & 0x001f)<<3) | ((SHORT_KEY & 0x001c)>>2)); int MXCFB_SET_CLR_KEY = system.IOW('F', 0x22, key.sizeof()); if (system.ioctl(fd, MXCFB_SET_CLR_KEY, key.p) < 0) { throw new IOException(system.strerror(system.errno())); } } catch (IOException e) { if (fd != -1) { LinuxSystem.getLinuxSystem().close(fd); fd = -1; } e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Failed to initialize i.MX6 cursor"); } NativeScreen screen = NativePlatformFactory.getNativePlatform().getScreen(); screenWidth = screen.getWidth(); screenHeight = screen.getHeight(); } @Override Size getBestSize() { return new Size(CURSOR_WIDTH, CURSOR_HEIGHT); } @Override void setVisibility(boolean visibility) { alpha.setEnable(1); alpha.setAlpha(visibility ? 255 : 0); int MXCFB_SET_GBL_ALPHA = system.IOW('F', 0x21, alpha.sizeof()); system.ioctl(fd, MXCFB_SET_GBL_ALPHA, alpha.p); isVisible = visibility; updateImage(true); } private void updateImage(boolean always) { if (isVisible && cursorBuffer != null) { //skip until cursor is fully initialized int newOffsetX, newOffsetY; newOffsetX = Math.max(0, CURSOR_WIDTH + cursorX - screenWidth); newOffsetY = Math.max(0, CURSOR_HEIGHT + cursorY - screenHeight); if (newOffsetX != offsetX || newOffsetY != offsetY || always) { NativeCursors.offsetCursor(cursorBuffer, offsetCursorBuffer, newOffsetX, newOffsetY, CURSOR_WIDTH, CURSOR_HEIGHT, 16, SHORT_KEY); offsetX = newOffsetX; offsetY = newOffsetY; system.lseek(fd, 0, LinuxSystem.SEEK_SET); if (system.write(fd, offsetCursorByteBuffer, 0, offsetCursorByteBuffer.capacity()) < 0) { System.err.println("Failed to write to i.MX6 cursor: " + system.getErrorMessage()); } } } } @Override void setImage(byte[] cursorImage) { // Convert the cursor to the color-keyed format ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(cursorImage.length); cursorBuffer = bb.asShortBuffer(); NativeCursors.colorKeyCursor(cursorImage, cursorBuffer, 16, SHORT_KEY); // Create an offset version of the cursor for rendering offsetCursorByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(cursorImage.length); offsetCursorByteBuffer.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); offsetCursorBuffer = offsetCursorByteBuffer.asShortBuffer(); updateImage(true); } @Override void setLocation(int x, int y) { cursorX = x; cursorY = y; updateImage(false); pos.set(x, y); int MXCFB_SET_OVERLAY_POS = system.IOWR('F', 0x24, pos.sizeof()); system.ioctl(fd, MXCFB_SET_OVERLAY_POS, pos.p); } @Override void setHotSpot(int hotspotX, int hotspotY) { this.hotspotX = hotspotX; this.hotspotY = hotspotY; } @Override void shutdown() { setVisibility(false); } }