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package com.sun.glass.ui.monocle;

import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;

Abstract factory class to instantiate a NativePlatform
/** Abstract factory class to instantiate a NativePlatform */
public abstract class NativePlatformFactory {
Checks whether this NativePlatformFactory can work with the platform on which we are running
Returns:true if we can run on this platform.
/** * Checks whether this NativePlatformFactory can work with the platform on * which we are running * * @return true if we can run on this platform. */
protected abstract boolean matches();
Creates a NativePlatform. This is only called if matches() was previously called and returned true.
Returns:a new NativePlatform.
/** * Creates a NativePlatform. This is only called if matches() was * previously called and returned true. * * @return a new NativePlatform. */
protected abstract NativePlatform createNativePlatform();
Queries the major version number supported by this NativePlatformFactory.
Returns:the major version supported
/** * Queries the major version number supported by this NativePlatformFactory. * * @return the major version supported */
protected abstract int getMajorVersion();
Queries the minor version number supported by this NativePlatformFactory.
Returns:the minor version supported
/** * Queries the minor version number supported by this NativePlatformFactory. * * @return the minor version supported */
protected abstract int getMinorVersion(); private static NativePlatform platform; private static final int majorVersion = 1; private static final int minorVersion = 0;
Obtains a NativePlatform that matches the platform on which we are running. The system property monocle.platform defines a series of cascading fallbacks for what NativePlatform types to attempt to create. monocle .platform can be overridden to select a specific platform. For example, running with -Dmonocle.platform=Dispman, Linux selects the NativePlatform that works with the dispmanx libraries on the Raspberry Pi, but falls back to a generic software-rendered Linux framebuffer implementation if we are not running on a device with dispmanx libraries.
Returns:a new NativePlatform
/** * Obtains a NativePlatform that matches the platform on which we are running. * * The system property monocle.platform defines a series of cascading * fallbacks for what NativePlatform types to attempt to create. monocle * .platform can be overridden to select a specific platform. For * example, running with -Dmonocle.platform=Dispman, * Linux selects the NativePlatform that works with the dispmanx * libraries on the Raspberry Pi, but falls back to a generic * software-rendered Linux framebuffer implementation if we are not * running on a device with dispmanx libraries. * * @return a new NativePlatform */
public static synchronized NativePlatform getNativePlatform() { if (platform == null) { String platformFactoryProperty = AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<String>) () -> System.getProperty("monocle.platform", "MX6,OMAP,Dispman,Android,X11,Linux,Headless")); String[] platformFactories = platformFactoryProperty.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < platformFactories.length; i++) { String factoryName = platformFactories[i].trim(); String factoryClassName; if (factoryName.contains(".")) { factoryClassName = factoryName; } else { factoryClassName = "com.sun.glass.ui.monocle." + factoryName + "PlatformFactory"; } if (MonocleSettings.settings.tracePlatformConfig) { MonocleTrace.traceConfig("Trying platform %s with class %s", factoryName, factoryClassName); } try { final ClassLoader loader = NativePlatformFactory.class.getClassLoader(); final Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(factoryClassName, false, loader); if (!NativePlatformFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized Monocle platform: " + factoryClassName); } NativePlatformFactory npf = (NativePlatformFactory) clazz.newInstance(); if (npf.matches() && npf.getMajorVersion() == majorVersion && npf.getMinorVersion() == minorVersion) { platform = npf.createNativePlatform(); if (MonocleSettings.settings.tracePlatformConfig) { MonocleTrace.traceConfig("Matched %s", factoryName); } return platform; } } catch (Exception e) { if (MonocleSettings.settings.tracePlatformConfig) { MonocleTrace.traceConfig("Failed to create platform %s", factoryClassName); } e.printStackTrace(); } } throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Cannot load a native platform from: '" + platformFactoryProperty + "'"); } return platform; } }