 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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package com.sun.glass.ui.ios;

import com.sun.glass.ui.*;
import com.sun.glass.ui.CommonDialogs.ExtensionFilter;
import com.sun.glass.ui.CommonDialogs.FileChooserResult;

import java.io.File;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;

public final class IosApplication extends Application {

    private static native void _initIDs(); // init IDs for java callbacks from native
    static {
        AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Void>) () -> {
            return null;

/** * @inheritDoc */
@Override protected void runLoop(final Runnable launchable) { ClassLoader ccl = IosApplication.class.getClassLoader(); _runLoop(launchable, ccl); } private native void _runLoop(Runnable launchable, ClassLoader contextClassLoader);
/** * @inheritDoc */
@Override protected void finishTerminating() { setEventThread(null); super.finishTerminating(); } // Called from the native code private void setEventThread() { setEventThread(Thread.currentThread()); }
/** * @inheritDoc */
@Override public Window createWindow(Window owner, Screen screen, int styleMask) { return new IosWindow(owner, screen, styleMask); }
/** * @inheritDoc */
@Override public Window createWindow(long parent) { return new IosWindow(parent); }
/** * @inheritDoc */
@Override public View createView() { return new IosView(); }
/** * @inheritDoc */
@Override public Cursor createCursor(int type) { return new IosCursor(type); }
@inheritDoc On iOS, there is no cursor.
/** * @inheritDoc * On iOS, there is no cursor. */
@Override public Cursor createCursor(int x, int y, Pixels pixels) { return new IosCursor(x, y, pixels); } @Override protected void staticCursor_setVisible(boolean visible) { } @Override protected Size staticCursor_getBestSize(int width, int height) { return null; }
/** * @inheritDoc */
@Override public Pixels createPixels(int width, int height, ByteBuffer data) { return new IosPixels(width, height, data); }
/** * @inheritDoc */
@Override public Pixels createPixels(int width, int height, IntBuffer data) { return new IosPixels(width, height, data); } @Override public Pixels createPixels(int width, int height, IntBuffer data, float scalex, float scaley) { return new IosPixels(width, height, data, scalex, scaley); } @Override protected int staticPixels_getNativeFormat() { return 0; }
/** * @inheritDoc */
@Override public GlassRobot createRobot() { return new IosRobot(); } @Override protected native double staticScreen_getVideoRefreshPeriod(); @Override protected native Screen[] staticScreen_getScreens();
/** * @inheritDoc */
@Override public Timer createTimer(Runnable runnable) { return new IosTimer(runnable); } @Override protected int staticTimer_getMinPeriod() { return IosTimer.getMinPeriod_impl(); } @Override protected int staticTimer_getMaxPeriod() { return IosTimer.getMaxPeriod_impl(); } @Override protected FileChooserResult staticCommonDialogs_showFileChooser(Window owner, String folder, String filename, String title, int type, boolean multipleMode, ExtensionFilter[] extensionFilters, int defaultFilterIndex) { return new FileChooserResult(); } @Override protected File staticCommonDialogs_showFolderChooser(Window owner, String folder, String title) { return null; } private native Object _enterNestedEventLoopImpl(); private native void _leaveNestedEventLoopImpl(); @Override protected Object _enterNestedEventLoop() { return _enterNestedEventLoopImpl(); } @Override protected void _leaveNestedEventLoop(Object retValue) { _leaveNestedEventLoopImpl(); } @Override protected long staticView_getMultiClickTime() { return IosView._getMultiClickTime(); } @Override protected int staticView_getMultiClickMaxX() { return IosView._getMultiClickMaxX(); } @Override protected int staticView_getMultiClickMaxY() { return IosView._getMultiClickMaxY(); } @Override native protected void _invokeAndWait(Runnable runnable); @Override native protected void _invokeLater(Runnable runnable); @Override protected boolean _supportsTransparentWindows() { return true; } @Override protected boolean _supportsUnifiedWindows() { return false; }
Hides / Shows iOS status bar.
  • hidden –
/** * Hides / Shows iOS status bar. * @param hidden */
public native static void _setStatusBarHidden(boolean hidden);
Hides / Shows iOS status bar, possibly animating transition.
  • hidden –
  • animation – - 0 none, 1 fade, 2 slide
/** * Hides / Shows iOS status bar, possibly animating transition. * @param hidden * @param animation - 0 none, 1 fade, 2 slide */
public native static void _setStatusBarHiddenWithAnimation(boolean hidden, int animation);
Adjust status bar orientation with animation. See iOS UIApplication developers documentation for details.
  • interfaceOrientation –
  • animated –
/** * Adjust status bar orientation with animation. See iOS UIApplication developers * documentation for details. * @param interfaceOrientation * @param animated */
public native static void _setStatusBarOrientationAnimated(int interfaceOrientation, boolean animated);
See iOS developers documentation. (UIApplication).
  • statusBarStyle –
  • animated –
/** * See iOS developers documentation. (UIApplication). * @param statusBarStyle * @param animated */
public native static void _setStatusBarStyleAnimated(int statusBarStyle, boolean animated);
Status bar visibility getter.
Returns:true if hidden
/** * Status bar visibility getter. * @return true if hidden */
public native static boolean _getStatusBarHidden();
See iOS developers documentation.
/** * See iOS developers documentation. */
public native static int _getStatusBarStyle();
See iOS developers documentation.
/** * See iOS developers documentation. */
public native static int _getStatusBarOrientation(); @Override public boolean hasTouch() { return true; } @Override public boolean hasMultiTouch() { return true; } @Override protected native int _getKeyCodeForChar(char c); }