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package com.sun.glass.ui;

import java.lang.annotation.Native;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.io.File;

public class CommonDialogs {

Available file chooser types.
See Also:
  • showFileChooser
/** * Available file chooser types. * * @see #showFileChooser */
public static final class Type { @Native public static final int OPEN = 0; @Native public static final int SAVE = 1; }
Provides a mechanism to filter different kinds of file name extensions. The following example creates an ExtensionFilter that will show txt files:
    List extensions = new ArrayList();
    ExtensionFilter filter = new ExtensionFilter("Text files", extensions);
    List filters = new ArrayList();
    FileChooser.show(..., filters);
See Also:
  • showFileChooser
/** * Provides a mechanism to filter different kinds of file name extensions. * * The following example creates an {@code ExtensionFilter} that will show * {@code txt} files: * <pre> * List<String> extensions = new ArrayList<String>(); * extensions.add("*.txt"); * ExtensionFilter filter = new ExtensionFilter("Text files", extensions); * List<ExtensionFilter> filters = new ArrayList<ExtensionFilter>(); * filters.add(filters); * FileChooser.show(..., filters); * </pre> * * @see #showFileChooser */
public final static class ExtensionFilter { private final String description; private final List<String> extensions;
Creates an ExtensionFilter with the specified description and the file name extensions.
  • description – the textual description for the filter
  • extensions – the accepted file name extensions
  • IllegalArgumentException – if the description of the filter is null or empty; if the extensions is null, empty or contains an empty string
/** * Creates an {@code ExtensionFilter} with the specified description * and the file name extensions. * * @param description the textual description for the filter * @param extensions the accepted file name extensions * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the description of the filter is {@code null} or empty; * if the extensions is {@code null}, empty or contains an empty string */
public ExtensionFilter(String description, List<String> extensions) { Application.checkEventThread(); if (description == null || description.trim().isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Description parameter must be non-null and not empty"); } if (extensions == null || extensions.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Extensions parameter must be non-null and not empty"); } for (String extension : extensions) { if (extension == null || extension.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Each extension must be non-null and not empty"); } } this.description = description; this.extensions = extensions; } public String getDescription() { Application.checkEventThread(); return description; } public List<String> getExtensions() { Application.checkEventThread(); return extensions; } // Called from native private String[] extensionsToArray() { Application.checkEventThread(); return extensions.toArray(new String[extensions.size()]); } }
An object representing the result of showing a file chooser dialog.
/** * An object representing the result of showing a file chooser dialog. */
public final static class FileChooserResult { private final List<File> files; private final ExtensionFilter filter;
Creates a new result object.
  • files – should not be null, may be an empty list
/** * Creates a new result object. * @param files should not be null, may be an empty list */
public FileChooserResult(List<File> files, ExtensionFilter filter) { if (files == null) { throw new NullPointerException("files should not be null"); } this.files = files; this.filter = filter; }
Creates an empty results object. Used when a user cancels a file chooser dialog.
/** * Creates an empty results object. * Used when a user cancels a file chooser dialog. */
public FileChooserResult() { this(new ArrayList<File>(), null); }
Returns a list of selected files. If a user cancels the dialog then this list is empty. Note that in case of a SAVE dialog the file name extension corresponding to the selected ExtensionFilter may not be appended automatically. Client code is responsible for checking the file name and appending the extension if needed. Use getExtensionFilter to obtain the selected File Type filter.
/** * Returns a list of selected files. * * If a user cancels the dialog then this list is empty. * * Note that in case of a SAVE dialog the file name extension * corresponding to the selected ExtensionFilter may not be appended * automatically. Client code is responsible for checking the file * name and appending the extension if needed. Use {@link * #getExtensionFilter} to obtain the selected File Type filter. */
public List<File> getFiles() { return files; }
Returns the ExtensionFilter selected by a user when a file chooser dialog is closed. A reference to one of the extension filter objects passed to the showFileChooser() method. May be null.
/** * Returns the ExtensionFilter selected by a user when a * file chooser dialog is closed. * * A reference to one of the extension filter objects passed to the * showFileChooser() method. May be null. */
public ExtensionFilter getExtensionFilter() { return filter; } } private CommonDialogs() { }
Creates a native file chooser that lets the user select files.
  • owner – the owner window for this file chooser (may be null)
  • folder – the initial folder, may be null
  • filename – the initial file name for a SAVE dialog (may be null)
  • title – the title of the file chooser
  • type – the type of the file chooser, one of the constants from Type
  • multipleMode – enables or disable multiple file selections
  • extensionFilters – the filters of the file chooser
  • defaultFilterIndex – the zero-based index of the filter selected by default
Returns:the files that the user selects and the selected extension filter. If the user cancels the file chooser, the method returns empty results object.
/** * Creates a native file chooser that lets the user select files. * * @param owner the owner window for this file chooser (may be null) * @param folder the initial folder, may be {@code null} * @param filename the initial file name for a SAVE dialog (may be null) * @param title the title of the file chooser * @param type the type of the file chooser, one of the constants from {@link Type} * @param multipleMode enables or disable multiple file selections * @param extensionFilters the filters of the file chooser * @param defaultFilterIndex the zero-based index of the filter selected by default * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the initial folder is an invalid folder; * if the type doesn't equal one of the constants from {@link Type} * @return the files that the user selects and the selected extension * filter. If the user cancels the file chooser, the method returns empty * results object. */
public static FileChooserResult showFileChooser(Window owner, File folder, String filename, String title, int type, boolean multipleMode, List<ExtensionFilter> extensionFilters, int defaultFilterIndex) { Application.checkEventThread(); String _folder = convertFolder(folder); if (filename == null) { filename = ""; } if (type != Type.OPEN && type != Type.SAVE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type parameter must be equal to one of the constants from Type"); } ExtensionFilter[] _extensionFilters = null; if (extensionFilters != null) { _extensionFilters = extensionFilters.toArray(new ExtensionFilter[extensionFilters.size()]); } if (extensionFilters == null || extensionFilters.isEmpty() || defaultFilterIndex < 0 || defaultFilterIndex >= extensionFilters.size()) { defaultFilterIndex = 0; } return Application.GetApplication(). staticCommonDialogs_showFileChooser(owner, _folder, filename, convertTitle(title), type, multipleMode, _extensionFilters, defaultFilterIndex); }
Creates a native folder chooser that lets the user selects folder.
  • owner – the owner window for this folder chooser (may be null)
  • folder – the initial folder, may be null
  • title – the title of the folder chooser
Returns:the folder that the user selects. If the user cancels the folder chooser, the method returns null.
/** * Creates a native folder chooser that lets the user selects folder. * * @param owner the owner window for this folder chooser (may be null) * @param folder the initial folder, may be {@code null} * @param title the title of the folder chooser * @return the folder that the user selects. If the user cancels the folder chooser, * the method returns null. */
public static File showFolderChooser(Window owner, File folder, String title) { Application.checkEventThread(); return Application.GetApplication().staticCommonDialogs_showFolderChooser(owner, convertFolder(folder), convertTitle(title)); } private static String convertFolder(File folder) { if (folder != null) { if (folder.isDirectory()) { try { return folder.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to get a canonical path for folder", e); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Folder parameter must be a valid folder"); } } return ""; } private static String convertTitle(String title) { return (title != null) ? title : ""; } /* a helper method for some platform implementations */ protected static FileChooserResult createFileChooserResult(String[] files, ExtensionFilter[] extensionFilters, int index) { List<File> list = new ArrayList<File>(); for (String s : files) { if (s != null) { list.add(new File(s)); } } return new FileChooserResult(list, extensionFilters == null || index < 0 || index >= extensionFilters.length ? null : extensionFilters[index]); } }