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package javafx.scene.control.skin;

import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.collections.WeakListChangeListener;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.geometry.NodeOrientation;
import javafx.scene.Cursor;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.control.ResizeFeaturesBase;
import javafx.scene.control.TableColumnBase;
import javafx.scene.control.TableView;
import javafx.scene.control.TreeTableView;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.util.Callback;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;

This class is used to construct the header of a TableView. We take the approach that every TableView header is nested - even if it isn't. This allows for us to use the same code for building a single row of TableColumns as we would with a heavily nested sequences of TableColumns. Because of this, the TableHeaderRow class consists of just one instance of a NestedTableColumnHeader.

See Also:
/** * <p>This class is used to construct the header of a TableView. We take the approach * that every TableView header is nested - even if it isn't. This allows for us * to use the same code for building a single row of TableColumns as we would * with a heavily nested sequences of TableColumns. Because of this, the * TableHeaderRow class consists of just one instance of a NestedTableColumnHeader. * * @since 9 * @see TableColumnHeader * @see TableHeaderRow * @see TableColumnBase */
public class NestedTableColumnHeader extends TableColumnHeader {
* Static Fields * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Static Fields * * * **************************************************************************/
static final String DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "nested-column-header"; private static final int DRAG_RECT_WIDTH = 4; private static final String TABLE_COLUMN_KEY = "TableColumn"; private static final String TABLE_COLUMN_HEADER_KEY = "TableColumnHeader"; /*************************************************************************** * * * Private Fields * * * **************************************************************************/
Represents the actual columns directly contained in this nested column. It does NOT include ANY of the children of these columns, if any exist.
/** * Represents the actual columns directly contained in this nested column. * It does NOT include ANY of the children of these columns, if any exist. */
private ObservableList<? extends TableColumnBase> columns; private TableColumnHeader label; private ObservableList<TableColumnHeader> columnHeaders; private ObservableList<TableColumnHeader> unmodifiableColumnHeaders; // used for column resizing private double lastX = 0.0F; private double dragAnchorX = 0.0; // drag rectangle overlays private Map<TableColumnBase<?,?>, Rectangle> dragRects = new WeakHashMap<>(); boolean updateColumns = true; /*************************************************************************** * * * Constructor * * * **************************************************************************/
Creates a new NestedTableColumnHeader instance to visually represent the given TableColumnBase instance.
  • tc – The table column to be visually represented by this instance.
/** * Creates a new NestedTableColumnHeader instance to visually represent the given * {@link TableColumnBase} instance. * * @param tc The table column to be visually represented by this instance. */
public NestedTableColumnHeader(final TableColumnBase tc) { super(tc); setFocusTraversable(false); // init UI label = createTableColumnHeader(getTableColumn()); label.setTableHeaderRow(getTableHeaderRow()); label.setParentHeader(getParentHeader()); label.setNestedColumnHeader(this); if (getTableColumn() != null) { changeListenerHandler.registerChangeListener(getTableColumn().textProperty(), e -> label.setVisible(getTableColumn().getText() != null && ! getTableColumn().getText().isEmpty())); } }
* Listeners * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Listeners * * * **************************************************************************/
private final ListChangeListener<TableColumnBase> columnsListener = c -> { setHeadersNeedUpdate(); }; private final WeakListChangeListener weakColumnsListener = new WeakListChangeListener(columnsListener); private static final EventHandler<MouseEvent> rectMousePressed = me -> { Rectangle rect = (Rectangle) me.getSource(); TableColumnBase column = (TableColumnBase) rect.getProperties().get(TABLE_COLUMN_KEY); NestedTableColumnHeader header = (NestedTableColumnHeader) rect.getProperties().get(TABLE_COLUMN_HEADER_KEY); if (! header.isColumnResizingEnabled()) return; // column reordering takes precedence over column resizing, but sometimes the mouse dragged events // can be received by both nodes, leading to less than ideal UX, hence the check here. if (header.getTableHeaderRow().columnDragLock) return; if (me.isConsumed()) return; me.consume(); if (me.getClickCount() == 2 && me.isPrimaryButtonDown()) { // the user wants to resize the column such that its // width is equal to the widest element in the column TableHeaderRow tableHeader = header.getTableHeaderRow(); TableColumnHeader columnHeader = tableHeader.getColumnHeaderFor(column); if (columnHeader != null) { columnHeader.resizeColumnToFitContent(-1); } } else { // rather than refer to the rect variable, we just grab // it from the source to prevent a small memory leak. Rectangle innerRect = (Rectangle) me.getSource(); double startX = header.getTableHeaderRow().sceneToLocal(innerRect.localToScene(innerRect.getBoundsInLocal())).getMinX() + 2; header.dragAnchorX = me.getSceneX(); header.columnResizingStarted(startX); } }; private static final EventHandler<MouseEvent> rectMouseDragged = me -> { Rectangle rect = (Rectangle) me.getSource(); TableColumnBase column = (TableColumnBase) rect.getProperties().get(TABLE_COLUMN_KEY); NestedTableColumnHeader header = (NestedTableColumnHeader) rect.getProperties().get(TABLE_COLUMN_HEADER_KEY); if (! header.isColumnResizingEnabled()) return; // column reordering takes precedence over column resizing, but sometimes the mouse dragged events // can be received by both nodes, leading to less than ideal UX, hence the check here. if (header.getTableHeaderRow().columnDragLock) return; if (me.isConsumed()) return; me.consume(); header.columnResizing(column, me); }; private static final EventHandler<MouseEvent> rectMouseReleased = me -> { Rectangle rect = (Rectangle) me.getSource(); TableColumnBase column = (TableColumnBase) rect.getProperties().get(TABLE_COLUMN_KEY); NestedTableColumnHeader header = (NestedTableColumnHeader) rect.getProperties().get(TABLE_COLUMN_HEADER_KEY); if (! header.isColumnResizingEnabled()) return; // column reordering takes precedence over column resizing, but sometimes the mouse dragged events // can be received by both nodes, leading to less than ideal UX, hence the check here. if (header.getTableHeaderRow().columnDragLock) return; if (me.isConsumed()) return; me.consume(); header.columnResizingComplete(column, me); }; private static final EventHandler<MouseEvent> rectCursorChangeListener = me -> { Rectangle rect = (Rectangle) me.getSource(); TableColumnBase column = (TableColumnBase) rect.getProperties().get(TABLE_COLUMN_KEY); NestedTableColumnHeader header = (NestedTableColumnHeader) rect.getProperties().get(TABLE_COLUMN_HEADER_KEY); // column reordering takes precedence over column resizing, but sometimes the mouse dragged events // can be received by both nodes, leading to less than ideal UX, hence the check here. if (header.getTableHeaderRow().columnDragLock) return; if (header.getCursor() == null) { // If there's a cursor for the whole header, don't override it rect.setCursor(header.isColumnResizingEnabled() && rect.isHover() && column.isResizable() ? Cursor.H_RESIZE : null); } }; /*************************************************************************** * * * Public Methods * * * **************************************************************************/
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override void dispose() { super.dispose(); if (label != null) { label.dispose(); } if (getColumns() != null) { getColumns().removeListener(weakColumnsListener); } for (int i = 0; i < getColumnHeaders().size(); i++) { TableColumnHeader header = getColumnHeaders().get(i); header.dispose(); } for (Rectangle rect : dragRects.values()) { if (rect != null) { rect.visibleProperty().unbind(); } } dragRects.clear(); getChildren().clear(); changeListenerHandler.dispose(); }
Returns an unmodifiable list of the TableColumnHeader instances that are children of this NestedTableColumnHeader.
Returns:the unmodifiable list of TableColumnHeader of this NestedTableColumnHeader
/** * Returns an unmodifiable list of the {@link TableColumnHeader} instances * that are children of this NestedTableColumnHeader. * @return the unmodifiable list of TableColumnHeader of this NestedTableColumnHeader */
public final ObservableList<TableColumnHeader> getColumnHeaders() { if (columnHeaders == null) { columnHeaders = FXCollections.<TableColumnHeader>observableArrayList(); unmodifiableColumnHeaders = FXCollections.unmodifiableObservableList(columnHeaders); } return unmodifiableColumnHeaders; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void layoutChildren() { double w = getWidth() - snappedLeftInset() - snappedRightInset(); double h = getHeight() - snappedTopInset() - snappedBottomInset(); int labelHeight = 0; if (label.isVisible() && getTableColumn() != null) { labelHeight = (int) label.prefHeight(-1); // label gets to span whole width and sits at top label.resize(w, labelHeight); label.relocate(snappedLeftInset(), snappedTopInset()); } // children columns need to share the total available width double x = snappedLeftInset(); final double height = snapSizeY(h - labelHeight); for (int i = 0, max = getColumnHeaders().size(); i < max; i++) { TableColumnHeader n = getColumnHeaders().get(i); if (! n.isVisible()) continue; double prefWidth = n.prefWidth(height); // position the column header in the default location... n.resize(prefWidth, height); n.relocate(x, labelHeight + snappedTopInset()); // // ...but, if there are no children of this column, we should ensure // // that it is resized vertically such that it goes to the very // // bottom of the table header row. // if (getTableHeaderRow() != null && n.getCol().getColumns().isEmpty()) { // Bounds bounds = getTableHeaderRow().sceneToLocal(n.localToScene(n.getBoundsInLocal())); // prefHeight = getTableHeaderRow().getHeight() - bounds.getMinY(); // n.resize(prefWidth, prefHeight); // } // shuffle along the x-axis appropriately x += prefWidth; // position drag overlay to intercept column resize requests Rectangle dragRect = dragRects.get(n.getTableColumn()); if (dragRect != null) { dragRect.setHeight(n.getDragRectHeight()); dragRect.relocate(x - DRAG_RECT_WIDTH / 2, snappedTopInset() + labelHeight); } } } // sum up all children columns
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computePrefWidth(double height) { checkState(); double width = 0.0F; if (getColumns() != null) { for (TableColumnHeader c : getColumnHeaders()) { if (c.isVisible()) { width += c.computePrefWidth(height); } } } return width; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computePrefHeight(double width) { checkState(); double height = 0.0F; if (getColumnHeaders() != null) { for (TableColumnHeader n : getColumnHeaders()) { height = Math.max(height, n.prefHeight(-1)); } } double labelHeight = 0.0; if (label.isVisible() && getTableColumn() != null) { labelHeight = label.prefHeight(-1); } return height + labelHeight + snappedTopInset() + snappedBottomInset(); }
Creates a new TableColumnHeader instance for the given TableColumnBase instance. The general pattern for implementing this method is as follows:
  • If the given TableColumnBase instance is null, has no child columns, or if the given TableColumnBase instance equals the TableColumnBase instance returned by calling TableColumnHeader.getTableColumn(), then it is suggested to return a TableColumnHeader instance comprised of the given column.
  • Otherwise, we can presume that the given TableColumnBase instance has child columns, and in this case it is suggested to return a NestedTableColumnHeader instance instead.
Note: In most circumstances this method should not be overridden, but in some circumstances it makes sense (e.g. testing, or when extreme customization is desired).
  • col – the table column
Returns:A new TableColumnHeader instance.
/** * Creates a new TableColumnHeader instance for the given TableColumnBase instance. The general pattern for * implementing this method is as follows: * * <ul> * <li>If the given TableColumnBase instance is null, has no child columns, or if the given TableColumnBase * instance equals the TableColumnBase instance returned by calling {@link #getTableColumn()}, then it is * suggested to return a {@link TableColumnHeader} instance comprised of the given column.</li> * <li>Otherwise, we can presume that the given TableColumnBase instance has child columns, and in this case * it is suggested to return a {@link NestedTableColumnHeader} instance instead.</li> * </ul> * * <strong>Note: </strong>In most circumstances this method should not be overridden, but in some circumstances it * makes sense (e.g. testing, or when extreme customization is desired). * * @param col the table column * @return A new TableColumnHeader instance. */
protected TableColumnHeader createTableColumnHeader(TableColumnBase col) { return col == null || col.getColumns().isEmpty() || col == getTableColumn() ? new TableColumnHeader(col) : new NestedTableColumnHeader(col); }
* Private Implementation * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Private Implementation * * * **************************************************************************/
@Override void initStyleClasses() { getStyleClass().setAll(DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS); installTableColumnStyleClassListener(); } @Override void setTableHeaderRow(TableHeaderRow header) { super.setTableHeaderRow(header); // it's only now that a skin might be available if (getTableSkin() != null) { changeListenerHandler.registerChangeListener(TableSkinUtils.columnResizePolicyProperty(getTableSkin()), e -> updateContent()); } label.setTableHeaderRow(header); // tell all children columns what TableHeader they belong to for (TableColumnHeader c : getColumnHeaders()) { c.setTableHeaderRow(header); } } @Override void setParentHeader(NestedTableColumnHeader parentHeader) { super.setParentHeader(parentHeader); label.setParentHeader(parentHeader); } ObservableList<? extends TableColumnBase> getColumns() { return columns; } void setColumns(ObservableList<? extends TableColumnBase> newColumns) { if (this.columns != null) { this.columns.removeListener(weakColumnsListener); } this.columns = newColumns; if (this.columns != null) { this.columns.addListener(weakColumnsListener); } } void updateTableColumnHeaders() { // watching for changes to the view columns in either table or tableColumn. if (getTableColumn() == null && getTableSkin() != null) { setColumns(TableSkinUtils.getColumns(getTableSkin())); } else if (getTableColumn() != null) { setColumns(getTableColumn().getColumns()); } // update the column headers... // iterate through all columns, unless we've got no child columns // any longer, in which case we should switch to a TableColumnHeader // instead if (getColumns().isEmpty()) { // iterate through all current headers, telling them to clean up for (int i = 0; i < getColumnHeaders().size(); i++) { TableColumnHeader header = getColumnHeaders().get(i); header.dispose(); } // switch out to be a TableColumn instead, if we have a parent header NestedTableColumnHeader parentHeader = getParentHeader(); if (parentHeader != null) { List<TableColumnHeader> parentColumnHeaders = parentHeader.getColumnHeaders(); int index = parentColumnHeaders.indexOf(this); if (index >= 0 && index < parentColumnHeaders.size()) { parentColumnHeaders.set(index, createColumnHeader(getTableColumn())); } } else { // otherwise just remove all the columns columnHeaders.clear(); } } else { List<TableColumnHeader> oldHeaders = new ArrayList<>(getColumnHeaders()); List<TableColumnHeader> newHeaders = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < getColumns().size(); i++) { TableColumnBase<?,?> column = getColumns().get(i); if (column == null || ! column.isVisible()) continue; // check if the header already exists and reuse it boolean found = false; for (int j = 0; j < oldHeaders.size(); j++) { TableColumnHeader oldColumn = oldHeaders.get(j); if (oldColumn.represents(column)) { newHeaders.add(oldColumn); found = true; break; } } // otherwise create a new table column header if (!found) { newHeaders.add(createColumnHeader(column)); } } columnHeaders.setAll(newHeaders); // dispose all old headers oldHeaders.removeAll(newHeaders); for (int i = 0; i < oldHeaders.size(); i++) { oldHeaders.get(i).dispose(); } } // update the content updateContent(); // RT-33596: Do CSS now, as we are in the middle of layout pass and the headers are new Nodes w/o CSS done for (TableColumnHeader header : getColumnHeaders()) { header.applyCss(); } } // Used to test whether this column header properly represents the given column. // In particular, whether it has child column headers for all child columns boolean represents(TableColumnBase<?, ?> column) { if (column.getColumns().isEmpty()) { // this column has no children, but we are in a NestedTableColumnHeader instance, // so the match is bad. return false; } if (column != getTableColumn()) { return false; } final int columnCount = column.getColumns().size(); final int headerCount = getColumnHeaders().size(); if (columnCount != headerCount) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { // we expect the order of all children to match the order of the headers TableColumnBase<?,?> childColumn = column.getColumns().get(i); TableColumnHeader childHeader = getColumnHeaders().get(i); if (!childHeader.represents(childColumn)) { return false; } } return true; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override double getDragRectHeight() { return label.prefHeight(-1); } void setHeadersNeedUpdate() { updateColumns = true; // go through children columns - they should update too for (int i = 0; i < getColumnHeaders().size(); i++) { TableColumnHeader header = getColumnHeaders().get(i); if (header instanceof NestedTableColumnHeader) { ((NestedTableColumnHeader)header).setHeadersNeedUpdate(); } } requestLayout(); } private void updateContent() { // create a temporary list so we only do addAll into the main content // observableArrayList once. final List<Node> content = new ArrayList<Node>(); // the label is the region that sits above the children columns content.add(label); // all children columns content.addAll(getColumnHeaders()); // Small transparent overlays that sit at the start and end of each // column to intercept user drag gestures to enable column resizing. if (isColumnResizingEnabled()) { rebuildDragRects(); content.addAll(dragRects.values()); } getChildren().setAll(content); } private void rebuildDragRects() { if (! isColumnResizingEnabled()) return; getChildren().removeAll(dragRects.values()); for (Rectangle rect : dragRects.values()) { rect.visibleProperty().unbind(); } dragRects.clear(); List<? extends TableColumnBase> columns = getColumns(); if (columns == null) { return; } boolean isConstrainedResize = false; TableViewSkinBase tableSkin = getTableSkin(); Callback<ResizeFeaturesBase,Boolean> columnResizePolicy = TableSkinUtils.columnResizePolicyProperty(tableSkin).get(); if (columnResizePolicy != null) { isConstrainedResize = tableSkin instanceof TableViewSkin ? TableView.CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY.equals(columnResizePolicy) : tableSkin instanceof TreeTableViewSkin ? TreeTableView.CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY.equals(columnResizePolicy) : false; } // RT-32547 - don't show resize cursor when in constrained resize mode // and there is only one column if (isConstrainedResize && TableSkinUtils.getVisibleLeafColumns(tableSkin).size() == 1) { return; } for (int col = 0; col < columns.size(); col++) { if (isConstrainedResize && col == getColumns().size() - 1) { break; } final TableColumnBase c = columns.get(col); final Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); rect.getProperties().put(TABLE_COLUMN_KEY, c); rect.getProperties().put(TABLE_COLUMN_HEADER_KEY, this); rect.setWidth(DRAG_RECT_WIDTH); rect.setHeight(getHeight() - label.getHeight()); rect.setFill(Color.TRANSPARENT); rect.visibleProperty().bind(c.visibleProperty().and(c.resizableProperty())); rect.setOnMousePressed(rectMousePressed); rect.setOnMouseDragged(rectMouseDragged); rect.setOnMouseReleased(rectMouseReleased); rect.setOnMouseEntered(rectCursorChangeListener); rect.setOnMouseExited(rectCursorChangeListener); dragRects.put(c, rect); } } private void checkState() { if (updateColumns) { updateTableColumnHeaders(); updateColumns = false; } } private TableColumnHeader createColumnHeader(TableColumnBase col) { TableColumnHeader newCol = createTableColumnHeader(col); newCol.setTableHeaderRow(getTableHeaderRow()); newCol.setParentHeader(this); return newCol; }
* Private Implementation: Column Resizing * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Private Implementation: Column Resizing * * * **************************************************************************/
private boolean isColumnResizingEnabled() { // this used to check if ! PlatformUtil.isEmbedded(), but has been changed // to always return true (for now), as we want to support column resizing // everywhere return true; } private void columnResizingStarted(double startX) { setCursor(Cursor.H_RESIZE); columnReorderLine.setLayoutX(startX); } private void columnResizing(TableColumnBase col, MouseEvent me) { double draggedX = me.getSceneX() - dragAnchorX; if (getEffectiveNodeOrientation() == NodeOrientation.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { draggedX = -draggedX; } double delta = draggedX - lastX; boolean allowed = TableSkinUtils.resizeColumn(getTableSkin(), col, delta); if (allowed) { lastX = draggedX; } } private void columnResizingComplete(TableColumnBase col, MouseEvent me) { setCursor(null); columnReorderLine.setTranslateX(0.0F); columnReorderLine.setLayoutX(0.0F); lastX = 0.0F; } }