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package javafx.scene.control.skin;

import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.Properties;
import javafx.application.Platform;
import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener;
import javafx.beans.Observable;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener;
import javafx.collections.MapChangeListener;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.collections.ObservableMap;
import javafx.scene.AccessibleAttribute;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.control.*;

import javafx.scene.layout.Region;
import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
import javafx.util.Callback;

import javafx.collections.WeakListChangeListener;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.skin.resources.ControlResources;

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.List;
import javafx.beans.WeakInvalidationListener;
import javafx.beans.property.ObjectProperty;
import javafx.geometry.HPos;
import javafx.geometry.VPos;

import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;

TableViewSkinBase is the base skin class used by controls such as TableView and TreeTableView (the concrete classes are TableViewSkin and TreeTableViewSkin, respectively).
Type parameters:
  • <M> – The type of the item stored in each row (for TableView, this is the type of the items list, and for TreeTableView, this is the type of the TreeItem).
  • <S> – The type of the item, as represented by the selection model (for TableView, this is, again, the type of the items list, and for TreeTableView, this is TreeItem typed to the same type as M).
  • <C> – The type of the virtualised control (e.g TableView, TreeTableView)
  • <I> – The type of cell used by this virtualised control (e.g. TableRow, TreeTableRow)
  • <TC> – The type of TableColumnBase used by this virtualised control (e.g. TableColumn, TreeTableColumn)
See Also:
/** * TableViewSkinBase is the base skin class used by controls such as * {@link javafx.scene.control.TableView} and {@link javafx.scene.control.TreeTableView} * (the concrete classes are {@link TableViewSkin} and {@link TreeTableViewSkin}, * respectively). * * @param <M> The type of the item stored in each row (for TableView, this is the type * of the items list, and for TreeTableView, this is the type of the * TreeItem). * @param <S> The type of the item, as represented by the selection model (for * TableView, this is, again, the type of the items list, and for * TreeTableView, this is TreeItem typed to the same type as M). * @param <C> The type of the virtualised control (e.g TableView, TreeTableView) * @param <I> The type of cell used by this virtualised control (e.g. TableRow, TreeTableRow) * @param <TC> The type of TableColumnBase used by this virtualised control (e.g. TableColumn, TreeTableColumn) * * @since 9 * @see TableView * @see TreeTableView * @see TableViewSkin * @see TreeTableViewSkin */
public abstract class TableViewSkinBase<M, S, C extends Control, I extends IndexedCell<M>, TC extends TableColumnBase<S,?>> extends VirtualContainerBase<C, I> {
* Static Fields * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Static Fields * * * **************************************************************************/
private static final double GOLDEN_RATIO_MULTIPLIER = 0.618033987; // RT-34744 : IS_PANNABLE will be false unless // javafx.scene.control.skin.TableViewSkin.pannable // is set to true. This is done in order to make TableView functional // on embedded systems with touch screens which do not generate scroll // events for touch drag gestures. private static final boolean IS_PANNABLE = AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Boolean>) () -> Boolean.getBoolean("javafx.scene.control.skin.TableViewSkin.pannable"));
* Internal Fields * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Internal Fields * * * **************************************************************************/
// JDK-8090129: These constants should not be static, because the // Locale may change between instances. private final String EMPTY_TABLE_TEXT = ControlResources.getString("TableView.noContent"); private final String NO_COLUMNS_TEXT = ControlResources.getString("TableView.noColumns"); VirtualFlow<I> flow; private boolean contentWidthDirty = true;
This region is used to overlay atop the table when the user is performing a column resize operation or a column reordering operation. It is a line that runs the height of the table to indicate either the final width of of the selected column, or the position the column will be 'dropped' into when the reordering operation completes.
/** * This region is used to overlay atop the table when the user is performing * a column resize operation or a column reordering operation. It is a line * that runs the height of the table to indicate either the final width of * of the selected column, or the position the column will be 'dropped' into * when the reordering operation completes. */
private Region columnReorderLine;
A region which is resized and positioned such that it perfectly matches the dimensions of any TableColumn that is being reordered by the user. This is useful, for example, as a semi-transparent overlay to give feedback to the user as to which column is currently being moved.
/** * A region which is resized and positioned such that it perfectly matches * the dimensions of any TableColumn that is being reordered by the user. * This is useful, for example, as a semi-transparent overlay to give * feedback to the user as to which column is currently being moved. */
private Region columnReorderOverlay;
The entire header region for all columns. This header region handles column reordering and resizing. It also handles the positioning and resizing of thte columnReorderLine and columnReorderOverlay.
/** * The entire header region for all columns. This header region handles * column reordering and resizing. It also handles the positioning and * resizing of thte columnReorderLine and columnReorderOverlay. */
private TableHeaderRow tableHeaderRow; private Callback<C, I> rowFactory;
Region placed over the top of the flow (and possibly the header row) if there is no data and/or there are no columns specified.
/** * Region placed over the top of the flow (and possibly the header row) if * there is no data and/or there are no columns specified. */
private StackPane placeholderRegion; private Label placeholderLabel; private int visibleColCount; boolean needCellsRecreated = true; boolean needCellsReconfigured = false; private int itemCount = -1;
* Listeners * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Listeners * * * **************************************************************************/
private MapChangeListener<Object, Object> propertiesMapListener = c -> { if (! c.wasAdded()) return; if (Properties.REFRESH.equals(c.getKey())) { refreshView(); getSkinnable().getProperties().remove(Properties.REFRESH); } else if (Properties.RECREATE.equals(c.getKey())) { needCellsRecreated = true; refreshView(); getSkinnable().getProperties().remove(Properties.RECREATE); } }; private ListChangeListener<S> rowCountListener = c -> { while (c.next()) { if (c.wasReplaced()) { // RT-28397: Support for when an item is replaced with itself (but // updated internal values that should be shown visually). // The ListViewSkin equivalent code here was updated to use the // flow.setDirtyCell(int) API, but it was left alone here, otherwise // our unit test for RT-36220 fails as we do not handle the case // where the TableCell gets updated (only the TableRow does). // Ideally we would use the dirtyCell API: // // for (int i = c.getFrom(); i < c.getTo(); i++) { // flow.setCellDirty(i); // } itemCount = 0; break; } else if (c.getRemovedSize() == itemCount) { // RT-22463: If the user clears out an items list then we // should reset all cells (in particular their contained // items) such that a subsequent addition to the list of // an item which equals the old item (but is rendered // differently) still displays as expected (i.e. with the // updated display, not the old display). itemCount = 0; break; } } // fix for RT-37853 if (getSkinnable() instanceof TableView) { ((TableView)getSkinnable()).edit(-1, null); } markItemCountDirty(); getSkinnable().requestLayout(); }; private ListChangeListener<TC> visibleLeafColumnsListener = c -> { updateVisibleColumnCount(); while (c.next()) { updateVisibleLeafColumnWidthListeners(c.getAddedSubList(), c.getRemoved()); } }; private InvalidationListener widthListener = observable -> { // This forces the horizontal scrollbar to show when the column // resizing occurs. It is not ideal, but will work for now. // using 'needCellsReconfigured' here rather than 'needCellsRebuilt' // as otherwise performance suffers massively (RT-27831) needCellsReconfigured = true; if (getSkinnable() != null) { getSkinnable().requestLayout(); } }; private InvalidationListener itemsChangeListener; private WeakListChangeListener<S> weakRowCountListener = new WeakListChangeListener<>(rowCountListener); private WeakListChangeListener<TC> weakVisibleLeafColumnsListener = new WeakListChangeListener<>(visibleLeafColumnsListener); private WeakInvalidationListener weakWidthListener = new WeakInvalidationListener(widthListener); private WeakInvalidationListener weakItemsChangeListener; /*************************************************************************** * * * Constructors * * * **************************************************************************/
  • control – the control
/** * * @param control the control */
public TableViewSkinBase(final C control) { super(control); // init the VirtualFlow flow = getVirtualFlow(); flow.setPannable(IS_PANNABLE); // flow.setCellFactory(flow1 -> TableViewSkinBase.this.createCell()); /* * Listening for scrolling along the X axis, but we need to be careful * to handle the situation appropriately when the hbar is invisible. */ flow.getHbar().valueProperty().addListener(o -> horizontalScroll()); // RT-37152 flow.getHbar().setUnitIncrement(15); flow.getHbar().setBlockIncrement(TableColumnHeader.DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH); columnReorderLine = new Region(); columnReorderLine.getStyleClass().setAll("column-resize-line"); columnReorderLine.setManaged(false); columnReorderLine.setVisible(false); columnReorderOverlay = new Region(); columnReorderOverlay.getStyleClass().setAll("column-overlay"); columnReorderOverlay.setVisible(false); columnReorderOverlay.setManaged(false); tableHeaderRow = createTableHeaderRow(); // tableHeaderRow.setColumnReorderLine(columnReorderLine); tableHeaderRow.setFocusTraversable(false); getChildren().addAll(tableHeaderRow, flow, columnReorderOverlay, columnReorderLine); updateVisibleColumnCount(); updateVisibleLeafColumnWidthListeners(getVisibleLeafColumns(), FXCollections.<TC>emptyObservableList()); tableHeaderRow.reorderingProperty().addListener(valueModel -> { getSkinnable().requestLayout(); }); getVisibleLeafColumns().addListener(weakVisibleLeafColumnsListener); final ObjectProperty<ObservableList<S>> itemsProperty = TableSkinUtils.itemsProperty(this); updateTableItems(null, itemsProperty.get()); itemsChangeListener = new InvalidationListener() { private WeakReference<ObservableList<S>> weakItemsRef = new WeakReference<>(itemsProperty.get()); @Override public void invalidated(Observable observable) { ObservableList<S> oldItems = weakItemsRef.get(); weakItemsRef = new WeakReference<>(itemsProperty.get()); updateTableItems(oldItems, itemsProperty.get()); } }; weakItemsChangeListener = new WeakInvalidationListener(itemsChangeListener); itemsProperty.addListener(weakItemsChangeListener); final ObservableMap<Object, Object> properties = control.getProperties(); properties.remove(Properties.REFRESH); properties.remove(Properties.RECREATE); properties.addListener(propertiesMapListener); control.addEventHandler(ScrollToEvent.<TC>scrollToColumn(), event -> { scrollHorizontally(event.getScrollTarget()); }); // flow and flow.vbar width observer InvalidationListener widthObserver = valueModel -> { contentWidthDirty = true; getSkinnable().requestLayout(); }; flow.widthProperty().addListener(widthObserver); flow.getVbar().widthProperty().addListener(widthObserver); final ObjectProperty<Callback<C, I>> rowFactoryProperty = TableSkinUtils.rowFactoryProperty(this); registerChangeListener(rowFactoryProperty, e -> { Callback<C, I> oldFactory = rowFactory; rowFactory = rowFactoryProperty.get(); if (oldFactory != rowFactory) { requestRebuildCells(); } }); registerChangeListener(TableSkinUtils.placeholderProperty(this), e -> updatePlaceholderRegionVisibility()); registerChangeListener(flow.getVbar().visibleProperty(), e -> updateContentWidth()); } /*************************************************************************** * * * Abstract Methods * * * **************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * Public API * * * **************************************************************************/
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void dispose() { final ObjectProperty<ObservableList<S>> itemsProperty = TableSkinUtils.itemsProperty(this); getVisibleLeafColumns().removeListener(weakVisibleLeafColumnsListener); itemsProperty.removeListener(weakItemsChangeListener); getSkinnable().getProperties().removeListener(propertiesMapListener); updateTableItems(itemsProperty.get(), null); super.dispose(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computePrefHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { return 400; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computePrefWidth(double height, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { double prefHeight = computePrefHeight(-1, topInset, rightInset, bottomInset, leftInset); List<? extends TC> cols = getVisibleLeafColumns(); if (cols == null || cols.isEmpty()) { return prefHeight * GOLDEN_RATIO_MULTIPLIER; } double pw = leftInset + rightInset; for (int i = 0, max = cols.size(); i < max; i++) { TC tc = cols.get(i); pw += Math.max(tc.getPrefWidth(), tc.getMinWidth()); } // return pw; return Math.max(pw, prefHeight * GOLDEN_RATIO_MULTIPLIER); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void layoutChildren(final double x, double y, final double w, final double h) { C table = getSkinnable(); // an unlikely scenario, but it does pop up in unit tests, so guarding // here to prevent test failures seems ok. if (table == null) { return; } super.layoutChildren(x, y, w, h); if (needCellsRecreated) { flow.recreateCells(); } else if (needCellsReconfigured) { flow.reconfigureCells(); } needCellsRecreated = false; needCellsReconfigured = false; final double baselineOffset = table.getLayoutBounds().getHeight() / 2; // position the table header double tableHeaderRowHeight = tableHeaderRow.prefHeight(-1); layoutInArea(tableHeaderRow, x, y, w, tableHeaderRowHeight, baselineOffset, HPos.CENTER, VPos.CENTER); y += tableHeaderRowHeight; // let the virtual flow take up all remaining space // TODO this calculation is to ensure the bottom border is visible when // placed in a Pane. It is not ideal, but will suffice for now. See // RT-14335 for more information. double flowHeight = Math.floor(h - tableHeaderRowHeight); if (getItemCount() == 0 || visibleColCount == 0) { // show message overlay instead of empty table layoutInArea(placeholderRegion, x, y, w, flowHeight, baselineOffset, HPos.CENTER, VPos.CENTER); } else { layoutInArea(flow, x, y, w, flowHeight, baselineOffset, HPos.CENTER, VPos.CENTER); } // painting the overlay over the column being reordered if (tableHeaderRow.getReorderingRegion() != null) { TableColumnHeader reorderingColumnHeader = tableHeaderRow.getReorderingRegion(); TableColumnBase reorderingColumn = reorderingColumnHeader.getTableColumn(); if (reorderingColumn != null) { Node n = tableHeaderRow.getReorderingRegion(); // determine where to draw the column header overlay, it's // either from the left-edge of the column, or 0, if the column // is off the left-side of the TableView (i.e. horizontal // scrolling has occured). double minX = tableHeaderRow.sceneToLocal(n.localToScene(n.getBoundsInLocal())).getMinX(); double overlayWidth = reorderingColumnHeader.getWidth(); if (minX < 0) { overlayWidth += minX; } minX = minX < 0 ? 0 : minX; // prevent the overlay going out the right-hand side of the // TableView if (minX + overlayWidth > w) { overlayWidth = w - minX; if (flow.getVbar().isVisible()) { overlayWidth -= flow.getVbar().getWidth() - 1; } } double contentAreaHeight = flowHeight; if (flow.getHbar().isVisible()) { contentAreaHeight -= flow.getHbar().getHeight(); } columnReorderOverlay.resize(overlayWidth, contentAreaHeight); columnReorderOverlay.setLayoutX(minX); columnReorderOverlay.setLayoutY(tableHeaderRow.getHeight()); } // paint the reorder line as well double cw = columnReorderLine.snappedLeftInset() + columnReorderLine.snappedRightInset(); double lineHeight = h - (flow.getHbar().isVisible() ? flow.getHbar().getHeight() - 1 : 0); columnReorderLine.resizeRelocate(0, columnReorderLine.snappedTopInset(), cw, lineHeight); } columnReorderLine.setVisible(tableHeaderRow.isReordering()); columnReorderOverlay.setVisible(tableHeaderRow.isReordering()); checkContentWidthState(); }
Creates a new TableHeaderRow instance. By default this method should not be overridden, but in some circumstances it makes sense (e.g. testing, or when extreme customization is desired).
Returns:A new TableHeaderRow instance.
/** * Creates a new TableHeaderRow instance. By default this method should not be overridden, but in some * circumstances it makes sense (e.g. testing, or when extreme customization is desired). * * @return A new TableHeaderRow instance. */
protected TableHeaderRow createTableHeaderRow() { return new TableHeaderRow(this); } /*************************************************************************** * * * Private implementation * * * **************************************************************************/
Returns the TableHeaderRow created using createTableHeaderRow().
Returns:the TableHeaderRow for this TableViewSkinBase
/** * Returns the {@code TableHeaderRow} created using {@link #createTableHeaderRow()}. * * @return the {@code TableHeaderRow} for this {@code TableViewSkinBase} * @since 12 */
protected TableHeaderRow getTableHeaderRow() { return tableHeaderRow; } private TableSelectionModel<S> getSelectionModel() { return TableSkinUtils.getSelectionModel(this); } private TableFocusModel<M,?> getFocusModel() { return TableSkinUtils.getFocusModel(this); } // returns the currently focused cell in the focus model private TablePositionBase<? extends TC> getFocusedCell() { return TableSkinUtils.getFocusedCell(this); } // returns an ObservableList of the visible leaf columns of the control private ObservableList<? extends TC> getVisibleLeafColumns() { return TableSkinUtils.getVisibleLeafColumns(this); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void updateItemCount() { updatePlaceholderRegionVisibility(); int oldCount = itemCount; int newCount = getItemCount(); itemCount = newCount; if (itemCount == 0) { flow.getHbar().setValue(0.0); } // if this is not called even when the count is the same, we get a // memory leak in VirtualFlow.sheet.children. This can probably be // optimised in the future when time permits. flow.setCellCount(newCount); if (newCount != oldCount) { // FIXME updateItemCount is called _a lot_. Perhaps we can make rebuildCells // smarter. Imagine if items has one million items added - do we really // need to rebuildCells a million times? Maybe this is better now that // we do rebuildCells instead of recreateCells. requestRebuildCells(); } else { needCellsReconfigured = true; } } private void checkContentWidthState() { // we test for item count here to resolve RT-14855, where the column // widths weren't being resized properly when in constrained layout mode // if there were no items. if (contentWidthDirty || getItemCount() == 0) { updateContentWidth(); contentWidthDirty = false; } } void horizontalScroll() { tableHeaderRow.updateScrollX(); }
Called when the focus is set on the cell above the current focused cell in order to scroll to it to make it visible.
/** * Called when the focus is set on the cell above the current focused cell in order to scroll to it to make it * visible. * * @since 12 */
protected void onFocusAboveCell() { TableFocusModel<M, ?> fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; flow.scrollTo(fm.getFocusedIndex()); }
Called when the focus is set on the cell below the current focused cell in order to scroll to it to make it visible.
/** * Called when the focus is set on the cell below the current focused cell in order to scroll to it to make it * visible. * * @since 12 */
protected void onFocusBelowCell() { TableFocusModel<M, ?> fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; flow.scrollTo(fm.getFocusedIndex()); }
Called when the selection is set on the the cell above the current focused cell in order to scroll to it to make it visible.
/** * Called when the selection is set on the the cell above the current focused cell in order to scroll to it to make * it visible. * * @since 12 */
protected void onSelectAboveCell() { SelectionModel<S> sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; flow.scrollTo(sm.getSelectedIndex()); }
Called when the selection is set on the cell below the current focused cell in order to scroll to it to make it visible.
/** * Called when the selection is set on the cell below the current focused cell in order to scroll to it to make it * visible. * * @since 12 */
protected void onSelectBelowCell() { SelectionModel<S> sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; flow.scrollTo(sm.getSelectedIndex()); }
Called when the selection is set on the left cell of the current selected one in order to horizontally scroll to it to make it visible.
/** * Called when the selection is set on the left cell of the current selected one in order to horizontally scroll to * it to make it visible. * * @since 12 */
protected void onSelectLeftCell() { scrollHorizontally(); }
Called when the selection is set on the right cell of the current selected one in order to horizontally scroll to it to make it visible.
/** * Called when the selection is set on the right cell of the current selected one in order to horizontally scroll to * it to make it visible. * * @since 12 */
protected void onSelectRightCell() { scrollHorizontally(); }
Called when the focus is set on the left cell of the current selected one in order to horizontally scroll to it to make it visible.
/** * Called when the focus is set on the left cell of the current selected one in order to horizontally scroll to it * to make it visible. * * @since 12 */
protected void onFocusLeftCell() { scrollHorizontally(); }
Called when the focus is set on the right cell of the current selected one in order to horizontally scroll to it to make it visible.
/** * Called when the focus is set on the right cell of the current selected one in order to horizontally scroll to it * to make it visible. * * @since 12 */
protected void onFocusRightCell() { scrollHorizontally(); }
Called when the selection is set on the first cell of the table (first row and first column) in order to scroll to it to make it visible.
/** * Called when the selection is set on the first cell of the table (first row and first column) in order to scroll * to it to make it visible. * * @since 12 */
protected void onMoveToFirstCell() { flow.scrollTo(0); flow.setPosition(0); }
Called when the selection is set on the last cell of the table (last row and last column) in order to scroll to it to make it visible.
/** * Called when the selection is set on the last cell of the table (last row and last column) in order to scroll to * it to make it visible. * * @since 12 */
protected void onMoveToLastCell() { int endPos = getItemCount(); flow.scrollTo(endPos); flow.setPosition(1); } private void updateTableItems(ObservableList<S> oldList, ObservableList<S> newList) { if (oldList != null) { oldList.removeListener(weakRowCountListener); } if (newList != null) { newList.addListener(weakRowCountListener); } markItemCountDirty(); getSkinnable().requestLayout(); } Region getColumnReorderLine() { return columnReorderLine; }
Returns the index of the selected (or focused, if isFocusDriven is true) cell after a page scroll operation. If the selected/focused cell is not the last fully visible cell, then the last fully visible cell is selected/focused. Otherwise, the content is scrolled such that the cell is made visible at the top of the viewport (and the new last fully visible cell is selected/focused instead).
  • isFocusDriven – true if focused cell should be considered over selection
Returns:the new index to select, or to focus if isFocusDriven is true
/** * Returns the index of the selected (or focused, if {@code isFocusDriven} is {@code true}) cell after a page scroll * operation. If the selected/focused cell is not the last fully visible cell, then the last fully visible cell is * selected/focused. Otherwise, the content is scrolled such that the cell is made visible at the top of the * viewport (and the new last fully visible cell is selected/focused instead). * * @param isFocusDriven {@code true} if focused cell should be considered over selection * @return the new index to select, or to focus if {@code isFocusDriven} is {@code true} * @since 12 */
protected int onScrollPageDown(boolean isFocusDriven) { TableSelectionModel<S> sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return -1; final int itemCount = getItemCount(); I lastVisibleCell = flow.getLastVisibleCellWithinViewport(); if (lastVisibleCell == null) return -1; int lastVisibleCellIndex = lastVisibleCell.getIndex(); // we include this test here as the virtual flow will return cells that // exceed past the item count, so we need to clamp here (and further down // in this method also). See RT-19053 for more information. lastVisibleCellIndex = lastVisibleCellIndex >= itemCount ? itemCount - 1 : lastVisibleCellIndex; // isSelected represents focus OR selection boolean isSelected; if (isFocusDriven) { isSelected = lastVisibleCell.isFocused() || isCellFocused(lastVisibleCellIndex); } else { isSelected = lastVisibleCell.isSelected() || isCellSelected(lastVisibleCellIndex); } if (isSelected) { boolean isLeadIndex = isLeadIndex(isFocusDriven, lastVisibleCellIndex); if (isLeadIndex) { // if the last visible cell is selected, we want to shift that cell up // to be the top-most cell, or at least as far to the top as we can go. flow.scrollToTop(lastVisibleCell); I newLastVisibleCell = flow.getLastVisibleCellWithinViewport(); lastVisibleCell = newLastVisibleCell == null ? lastVisibleCell : newLastVisibleCell; } } int newSelectionIndex = lastVisibleCell.getIndex(); newSelectionIndex = newSelectionIndex >= itemCount ? itemCount - 1 : newSelectionIndex; flow.scrollTo(newSelectionIndex); return newSelectionIndex; }
Returns the index of the selected (or focused, if isFocusDriven is true) cell after a page scroll operation. If the selected/focused cell is not the first fully visible cell, then the first fully visible cell is selected/focused. Otherwise, the content is scrolled such that the cell is made visible at the bottom of the viewport (and the new first fully visible cell is selected/focused instead).
  • isFocusDriven – true if focused cell should be considered over selection
Returns:the new index to select, or to focus if isFocusDriven is true
/** * Returns the index of the selected (or focused, if {@code isFocusDriven} is {@code true}) cell after a page scroll * operation. If the selected/focused cell is not the first fully visible cell, then the first fully visible cell is * selected/focused. Otherwise, the content is scrolled such that the cell is made visible at the bottom of the * viewport (and the new first fully visible cell is selected/focused instead). * * @param isFocusDriven {@code true} if focused cell should be considered over selection * @return the new index to select, or to focus if {@code isFocusDriven} is {@code true} * @since 12 */
protected int onScrollPageUp(boolean isFocusDriven) { I firstVisibleCell = flow.getFirstVisibleCellWithinViewport(); if (firstVisibleCell == null) return -1; int firstVisibleCellIndex = firstVisibleCell.getIndex(); // isSelected represents focus OR selection boolean isSelected = false; if (isFocusDriven) { isSelected = firstVisibleCell.isFocused() || isCellFocused(firstVisibleCellIndex); } else { isSelected = firstVisibleCell.isSelected() || isCellSelected(firstVisibleCellIndex); } if (isSelected) { boolean isLeadIndex = isLeadIndex(isFocusDriven, firstVisibleCellIndex); if (isLeadIndex) { // if the first visible cell is selected, we want to shift that cell down // to be the bottom-most cell, or at least as far to the bottom as we can go. flow.scrollToBottom(firstVisibleCell); I newFirstVisibleCell = flow.getFirstVisibleCellWithinViewport(); firstVisibleCell = newFirstVisibleCell == null ? firstVisibleCell : newFirstVisibleCell; } } int newSelectionIndex = firstVisibleCell.getIndex(); flow.scrollTo(newSelectionIndex); return newSelectionIndex; } private boolean isLeadIndex(boolean isFocusDriven, int index) { final TableSelectionModel<S> sm = getSelectionModel(); final FocusModel<M> fm = getFocusModel(); return (isFocusDriven && fm.getFocusedIndex() == index) || (! isFocusDriven && sm.getSelectedIndex() == index); }
Keeps track of how many leaf columns are currently visible in this table.
/** * Keeps track of how many leaf columns are currently visible in this table. */
private void updateVisibleColumnCount() { visibleColCount = getVisibleLeafColumns().size(); updatePlaceholderRegionVisibility(); requestRebuildCells(); } private void updateVisibleLeafColumnWidthListeners( List<? extends TC> added, List<? extends TC> removed) { for (int i = 0, max = removed.size(); i < max; i++) { TC tc = removed.get(i); tc.widthProperty().removeListener(weakWidthListener); } for (int i = 0, max = added.size(); i < max; i++) { TC tc = added.get(i); tc.widthProperty().addListener(weakWidthListener); } requestRebuildCells(); } final void updatePlaceholderRegionVisibility() { boolean visible = visibleColCount == 0 || getItemCount() == 0; if (visible) { if (placeholderRegion == null) { placeholderRegion = new StackPane(); placeholderRegion.getStyleClass().setAll("placeholder"); getChildren().add(placeholderRegion); } Node placeholderNode = TableSkinUtils.placeholderProperty(this).get(); if (placeholderNode == null) { if (placeholderLabel == null) { placeholderLabel = new Label(); } String s = visibleColCount == 0 ? NO_COLUMNS_TEXT : EMPTY_TABLE_TEXT; placeholderLabel.setText(s); placeholderRegion.getChildren().setAll(placeholderLabel); } else { placeholderRegion.getChildren().setAll(placeholderNode); } } flow.setVisible(! visible); if (placeholderRegion != null) { placeholderRegion.setVisible(visible); } } /* * It's often important to know how much width is available for content * within the table, and this needs to exclude the width of any vertical * scrollbar. */ private void updateContentWidth() { double contentWidth = flow.getWidth(); if (flow.getVbar().isVisible()) { contentWidth -= flow.getVbar().getWidth(); } if (contentWidth <= 0) { // Fix for RT-14855 when there is no content in the TableView. Control c = getSkinnable(); contentWidth = c.getWidth() - (snappedLeftInset() + snappedRightInset()); } contentWidth = Math.max(0.0, contentWidth); // FIXME this isn't perfect, but it prevents RT-14885, which results in // undesired horizontal scrollbars when in constrained resize mode getSkinnable().getProperties().put("TableView.contentWidth", Math.floor(contentWidth)); } private void refreshView() { markItemCountDirty(); Control c = getSkinnable(); if (c != null) { c.requestLayout(); } }
Scrolls to the column containing the current focused cell.

Handles the horizontal scrolling when the selection mode is cell-based and the newly selected cell belongs to a column which is not completely visible.

/** * Scrolls to the column containing the current focused cell. * <p> * Handles the horizontal scrolling when the selection mode is cell-based and the newly selected cell belongs to a * column which is not completely visible. * * @since 12 */
public void scrollHorizontally() { TableFocusModel<M, ?> fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; TC col = getFocusedCell().getTableColumn(); scrollHorizontally(col); }
Programmatically scrolls to the given column. This call will ensure that the column is aligned on the left edge of the TableView and also that the columns don't become detached from the right edge of the table.
  • col – the column to scroll to
/** * Programmatically scrolls to the given column. This call will ensure that the column is aligned on the left edge * of the {@code TableView} and also that the columns don't become detached from the right edge of the table. * * @param col the column to scroll to * @since 12 */
protected void scrollHorizontally(TC col) { if (col == null || !col.isVisible()) return; final Control control = getSkinnable(); // RT-37060 - if we are trying to scroll to a column that has not // yet even been rendered, we must wait until the layout pass has // happened and then do the scroll. The laziest way to do this is to // queue up the task to run later, at which point we will have hopefully // fully run the column through layout and css. TableColumnHeader header = tableHeaderRow.getColumnHeaderFor(col); if (header == null || header.getWidth() <= 0) { Platform.runLater(() -> scrollHorizontally(col)); return; } // work out where this column header is, and it's width (start -> end) double start = 0; for (TC c : getVisibleLeafColumns()) { if (c.equals(col)) break; start += c.getWidth(); } double end = start + col.getWidth(); // determine the visible width of the table double headerWidth = control.getWidth() - snappedLeftInset() - snappedRightInset(); // determine by how much we need to translate the table to ensure that // the start position of this column lines up with the left edge of the // tableview, and also that the columns don't become detached from the // right edge of the table double pos = flow.getHbar().getValue(); double max = flow.getHbar().getMax(); double newPos; if (start < pos && start >= 0) { newPos = start; } else { double delta = start < 0 || end > headerWidth ? start - pos : 0; newPos = pos + delta > max ? max : pos + delta; } // FIXME we should add API in VirtualFlow so we don't end up going // direct to the hbar. // actually shift the flow - this will result in the header moving // as well flow.getHbar().setValue(newPos); } private boolean isCellSelected(int row) { TableSelectionModel<S> sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return false; if (! sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) return false; int columnCount = getVisibleLeafColumns().size(); for (int col = 0; col < columnCount; col++) { if (sm.isSelected(row, TableSkinUtils.getVisibleLeafColumn(this,col))) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean isCellFocused(int row) { TableFocusModel<S,TC> fm = (TableFocusModel<S,TC>)(Object)getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return false; int columnCount = getVisibleLeafColumns().size(); for (int col = 0; col < columnCount; col++) { if (fm.isFocused(row, TableSkinUtils.getVisibleLeafColumn(this,col))) { return true; } } return false; } /*************************************************************************** * * * A11y * * * **************************************************************************/
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected Object queryAccessibleAttribute(AccessibleAttribute attribute, Object... parameters) { switch (attribute) { case FOCUS_ITEM: { TableFocusModel<M,?> fm = getFocusModel(); int focusedIndex = fm.getFocusedIndex(); if (focusedIndex == -1) { if (placeholderRegion != null && placeholderRegion.isVisible()) { return placeholderRegion.getChildren().get(0); } if (getItemCount() > 0) { focusedIndex = 0; } else { return null; } } return flow.getPrivateCell(focusedIndex); } case CELL_AT_ROW_COLUMN: { int rowIndex = (Integer)parameters[0]; return flow.getPrivateCell(rowIndex); } case COLUMN_AT_INDEX: { int index = (Integer)parameters[0]; TableColumnBase<S,?> column = TableSkinUtils.getVisibleLeafColumn(this,index); return getTableHeaderRow().getColumnHeaderFor(column); } case HEADER: { /* Not sure how this is used by Accessibility, but without this VoiceOver will not * look for column headers */ return getTableHeaderRow(); } case VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR: return flow.getVbar(); case HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR: return flow.getHbar(); default: return super.queryAccessibleAttribute(attribute, parameters); } } }