 * Copyright (c) 2011, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
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package com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior;

import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.SizeLimitedList;
import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.collections.WeakListChangeListener;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.geometry.NodeOrientation;
import javafx.scene.control.*;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.inputmap.InputMap;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.inputmap.KeyBinding;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.util.Callback;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.sun.javafx.PlatformUtil;
import static javafx.scene.input.KeyCode.*;
import static com.sun.javafx.scene.control.inputmap.InputMap.KeyMapping;

public abstract class TableViewBehaviorBase<C extends Control, T, TC extends TableColumnBase<T,?>> extends BehaviorBase<C> {

* Internal fields * *
/************************************************************************** * * * Internal fields * * * *************************************************************************/
private final InputMap<C> tableViewInputMap; protected boolean isShortcutDown = false; protected boolean isShiftDown = false; private boolean selectionPathDeviated = false; protected boolean selectionChanging = false; private final EventHandler<KeyEvent> keyEventListener = e -> { if (!e.isConsumed()) { // RT-12751: we want to keep an eye on the user holding down the shift key, // so that we know when they enter/leave multiple selection mode. This // changes what happens when certain key combinations are pressed. isShiftDown = e.getEventType() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED && e.isShiftDown(); isShortcutDown = e.getEventType() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED && e.isShortcutDown(); } }; private final SizeLimitedList<TablePositionBase> selectionHistory = new SizeLimitedList<>(10); protected final ListChangeListener<TablePositionBase> selectedCellsListener = c -> { while (c.next()) { if (c.wasReplaced()) { if (TreeTableCellBehavior.hasDefaultAnchor(getNode())) { TreeTableCellBehavior.removeAnchor(getNode()); } } if (! c.wasAdded()) { continue; } TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; TablePositionBase anchor = getAnchor(); boolean cellSelectionEnabled = sm.isCellSelectionEnabled(); int addedSize = c.getAddedSize(); List<TablePositionBase> addedSubList = (List<TablePositionBase>) c.getAddedSubList(); for (TablePositionBase tpb : addedSubList) { if (! selectionHistory.contains(tpb)) { selectionHistory.add(tpb); } } // newest selection if (addedSize > 0 && ! hasAnchor()) { TablePositionBase tp = addedSubList.get(addedSize - 1); setAnchor(tp); } if (anchor != null && cellSelectionEnabled && ! selectionPathDeviated) { // check if the selection is on the same row or column, // otherwise set selectionPathDeviated to true for (int i = 0; i < addedSize; i++) { TablePositionBase tp = addedSubList.get(i); if (anchor.getRow() != -1 && tp.getRow() != anchor.getRow() && tp.getColumn() != anchor.getColumn()) { setSelectionPathDeviated(true); break; } } } } }; protected final WeakListChangeListener<TablePositionBase> weakSelectedCellsListener = new WeakListChangeListener<TablePositionBase>(selectedCellsListener);
* Constructors * *
/************************************************************************** * * * Constructors * * * *************************************************************************/
public TableViewBehaviorBase(C control) { super(control); // create a map for TableView(Base)-specific mappings tableViewInputMap = createInputMap(); KeyMapping enterKeyActivateMapping, escapeKeyCancelEditMapping; addDefaultMapping(tableViewInputMap, new KeyMapping(TAB, FocusTraversalInputMap::traverseNext), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(TAB).shift(), FocusTraversalInputMap::traversePrevious), new KeyMapping(HOME, e -> selectFirstRow()), new KeyMapping(END, e -> selectLastRow()), new KeyMapping(PAGE_UP, e -> scrollUp()), new KeyMapping(PAGE_DOWN, e -> scrollDown()), new KeyMapping(LEFT, e -> selectLeftCell()), new KeyMapping(KP_LEFT, e -> selectLeftCell()), new KeyMapping(RIGHT, e -> selectRightCell()), new KeyMapping(KP_RIGHT, e -> selectRightCell()), new KeyMapping(UP, e -> selectPreviousRow()), new KeyMapping(KP_UP, e -> selectPreviousRow()), new KeyMapping(DOWN, e -> selectNextRow()), new KeyMapping(KP_DOWN, e -> selectNextRow()), new KeyMapping(LEFT, FocusTraversalInputMap::traverseLeft), new KeyMapping(KP_LEFT, FocusTraversalInputMap::traverseLeft), new KeyMapping(RIGHT, FocusTraversalInputMap::traverseRight), new KeyMapping(KP_RIGHT, FocusTraversalInputMap::traverseRight), new KeyMapping(UP, FocusTraversalInputMap::traverseUp), new KeyMapping(KP_UP, FocusTraversalInputMap::traverseUp), new KeyMapping(DOWN, FocusTraversalInputMap::traverseDown), new KeyMapping(KP_DOWN, FocusTraversalInputMap::traverseDown), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(HOME).shift(), e -> selectAllToFirstRow()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(END).shift(), e -> selectAllToLastRow()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(PAGE_UP).shift(), e -> selectAllPageUp()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(PAGE_DOWN).shift(), e -> selectAllPageDown()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(UP).shift(), e -> alsoSelectPrevious()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(KP_UP).shift(), e -> alsoSelectPrevious()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(DOWN).shift(), e -> alsoSelectNext()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(KP_DOWN).shift(), e -> alsoSelectNext()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(SPACE).shift(), e -> selectAllToFocus(false)), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(SPACE).shortcut().shift(), e -> selectAllToFocus(true)), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(LEFT).shift(), e -> alsoSelectLeftCell()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(KP_LEFT).shift(), e -> alsoSelectLeftCell()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(RIGHT).shift(), e -> alsoSelectRightCell()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(KP_RIGHT).shift(), e -> alsoSelectRightCell()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(UP).shortcut(), e -> focusPreviousRow()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(DOWN).shortcut(), e -> focusNextRow()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(RIGHT).shortcut(), e -> focusRightCell()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(KP_RIGHT).shortcut(), e -> focusRightCell()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(LEFT).shortcut(), e -> focusLeftCell()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(KP_LEFT).shortcut(), e -> focusLeftCell()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(A).shortcut(), e -> selectAll()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(HOME).shortcut(), e -> focusFirstRow()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(END).shortcut(), e -> focusLastRow()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(PAGE_UP).shortcut(), e -> focusPageUp()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(PAGE_DOWN).shortcut(), e -> focusPageDown()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(UP).shortcut().shift(), e -> discontinuousSelectPreviousRow()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(DOWN).shortcut().shift(), e -> discontinuousSelectNextRow()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(LEFT).shortcut().shift(), e -> discontinuousSelectPreviousColumn()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(RIGHT).shortcut().shift(), e -> discontinuousSelectNextColumn()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(PAGE_UP).shortcut().shift(), e -> discontinuousSelectPageUp()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(PAGE_DOWN).shortcut().shift(), e -> discontinuousSelectPageDown()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(HOME).shortcut().shift(), e -> discontinuousSelectAllToFirstRow()), new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(END).shortcut().shift(), e -> discontinuousSelectAllToLastRow()), enterKeyActivateMapping = new KeyMapping(ENTER, this::activate), new KeyMapping(SPACE, this::activate), new KeyMapping(F2, this::activate), escapeKeyCancelEditMapping = new KeyMapping(ESCAPE, this::cancelEdit), new InputMap.MouseMapping(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, this::mousePressed) ); enterKeyActivateMapping.setAutoConsume(false); escapeKeyCancelEditMapping.setAutoConsume(false); // create OS-specific child mappings // --- mac OS InputMap<C> macInputMap = new InputMap<>(control); macInputMap.setInterceptor(event -> !PlatformUtil.isMac()); addDefaultMapping(macInputMap, new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(SPACE).shortcut().ctrl(), e -> toggleFocusOwnerSelection())); addDefaultChildMap(tableViewInputMap, macInputMap); // --- all other platforms InputMap<C> otherOsInputMap = new InputMap<>(control); otherOsInputMap.setInterceptor(event -> PlatformUtil.isMac()); addDefaultMapping(otherOsInputMap, new KeyMapping(new KeyBinding(SPACE).ctrl(), e -> toggleFocusOwnerSelection())); addDefaultChildMap(tableViewInputMap, otherOsInputMap); // set up other listeners // We make this an event _filter_ so that we can determine the state // of the shift key before the event handlers get a shot at the event. control.addEventFilter(KeyEvent.ANY, keyEventListener); } /************************************************************************** * * * Abstract API * * * *************************************************************************/
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public InputMap<C> getInputMap() { return tableViewInputMap; }
Call to record the current anchor position
/** * Call to record the current anchor position */
protected void setAnchor(TablePositionBase tp) { TableCellBehaviorBase.setAnchor(getNode(), tp, false); setSelectionPathDeviated(false); }
Will return the current anchor position.
/** * Will return the current anchor position. */
protected TablePositionBase getAnchor() { return TableCellBehaviorBase.getAnchor(getNode(), getFocusedCell()); }
Returns true if there is an anchor set, and false if not anchor is set.
/** * Returns true if there is an anchor set, and false if not anchor is set. */
protected boolean hasAnchor() { return TableCellBehaviorBase.hasNonDefaultAnchor(getNode()); }
Returns the number of items in the underlying data model.
/** * Returns the number of items in the underlying data model. */
protected abstract int getItemCount();
Returns the focus model for the underlying UI control (which must extend from TableFocusModel).
/** * Returns the focus model for the underlying UI control (which must extend * from TableFocusModel). */
protected abstract TableFocusModel getFocusModel();
Returns the selection model for the underlying UI control (which must extend from TableSelectionModel).
/** * Returns the selection model for the underlying UI control (which must extend * from TableSelectionModel). */
protected abstract TableSelectionModel<T> getSelectionModel();
Returns an observable list of all cells that are currently selected in the selection model of the underlying control.
/** * Returns an observable list of all cells that are currently selected in * the selection model of the underlying control. */
protected abstract ObservableList<? extends TablePositionBase/*<C,TC>*/> getSelectedCells();
Returns the focused cell from the focus model of the underlying control.
/** * Returns the focused cell from the focus model of the underlying control. */
protected abstract TablePositionBase getFocusedCell();
Returns the position of the given table column in the visible leaf columns list of the underlying control.
/** * Returns the position of the given table column in the visible leaf columns * list of the underlying control. */
protected abstract int getVisibleLeafIndex(TableColumnBase tc);
Returns the column at the given index in the visible leaf columns list of the underlying control.
/** * Returns the column at the given index in the visible leaf columns list of * the underlying control. */
protected abstract TableColumnBase getVisibleLeafColumn(int index);
Returns true if the control (i.e. TableView / TreeTableView) is editable
/** * Returns true if the control (i.e. TableView / TreeTableView) is editable */
protected abstract boolean isControlEditable();
Begins the edit process in the underlying control for the given row/column position.
/** * Begins the edit process in the underlying control for the given row/column * position. */
protected abstract void editCell(int row, TableColumnBase tc);
Returns an observable list of all visible leaf columns in the underlying control.
/** * Returns an observable list of all visible leaf columns in the underlying * control. */
protected abstract ObservableList<? extends TableColumnBase> getVisibleLeafColumns();
Creates a TablePositionBase instance using the underlying controls concrete implementation for the given row/column intersection.
/** * Creates a TablePositionBase instance using the underlying controls * concrete implementation for the given row/column intersection. */
protected abstract TablePositionBase<TC> getTablePosition(int row, TableColumnBase<T,?> tc);
* Public API * *
/************************************************************************** * * * Public API * * * *************************************************************************/
/* * Anchor is created upon * - initial selection of an item (by mouse or keyboard) * * Anchor is changed when you * - move the selection to an item by UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys * - select an item by mouse click * - add/remove an item to/from an existing selection by CTRL+SPACE shortcut * - add/remove an items to/from an existing selection by CTRL+mouse click * * Note that if an item is removed from an existing selection by * CTRL+SPACE/CTRL+mouse click, anchor still remains on this item even * though it is not selected. * * Anchor is NOT changed when you * - create linear multi-selection by SHIFT+UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys * - create linear multi-selection by SHIFT+SPACE arrow keys * - create linear multi-selection by SHIFT+mouse click * * In case there is a discontinuous selection in the list, creating linear * multi-selection between anchor and focused item will cancel the * discontinuous selection. It means that only items that are located between * anchor and focused item will be selected. */ protected void setAnchor(int row, TableColumnBase col) { setAnchor(row == -1 && col == null ? null : getTablePosition(row, col)); } private Callback<Boolean, Integer> onScrollPageUp; public void setOnScrollPageUp(Callback<Boolean, Integer> c) { onScrollPageUp = c; } private Callback<Boolean, Integer> onScrollPageDown; public void setOnScrollPageDown(Callback<Boolean, Integer> c) { onScrollPageDown = c; } private Runnable onFocusPreviousRow; public void setOnFocusPreviousRow(Runnable r) { onFocusPreviousRow = r; } private Runnable onFocusNextRow; public void setOnFocusNextRow(Runnable r) { onFocusNextRow = r; } private Runnable onSelectPreviousRow; public void setOnSelectPreviousRow(Runnable r) { onSelectPreviousRow = r; } private Runnable onSelectNextRow; public void setOnSelectNextRow(Runnable r) { onSelectNextRow = r; } private Runnable onMoveToFirstCell; public void setOnMoveToFirstCell(Runnable r) { onMoveToFirstCell = r; } private Runnable onMoveToLastCell; public void setOnMoveToLastCell(Runnable r) { onMoveToLastCell = r; } private Runnable onSelectRightCell; public void setOnSelectRightCell(Runnable r) { onSelectRightCell = r; } private Runnable onSelectLeftCell; public void setOnSelectLeftCell(Runnable r) { onSelectLeftCell = r; } private Runnable onFocusRightCell; public void setOnFocusRightCell(Runnable r) { onFocusRightCell = r; } private Runnable onFocusLeftCell; public void setOnFocusLeftCell(Runnable r) { onFocusLeftCell = r; } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { // // FIXME can't assume (yet) cells.get(0) is necessarily the lead cell // ObservableList<? extends TablePositionBase> cells = getSelectedCells(); // setAnchor(cells.isEmpty() ? null : cells.get(0)); if (!getNode().isFocused() && getNode().isFocusTraversable()) { getNode().requestFocus(); } } protected boolean isRTL() { return (getNode().getEffectiveNodeOrientation() == NodeOrientation.RIGHT_TO_LEFT); }
* Private implementation * *
/************************************************************************** * * * Private implementation * * * *************************************************************************/
private void setSelectionPathDeviated(boolean selectionPathDeviated) { this.selectionPathDeviated = selectionPathDeviated; } protected void scrollUp() { TableSelectionModel<T> sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null || getSelectedCells().isEmpty()) return; TablePositionBase<TC> selectedCell = getSelectedCells().get(0); int newSelectedIndex = -1; if (onScrollPageUp != null) { newSelectedIndex = onScrollPageUp.call(false); } if (newSelectedIndex == -1) return; sm.clearAndSelect(newSelectedIndex, selectedCell.getTableColumn()); } protected void scrollDown() { TableSelectionModel<T> sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null || getSelectedCells().isEmpty()) return; TablePositionBase<TC> selectedCell = getSelectedCells().get(0); int newSelectedIndex = -1; if (onScrollPageDown != null) { newSelectedIndex = onScrollPageDown.call(false); } if (newSelectedIndex == -1) return; sm.clearAndSelect(newSelectedIndex, selectedCell.getTableColumn()); } protected void focusFirstRow() { TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; TableColumnBase tc = getFocusedCell() == null ? null : getFocusedCell().getTableColumn(); fm.focus(0, tc); if (onMoveToFirstCell != null) onMoveToFirstCell.run(); } protected void focusLastRow() { TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; TableColumnBase tc = getFocusedCell() == null ? null : getFocusedCell().getTableColumn(); fm.focus(getItemCount() - 1, tc); if (onMoveToLastCell != null) onMoveToLastCell.run(); } protected void focusPreviousRow() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; if (sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) { fm.focusAboveCell(); } else { fm.focusPrevious(); } if (! isShortcutDown || getAnchor() == null) { setAnchor(fm.getFocusedIndex(), null); } if (onFocusPreviousRow != null) onFocusPreviousRow.run(); } protected void focusNextRow() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; if (sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) { fm.focusBelowCell(); } else { fm.focusNext(); } if (! isShortcutDown || getAnchor() == null) { setAnchor(fm.getFocusedIndex(), null); } if (onFocusNextRow != null) onFocusNextRow.run(); } protected void focusLeftCell() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; fm.focusLeftCell(); if (onFocusLeftCell != null) onFocusLeftCell.run(); } protected void focusRightCell() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; fm.focusRightCell(); if (onFocusRightCell != null) onFocusRightCell.run(); } protected void focusPageUp() { int newFocusIndex = onScrollPageUp.call(true); TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; TableColumnBase tc = getFocusedCell() == null ? null : getFocusedCell().getTableColumn(); fm.focus(newFocusIndex, tc); } protected void focusPageDown() { int newFocusIndex = onScrollPageDown.call(true); TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; TableColumnBase tc = getFocusedCell() == null ? null : getFocusedCell().getTableColumn(); fm.focus(newFocusIndex, tc); } protected void clearSelection() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; sm.clearSelection(); } protected void clearSelectionOutsideRange(int start, int end, TableColumnBase<T,?> column) { TableSelectionModel<T> sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; int min = Math.min(start, end); int max = Math.max(start, end); List<Integer> indices = new ArrayList<Integer>(sm.getSelectedIndices()); selectionChanging = true; for (int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) { int index = indices.get(i); if (index < min || index > max) { sm.clearSelection(index, column); } } selectionChanging = false; } protected void alsoSelectPrevious() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; if (sm.getSelectionMode() == SelectionMode.SINGLE) { selectPreviousRow(); return; } TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; if (sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) { updateCellVerticalSelection(-1, () -> { getSelectionModel().selectAboveCell(); }); } else { if (isShiftDown && hasAnchor()) { updateRowSelection(-1); } else { sm.selectPrevious(); } } onSelectPreviousRow.run(); } protected void alsoSelectNext() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; if (sm.getSelectionMode() == SelectionMode.SINGLE) { selectNextRow(); return; } TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; if (sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) { updateCellVerticalSelection(1, () -> { getSelectionModel().selectBelowCell(); }); } else { if (isShiftDown && hasAnchor()) { updateRowSelection(1); } else { sm.selectNext(); } } onSelectNextRow.run(); } protected void alsoSelectLeftCell() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null || !sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) return; updateCellHorizontalSelection(-1, () -> getSelectionModel().selectLeftCell()); onSelectLeftCell.run(); } protected void alsoSelectRightCell() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null || !sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) return; updateCellHorizontalSelection(1, () -> getSelectionModel().selectRightCell()); onSelectRightCell.run(); } protected void updateRowSelection(int delta) { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null || sm.getSelectionMode() == SelectionMode.SINGLE) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; int newRow = fm.getFocusedIndex() + delta; TablePositionBase anchor = getAnchor(); if (! hasAnchor()) { setAnchor(getFocusedCell()); } if (sm.getSelectedIndices().size() > 1) { clearSelectionOutsideRange(anchor.getRow(), newRow, null); } if (anchor.getRow() > newRow) { sm.selectRange(anchor.getRow(), newRow - 1); } else { sm.selectRange(anchor.getRow(), newRow + 1); } } protected void updateCellVerticalSelection(int delta, Runnable defaultAction) { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null || sm.getSelectionMode() == SelectionMode.SINGLE) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; final TablePositionBase focusedCell = getFocusedCell(); final int focusedCellRow = focusedCell.getRow(); if (isShiftDown && sm.isSelected(focusedCellRow + delta, focusedCell.getTableColumn())) { int newFocusOwner = focusedCellRow + delta; // work out if we're backtracking boolean backtracking = false; if (selectionHistory.size() >= 2) { TablePositionBase<TC> secondToLastSelectedCell = selectionHistory.get(1); backtracking = secondToLastSelectedCell.getRow() == newFocusOwner && secondToLastSelectedCell.getColumn() == focusedCell.getColumn(); } // if the selection path has deviated from the anchor row / column, then we need to see if we're moving // backwards to the previous selection or not (as it determines what cell row we clear out) int cellRowToClear = selectionPathDeviated ? (backtracking ? focusedCellRow : newFocusOwner) : focusedCellRow; sm.clearSelection(cellRowToClear, focusedCell.getTableColumn()); fm.focus(newFocusOwner, focusedCell.getTableColumn()); } else if (isShiftDown && getAnchor() != null && ! selectionPathDeviated) { int newRow = fm.getFocusedIndex() + delta; // we don't let the newRow go outside the bounds of the data newRow = Math.max(Math.min(getItemCount() - 1, newRow), 0); int start = Math.min(getAnchor().getRow(), newRow); int end = Math.max(getAnchor().getRow(), newRow); if (sm.getSelectedIndices().size() > 1) { clearSelectionOutsideRange(start, end, focusedCell.getTableColumn()); } for (int _row = start; _row <= end; _row++) { if (sm.isSelected(_row, focusedCell.getTableColumn())) { continue; } sm.select(_row, focusedCell.getTableColumn()); } fm.focus(newRow, focusedCell.getTableColumn()); } else { final int focusIndex = fm.getFocusedIndex(); if (! sm.isSelected(focusIndex, focusedCell.getTableColumn())) { sm.select(focusIndex, focusedCell.getTableColumn()); } defaultAction.run(); } } protected void updateCellHorizontalSelection(int delta, Runnable defaultAction) { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null || sm.getSelectionMode() == SelectionMode.SINGLE) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; final TablePositionBase focusedCell = getFocusedCell(); if (focusedCell == null || focusedCell.getTableColumn() == null) return; boolean atEnd = false; TableColumnBase adjacentColumn = getColumn(focusedCell.getTableColumn(), delta); if (adjacentColumn == null) { // if adjacentColumn is null, we use the focusedCell column, as we are // most probably at the very beginning or end of the row adjacentColumn = focusedCell.getTableColumn(); atEnd = true; } final int focusedCellRow = focusedCell.getRow(); if (isShiftDown && sm.isSelected(focusedCellRow, adjacentColumn)) { if (atEnd) { return; } // work out if we're backtracking boolean backtracking = false; ObservableList<? extends TablePositionBase> selectedCells = getSelectedCells(); if (selectedCells.size() >= 2) { TablePositionBase<TC> secondToLastSelectedCell = selectedCells.get(selectedCells.size() - 2); backtracking = secondToLastSelectedCell.getRow() == focusedCellRow && secondToLastSelectedCell.getTableColumn().equals(adjacentColumn); } // if the selection path has deviated from the anchor row / column, then we need to see if we're moving // backwards to the previous selection or not (as it determines what cell column we clear out) TableColumnBase<?,?> cellColumnToClear = selectionPathDeviated ? (backtracking ? focusedCell.getTableColumn() : adjacentColumn) : focusedCell.getTableColumn(); sm.clearSelection(focusedCellRow, cellColumnToClear); fm.focus(focusedCellRow, adjacentColumn); } else if (isShiftDown && getAnchor() != null && ! selectionPathDeviated) { final int anchorColumn = getAnchor().getColumn(); // we don't let the newColumn go outside the bounds of the data int newColumn = getVisibleLeafIndex(focusedCell.getTableColumn()) + delta; newColumn = Math.max(Math.min(getVisibleLeafColumns().size() - 1, newColumn), 0); int start = Math.min(anchorColumn, newColumn); int end = Math.max(anchorColumn, newColumn); for (int _col = start; _col <= end; _col++) { sm.select(focusedCell.getRow(), getColumn(_col)); } fm.focus(focusedCell.getRow(), getColumn(newColumn)); } else { defaultAction.run(); } } protected TableColumnBase getColumn(int index) { return getVisibleLeafColumn(index); } protected TableColumnBase getColumn(TableColumnBase tc, int delta) { return getVisibleLeafColumn(getVisibleLeafIndex(tc) + delta); } protected void selectFirstRow() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; ObservableList<? extends TablePositionBase> selection = getSelectedCells(); TableColumnBase<?,?> selectedColumn = selection.size() == 0 ? null : selection.get(0).getTableColumn(); sm.clearAndSelect(0, selectedColumn); if (onMoveToFirstCell != null) onMoveToFirstCell.run(); } protected void selectLastRow() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; ObservableList<? extends TablePositionBase> selection = getSelectedCells(); TableColumnBase<?,?> selectedColumn = selection.size() == 0 ? null : selection.get(0).getTableColumn(); sm.clearAndSelect(getItemCount() - 1, selectedColumn); if (onMoveToLastCell != null) onMoveToLastCell.run(); } protected void selectPreviousRow() { selectCell(-1, 0); if (onSelectPreviousRow != null) onSelectPreviousRow.run(); } protected void selectNextRow() { selectCell(1, 0); if (onSelectNextRow != null) onSelectNextRow.run(); } protected void selectLeftCell() { selectCell(0, -1); if (onSelectLeftCell != null) onSelectLeftCell.run(); } protected void selectRightCell() { selectCell(0, 1); if (onSelectRightCell != null) onSelectRightCell.run(); } protected void selectCell(int rowDiff, int columnDiff) { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; TablePositionBase<TC> focusedCell = getFocusedCell(); int currentRow = focusedCell.getRow(); int currentColumn = getVisibleLeafIndex(focusedCell.getTableColumn()); if (rowDiff > 0 && currentRow >= getItemCount() - 1) return; else if (columnDiff < 0 && currentColumn <= 0) return; else if (columnDiff > 0 && currentColumn >= getVisibleLeafColumns().size() - 1) return; else if (columnDiff > 0 && currentColumn == -1) return; TableColumnBase tc = focusedCell.getTableColumn(); tc = getColumn(tc, columnDiff); //JDK-8222214: Moved this "if" here because the first row might be focused and not selected, so // this makes sure it gets selected when the users presses UP. If not it ends calling // VirtualFlow.scrollTo(-1) at and the content of the TableView disappears. int row = (currentRow <= 0 && rowDiff <= 0) ? 0 : focusedCell.getRow() + rowDiff; sm.clearAndSelect(row, tc); setAnchor(row, tc); } protected void cancelEdit(KeyEvent e) { if (isControlEditable()) { editCell(-1, null); e.consume(); } } protected void activate(KeyEvent e) { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; TablePositionBase<TC> cell = getFocusedCell(); sm.select(cell.getRow(), cell.getTableColumn()); setAnchor(cell); // check if we are editable boolean isEditable = isControlEditable() && cell.getTableColumn().isEditable(); // edit this row also if (isEditable && cell.getRow() >= 0) { editCell(cell.getRow(), cell.getTableColumn()); e.consume(); } } protected void selectAllToFocus(boolean setAnchorToFocusIndex) { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; TablePositionBase<TC> focusedCell = getFocusedCell(); int focusRow = focusedCell.getRow(); TablePositionBase<TC> anchor = getAnchor(); int anchorRow = anchor.getRow(); sm.clearSelection(); if (! sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) { int startPos = anchorRow; int endPos = anchorRow > focusRow ? focusRow - 1 : focusRow + 1; sm.selectRange(startPos, endPos); } else { // we add all cells/rows between the current selection focus and // the anchor (inclusive) to the current selection. // We want focus to end up on the current focus position. sm.selectRange(anchor.getRow(), anchor.getTableColumn(), focusedCell.getRow(), focusedCell.getTableColumn()); } setAnchor(setAnchorToFocusIndex ? focusedCell : anchor); } protected void selectAll() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; sm.selectAll(); } protected void selectAllToFirstRow() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; final boolean isSingleSelection = sm.getSelectionMode() == SelectionMode.SINGLE; final TablePositionBase focusedCell = getFocusedCell(); final TableColumnBase<?,?> column = getFocusedCell().getTableColumn(); int leadIndex = focusedCell.getRow(); if (isShiftDown) { leadIndex = getAnchor() == null ? leadIndex : getAnchor().getRow(); } sm.clearSelection(); if (! sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) { // we are going from 0 to one before the focused cell as that is // the requirement of selectRange, so we call focus on the 0th row if (isSingleSelection) { sm.select(0); } else { sm.selectRange(leadIndex, -1); } fm.focus(0); } else { if (isSingleSelection) { sm.select(0, column); } else { sm.selectRange(leadIndex, column, -1, column); } fm.focus(0, column); } if (isShiftDown) { setAnchor(leadIndex, column); } if (onMoveToFirstCell != null) onMoveToFirstCell.run(); } protected void selectAllToLastRow() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; final int itemCount = getItemCount(); final TablePositionBase focusedCell = getFocusedCell(); final TableColumnBase<?,?> column = getFocusedCell().getTableColumn(); int leadIndex = focusedCell.getRow(); if (isShiftDown) { leadIndex = getAnchor() == null ? leadIndex : getAnchor().getRow(); } sm.clearSelection(); if (! sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) { sm.selectRange(leadIndex, itemCount); } else { sm.selectRange(leadIndex, column, itemCount - 1, column); } if (isShiftDown) { setAnchor(leadIndex, column); } if (onMoveToLastCell != null) onMoveToLastCell.run(); } protected void selectAllPageUp() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; int leadIndex = fm.getFocusedIndex(); final TableColumnBase col = sm.isCellSelectionEnabled() ? getFocusedCell().getTableColumn() : null; if (isShiftDown) { leadIndex = getAnchor() == null ? leadIndex : getAnchor().getRow(); setAnchor(leadIndex, col); } int leadSelectedIndex = onScrollPageUp.call(false); selectionChanging = true; if (sm.getSelectionMode() == null || sm.getSelectionMode() == SelectionMode.SINGLE) { if (sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) { sm.select(leadSelectedIndex, col); } else { sm.select(leadSelectedIndex); } } else { sm.clearSelection(); if (sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) { sm.selectRange(leadIndex, col, leadSelectedIndex, col); } else { // fix for RT-34407 int adjust = leadIndex < leadSelectedIndex ? 1 : -1; sm.selectRange(leadIndex, leadSelectedIndex + adjust); } } selectionChanging = false; } protected void selectAllPageDown() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; int leadIndex = fm.getFocusedIndex(); final TableColumnBase col = sm.isCellSelectionEnabled() ? getFocusedCell().getTableColumn() : null; if (isShiftDown) { leadIndex = getAnchor() == null ? leadIndex : getAnchor().getRow(); setAnchor(leadIndex, col); } int leadSelectedIndex = onScrollPageDown.call(false); selectionChanging = true; if (sm.getSelectionMode() == null || sm.getSelectionMode() == SelectionMode.SINGLE) { if (sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) { sm.select(leadSelectedIndex, col); } else { sm.select(leadSelectedIndex); } } else { sm.clearSelection(); if (sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) { sm.selectRange(leadIndex, col, leadSelectedIndex, col); } else { // fix for RT-34407 int adjust = leadIndex < leadSelectedIndex ? 1 : -1; sm.selectRange(leadIndex, leadSelectedIndex + adjust); } } selectionChanging = false; } protected void toggleFocusOwnerSelection() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; TablePositionBase focusedCell = getFocusedCell(); if (sm.isSelected(focusedCell.getRow(), focusedCell.getTableColumn())) { sm.clearSelection(focusedCell.getRow(), focusedCell.getTableColumn()); fm.focus(focusedCell.getRow(), focusedCell.getTableColumn()); } else { sm.select(focusedCell.getRow(), focusedCell.getTableColumn()); } setAnchor(focusedCell.getRow(), focusedCell.getTableColumn()); } // This functionality was added, but then removed when it was realised by // UX that TableView should not include 'spreadsheet-like' functionality. // When / if we ever introduce this kind of control, this functionality can // be re-enabled then. /* protected void moveToLeftMostColumn() { // Functionality as described in RT-12752 if (onMoveToLeftMostColumn != null) onMoveToLeftMostColumn.run(); TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null || ! sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; TablePosition focusedCell = fm.getFocusedCell(); TableColumn endColumn = getNode().getVisibleLeafColumn(0); sm.clearAndSelect(focusedCell.getRow(), endColumn); } protected void moveToRightMostColumn() { // Functionality as described in RT-12752 if (onMoveToRightMostColumn != null) onMoveToRightMostColumn.run(); TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null || ! sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; TablePosition focusedCell = fm.getFocusedCell(); TableColumn endColumn = getNode().getVisibleLeafColumn(getNode().getVisibleLeafColumns().size() - 1); sm.clearAndSelect(focusedCell.getRow(), endColumn); } */
Discontinuous Selection *
/************************************************************************** * Discontinuous Selection * *************************************************************************/
protected void discontinuousSelectPreviousRow() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; if (sm.getSelectionMode() != SelectionMode.MULTIPLE) { selectPreviousRow(); return; } TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; int focusIndex = fm.getFocusedIndex(); final int newFocusIndex = focusIndex - 1; if (newFocusIndex < 0) return; int startIndex = focusIndex; final TableColumnBase col = sm.isCellSelectionEnabled() ? getFocusedCell().getTableColumn() : null; if (isShiftDown) { startIndex = getAnchor() == null ? focusIndex : getAnchor().getRow(); } if (! sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) { sm.selectRange(newFocusIndex, startIndex + 1); fm.focus(newFocusIndex); } else { for (int i = newFocusIndex; i < startIndex + 1; i++) { sm.select(i, col); } fm.focus(newFocusIndex, col); } if (onFocusPreviousRow != null) onFocusPreviousRow.run(); } protected void discontinuousSelectNextRow() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; if (sm.getSelectionMode() != SelectionMode.MULTIPLE) { selectNextRow(); return; } TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; int focusIndex = fm.getFocusedIndex(); final int newFocusIndex = focusIndex + 1; if (newFocusIndex >= getItemCount()) return; int startIndex = focusIndex; final TableColumnBase col = sm.isCellSelectionEnabled() ? getFocusedCell().getTableColumn() : null; if (isShiftDown) { startIndex = getAnchor() == null ? focusIndex : getAnchor().getRow(); } if (! sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) { sm.selectRange(startIndex, newFocusIndex + 1); fm.focus(newFocusIndex); } else { for (int i = startIndex; i < newFocusIndex + 1; i++) { sm.select(i, col); } fm.focus(newFocusIndex, col); } if (onFocusNextRow != null) onFocusNextRow.run(); } protected void discontinuousSelectPreviousColumn() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null || ! sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; TableColumnBase tc = getColumn(getFocusedCell().getTableColumn(), -1); sm.select(fm.getFocusedIndex(), tc); } protected void discontinuousSelectNextColumn() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null || ! sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; TableColumnBase tc = getColumn(getFocusedCell().getTableColumn(), 1); sm.select(fm.getFocusedIndex(), tc); } protected void discontinuousSelectPageUp() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; int anchor = hasAnchor() ? getAnchor().getRow() : fm.getFocusedIndex(); int leadSelectedIndex = onScrollPageUp.call(false); if (! sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) { sm.selectRange(anchor, leadSelectedIndex - 1); } } protected void discontinuousSelectPageDown() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; int anchor = hasAnchor() ? getAnchor().getRow() : fm.getFocusedIndex(); int leadSelectedIndex = onScrollPageDown.call(false); if (! sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) { sm.selectRange(anchor, leadSelectedIndex + 1); } } protected void discontinuousSelectAllToFirstRow() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; int index = fm.getFocusedIndex(); if (! sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) { sm.selectRange(0, index); fm.focus(0); } else { for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) { sm.select(i, getFocusedCell().getTableColumn()); } fm.focus(0, getFocusedCell().getTableColumn()); } if (onMoveToFirstCell != null) onMoveToFirstCell.run(); } protected void discontinuousSelectAllToLastRow() { TableSelectionModel sm = getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; TableFocusModel fm = getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; int index = fm.getFocusedIndex() + 1; if (! sm.isCellSelectionEnabled()) { sm.selectRange(index, getItemCount()); } else { for (int i = index; i < getItemCount(); i++) { sm.select(i, getFocusedCell().getTableColumn()); } } if (onMoveToLastCell != null) onMoveToLastCell.run(); } }