 * Copyright (c) 2016, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package javafx.scene.control.skin;

import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.Properties;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.TableColumnBaseHelper;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.TreeTableViewBackingList;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.skin.Utils;
import javafx.beans.property.BooleanProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ObjectProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleObjectProperty;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.control.Control;
import javafx.scene.control.IndexedCell;
import javafx.scene.control.ResizeFeaturesBase;
import javafx.scene.control.TableCell;
import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn;
import javafx.scene.control.TableColumnBase;
import javafx.scene.control.TableFocusModel;
import javafx.scene.control.TablePositionBase;
import javafx.scene.control.TableSelectionModel;
import javafx.scene.control.TableView;
import javafx.scene.control.TreeTableCell;
import javafx.scene.control.TreeTableColumn;
import javafx.scene.control.TreeTableRow;
import javafx.scene.control.TreeTableView;
import javafx.scene.layout.Region;
import javafx.util.Callback;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;

class TableSkinUtils {

    private TableSkinUtils() { }

    public static boolean resizeColumn(TableViewSkinBase<?,?,?,?,?> tableSkin, TableColumnBase<?,?> tc, double delta) {
        if (!tc.isResizable()) return false;

        Object control = tableSkin.getSkinnable();
        if (control instanceof TableView) {
            return ((TableView)control).resizeColumn((TableColumn)tc, delta);
        } else if (control instanceof TreeTableView) {
            return ((TreeTableView)control).resizeColumn((TreeTableColumn)tc, delta);
        return false;

     * FIXME: Naive implementation ahead
     * Attempts to resize column based on the pref width of all items contained
     * in this column. This can be potentially very expensive if the number of
     * rows is large.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public static void resizeColumnToFitContent(TableViewSkinBase<?,?,?,?,?> tableSkin, TableColumnBase<?,?> tc, int maxRows) { if (!tc.isResizable()) return; Object control = tableSkin.getSkinnable(); if (control instanceof TableView) { resizeColumnToFitContent((TableView)control, (TableColumn)tc, tableSkin, maxRows); } else if (control instanceof TreeTableView) { resizeColumnToFitContent((TreeTableView)control, (TreeTableColumn)tc, tableSkin, maxRows); } } private static <T,S> void resizeColumnToFitContent(TableView<T> tv, TableColumn<T, S> tc, TableViewSkinBase tableSkin, int maxRows) { List<?> items = tv.getItems(); if (items == null || items.isEmpty()) return; Callback/*<TableColumn<T, ?>, TableCell<T,?>>*/ cellFactory = tc.getCellFactory(); if (cellFactory == null) return; TableCell<T,?> cell = (TableCell<T, ?>) cellFactory.call(tc); if (cell == null) return; // set this property to tell the TableCell we want to know its actual // preferred width, not the width of the associated TableColumnBase cell.getProperties().put(Properties.DEFER_TO_PARENT_PREF_WIDTH, Boolean.TRUE); // determine cell padding double padding = 10; Node n = cell.getSkin() == null ? null : cell.getSkin().getNode(); if (n instanceof Region) { Region r = (Region) n; padding = r.snappedLeftInset() + r.snappedRightInset(); } int rows = maxRows == -1 ? items.size() : Math.min(items.size(), maxRows); double maxWidth = 0; for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { cell.updateTableColumn(tc); cell.updateTableView(tv); cell.updateIndex(row); if ((cell.getText() != null && !cell.getText().isEmpty()) || cell.getGraphic() != null) { tableSkin.getChildren().add(cell); cell.applyCss(); maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, cell.prefWidth(-1)); tableSkin.getChildren().remove(cell); } } // dispose of the cell to prevent it retaining listeners (see RT-31015) cell.updateIndex(-1); // RT-36855 - take into account the column header text / graphic widths. // Magic 10 is to allow for sort arrow to appear without text truncation. TableColumnHeader header = tableSkin.getTableHeaderRow().getColumnHeaderFor(tc); double headerTextWidth = Utils.computeTextWidth(header.label.getFont(), tc.getText(), -1); Node graphic = header.label.getGraphic(); double headerGraphicWidth = graphic == null ? 0 : graphic.prefWidth(-1) + header.label.getGraphicTextGap(); double headerWidth = headerTextWidth + headerGraphicWidth + 10 + header.snappedLeftInset() + header.snappedRightInset(); maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, headerWidth); // RT-23486 maxWidth += padding; if (tv.getColumnResizePolicy() == TableView.CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY && tv.getWidth() > 0) { if (maxWidth > tc.getMaxWidth()) { maxWidth = tc.getMaxWidth(); } int size = tc.getColumns().size(); if (size > 0) { resizeColumnToFitContent(tableSkin, tc.getColumns().get(size - 1), maxRows); return; } resizeColumn(tableSkin, tc, Math.round(maxWidth - tc.getWidth())); } else { TableColumnBaseHelper.setWidth(tc, maxWidth); } } /* * FIXME: Naive implementation ahead * Attempts to resize column based on the pref width of all items contained * in this column. This can be potentially very expensive if the number of * rows is large. */ private static <T,S> void resizeColumnToFitContent(TreeTableView<T> ttv, TreeTableColumn<T,S> tc, TableViewSkinBase tableSkin, int maxRows) { List<?> items = new TreeTableViewBackingList(ttv); if (items == null || items.isEmpty()) return; Callback cellFactory = tc.getCellFactory(); if (cellFactory == null) return; TreeTableCell<T,S> cell = (TreeTableCell) cellFactory.call(tc); if (cell == null) return; // set this property to tell the TableCell we want to know its actual // preferred width, not the width of the associated TableColumnBase cell.getProperties().put(Properties.DEFER_TO_PARENT_PREF_WIDTH, Boolean.TRUE); // determine cell padding double padding = 10; Node n = cell.getSkin() == null ? null : cell.getSkin().getNode(); if (n instanceof Region) { Region r = (Region) n; padding = r.snappedLeftInset() + r.snappedRightInset(); } TreeTableRow<T> treeTableRow = new TreeTableRow<>(); treeTableRow.updateTreeTableView(ttv); int rows = maxRows == -1 ? items.size() : Math.min(items.size(), maxRows); double maxWidth = 0; for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { treeTableRow.updateIndex(row); treeTableRow.updateTreeItem(ttv.getTreeItem(row)); cell.updateTreeTableColumn(tc); cell.updateTreeTableView(ttv); cell.updateTreeTableRow(treeTableRow); cell.updateIndex(row); if ((cell.getText() != null && !cell.getText().isEmpty()) || cell.getGraphic() != null) { tableSkin.getChildren().add(cell); cell.applyCss(); double w = cell.prefWidth(-1); maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, w); tableSkin.getChildren().remove(cell); } } // dispose of the cell to prevent it retaining listeners (see RT-31015) cell.updateIndex(-1); // RT-36855 - take into account the column header text / graphic widths. // Magic 10 is to allow for sort arrow to appear without text truncation. TableColumnHeader header = tableSkin.getTableHeaderRow().getColumnHeaderFor(tc); double headerTextWidth = Utils.computeTextWidth(header.label.getFont(), tc.getText(), -1); Node graphic = header.label.getGraphic(); double headerGraphicWidth = graphic == null ? 0 : graphic.prefWidth(-1) + header.label.getGraphicTextGap(); double headerWidth = headerTextWidth + headerGraphicWidth + 10 + header.snappedLeftInset() + header.snappedRightInset(); maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, headerWidth); // RT-23486 maxWidth += padding; if (ttv.getColumnResizePolicy() == TreeTableView.CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY && ttv.getWidth() > 0) { if (maxWidth > tc.getMaxWidth()) { maxWidth = tc.getMaxWidth(); } int size = tc.getColumns().size(); if (size > 0) { resizeColumnToFitContent(tableSkin, tc.getColumns().get(size - 1), maxRows); return; } resizeColumn(tableSkin, tc, Math.round(maxWidth - tc.getWidth())); } else { TableColumnBaseHelper.setWidth(tc, maxWidth); } } public static ObjectProperty<Callback<ResizeFeaturesBase,Boolean>> columnResizePolicyProperty(TableViewSkinBase<?,?,?,?,?> tableSkin) { Object control = tableSkin.getSkinnable(); if (control instanceof TableView) { return ((TableView)control).columnResizePolicyProperty(); } else if (control instanceof TreeTableView) { return ((TreeTableView)control).columnResizePolicyProperty(); } return null; } public static BooleanProperty tableMenuButtonVisibleProperty(TableViewSkinBase<?,?,?,?,?> tableSkin) { Object control = tableSkin.getSkinnable(); if (control instanceof TableView) { return ((TableView)control).tableMenuButtonVisibleProperty(); } else if (control instanceof TreeTableView) { return ((TreeTableView)control).tableMenuButtonVisibleProperty(); } return null; } public static ObjectProperty<Node> placeholderProperty(TableViewSkinBase<?,?,?,?,?> tableSkin) { Object control = tableSkin.getSkinnable(); if (control instanceof TableView) { return ((TableView)control).placeholderProperty(); } else if (control instanceof TreeTableView) { return ((TreeTableView)control).placeholderProperty(); } return null; } public static <C extends Control,I extends IndexedCell<?>> ObjectProperty<Callback<C,I>> rowFactoryProperty(TableViewSkinBase<?,?,C,I,?> tableSkin) { Object control = tableSkin.getSkinnable(); if (control instanceof TableView) { return ((TableView)control).rowFactoryProperty(); } else if (control instanceof TreeTableView) { return ((TreeTableView)control).rowFactoryProperty(); } return null; } public static ObservableList<TableColumnBase<?,?>> getSortOrder(TableViewSkinBase<?,?,?,?,?> tableSkin) { Object control = tableSkin.getSkinnable(); if (control instanceof TableView) { return ((TableView)control).getSortOrder(); } else if (control instanceof TreeTableView) { return ((TreeTableView)control).getSortOrder(); } return FXCollections.emptyObservableList(); } public static ObservableList<TableColumnBase<?,?>> getColumns(TableViewSkinBase<?,?,?,?,?> tableSkin) { Object control = tableSkin.getSkinnable(); if (control instanceof TableView) { return ((TableView)control).getColumns(); } else if (control instanceof TreeTableView) { return ((TreeTableView)control).getColumns(); } return FXCollections.emptyObservableList(); } public static <T> TableSelectionModel<T> getSelectionModel(TableViewSkinBase<?,?,?,?,?> tableSkin) { Object control = tableSkin.getSkinnable(); if (control instanceof TableView) { return ((TableView)control).getSelectionModel(); } else if (control instanceof TreeTableView) { return ((TreeTableView)control).getSelectionModel(); } return null; } public static <T> TableFocusModel<T,?> getFocusModel(TableViewSkinBase<T,?,?,?,?> tableSkin) { Object control = tableSkin.getSkinnable(); if (control instanceof TableView) { return ((TableView<T>)control).getFocusModel(); } else if (control instanceof TreeTableView) { return ((TreeTableView)control).getFocusModel(); } return null; } public static <T, TC extends TableColumnBase<T,?>> TablePositionBase<? extends TC> getFocusedCell(TableViewSkinBase<?,T,?,?,TC> tableSkin) { Object control = tableSkin.getSkinnable(); if (control instanceof TableView) { return ((TableView<T>)control).getFocusModel().getFocusedCell(); } else if (control instanceof TreeTableView) { return ((TreeTableView)control).getFocusModel().getFocusedCell(); } return null; } public static <TC extends TableColumnBase<?,?>> ObservableList<TC> getVisibleLeafColumns(TableViewSkinBase<?,?,?,?,TC> tableSkin) { Object control = tableSkin.getSkinnable(); if (control instanceof TableView) { return ((TableView)control).getVisibleLeafColumns(); } else if (control instanceof TreeTableView) { return ((TreeTableView)control).getVisibleLeafColumns(); } return FXCollections.emptyObservableList(); } // returns the index of a column in the visible leaf columns public static int getVisibleLeafIndex(TableViewSkinBase<?,?,?,?,?> tableSkin, TableColumnBase tc) { Object control = tableSkin.getSkinnable(); if (control instanceof TableView) { return ((TableView)control).getVisibleLeafIndex((TableColumn)tc); } else if (control instanceof TreeTableView) { return ((TreeTableView)control).getVisibleLeafIndex((TreeTableColumn)tc); } return -1; } // returns the leaf column at the given index public static <T, TC extends TableColumnBase<T,?>> TC getVisibleLeafColumn(TableViewSkinBase<?,T,?,?,TC> tableSkin, int col) { Object control = tableSkin.getSkinnable(); if (control instanceof TableView) { return (TC) ((TableView)control).getVisibleLeafColumn(col); } else if (control instanceof TreeTableView) { return (TC) ((TreeTableView)control).getVisibleLeafColumn(col); } return null; } // returns a property representing the list of items in the control public static <T> ObjectProperty<ObservableList<T>> itemsProperty(TableViewSkinBase<?,?,?,?,?> tableSkin) { Object control = tableSkin.getSkinnable(); if (control instanceof TableView) { return ((TableView)control).itemsProperty(); } else if (control instanceof TreeTableView && tableSkin instanceof TreeTableViewSkin) { TreeTableViewSkin treeTableViewSkin = (TreeTableViewSkin)tableSkin; if (treeTableViewSkin.tableBackingListProperty == null) { treeTableViewSkin.tableBackingList = new TreeTableViewBackingList<>((TreeTableView)control); treeTableViewSkin.tableBackingListProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(treeTableViewSkin.tableBackingList); } return treeTableViewSkin.tableBackingListProperty; } return null; } }