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package javafx.scene.control.skin;

import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.LambdaMultiplePropertyChangeListenerHandler;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.Properties;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.TableColumnBaseHelper;
import javafx.beans.property.DoubleProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyObjectProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyObjectWrapper;
import javafx.beans.value.WritableValue;
import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.collections.WeakListChangeListener;
import javafx.css.CssMetaData;
import javafx.css.PseudoClass;
import javafx.css.Styleable;
import javafx.css.StyleableDoubleProperty;
import javafx.css.StyleableProperty;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.geometry.HPos;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;
import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.geometry.VPos;
import javafx.scene.AccessibleAttribute;
import javafx.scene.AccessibleRole;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.control.ContextMenu;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn;
import javafx.scene.control.TableColumnBase;
import javafx.scene.input.ContextMenuEvent;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.scene.layout.Priority;
import javafx.scene.layout.Region;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

import javafx.css.converter.SizeConverter;

import static com.sun.javafx.scene.control.TableColumnSortTypeWrapper.getSortTypeName;
import static com.sun.javafx.scene.control.TableColumnSortTypeWrapper.getSortTypeProperty;
import static com.sun.javafx.scene.control.TableColumnSortTypeWrapper.isAscending;
import static com.sun.javafx.scene.control.TableColumnSortTypeWrapper.isDescending;
import static com.sun.javafx.scene.control.TableColumnSortTypeWrapper.setSortType;

Region responsible for painting a single column header. A subcomponent used by subclasses of TableViewSkinBase.
/** * Region responsible for painting a single column header. A subcomponent used by * subclasses of {@link TableViewSkinBase}. * * @since 9 */
public class TableColumnHeader extends Region {
* Static Fields * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Static Fields * * * **************************************************************************/
static final String DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "column-header"; // Copied from TableColumn. The value here should always be in-sync with // the value in TableColumn static final double DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH = 80.0F;
* Private Fields * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Private Fields * * * **************************************************************************/
private boolean autoSizeComplete = false; private double dragOffset; private NestedTableColumnHeader nestedColumnHeader; private TableHeaderRow tableHeaderRow; private NestedTableColumnHeader parentHeader; // work out where this column currently is within its parent Label label; // sort order int sortPos = -1; private Region arrow; private Label sortOrderLabel; private HBox sortOrderDots; private Node sortArrow; private boolean isSortColumn; private boolean isSizeDirty = false; boolean isLastVisibleColumn = false; // package for testing int columnIndex = -1; private int newColumnPos; // the line drawn in the table when a user presses and moves a column header // to indicate where the column will be dropped. This is provided by the // table skin, but manipulated by the header Region columnReorderLine; /*************************************************************************** * * * Constructor * * * **************************************************************************/
Creates a new TableColumnHeader instance to visually represent the given TableColumnBase instance.
  • tc – The table column to be visually represented by this instance.
/** * Creates a new TableColumnHeader instance to visually represent the given * {@link TableColumnBase} instance. * * @param tc The table column to be visually represented by this instance. */
public TableColumnHeader(final TableColumnBase tc) { setTableColumn(tc); setFocusTraversable(false); initStyleClasses(); initUI(); // change listener for multiple properties changeListenerHandler = new LambdaMultiplePropertyChangeListenerHandler(); changeListenerHandler.registerChangeListener(sceneProperty(), e -> updateScene()); if (getTableColumn() != null) { changeListenerHandler.registerChangeListener(tc.idProperty(), e -> setId(tc.getId())); changeListenerHandler.registerChangeListener(tc.styleProperty(), e -> setStyle(tc.getStyle())); changeListenerHandler.registerChangeListener(tc.widthProperty(), e -> { // It is this that ensures that when a column is resized that the header // visually adjusts its width as necessary. isSizeDirty = true; requestLayout(); }); changeListenerHandler.registerChangeListener(tc.visibleProperty(), e -> setVisible(getTableColumn().isVisible())); changeListenerHandler.registerChangeListener(tc.sortNodeProperty(), e -> updateSortGrid()); changeListenerHandler.registerChangeListener(tc.sortableProperty(), e -> { // we need to notify all headers that a sortable state has changed, // in case the sort grid in other columns needs to be updated. if (TableSkinUtils.getSortOrder(getTableSkin()).contains(getTableColumn())) { NestedTableColumnHeader root = getTableHeaderRow().getRootHeader(); updateAllHeaders(root); } }); changeListenerHandler.registerChangeListener(tc.textProperty(), e -> label.setText(tc.getText())); changeListenerHandler.registerChangeListener(tc.graphicProperty(), e -> label.setGraphic(tc.getGraphic())); setId(tc.getId()); setStyle(tc.getStyle()); /* Having TableColumn role parented by TableColumn causes VoiceOver to be unhappy */ setAccessibleRole(AccessibleRole.TABLE_COLUMN); } }
* Listeners * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Listeners * * * **************************************************************************/
final LambdaMultiplePropertyChangeListenerHandler changeListenerHandler; private ListChangeListener<TableColumnBase<?,?>> sortOrderListener = c -> { updateSortPosition(); }; private ListChangeListener<TableColumnBase<?,?>> visibleLeafColumnsListener = c -> { updateColumnIndex(); updateSortPosition(); }; private ListChangeListener<String> styleClassListener = c -> { while (c.next()) { if (c.wasRemoved()) { getStyleClass().removeAll(c.getRemoved()); } if (c.wasAdded()) { getStyleClass().addAll(c.getAddedSubList()); } } }; private WeakListChangeListener<TableColumnBase<?,?>> weakSortOrderListener = new WeakListChangeListener<TableColumnBase<?,?>>(sortOrderListener); private final WeakListChangeListener<TableColumnBase<?,?>> weakVisibleLeafColumnsListener = new WeakListChangeListener<TableColumnBase<?,?>>(visibleLeafColumnsListener); private final WeakListChangeListener<String> weakStyleClassListener = new WeakListChangeListener<String>(styleClassListener); private static final EventHandler<MouseEvent> mousePressedHandler = me -> { TableColumnHeader header = (TableColumnHeader) me.getSource(); TableColumnBase tableColumn = header.getTableColumn(); ContextMenu menu = tableColumn.getContextMenu(); if (menu != null && menu.isShowing()) { menu.hide(); } if (me.isConsumed()) return; me.consume(); header.getTableHeaderRow().columnDragLock = true; // pass focus to the table, so that the user immediately sees // the focus rectangle around the table control. header.getTableSkin().getSkinnable().requestFocus(); if (me.isPrimaryButtonDown() && header.isColumnReorderingEnabled()) { header.columnReorderingStarted(me.getX()); } }; private static final EventHandler<MouseEvent> mouseDraggedHandler = me -> { if (me.isConsumed()) return; me.consume(); TableColumnHeader header = (TableColumnHeader) me.getSource(); if (me.isPrimaryButtonDown() && header.isColumnReorderingEnabled()) { header.columnReordering(me.getSceneX(), me.getSceneY()); } }; private static final EventHandler<MouseEvent> mouseReleasedHandler = me -> { if (me.isPopupTrigger()) return; if (me.isConsumed()) return; me.consume(); TableColumnHeader header = (TableColumnHeader) me.getSource(); header.getTableHeaderRow().columnDragLock = false; if (header.getTableHeaderRow().isReordering() && header.isColumnReorderingEnabled()) { header.columnReorderingComplete(); } else if (me.isStillSincePress()) { header.sortColumn(me.isShiftDown()); } }; private static final EventHandler<ContextMenuEvent> contextMenuRequestedHandler = me -> { TableColumnHeader header = (TableColumnHeader) me.getSource(); TableColumnBase tableColumn = header.getTableColumn(); ContextMenu menu = tableColumn.getContextMenu(); if (menu != null) { menu.show(header, me.getScreenX(), me.getScreenY()); me.consume(); } };
* Properties * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Properties * * * **************************************************************************/
// --- size private DoubleProperty size; private final double getSize() { return size == null ? 20.0 : size.doubleValue(); } private final DoubleProperty sizeProperty() { if (size == null) { size = new StyleableDoubleProperty(20) { @Override protected void invalidated() { double value = get(); if (value <= 0) { if (isBound()) { unbind(); } set(20); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Size cannot be 0 or negative"); } } @Override public Object getBean() { return TableColumnHeader.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "size"; } @Override public CssMetaData<TableColumnHeader,Number> getCssMetaData() { return StyleableProperties.SIZE; } }; } return size; }
A property that refers to the TableColumnBase instance that this header is visually represents.
/** * A property that refers to the {@link TableColumnBase} instance that this * header is visually represents. */
// --- table column private ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<TableColumnBase<?,?>> tableColumn = new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<>(this, "tableColumn"); private final void setTableColumn(TableColumnBase<?,?> column) { tableColumn.set(column); } public final TableColumnBase<?,?> getTableColumn() { return tableColumn.get(); } public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<TableColumnBase<?,?>> tableColumnProperty() { return tableColumn.getReadOnlyProperty(); } /*************************************************************************** * * * Public API * * * **************************************************************************/
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void layoutChildren() { if (isSizeDirty) { resize(getTableColumn().getWidth(), getHeight()); isSizeDirty = false; } double sortWidth = 0; double w = snapSizeX(getWidth()) - (snappedLeftInset() + snappedRightInset()); double h = getHeight() - (snappedTopInset() + snappedBottomInset()); double x = w; // a bit hacky, but we REALLY don't want the arrow shape to fluctuate // in size if (arrow != null) { arrow.setMaxSize(arrow.prefWidth(-1), arrow.prefHeight(-1)); } if (sortArrow != null && sortArrow.isVisible()) { sortWidth = sortArrow.prefWidth(-1); x -= sortWidth; sortArrow.resize(sortWidth, sortArrow.prefHeight(-1)); positionInArea(sortArrow, x, snappedTopInset(), sortWidth, h, 0, HPos.CENTER, VPos.CENTER); } if (label != null) { double labelWidth = w - sortWidth; label.resizeRelocate(snappedLeftInset(), 0, labelWidth, getHeight()); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computePrefWidth(double height) { if (getNestedColumnHeader() != null) { double width = getNestedColumnHeader().prefWidth(height); if (getTableColumn() != null) { TableColumnBaseHelper.setWidth(getTableColumn(), width); } return width; } else if (getTableColumn() != null && getTableColumn().isVisible()) { return snapSizeX(getTableColumn().getWidth()); } return 0; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computeMinHeight(double width) { return label == null ? 0 : label.minHeight(width); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computePrefHeight(double width) { if (getTableColumn() == null) return 0; return Math.max(getSize(), label.prefHeight(-1)); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>> getCssMetaData() { return getClassCssMetaData(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Object queryAccessibleAttribute(AccessibleAttribute attribute, Object... parameters) { switch (attribute) { case INDEX: return getIndex(getTableColumn()); case TEXT: return getTableColumn() != null ? getTableColumn().getText() : null; default: return super.queryAccessibleAttribute(attribute, parameters); } }
* Private Implementation * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Private Implementation * * * **************************************************************************/
void initStyleClasses() { getStyleClass().setAll(DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS); installTableColumnStyleClassListener(); } void installTableColumnStyleClassListener() { TableColumnBase tc = getTableColumn(); if (tc != null) { // add in all styleclasses from the table column into the header, and also set up a listener // so that any subsequent changes to the table column are also applied to the header getStyleClass().addAll(tc.getStyleClass()); tc.getStyleClass().addListener(weakStyleClassListener); } } NestedTableColumnHeader getNestedColumnHeader() { return nestedColumnHeader; } void setNestedColumnHeader(NestedTableColumnHeader nch) { nestedColumnHeader = nch; }
Returns the TableHeaderRow associated with this TableColumnHeader.
Returns:the TableHeaderRow associated with this TableColumnHeader
/** * Returns the {@link TableHeaderRow} associated with this {@code TableColumnHeader}. * * @return the {@code TableHeaderRow} associated with this {@code TableColumnHeader} * @since 12 */
protected TableHeaderRow getTableHeaderRow() { return tableHeaderRow; } void setTableHeaderRow(TableHeaderRow thr) { tableHeaderRow = thr; updateTableSkin(); } private void updateTableSkin() { // when we get the table header row, we are also given the skin, // so this is the time to hook up listeners, etc. TableViewSkinBase<?,?,?,?,?> tableSkin = getTableSkin(); if (tableSkin == null) return; updateColumnIndex(); this.columnReorderLine = tableSkin.getColumnReorderLine(); if (getTableColumn() != null) { updateSortPosition(); TableSkinUtils.getSortOrder(tableSkin).addListener(weakSortOrderListener); TableSkinUtils.getVisibleLeafColumns(tableSkin).addListener(weakVisibleLeafColumnsListener); } }
Returns the TableViewSkinBase in which this TableColumnHeader is inserted. This will return null until the TableHeaderRow has been set.
Returns:the TableViewSkinBase in which this TableColumnHeader is inserted, or null
/** * Returns the {@code TableViewSkinBase} in which this {@code TableColumnHeader} is inserted. This will return * {@code null} until the {@code TableHeaderRow} has been set. * * @return the {@code TableViewSkinBase} in which this {@code TableColumnHeader} is inserted, or {@code null} * @since 12 */
protected TableViewSkinBase<?, ?, ?, ?, ?> getTableSkin() { return tableHeaderRow == null ? null : tableHeaderRow.tableSkin; } NestedTableColumnHeader getParentHeader() { return parentHeader; } void setParentHeader(NestedTableColumnHeader ph) { parentHeader = ph; } // RT-29682: When the sortable property of a TableColumnBase changes this // may impact other TableColumnHeaders, as they may need to change their // sort order representation. Rather than install listeners across all // TableColumn in the sortOrder list for their sortable property, we simply // update the sortPosition of all headers whenever the sortOrder property // changes, assuming the column is within the sortOrder list. private void updateAllHeaders(TableColumnHeader header) { if (header instanceof NestedTableColumnHeader) { List<TableColumnHeader> children = ((NestedTableColumnHeader)header).getColumnHeaders(); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { updateAllHeaders(children.get(i)); } } else { header.updateSortPosition(); } } private void updateScene() { // RT-17684: If the TableColumn widths are all currently the default, // we attempt to 'auto-size' based on the preferred width of the first // n rows (we can't do all rows, as that could conceivably be an unlimited // number of rows retrieved from a very slow (e.g. remote) data source. // Obviously, the bigger the value of n, the more likely the default // width will be suitable for most values in the column final int n = 30; if (! autoSizeComplete) { if (getTableColumn() == null || getTableColumn().getWidth() != DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH || getScene() == null) { return; } doColumnAutoSize(getTableColumn(), n); autoSizeComplete = true; } } void dispose() { TableViewSkinBase tableSkin = getTableSkin(); if (tableSkin != null) { TableSkinUtils.getVisibleLeafColumns(tableSkin).removeListener(weakVisibleLeafColumnsListener); TableSkinUtils.getSortOrder(tableSkin).removeListener(weakSortOrderListener); } changeListenerHandler.dispose(); } private boolean isSortingEnabled() { // this used to check if ! PlatformUtil.isEmbedded(), but has been changed // to always return true (for now), as we want to support column sorting // everywhere return true; } private boolean isColumnReorderingEnabled() { // we only allow for column reordering if there are more than one column, return !Properties.IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED && TableSkinUtils.getVisibleLeafColumns(getTableSkin()).size() > 1; } private void initUI() { // TableColumn will be null if we are dealing with the root NestedTableColumnHeader if (getTableColumn() == null) return; // set up mouse events setOnMousePressed(mousePressedHandler); setOnMouseDragged(mouseDraggedHandler); setOnDragDetected(event -> event.consume()); setOnContextMenuRequested(contextMenuRequestedHandler); setOnMouseReleased(mouseReleasedHandler); // --- label label = new Label(); label.setText(getTableColumn().getText()); label.setGraphic(getTableColumn().getGraphic()); label.setVisible(getTableColumn().isVisible()); // ---- container for the sort arrow (which is not supported on embedded // platforms) if (isSortingEnabled()) { // put together the grid updateSortGrid(); } } private void doColumnAutoSize(TableColumnBase<?,?> column, int cellsToMeasure) { double prefWidth = column.getPrefWidth(); // if the prefWidth has been set, we do _not_ autosize columns if (prefWidth == DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH) { TableSkinUtils.resizeColumnToFitContent(getTableSkin(), column, cellsToMeasure); // getTableViewSkin().resizeColumnToFitContent(column, cellsToMeasure); } } private void updateSortPosition() { this.sortPos = ! getTableColumn().isSortable() ? -1 : getSortPosition(); updateSortGrid(); } private void updateSortGrid() { // Fix for RT-14488 if (this instanceof NestedTableColumnHeader) return; getChildren().clear(); getChildren().add(label); // we do not support sorting in embedded devices if (! isSortingEnabled()) return; isSortColumn = sortPos != -1; if (! isSortColumn) { if (sortArrow != null) { sortArrow.setVisible(false); } return; } // RT-28016: if the tablecolumn is not a visible leaf column, we should ignore this int visibleLeafIndex = TableSkinUtils.getVisibleLeafIndex(getTableSkin(), getTableColumn()); if (visibleLeafIndex == -1) return; final int sortColumnCount = getVisibleSortOrderColumnCount(); boolean showSortOrderDots = sortPos <= 3 && sortColumnCount > 1; Node _sortArrow = null; if (getTableColumn().getSortNode() != null) { _sortArrow = getTableColumn().getSortNode(); getChildren().add(_sortArrow); } else { GridPane sortArrowGrid = new GridPane(); _sortArrow = sortArrowGrid; sortArrowGrid.setPadding(new Insets(0, 3, 0, 0)); getChildren().add(sortArrowGrid); // if we are here, and the sort arrow is null, we better create it if (arrow == null) { arrow = new Region(); arrow.getStyleClass().setAll("arrow"); arrow.setVisible(true); arrow.setRotate(isAscending(getTableColumn()) ? 180.0F : 0.0F); changeListenerHandler.registerChangeListener(getSortTypeProperty(getTableColumn()), e -> { updateSortGrid(); if (arrow != null) { arrow.setRotate(isAscending(getTableColumn()) ? 180 : 0.0); } }); } arrow.setVisible(isSortColumn); if (sortPos > 2) { if (sortOrderLabel == null) { // ---- sort order label (for sort positions greater than 3) sortOrderLabel = new Label(); sortOrderLabel.getStyleClass().add("sort-order"); } // only show the label if the sortPos is greater than 3 (for sortPos // values less than three, we show the sortOrderDots instead) sortOrderLabel.setText("" + (sortPos + 1)); sortOrderLabel.setVisible(sortColumnCount > 1); // update the grid layout sortArrowGrid.add(arrow, 1, 1); GridPane.setHgrow(arrow, Priority.NEVER); GridPane.setVgrow(arrow, Priority.NEVER); sortArrowGrid.add(sortOrderLabel, 2, 1); } else if (showSortOrderDots) { if (sortOrderDots == null) { sortOrderDots = new HBox(0); sortOrderDots.getStyleClass().add("sort-order-dots-container"); } // show the sort order dots boolean isAscending = isAscending(getTableColumn()); int arrowRow = isAscending ? 1 : 2; int dotsRow = isAscending ? 2 : 1; sortArrowGrid.add(arrow, 1, arrowRow); GridPane.setHalignment(arrow, HPos.CENTER); sortArrowGrid.add(sortOrderDots, 1, dotsRow); updateSortOrderDots(sortPos); } else { // only show the arrow sortArrowGrid.add(arrow, 1, 1); GridPane.setHgrow(arrow, Priority.NEVER); GridPane.setVgrow(arrow, Priority.ALWAYS); } } sortArrow = _sortArrow; if (sortArrow != null) { sortArrow.setVisible(isSortColumn); } requestLayout(); } private void updateSortOrderDots(int sortPos) { double arrowWidth = arrow.prefWidth(-1); sortOrderDots.getChildren().clear(); for (int i = 0; i <= sortPos; i++) { Region r = new Region(); r.getStyleClass().add("sort-order-dot"); String sortTypeName = getSortTypeName(getTableColumn()); if (sortTypeName != null && ! sortTypeName.isEmpty()) { r.getStyleClass().add(sortTypeName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)); } sortOrderDots.getChildren().add(r); // RT-34914: fine tuning the placement of the sort dots. We could have gone to a custom layout, but for now // this works fine. if (i < sortPos) { Region spacer = new Region(); double lp = sortPos == 1 ? 1 : 0; spacer.setPadding(new Insets(0, 1, 0, lp)); sortOrderDots.getChildren().add(spacer); } } sortOrderDots.setAlignment(Pos.TOP_CENTER); sortOrderDots.setMaxWidth(arrowWidth); } // Package for testing purposes only. void moveColumn(TableColumnBase column, final int newColumnPos) { if (column == null || newColumnPos < 0) return; ObservableList<TableColumnBase<?,?>> columns = getColumns(column); final int columnsCount = columns.size(); final int currentPos = columns.indexOf(column); int actualNewColumnPos = newColumnPos; // Fix for RT-35141: We need to account for hidden columns. // We keep iterating until we see 'requiredVisibleColumns' number of visible columns final int requiredVisibleColumns = actualNewColumnPos; int visibleColumnsSeen = 0; for (int i = 0; i < columnsCount; i++) { if (visibleColumnsSeen == (requiredVisibleColumns + 1)) { break; } if (columns.get(i).isVisible()) { visibleColumnsSeen++; } else { actualNewColumnPos++; } } // --- end of RT-35141 fix if (actualNewColumnPos >= columnsCount) { actualNewColumnPos = columnsCount - 1; } else if (actualNewColumnPos < 0) { actualNewColumnPos = 0; } if (actualNewColumnPos == currentPos) return; List<TableColumnBase<?,?>> tempList = new ArrayList<>(columns); tempList.remove(column); tempList.add(actualNewColumnPos, column); columns.setAll(tempList); } private ObservableList<TableColumnBase<?,?>> getColumns(TableColumnBase column) { return column.getParentColumn() == null ? TableSkinUtils.getColumns(getTableSkin()) : column.getParentColumn().getColumns(); } private int getIndex(TableColumnBase<?,?> column) { if (column == null) return -1; ObservableList<? extends TableColumnBase<?,?>> columns = getColumns(column); int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { TableColumnBase<?,?> _column = columns.get(i); if (! _column.isVisible()) continue; index++; if (column.equals(_column)) break; } return index; } private void updateColumnIndex() { // TableView tv = getTableView(); TableColumnBase tc = getTableColumn(); TableViewSkinBase tableSkin = getTableSkin(); columnIndex = tableSkin == null || tc == null ? -1 :TableSkinUtils.getVisibleLeafIndex(tableSkin,tc); // update the pseudo class state regarding whether this is the last // visible cell (i.e. the right-most). isLastVisibleColumn = getTableColumn() != null && columnIndex != -1 && columnIndex == TableSkinUtils.getVisibleLeafColumns(tableSkin).size() - 1; pseudoClassStateChanged(PSEUDO_CLASS_LAST_VISIBLE, isLastVisibleColumn); } private void sortColumn(final boolean addColumn) { if (! isSortingEnabled()) return; // we only allow sorting on the leaf columns and columns // that actually have comparators defined, and are sortable if (getTableColumn() == null || getTableColumn().getColumns().size() != 0 || getTableColumn().getComparator() == null || !getTableColumn().isSortable()) return; // final int sortPos = getTable().getSortOrder().indexOf(column); // final boolean isSortColumn = sortPos != -1; final ObservableList<TableColumnBase<?,?>> sortOrder = TableSkinUtils.getSortOrder(getTableSkin()); // addColumn is true e.g. when the user is holding down Shift if (addColumn) { if (!isSortColumn) { setSortType(getTableColumn(), TableColumn.SortType.ASCENDING); sortOrder.add(getTableColumn()); } else if (isAscending(getTableColumn())) { setSortType(getTableColumn(), TableColumn.SortType.DESCENDING); } else { int i = sortOrder.indexOf(getTableColumn()); if (i != -1) { sortOrder.remove(i); } } } else { // the user has clicked on a column header - we should add this to // the TableView sortOrder list if it isn't already there. if (isSortColumn && sortOrder.size() == 1) { // the column is already being sorted, and it's the only column. // We therefore move through the 2nd or 3rd states: // 1st click: sort ascending // 2nd click: sort descending // 3rd click: natural sorting (sorting is switched off) if (isAscending(getTableColumn())) { setSortType(getTableColumn(), TableColumn.SortType.DESCENDING); } else { // remove from sort sortOrder.remove(getTableColumn()); } } else if (isSortColumn) { // the column is already being used to sort, so we toggle its // sortAscending property, and also make the column become the // primary sort column if (isAscending(getTableColumn())) { setSortType(getTableColumn(), TableColumn.SortType.DESCENDING); } else if (isDescending(getTableColumn())) { setSortType(getTableColumn(), TableColumn.SortType.ASCENDING); } // to prevent multiple sorts, we make a copy of the sort order // list, moving the column value from the current position to // its new position at the front of the list List<TableColumnBase<?,?>> sortOrderCopy = new ArrayList<TableColumnBase<?,?>>(sortOrder); sortOrderCopy.remove(getTableColumn()); sortOrderCopy.add(0, getTableColumn()); sortOrder.setAll(getTableColumn()); } else { // add to the sort order, in ascending form setSortType(getTableColumn(), TableColumn.SortType.ASCENDING); sortOrder.setAll(getTableColumn()); } } } // Because it is possible that some columns are in the sortOrder list but are // not themselves sortable, we cannot just do sortOrderList.indexOf(column). // Therefore, this method does the proper work required of iterating through // and ignoring non-sortable (and null) columns in the sortOrder list. private int getSortPosition() { if (getTableColumn() == null) { return -1; } final List<TableColumnBase> sortOrder = getVisibleSortOrderColumns(); int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sortOrder.size(); i++) { TableColumnBase _tc = sortOrder.get(i); if (getTableColumn().equals(_tc)) { return pos; } pos++; } return -1; } private List<TableColumnBase> getVisibleSortOrderColumns() { final ObservableList<TableColumnBase<?,?>> sortOrder = TableSkinUtils.getSortOrder(getTableSkin()); List<TableColumnBase> visibleSortOrderColumns = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < sortOrder.size(); i++) { TableColumnBase _tc = sortOrder.get(i); if (_tc == null || ! _tc.isSortable() || ! _tc.isVisible()) { continue; } visibleSortOrderColumns.add(_tc); } return visibleSortOrderColumns; } // as with getSortPosition above, this method iterates through the sortOrder // list ignoring the null and non-sortable columns, so that we get the correct // number of columns in the sortOrder list. private int getVisibleSortOrderColumnCount() { return getVisibleSortOrderColumns().size(); }
* Private Implementation: Column Reordering * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Private Implementation: Column Reordering * * * **************************************************************************/
// package for testing void columnReorderingStarted(double dragOffset) { if (! getTableColumn().isReorderable()) return; // Used to ensure the column ghost is positioned relative to where the // user clicked on the column header this.dragOffset = dragOffset; // Note here that we only allow for reordering of 'root' columns getTableHeaderRow().setReorderingColumn(getTableColumn()); getTableHeaderRow().setReorderingRegion(this); } // package for testing void columnReordering(double sceneX, double sceneY) { if (! getTableColumn().isReorderable()) return; // this is for handling the column drag to reorder columns. // It shows a line to indicate where the 'drop' will be. // indicate that we've started dragging so that the dragging // line overlay is shown getTableHeaderRow().setReordering(true); // Firstly we need to determine where to draw the line. // Find which column we're over TableColumnHeader hoverHeader = null; // x represents where the mouse is relative to the parent // NestedTableColumnHeader final double x = getParentHeader().sceneToLocal(sceneX, sceneY).getX(); // calculate where the ghost column header should be double dragX = getTableSkin().getSkinnable().sceneToLocal(sceneX, sceneY).getX() - dragOffset; getTableHeaderRow().setDragHeaderX(dragX); double startX = 0; double endX = 0; double headersWidth = 0; newColumnPos = 0; for (TableColumnHeader header : getParentHeader().getColumnHeaders()) { if (! header.isVisible()) continue; double headerWidth = header.prefWidth(-1); headersWidth += headerWidth; startX = header.getBoundsInParent().getMinX(); endX = startX + headerWidth; if (x >= startX && x < endX) { hoverHeader = header; break; } newColumnPos++; } // hoverHeader will be null if the drag occurs outside of the // tableview. In this case we handle the newColumnPos specially // and then short-circuit. This results in the drop action // resulting in the correct result (the column will drop at // the start or end of the table). if (hoverHeader == null) { newColumnPos = x > headersWidth ? (getParentHeader().getColumns().size() - 1) : 0; return; } // This is the x-axis value midway through hoverHeader. It's // used to determine whether the drop should be to the left // or the right of hoverHeader. double midPoint = startX + (endX - startX) / 2; boolean beforeMidPoint = x <= midPoint; // Based on where the mouse actually is, we have to shuffle // where we want the column to end up. This code handles that. int currentPos = getIndex(getTableColumn()); newColumnPos += newColumnPos > currentPos && beforeMidPoint ? -1 : (newColumnPos < currentPos && !beforeMidPoint ? 1 : 0); double lineX = getTableHeaderRow().sceneToLocal(hoverHeader.localToScene(hoverHeader.getBoundsInLocal())).getMinX(); lineX = lineX + ((beforeMidPoint) ? (0) : (hoverHeader.getWidth())); if (lineX >= -0.5 && lineX <= getTableSkin().getSkinnable().getWidth()) { columnReorderLine.setTranslateX(lineX); // then if this is the first event, we set the property to true // so that the line becomes visible until the drop is completed. // We also set reordering to true so that the various reordering // effects become visible (ghost, transparent overlay, etc). columnReorderLine.setVisible(true); } getTableHeaderRow().setReordering(true); } // package for testing void columnReorderingComplete() { if (! getTableColumn().isReorderable()) return; // Move col from where it is now to the new position. moveColumn(getTableColumn(), newColumnPos); // cleanup columnReorderLine.setTranslateX(0.0F); columnReorderLine.setLayoutX(0.0F); newColumnPos = 0; getTableHeaderRow().setReordering(false); columnReorderLine.setVisible(false); getTableHeaderRow().setReorderingColumn(null); getTableHeaderRow().setReorderingRegion(null); dragOffset = 0.0F; } double getDragRectHeight() { return getHeight(); } // Used to test whether this column header properly represents the given column. // In particular, whether it has child column headers for all child columns boolean represents(TableColumnBase<?, ?> column) { if (!column.getColumns().isEmpty()) { // this column has children, but we are in a TableColumnHeader instance, // so the match is bad. return false; } return column == getTableColumn(); }
* Stylesheet Handling * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Stylesheet Handling * * * **************************************************************************/
private static final PseudoClass PSEUDO_CLASS_LAST_VISIBLE = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("last-visible"); /* * Super-lazy instantiation pattern from Bill Pugh. */ private static class StyleableProperties { private static final CssMetaData<TableColumnHeader,Number> SIZE = new CssMetaData<TableColumnHeader,Number>("-fx-size", SizeConverter.getInstance(), 20.0) { @Override public boolean isSettable(TableColumnHeader n) { return n.size == null || !n.size.isBound(); } @Override public StyleableProperty<Number> getStyleableProperty(TableColumnHeader n) { return (StyleableProperty<Number>)(WritableValue<Number>)n.sizeProperty(); } }; private static final List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>> STYLEABLES; static { final List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>> styleables = new ArrayList<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>>(Region.getClassCssMetaData()); styleables.add(SIZE); STYLEABLES = Collections.unmodifiableList(styleables); } }
Returns the CssMetaData associated with this class, which may include the CssMetaData of its superclasses.
Returns:the CssMetaData associated with this class, which may include the CssMetaData of its superclasses
/** * Returns the CssMetaData associated with this class, which may include the * CssMetaData of its superclasses. * * @return the CssMetaData associated with this class, which may include the * CssMetaData of its superclasses */
public static List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>> getClassCssMetaData() { return StyleableProperties.STYLEABLES; } }