 * Copyright (c) 2014, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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package org.openjdk.jmh.profile;

import joptsimple.OptionException;
import joptsimple.OptionParser;
import joptsimple.OptionSet;
import joptsimple.OptionSpec;
import org.openjdk.jmh.infra.BenchmarkParams;
import org.openjdk.jmh.results.*;
import org.openjdk.jmh.util.*;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public abstract class AbstractPerfAsmProfiler implements ExternalProfiler {

    protected final List<String> requestedEventNames;

    private final double regionRateThreshold;
    private final int regionShowTop;
    private final int regionTooBigThreshold;
    private final int printMargin;
    private final int mergeMargin;
    private final boolean mergeMethods;
    private final int delayMsec;
    private final int lengthMsec;

    private final boolean skipAssembly;
    private final boolean skipInterpreter;
    private final boolean skipVMStubs;

    private final boolean savePerfOutput;
    private final String savePerfOutputTo;
    private final String savePerfOutputToFile;

    private final boolean savePerfBin;
    private final String savePerfBinTo;
    private final String savePerfBinFile;

    private final boolean saveLog;
    private final String saveLogTo;
    private final String saveLogToFile;

    private final boolean printCompilationInfo;
    private final boolean intelSyntax;

    protected final TempFile hsLog;
    protected final TempFile perfBinData;
    protected final TempFile perfParsedData;
    protected final OptionSet set;
    private final boolean drawIntraJumps;
    private final boolean drawInterJumps;

    protected AbstractPerfAsmProfiler(String initLine, String... events) throws ProfilerException {
        try {
            hsLog = FileUtils.weakTempFile("hslog");
            perfBinData = FileUtils.weakTempFile("perfbin");
            perfParsedData = FileUtils.weakTempFile("perfparsed");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new ProfilerException(e);

        OptionParser parser = new OptionParser();
        parser.formatHelpWith(new ProfilerOptionFormatter("perfasm"));

        OptionSpec<String> optEvents = parser.accepts("events",
                        "Events to gather.")

        OptionSpec<Double> optThresholdRate = parser.accepts("hotThreshold",
                "Cutoff threshold for hot regions. The regions with event count over threshold would be expanded " +
                        "with detailed disassembly.")

        OptionSpec<Integer> optShowTop = parser.accepts("top",
                        "Show this number of top hottest code regions.")

        OptionSpec<Integer> optThreshold = parser.accepts("tooBigThreshold",
                        "Cutoff threshold for large region. The region containing more than this number of lines " +
                        "would be truncated.")

        OptionSpec<Integer> optPrintMargin = parser.accepts("printMargin",
                        "Print margin. How many \"context\" lines without counters to show in each region.")

        OptionSpec<Integer> optMergeMargin = parser.accepts("mergeMargin",
                        "Merge margin. The regions separated by less than the margin are merged.")

        OptionSpec<Boolean> optMergeMethods = parser.accepts("mergeMethods",
                "Merge all regions from the same method")

        OptionSpec<Integer> optDelay = parser.accepts("delay",
                        "Delay collection for a given time, in milliseconds; -1 to detect automatically.")

        OptionSpec<Integer> optLength = parser.accepts("length",
                        "Do the collection for a given time, in milliseconds; -1 to detect automatically.")

        OptionSpec<Boolean> optSkipAsm = parser.accepts("skipAsm",
                        "Skip -XX:+PrintAssembly instrumentation.")

        OptionSpec<Boolean> optSkipInterpreter = parser.accepts("skipInterpreter",
                        "Skip printing out interpreter stubs. This may improve the parser performance at the expense " +
                        "of missing the resolution and disassembly of interpreter regions.")

        OptionSpec<Boolean> optSkipVMStubs = parser.accepts("skipVMStubs",
                        "Skip printing out VM stubs. This may improve the parser performance at the expense " +
                        "of missing the resolution and disassembly of VM stub regions.")

        OptionSpec<Boolean> optPerfOut = parser.accepts("savePerf",
                        "Save parsed perf output to file. Use this for debugging.")

        OptionSpec<String> optPerfOutTo = parser.accepts("savePerfTo",
                        "Override the parsed perf output log location. This will use the unique file name per test. Use this for debugging.")

        OptionSpec<String> optPerfOutToFile = parser.accepts("savePerfToFile",
                "Override the perf output log filename. Use this for debugging.")

        OptionSpec<Boolean> optPerfBin = parser.accepts("savePerfBin",
                        "Save binary perf data to file. Use this for debugging.")

        OptionSpec<String> optPerfBinTo = parser.accepts("savePerfBinTo",
                        "Override the binary perf data location. This will use the unique file name per test. Use this for debugging.")

        OptionSpec<String> optPerfBinToFile = parser.accepts("savePerfBinToFile",
                "Override the perf binary data filename. Use this for debugging.")

        OptionSpec<Boolean> optSaveLog = parser.accepts("saveLog",
                        "Save annotated Hotspot log to file.")

        OptionSpec<String> optSaveLogTo = parser.accepts("saveLogTo",
                        "Override the annotated Hotspot log location. This will use the unique file name per test.")

        OptionSpec<String> optSaveLogToFile = parser.accepts("saveLogToFile",
                "Override the annotated Hotspot log filename.")

        OptionSpec<Boolean> optPrintCompilationInfo = parser.accepts("printCompilationInfo",
                        "Print the collateral compilation information. Enabling this might corrupt the " +
                        "assembly output, see https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/CODETOOLS-7901102.")

        OptionSpec<Boolean> optIntelSyntax = parser.accepts("intelSyntax",
                        "Should perfasm use intel syntax?")

        OptionSpec<Boolean> optDrawIntraJumps = parser.accepts("drawIntraJumps",
                        "Should perfasm draw jump arrows with the region?")

        OptionSpec<Boolean> optDrawInterJumps = parser.accepts("drawInterJumps",
                        "Should perfasm draw jump arrows out of the region?")


        set = ProfilerUtils.parseInitLine(initLine, parser);

        try {
            requestedEventNames = set.valuesOf(optEvents);
            regionRateThreshold = set.valueOf(optThresholdRate);
            regionShowTop = set.valueOf(optShowTop);
            regionTooBigThreshold = set.valueOf(optThreshold);
            printMargin = set.valueOf(optPrintMargin);
            mergeMargin = set.valueOf(optMergeMargin);
            mergeMethods = set.valueOf(optMergeMethods);
            delayMsec = set.valueOf(optDelay);
            lengthMsec = set.valueOf(optLength);

            skipAssembly = set.valueOf(optSkipAsm);
            skipInterpreter = set.valueOf(optSkipInterpreter);
            skipVMStubs = set.valueOf(optSkipVMStubs);

            savePerfOutput = set.valueOf(optPerfOut);
            savePerfOutputTo = set.valueOf(optPerfOutTo);
            savePerfOutputToFile = set.valueOf(optPerfOutToFile);

            savePerfBin = set.valueOf(optPerfBin);
            savePerfBinTo = set.valueOf(optPerfBinTo);
            savePerfBinFile = set.valueOf(optPerfBinToFile);

            saveLog = set.valueOf(optSaveLog);
            saveLogTo = set.valueOf(optSaveLogTo);
            saveLogToFile = set.valueOf(optSaveLogToFile);

            intelSyntax = set.valueOf(optIntelSyntax);
            printCompilationInfo = set.valueOf(optPrintCompilationInfo);
            drawIntraJumps = set.valueOf(optDrawInterJumps);
            drawInterJumps = set.valueOf(optDrawIntraJumps);
        } catch (OptionException e) {
            throw new ProfilerException(e.getMessage());

    protected abstract void addMyOptions(OptionParser parser);

    public Collection<String> addJVMOptions(BenchmarkParams params) {
        if (!skipAssembly) {
            Collection<String> opts = new ArrayList<>();
                "-XX:LogFile=" + hsLog.getAbsolutePath(),

            if (!skipInterpreter) {
            if (!skipVMStubs) {
            if (printCompilationInfo) {
            if (intelSyntax) {
            return opts;
        } else {
            return Collections.emptyList();

    public void beforeTrial(BenchmarkParams params) {
        // do nothing

    public Collection<? extends Result> afterTrial(BenchmarkResult br, long pid, File stdOut, File stdErr) {
        TextResult result = processAssembly(br);

        // we know these are not needed anymore, proactively delete

        return Collections.singleton(result);

    public boolean allowPrintOut() {
        return false;

    public boolean allowPrintErr() {
        return false;

Parse profiler events from binary to text form.
/** * Parse profiler events from binary to text form. */
protected abstract void parseEvents();
Read parsed events.
  • skipMs – Milliseconds to skip.
  • lenMs – Milliseconds to capture after skip
/** * Read parsed events. * * @param skipMs Milliseconds to skip. * @param lenMs Milliseconds to capture after skip * @return Events. */
protected abstract PerfEvents readEvents(double skipMs, double lenMs);
Some profilers strip modifiers from event names. To properly match the events in shared code, we need to know what those events were stripped to.
Returns:stripped events
/** * Some profilers strip modifiers from event names. * To properly match the events in shared code, we need to know * what those events were stripped to. * @return stripped events */
protected List<String> stripEventNames(List<String> src) { return src; }
Get perf binary data extension (optional).
/** * Get perf binary data extension (optional). * * @return Extension. */
protected abstract String perfBinaryExtension(); private TextResult processAssembly(BenchmarkResult br) { /** * 1. Parse binary events. */ parseEvents(); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); /** * 2. Read out PrintAssembly output */ Assembly assembly = readAssembly(hsLog.file()); if (assembly.size() > 0) { pw.printf("PrintAssembly processed: %d total address lines.%n", assembly.size()); } else if (skipAssembly) { pw.println(); pw.println("PrintAssembly skipped, Java methods are not resolved."); pw.println(); } else { pw.println(); pw.println("ERROR: No address lines detected in assembly capture. Make sure your JDK is properly configured to"); pw.println("print generated assembly. The most probable cause for this failure is that hsdis is not available,"); pw.println("or resides at the wrong path within the JDK. Try to run the same JDK with -XX:+PrintAssembly with"); pw.println("a simple non-JMH program and look for warning messages. For details, see the link below:"); pw.println(" https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/HotSpot/PrintAssembly"); pw.println(); } /** * 3. Read out perf output */ long skipMs; if (delayMsec == -1) { // not set skipMs = ProfilerUtils.measurementDelayMs(br); } else { skipMs = delayMsec; } double lenMs; if (lengthMsec == -1) { // not set lenMs = ProfilerUtils.measuredTimeMs(br); } else { lenMs = lengthMsec; } final PerfEvents events = readEvents(skipMs, lenMs); List<String> evNames = stripEventNames(requestedEventNames); if (!events.isEmpty()) { pw.printf("Perf output processed (skipped %.3f seconds):%n", skipMs / 1000D); int cnt = 1; for (int i = 0; i < evNames.size(); i++) { String stripped = evNames.get(i); String requested = requestedEventNames.get(i); pw.printf(" Column %d: %s%s (%d events)%n", cnt, stripped, (requested.equals(stripped) ? "" : " (" + requested + ")"), events.get(stripped).size()); cnt++; } pw.println(); } else { pw.println(); pw.println("ERROR: No perf data, make sure \"perf stat echo 1\" is indeed working;\n " + "or the collection delay is not running past the benchmark time."); pw.println(); } /** * 4. Figure out code regions */ final List<Region> regions = makeRegions(assembly, events); /** * 5. Figure out interesting regions, and print them out. * We would sort the regions by the hotness of the first (main) event type. */ final String mainEvent = evNames.get(0); Collections.sort(regions, new Comparator<Region>() { @Override public int compare(Region o1, Region o2) { return Long.compare(o2.getEventCount(events, mainEvent), o1.getEventCount(events, mainEvent)); } }); long threshold = (long) (regionRateThreshold * events.getTotalEvents(mainEvent)); boolean headerPrinted = false; int cnt = 1; for (Region r : regions) { if (r.getEventCount(events, mainEvent) > threshold) { if (!headerPrinted) { pw.printf("Hottest code regions (>%.2f%% \"%s\" events):%n%n", regionRateThreshold * 100, mainEvent); headerPrinted = true; } printDottedLine(pw, "Hottest Region " + cnt); pw.printf("%s, %s (%d bytes) %n%n", r.desc().source(), r.desc().name(), r.end - r.begin); r.printCode(pw, events); printDottedLine(pw); for (String event : evNames) { printLine(pw, events, event, r.getEventCount(events, event)); } pw.println("<total for region " + cnt + ">"); pw.println(); cnt++; } } if (!headerPrinted) { pw.printf("WARNING: No hottest code region above the threshold (%.2f%%) for disassembly.%n", regionRateThreshold * 100); pw.println("Use \"hotThreshold\" profiler option to lower the filter threshold."); pw.println(); } int lenSource = 0; for (Region r : regions) { lenSource = Math.max(lenSource, r.desc().source().length()); } /** * 6. Print out the hottest regions */ { Multiset<String> total = new HashMultiset<>(); Multiset<String> other = new HashMultiset<>(); printDottedLine(pw, "Hottest Regions"); int shown = 0; for (Region r : regions) { if (shown++ < regionShowTop) { for (String event : evNames) { printLine(pw, events, event, r.getEventCount(events, event)); } pw.printf("%" + lenSource + "s %s (%d bytes) %n", r.desc().source(), r.desc().name(), r.end - r.begin); } else { for (String event : evNames) { other.add(event, r.getEventCount(events, event)); } } for (String event : evNames) { total.add(event, r.getEventCount(events, event)); } } if (regions.size() - regionShowTop > 0) { for (String event : evNames) { printLine(pw, events, event, other.count(event)); } pw.println("<...other " + (regions.size() - regionShowTop) + " warm regions...>"); } printDottedLine(pw); for (String event : evNames) { printLine(pw, events, event, total.count(event)); } pw.println("<totals>"); pw.println(); } final Map<String, Multiset<String>> methodsByType = new HashMap<>(); final Map<String, Multiset<MethodDesc>> methods = new HashMap<>(); for (String event : evNames) { methodsByType.put(event, new HashMultiset<String>()); methods.put(event, new HashMultiset<MethodDesc>()); } for (Region r : regions) { for (String event : evNames) { long count = r.getEventCount(events, event); methods.get(event).add(r.desc(), count); methodsByType.get(event).add(r.desc().source(), count); } } /** * Print out hottest methods */ { printDottedLine(pw, "Hottest Methods (after inlining)"); Multiset<String> total = new HashMultiset<>(); Multiset<String> other = new HashMultiset<>(); int shownMethods = 0; List<MethodDesc> top = Multisets.sortedDesc(methods.get(mainEvent)); for (MethodDesc m : top) { if (shownMethods++ < regionShowTop) { for (String event : evNames) { printLine(pw, events, event, methods.get(event).count(m)); } pw.printf("%" + lenSource + "s %s %n", m.source(), m.name()); } else { for (String event : evNames) { other.add(event, methods.get(event).count(m)); } } for (String event : evNames) { total.add(event, methods.get(event).count(m)); } } if (top.size() - regionShowTop > 0) { for (String event : evNames) { printLine(pw, events, event, other.count(event)); } pw.println("<...other " + (top.size() - regionShowTop) + " warm methods...>"); } printDottedLine(pw); for (String event : evNames) { printLine(pw, events, event, total.count(event)); } pw.println("<totals>"); pw.println(); } /** * Print hot methods distribution */ { printDottedLine(pw, "Distribution by Source"); for (String m : Multisets.sortedDesc(methodsByType.get(mainEvent))) { for (String event : evNames) { printLine(pw, events, event, methodsByType.get(event).count(m)); } pw.printf("%" + lenSource + "s%n", m); } printDottedLine(pw); for (String event : evNames) { printLine(pw, events, event, methodsByType.get(event).size()); } pw.println("<totals>"); pw.println(); } /** * Final checks on assembly: */ { Set<Long> addrHistory = new HashSet<>(); for (Long addr : assembly.addressMap.keySet()) { if (!addrHistory.add(addr)) { pw.println("WARNING: Duplicate instruction addresses detected. This is probably due to compiler reusing\n " + "the code arena for the new generated code. We can not differentiate between methods sharing\n" + "the same addresses, and therefore the profile might be wrong. Increasing generated code\n" + "storage might help."); } } } { int sum = 0; for (Long v : events.totalCounts.values()) { sum += v; } if (sum < 1000) { pw.println("WARNING: The perf event count is suspiciously low (" + sum + "). The performance data might be"); pw.println("inaccurate or misleading. Try to do the profiling again, or tune up the sampling frequency."); pw.println("With some profilers on Mac OS X, System Integrity Protection (SIP) may prevent profiling."); pw.println("In such case, temporarily disabling SIP with 'csrutil disable' might help."); } } /** * Print perf output, if needed: */ if (savePerfOutput) { String target = (savePerfOutputToFile == null) ? savePerfOutputTo + "/" + br.getParams().id() + ".perf" : savePerfOutputToFile; try { FileUtils.copy(perfParsedData.getAbsolutePath(), target); pw.println("Perf output saved to " + target); } catch (IOException e) { pw.println("Unable to save perf output to " + target); } } /** * Print binary perf output, if needed: */ if (savePerfBin) { String target = (savePerfBinFile == null) ? savePerfBinTo + "/" + br.getParams().id() + perfBinaryExtension() : savePerfBinFile; try { FileUtils.copy(perfBinData.getAbsolutePath(), target); pw.println("Perf binary output saved to " + target); } catch (IOException e) { pw.println("Unable to save perf binary output to " + target); } } /** * Print annotated assembly, if needed: */ if (saveLog) { String target = (saveLogToFile == null) ? saveLogTo + "/" + br.getParams().id() + ".log" : saveLogToFile; try (FileOutputStream asm = new FileOutputStream(target); PrintWriter pwAsm = new PrintWriter(asm)) { for (ASMLine line : assembly.lines) { for (String event : evNames) { long count = (line.addr != null) ? events.get(event).count(line.addr) : 0; printLine(pwAsm, events, event, count); } pwAsm.println(line.code); } pw.println("Perf-annotated Hotspot log is saved to " + target); } catch (IOException e) { pw.println("Unable to save Hotspot log to " + target); } } pw.flush(); pw.close(); return new TextResult(sw.toString(), "asm"); } private static void printLine(PrintWriter pw, PerfEvents events, String event, long count) { if (count > 0) { pw.printf("%6.2f%% ", 100.0 * count / events.getTotalEvents(event)); } else { pw.printf("%9s", ""); } } private void printDottedLine(PrintWriter pw) { printDottedLine(pw, null); } private void printDottedLine(PrintWriter pw, String header) { final int HEADER_WIDTH = 100; pw.print("...."); if (header != null) { header = "[" + header + "]"; pw.print(header); } else { header = ""; } for (int c = 0; c < HEADER_WIDTH - 4 - header.length(); c++) { pw.print("."); } pw.println(); } private List<Region> makeRegions(Assembly asms, PerfEvents events) { List<String> strippedEvents = stripEventNames(requestedEventNames); List<Region> regions = new ArrayList<>(); SortedSet<Long> allAddrs = events.getAllAddresses(); for (Interval intv : figureHotIntervals(allAddrs, asms)) { SortedSet<Long> eventfulAddrs = allAddrs.subSet(intv.src, intv.dst + 1); List<ASMLine> regionLines = asms.getLines(intv.src, intv.dst, printMargin); if (!regionLines.isEmpty()) { // has some associated assembly // TODO: Should scan and split regions for multiple descs? MethodDesc desc = asms.getMethod(intv.src); if (desc == null) { desc = MethodDesc.unknown(); } regions.add(new GeneratedRegion(strippedEvents, asms, desc, intv.src, intv.dst, regionLines, eventfulAddrs, regionTooBigThreshold, drawIntraJumps, drawInterJumps)); } else { // has no assembly, should be a native region // TODO: Should scan and split regions for multiple descs? MethodDesc desc = events.getMethod(intv.src); if (desc == null) { desc = MethodDesc.unknown(); } regions.add(new NativeRegion(desc, intv.src, intv.dst, eventfulAddrs)); } } return regions; } private List<Interval> figureHotIntervals(SortedSet<Long> addrs, Assembly asms) { if (addrs.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<Interval> intervals = new ArrayList<>(); long begAddr = addrs.first(); long lastAddr = addrs.first(); for (long addr : addrs) { if (addr - lastAddr > mergeMargin) { addInterval(intervals, begAddr, lastAddr, asms); begAddr = addr; } lastAddr = addr; } if (begAddr != lastAddr) { addInterval(intervals, begAddr, lastAddr, asms); } return intervals; } private void addInterval(List<Interval> intervals, long begAddr, long lastAddr, Assembly asms) { if (!mergeMethods || intervals.isEmpty()) { intervals.add(new Interval(begAddr, lastAddr)); } else { Interval prev = intervals.get(intervals.size() - 1); MethodDesc prevMethod = asms.getMethod(prev.src); MethodDesc method = asms.getMethod(begAddr); if (prevMethod == null || !prevMethod.equals(method)) { intervals.add(new Interval(begAddr, lastAddr)); } else { intervals.set(intervals.size() - 1, new Interval(prev.src, lastAddr)); } } } private Collection<Collection<String>> splitAssembly(File stdOut) { try (FileReader in = new FileReader(stdOut); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(in)) { Multimap<Long, String> writerToLines = new HashMultimap<>(); long writerId = -1L; Pattern pWriterThread = Pattern.compile("(.*)<writer thread='(.*)'>(.*)"); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { // Parse the writer threads IDs: // <writer thread='140703710570240'/> if (line.contains("<writer thread=")) { Matcher m = pWriterThread.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { try { writerId = Long.parseLong(m.group(2)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // something is wrong, try to recover } } continue; } writerToLines.put(writerId, line); } Collection<Collection<String>> r = new ArrayList<>(); for (long id : writerToLines.keys()) { r.add(writerToLines.get(id)); } return r; } catch (IOException e) { return Collections.emptyList(); } } private Assembly readAssembly(File stdOut) { List<ASMLine> lines = new ArrayList<>(); SortedMap<Long, Integer> addressMap = new TreeMap<>(); IntervalMap<MethodDesc> stubs = new IntervalMap<>(); IntervalMap<MethodDesc> javaMethods = new IntervalMap<>(); Set<Interval> intervals = new HashSet<>(); for (Collection<String> cs : splitAssembly(stdOut)) { String prevLine = ""; for (String line : cs) { String trim = line.trim(); if (trim.isEmpty()) continue; String[] elements = trim.split(" "); ASMLine asmLine = new ASMLine(line); // Handle the most frequent case first. if (elements.length > 0 && maybeAddress(elements[0])) { // Seems to be line with address. try { long addr = parseAddress(elements[0]); int idx = lines.size(); addressMap.put(addr, idx); asmLine = new ASMLine(addr, line); if (elements.length > 1 && (drawInterJumps || drawIntraJumps)) { for (int c = 1; c < elements.length; c++) { if (maybeAddress(elements[c])) { try { long target = parseAddress(elements[c]); intervals.add(new Interval(addr, target)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // Nope, not the address. } } } } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // Nope, not the address line. } } if (prevLine.contains("--------") || line.contains("StubRoutines::")) { // Try parsing the interpreter/runtime stub: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // invokehandle 233 invokehandle [0x00007f631d023100, 0x00007f631d0233c0] 704 bytes // StubRoutines::catch_exception [0x00007feb43fa7b27, 0x00007feb43fa7b46[ (31 bytes) // JDK 13 adds another "-------" line after StubRoutines line, so we need to filter out // mismatched lines that follow it. This is why regexp is anchored at the start of the line. // Example: // // StubRoutines::updateBytesCRC32 [0x0000ffff6c819700, 0x0000ffff6c819870] (368 bytes) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 0x0000ffff6c819700: stp x29, x30, [sp, #-16]! <--- do not match this // 0x0000ffff6c819704: mov x29, sp // 0x0000ffff6c819708: mvn w0, w0 Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^(\\S.*)( +)\\[(.+), (.+)[\\]\\[](.*)"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line); if (matcher.matches()) { String name = matcher.group(1); String startS = matcher.group(3); String endS = matcher.group(4); if (maybeAddress(startS) && maybeAddress(endS)) { long startAddr = parseAddress(startS); long endAddr = parseAddress(endS); if (line.contains("StubRoutines::")) { stubs.add(MethodDesc.runtimeStub(name), startAddr, endAddr); } else { stubs.add(MethodDesc.interpreter(name), startAddr, endAddr); } } } } if (line.contains("<nmethod")) { // <nmethod compile_id='481' compiler='C1' level='3' entry='0x00007f26f51fb640' size='1392' // address='0x00007f26f51fb4d0' relocation_offset='296' insts_offset='368' stub_offset='976' // scopes_data_offset='1152' scopes_pcs_offset='1208' dependencies_offset='1368' nul_chk_table_offset='1376' // method='java/lang/reflect/Constructor getParameterTypes ()[Ljava/lang/Class;' bytes='11' // count='258' iicount='258' stamp='8.590'/> Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("(.*?)<nmethod (.*?)/>(.*?)").matcher(line); if (matcher.matches()) { String body = matcher.group(2); body = body.replaceAll("='", "="); String[] kvs = body.split("' "); HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); for (String kv : kvs) { String[] pair = kv.split("="); // Guard against "key=''" if (pair.length == 2) { map.put(pair[0], pair[1]); } else { map.put(pair[0], null); } } // Record the starting address for the method long addr = parseAddress(map.get("entry")); javaMethods.add( MethodDesc.javaMethod(map.get("method"), map.get("compiler"), map.get("level"), map.get("compile_id")), addr, addr + Long.parseLong(map.get("size")) ); } } lines.add(asmLine); prevLine = line; } } // Important to get the order right: all Java methods take precedence over interpreter/runtime stubs. IntervalMap<MethodDesc> methodMap = new IntervalMap<>(); methodMap.merge(stubs); methodMap.merge(javaMethods); return new Assembly(lines, addressMap, methodMap, intervals); } private boolean maybeAddress(String str) { return str.startsWith("0x") || str.endsWith("h"); } private long parseAddress(String address) { if (address.startsWith("0x")) { // AT&T return Long.parseLong(address.replace("0x", "").replace(":", ""), 16); } else if (address.endsWith("h")) { // Intel return Long.parseLong(address.replace("h", ""), 16); } else { throw new NumberFormatException("Address format not recognized: " + address); } } protected static class PerfEvents { final Map<String, Multiset<Long>> events; final IntervalMap<MethodDesc> methods; final Map<String, Long> totalCounts; PerfEvents(Collection<String> tracedEvents, Map<String, Multiset<Long>> events, IntervalMap<MethodDesc> methods) { this.events = events; this.methods = methods; this.totalCounts = new HashMap<>(); for (String event : tracedEvents) { totalCounts.put(event, events.get(event).size()); } } public boolean isEmpty() { return events.isEmpty(); } public Multiset<Long> get(String event) { return events.get(event); } public SortedSet<Long> getAllAddresses() { SortedSet<Long> addrs = new TreeSet<>(); for (Multiset<Long> e : events.values()) { addrs.addAll(e.keys()); } return addrs; } public Long getTotalEvents(String event) { return totalCounts.get(event); } public MethodDesc getMethod(long addr) { return methods.get(addr); } } static class Assembly { final List<ASMLine> lines; final SortedMap<Long, Integer> addressMap; final IntervalMap<MethodDesc> methodMap; final Set<Interval> intervals; public Assembly(List<ASMLine> lines, SortedMap<Long, Integer> addressMap, IntervalMap<MethodDesc> methodMap, Set<Interval> intervals) { this.lines = lines; this.addressMap = addressMap; this.methodMap = methodMap; this.intervals = intervals; } public int size() { // We only care about the address lines. return addressMap.size(); } private boolean isSameMethod(MethodDesc method, int idx) { ASMLine line = lines.get(idx); Long addr = line != null ? line.addr : null; MethodDesc m = addr != null ? getMethod(addr) : null; // If we cannot find a method for the line, assume it "equals" return (m == null) || Objects.equals(m, method); } private int adjustWindowForward(MethodDesc method, int beginIdx, int window) { for (; beginIdx > 0 && window > 0; beginIdx--, window--) { if (!isSameMethod(method, beginIdx - 1)) { return beginIdx; } } return beginIdx; } private int adjustWindowBackward(MethodDesc method, int endIdx, int window) { int size = lines.size(); for (; endIdx < size && window > 0; endIdx++, window--) { if (!isSameMethod(method, endIdx)) { return endIdx; } } return endIdx; } public List<ASMLine> getLines(long begin, long end, int window) { SortedMap<Long, Integer> tailMap = addressMap.tailMap(begin); Long beginAddr; Integer beginIdx; if (!tailMap.isEmpty()) { beginAddr = tailMap.firstKey(); beginIdx = addressMap.get(beginAddr); } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } SortedMap<Long, Integer> headMap = addressMap.headMap(end); Long endAddr; Integer endIdx; if (!headMap.isEmpty()) { endAddr = headMap.lastKey(); endIdx = addressMap.get(endAddr); } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } MethodDesc method = getMethod(begin); beginIdx = adjustWindowForward(method, beginIdx, window); endIdx = adjustWindowBackward(method, endIdx, 2 + window); // Compensate for minute discrepancies if (beginIdx < endIdx) { return lines.subList(beginIdx, endIdx); } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } } public MethodDesc getMethod(long addr) { return methodMap.get(addr); } } static class ASMLine { final Long addr; final String code; ASMLine(String code) { this(null, code); } ASMLine(Long addr, String code) { this.addr = addr; this.code = code; } } static class Region { final MethodDesc method; final long begin; final long end; final Set<Long> eventfulAddrs; final Map<String, Long> eventCountCache; Region(MethodDesc method, long begin, long end, Set<Long> eventfulAddrs) { this.method = method; this.begin = begin; this.end = end; this.eventfulAddrs = eventfulAddrs; this.eventCountCache = new HashMap<>(); } long getEventCount(PerfEvents events, String event) { if (!eventCountCache.containsKey(event)) { Multiset<Long> evs = events.get(event); long count = 0; for (Long addr : eventfulAddrs) { count += evs.count(addr); } eventCountCache.put(event, count); } return eventCountCache.get(event); } public void printCode(PrintWriter pw, PerfEvents events) { pw.println("<no code>"); } public MethodDesc desc() { return method; } } static class GeneratedRegion extends Region { final Collection<String> tracedEvents; final Assembly asms; final Collection<ASMLine> code; final int threshold; final boolean drawIntraJumps; final boolean drawInterJumps; GeneratedRegion(Collection<String> tracedEvents, Assembly asms, MethodDesc desc, long begin, long end, Collection<ASMLine> code, Set<Long> eventfulAddrs, int threshold, boolean drawIntraJumps, boolean drawInterJumps) { super(desc, begin, end, eventfulAddrs); this.tracedEvents = tracedEvents; this.asms = asms; this.code = code; this.threshold = threshold; this.drawIntraJumps = drawIntraJumps; this.drawInterJumps = drawInterJumps; } @Override public void printCode(PrintWriter pw, PerfEvents events) { if (code.size() > threshold) { pw.printf(" <region is too big to display, has %d lines, but threshold is %d>%n", code.size(), threshold); } else { long beginLine = begin; long endLine = end; for (ASMLine line : code) { Long addr = line.addr; if (addr != null) { beginLine = Math.min(beginLine, addr); endLine = Math.max(endLine, addr); } } Set<Interval> interIvs = new TreeSet<>(); Set<Interval> intraIvs = new TreeSet<>(); for (Interval it : asms.intervals) { boolean srcInline = (beginLine < it.src && it.src < endLine); boolean dstInline = (beginLine < it.dst && it.dst < endLine); if (srcInline && dstInline) { if (drawInterJumps) { interIvs.add(it); } } else if (srcInline || dstInline) { if (drawIntraJumps) { intraIvs.add(it); } } } long prevAddr = 0; for (ASMLine line : code) { for (String event : tracedEvents) { long count = (line.addr != null) ? events.get(event).count(line.addr) : 0; printLine(pw, events, event, count); } long addr; long evAddr; if (line.addr == null) { addr = prevAddr; evAddr = -1; } else { addr = line.addr; evAddr = addr; prevAddr = addr; } for (Interval it : intraIvs) { printInterval(pw, it, addr, evAddr, false); } for (Interval it : interIvs) { printInterval(pw, it, addr, evAddr, true); } pw.println(line.code); } } } private void printInterval(PrintWriter pw, Interval it, long addr, long evAddr, boolean inline) { if (it.src < it.dst) { // flows downwards if (it.src == evAddr) { pw.print("\u256d"); } else if (it.dst == evAddr) { pw.print("\u2198"); } else if ((it.src <= addr) && (addr < it.dst)) { if (inline) { pw.print("\u2502"); } else { pw.print("\u2575"); } } else { pw.print(" "); } } else { // flows upwards if (it.src == evAddr) { pw.print("\u2570"); } else if (it.dst == evAddr) { pw.print("\u2197"); } else if ((it.dst <= addr) && (addr < it.src)) { if (inline) { pw.print("\u2502"); } else { pw.print("\u2575"); } } else { pw.print(" "); } } } } static class NativeRegion extends Region { NativeRegion(MethodDesc desc, long begin, long end, Set<Long> eventfulAddrs) { super(desc, begin, end, eventfulAddrs); } @Override public void printCode(PrintWriter pw, PerfEvents events) { pw.println(" <no assembly is recorded, native region>"); } } static class UnknownRegion extends Region { UnknownRegion() { super(MethodDesc.unknown(), 0L, 0L, Collections.singleton(0L)); } @Override public void printCode(PrintWriter pw, PerfEvents events) { pw.println(" <no assembly is recorded, unknown region>"); } } static class MethodDesc { private final String name; private final String source; protected MethodDesc(String name, String source) { this.name = name; this.source = source; } public static MethodDesc unresolved() { return new MethodDesc("<unresolved>", ""); } public static MethodDesc unknown() { return new MethodDesc("<unknown>", ""); } public static MethodDesc kernel() { return new MethodDesc("<kernel>", "kernel"); } public static MethodDesc interpreter(String name) { return new MethodDesc(name, "interpreter"); } public static MethodDesc runtimeStub(String name) { return new MethodDesc(name, "runtime stub"); } public static MethodDesc javaMethod(String name, String compiler, String level, String ver) { String methodName = name.replace("/", ".").replaceFirst(" ", "::").split(" ")[0]; return new MethodDesc( methodName + ", version " + ver, (compiler != null ? compiler : "Unknown") + (level != null ? ", level " + level : "") ); } public static MethodDesc nativeMethod(String symbol, String lib) { return new MethodDesc(symbol, lib); } public String name() { return name; } public String source() { return source; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; MethodDesc that = (MethodDesc) o; if (!name.equals(that.name)) return false; return source.equals(that.source); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = name.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + source.hashCode(); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return "MethodDesc{" + "name='" + name + '\'' + ", source='" + source + '\'' + '}'; } } }