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package org.openjdk.jmh.util;

import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.TDistribution;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.inference.TestUtils;

public abstract class AbstractStatistics implements Statistics {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1536835581997509117L;

Returns the interval c1, c2 of which there's an 1-alpha probability of the mean being within the interval.
  • confidence – level
Returns:the confidence interval
/** * Returns the interval c1, c2 of which there's an 1-alpha * probability of the mean being within the interval. * * @param confidence level * @return the confidence interval */
@Override public double[] getConfidenceIntervalAt(double confidence) { double[] interval = new double[2]; if (getN() <= 2) { interval[0] = interval[1] = Double.NaN; return interval; } TDistribution tDist = new TDistribution(getN() - 1); double a = tDist.inverseCumulativeProbability(1 - (1 - confidence) / 2); interval[0] = getMean() - a * getStandardDeviation() / Math.sqrt(getN()); interval[1] = getMean() + a * getStandardDeviation() / Math.sqrt(getN()); return interval; } @Override public boolean isDifferent(Statistics other, double confidence) { return TestUtils.tTest(this, other, 1 - confidence); } @Override public double getMeanErrorAt(double confidence) { if (getN() <= 2) return Double.NaN; TDistribution tDist = new TDistribution(getN() - 1); double a = tDist.inverseCumulativeProbability(1 - (1 - confidence) / 2); return a * getStandardDeviation() / Math.sqrt(getN()); } @Override public String toString() { return "N:" + getN() + " Mean: " + getMean() + " Min: " + getMin() + " Max: " + getMax() + " StdDev: " + getStandardDeviation(); } @Override public double getMean() { if (getN() > 0) { return getSum() / getN(); } else { return Double.NaN; } } @Override public double getStandardDeviation() { return Math.sqrt(getVariance()); } @Override public int compareTo(Statistics other, double confidence) { if (isDifferent(other, confidence)) { double t = getMean(); double o = other.getMean(); return (t > o) ? -1 : 1; } else { return 0; } } @Override public int compareTo(Statistics other) { return compareTo(other, 0.99); } }