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/***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: EPL 2.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public * License Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * Copyright (C) 2002-2011 JRuby Community * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Anders Bengtsson <> * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Jan Arne Petersen <> * Copyright (C) 2004 Thomas E Enebo <> * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Charles O Nutter <> * Copyright (C) 2004 Stefan Matthias Aust <> * Copyright (C) 2006 Ola Bini <> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the EPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the EPL, the GPL or the LGPL. ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
package org.jruby.runtime.load; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import org.jruby.Ruby; import org.jruby.RubyArray; import org.jruby.RubyFile; import org.jruby.RubyHash; import org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig; import org.jruby.RubyString; import org.jruby.ast.executable.Script; import org.jruby.exceptions.CatchThrow; import org.jruby.exceptions.JumpException; import org.jruby.exceptions.MainExitException; import org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException; import org.jruby.exceptions.Unrescuable; import org.jruby.ext.rbconfig.RbConfigLibrary; import org.jruby.platform.Platform; import org.jruby.runtime.Helpers; import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext; import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject; import org.jruby.util.FileResource; import org.jruby.util.JRubyFile; import org.jruby.util.collections.StringArraySet; import org.jruby.util.log.Logger; import org.jruby.util.log.LoggerFactory; import static org.jruby.runtime.Helpers.arrayOf; import static org.jruby.util.URLUtil.getPath; import org.jruby.util.cli.Options;

How require works in JRuby

When requiring a name from Ruby, JRuby will first remove any file extension it knows about, thereby making it possible to use this string to see if JRuby has already loaded the name in question. If a .rb extension is specified, JRuby will only try those extensions when searching. If a .so, .o, .dll, or .jar extension is specified, JRuby will only try .so or .jar when searching. Otherwise, JRuby goes through the known suffixes (.rb, .rb.ast.ser, .so, and .jar) and tries to find a library with this name. The process for finding a library follows this order for all searchable extensions:
  1. First, check if the name starts with 'jar:', then the path points to a jar-file resource which is returned.
  2. Second, try searching for the file in the current dir
  3. Then JRuby looks through the load path trying these variants:
    1. See if the current load path entry starts with 'jar:', if so check if this jar-file contains the name
    2. Otherwise JRuby tries to construct a path by combining the entry and the current working directy, and then see if a file with the correct name can be reached from this point.
  4. If all these fail, try to load the name as a resource from classloader resources, using the bare name as well as the load path entries
  5. When we get to this state, the normal JRuby loading has failed. At this stage JRuby tries to load Java native extensions, by following this process:
    1. First it checks that we haven't already found a library. If we found a library of type JarredScript, the method continues.
    2. The first step is translating the name given into a valid Java Extension class name. First it splits the string into each path segment, and then makes all but the last downcased. After this it takes the last entry, removes all underscores and capitalizes each part separated by underscores. It then joins everything together and tacks on a 'Service' at the end. Lastly, it removes all leading dots, to make it a valid Java FWCN.
    3. If the previous library was of type JarredScript, we try to add the jar-file to the classpath
    4. Now JRuby tries to instantiate the class with the name constructed. If this works, we return a ClassExtensionLibrary. Otherwise, the old library is put back in place, if there was one.
  6. When all separate methods have been tried and there was no result, a LoadError will be raised.
  7. Otherwise, the name will be added to the loaded features, and the library loaded
/** * <h2>How require works in JRuby</h2> * * When requiring a name from Ruby, JRuby will first remove any file * extension it knows about, thereby making it possible to use this string * to see if JRuby has already loaded the name in question. If a .rb * extension is specified, JRuby will only try those extensions when * searching. If a .so, .o, .dll, or .jar extension is specified, JRuby will * only try .so or .jar when searching. Otherwise, JRuby goes through the * known suffixes (.rb, .rb.ast.ser, .so, and .jar) and tries to find a * library with this name. The process for finding a library follows this * order for all searchable extensions: * * <ol> * <li>First, check if the name starts with 'jar:', then the path points to * a jar-file resource which is returned.</li> * <li>Second, try searching for the file in the current dir</li> * <li>Then JRuby looks through the load path trying these variants: * <ol> * <li>See if the current load path entry starts with 'jar:', if so * check if this jar-file contains the name</li> * <li>Otherwise JRuby tries to construct a path by combining the entry * and the current working directy, and then see if a file with the * correct name can be reached from this point.</li> * </ol> * </li> * <li>If all these fail, try to load the name as a resource from * classloader resources, using the bare name as well as the load path * entries</li> * <li>When we get to this state, the normal JRuby loading has failed. At * this stage JRuby tries to load Java native extensions, by following this * process: * <ol> * <li>First it checks that we haven't already found a library. If we * found a library of type JarredScript, the method continues.</li> * * <li>The first step is translating the name given into a valid Java * Extension class name. First it splits the string into each path * segment, and then makes all but the last downcased. After this it * takes the last entry, removes all underscores and capitalizes each * part separated by underscores. It then joins everything together and * tacks on a 'Service' at the end. Lastly, it removes all leading dots, * to make it a valid Java FWCN.</li> * * <li>If the previous library was of type JarredScript, we try to add * the jar-file to the classpath</li> * * <li>Now JRuby tries to instantiate the class with the name * constructed. If this works, we return a ClassExtensionLibrary. * Otherwise, the old library is put back in place, if there was one. * </ol> * </li> * <li>When all separate methods have been tried and there was no result, a * LoadError will be raised.</li> * <li>Otherwise, the name will be added to the loaded features, and the * library loaded</li> * </ol> * * @author jpetersen */
public class LoadService { static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoadService.class); private final LoadTimer loadTimer; private boolean canGetAbsolutePath = true; public enum SuffixType { Source, Extension, Both, Neither; private static final String[] emptySuffixes = { "" }; // NOTE: always search .rb first for speed public static final String[] sourceSuffixes = Options.AOT_LOADCLASSES.load() ? arrayOf(".rb", ".class") : arrayOf(".rb"); public static final String[] extensionSuffixes = arrayOf(".jar"); private static final String[] allSuffixes; static { allSuffixes = new String[sourceSuffixes.length + extensionSuffixes.length]; System.arraycopy(sourceSuffixes, 0, allSuffixes, 0, sourceSuffixes.length); System.arraycopy(extensionSuffixes, 0, allSuffixes, sourceSuffixes.length, extensionSuffixes.length); } public String[] getSuffixes() { switch (this) { case Source: return sourceSuffixes; case Extension: return extensionSuffixes; case Both: return allSuffixes; case Neither: return emptySuffixes; } throw new RuntimeException("Unknown SuffixType: " + this); } } protected static final Pattern sourcePattern = Pattern.compile("\\.(?:rb)$"); protected static final Pattern extensionPattern = Pattern.compile("\\.(?:so|o|dll|bundle|jar)$"); protected RubyArray loadPath; protected StringArraySet loadedFeatures; protected RubyArray loadedFeaturesDup; private final Map<String, String> loadedFeaturesIndex = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(64); protected final Map<String, JarFile> jarFiles = new HashMap<>(); protected final Ruby runtime; protected final LibrarySearcher librarySearcher; public LoadService(Ruby runtime) { this.runtime = runtime; if (RubyInstanceConfig.DEBUG_LOAD_TIMINGS) { loadTimer = new TracingLoadTimer(); } else { loadTimer = new LoadTimer(); } this.librarySearcher = new LibrarySearcher(this); }
Called to initialize the load path with a set of optional prepended directories and then the standard set of dirs. This should only be called once, at load time, since it wipes out loaded features.
  • prependDirectories –
/** * Called to initialize the load path with a set of optional prepended * directories and then the standard set of dirs. * * This should only be called once, at load time, since it wipes out loaded * features. * * @param prependDirectories */
public void init(List<String> prependDirectories) { loadPath = RubyArray.newArray(runtime); String jrubyHome = runtime.getJRubyHome(); loadedFeatures = new StringArraySet(runtime); // add all startup load paths to the list first addPaths(prependDirectories); // add $RUBYLIB paths RubyHash env = (RubyHash) runtime.getObject().getConstant("ENV"); RubyString env_rubylib = runtime.newString("RUBYLIB"); ThreadContext currentContext = runtime.getCurrentContext(); if (env.has_key_p(currentContext, env_rubylib).isTrue()) { String rubylib = env.op_aref(currentContext, env_rubylib).toString(); String[] paths = rubylib.split(File.pathSeparator); addPaths(paths); } // wrap in try/catch for security exceptions in an applet try { if (jrubyHome != null) { // siteDir has to come first, because rubygems insert paths after it // and we must to prefer Gems to rubyLibDir/rubySharedLibDir (same as MRI) // NOTE: this path *must* be added, whether it exists or not, because RubyGems // uses it to know where to insert gem paths into the load path. Removing it // causes all gem paths to be inserted at the beginning, overriding paths // added via -I. addPath(RbConfigLibrary.getSiteDir(runtime)); // if vendorDirGeneral is different than siteDirGeneral, // add vendorDir, too // adding {vendor,site}{Lib,Arch}Dir dirs is not necessary, // since they should be the same as {vendor,site}Dir if (!RbConfigLibrary.isSiteVendorSame(runtime)) { addPath(RbConfigLibrary.getVendorDir(runtime)); } String rubygemsDir = RbConfigLibrary.getRubygemsDir(runtime); if (rubygemsDir != null) { addPath(rubygemsDir); } addPath(RbConfigLibrary.getRubyLibDir(runtime)); } } catch(SecurityException ignore) {} addPaths(runtime.getInstanceConfig().getExtraLoadPaths()); }
Add additional directories to the load path.
  • additionalDirectories – a List of additional dirs to append to the load path
/** * Add additional directories to the load path. * * @param additionalDirectories a List of additional dirs to append to the load path */
public void addPaths(List<String> additionalDirectories) { for (String dir : additionalDirectories) { addPath(dir); } }
Add additional directories to the load path.
  • additionalDirectories – an array of additional dirs to append to the load path
/** * Add additional directories to the load path. * * @param additionalDirectories an array of additional dirs to append to the load path */
public void addPaths(String... additionalDirectories) { for (String dir : additionalDirectories) { addPath(dir); } } // MRI: rb_provide, roughly public void provide(String shortName, String fullName) { addLoadedFeature(shortName, fullName); } protected boolean isFeatureInIndex(String shortName) { return loadedFeaturesIndex.containsKey(shortName); } @Deprecated protected void addLoadedFeature(String name) { addLoadedFeature(name, name); } protected void addLoadedFeature(String shortName, String name) { loadedFeatures.appendString(runtime, name); addFeatureToIndex(shortName, name); } protected void addFeatureToIndex(String shortName, String name) { loadedFeaturesDup = (RubyArray)loadedFeatures.dup(); loadedFeaturesIndex.put(shortName, name); } protected void addPath(String path) { // Empty paths do not need to be added if (path == null || path.length() == 0) return; final RubyArray loadPath = this.loadPath; synchronized(loadPath) { final RubyString pathToAdd = runtime.newString(path.replace('\\', '/')); // Do not add duplicated paths if (loadPath.includes(runtime.getCurrentContext(), pathToAdd)) return; loadPath.append(pathToAdd); } } public void load(String file, boolean wrap) { long startTime = loadTimer.startLoad(file); int currentLine = runtime.getCurrentLine(); try { if(!runtime.getProfile().allowLoad(file)) { throw runtime.newLoadError("no such file to load -- " + file, file); } SearchState state = new SearchState(file); state.prepareLoadSearch(file); Library library = findLibraryBySearchState(state); // load() will do a last chance look in current working directory for the file (see load.c:rb_f_load()). if (library == null) { FileResource fileResource = JRubyFile.createResourceAsFile(runtime, file); if (!fileResource.exists()) throw runtime.newLoadError("no such file to load -- " + file, file); library = LibrarySearcher.ResourceLibrary.create(file, file, fileResource); } try { library.load(runtime, wrap); } catch (IOException e) { debugLoadException(runtime, e); throw newLoadErrorFromThrowable(runtime, file, e); } } finally { runtime.setCurrentLine(currentLine); loadTimer.endLoad(file, startTime); } } public void loadFromClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader, String file, boolean wrap) { long startTime = loadTimer.startLoad("classloader:" + file); int currentLine = runtime.getCurrentLine(); try { SearchState state = new SearchState(file); state.prepareLoadSearch(file); Library library = null; LoadServiceResource resource = getClassPathResource(classLoader, file); if (resource != null) { state.setLoadName(resolveLoadName(resource, file)); library = createLibrary(state, resource); } if (library == null) { throw runtime.newLoadError("no such file to load -- " + file); } try { library.load(runtime, wrap); } catch (IOException e) { debugLoadException(runtime, e); throw newLoadErrorFromThrowable(runtime, file, e); } } finally { runtime.setCurrentLine(currentLine); loadTimer.endLoad("classloader:" + file, startTime); } } public SearchState findFileForLoad(String file) { if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS) { file = file.replace('\\', '/'); } // Even if we don't support .so, some stdlib require .so directly. // Replace it with .jar to look for a java extension // JRUBY-5033: The ExtensionSearcher will locate C exts, too, this way. if (file.endsWith(".so")) { file = file.substring(0, file.length() - 3) + ".jar"; } SearchState state = new SearchState(file); state.prepareRequireSearch(file); findLibraryBySearchState(state); return state; } public boolean require(String requireName) { return smartLoadInternal(requireName, true) == RequireState.LOADED; } public boolean autoloadRequire(String requireName) { return smartLoadInternal(requireName, false) != RequireState.CIRCULAR; } private enum RequireState { LOADED, ALREADY_LOADED, CIRCULAR } private final RequireLocks requireLocks = new RequireLocks(); enum LockResult { LOCKED, CIRCULAR } private final class RequireLocks { private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, ReentrantLock> pool; // global lock for require must be fair //private final ReentrantLock globalLock; private RequireLocks() { this.pool = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(8, 0.75f, 2); //this.globalLock = new ReentrantLock(true); }
Get exclusive lock for the specified requireName. Acquire sync object for the requireName from the pool, then try to lock it. NOTE: This lock is not fair for now.
  • requireName – just a name for the lock.
Returns:If the sync object already locked by current thread, it just returns false without getting a lock. Otherwise true.
/** * Get exclusive lock for the specified requireName. Acquire sync object * for the requireName from the pool, then try to lock it. NOTE: This * lock is not fair for now. * * @param requireName * just a name for the lock. * @return If the sync object already locked by current thread, it just * returns false without getting a lock. Otherwise true. */
private LockResult lock(String requireName) { ReentrantLock lock = pool.get(requireName); if (lock == null) { ReentrantLock newLock = new ReentrantLock(); lock = pool.putIfAbsent(requireName, newLock); if (lock == null) lock = newLock; } if (lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) return LockResult.CIRCULAR; try { runtime.getCurrentContext().getThread().enterSleep(); lock.lock(); } finally { runtime.getCurrentContext().getThread().exitSleep(); } return LockResult.LOCKED; }
Unlock the lock for the specified requireName.
  • requireName – name of the lock to be unlocked.
/** * Unlock the lock for the specified requireName. * * @param requireName * name of the lock to be unlocked. */
private void unlock(String requireName) { ReentrantLock lock = pool.get(requireName); if (lock != null) { assert lock.isHeldByCurrentThread(); lock.unlock(); } } } protected void warnCircularRequire(String requireName) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("loading in progress, circular require considered harmful - " + requireName); runtime.getCurrentContext().renderCurrentBacktrace(sb); runtime.getWarnings().warn(sb.toString()); }
This method did require the specified file without getting a lock. Now we offer safe version only. Use require(String) instead.
/** * This method did require the specified file without getting a lock. * Now we offer safe version only. Use {@link LoadService#require(String)} instead. */
@Deprecated public boolean smartLoad(String file) { return require(file); } private RequireState smartLoadInternal(String file, boolean circularRequireWarning) { checkEmptyLoad(file); // check with short name if (featureAlreadyLoaded(file)) { return RequireState.ALREADY_LOADED; } SearchState state = findFileForLoad(file); if (state.library == null) { throw runtime.newLoadError("no such file to load -- " + state.searchFile, state.searchFile); } // check with long name if (featureAlreadyLoaded(state.loadName)) { return RequireState.ALREADY_LOADED; } if (!runtime.getProfile().allowRequire(file)) { throw runtime.newLoadError("no such file to load -- " + file, file); } if (requireLocks.lock(state.loadName) == LockResult.CIRCULAR) { if (circularRequireWarning && runtime.isVerbose()) { warnCircularRequire(state.loadName); } return RequireState.CIRCULAR; } // numbers from loadTimer does not include lock waiting time. long startTime = loadTimer.startLoad(state.loadName); try { // check with short name again if (featureAlreadyLoaded(file)) { return RequireState.ALREADY_LOADED; } // check with long name again in case it loaded while we were locking if (featureAlreadyLoaded(state.loadName)) { return RequireState.ALREADY_LOADED; } boolean loaded = tryLoadingLibraryOrScript(runtime, state); if (loaded) { addLoadedFeature(file, state.loadName); } return loaded ? RequireState.LOADED : RequireState.ALREADY_LOADED; } finally { loadTimer.endLoad(state.loadName, startTime); requireLocks.unlock(state.loadName); } } private static class LoadTimer { public long startLoad(String file) { return 0L; } public void endLoad(String file, long startTime) {} } private static final class TracingLoadTimer extends LoadTimer { private final AtomicInteger indent = new AtomicInteger(0); private StringBuilder getIndentString() { final int i = indent.get(); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(i * 2); for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { buf.append(' ').append(' '); } return buf; } @Override public long startLoad(String file) { indent.incrementAndGet(); "{}-> {}", getIndentString(), file ); return System.currentTimeMillis(); } @Override public void endLoad(String file, long startTime) { "{}<- {} - {}ms", getIndentString(), file, (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) ); indent.decrementAndGet(); } }
Load the org.jruby.runtime.load.Library implementation specified by className. The purpose of using this method is to avoid having static references to the given library class, thereby avoiding the additional classloading when the library is not in use.
  • runtime – The runtime in which to load
  • libraryName – The name of the library, to use for error messages
  • className – The class of the library
  • classLoader – The classloader to use to load it
  • wrap – Whether to wrap top-level in an anonymous module
/** * Load the org.jruby.runtime.load.Library implementation specified by * className. The purpose of using this method is to avoid having static * references to the given library class, thereby avoiding the additional * classloading when the library is not in use. * * @param runtime The runtime in which to load * @param libraryName The name of the library, to use for error messages * @param className The class of the library * @param classLoader The classloader to use to load it * @param wrap Whether to wrap top-level in an anonymous module */
public static void reflectedLoad(Ruby runtime, String libraryName, String className, ClassLoader classLoader, boolean wrap) { try { if (classLoader == null && Ruby.isSecurityRestricted()) { classLoader = runtime.getInstanceConfig().getLoader(); } Object libObject = classLoader.loadClass(className).newInstance(); if (libObject instanceof Library) { Library library = (Library)libObject; library.load(runtime, false); } else if (libObject instanceof BasicLibraryService) { BasicLibraryService service = (BasicLibraryService)libObject; service.basicLoad(runtime); } else { // invalid type of library, raise error throw runtime.newLoadError("library `" + libraryName + "' is not of type Library or BasicLibraryService", libraryName); } } catch (RaiseException re) { throw re; } catch (Throwable e) { debugLoadException(runtime, e); throw runtime.newLoadError("library `" + libraryName + "' could not be loaded: " + e, libraryName); } } private static void debugLoadException(final Ruby runtime, final Throwable ex) { if (runtime.isDebug()) ex.printStackTrace(runtime.getErr()); } public IRubyObject getLoadPath() { return loadPath; } public IRubyObject getLoadedFeatures() { return loadedFeatures; } public void removeInternalLoadedFeature(String name) { loadedFeatures.deleteString(runtime.getCurrentContext(), name); } private boolean isFeaturesIndexUpToDate() { // disable tracing during index check runtime.getCurrentContext().preTrace(); try { return loadedFeaturesDup != null && loadedFeaturesDup.eql(loadedFeatures); } finally { runtime.getCurrentContext().postTrace(); } } public boolean featureAlreadyLoaded(String name) { if (loadedFeatures.containsString(name)) return true; // Bail if our features index fell out of date. if (!isFeaturesIndexUpToDate()) { loadedFeaturesIndex.clear(); return false; } return isFeatureInIndex(name); } protected boolean isJarfileLibrary(SearchState state, final String file) { return state.library instanceof JarredScript && file.endsWith(".jar"); } protected void reraiseRaiseExceptions(Throwable e) throws RaiseException { if (e instanceof RaiseException) { throw (RaiseException) e; } } @Deprecated public interface LoadSearcher {
  • state –
Returns:true if trySearch should be called.
/** * @param state * @return true if trySearch should be called. */
public boolean shouldTrySearch(SearchState state);
  • state –
Returns:false if loadSearch must be bail-out.
/** * @param state * @return false if loadSearch must be bail-out. */
public boolean trySearch(SearchState state); } @Deprecated public class BailoutSearcher implements LoadSearcher { public boolean shouldTrySearch(SearchState state) { return state.library == null; } protected boolean trySearch(String file, SuffixType suffixType) { for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) { String searchName = file + suffix; if (featureAlreadyLoaded(searchName)) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean trySearch(SearchState state) { return trySearch(state.searchFile, state.suffixType); } } @Deprecated public class SourceBailoutSearcher extends BailoutSearcher { public boolean shouldTrySearch(SearchState state) { // JRUBY-5032: Load extension files if they are required // explicitly, and even if an rb file of the same name // has already been loaded (effectively skipping the search for a source file). return !extensionPattern.matcher(state.loadName).find(); } // According to Rubyspec, source files should be loaded even if an equally named // extension is loaded already. So we use the bailout search twice, once only // for source files and once for whatever suffix type the state determines public boolean trySearch(SearchState state) { return super.trySearch(state.searchFile, SuffixType.Source); } } @Deprecated public class NormalSearcher implements LoadSearcher { public boolean shouldTrySearch(SearchState state) { return state.library == null; } public boolean trySearch(SearchState state) { state.library = findLibraryWithoutCWD(state, state.searchFile, state.suffixType); return true; } } @Deprecated public class ClassLoaderSearcher implements LoadSearcher { public boolean shouldTrySearch(SearchState state) { return state.library == null; } public boolean trySearch(SearchState state) { state.library = findLibraryWithClassloaders(state, state.searchFile, state.suffixType); return true; } } @Deprecated public class ExtensionSearcher implements LoadSearcher { public boolean shouldTrySearch(SearchState state) { return (state.library == null || state.library instanceof JarredScript) && state.searchFile.length() > 0; } public boolean trySearch(SearchState state) { debugLogTry("jarWithExtension", state.searchFile); // This code exploits the fact that all .jar files will be found for the JarredScript feature. // This is where the basic extension mechanism gets fixed Library oldLibrary = state.library; state.library = ClassExtensionLibrary.tryFind(runtime, state.searchFile); debugLogFound("jarWithExtension", state.searchFile); // If there was a good library before, we go back to that if(state.library == null && oldLibrary != null) { state.library = oldLibrary; } return true; } } @Deprecated public class ScriptClassSearcher implements LoadSearcher { public class ScriptClassLibrary implements Library { private Script script; public ScriptClassLibrary(Script script) { this.script = script; } public void load(Ruby runtime, boolean wrap) { runtime.loadScript(script, wrap); } } public boolean shouldTrySearch(SearchState state) { return state.library == null; } public boolean trySearch(SearchState state) throws RaiseException { // no library or extension found, try to load directly as a class Script script; String className = buildClassName(state.searchFile); int lastSlashIndex = className.lastIndexOf('/'); if (lastSlashIndex > -1 && lastSlashIndex < className.length() - 1 && !Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(className.charAt(lastSlashIndex + 1))) { if (lastSlashIndex == -1) { className = '_' + className; } else { className = className.substring(0, lastSlashIndex + 1) + '_' + className.substring(lastSlashIndex + 1); } } className = className.replace('/', '.'); try { Class scriptClass = Class.forName(className); script = (Script) scriptClass.newInstance(); } catch (Exception cnfe) { return true; } state.library = new ScriptClassLibrary(script); return true; } } public static class SearchState { public Library library; public String loadName; public SuffixType suffixType; public String searchFile; public SearchState(String file) { loadName = file; } public void prepareRequireSearch(final String file) { // if an extension is specified, try more targetted searches if (file.lastIndexOf('.') > file.lastIndexOf('/')) { Matcher matcher; if ((matcher = sourcePattern.matcher(file)).find()) { // source extensions suffixType = SuffixType.Source; // trim extension to try other options searchFile = file.substring(0, matcher.start()); } else if ((matcher = extensionPattern.matcher(file)).find()) { // extension extensions suffixType = SuffixType.Extension; // trim extension to try other options searchFile = file.substring(0, matcher.start()); } else if (file.endsWith(".class")) { // For JRUBY-6731, treat require 'foo.class' as no other filename than 'foo.class'. suffixType = SuffixType.Neither; searchFile = file; } else { // unknown extension, fall back to search with extensions suffixType = SuffixType.Both; searchFile = file; } } else { // try all extensions suffixType = SuffixType.Both; searchFile = file; } } public void prepareLoadSearch(final String file) { // if a source extension is specified, try all source extensions if (file.lastIndexOf('.') > file.lastIndexOf('/')) { Matcher matcher; if ((matcher = sourcePattern.matcher(file)).find()) { // source extensions suffixType = SuffixType.Source; // trim extension to try other options searchFile = file.substring(0, matcher.start()); } else { // unknown extension, fall back to exact search suffixType = SuffixType.Neither; searchFile = file; } } else { // try only literal search suffixType = SuffixType.Neither; searchFile = file; } } public void setLoadName(String loadName) { this.loadName = loadName; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(this.getClass().getName()).append(": "); sb.append("library=").append(library.toString()); sb.append(", loadName=").append(loadName); sb.append(", suffixType=").append(suffixType.toString()); sb.append(", searchFile=").append(searchFile); return sb.toString(); } } protected boolean tryLoadingLibraryOrScript(Ruby runtime, SearchState state) { // attempt to load the found library try { state.library.load(runtime, false); return true; } catch (MainExitException ex) { // allow MainExitException to propagate out for exec and friends throw ex; } catch (RaiseException ex) { if ( ex instanceof Unrescuable ) Helpers.throwException(ex); if ( isJarfileLibrary(state, state.searchFile) ) return true; throw ex; } catch (JumpException ex) { throw ex; } catch (CatchThrow ex) { throw ex; } catch (Throwable ex) { if ( ex instanceof Unrescuable ) Helpers.throwException(ex); if ( isJarfileLibrary(state, state.searchFile) ) return true; debugLoadException(runtime, ex); RaiseException re = newLoadErrorFromThrowable(runtime, state.searchFile, ex); re.initCause(ex); throw re; } } private static RaiseException newLoadErrorFromThrowable(Ruby runtime, String file, Throwable t) { if (RubyInstanceConfig.DEBUG_PARSER || RubyInstanceConfig.IR_READING_DEBUG) t.printStackTrace(); return runtime.newLoadError(String.format("load error: %s -- %s: %s", file, t.getClass().getName(), t.getMessage()), file); } @Deprecated // no longer used protected String buildClassName(String className) { // Remove any relative prefix, e.g. "./foo/bar" becomes "foo/bar". className = className.replaceFirst("^\\.\\/", ""); final int lastDot = className.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDot != -1) { className = className.substring(0, lastDot); } className = className.replace("-", "_minus_").replace('.', '_'); return className; } protected void checkEmptyLoad(String file) throws RaiseException { if (file.isEmpty()) { throw runtime.newLoadError("no such file to load -- " + file, file); } } @Deprecated protected final void debugLogTry(String what, String msg) { if (RubyInstanceConfig.DEBUG_LOAD_SERVICE) { "trying {}: {}", what, msg ); } } @Deprecated protected final void debugLogFound(String what, String msg) { if (RubyInstanceConfig.DEBUG_LOAD_SERVICE) { "found {}: {}", what, msg ); } } @Deprecated protected final void debugLogFound( LoadServiceResource resource ) { if (RubyInstanceConfig.DEBUG_LOAD_SERVICE) { String resourceUrl; try { resourceUrl = resource.getURL().toString(); } catch (IOException e) { resourceUrl = e.getMessage(); } "found: {}", resourceUrl ); } } protected Library findLibraryBySearchState(SearchState state) { if (librarySearcher.findBySearchState(state) != null) { // findBySearchState should fill the state already return state.library; } return null; } @Deprecated protected Library findBuiltinLibrary(SearchState state, String baseName, SuffixType suffixType) { for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) { String namePlusSuffix = baseName + suffix; debugLogTry( "builtinLib", namePlusSuffix ); if (builtinLibraries.containsKey(namePlusSuffix)) { state.setLoadName(namePlusSuffix); Library lib = builtinLibraries.get(namePlusSuffix); debugLogFound( "builtinLib", namePlusSuffix ); return lib; } } return null; } @Deprecated protected Library findLibraryWithoutCWD(SearchState state, String baseName, SuffixType suffixType) { Library library = null; switch (suffixType) { case Both: library = findBuiltinLibrary(state, baseName, SuffixType.Source); if (library == null) library = createLibrary(state, tryResourceFromJarURL(state, baseName, SuffixType.Source)); if (library == null) library = createLibrary(state, tryResourceFromLoadPathOrURL(state, baseName, SuffixType.Source)); // If we fail to find as a normal Ruby script, we try to find as an extension, // checking for a builtin first. if (library == null) library = findBuiltinLibrary(state, baseName, SuffixType.Extension); if (library == null) library = createLibrary(state, tryResourceFromJarURL(state, baseName, SuffixType.Extension)); if (library == null) library = createLibrary(state, tryResourceFromLoadPathOrURL(state, baseName, SuffixType.Extension)); break; case Source: case Extension: // Check for a builtin first. library = findBuiltinLibrary(state, baseName, suffixType); if (library == null) library = createLibrary(state, tryResourceFromJarURL(state, baseName, suffixType)); if (library == null) library = createLibrary(state, tryResourceFromLoadPathOrURL(state, baseName, suffixType)); break; case Neither: library = createLibrary(state, tryResourceFromJarURL(state, baseName, SuffixType.Neither)); if (library == null) library = createLibrary(state, tryResourceFromLoadPathOrURL(state, baseName, SuffixType.Neither)); break; } return library; } protected Library findLibraryWithClassloaders(SearchState state, String baseName, SuffixType suffixType) { for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) { String file = baseName + suffix; LoadServiceResource resource = findFileInClasspath(file); if (resource != null) { state.setLoadName(resolveLoadName(resource, file)); return createLibrary(state, resource); } } return null; } @Deprecated protected Library createLibrary(SearchState state, LoadServiceResource resource) { if (resource == null) { return null; } String file = resource.getName(); String location = state.loadName; if (file.endsWith(".so") || file.endsWith(".dll") || file.endsWith(".bundle")) { // if (runtime.getInstanceConfig().isCextEnabled()) { // return new CExtension(resource); // } else { // throw runtime.newLoadError("C extensions are disabled, can't load `" + resource.getId() + "'", resource.getId()); // } throw runtime.newLoadError("C extensions are disabled, can't load `" + resource.getName() + "'", resource.getName()); } else if (file.endsWith(".jar")) { return new JarredScript(resource, state.searchFile); } else if (file.endsWith(".class")) { return new JavaCompiledScript(resource); } else { return new ExternalScript(resource, location); } } @Deprecated protected LoadServiceResource tryResourceFromCWD(SearchState state, String baseName,SuffixType suffixType) throws RaiseException { LoadServiceResource foundResource = null; for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) { String namePlusSuffix = baseName + suffix; // check current directory; if file exists, retrieve URL and return resource try { JRubyFile file = JRubyFile.create(runtime.getCurrentDirectory(), RubyFile.expandUserPath(runtime.getCurrentContext(), namePlusSuffix)); debugLogTry("resourceFromCWD", file.toString()); if (file.isFile() && file.isAbsolute() && file.canRead()) { boolean absolute = true; foundResource = new LoadServiceResource(file, getFileName(file, namePlusSuffix), absolute); debugLogFound(foundResource); state.setLoadName(resolveLoadName(foundResource, namePlusSuffix)); break; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException illArgEx) { } catch (SecurityException secEx) { } } return foundResource; }
Try loading the resource from the current dir by appending suffixes and passing it to tryResourceAsIs to have the ./ replaced by CWD.
/** * Try loading the resource from the current dir by appending suffixes and * passing it to tryResourceAsIs to have the ./ replaced by CWD. */
@Deprecated protected LoadServiceResource tryResourceFromDotSlash(SearchState state, String baseName, SuffixType suffixType) throws RaiseException { LoadServiceResource foundResource = null; for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) { String namePlusSuffix = baseName + suffix; foundResource = tryResourceAsIs(namePlusSuffix, "resourceFromDotSlash"); if (foundResource != null) break; } return foundResource; } @Deprecated protected LoadServiceResource tryResourceFromHome(SearchState state, String baseName, SuffixType suffixType) throws RaiseException { LoadServiceResource foundResource = null; RubyHash env = (RubyHash) runtime.getObject().getConstant("ENV"); RubyString env_home = runtime.newString("HOME"); if (env.has_key_p(env_home).isFalse()) { return null; } String home = env.op_aref(runtime.getCurrentContext(), env_home).toString(); String path = baseName.substring(2); for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) { String namePlusSuffix = path + suffix; // check home directory; if file exists, retrieve URL and return resource try { JRubyFile file = JRubyFile.create(home, RubyFile.expandUserPath(runtime.getCurrentContext(), namePlusSuffix)); debugLogTry("resourceFromHome", file.toString()); if (file.isFile() && file.isAbsolute() && file.canRead()) { boolean absolute = true; state.setLoadName(file.getPath()); foundResource = new LoadServiceResource(file, state.loadName, absolute); debugLogFound(foundResource); break; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException illArgEx) { } catch (SecurityException secEx) { } } return foundResource; } @Deprecated protected LoadServiceResource tryResourceFromJarURL(SearchState state, String baseName, SuffixType suffixType) { // if a jar or file URL, return load service resource directly without further searching LoadServiceResource foundResource = null; if (baseName.startsWith("jar:file:")) { return tryResourceFromJarURL(state, baseName.replaceFirst("jar:", ""), suffixType); } else if (baseName.startsWith("jar:")) { for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) { String namePlusSuffix = baseName + suffix; try { URI resourceUri = new URI("jar", namePlusSuffix.substring(4), null); URL url = resourceUri.toURL(); debugLogTry("resourceFromJarURL", url.toString()); if (url.openStream() != null) { foundResource = new LoadServiceResource(url, namePlusSuffix); debugLogFound(foundResource); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw runtime.newIOError(e.getMessage()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw runtime.newIOErrorFromException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw runtime.newIOErrorFromException(e); } if (foundResource != null) { state.setLoadName(resolveLoadName(foundResource, namePlusSuffix)); break; // end suffix iteration } } } else if(baseName.startsWith("file:") && baseName.indexOf("!/") != -1) { for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) { String namePlusSuffix = baseName + suffix; try { String jarFile = namePlusSuffix.substring(5, namePlusSuffix.indexOf("!/")); JarFile file = new JarFile(jarFile); String expandedFilename = expandRelativeJarPath(namePlusSuffix.substring(namePlusSuffix.indexOf("!/") + 2)); debugLogTry("resourceFromJarURL", expandedFilename); if(file.getJarEntry(expandedFilename) != null) { URI resourceUri = new URI("jar", "file:" + jarFile + "!/" + expandedFilename, null); foundResource = new LoadServiceResource(resourceUri.toURL(), namePlusSuffix); debugLogFound(foundResource); } } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw runtime.newIOError(e.getMessage()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw runtime.newIOErrorFromException(e); } catch(Exception e) {} if (foundResource != null) { state.setLoadName(resolveLoadName(foundResource, namePlusSuffix)); break; // end suffix iteration } } } return foundResource; } @Deprecated protected LoadServiceResource tryResourceFromLoadPathOrURL(SearchState state, String baseName, SuffixType suffixType) { LoadServiceResource foundResource = null; // if it's a ./ baseName, use ./ logic if (baseName.startsWith("./")) { foundResource = tryResourceFromDotSlash(state, baseName, suffixType); if (foundResource != null) { state.setLoadName(resolveLoadName(foundResource, foundResource.getName())); } // not found, don't bother with load path return foundResource; } // if it's a ~/ baseName use HOME logic if (baseName.startsWith("~/")) { foundResource = tryResourceFromHome(state, baseName, suffixType); if (foundResource != null) { state.setLoadName(resolveLoadName(foundResource, foundResource.getName())); } // not found, don't bother with load path return foundResource; } // if given path is absolute, just try it as-is (with extensions) and no load path if (new File(baseName).isAbsolute() || baseName.startsWith("../")) { for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) { String namePlusSuffix = baseName + suffix; foundResource = tryResourceAsIs(namePlusSuffix); if (foundResource != null) { state.setLoadName(resolveLoadName(foundResource, namePlusSuffix)); return foundResource; } } return null; } Outer: for (int i = 0; i < loadPath.size(); i++) { // TODO this is really inefficient, and potentially a problem every time anyone require's something. // we should try to make LoadPath a special array object. String loadPathEntry = getLoadPathEntry(loadPath.eltInternal(i)); if (loadPathEntry.equals(".") || loadPathEntry.equals("")) { foundResource = tryResourceFromCWD(state, baseName, suffixType); if (foundResource != null) { String ss = foundResource.getName(); if(ss.startsWith("./")) { ss = ss.substring(2); } state.setLoadName(resolveLoadName(foundResource, ss)); break Outer; } } else { boolean looksLikeJarURL = loadPathLooksLikeJarURL(loadPathEntry); boolean looksLikeClasspathURL = loadPathLooksLikeClasspathURL(loadPathEntry); for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) { String namePlusSuffix = baseName + suffix; if (looksLikeJarURL) { foundResource = tryResourceFromJarURLWithLoadPath(namePlusSuffix, loadPathEntry); } else if (looksLikeClasspathURL) { foundResource = findFileInClasspath(loadPathEntry + "/" + namePlusSuffix); } else { foundResource = tryResourceFromLoadPath(namePlusSuffix, loadPathEntry); } if (foundResource != null) { String ss = namePlusSuffix; if(ss.startsWith("./")) { ss = ss.substring(2); } state.setLoadName(resolveLoadName(foundResource, ss)); break Outer; // end suffix iteration } } } } return foundResource; } protected String getLoadPathEntry(IRubyObject entry) { return RubyFile.get_path(entry.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), entry).asJavaString(); } @Deprecated protected LoadServiceResource tryResourceFromJarURLWithLoadPath(String namePlusSuffix, String loadPathEntry) { LoadServiceResource foundResource = null; String[] urlParts = splitJarUrl(loadPathEntry); String jarFileName = urlParts[0]; String entryPath = urlParts[1]; JarFile current = getJarFile(jarFileName); if (current != null ) { String canonicalEntry = (entryPath.length() > 0 ? entryPath + "/" : "") + namePlusSuffix; debugLogTry("resourceFromJarURLWithLoadPath", current.getName() + "!/" + canonicalEntry); if (current.getJarEntry(canonicalEntry) != null) { try { URI resourceUri = new URI("jar", "file:" + jarFileName + "!/" + canonicalEntry, null); foundResource = new LoadServiceResource(resourceUri.toURL(), resourceUri.getSchemeSpecificPart()); debugLogFound(foundResource); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw runtime.newIOError(e.getMessage()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw runtime.newIOErrorFromException(e); } } } return foundResource; } public JarFile getJarFile(String jarFileName) { JarFile jarFile = jarFiles.get(jarFileName); if(null == jarFile) { try { jarFile = new JarFile(jarFileName); jarFiles.put(jarFileName, jarFile); } catch (ZipException ignored) { if (runtime.getInstanceConfig().isDebug()) {"ZipException trying to access " + jarFileName, ignored); } } catch (FileNotFoundException ignored) { } catch (IOException e) { throw runtime.newIOErrorFromException(e); } } return jarFile; } protected boolean loadPathLooksLikeJarURL(String loadPathEntry) { return loadPathEntry.startsWith("jar:") || loadPathEntry.endsWith(".jar") || (loadPathEntry.startsWith("file:") && loadPathEntry.indexOf("!") != -1); } protected boolean loadPathLooksLikeClasspathURL(String loadPathEntry) { return loadPathEntry.startsWith("classpath:"); } private String[] splitJarUrl(String loadPathEntry) { String unescaped = loadPathEntry; try { unescaped = new URI(loadPathEntry).getSchemeSpecificPart(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { // Fall back to using the original string } int idx = unescaped.indexOf('!'); if (idx == -1) { return new String[]{unescaped, ""}; } String filename = unescaped.substring(0, idx); String entry = idx + 2 < unescaped.length() ? unescaped.substring(idx + 2) : ""; if (filename.startsWith("jar:")) { filename = filename.substring(4); } if (filename.startsWith("file:")) { filename = filename.substring(5); } return new String[]{filename, entry}; } @Deprecated protected LoadServiceResource tryResourceFromLoadPath( String namePlusSuffix,String loadPathEntry) throws RaiseException { LoadServiceResource foundResource = null; try { if (!Ruby.isSecurityRestricted()) { String reportedPath = loadPathEntry + "/" + namePlusSuffix; boolean absolute = true; // we check length == 0 for 'load', which does not use load path if (!new File(reportedPath).isAbsolute()) { absolute = false; // prepend ./ if . is not already there, since we're loading based on CWD if (reportedPath.charAt(0) != '.') { reportedPath = "./" + reportedPath; } loadPathEntry = JRubyFile.create(runtime.getCurrentDirectory(), loadPathEntry).getAbsolutePath(); } JRubyFile actualPath = JRubyFile.create(loadPathEntry, RubyFile.expandUserPath(runtime.getCurrentContext(), namePlusSuffix)); if (RubyInstanceConfig.DEBUG_LOAD_SERVICE) { debugLogTry("resourceFromLoadPath", "'" + actualPath.toString() + "' " + actualPath.isFile() + " " + actualPath.canRead()); } if (actualPath.canRead()) { foundResource = new LoadServiceResource(actualPath, reportedPath, absolute); debugLogFound(foundResource); } } } catch (SecurityException secEx) { } return foundResource; } @Deprecated protected LoadServiceResource tryResourceAsIs(String namePlusSuffix) throws RaiseException { return tryResourceAsIs(namePlusSuffix, "resourceAsIs"); } @Deprecated protected LoadServiceResource tryResourceAsIs(String namePlusSuffix, String debugName) throws RaiseException { LoadServiceResource foundResource = null; try { if (!Ruby.isSecurityRestricted()) { String reportedPath = namePlusSuffix; File actualPath; if (new File(reportedPath).isAbsolute()) { // it's an absolute path, use it as-is actualPath = new File(RubyFile.expandUserPath(runtime.getCurrentContext(), namePlusSuffix)); } else { // replace leading ./ with current directory if (reportedPath.charAt(0) == '.' && reportedPath.charAt(1) == '/') { reportedPath = reportedPath.replaceFirst("\\./", runtime.getCurrentDirectory()); } actualPath = JRubyFile.create(runtime.getCurrentDirectory(), RubyFile.expandUserPath(runtime.getCurrentContext(), namePlusSuffix)); } debugLogTry(debugName, actualPath.toString()); if (reportedPath.contains("..")) { // try to canonicalize if path contains .. try { actualPath = actualPath.getCanonicalFile(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } } if (actualPath.isFile() && actualPath.canRead()) { foundResource = new LoadServiceResource(actualPath, reportedPath); debugLogFound(foundResource); } } } catch (SecurityException secEx) { } return foundResource; }
this method uses the appropriate lookup strategy to find a file. It is used by Kernel#require.
  • name – the file to find, this is a path name
Returns:the correct file
/** * this method uses the appropriate lookup strategy to find a file. * It is used by Kernel#require. * * @mri rb_find_file * @param name the file to find, this is a path name * @return the correct file */
protected LoadServiceResource findFileInClasspath(String name) { // Look in classpath next (we do not use File as a test since UNC names will match) // Note: Jar resources must NEVER begin with an '/'. (previous code said "always begin with a /") ClassLoader classLoader = runtime.getJRubyClassLoader(); // handle security-sensitive case if (Ruby.isSecurityRestricted() && classLoader == null) { classLoader = runtime.getInstanceConfig().getLoader(); } // absolute classpath URI, no need to iterate over loadpaths if (name.startsWith("classpath:/")) { LoadServiceResource foundResource = getClassPathResource(classLoader, name); if (foundResource != null) { return foundResource; } } else if (name.startsWith("classpath:")) { // "relative" classpath URI name = name.substring("classpath:".length()); } for (int i = 0; i < loadPath.size(); i++) { // TODO this is really inefficient, and potentially a problem every time anyone require's something. // we should try to make LoadPath a special array object. String entry = getLoadPathEntry(loadPath.eltInternal(i)); // if entry is an empty string, skip it if (entry.length() == 0) continue; // if entry starts with a slash, skip it since classloader resources never start with a / if (entry.charAt(0) == '/' || (entry.length() > 1 && entry.charAt(1) == ':')) continue; if (entry.startsWith("classpath:/")) { entry = entry.substring("classpath:/".length()); } else if (entry.startsWith("classpath:")) { entry = entry.substring("classpath:".length()); } String entryName; if (name.startsWith(entry)) { entryName = name.substring(entry.length()); } else { entryName = name; } // otherwise, try to load from classpath (Note: Jar resources always uses '/') LoadServiceResource foundResource = getClassPathResource(classLoader, entry + "/" + entryName); if (foundResource != null) { return foundResource; } } // if name starts with a / we're done (classloader resources won't load with an initial /) if (name.charAt(0) == '/' || (name.length() > 1 && name.charAt(1) == ':')) return null; // Try to load from classpath without prefix. "A/b.rb" will not load as // "./A/b.rb" in a jar file. LoadServiceResource foundResource = getClassPathResource(classLoader, name); if (foundResource != null) { return foundResource; } return null; } /* Directories and unavailable resources are not able to open a stream. */ protected static boolean isRequireable(URL loc) { if (loc != null) { if (loc.getProtocol().equals("file") && new { return false; } try { loc.openConnection(); return true; } catch (Exception e) {} } return false; } private static final Pattern URI_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([a-z]+?://.*)$"); public LoadServiceResource getClassPathResource(ClassLoader classLoader, String name) { boolean isClasspathScheme = false; // strip the classpath scheme first if (name.startsWith("classpath:/")) { isClasspathScheme = true; name = name.substring("classpath:/".length()); } else if (name.startsWith("classpath:")) { isClasspathScheme = true; name = name.substring("classpath:".length()); } else if(name.startsWith("file:") && name.indexOf("!/") != -1) { name = name.substring(name.indexOf("!/") + 2); } URL loc; Matcher m = URI_PATTERN.matcher( name ); final String pn; if (m.matches()) { debugLogTry("fileInClassloader", 1 ) ); try { loc = new URL( 1 ).replaceAll("([^:])//", "$1/") ); loc.openStream(); } catch (IOException e) { loc = null; } } else { debugLogTry("fileInClasspath", name); try { loc = classLoader.getResource(name); } // some classloaders can throw IllegalArgumentException here // at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl$BundleClassLoader.getResource( ~[org.apache.felix.framework-4.2.1.jar:na] // at java.lang.ClassLoader.getResource( ~[na:1.7.0_65] catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { loc = null; } } if (loc != null) { // got it String path = classpathFilenameFromURL(name, loc, isClasspathScheme); LoadServiceResource foundResource = new LoadServiceResource(loc, path); debugLogFound(foundResource); return foundResource; } return null; }
Given a URL to a classloader resource, build an appropriate load string.
  • name – the original filename requested
  • loc – the URL to the resource
  • isClasspathScheme – whether we're using the classpath: sceheme
/** * Given a URL to a classloader resource, build an appropriate load string. * * @param name the original filename requested * @param loc the URL to the resource * @param isClasspathScheme whether we're using the classpath: sceheme * @return */
public static String classpathFilenameFromURL(String name, URL loc, boolean isClasspathScheme) { String path = "classpath:/" + name; // special case for typical jar:file URLs, but only if the name didn't have // the classpath scheme explicitly if (!isClasspathScheme && (loc.getProtocol().equals("jar") || loc.getProtocol().equals("file")) && isRequireable(loc)) { path = getPath(loc); // On windows file: urls converted to names will return /C:/foo from // getPath versus C:/foo. Since getPath is used in a million places // putting the newFile.getPath broke some file with-in Jar loading. // So I moved it to only this site. if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS && loc.getProtocol().equals("file")) { path = new File(path).getPath(); } } return path; } private String expandRelativeJarPath(String path) { return path.replaceAll("/[^/]+/\\.\\.|[^/]+/\\.\\./|\\./","").replace("^\\\\","/"); } protected String resolveLoadName(LoadServiceResource foundResource, String previousPath) { if (canGetAbsolutePath) { try { String path = foundResource.getAbsolutePath(); if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS) { path = path.replace('\\', '/'); } return path; } catch (AccessControlException ace) { // can't get absolute path in this security context, so we give up forever runtime.getWarnings().warn("can't canonicalize loaded names due to security restrictions; disabling"); canGetAbsolutePath = false; } } return resolveLoadName(foundResource, previousPath); } protected String getFileName(JRubyFile file, String namePlusSuffix) { return file.getAbsolutePath(); } @Deprecated public void addBuiltinLibrary(String name, Library library) { builtinLibraries.put(name, library); } @Deprecated public void removeBuiltinLibrary(String name) { builtinLibraries.remove(name); } @Deprecated public List<String> getBuiltinLibraries() { return builtinLibraries.keySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toList()); } @Deprecated protected final Map<String, Library> builtinLibraries = new HashMap<>(36); }