BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** Version: EPL 2.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public License Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Nick Sieger Copyright (C) 2009 Joseph LaFata Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the terms of the EPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of any one of the EPL, the GPL or the LGPL. END LICENSE BLOCK
/***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: EPL 2.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public * License Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Nick Sieger <> * Copyright (C) 2009 Joseph LaFata <> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the EPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the EPL, the GPL or the LGPL. ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
package org.jruby; import jnr.posix.util.Platform; import org.jruby.exceptions.MainExitException; import org.jruby.runtime.Constants; import org.jruby.runtime.backtrace.TraceType; import org.jruby.runtime.load.LoadService; import org.jruby.runtime.profile.builtin.ProfileOutput; import org.jruby.util.ClassesLoader; import org.jruby.util.ClasspathLauncher; import org.jruby.util.FileResource; import org.jruby.util.Loader; import org.jruby.util.InputStreamMarkCursor; import org.jruby.util.JRubyFile; import org.jruby.util.KCode; import org.jruby.util.SafePropertyAccessor; import org.jruby.util.StringSupport; import org.jruby.util.UriLikePathHelper; import org.jruby.util.cli.ArgumentProcessor; import org.jruby.util.cli.Options; import org.jruby.util.cli.OutputStrings; import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern;
A structure used to configure new JRuby instances. All publicly-tweakable aspects of Ruby can be modified here, including those settable by command- line options, those available through JVM properties, and those suitable for embedding.
/** * A structure used to configure new JRuby instances. All publicly-tweakable * aspects of Ruby can be modified here, including those settable by command- * line options, those available through JVM properties, and those suitable for * embedding. */
public class RubyInstanceConfig { public RubyInstanceConfig() { this(Ruby.isSecurityRestricted()); } public RubyInstanceConfig(boolean isSecurityRestricted) { this.isSecurityRestricted = isSecurityRestricted; currentDirectory = isSecurityRestricted ? "/" : JRubyFile.getFileProperty("user.dir"); if (isSecurityRestricted) { compileMode = CompileMode.OFF; jitLogging = false; jitDumping = false; jitLoggingVerbose = false; jitLogEvery = 0; jitThreshold = -1; jitMax = 0; jitMaxSize = -1; managementEnabled = false; } else { if (COMPILE_EXCLUDE != null) { excludedMethods.addAll(StringSupport.split(COMPILE_EXCLUDE, ',')); } managementEnabled = Options.MANAGEMENT_ENABLED.load(); runRubyInProcess = Options.LAUNCH_INPROC.load(); compileMode = Options.COMPILE_MODE.load(); jitLogging = Options.JIT_LOGGING.load(); jitDumping = Options.JIT_DUMPING.load(); jitLoggingVerbose = Options.JIT_LOGGING_VERBOSE.load(); jitLogEvery = Options.JIT_LOGEVERY.load(); jitThreshold = Options.JIT_THRESHOLD.load(); jitMax = Options.JIT_MAX.load(); jitMaxSize = Options.JIT_MAXSIZE.load(); } threadDumpSignal = Options.THREAD_DUMP_SIGNAL.load(); initEnvironment(); } public RubyInstanceConfig(RubyInstanceConfig parentConfig) { isSecurityRestricted = parentConfig.isSecurityRestricted; currentDirectory = parentConfig.getCurrentDirectory(); compileMode = parentConfig.getCompileMode(); jitLogging = parentConfig.jitLogging; jitDumping = parentConfig.jitDumping; jitLoggingVerbose = parentConfig.jitLoggingVerbose; jitLogEvery = parentConfig.jitLogEvery; jitThreshold = parentConfig.jitThreshold; jitMax = parentConfig.jitMax; jitMaxSize = parentConfig.jitMaxSize; managementEnabled = parentConfig.managementEnabled; runRubyInProcess = parentConfig.runRubyInProcess; excludedMethods = parentConfig.excludedMethods; threadDumpSignal = parentConfig.threadDumpSignal; updateNativeENVEnabled = parentConfig.updateNativeENVEnabled; profilingService = parentConfig.profilingService; profilingMode = parentConfig.profilingMode; initEnvironment(); } private void initEnvironment() { try { setEnvironment(System.getenv()); } catch (SecurityException se) { /* ignore missing getenv permission */ } } public RubyInstanceConfig(final InputStream in, final PrintStream out, final PrintStream err) { this(); setInput(in); setOutput(out); setError(err); } public LoadService createLoadService(Ruby runtime) { return creator.create(runtime); } public void processArguments(String[] arguments) { new ArgumentProcessor(arguments, this).processArguments(); tryProcessArgumentsWithRubyopts(); } public void tryProcessArgumentsWithRubyopts() { try { processArgumentsWithRubyopts(); } catch (SecurityException se) { // ignore and do nothing } } public void processArgumentsWithRubyopts() { // environment defaults to System.getenv normally Object rubyoptObj = environment.get("RUBYOPT"); if (rubyoptObj == null) return; // Our argument processor bails if an arg starts with space, so we trim the RUBYOPT line // See #4849 String rubyopt = rubyoptObj.toString().trim(); if (rubyopt.length() == 0) return; String[] rubyoptArgs = rubyopt.split("\\s+"); if (rubyoptArgs.length != 0) { new ArgumentProcessor(rubyoptArgs, false, true, true, this).processArguments(); } } // This method does not work like previous version in verifying it is // a Ruby shebang line. Looking for ruby before \n is possible to add, // but I wanted to keep this short. private boolean isShebang(InputStreamMarkCursor cursor) throws IOException { if ( == '#') { int c =; if (c == '!') { cursor.endPoint(-2); return true; } else if (c == '\n') { cursor.rewind(); } } else { cursor.rewind(); } return false; } private boolean skipToNextLine(InputStreamMarkCursor cursor) throws IOException { int c =; do { if (c == '\n') return true; } while ((c = != -1); return false; } private void eatToShebang(InputStream in) { InputStreamMarkCursor cursor = new InputStreamMarkCursor(in, 8192); try { do { if (isShebang(cursor)) break; } while (skipToNextLine(cursor)); } catch (IOException e) { } finally { try { cursor.finish(); } catch (IOException e) {} } }
The intent here is to gather up any options that might have been specified in the shebang line and return them so they can be merged into the ones specified on the command-line. This is kind of a hopeless task because it's impossible to figure out where the command invocation stops and the parameters start. We try to work with the common scenarios where /usr/bin/env is used to invoke the JRuby shell script, and skip any parameters it might have. Then we look for the interpreter invocation and assume that the binary will have the word "ruby" in the name. This is error prone but should cover more cases than the previous code.
/** * The intent here is to gather up any options that might have * been specified in the shebang line and return them so they can * be merged into the ones specified on the command-line. This is * kind of a hopeless task because it's impossible to figure out * where the command invocation stops and the parameters start. * We try to work with the common scenarios where /usr/bin/env is * used to invoke the JRuby shell script, and skip any parameters * it might have. Then we look for the interpreter invocation and * assume that the binary will have the word "ruby" in the name. * This is error prone but should cover more cases than the * previous code. */
public String[] parseShebangOptions(InputStream in) { String[] result = EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; if (in == null) return result; if (isXFlag()) eatToShebang(in); BufferedReader reader; try { InputStreamMarkCursor cursor = new InputStreamMarkCursor(in, 8192); try { if (!isShebang(cursor)) return result; } finally { cursor.finish(); } in.mark(8192); reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, "iso-8859-1"), 8192); String firstLine = reader.readLine(); boolean usesEnv = false; if (firstLine.length() > 2 && firstLine.charAt(0) == '#' && firstLine.charAt(1) == '!') { String[] options = firstLine.substring(2).split("\\s+"); int i; for (i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { // Skip /usr/bin/env if it's first if (i == 0 && options[i].endsWith("/env")) { usesEnv = true; continue; } // Skip any assignments if /usr/bin/env is in play if (usesEnv && options[i].indexOf('=') > 0) continue; // Skip any commandline args if /usr/bin/env is in play if (usesEnv && options[i].startsWith("-")) continue; String basename = (new File(options[i])).getName(); if (basename.indexOf("ruby") > 0) break; } setHasShebangLine(true); System.arraycopy(options, i, result, 0, options.length - i); } else { // No shebang line found setHasShebangLine(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { // ignore error } finally { try { in.reset(); } catch (IOException ex) {} } return result; } private static final Pattern RUBY_SHEBANG = Pattern.compile("#!.*ruby.*"); protected static boolean isRubyShebangLine(String line) { return RUBY_SHEBANG.matcher(line).matches(); } private String calculateJRubyHome() { String newJRubyHome = null; // try the normal property first if (!isSecurityRestricted) { newJRubyHome = SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty("jruby.home"); } if (newJRubyHome == null && getLoader().getResource("META-INF/jruby.home/.jrubydir") != null) { newJRubyHome = "uri:classloader://META-INF/jruby.home"; } if (newJRubyHome != null) { // verify it if it's there newJRubyHome = verifyHome(newJRubyHome, error); } else { try { newJRubyHome = SafePropertyAccessor.getenv("JRUBY_HOME"); } catch (Exception e) {} if (newJRubyHome != null) { // verify it if it's there newJRubyHome = verifyHome(newJRubyHome, error); } else { // otherwise fall back on system temp location newJRubyHome = SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty(""); } } // RegularFileResource absolutePath will canonicalize resources so that will change c: paths to C:. // We will cannonicalize on windows so that jruby.home is also C:. // assume all those uri-like pathnames are already in absolute form if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS && !RubyFile.PROTOCOL_PATTERN.matcher(newJRubyHome).matches()) { try { newJRubyHome = new File(newJRubyHome).getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) {} // just let newJRubyHome stay the way it is if this fails } return newJRubyHome == null ? null : JRubyFile.normalizeSeps(newJRubyHome); } // We require the home directory to be absolute private static String verifyHome(String home, PrintStream error) { if ("uri:classloader://META-INF/jruby.home".equals(home) || "uri:classloader:/META-INF/jruby.home".equals(home)) { return home; } if (".".equals(home)) { home = SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty("user.dir"); } else if (home.startsWith("cp:")) { home = home.substring(3); } if (home.startsWith("jar:") || ( home.startsWith("file:") && home.contains(".jar!/") ) || home.startsWith("classpath:") || home.startsWith("uri:")) { error.println("Warning: JRuby home with uri like paths may not have full functionality - use at your own risk"); } // do not normalize on plain jar like paths coming from jruby-rack else if (!home.contains(".jar!/") && !home.startsWith("uri:")) { File file = new File(home); if (!file.exists()) { final String tmpdir = SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty(""); error.println("Warning: JRuby home \"" + file + "\" does not exist, using " + tmpdir); return tmpdir; } if (!file.isAbsolute()) { home = file.getAbsolutePath(); } } return home; }
Indicates whether the JVM process' native environment will be updated when ENV[...] is set from Ruby.
/** Indicates whether the JVM process' native environment will be updated when ENV[...] is set from Ruby. */
public boolean isUpdateNativeENVEnabled() { return updateNativeENVEnabled; }
Ensure that the JVM process' native environment will be updated when ENV is modified .
/** Ensure that the JVM process' native environment will be updated when ENV is modified .*/
public void setUpdateNativeENVEnabled(boolean updateNativeENVEnabled) { this.updateNativeENVEnabled = updateNativeENVEnabled; } public byte[] inlineScript() { return inlineScript.toString().getBytes(); } public InputStream getScriptSource() { try { // KCode.NONE is used because KCODE does not affect parse in Ruby 1.8 // if Ruby 2.0 encoding pragmas are implemented, this will need to change if (hasInlineScript) { return new ByteArrayInputStream(inlineScript()); } else if (isForceStdin() || getScriptFileName() == null) { // can't use -v and stdin if (isShowVersion()) { return null; } return getInput(); } else { final String script = getScriptFileName(); FileResource resource = JRubyFile.createRestrictedResource(getCurrentDirectory(), getScriptFileName()); if (resource != null && resource.exists()) { if (resource.canRead() && !resource.isDirectory()) { if (isXFlag()) { // search for a shebang line and // return the script between shebang and __END__ or CTRL-Z (0x1A) return findScript(resource.openInputStream()); } return resource.openInputStream(); } else { throw new FileNotFoundException(script + " (Not a file)"); } } else { throw new FileNotFoundException(script + " (No such file or directory)"); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new MainExitException(1, "Error opening script file: " + e.getMessage()); } } private static InputStream findScript(InputStream is) throws IOException { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(64); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); boolean foundRubyShebang = false; String currentLine; while ((currentLine = br.readLine()) != null) { if (isRubyShebangLine(currentLine)) { foundRubyShebang = true; break; } } if (!foundRubyShebang) { throw new MainExitException(1, "jruby: no Ruby script found in input (LoadError)"); } buf.append(currentLine).append('\n'); do { currentLine = br.readLine(); if (currentLine != null) { buf.append(currentLine).append('\n'); } } while (!(currentLine == null || currentLine.contains("__END__") || currentLine.contains("\026"))); return new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf.toString().getBytes()), 8192); } public String displayedFileName() { if (hasInlineScript) { if (scriptFileName != null) { return scriptFileName; } else { return "-e"; } } else if (isForceStdin() || getScriptFileName() == null) { return "-"; } else { return getScriptFileName(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Static utilities and global state management methods. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static boolean hasLoadedNativeExtensions() { return loadedNativeExtensions; } public static void setLoadedNativeExtensions(boolean loadedNativeExtensions) { RubyInstanceConfig.loadedNativeExtensions = loadedNativeExtensions; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Getters and setters for config settings. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public LoadServiceCreator getLoadServiceCreator() { return creator; } public void setLoadServiceCreator(LoadServiceCreator creator) { this.creator = creator; } public String getJRubyHome() { if (jrubyHome == null) { jrubyHome = calculateJRubyHome(); } return jrubyHome; } public void setJRubyHome(String home) { jrubyHome = home != null ? verifyHome(home, error) : null; resetEnvRuby(); } public CompileMode getCompileMode() { return compileMode; } public void setCompileMode(CompileMode compileMode) { this.compileMode = compileMode; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#JIT_LOGGING */
public boolean isJitLogging() { return jitLogging; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#JIT_DUMPING */
public boolean isJitDumping() { return jitDumping; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#JIT_LOGGING_VERBOSE */
public boolean isJitLoggingVerbose() { return jitLoggingVerbose; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#JIT_LOGEVERY */
public int getJitLogEvery() { return jitLogEvery; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#JIT_LOGEVERY */
public void setJitLogEvery(int jitLogEvery) { this.jitLogEvery = jitLogEvery; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#JIT_THRESHOLD */
public int getJitThreshold() { return jitThreshold; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#JIT_THRESHOLD */
public void setJitThreshold(int jitThreshold) { this.jitThreshold = jitThreshold; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#JIT_MAX */
public int getJitMax() { return jitMax; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#JIT_MAX */
public void setJitMax(int jitMax) { this.jitMax = jitMax; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#JIT_MAXSIZE */
public int getJitMaxSize() { return jitMaxSize; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#JIT_MAXSIZE */
public void setJitMaxSize(int jitMaxSize) { this.jitMaxSize = jitMaxSize; }
Returns:true if JIT compilation is enabled
/** * @return true if JIT compilation is enabled */
public boolean isJitEnabled() { return getJitThreshold() >= 0 && getCompileMode().shouldJIT(); }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#LAUNCH_INPROC */
public boolean isRunRubyInProcess() { return runRubyInProcess; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#LAUNCH_INPROC */
public void setRunRubyInProcess(boolean flag) { this.runRubyInProcess = flag; } public void setInput(InputStream newInput) { input = newInput; } public InputStream getInput() { return input; } public void setOutput(PrintStream newOutput) { output = newOutput; } public PrintStream getOutput() { return output; } public void setError(PrintStream newError) { error = newError; } public PrintStream getError() { return error; } public void setCurrentDirectory(String newCurrentDirectory) { currentDirectory = newCurrentDirectory; } public String getCurrentDirectory() { return currentDirectory; } public void setProfile(Profile newProfile) { profile = newProfile; } public Profile getProfile() { return profile; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#OBJECTSPACE_ENABLED */
public void setObjectSpaceEnabled(boolean newObjectSpaceEnabled) { objectSpaceEnabled = newObjectSpaceEnabled; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#OBJECTSPACE_ENABLED */
public boolean isObjectSpaceEnabled() { return objectSpaceEnabled; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#SIPHASH_ENABLED */
public void setSiphashEnabled(boolean newSiphashEnabled) { siphashEnabled = newSiphashEnabled; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#SIPHASH_ENABLED */
public boolean isSiphashEnabled() { return siphashEnabled; } public void setEnvironment(Map<String, String> newEnvironment) { environment = new HashMap<>(); if (newEnvironment != null) { environment.putAll(newEnvironment); } } public Map<String, String> getEnvironment() { if (!environment.containsKey("RUBY") && RubyFile.PROTOCOL_PATTERN.matcher(getJRubyHome()).matches()) { // assumption: if JRubyHome is not a regular file than jruby got launched in an embedded fashion environment.put("RUBY", ClasspathLauncher.jrubyCommand(defaultClassLoader())); setEnvRuby = true; } return environment; } private transient boolean setEnvRuby; private void resetEnvRuby() { // when jruby-home changes, we might need to recompute if (setEnvRuby) environment.remove("RUBY"); } public ClassLoader getLoader() { return loader; } public void setLoader(ClassLoader loader) { this.loader = loader; } private final List<String> extraLoadPaths = new LinkedList<>(); public List<String> getExtraLoadPaths() { return extraLoadPaths; } private final List<String> extraGemPaths = new LinkedList<>(); public List<String> getExtraGemPaths() { return extraGemPaths; } private final List<Loader> extraLoaders = new LinkedList<>(); public List<Loader> getExtraLoaders() { return extraLoaders; }
adds a given ClassLoader to jruby. i.e. adds the root of the classloader to the LOAD_PATH so embedded ruby scripts can be found. dito for embedded gems. since classloaders do not provide directory information (some do and some do not) the source of the classloader needs to have a '.jrubydir' in each with the list of files and directories of the same directory. (see jruby-stdlib.jar or jruby-complete.jar inside META-INF/jruby.home for examples). these files can be generated by jruby -S generate_dir_info {path/to/ruby/files}
  • loader –
/** * adds a given ClassLoader to jruby. i.e. adds the root of * the classloader to the LOAD_PATH so embedded ruby scripts * can be found. dito for embedded gems. * * since classloaders do not provide directory information (some * do and some do not) the source of the classloader needs to have * a '.jrubydir' in each with the list of files and directories of the * same directory. (see jruby-stdlib.jar or jruby-complete.jar inside * META-INF/jruby.home for examples). * * these files can be generated by <code>jruby -S generate_dir_info {path/to/ruby/files}</code> * * @param loader */
public void addLoader(ClassLoader loader) { addLoader(new ClassesLoader(loader)); }
adds a given "bundle" to jruby. an OSGi bundle and a classloader both have common set of method but do not share a common interface. for adding a bundle or classloader to jruby is done via the base URL of the classloader/bundle. all we need is the 'getResource'/'getResources' method to do so.
  • bundle –
/** * adds a given "bundle" to jruby. an OSGi bundle and a classloader * both have common set of method but do not share a common interface. * for adding a bundle or classloader to jruby is done via the base URL of * the classloader/bundle. all we need is the 'getResource'/'getResources' * method to do so. * @param bundle */
public void addLoader(Loader bundle) { // loader can be a ClassLoader or an Bundle from OSGi UriLikePathHelper helper = new UriLikePathHelper(bundle); String uri = helper.getUriLikePath(); if (uri != null) extraLoadPaths.add(uri); uri = helper.getUriLikeGemPath(); if (uri != null) extraGemPaths.add(uri); extraLoaders.add(bundle); } public String[] getArgv() { return argv; } public void setArgv(String[] argv) { this.argv = argv; } public StringBuffer getInlineScript() { return inlineScript; } public void setHasInlineScript(boolean hasInlineScript) { this.hasScriptArgv = true; this.hasInlineScript = hasInlineScript; } public boolean hasInlineScript() { return hasInlineScript; } public Collection<String> getRequiredLibraries() { return requiredLibraries; } public List<String> getLoadPaths() { return loadPaths; } public void setLoadPaths(List<String> loadPaths) { this.loadPaths = loadPaths; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_HELP */
public void setShouldPrintUsage(boolean shouldPrintUsage) { this.shouldPrintUsage = shouldPrintUsage; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_HELP */
public boolean getShouldPrintUsage() { return shouldPrintUsage; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_PROPERTIES */
public void setShouldPrintProperties(boolean shouldPrintProperties) { this.shouldPrintProperties = shouldPrintProperties; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_PROPERTIES */
public boolean getShouldPrintProperties() { return shouldPrintProperties; } public boolean isInlineScript() { return hasInlineScript; }
True if we are only using source from stdin and not from a -e or file argument.
/** * True if we are only using source from stdin and not from a -e or file argument. */
public boolean isForceStdin() { return forceStdin; }
Set whether we should only look at stdin for source.
/** * Set whether we should only look at stdin for source. */
public void setForceStdin(boolean forceStdin) { this.forceStdin = forceStdin; } public void setScriptFileName(String scriptFileName) { this.hasScriptArgv = true; this.scriptFileName = scriptFileName; } public String getScriptFileName() { return scriptFileName; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_ASSUME_LOOP */
public void setAssumeLoop(boolean assumeLoop) { this.assumeLoop = assumeLoop; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_ASSUME_LOOP */
public boolean isAssumeLoop() { return assumeLoop; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_ASSUME_PRINT */
public void setAssumePrinting(boolean assumePrinting) { this.assumePrinting = assumePrinting; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_ASSUME_PRINT */
public boolean isAssumePrinting() { return assumePrinting; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_PROCESS_LINE_ENDS */
public void setProcessLineEnds(boolean processLineEnds) { this.processLineEnds = processLineEnds; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_PROCESS_LINE_ENDS */
public boolean isProcessLineEnds() { return processLineEnds; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_AUTOSPLIT */
public void setSplit(boolean split) { this.split = split; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_AUTOSPLIT */
public boolean isSplit() { return split; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_WARNING_LEVEL */
public Verbosity getVerbosity() { return verbosity; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_WARNING_LEVEL */
public void setVerbosity(Verbosity verbosity) { this.verbosity = verbosity; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_VERBOSE */
public boolean isVerbose() { return verbosity == Verbosity.TRUE; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_DEBUG */
public boolean isDebug() { return debug; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_DEBUG */
public void setDebug(boolean debug) { this.debug = debug; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_PARSER_DEBUG */
public boolean isParserDebug() { return parserDebug; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_PARSER_DEBUG */
public void setParserDebug(boolean parserDebug) { this.parserDebug = parserDebug; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_PARSER_DEBUG */
public boolean getParserDebug() { return parserDebug; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_VERSION */
public void setShowVersion(boolean showVersion) { this.showVersion = showVersion; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_VERSION */
public boolean isShowVersion() { return showVersion; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_BYTECODE */
public void setShowBytecode(boolean showBytecode) { this.showBytecode = showBytecode; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_BYTECODE */
public boolean isShowBytecode() { return showBytecode; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_COPYRIGHT */
public void setShowCopyright(boolean showCopyright) { this.showCopyright = showCopyright; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_COPYRIGHT */
public boolean isShowCopyright() { return showCopyright; } public void setShouldRunInterpreter(boolean shouldRunInterpreter) { this.shouldRunInterpreter = shouldRunInterpreter; } public boolean getShouldRunInterpreter() { return shouldRunInterpreter && (hasScriptArgv || !showVersion); }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_CHECK_SYNTAX */
public void setShouldCheckSyntax(boolean shouldSetSyntax) { this.shouldCheckSyntax = shouldSetSyntax; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_CHECK_SYNTAX */
public boolean getShouldCheckSyntax() { return shouldCheckSyntax; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_AUTOSPLIT_SEPARATOR */
public void setInputFieldSeparator(String inputFieldSeparator) { this.inputFieldSeparator = inputFieldSeparator; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_AUTOSPLIT_SEPARATOR */
public String getInputFieldSeparator() { return inputFieldSeparator; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_KCODE */
public KCode getKCode() { return kcode; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_KCODE */
public void setKCode(KCode kcode) { this.kcode = kcode; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_ENCODING_INTERNAL */
public void setInternalEncoding(String internalEncoding) { this.internalEncoding = internalEncoding; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_ENCODING_INTERNAL */
public String getInternalEncoding() { return internalEncoding; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_ENCODING_EXTERNAL */
public void setExternalEncoding(String externalEncoding) { this.externalEncoding = externalEncoding; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_ENCODING_EXTERNAL */
public String getExternalEncoding() { return externalEncoding; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_ENCODING_SOURCE */
public void setSourceEncoding(String sourceEncoding) { this.sourceEncoding = sourceEncoding; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_ENCODING_SOURCE */
public String getSourceEncoding() { return sourceEncoding; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_RECORD_SEPARATOR */
public void setRecordSeparator(String recordSeparator) { this.recordSeparator = recordSeparator; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_RECORD_SEPARATOR */
public String getRecordSeparator() { return recordSeparator; } public int getSafeLevel() { return 0; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_BACKUP_EXTENSION */
public void setInPlaceBackupExtension(String inPlaceBackupExtension) { this.inPlaceBackupExtension = inPlaceBackupExtension; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_BACKUP_EXTENSION */
public String getInPlaceBackupExtension() { return inPlaceBackupExtension; } public Map<String, String> getOptionGlobals() { return optionGlobals; } public boolean isManagementEnabled() { return managementEnabled; } public Set<String> getExcludedMethods() { return excludedMethods; } public boolean isArgvGlobalsOn() { return argvGlobalsOn; } public void setArgvGlobalsOn(boolean argvGlobalsOn) { this.argvGlobalsOn = argvGlobalsOn; } public String getThreadDumpSignal() { return threadDumpSignal; } public boolean isHardExit() { return hardExit; } public void setHardExit(boolean hardExit) { this.hardExit = hardExit; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_PROFILING_MODE */
public boolean isProfiling() { return profilingMode != ProfilingMode.OFF; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_PROFILING_MODE */
public boolean isProfilingEntireRun() { return profilingMode != ProfilingMode.OFF && profilingMode != ProfilingMode.API; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_PROFILING_MODE */
public void setProfilingMode(ProfilingMode profilingMode) { this.profilingMode = profilingMode; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_PROFILING_MODE */
public ProfilingMode getProfilingMode() { return profilingMode; } public void setProfileOutput(ProfileOutput output) { this.profileOutput = output; } public ProfileOutput getProfileOutput() { return profileOutput; } public boolean hasShebangLine() { return hasShebangLine; } public void setHasShebangLine(boolean hasShebangLine) { this.hasShebangLine = hasShebangLine; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_RUBYGEMS_ENABLE */
public boolean isDisableGems() { return disableGems; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_DID_YOU_MEAN_ENABLE */
public boolean isDisableDidYouMean() { return disableDidYouMean; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_RUBYOPT_ENABLE */
public void setDisableRUBYOPT(boolean dr) { this.disableRUBYOPT = dr; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_RUBYGEMS_ENABLE */
public void setDisableGems(boolean dg) { this.disableGems = dg; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_DID_YOU_MEAN_ENABLE */
public void setDisableDidYouMean(boolean ddym) { this.disableDidYouMean = ddym; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#BACKTRACE_STYLE */
public TraceType getTraceType() { return traceType; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#BACKTRACE_STYLE */
public void setTraceType(TraceType traceType) { this.traceType = traceType; } public void setHasScriptArgv(boolean argvRemains) { hasScriptArgv = argvRemains; } public boolean getHasScriptArgv() { return hasScriptArgv; }
Whether to mask .java lines in the Ruby backtrace, as MRI does for C calls.
See Also:
Returns:true if masking; false otherwise
/** * Whether to mask .java lines in the Ruby backtrace, as MRI does for C calls. * * @see Options#BACKTRACE_MASK * * @return true if masking; false otherwise */
public boolean getBacktraceMask() { return backtraceMask; }
Set whether to mask .java lines in the Ruby backtrace.
  • backtraceMask – true to mask; false otherwise
See Also:
/** * Set whether to mask .java lines in the Ruby backtrace. * * @see Options#BACKTRACE_MASK * * @param backtraceMask true to mask; false otherwise */
public void setBacktraceMask(boolean backtraceMask) { this.backtraceMask = backtraceMask; }
Set whether native code is enabled for this config.
  • b – new value indicating whether native code is enabled
See Also:
/** * Set whether native code is enabled for this config. * * @see Options#NATIVE_ENABLED * * @param b new value indicating whether native code is enabled */
public void setNativeEnabled(boolean b) { _nativeEnabled = b; }
Get whether native code is enabled for this config.
See Also:
Returns:true if native code is enabled; false otherwise.
/** * Get whether native code is enabled for this config. * * @see Options#NATIVE_ENABLED * * @return true if native code is enabled; false otherwise. */
public boolean isNativeEnabled() { return _nativeEnabled; }
Set whether to use the self-first jruby classloader.
  • b – new value indicating whether self-first classloader is used
See Also:
/** * Set whether to use the self-first jruby classloader. * * @see Options#CLASSLOADER_DELEGATE * * @param b new value indicating whether self-first classloader is used */
public void setClassloaderDelegate(boolean b) { _classloaderDelegate = b; }
Get whether to use the self-first jruby classloader.
See Also:
Returns:true if self-first classloader is used; false otherwise.
/** * Get whether to use the self-first jruby classloader. * * @see Options#CLASSLOADER_DELEGATE * * @return true if self-first classloader is used; false otherwise. */
public boolean isClassloaderDelegate() { return _classloaderDelegate; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_STRIP_HEADER */
public void setXFlag(boolean xFlag) { this.xFlag = xFlag; }
See Also:
/** * @see Options#CLI_STRIP_HEADER */
public boolean isXFlag() { return xFlag; }
True if colorized backtraces are enabled. False otherwise.
See Also:
/** * True if colorized backtraces are enabled. False otherwise. * * @see Options#BACKTRACE_COLOR */
public boolean getBacktraceColor() { return backtraceColor; }
Set to true to enable colorized backtraces.
See Also:
/** * Set to true to enable colorized backtraces. * * @see Options#BACKTRACE_COLOR */
public void setBacktraceColor(boolean backtraceColor) { this.backtraceColor = backtraceColor; }
Whether to use a single global lock for requires.
See Also:
/** * Whether to use a single global lock for requires. * * @see Options#GLOBAL_REQUIRE_LOCK */
public boolean isGlobalRequireLock() { return globalRequireLock; }
Set whether to use a single global lock for requires.
See Also:
/** * Set whether to use a single global lock for requires. * * @see Options#GLOBAL_REQUIRE_LOCK */
public void setGlobalRequireLock(boolean globalRequireLock) { this.globalRequireLock = globalRequireLock; }
Set whether the JIT compiler should run in a background thread (Executor-based).
  • jitBackground – whether to run the JIT compiler in a background thread
See Also:
/** * Set whether the JIT compiler should run in a background thread (Executor-based). * * @see Options#JIT_BACKGROUND * * @param jitBackground whether to run the JIT compiler in a background thread */
public void setJitBackground(boolean jitBackground) { this.jitBackground = jitBackground; }
Get whether the JIT compiler will run in a background thread.
See Also:
Returns:whether the JIT compiler will run in a background thread
/** * Get whether the JIT compiler will run in a background thread. * * @see Options#JIT_BACKGROUND * * @return whether the JIT compiler will run in a background thread */
public boolean getJitBackground() { return jitBackground; }
Set whether to load and setup bundler on startup.
See Also:
/** * Set whether to load and setup bundler on startup. * * @see Options#CLI_LOAD_GEMFILE */
public void setLoadGemfile(boolean loadGemfile) { this.loadGemfile = loadGemfile; }
Whether to load and setup bundler on startup.
See Also:
/** * Whether to load and setup bundler on startup. * * @see Options#CLI_LOAD_GEMFILE */
public boolean getLoadGemfile() { return loadGemfile; }
Set the maximum number of methods to consider when profiling.
See Also:
/** * Set the maximum number of methods to consider when profiling. * * @see Options#PROFILE_MAX_METHODS */
public void setProfileMaxMethods(int profileMaxMethods) { this.profileMaxMethods = profileMaxMethods; }
Get the maximum number of methods to consider when profiling.
See Also:
/** * Get the maximum number of methods to consider when profiling. * * @see Options#PROFILE_MAX_METHODS */
public int getProfileMaxMethods() { return profileMaxMethods; }
Set whether Kernel#gsub should be defined
/** * Set whether Kernel#gsub should be defined */
public void setKernelGsubDefined(boolean setDefineKernelGsub) { this.kernelGsubDefined = setDefineKernelGsub; }
Get Kernel#gsub is defined or not
/** * Get Kernel#gsub is defined or not */
public boolean getKernelGsubDefined() { return kernelGsubDefined; }
get whether uppercase package names will be honored
/** * get whether uppercase package names will be honored */
public boolean getAllowUppercasePackageNames() { return allowUppercasePackageNames; }
set whether uppercase package names will be honored
/** * set whether uppercase package names will be honored */
public void setAllowUppercasePackageNames(boolean allow) { allowUppercasePackageNames = allow; } public String getProfilingService() { return profilingService; } public void setProfilingService( String service ) { this.profilingService = service; } public boolean isFrozenStringLiteral() { return frozenStringLiteral; } public void setFrozenStringLiteral(boolean frozenStringLiteral) { this.frozenStringLiteral = frozenStringLiteral; } public boolean isDebuggingFrozenStringLiteral() { return debuggingFrozenStringLiteral; } public void setDebuggingFrozenStringLiteral(boolean debuggingFrozenStringLiteral) { this.debuggingFrozenStringLiteral = debuggingFrozenStringLiteral; } public boolean isInterruptibleRegexps() { return interruptibleRegexps; } public static ClassLoader defaultClassLoader() { ClassLoader loader = RubyInstanceConfig.class.getClassLoader(); // loader can be null for example when jruby comes from the boot-classLoader if (loader == null) { loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); } return loader; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Configuration fields. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private final boolean isSecurityRestricted;
Indicates whether the script must be extracted from script source
/** * Indicates whether the script must be extracted from script source */
private boolean xFlag = Options.CLI_STRIP_HEADER.load();
Indicates whether the script has a shebang line or not
/** * Indicates whether the script has a shebang line or not */
private boolean hasShebangLine; private InputStream input =; private PrintStream output = System.out; private PrintStream error = System.err; private Profile profile = Profile.DEFAULT; private boolean objectSpaceEnabled = Options.OBJECTSPACE_ENABLED.load(); private boolean siphashEnabled = Options.SIPHASH_ENABLED.load(); private CompileMode compileMode = CompileMode.OFF; private boolean runRubyInProcess = true; private String currentDirectory;
Environment variables; defaults to System.getenv() in constructor
/** Environment variables; defaults to System.getenv() in constructor */
private Map<String, String> environment; private String[] argv = {}; private final boolean jitLogging; private final boolean jitDumping; private final boolean jitLoggingVerbose; private int jitLogEvery; private int jitThreshold; private int jitMax; private int jitMaxSize; private String internalEncoding = Options.CLI_ENCODING_INTERNAL.load(); private String externalEncoding = Options.CLI_ENCODING_EXTERNAL.load(); private String sourceEncoding = Options.CLI_ENCODING_SOURCE.load(); private ProfilingMode profilingMode = Options.CLI_PROFILING_MODE.load(); private ProfileOutput profileOutput = new ProfileOutput(System.err); private String profilingService = Options.CLI_PROFILING_SERVICE.load();; private ClassLoader loader = defaultClassLoader(); public ClassLoader getCurrentThreadClassLoader() { return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); } // from CommandlineParser private List<String> loadPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); private Set<String> excludedMethods = new HashSet<String>(); private StringBuffer inlineScript = new StringBuffer(); private boolean hasInlineScript = false; private String scriptFileName = null; private Collection<String> requiredLibraries = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); private boolean argvGlobalsOn = false; private boolean assumeLoop = Options.CLI_ASSUME_LOOP.load(); private boolean assumePrinting = Options.CLI_ASSUME_PRINT.load(); private Map<String, String> optionGlobals = new HashMap<String, String>(); private boolean processLineEnds = Options.CLI_PROCESS_LINE_ENDS.load(); private boolean split = Options.CLI_AUTOSPLIT.load(); private Verbosity verbosity = Options.CLI_WARNING_LEVEL.load(); private boolean debug = Options.CLI_DEBUG.load(); private boolean showVersion = Options.CLI_VERSION.load(); private boolean showBytecode = Options.CLI_BYTECODE.load(); private boolean showCopyright = Options.CLI_COPYRIGHT.load(); private boolean shouldRunInterpreter = true; private boolean shouldPrintUsage = Options.CLI_HELP.load(); private boolean shouldPrintProperties=Options.CLI_PROPERTIES.load(); private boolean dumpConfig=false; private KCode kcode = Options.CLI_KCODE.load(); private String recordSeparator = Options.CLI_RECORD_SEPARATOR.load(); private boolean shouldCheckSyntax = Options.CLI_CHECK_SYNTAX.load(); private String inputFieldSeparator = Options.CLI_AUTOSPLIT_SEPARATOR.load(); private boolean managementEnabled = false; private String inPlaceBackupExtension = Options.CLI_BACKUP_EXTENSION.load(); private boolean parserDebug = false; private String threadDumpSignal = null; private boolean hardExit = false; private boolean disableGems = !Options.CLI_RUBYGEMS_ENABLE.load(); private boolean disableDidYouMean = !Options.CLI_DID_YOU_MEAN_ENABLE.load(); private boolean disableRUBYOPT = !Options.CLI_RUBYOPT_ENABLE.load(); private boolean updateNativeENVEnabled = true; private boolean kernelGsubDefined; private boolean hasScriptArgv = false; private boolean frozenStringLiteral = false; private boolean debuggingFrozenStringLiteral = false; private boolean interruptibleRegexps = Options.REGEXP_INTERRUPTIBLE.load(); private String jrubyHome;
Whether native code is enabled for this configuration.
/** * Whether native code is enabled for this configuration. */
private boolean _nativeEnabled = NATIVE_ENABLED; private boolean _classloaderDelegate = Options.CLASSLOADER_DELEGATE.load(); private TraceType traceType = TraceType.traceTypeFor(Options.BACKTRACE_STYLE.load()); private boolean backtraceMask = Options.BACKTRACE_MASK.load(); private boolean backtraceColor = Options.BACKTRACE_COLOR.load(); private LoadServiceCreator creator = LoadServiceCreator.DEFAULT; private boolean globalRequireLock = Options.GLOBAL_REQUIRE_LOCK.load(); private boolean jitBackground = Options.JIT_BACKGROUND.load(); private boolean loadGemfile = Options.CLI_LOAD_GEMFILE.load(); private int profileMaxMethods = Options.PROFILE_MAX_METHODS.load(); private boolean allowUppercasePackageNames = Options.JI_UPPER_CASE_PACKAGE_NAME_ALLOWED.load(); private boolean forceStdin = false; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Support classes, etc. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public enum Verbosity { NIL, FALSE, TRUE } public static interface LoadServiceCreator { LoadService create(Ruby runtime); LoadServiceCreator DEFAULT = new LoadServiceCreator() { public LoadService create(Ruby runtime) { return new LoadService(runtime); } }; } public enum ProfilingMode { OFF, API, FLAT, GRAPH, HTML, JSON, SERVICE } public enum CompileMode { JIT, FORCE, OFF; public boolean shouldPrecompileCLI() { return this == JIT || this == FORCE; } public boolean shouldJIT() { return this == JIT || this == FORCE; } public boolean shouldPrecompileAll() { return this == FORCE; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Static configuration fields, used as defaults for new JRuby instances. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
The version to use for generated classes. Set to current JVM version by default
/** * The version to use for generated classes. Set to current JVM version by default */
public static final int JAVA_VERSION = initJavaBytecodeVersion();
The number of lines at which a method, class, or block body is split into chained methods (to dodge 64k method-size limit in JVM).
/** * The number of lines at which a method, class, or block body is split into * chained methods (to dodge 64k method-size limit in JVM). */
public static final int CHAINED_COMPILE_LINE_COUNT = Options.COMPILE_CHAINSIZE.load();
Enable compiler peephole optimizations. Set with the jruby.compile.peephole system property.
/** * Enable compiler peephole optimizations. * * Set with the <tt>jruby.compile.peephole</tt> system property. */
public static final boolean PEEPHOLE_OPTZ = Options.COMPILE_PEEPHOLE.load();
Enable compiler "noguards" optimizations. Set with the jruby.compile.noguards system property.
/** * Enable compiler "noguards" optimizations. * * Set with the <tt>jruby.compile.noguards</tt> system property. */
public static boolean NOGUARDS_COMPILE_ENABLED = Options.COMPILE_NOGUARDS.load();
Enable compiler "fastest" set of optimizations. Set with the jruby.compile.fastest system property.
/** * Enable compiler "fastest" set of optimizations. * * Set with the <tt>jruby.compile.fastest</tt> system property. */
public static boolean FASTEST_COMPILE_ENABLED = Options.COMPILE_FASTEST.load();
Enable fast operator compiler optimizations. Set with the jruby.compile.fastops system property.
/** * Enable fast operator compiler optimizations. * * Set with the <tt>jruby.compile.fastops</tt> system property. */
Enable "threadless" compile. Set with the jruby.compile.threadless system property.
/** * Enable "threadless" compile. * * Set with the <tt>jruby.compile.threadless</tt> system property. */
Enable "fast send" compiler optimizations. Set with the jruby.compile.fastsend system property.
/** * Enable "fast send" compiler optimizations. * * Set with the <tt>jruby.compile.fastsend</tt> system property. */
Enable fast multiple assignment optimization. Set with the jruby.compile.fastMasgn system property.
/** * Enable fast multiple assignment optimization. * * Set with the <tt>jruby.compile.fastMasgn</tt> system property. */
public static boolean FAST_MULTIPLE_ASSIGNMENT = Options.COMPILE_FASTMASGN.load();
Enable a thread pool. Each Ruby thread will be mapped onto a thread from this pool. Set with the jruby.thread.pool.enabled system property.
/** * Enable a thread pool. Each Ruby thread will be mapped onto a thread from this pool. * * Set with the <tt>jruby.thread.pool.enabled</tt> system property. */
public static final boolean POOLING_ENABLED = false;
Maximum thread pool size (integer, default Integer.MAX_VALUE). Set with the jruby.thread.pool.max system property.
/** * Maximum thread pool size (integer, default Integer.MAX_VALUE). * * Set with the <tt>jruby.thread.pool.max</tt> system property. */
public static final int POOL_MAX = Options.THREADPOOL_MAX.load();
Minimum thread pool size (integer, default 0). Set with the jruby.thread.pool.min system property.
/** * Minimum thread pool size (integer, default 0). * * Set with the <tt>jruby.thread.pool.min</tt> system property. */
public static final int POOL_MIN = Options.THREADPOOL_MIN.load();
Thread pool time-to-live in seconds. Set with the jruby.thread.pool.max system property.
/** * Thread pool time-to-live in seconds. * * Set with the <tt>jruby.thread.pool.max</tt> system property. */
public static final int POOL_TTL = Options.THREADPOOL_TTL.load();
Fiber thread pool time-to-live in seconds. Set with the jruby.fiber.thread.pool.max system property.
/** * Fiber thread pool time-to-live in seconds. * * Set with the <tt>jruby.fiber.thread.pool.max</tt> system property. */
public static final int FIBER_POOL_TTL = Options.FIBER_THREADPOOL_TTL.load();
Enable tracing of method calls. Set with the jruby.debug.fullTrace system property.
/** * Enable tracing of method calls. * * Set with the <tt>jruby.debug.fullTrace</tt> system property. */
public static boolean FULL_TRACE_ENABLED = Options.DEBUG_FULLTRACE.load();
Comma-separated list of methods to exclude from JIT compilation. Specify as "Module", "Module#method" or "method". Also supports excluding based on implementation_file.rb syntax. Set with the jruby.jit.exclude system property.
/** * Comma-separated list of methods to exclude from JIT compilation. * Specify as "Module", "Module#method" or "method". * * Also supports excluding based on implementation_file.rb syntax. * * Set with the <tt>jruby.jit.exclude</tt> system property. */
public static final String COMPILE_EXCLUDE = Options.JIT_EXCLUDE.load();
Indicates the global default for whether native code is enabled. Default is true. This value is used to default new runtime configurations. Set with the jruby.native.enabled system property.
/** * Indicates the global default for whether native code is enabled. Default * is true. This value is used to default new runtime configurations. * * Set with the <tt>jruby.native.enabled</tt> system property. */
public static final boolean NATIVE_ENABLED = Options.NATIVE_ENABLED.load(); @Deprecated public final static boolean CEXT_ENABLED = false;
Whether to reify (pre-compile and generate) a Java class per Ruby class. Set with the jruby.reify.classes system property.
/** * Whether to reify (pre-compile and generate) a Java class per Ruby class. * * Set with the <tt>jruby.reify.classes</tt> system property. */
public static final boolean REIFY_RUBY_CLASSES = Options.REIFY_CLASSES.load();
Log errors that occur during reification. Set with the jruby.reify.logErrors system property.
/** * Log errors that occur during reification. * * Set with the <tt>jruby.reify.logErrors</tt> system property. */
public static final boolean REIFY_LOG_ERRORS = Options.REIFY_LOGERRORS.load();
Whether to use a custom-generated handle for Java methods instead of reflection. Set with the system property.
/** * Whether to use a custom-generated handle for Java methods instead of * reflection. * * Set with the <tt></tt> system property. */
public static final boolean USE_GENERATED_HANDLES = Options.JAVA_HANDLES.load();
Turn on debugging of the load service (requires and loads). Set with the jruby.debug.loadService system property.
/** * Turn on debugging of the load service (requires and loads). * * Set with the <tt>jruby.debug.loadService</tt> system property. */
public static final boolean DEBUG_LOAD_SERVICE = Options.DEBUG_LOADSERVICE.load();
Turn on timings of the load service (requires and loads). Set with the jruby.debug.loadService.timing system property.
/** * Turn on timings of the load service (requires and loads). * * Set with the <tt>jruby.debug.loadService.timing</tt> system property. */
public static final boolean DEBUG_LOAD_TIMINGS = Options.DEBUG_LOADSERVICE_TIMING.load();
Turn on debugging of subprocess launching. Set with the jruby.debug.launch system property.
/** * Turn on debugging of subprocess launching. * * Set with the <tt>jruby.debug.launch</tt> system property. */
public static final boolean DEBUG_LAUNCHING = Options.DEBUG_LAUNCH.load();
Turn on debugging of script resolution with "-S". Set with the jruby.debug.scriptResolution system property.
/** * Turn on debugging of script resolution with "-S". * * Set with the <tt>jruby.debug.scriptResolution</tt> system property. */
public static final boolean DEBUG_SCRIPT_RESOLUTION = Options.DEBUG_SCRIPTRESOLUTION.load(); public static final boolean DEBUG_PARSER = Options.DEBUG_PARSER.load(); public static final boolean JUMPS_HAVE_BACKTRACE = Options.JUMP_BACKTRACE.load(); @Deprecated public static final boolean JIT_CACHE_ENABLED = Options.JIT_CACHE.load(); public static final boolean REFLECTED_HANDLES = Options.REFLECTED_HANDLES.load(); public static final boolean NO_UNWRAP_PROCESS_STREAMS = Options.PROCESS_NOUNWRAP.load(); public static final boolean INTERFACES_USE_PROXY = Options.INTERFACES_USEPROXY.load(); public static final boolean JIT_LOADING_DEBUG = Options.JIT_DEBUG.load(); public static final boolean SET_ACCESSIBLE = Options.JI_SETACCESSIBLE.load(); // properties for logging exceptions, backtraces, and caller invocations public static final boolean LOG_EXCEPTIONS = Options.LOG_EXCEPTIONS.load(); public static final boolean LOG_BACKTRACES = Options.LOG_BACKTRACES.load(); public static final boolean LOG_CALLERS = Options.LOG_CALLERS.load(); public static final boolean LOG_WARNINGS = Options.LOG_WARNINGS.load(); public static final boolean ERRNO_BACKTRACE = Options.ERRNO_BACKTRACE.load(); public static final boolean STOPITERATION_BACKTRACE = Options.STOPITERATION_BACKTRACE.load(); public static boolean IR_DEBUG = Options.IR_DEBUG.load(); public static String IR_DEBUG_IGV = Options.IR_DEBUG_IGV.load(); public static boolean IR_PROFILE = Options.IR_PROFILE.load(); public static boolean IR_COMPILER_DEBUG = Options.IR_COMPILER_DEBUG.load(); public static boolean IR_WRITING = Options.IR_WRITING.load(); public static boolean IR_READING = Options.IR_READING.load(); public static boolean IR_READING_DEBUG = Options.IR_READING_DEBUG.load(); public static boolean IR_WRITING_DEBUG = Options.IR_WRITING_DEBUG.load(); public static boolean IR_VISUALIZER = Options.IR_VISUALIZER.load(); public static boolean IR_UNBOXING = Options.IR_UNBOXING.load(); public static String IR_COMPILER_PASSES = Options.IR_COMPILER_PASSES.load(); public static String IR_JIT_PASSES = Options.IR_JIT_PASSES.load(); public static String IR_INLINE_COMPILER_PASSES = Options.IR_INLINE_COMPILER_PASSES.load(); public static boolean RECORD_LEXICAL_HIERARCHY = Options.RECORD_LEXICAL_HIERARCHY.load(); public static final boolean COROUTINE_FIBERS = Options.FIBER_COROUTINES.load();
Whether to calculate consistent hashes across JVM instances, or to ensure un-predicatable hash values using SecureRandom. Set with the jruby.consistent.hashing.enabled system property.
/** * Whether to calculate consistent hashes across JVM instances, or to ensure * un-predicatable hash values using SecureRandom. * * Set with the <tt>jruby.consistent.hashing.enabled</tt> system property. */
public static final boolean CONSISTENT_HASHING_ENABLED = Options.CONSISTENT_HASHING.load(); private static volatile boolean loadedNativeExtensions = false; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Static initializers //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static int initJavaBytecodeVersion() { final String specVersion = Options.BYTECODE_VERSION.load(); switch ( specVersion ) { case "1.6" : return Opcodes.V1_6; case "1.7" : return Opcodes.V1_7; case "1.8" : case "8" : default : return Opcodes.V1_8; // 52 case "9" : return Opcodes.V9; case "10" : return Opcodes.V10; case "11" : return Opcodes.V11; case "12" : return Opcodes.V12; case "13" : return Opcodes.V13; } } @Deprecated public void setSafeLevel(int safeLevel) { } @Deprecated public String getInPlaceBackupExtention() { return inPlaceBackupExtension; } @Deprecated public String getBasicUsageHelp() { return OutputStrings.getBasicUsageHelp(); } @Deprecated public String getExtendedHelp() { return OutputStrings.getExtendedHelp(); } @Deprecated public String getPropertyHelp() { return OutputStrings.getPropertyHelp(); } @Deprecated public String getVersionString() { return OutputStrings.getVersionString(); } @Deprecated public String getCopyrightString() { return OutputStrings.getCopyrightString(); } @Deprecated public Collection<String> requiredLibraries() { return requiredLibraries; } @Deprecated public List<String> loadPaths() { return loadPaths; } @Deprecated public boolean shouldPrintUsage() { return shouldPrintUsage; } @Deprecated public boolean shouldPrintProperties() { return shouldPrintProperties; } @Deprecated public Boolean getVerbose() { return isVerbose(); } @Deprecated public boolean shouldRunInterpreter() { return isShouldRunInterpreter(); } @Deprecated public boolean isShouldRunInterpreter() { return shouldRunInterpreter; } @Deprecated public boolean isxFlag() { return xFlag; }
The max count of active methods eligible for JIT-compilation.
/** * The max count of active methods eligible for JIT-compilation. */
@Deprecated public static final int JIT_MAX_METHODS_LIMIT = Constants.JIT_MAX_METHODS_LIMIT;
The max size of JIT-compiled methods (full class size) allowed.
/** * The max size of JIT-compiled methods (full class size) allowed. */
@Deprecated public static final int JIT_MAX_SIZE_LIMIT = Constants.JIT_MAX_SIZE_LIMIT;
The JIT threshold to the specified method invocation count.
/** * The JIT threshold to the specified method invocation count. */
@Deprecated public static final int JIT_THRESHOLD = Constants.JIT_THRESHOLD;
Default size for chained compilation.
/** * Default size for chained compilation. */
@Deprecated public static final int CHAINED_COMPILE_LINE_COUNT_DEFAULT = Constants.CHAINED_COMPILE_LINE_COUNT_DEFAULT; @Deprecated public static final boolean nativeEnabled = NATIVE_ENABLED; @Deprecated public boolean isSamplingEnabled() { return false; } @Deprecated public void setBenchmarking(boolean benchmarking) { } @Deprecated public boolean isBenchmarking() { return false; } @Deprecated public void setCextEnabled(boolean b) { } @Deprecated public boolean isCextEnabled() { return false; } @Deprecated public static final String JIT_CODE_CACHE = ""; @Deprecated public boolean getIPv4Preferred() { return Options.PREFER_IPV4.load(); } @Deprecated public CompatVersion getCompatVersion() { return CompatVersion.RUBY2_1; } @Deprecated public void setCompatVersion(CompatVersion compatVersion) { }
Enable use of the native Java version of the 'net/protocol' library. Set with the system property.
/** * Enable use of the native Java version of the 'net/protocol' library. * * Set with the <tt></tt> system property. */
@Deprecated public static final boolean NATIVE_NET_PROTOCOL = Options.NATIVE_NET_PROTOCOL.load(); @Deprecated public static final boolean CAN_SET_ACCESSIBLE = Options.JI_SETACCESSIBLE.load(); }