

import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Iterator;

import static*;

This produces a linear list of BasicBlocks so that the linearized instruction list is in executable form. In generating this list, we will also add jumps where required and remove as many jumps as possible. Ordinary BasicBlocks will follow FollowThrough edges and just concatenate together eliminating the need for executing a jump instruction during execution. Notes: 1. Basic blocks ending in branches have two edges (FollowTrough/NotTaken and Taken) 2. All BasicBlocks can possibly have two additional edges related to exceptions: - one that transfers control to a rescue block (if one exists that protects the excepting instruction) which is also responsible for running ensures - one that transfers control to an ensure block (if one exists) for situations where we bypass the rescue block (breaks and thread-kill). 3. Branch, Jump, Return, and Exceptions are all boundaries for BasicBlocks 4. Dummy Entry and Exit BasicBlocks exist in all CFGs NOTE: When the IR builder first builds its list, and the CFG builder builds the CFG, the order in which BBs are created should already be a linearized list. Need to verify this and we might be able to skip linearization if the CFG has not been transformed by any code transformation passes. This might be the case when JRuby first starts up when we may just build the IR and start interpreting it right away without running any opts. In that scenario, it may be worth it to not run the linearizer at all.
/** * This produces a linear list of BasicBlocks so that the linearized instruction * list is in executable form. In generating this list, we will also add jumps * where required and remove as many jumps as possible. * * Ordinary BasicBlocks will follow FollowThrough edges and just concatenate * together eliminating the need for executing a jump instruction during * execution. * * Notes: * 1. Basic blocks ending in branches have two edges (FollowTrough/NotTaken and Taken) * 2. All BasicBlocks can possibly have two additional edges related to exceptions: * - one that transfers control to a rescue block (if one exists that protects * the excepting instruction) which is also responsible for running ensures * - one that transfers control to an ensure block (if one exists) for * situations where we bypass the rescue block (breaks and thread-kill). * 3. Branch, Jump, Return, and Exceptions are all boundaries for BasicBlocks * 4. Dummy Entry and Exit BasicBlocks exist in all CFGs * * NOTE: When the IR builder first builds its list, and the CFG builder builds the CFG, * the order in which BBs are created should already be a linearized list. Need to verify * this and we might be able to skip linearization if the CFG has not been transformed * by any code transformation passes. This might be the case when JRuby first starts up * when we may just build the IR and start interpreting it right away without running any * opts. In that scenario, it may be worth it to not run the linearizer at all. */
public class CFGLinearizer { public static BasicBlock[] linearize(CFG cfg) { BasicBlock[] list = new BasicBlock[cfg.size()]; BitSet processed = new BitSet(cfg.size()); int listSize = linearizeInner(cfg, list, 0, processed, cfg.getEntryBB()); verifyAllBasicBlocksProcessed(cfg, processed); fixupList(cfg, list, listSize); return list; } private static int linearizeInner(CFG cfg, BasicBlock[] list, int listSize, BitSet processed, BasicBlock current) { if (processed.get(current.getID())) return listSize; // Cannot lay out current block till its fall-through predecessor has been laid out already BasicBlock source = cfg.getIncomingSourceOfType(current, FALL_THROUGH); if (source != null && !processed.get(source.getID())) return listSize; list[listSize] = current; listSize++; processed.set(current.getID()); // First, fall-through BB BasicBlock fallThrough = cfg.getOutgoingDestinationOfType(current, FALL_THROUGH); if (fallThrough != null) listSize = linearizeInner(cfg, list, listSize, processed, fallThrough); // Next, regular edges for (BasicBlock destination: cfg.getOutgoingDestinationsOfType(current, REGULAR)) { listSize = linearizeInner(cfg, list, listSize, processed, destination); } // Next, exception edges for (BasicBlock destination: cfg.getOutgoingDestinationsOfType(current, EXCEPTION)) { listSize = linearizeInner(cfg, list, listSize, processed, destination); } // Next, exit for (BasicBlock destination: cfg.getOutgoingDestinationsOfType(current, EXIT)) { listSize = linearizeInner(cfg, list, listSize, processed, destination); } return listSize; }
Process (fixup) list of instruction and add or remove jumps.
/** * Process (fixup) list of instruction and add or remove jumps. */
private static void fixupList(CFG cfg, BasicBlock[] list, int listSize) { for (int i = 0; i < listSize - 1; i++) { BasicBlock current = list[i]; if (current.isExitBB()) { // exit not last current.addInstr(new ReturnInstr(cfg.getManager().getNil())); continue; } Instr lastInstr = current.getLastInstr(); if (lastInstr instanceof JumpInstr) { // if jumping to next BB then remove it tryAndRemoveUnneededJump(list[i + 1], cfg, lastInstr, current); } else { addJumpIfNextNotDestination(cfg, list[i + 1], lastInstr, current); } } BasicBlock current = list[listSize - 1]; if (!current.isExitBB()) { Instr lastInstr = current.getLastInstr(); // Last instruction of the last basic block in the linearized list can NEVER // be a branch instruction because this basic block would then have a fallthrough // which would have to be present after it. assert (!(lastInstr instanceof BranchInstr)); if ((lastInstr == null) || !lastInstr.getOperation().transfersControl()) { // We are guaranteed to have at least one non-exception edge because // the exit BB post-dominates all BBs in the CFG even when exception // edges are removed. // // Verify that we have exactly one non-exception target // SSS FIXME: Is this assertion any different from the BranchInstr assertion above? Iterator<BasicBlock> iter = cfg.getOutgoingDestinationsNotOfType(current, EXCEPTION).iterator(); BasicBlock target =; assert (target != null && !iter.hasNext()); // System.out.println("BB " + curr.getID() + " is the last bb in the layout! Adding a jump to " + tgt._label); current.addInstr(new JumpInstr(target.getLabel())); } } } private static void tryAndRemoveUnneededJump(BasicBlock next, CFG cfg, Instr lastInstr, BasicBlock current) { if (next == cfg.getBBForLabel(((JumpInstr) lastInstr).getJumpTarget())) current.removeInstr(lastInstr); } // If there is no jump at add of block and the next block is not destination insert a valid jump private static void addJumpIfNextNotDestination(CFG cfg, BasicBlock next, Instr lastInstr, BasicBlock current) { Iterator<BasicBlock> outs = cfg.getOutgoingDestinations(current).iterator(); BasicBlock target = outs.hasNext() ? : null; if (target != null && !outs.hasNext()) { if ((target != next) && ((lastInstr == null) || !lastInstr.getOperation().transfersControl())) { current.addInstr(new JumpInstr(target.getLabel())); } } } private static void verifyAllBasicBlocksProcessed(CFG cfg, BitSet processed) throws RuntimeException { // Verify that all bbs have been laid out! for (BasicBlock b : cfg.getBasicBlocks()) { if (!processed.get(b.getID())) { throw new RuntimeException("Bad CFG linearization: BB " + b.getID() + " has been missed!"); } } } }