
import org.jruby.dirgra.DirectedGraph;
import org.jruby.dirgra.Edge;
import org.jruby.util.log.Logger;
import org.jruby.util.log.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.*;

Represents the base build of a CFG. All information here is accessed via delegation from the CFG itself so this is meant as an internal organizational structure for a build.
/** * Represents the base build of a CFG. All information here is accessed via * delegation from the CFG itself so this is meant as an internal * organizational structure for a build. */
public class CFG { public enum EdgeType { REGULAR, // Any non-special edge. Not really used. EXCEPTION, // Edge to exception handling basic blocks FALL_THROUGH, // Edge which is the natural fall through choice on a branch EXIT // Edge to dummy exit BB } private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CFG.class); private IRScope scope; private Map<Label, BasicBlock> bbMap; // Map of bb -> first bb of the rescue block that initiates exception handling for all exceptions thrown within this bb private Map<BasicBlock, BasicBlock> rescuerMap;
Entry BB
/** Entry BB */
private BasicBlock entryBB;
Exit BB
/** Exit BB */
private BasicBlock exitBB;
BB that traps all exception-edges out of the cfg where we could add any cleanup/ensure code (ex: pop frames, etc.)
/** BB that traps all exception-edges out of the cfg where we could add any cleanup/ensure code (ex: pop frames, etc.) */
private BasicBlock globalEnsureBB;
The graph itself
/** The graph itself */
private DirectedGraph<BasicBlock> graph; private int nextBBId; // Next available basic block id LinkedList<BasicBlock> postOrderList; // Post order traversal list of the cfg public CFG(IRScope scope) { this.scope = scope; this.graph = new DirectedGraph<>(); this.bbMap = new HashMap<>(); this.rescuerMap = new HashMap<>(); this.nextBBId = 0; this.entryBB = this.exitBB = null; this.globalEnsureBB = null; this.postOrderList = null; } public int getNextBBID() { nextBBId++; return nextBBId; } public IRManager getManager() { return scope.getManager(); } public int getMaxNodeID() { return nextBBId; } public boolean bbIsProtected(BasicBlock b) { return getRescuerBBFor(b) != null; } public BasicBlock getBBForLabel(Label label) { return bbMap.get(label); } public BasicBlock getEntryBB() { return entryBB; } public BasicBlock getExitBB() { return exitBB; } public BasicBlock getGlobalEnsureBB() { return globalEnsureBB; } public LinkedList<BasicBlock> postOrderList() { // SSS FIXME: This caching is fragile -- requires invalidation // on change of CFG state. We need a better setup than this. if (postOrderList == null) postOrderList = buildPostOrderList(); return postOrderList; } public Iterator<BasicBlock> getPostOrderTraverser() { return postOrderList().iterator(); } public Iterator<BasicBlock> getReversePostOrderTraverser() { return postOrderList().descendingIterator(); } public void resetState() { // SSS FIXME: anything else? postOrderList = null; } public IRScope getScope() { return scope; }
How many BasicBlocks are there in this CFG?
/** * How many BasicBlocks are there in this CFG? */
public int size() { return graph.size(); } public Collection<BasicBlock> getBasicBlocks() { return graph.allData(); } public Collection<BasicBlock> getSortedBasicBlocks() { return graph.getInorderData(); } public void addEdge(BasicBlock source, BasicBlock destination, Object type) { graph.findOrCreateVertexFor(source).addEdgeTo(destination, type); } public int inDegree(BasicBlock b) { return graph.findVertexFor(b).inDegree(); } public int outDegree(BasicBlock b) { return graph.findVertexFor(b).outDegree(); } public Iterable<BasicBlock> getIncomingSources(BasicBlock block) { return graph.findVertexFor(block).getIncomingSourcesData(); } public Iterable<Edge<BasicBlock>> getIncomingEdges(BasicBlock block) { return graph.findVertexFor(block).getIncomingEdges(); } public BasicBlock getIncomingSourceOfType(BasicBlock block, Object type) { return graph.findVertexFor(block).getIncomingSourceDataOfType(type); } public BasicBlock getOutgoingDestinationOfType(BasicBlock block, Object type) { return graph.findVertexFor(block).getOutgoingDestinationDataOfType(type); } public Iterable<BasicBlock> getOutgoingDestinations(BasicBlock block) { return graph.findVertexFor(block).getOutgoingDestinationsData(); } public Iterable<BasicBlock> getOutgoingDestinationsOfType(BasicBlock block, Object type) { return graph.findVertexFor(block).getOutgoingDestinationsDataOfType(type); } public Iterable<BasicBlock> getOutgoingDestinationsNotOfType(BasicBlock block, Object type) { return graph.findVertexFor(block).getOutgoingDestinationsDataNotOfType(type); } public Collection<Edge<BasicBlock>> getOutgoingEdges(BasicBlock block) { return graph.findVertexFor(block).getOutgoingEdges(); } public BasicBlock getRescuerBBFor(BasicBlock block) { return rescuerMap.get(block); } /* Add 'b' as a global ensure block that protects all unprotected blocks in this scope */ public void addGlobalEnsureBB(BasicBlock geb) { assert globalEnsureBB == null: "CFG for scope " + getScope() + " already has a global ensure block."; addBasicBlock(geb); addEdge(geb, getExitBB(), EdgeType.EXIT); for (BasicBlock b: getBasicBlocks()) { if (b != geb && !bbIsProtected(b) && b != getEntryBB()) { addEdge(b, geb, EdgeType.EXCEPTION); setRescuerBB(b, geb); } } globalEnsureBB = geb; } public void setRescuerBB(BasicBlock block, BasicBlock rescuerBlock) { rescuerMap.put(block, rescuerBlock); }
Build the Control Flow Graph
/** * Build the Control Flow Graph */
public DirectedGraph<BasicBlock> build(Instr[] instrs) { // Map of label & basic blocks which are waiting for a bb with that label Map<Label, List<BasicBlock>> forwardRefs = new HashMap<>(); // List of bbs that have a 'return' instruction List<BasicBlock> returnBBs = new ArrayList<>(); // List of bbs that have a 'throw' instruction List<BasicBlock> exceptionBBs = new ArrayList<>(); // Stack of nested rescue regions Stack<ExceptionRegion> nestedExceptionRegions = new Stack<>(); // List of all rescued regions List<ExceptionRegion> allExceptionRegions = new ArrayList<>(); // Dummy entry basic block (see note at end to see why) entryBB = createBB(nestedExceptionRegions); // First real bb BasicBlock firstBB = createBB(nestedExceptionRegions); // Build the rest! BasicBlock currBB = firstBB; BasicBlock newBB; boolean bbEnded = false; boolean nextBBIsFallThrough = true; for (Instr i: instrs) { // System.out.println("Processing: " + i); Operation iop = i.getOperation(); if (iop == Operation.LABEL) { Label l = ((LabelInstr) i).getLabel(); newBB = createBB(l, nestedExceptionRegions); // Jump instruction bbs dont add an edge to the succeeding bb by default if (nextBBIsFallThrough) graph.addEdge(currBB, newBB, EdgeType.FALL_THROUGH); currBB = newBB; bbEnded = false; nextBBIsFallThrough = true; // Add forward reference edges List<BasicBlock> frefs = forwardRefs.get(l); if (frefs != null) { for (BasicBlock b : frefs) { graph.addEdge(b, newBB, EdgeType.REGULAR); } } } else if (bbEnded && iop != Operation.EXC_REGION_END) { newBB = createBB(nestedExceptionRegions); // Jump instruction bbs dont add an edge to the succeeding bb by default if (nextBBIsFallThrough) graph.addEdge(currBB, newBB, EdgeType.FALL_THROUGH); // currBB cannot be null! currBB = newBB; bbEnded = false; nextBBIsFallThrough = true; } if (i instanceof ExceptionRegionStartMarkerInstr) { // We dont need the instruction anymore -- so it is not added to the CFG. ExceptionRegionStartMarkerInstr ersmi = (ExceptionRegionStartMarkerInstr) i; ExceptionRegion rr = new ExceptionRegion(ersmi.getFirstRescueBlockLabel(), currBB); rr.addBB(currBB); allExceptionRegions.add(rr); if (!nestedExceptionRegions.empty()) { nestedExceptionRegions.peek().addNestedRegion(rr); } nestedExceptionRegions.push(rr); } else if (i instanceof ExceptionRegionEndMarkerInstr) { // We dont need the instruction anymore -- so it is not added to the CFG. nestedExceptionRegions.pop().setEndBB(currBB); } else if (iop.endsBasicBlock()) { bbEnded = true; currBB.addInstr(i); Label tgt = null; nextBBIsFallThrough = false; if (i instanceof BranchInstr) { tgt = ((BranchInstr) i).getJumpTarget(); nextBBIsFallThrough = true; } else if (i instanceof MultiBranchInstr) { Label[] tgts = ((MultiBranchInstr) i).getJumpTargets(); for (Label l : tgts) addEdge(currBB, l, forwardRefs); } else if (i instanceof JumpInstr) { tgt = ((JumpInstr) i).getJumpTarget(); } else if (iop.isReturn()) { // BREAK, RETURN, CLOSURE_RETURN tgt = null; returnBBs.add(currBB); } else if (i instanceof ThrowExceptionInstr) { tgt = null; exceptionBBs.add(currBB); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled case in CFG builder for basic block ending instr: " + i); } if (tgt != null) addEdge(currBB, tgt, forwardRefs); } else if (iop != Operation.LABEL) { currBB.addInstr(i); } } // Process all rescued regions for (ExceptionRegion rr: allExceptionRegions) { // When this exception region represents an unrescued region // from a copied ensure block, we have a dummy label Label rescueLabel = rr.getFirstRescueBlockLabel(); if (!Label.UNRESCUED_REGION_LABEL.equals(rescueLabel)) { BasicBlock firstRescueBB = bbMap.get(rescueLabel); // Mark the BB as a rescue entry BB firstRescueBB.markRescueEntryBB(); // Record a mapping from the region's exclusive basic blocks to the first bb that will start exception // handling for all their exceptions. Add an exception edge from every exclusive bb of the region to // firstRescueBB unless it is incapable of raising. for (BasicBlock b: rr.getExclusiveBBs()) { if (b.canRaiseExceptions()) { setRescuerBB(b, firstRescueBB); graph.addEdge(b, firstRescueBB, EdgeType.EXCEPTION); } } } } buildExitBasicBlock(nestedExceptionRegions, firstBB, returnBBs, exceptionBBs, nextBBIsFallThrough, currBB, entryBB); // System.out.println("-------------- CFG before optimizing --------------"); // System.out.println("\nGraph:\n" + toStringGraph()); // System.out.println("\nInstructions:\n" + toStringInstrs()); optimize(returnBBs); // remove useless cfg edges & orphaned bbs return graph; } private void addEdge(BasicBlock src, Label targetLabel, Map<Label, List<BasicBlock>> forwardRefs) { BasicBlock target = bbMap.get(targetLabel); if (target != null) { graph.addEdge(src, target, EdgeType.REGULAR); return; } // Add a forward reference from target -> source List<BasicBlock> forwardReferences = forwardRefs.get(targetLabel); if (forwardReferences == null) { forwardReferences = new ArrayList<>(); forwardRefs.put(targetLabel, forwardReferences); } forwardReferences.add(src); }
Create special empty exit BasicBlock that all BasicBlocks will eventually flow into. All Edges to this 'dummy' BasicBlock will get marked with an edge type of EXIT. Special BasicBlocks worth noting: 1. Exceptions, Returns, Entry(why?) -> ExitBB 2. Returns -> ExitBB
/** * Create special empty exit BasicBlock that all BasicBlocks will eventually * flow into. All Edges to this 'dummy' BasicBlock will get marked with * an edge type of EXIT. * * Special BasicBlocks worth noting: * 1. Exceptions, Returns, Entry(why?) -> ExitBB * 2. Returns -> ExitBB */
private BasicBlock buildExitBasicBlock(Stack<ExceptionRegion> nestedExceptionRegions, BasicBlock firstBB, List<BasicBlock> returnBBs, List<BasicBlock> exceptionBBs, boolean nextIsFallThrough, BasicBlock currBB, BasicBlock entryBB) { exitBB = createBB(nestedExceptionRegions); graph.addEdge(entryBB, exitBB, EdgeType.EXIT); graph.addEdge(entryBB, firstBB, EdgeType.FALL_THROUGH); for (BasicBlock rb : returnBBs) { graph.addEdge(rb, exitBB, EdgeType.EXIT); } for (BasicBlock rb : exceptionBBs) { graph.addEdge(rb, exitBB, EdgeType.EXIT); } if (nextIsFallThrough) graph.addEdge(currBB, exitBB, EdgeType.EXIT); return exitBB; } private BasicBlock createBB(Label label, Stack<ExceptionRegion> nestedExceptionRegions) { BasicBlock basicBlock = new BasicBlock(this, label); addBasicBlock(basicBlock); if (label.isGlobalEnsureBlockLabel()) { globalEnsureBB = basicBlock; } if (!nestedExceptionRegions.empty()) nestedExceptionRegions.peek().addBB(basicBlock); return basicBlock; } private BasicBlock createBB(Stack<ExceptionRegion> nestedExceptionRegions) { return createBB(scope.getNewLabel(), nestedExceptionRegions); } public void addBasicBlock(BasicBlock bb) { graph.findOrCreateVertexFor(bb); // adds vertex to graph bbMap.put(bb.getLabel(), bb); // Reset so later dataflow analyses get all basic blocks postOrderList = null; } public void removeAllOutgoingEdgesForBB(BasicBlock b) { graph.findVertexFor(b).removeAllOutgoingEdges(); } private void deleteOrphanedBlocks(DirectedGraph<BasicBlock> graph) { // System.out.println("\nGraph:\n" + toStringGraph()); // System.out.println("\nInstructions:\n" + toStringInstrs()); Queue<BasicBlock> worklist = new LinkedList(); Set<BasicBlock> living = new HashSet(); worklist.add(entryBB); living.add(entryBB); while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { BasicBlock current = worklist.remove(); for (BasicBlock bb: graph.findVertexFor(current).getOutgoingDestinationsData()) { if (!living.contains(bb)) { worklist.add(bb); living.add(bb); } } } // Seems like Java should have simpler way of doing this. // We canot just remove in this loop or we get concmodexc. Set<BasicBlock> dead = new HashSet(); for (BasicBlock bb: graph.allData()) { if (!living.contains(bb)) dead.add(bb); } for (BasicBlock bb: dead) { removeBB(bb); removeNestedScopesFromBB(bb); } } private boolean mergeBBs(BasicBlock a, BasicBlock b) { BasicBlock aR = getRescuerBBFor(a); BasicBlock bR = getRescuerBBFor(b); // We can merge 'a' and 'b' if one of the following is true: // 1. 'a' and 'b' are both not empty // They are protected by the same rescue block. // NOTE: We need not check the ensure block map because all ensure blocks are already // captured in the bb rescue block map. So, if aR == bR, it is guaranteed that the // ensure blocks for the two are identical. // 2. One of 'a' or 'b' is empty. We dont need to check for rescue block match because // an empty basic block cannot raise an exception, can it? if (aR == bR || a.isEmpty() || b.isEmpty()) { // First, remove straight-line jump, if present Instr lastInstr = a.getLastInstr(); if (lastInstr instanceof JumpInstr) a.removeInstr(lastInstr); // Swallow b's instrs. a.swallowBB(b); // Fixup edges removeEdge(a, b); for (Edge<BasicBlock> e : getOutgoingEdges(b)) { addEdge(a, e.getDestination().getData(), e.getType()); } // Move all incoming edges of b to be incoming edges of a. for (Edge<BasicBlock> e : getIncomingEdges(b)) { BasicBlock fixupBB = e.getSource().getData(); removeEdge(fixupBB, b); addEdge(fixupBB, a, e.getType()); // a -fall-through->b handled above. Any jumps to b must be pointed to a's label. Instr fixupLastInstr = fixupBB.getLastInstr(); if (fixupLastInstr instanceof JumpTargetInstr) { ((JumpTargetInstr) fixupLastInstr).setJumpTarget(a.getLabel()); } } // Delete bb removeBB(b); // Update rescue map if (aR == null && bR != null) { setRescuerBB(a, bR); } return true; } else { return false; } } public void removeBB(BasicBlock b) { if (b == globalEnsureBB) globalEnsureBB = null; graph.removeVertexFor(b); bbMap.remove(b.getLabel()); rescuerMap.remove(b); }
Wrapped IRClosures in dead BB are lexically rooted to that dead BB so they can be removed from the parent scope if the BB they live in died.
/** * Wrapped IRClosures in dead BB are lexically rooted to that dead BB so they can * be removed from the parent scope if the BB they live in died. */
private void removeNestedScopesFromBB(BasicBlock bb) { for (Instr instr: bb.getInstrs()) { for (Operand oper: instr.getOperands()) { if (oper instanceof WrappedIRClosure) { scope.removeClosure(((WrappedIRClosure) oper).getClosure()); break; // Only one WrappedIRClosure possible per instr } } } } public void collapseStraightLineBBs() { // Collect cfgs in a list first since the cfg/graph API returns an iterator // over live data. But, basic block merging modifies that live data. // // SSS FIXME: So, we need a cfg/graph API that returns an iterator over // frozen data rather than live data. List<BasicBlock> cfgBBs = new ArrayList<>(); for (BasicBlock b: getBasicBlocks()) cfgBBs.add(b); Set<BasicBlock> mergedBBs = new HashSet<>(); for (BasicBlock b: cfgBBs) { if (!mergedBBs.contains(b) && outDegree(b) == 1) { for (Edge<BasicBlock> e : getOutgoingEdges(b)) { BasicBlock outB = e.getDestination().getData(); // 1:1 BBs can just be one since there is only one place to go. An empty entering any BB can merge // since the empty one does nothing (Note: mergeBBs uses empty as destination impl-wise but outcome // is the same). if (e.getType() != EdgeType.EXCEPTION && (inDegree(outB) == 1 || b.isEmpty()) && mergeBBs(b, outB)) { mergedBBs.add(outB); } } } } } public void optimize(List<BasicBlock> returnBBs) { // Propagate returns backwards where possible. // If: // - there is an edge from BB: x -> r, and // - r has a single instr, the return, and // - last instr of x is a copy, and // - the copy feeds the return // then: // - replace the copy with a return that returns the copied value // - remove the edge from x -> r // - add an edge from x -> exit-bb // // If a jump intervenes in 'x', skip over it and if merge succeeds, // delete the jump. List<Edge<BasicBlock>> toRemove = new ArrayList<>(); for (BasicBlock retBB: returnBBs) { List<Instr> rbInstrs = retBB.getInstrs(); Instr first = rbInstrs.get(0); if (first instanceof ReturnInstr) { Operand rv = ((ReturnInstr)first).getReturnValue(); if (rv instanceof Variable) { for (Edge<BasicBlock> e : getIncomingEdges(retBB)) { BasicBlock srcBB = e.getSource().getData(); List<Instr> srcInstrs = srcBB.getInstrs(); int n = srcInstrs.size(); // Skip over empty bbs if (n == 0) continue; Instr jump = null; Instr last = srcInstrs.get(n-1); // Skip over a jump if (last instanceof JumpInstr && n > 2) { jump = last; last = srcInstrs.get(n-2); } // Merge if (last instanceof CopyInstr && ((CopyInstr)last).getResult().equals(rv)) { srcInstrs.set(n-1, new ReturnInstr(((CopyInstr)last).getSource())); toRemove.add(e); addEdge(srcBB, exitBB, EdgeType.EXIT); // System.out.println("Merged " + last + " with " + ri + " in " + scope); if (jump != null) { srcInstrs.remove(jump); // System.out.println("Deleting " + jump); } } } } } } for (Edge<BasicBlock> edge: toRemove) { graph.removeEdge(edge); } deleteOrphanedBlocks(graph); collapseStraightLineBBs(); } public String toStringGraph() { return graph.toString(); } public String toStringInstrs() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (BasicBlock b : getSortedBasicBlocks()) { buf.append(b.toStringInstrs()); } buf.append("\n\n------ Rescue block map ------\n"); List<BasicBlock> e = new ArrayList<>(rescuerMap.keySet()); Collections.sort(e); for (BasicBlock bb : e) { buf.append("BB ").append(bb.getID()).append(" --> BB ").append(rescuerMap.get(bb).getID()).append("\n"); } /* Collection<IRClosure> closures = scope.getClosures(); if (!closures.isEmpty()) { buf.append("\n\n------ Closures encountered in this scope ------\n"); for (IRClosure c : closures) { buf.append(c.toStringBody()); } buf.append("------------------------------------------------\n"); } */ return buf.toString(); } public void removeEdge(BasicBlock a, BasicBlock b) { graph.removeEdge(a, b); } private LinkedList<BasicBlock> buildPostOrderList() { BasicBlock root = getEntryBB(); LinkedList<BasicBlock> list = new LinkedList<>(); Stack<BasicBlock> stack = new Stack<>(); boolean[] visited = new boolean[1 + getMaxNodeID()]; stack.push(root); visited[root.getID()] = true; // Non-recursive post-order traversal (the added flag is required to handle cycles and common ancestors) while (!stack.empty()) { // Check if all children of the top of the stack have been added BasicBlock b = stack.peek(); boolean allChildrenVisited = true; for (BasicBlock dst: getOutgoingDestinations(b)) { int dstID = dst.getID(); if (!visited[dstID]) { allChildrenVisited = false; // This ensures that no matter what order we visit children, we process exit nodes before anything. // else. Alternatively, getOutgoingDestinations(..) would have to return nodes in a specific order // that is dependent on basic block numbering -- which would be fragile. if (graph.findVertexFor(dst).outDegree() == 0) { list.add(dst); } else { stack.push(dst); } visited[dstID] = true; } } // If all children have been added previously, we are ready with 'b' in this round! if (allChildrenVisited) { stack.pop(); list.add(b); } } // Sanity check! for (BasicBlock b : getBasicBlocks()) { if (!visited[b.getID()]) { printError("BB " + b.getID() + " missing from po list!"); break; } } return list; }
Clone this CFG and return a new one.
  • info – context object to perform the clone
  • clonedScope – already cloned IRScope which this new CFG will belong to
Returns:a newly cloned CFG
/** * Clone this CFG and return a new one. * * @param info context object to perform the clone * @param clonedScope already cloned IRScope which this new CFG will belong to * @return a newly cloned CFG */
public CFG clone(CloneInfo info, IRScope clonedScope) { CFG newCFG = new CFG(clonedScope); Map<BasicBlock, BasicBlock> cloneBBMap = new HashMap<>(); // Part 1: Clone all BBs and stuff in map so graph building in 2 will have all BBs available. for (BasicBlock bb: getBasicBlocks()) { // clone bbs BasicBlock newBB = bb.clone(info, newCFG); newCFG.addBasicBlock(newBB); cloneBBMap.put(bb, newBB); } // Part 2: Clone graph (build new edges from new BBs made in previous phase) for (BasicBlock bb: getBasicBlocks()) { BasicBlock newSource = cloneBBMap.get(bb); for (Edge<BasicBlock> edge : getOutgoingEdges(bb)) { BasicBlock newDestination = cloneBBMap.get(edge.getDestination().getData()); newCFG.addEdge(newSource, newDestination, edge.getType()); } } // Part 3: clone all non-derivable fields for (BasicBlock bb: rescuerMap.keySet()) { // clone rescuer map newCFG.setRescuerBB(cloneBBMap.get(bb), cloneBBMap.get(rescuerMap.get(bb))); } newCFG.entryBB = cloneBBMap.get(entryBB); // clone entry BB newCFG.exitBB = cloneBBMap.get(exitBB); // clone exit BB newCFG.globalEnsureBB = cloneBBMap.get(globalEnsureBB); // clone GEB return newCFG; } private void printError(String message) { LOG.error(message + "\nGraph:\n" + this + "\nInstructions:\n" + toStringInstrs()); } }