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package org.jruby.ir.persistence;

import org.jruby.EvalType;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig;
import org.jruby.RubySymbol;
import org.jruby.ir.*;
import org.jruby.ir.instructions.Instr;
import org.jruby.ir.operands.ClosureLocalVariable;
import org.jruby.ir.operands.LocalVariable;
import org.jruby.parser.StaticScope;
import org.jruby.parser.StaticScopeFactory;
import org.jruby.runtime.Signature;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;

import org.jruby.util.ByteList;
import org.jruby.util.KeyValuePair;

/** * * @author enebo */
public class IRReader implements IRPersistenceValues { public static IRScope load(IRManager manager, final IRReaderDecoder file) throws IOException { int version = file.decodeIntRaw(); if (version != VERSION) { throw new IOException("Trying to read incompatible persistence format (version found: " + version + ", version expected: " + VERSION); } int headersOffset = file.decodeIntRaw(); if (RubyInstanceConfig.IR_READING_DEBUG) System.out.println("header_offset = " + headersOffset); int poolOffset = file.decodeIntRaw(); if (RubyInstanceConfig.IR_READING_DEBUG) System.out.println("pool_offset = " + headersOffset); file.seek(headersOffset); int scopesToRead = file.decodeInt(); if (RubyInstanceConfig.IR_READING_DEBUG) System.out.println("scopes to read = " + scopesToRead); KeyValuePair<IRScope, Integer>[] scopes = new KeyValuePair[scopesToRead]; for (int i = 0; i < scopesToRead; i++) { scopes[i] = decodeScopeHeader(manager, file); } // Lifecycle woes. All IRScopes need to exist before we can decodeInstrs. for (KeyValuePair<IRScope, Integer> pair: scopes) { final IRScope scope = pair.getKey(); final int instructionsOffset = pair.getValue(); scope.allocateInterpreterContext(new Callable<List<Instr>>() { public List<Instr> call() { return file.decodeInstructionsAt(scope, instructionsOffset); } }); } // Run through all scopes again and ensure they've calculated flags. // This also forces lazy instrs from above to eagerly decode. for (KeyValuePair<IRScope, Integer> pair: scopes) { final IRScope scope = pair.getKey(); scope.computeScopeFlags(); } return scopes[0].getKey(); // topmost scope; } private static KeyValuePair<IRScope, Integer> decodeScopeHeader(IRManager manager, IRReaderDecoder decoder) { if (RubyInstanceConfig.IR_READING_DEBUG) System.out.println("DECODING SCOPE HEADER"); IRScopeType type = decoder.decodeIRScopeType(); int line = decoder.decodeInt(); int tempVarsCount = decoder.decodeInt(); int nextLabelInt = decoder.decodeInt(); boolean isEND = false; if (type == IRScopeType.CLOSURE) { isEND = decoder.decodeBoolean(); } Signature signature; if (type == IRScopeType.CLOSURE || type == IRScopeType.FOR) { signature = Signature.decode(decoder.decodeLong()); } else { signature = Signature.OPTIONAL; } // Wackiness we decode as bytelist when we encoded as symbol because currentScope is not defined yet on first // name of first scope. We will use manager in this method to finish the job in constructing our symbol. String file = null; ByteList name = null; IRScope parent = null; if (type == IRScopeType.SCRIPT_BODY) { file = decoder.decodeString(); } else { name = decoder.decodeByteList(); parent = type != IRScopeType.SCRIPT_BODY ? decoder.decodeScope() : null; } StaticScope parentScope = parent == null ? null : parent.getStaticScope(); // FIXME: It seems wrong we have static scope + local vars both being persisted. They must have the same values // and offsets? StaticScope staticScope = decodeStaticScope(decoder, parentScope); IRScope scope = createScope(manager, type, name, file, line, parent, signature, staticScope); if (scope instanceof IRClosure && isEND) { ((IRClosure) scope).setIsEND(); } scope.setTemporaryVariableCount(tempVarsCount); scope.setNextLabelIndex(nextLabelInt); // FIXME: This is odd, but ClosureLocalVariable wants it's defining closure...feels wrong. // But because of this we have to push decoding lvars to the end of the scope info. scope.setLocalVariables(decodeScopeLocalVariables(decoder, scope)); decoder.addScope(scope); int instructionsOffset = decoder.decodeInt(); return new KeyValuePair<>(scope, instructionsOffset); } private static Map<RubySymbol, LocalVariable> decodeScopeLocalVariables(IRReaderDecoder decoder, IRScope scope) { int size = decoder.decodeInt(); Map<RubySymbol, LocalVariable> localVariables = new HashMap(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { RubySymbol name = scope.getManager().getRuntime().newSymbol(decoder.decodeByteList()); int offset = decoder.decodeInt(); localVariables.put(name, scope instanceof IRClosure ? // SSS FIXME: do we need to read back locallyDefined boolean? new ClosureLocalVariable(name, 0, offset) : new LocalVariable(name, 0, offset)); } return localVariables; } private static StaticScope decodeStaticScope(IRReaderDecoder decoder, StaticScope parentScope) { StaticScope scope = StaticScopeFactory.newStaticScope(parentScope, decoder.decodeStaticScopeType(), decoder.decodeStringArray(), decoder.decodeInt()); scope.setSignature(decoder.decodeSignature()); return scope; } public static IRScope createScope(IRManager manager, IRScopeType type, ByteList byteName, String file, int line, IRScope lexicalParent, Signature signature, StaticScope staticScope) { Ruby runtime = manager.getRuntime(); switch (type) { case CLASS_BODY: // FIXME: add saving on noe-time usage to writeer/reader return new IRClassBody(manager, lexicalParent, byteName, line, staticScope, false); case METACLASS_BODY: return new IRMetaClassBody(manager, lexicalParent, manager.getMetaClassName().getBytes(), line, staticScope); case INSTANCE_METHOD: return new IRMethod(manager, lexicalParent, null, byteName, true, line, staticScope, false); case CLASS_METHOD: return new IRMethod(manager, lexicalParent, null, byteName, false, line, staticScope, false); case MODULE_BODY: // FIXME: add saving on noe-time usage to writeer/reader return new IRModuleBody(manager, lexicalParent, byteName, line, staticScope, false); case SCRIPT_BODY: return new IRScriptBody(manager, file, staticScope); case FOR: return new IRFor(manager, lexicalParent, line, staticScope, signature); case CLOSURE: return new IRClosure(manager, lexicalParent, line, staticScope, signature); case EVAL_SCRIPT: // SSS FIXME: This is broken right now -- the isModuleEval arg has to be persisted and then read back. return new IREvalScript(manager, lexicalParent, lexicalParent.getFileName(), line, staticScope, EvalType.NONE); } throw new RuntimeException("No such scope type: " + type); } }