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package org.jruby.ext.set;

import org.jcodings.specific.USASCIIEncoding;
import org.jruby.*;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod;
import org.jruby.common.IRubyWarnings;
import org.jruby.javasupport.JavaUtil;
import org.jruby.runtime.*;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.runtime.marshal.MarshalStream;
import org.jruby.runtime.marshal.UnmarshalStream;
import org.jruby.util.ArraySupport;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;

import static org.jruby.RubyEnumerator.enumeratorizeWithSize;

Native implementation of Ruby's Set (set.rb replacement).
/** * Native implementation of Ruby's Set (set.rb replacement). * * @author kares */
@org.jruby.anno.JRubyClass(name="Set", include = { "Enumerable" }) public class RubySet extends RubyObject implements Set { static RubyClass createSetClass(final Ruby runtime) { RubyClass Set = runtime.defineClass("Set", runtime.getObject(), ALLOCATOR); Set.setReifiedClass(RubySet.class); Set.includeModule(runtime.getEnumerable()); Set.defineAnnotatedMethods(RubySet.class); Set.setMarshal(new SetMarshal(Set.getMarshal())); runtime.getLoadService().require("jruby/set.rb"); return Set; } // custom Set marshaling without _marshal_dump and _marshal_load for maximum compatibility private static final class SetMarshal implements ObjectMarshal { protected final ObjectMarshal defaultMarshal; SetMarshal(ObjectMarshal defaultMarshal) { this.defaultMarshal = defaultMarshal; } public void marshalTo(Ruby runtime, Object obj, RubyClass type, MarshalStream marshalStream) throws IOException { defaultMarshal.marshalTo(runtime, obj, type, marshalStream); } public Object unmarshalFrom(Ruby runtime, RubyClass type, UnmarshalStream unmarshalStream) throws IOException { Object result = defaultMarshal.unmarshalFrom(runtime, type, unmarshalStream); ((RubySet) result).unmarshal(); return result; } } void unmarshal() { this.hash = (RubyHash) getInstanceVariable("@hash"); } private static final ObjectAllocator ALLOCATOR = new ObjectAllocator() { public RubySet allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) { return new RubySet(runtime, klass); } }; RubyHash hash; // @hash protected RubySet(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) { super(runtime, klass); } /* private RubySet(Ruby runtime, RubyHash hash) { super(runtime, runtime.getClass("Set")); allocHash(hash); } */ // since MRI uses Hash.new(false) we'll (initially) strive for maximum compatibility // ... this is important with Rails using Sprockets at its marshalling Set instances final void allocHash(final Ruby runtime) { setHash(new RubyHash(runtime, runtime.getFalse())); } final void allocHash(final Ruby runtime, final int size) { setHash(new RubyHash(runtime, runtime.getFalse(), size)); } final void setHash(final RubyHash hash) { this.hash = hash; setInstanceVariable("@hash", hash); // MRI compat with set.rb } RubySet newSet(final Ruby runtime) { RubySet set = new RubySet(runtime, getMetaClass()); set.allocHash(runtime); return set; } private RubySet newSet(final ThreadContext context, final RubyClass metaClass, final RubyArray elements) { final RubySet set = new RubySet(context.runtime, metaClass); return set.initSet(context, elements.toJavaArrayMaybeUnsafe(), 0, elements.size()); } final RubySet initSet(final ThreadContext context, final IRubyObject[] elements, final int off, final int len) { allocHash(context.runtime, Math.max(4, len)); for ( int i = off; i < len; i++ ) { invokeAdd(context, elements[i]); } return this; }
Creates a new set containing the given objects.
/** * Creates a new set containing the given objects. */
@JRubyMethod(name = "[]", rest = true, meta = true) // def self.[](*ary) public static RubySet create(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject... ary) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; RubySet set = new RubySet(runtime, (RubyClass) self); return set.initSet(context, ary, 0, ary.length); }
initialize(enum = nil, &block)
/** * initialize(enum = nil, &block) */
@JRubyMethod(visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE) // def initialize(enum = nil, &block) public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, Block block) { if ( block.isGiven() && context.runtime.isVerbose() ) { context.runtime.getWarnings().warning(IRubyWarnings.ID.BLOCK_UNUSED, "given block not used"); } allocHash(context.runtime); return this; }
initialize(enum = nil, &block)
/** * initialize(enum = nil, &block) */
@JRubyMethod(required = 1, visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE) public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject enume, Block block) { if ( enume.isNil() ) return initialize(context, block); if ( block.isGiven() ) { return initWithEnum(context, enume, block); } allocHash(context.runtime); return callMethod(context, "merge", enume); // TODO site-cache } protected IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { switch (args.length) { case 0: return initialize(context, block); case 1: return initialize(context, args[0], block); } throw context.runtime.newArgumentError(args.length, 1); } private IRubyObject initWithEnum(final ThreadContext context, final IRubyObject enume, final Block block) { if ( enume instanceof RubyArray ) { RubyArray ary = (RubyArray) enume; allocHash(context.runtime, ary.size()); for ( int i = 0; i < ary.size(); i++ ) { invokeAdd(context, block.yield(context, ary.eltInternal(i))); } return ary; // done } if ( enume instanceof RubySet ) { RubySet set = (RubySet) enume; allocHash(context.runtime, set.size()); for ( IRubyObject elem : set.elementsOrdered() ) { invokeAdd(context, block.yield(context, elem)); } return set; // done } final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; allocHash(runtime); // set.rb do_with_enum : return doWithEnum(context, enume, new EachBody(runtime) { IRubyObject yieldImpl(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject val) { return invokeAdd(context, block.yield(context, val)); } }); } // set.rb do_with_enum (block is required) private static IRubyObject doWithEnum(final ThreadContext context, final IRubyObject enume, final EachBody blockImpl) { if ( enume.respondsTo("each_entry") ) { return enume.callMethod(context, "each_entry", IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY, new Block(blockImpl)); } if ( enume.respondsTo("each") ) { return enume.callMethod(context, "each", IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY, new Block(blockImpl)); } throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("value must be enumerable"); } // YAML doesn't have proper treatment for Set serialization, it dumps it just like // any Ruby object, meaning on YAML.load will allocate an "initialize" all i-vars! @Override public IRubyObject instance_variable_set(IRubyObject name, IRubyObject value) { if (getRuntime().newSymbol("@hash").equals(name)) { if (value instanceof RubyHash) { setHash((RubyHash) value); return value; } } return super.instance_variable_set(name, value); } IRubyObject invokeAdd(final ThreadContext context, final IRubyObject val) { return this.callMethod(context,"add", val); // TODO site-cache } private static abstract class EachBody extends JavaInternalBlockBody { EachBody(final Ruby runtime) { super(runtime, Signature.ONE_REQUIRED); } @Override public IRubyObject yield(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { return yieldImpl(context, args[0]); } abstract IRubyObject yieldImpl(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject val) ; @Override protected final IRubyObject doYield(ThreadContext context, Block block, IRubyObject[] args, IRubyObject self) { return yieldImpl(context, args[0]); } @Override protected final IRubyObject doYield(ThreadContext context, Block block, IRubyObject value) { return yieldImpl(context, value); // avoid new IRubyObject[] { value } } } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject initialize_dup(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject orig) { super.initialize_copy(orig); setHash((RubyHash) (((RubySet) orig).hash).dup(context)); return this; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject initialize_clone(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject orig) { super.initialize_copy(orig); setHash((RubyHash) (((RubySet) orig).hash).rbClone(context)); return this; } @Override @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject freeze(ThreadContext context) { final RubyHash hash = this.hash; if ( hash != null ) hash.freeze(context); return super.freeze(context); } @Override @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject taint(ThreadContext context) { final RubyHash hash = this.hash; if ( hash != null ) hash.taint(context); return super.taint(context); } @Override @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject untaint(ThreadContext context) { final RubyHash hash = this.hash; if ( hash != null ) hash.untaint(context); return super.untaint(context); } @JRubyMethod(name = "size", alias = "length") public IRubyObject length(ThreadContext context) { return context.runtime.newFixnum( size() ); } @JRubyMethod(name = "empty?") public IRubyObject empty_p(ThreadContext context) { return context.runtime.newBoolean( isEmpty() ); } @JRubyMethod(name = "clear") public IRubyObject rb_clear(ThreadContext context) { modifyCheck(context.runtime); clearImpl(); return this; } protected void clearImpl() { hash.rb_clear(); }
Replaces the contents of the set with the contents of the given enumerable object and returns self.
/** * Replaces the contents of the set with the contents of the given enumerable object and returns self. */
@JRubyMethod public RubySet replace(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject enume) { if ( enume instanceof RubySet ) { modifyCheck(context.runtime); clearImpl(); addImplSet(context, (RubySet) enume); } else { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; // do_with_enum(enum) # make sure enum is enumerable before calling clear : if ( ! enume.getMetaClass().hasModuleInHierarchy(runtime.getEnumerable()) ) { // NOTE: likely no need to do this but due MRI compat (do_with_enum) : if ( ! enume.respondsTo("each_entry") ) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("value must be enumerable"); } } clearImpl(); rb_merge(context, enume); } return this; }
Converts the set to an array. The order of elements is uncertain.
/** * Converts the set to an array. The order of elements is uncertain. */
@JRubyMethod public RubyArray to_a(final ThreadContext context) { // except MRI relies on Hash order so we do as well return this.hash.keys(context); } // Returns self if no arguments are given. @JRubyMethod public RubySet to_set(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { if ( block.isGiven() ) { RubySet set = new RubySet(context.runtime, getMetaClass()); set.initialize(context, this, block); return set; } return this; } // Otherwise, converts the set to another with klass.new(self, *args, &block). @JRubyMethod(rest = true) public RubySet to_set(final ThreadContext context, final IRubyObject[] args, final Block block) { if ( args.length == 0 ) return to_set(context, block); final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject klass = args[0]; final RubyClass Set = runtime.getClass("Set"); if ( klass == Set && args.length == 1 & ! block.isGiven() ) { return this; } final IRubyObject[] rest; if ( klass instanceof RubyClass ) { rest = ArraySupport.newCopy(args, 1, args.length - 1); } else { klass = Set; rest = args; } RubySet set = new RubySet(context.runtime, (RubyClass) klass); set.initialize(context, rest, block); return set; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject compare_by_identity(ThreadContext context) { this.hash.compare_by_identity(context); return this; } @JRubyMethod(name = "compare_by_identity?") public IRubyObject compare_by_identity_p(ThreadContext context) { return this.hash.compare_by_identity_p(context); } @JRubyMethod(visibility = Visibility.PROTECTED) public RubySet flatten_merge(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject set) { flattenMerge(context, set, new IdentityHashMap()); return this; } private void flattenMerge(final ThreadContext context, final IRubyObject set, final IdentityHashMap seen) { if ( set instanceof RubySet ) { for ( IRubyObject e : ((RubySet) set).elementsOrdered() ) { addFlattened(context, seen, e); } } else { set.callMethod(context, "each", IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY, new Block( new EachBody(context.runtime) { IRubyObject yieldImpl(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject e) { addFlattened(context, seen, e); return context.nil; } }) ); } } private void addFlattened(final ThreadContext context, final IdentityHashMap seen, IRubyObject e) { if ( e instanceof RubySet ) { if ( seen.containsKey(e) ) { throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("tried to flatten recursive Set"); } seen.put(e, null); flattenMerge(context, e, seen); seen.remove(e); } else { add(context, e); // self.add(e) } } // Returns a new set that is a copy of the set, flattening each containing set recursively. @JRubyMethod public RubySet flatten(final ThreadContext context) { return newSet(context.runtime).flatten_merge(context, this); } @JRubyMethod(name = "flatten!") public IRubyObject flatten_bang(final ThreadContext context) { for ( IRubyObject e : elementsOrdered() ) { if ( e instanceof RubySet ) { // needs flatten return replace(context, flatten(context)); } } return context.nil; }
Returns true if the set contains the given object.
/** * Returns true if the set contains the given object. */
@JRubyMethod(name = "include?", alias = { "member?", "===" }) public RubyBoolean include_p(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) { return context.runtime.newBoolean( containsImpl(obj) ); } final boolean containsImpl(IRubyObject obj) { return hash.fastARef(obj) != null; } private boolean allElementsIncluded(final RubySet set) { for ( IRubyObject o : set.elements() ) { // set.all? { |o| include?(o) } if ( ! containsImpl(o) ) return false; } return true; } // Returns true if the set is a superset of the given set. @JRubyMethod(name = "superset?", alias = { ">=" }) public IRubyObject superset_p(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject set) { if ( set instanceof RubySet ) { if ( getMetaClass().isInstance(set) ) { return this.hash.op_ge(context, ((RubySet) set).hash); } // size >= set.size && set.all? { |o| include?(o) } return context.runtime.newBoolean( size() >= ((RubySet) set).size() && allElementsIncluded((RubySet) set) ); } throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("value must be a set"); } // Returns true if the set is a proper superset of the given set. @JRubyMethod(name = "proper_superset?", alias = { ">" }) public IRubyObject proper_superset_p(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject set) { if ( set instanceof RubySet ) { if ( getMetaClass().isInstance(set) ) { return this.hash.op_gt(context, ((RubySet) set).hash); } // size >= set.size && set.all? { |o| include?(o) } return context.runtime.newBoolean( size() > ((RubySet) set).size() && allElementsIncluded((RubySet) set) ); } throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("value must be a set"); } @JRubyMethod(name = "subset?", alias = { "<=" }) public IRubyObject subset_p(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject set) { if ( set instanceof RubySet ) { if ( getMetaClass().isInstance(set) ) { return this.hash.op_le(context, ((RubySet) set).hash); } // size >= set.size && set.all? { |o| include?(o) } return context.runtime.newBoolean( size() <= ((RubySet) set).size() && allElementsIncluded((RubySet) set) ); } throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("value must be a set"); } @JRubyMethod(name = "proper_subset?", alias = { "<" }) public IRubyObject proper_subset_p(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject set) { if ( set instanceof RubySet ) { if ( getMetaClass().isInstance(set) ) { return this.hash.op_lt(context, ((RubySet) set).hash); } // size >= set.size && set.all? { |o| include?(o) } return context.runtime.newBoolean( size() < ((RubySet) set).size() && allElementsIncluded((RubySet) set) ); } throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("value must be a set"); }
Returns true if the set and the given set have at least one element in common.
/** * Returns true if the set and the given set have at least one element in common. */
@JRubyMethod(name = "intersect?") public IRubyObject intersect_p(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject set) { if ( set instanceof RubySet ) { return context.runtime.newBoolean( intersect((RubySet) set) ); } throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("value must be a set"); } public boolean intersect(final RubySet set) { if ( size() < set.size() ) { // any? { |o| set.include?(o) } for ( IRubyObject o : elementsOrdered() ) { if ( set.containsImpl(o) ) return true; } } else { // set.any? { |o| include?(o) } for ( IRubyObject o : set.elementsOrdered() ) { if ( containsImpl(o) ) return true; } } return false; }
Returns true if the set and the given set have no element in common. This method is the opposite of +intersect?+.
/** * Returns true if the set and the given set have no element in common. * This method is the opposite of +intersect?+. */
@JRubyMethod(name = "disjoint?") public IRubyObject disjoint_p(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject set) { if ( set instanceof RubySet ) { return context.runtime.newBoolean( ! intersect((RubySet) set) ); } throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("value must be a set"); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject each(final ThreadContext context, Block block) { if ( ! block.isGiven() ) { return enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "each", enumSize()); } for (IRubyObject elem : elementsOrdered()) block.yield(context, elem); return this; } private RubyEnumerator.SizeFn enumSize() { return new RubyEnumerator.SizeFn() { @Override public IRubyObject size(IRubyObject[] args) { return getRuntime().newFixnum( RubySet.this.size() ); } }; }
Adds the given object to the set and returns self.
/** * Adds the given object to the set and returns self. */
@JRubyMethod(name = "add", alias = "<<") public RubySet add(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) { modifyCheck(context.runtime); addImpl(context.runtime, obj); return this; } protected void addImpl(final Ruby runtime, final IRubyObject obj) { hash.fastASetCheckString(runtime, obj, runtime.getTrue()); // @hash[obj] = true } protected void addImplSet(final ThreadContext context, final RubySet set) { // NOTE: MRI cheats - does not call Set#add thus we do not care ... hash.merge_bang(context, set.hash, Block.NULL_BLOCK); }
Adds the given object to the set and returns self. If the object is already in the set, returns nil.
/** * Adds the given object to the set and returns self. If the object is already in the set, returns nil. */
@JRubyMethod(name = "add?") public IRubyObject add_p(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) { // add(o) unless include?(o) if ( containsImpl(obj) ) return context.nil; return add(context, obj); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject delete(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) { modifyCheck(context.runtime); deleteImpl(obj); return this; } protected boolean deleteImpl(final IRubyObject obj) { hash.modify(); return hash.fastDelete(obj); } protected void deleteImplIterator(final IRubyObject obj, final Iterator it) { it.remove(); }
Deletes the given object from the set and returns self. If the object is not in the set, returns nil.
/** * Deletes the given object from the set and returns self. If the object is not in the set, returns nil. */
@JRubyMethod(name = "delete?") public IRubyObject delete_p(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) { // delete(o) if include?(o) if ( ! containsImpl(obj) ) return context.nil; return delete(context, obj); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject delete_if(final ThreadContext context, Block block) { if ( ! block.isGiven() ) { return enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "delete_if", enumSize()); } Iterator<IRubyObject> it = elementsOrdered().iterator(); while ( it.hasNext() ) { IRubyObject elem = it.next(); if ( block.yield(context, elem).isTrue() ) deleteImplIterator(elem, it); // it.remove } return this; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject keep_if(final ThreadContext context, Block block) { if ( ! block.isGiven() ) { return enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "keep_if", enumSize()); } Iterator<IRubyObject> it = elementsOrdered().iterator(); while ( it.hasNext() ) { IRubyObject elem = it.next(); if ( ! block.yield(context, elem).isTrue() ) deleteImplIterator(elem, it); // it.remove } return this; } @JRubyMethod(name = "collect!", alias = "map!") public IRubyObject collect_bang(final ThreadContext context, Block block) { if ( ! block.isGiven() ) { return enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "collect!", enumSize()); } final RubyArray elems = to_a(context); clearImpl(); for ( int i=0; i<elems.size(); i++ ) { addImpl(context.runtime, block.yield(context, elems.eltInternal(i))); } return this; } // Equivalent to Set#delete_if, but returns nil if no changes were made. @JRubyMethod(name = "reject!") public IRubyObject reject_bang(final ThreadContext context, Block block) { if ( ! block.isGiven() ) { return enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "reject!", enumSize()); } final int size = size(); Iterator<IRubyObject> it = elementsOrdered().iterator(); while ( it.hasNext() ) { IRubyObject elem = it.next(); if ( block.yield(context, elem).isTrue() ) deleteImplIterator(elem, it); // it.remove } return size == size() ? context.nil : this; } // Equivalent to Set#keep_if, but returns nil if no changes were made. @JRubyMethod(name = "select!") public IRubyObject select_bang(final ThreadContext context, Block block) { if ( ! block.isGiven() ) { return enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "select!", enumSize()); } final int size = size(); Iterator<IRubyObject> it = elementsOrdered().iterator(); while ( it.hasNext() ) { IRubyObject elem = it.next(); if ( ! block.yield(context, elem).isTrue() ) deleteImplIterator(elem, it); // it.remove } return size == size() ? context.nil : this; }
Merges the elements of the given enumerable object to the set and returns self.
/** * Merges the elements of the given enumerable object to the set and returns self. */
@JRubyMethod(name = "merge") public RubySet rb_merge(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject enume) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; if ( enume instanceof RubySet ) { modifyCheck(runtime); addImplSet(context, (RubySet) enume); } else if ( enume instanceof RubyArray ) { modifyCheck(runtime); RubyArray ary = (RubyArray) enume; for ( int i = 0; i < ary.size(); i++ ) { addImpl(runtime, ary.eltInternal(i)); } } else { // do_with_enum(enum) { |o| add(o) } doWithEnum(context, enume, new EachBody(runtime) { IRubyObject yieldImpl(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject val) { addImpl(context.runtime, val); return context.nil; } }); } return this; }
Deletes every element that appears in the given enumerable object and returns self.
/** * Deletes every element that appears in the given enumerable object and returns self. */
@JRubyMethod(name = "subtract") public IRubyObject subtract(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject enume) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; if ( enume instanceof RubySet ) { modifyCheck(runtime); for ( IRubyObject elem : ((RubySet) enume).elementsOrdered() ) { deleteImpl(elem); } } else if ( enume instanceof RubyArray ) { modifyCheck(runtime); RubyArray ary = (RubyArray) enume; for ( int i = 0; i < ary.size(); i++ ) { deleteImpl(ary.eltInternal(i)); } } else { // do_with_enum(enum) { |o| delete(o) } doWithEnum(context, enume, new EachBody(runtime) { IRubyObject yieldImpl(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject val) { deleteImpl(val); return context.nil; } }); } return this; }
Returns a new set built by merging the set and the elements of the given enumerable object.
/** * Returns a new set built by merging the set and the elements of the given enumerable object. */
@JRubyMethod(name = "|", alias = { "+", "union" }) public IRubyObject op_or(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject enume) { return ((RubySet) dup()).rb_merge(context, enume); // dup.merge(enum) }
Returns a new set built by duplicating the set, removing every element that appears in the given enumerable object.
/** * Returns a new set built by duplicating the set, removing every element that appears in the given enumerable object. */
@JRubyMethod(name = "-", alias = { "difference" }) public IRubyObject op_diff(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject enume) { return ((RubySet) dup()).subtract(context, enume); }
Returns a new set built by merging the set and the elements of the given enumerable object.
/** * Returns a new set built by merging the set and the elements of the given enumerable object. */
@JRubyMethod(name = "&", alias = { "intersection" }) public IRubyObject op_and(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject enume) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; final RubySet newSet = new RubySet(runtime, getMetaClass()); if ( enume instanceof RubySet ) { newSet.allocHash(runtime, ((RubySet) enume).size()); for ( IRubyObject obj : ((RubySet) enume).elementsOrdered() ) { if ( containsImpl(obj) ) newSet.addImpl(runtime, obj); } } else if ( enume instanceof RubyArray ) { RubyArray ary = (RubyArray) enume; newSet.allocHash(runtime, ary.size()); for ( int i = 0; i < ary.size(); i++ ) { final IRubyObject obj = ary.eltInternal(i); if ( containsImpl(obj) ) newSet.addImpl(runtime, obj); } } else { newSet.allocHash(runtime); // do_with_enum(enum) { |o| newSet.add(o) if include?(o) } doWithEnum(context, enume, new EachBody(runtime) { IRubyObject yieldImpl(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) { if ( containsImpl(obj) ) newSet.addImpl(runtime, obj); return context.nil; } }); } return newSet; }
Returns a new set containing elements exclusive between the set and the given enumerable object. `(set ^ enum)` is equivalent to `((set | enum) - (set & enum))`.
/** * Returns a new set containing elements exclusive between the set and the given enumerable object. * `(set ^ enum)` is equivalent to `((set | enum) - (set & enum))`. */
@JRubyMethod(name = "^") public IRubyObject op_xor(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject enume) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; RubySet newSet = new RubySet(runtime, runtime.getClass("Set")); newSet.initialize(context, enume, Block.NULL_BLOCK); // Set.new(enum) for ( IRubyObject o : elementsOrdered() ) { if ( newSet.containsImpl(o) ) newSet.deleteImpl(o); // exclusive or else newSet.addImpl(runtime, o); } return newSet; } @Override @JRubyMethod(name = "==") public IRubyObject op_equal(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { if ( this == other ) return context.tru; if ( getMetaClass().isInstance(other) ) { return this.hash.op_equal(context, ((RubySet) other).hash); // @hash == ... } if ( other instanceof RubySet ) { RubySet that = (RubySet) other; if ( this.size() == that.size() ) { // && includes all of our elements : for ( IRubyObject obj : elementsOrdered() ) { if ( ! that.containsImpl(obj) ) return context.fals; } return context.tru; } } return context.fals; } @JRubyMethod(name = "reset") public IRubyObject reset(ThreadContext context) { this.hash.rehash(); return this; } @JRubyMethod(name = "eql?") public IRubyObject op_eql(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { if ( other instanceof RubySet ) { return this.hash.op_eql(context, ((RubySet) other).hash); } return context.fals; } @Override public boolean eql(IRubyObject other) { if ( other instanceof RubySet ) { final Ruby runtime = getRuntime(); return this.hash.op_eql(runtime.getCurrentContext(), ((RubySet) other).hash) == runtime.getTrue(); } return false; } @Override @JRubyMethod public RubyFixnum hash() { // @hash.hash return hash.hash(); } @JRubyMethod(name = "classify") public IRubyObject classify(ThreadContext context, final Block block) { if ( ! block.isGiven() ) { return enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "classify", enumSize()); } final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; final RubyHash h = new RubyHash(runtime, size()); for ( IRubyObject i : elementsOrdered() ) { final IRubyObject key = block.yield(context, i); IRubyObject set; if ( ( set = h.fastARef(key) ) == null ) { h.fastASet(key, set = newSet(runtime)); } ((RubySet) set).invokeAdd(context, i); } return h; }
Divides the set into a set of subsets according to the commonality defined by the given block. If the arity of the block is 2, elements o1 and o2 are in common if block.call(o1, o2) is true. Otherwise, elements o1 and o2 are in common if block.call(o1) == block.call(o2). e.g.: require 'set' numbers = Set[1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11] set = numbers.divide { |i,j| (i - j).abs == 1 } p set # => #, # #, # #, # #}>
/** * Divides the set into a set of subsets according to the commonality * defined by the given block. * * If the arity of the block is 2, elements o1 and o2 are in common * if block.call(o1, o2) is true. Otherwise, elements o1 and o2 are * in common if block.call(o1) == block.call(o2). * * e.g.: * * require 'set' * numbers = Set[1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11] * set = numbers.divide { |i,j| (i - j).abs == 1 } * p set # => #<Set: {#<Set: {1}>, * # #<Set: {11, 9, 10}>, * # #<Set: {3, 4}>, * # #<Set: {6}>}> */
@JRubyMethod(name = "divide") public IRubyObject divide(ThreadContext context, final Block block) { if ( ! block.isGiven() ) { return enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "divide", enumSize()); } if ( block.getSignature().arityValue() == 2 ) { return divideTSort(context, block); } final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; // Set.new(classify(&func).values) : RubyHash vals = (RubyHash) classify(context, block); final RubySet set = new RubySet(runtime, runtime.getClass("Set")); set.allocHash(runtime, vals.size()); for ( IRubyObject val : (Collection<IRubyObject>) vals.directValues() ) { set.invokeAdd(context, val); } return set; } private IRubyObject divideTSort(ThreadContext context, final Block block) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; final RubyHash dig = DivideTSortHash.newInstance(context); /* each { |u| dig[u] = a = [] each{ |v| func.call(u, v) and a << v } } */ for ( IRubyObject u : elementsOrdered() ) { RubyArray a; dig.fastASet(u, a = runtime.newArray()); for ( IRubyObject v : elementsOrdered() ) { IRubyObject ret = block.call(context, u, v); if ( ret.isTrue() ) a.append(v); } } /* set = Set.new() dig.each_strongly_connected_component { |css| set.add(self.class.new(css)) } set */ final RubyClass Set = runtime.getClass("Set"); final RubySet set = new RubySet(runtime, Set); set.allocHash(runtime, dig.size()); dig.callMethod(context, "each_strongly_connected_component", IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY, new Block( new JavaInternalBlockBody(runtime, Signature.ONE_REQUIRED) { @Override public IRubyObject yield(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { return doYield(context, null, args[0]); } @Override protected IRubyObject doYield(ThreadContext context, Block block, IRubyObject css) { // set.add( self.class.new(css) ) : set.addImpl(runtime, RubySet.this.newSet(context, Set, (RubyArray) css)); return context.nil; } }) ); return set; } // NOTE: a replacement for set.rb's eval in Set#divide : `class << dig = {} ...` public static final class DivideTSortHash extends RubyHash { private static final String NAME = "DivideTSortHash"; // private constant under Set:: static DivideTSortHash newInstance(final ThreadContext context) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; RubyClass Set = runtime.getClass("Set"); RubyClass klass = (RubyClass) Set.getConstantAt(NAME, true); if (klass == null) { // initialize on-demand when Set#divide is first called synchronized (DivideTSortHash.class) { klass = (RubyClass) Set.getConstantAt(NAME, true); if (klass == null) { klass = Set.defineClassUnder(NAME, runtime.getHash(), runtime.getHash().getAllocator()); Set.setConstantVisibility(runtime, NAME, true); // private klass.includeModule(getTSort(runtime)); klass.defineAnnotatedMethods(DivideTSortHash.class); } } } return new DivideTSortHash(runtime, klass); } DivideTSortHash(final Ruby runtime, final RubyClass metaClass) { super(runtime, metaClass); } /* class << dig = {} # :nodoc: include TSort alias tsort_each_node each_key def tsort_each_child(node, &block) fetch(node).each(&block) end end */ @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject tsort_each_node(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return each_key(context, block); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject tsort_each_child(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject node, Block block) { IRubyObject set = fetch(context, node, Block.NULL_BLOCK); if ( set instanceof RubySet ) { return ((RubySet) set).each(context, block); } // some Enumerable (we do not expect this to happen) return set.callMethod(context, "each", IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY, block); } } static RubyModule getTSort(final Ruby runtime) { if ( ! runtime.getObject().hasConstant("TSort") ) { runtime.getLoadService().require("tsort"); } return runtime.getModule("TSort"); } @Override public final IRubyObject inspect() { return inspect(getRuntime().getCurrentContext()); } private static final byte[] RECURSIVE_BYTES = new byte[] { '.','.','.' }; // Returns a string containing a human-readable representation of the set. // e.g. "#<Set: {element1, element2, ...}>" @JRubyMethod(name = "inspect", alias = "to_s") public RubyString inspect(ThreadContext context) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; final RubyString str; if (size() == 0) { return inspectEmpty(runtime); } if (runtime.isInspecting(this)) { return inspectRecurse(runtime); } str = RubyString.newStringLight(runtime, 32, USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE); inspectPrefix(str, getMetaClass()); try { runtime.registerInspecting(this); inspectSet(context, str); return str.cat('>'); } finally { runtime.unregisterInspecting(this); } } private RubyString inspectEmpty(final Ruby runtime) { RubyString str = RubyString.newStringLight(runtime, 16, USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE); inspectPrefix(str, getMetaClass()); str.cat('{').cat('}').cat('>'); // "#<Set: {}>" return str; } private RubyString inspectRecurse(final Ruby runtime) { RubyString str = RubyString.newStringLight(runtime, 20, USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE); inspectPrefix(str, getMetaClass()); str.cat('{').cat(RECURSIVE_BYTES).cat('}').cat('>'); // "#<Set: {...}>" return str; } private static RubyString inspectPrefix(final RubyString str, final RubyClass metaClass) { str.cat('#').cat('<').cat(metaClass.getRealClass().getName().getBytes(RubyEncoding.UTF8)); str.cat(':').cat(' '); return str; } private void inspectSet(final ThreadContext context, final RubyString str) { str.cat((byte) '{'); boolean tainted = isTaint(); boolean notFirst = false; for ( IRubyObject elem : elementsOrdered() ) { final RubyString s = inspect(context, elem); if ( s.isTaint() ) tainted = true; if ( notFirst ) str.cat((byte) ',').cat((byte) ' '); else str.setEncoding( s.getEncoding() ); notFirst = true; str.cat19( s ); } str.cat((byte) '}'); if ( tainted ) str.setTaint(true); } // pp (in __jruby/set.rb__) //@JRubyMethod //public IRubyObject pretty_print_cycle(ThreadContext context, final IRubyObject pp) { // RubyString str = isEmpty() ? inspectEmpty(context.runtime) : inspectRecurse(context.runtime); // return pp.callMethod(context, "text", str); // pp.text ... //} protected final Set<IRubyObject> elements() { return hash.directKeySet(); // Hash view -> no copying } // NOTE: implementation does not expect to be used for altering contents using iterator protected Set<IRubyObject> elementsOrdered() { return elements(); // potentially -> to be re-defined by SortedSet } protected final void modifyCheck(final Ruby runtime) { if ((flags & FROZEN_F) != 0) throw runtime.newFrozenError("Set"); } // java.util.Set public int size() { return hash.size(); } public boolean isEmpty() { return hash.isEmpty(); } public void clear() { clearImpl(); } public boolean contains(Object o) { return containsImpl(toRuby(o)); } public Iterator<IRubyObject> rawIterator() { return elementsOrdered().iterator(); } public Iterator<Object> iterator() { return hash.keySet().iterator(); } public Object[] toArray() { Object[] array = new Object[size()]; int i = 0; for ( IRubyObject elem : elementsOrdered() ) { array[i++] = elem.toJava(Object.class); } return array; } public Object[] toArray(final Object[] ary) { final Class type = ary.getClass().getComponentType(); Object[] array = ary; if (array.length < size()) { array = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(type, size()); } int i = 0; for ( IRubyObject elem : elementsOrdered() ) { array[i++] = elem.toJava(type); } return array; } public boolean add(Object element) { final Ruby runtime = getRuntime(); final int size = size(); addImpl(runtime, toRuby(runtime, element)); return size() > size; // if added } public boolean remove(Object element) { return deleteImpl(toRuby(element)); } public boolean containsAll(Collection coll) { for ( Object elem : coll ) { if ( ! contains(elem) ) return false; } return true; } public boolean addAll(Collection coll) { final Ruby runtime = getRuntime(); final int size = size(); for ( Object elem : coll ) { addImpl(runtime, toRuby(runtime, elem)); } return size() > size; // if added } public boolean retainAll(Collection coll) { final int size = size(); for (Iterator<IRubyObject> iter = rawIterator(); iter.hasNext();) { IRubyObject elem = iter.next(); if ( ! coll.contains(elem.toJava(Object.class)) ) { deleteImplIterator(elem, iter); } } return size() < size; } public boolean removeAll(Collection coll) { boolean removed = false; for ( Object elem : coll ) { removed = remove(elem) | removed; } return removed; } static IRubyObject toRuby(Ruby runtime, Object obj) { return JavaUtil.convertJavaToUsableRubyObject(runtime, obj); } final IRubyObject toRuby(Object obj) { return JavaUtil.convertJavaToUsableRubyObject(getRuntime(), obj); } }