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package org.jruby.ext.bigdecimal;

import java.math.BigInteger;

// NOTE: from Android's sources
// https://android.googlesource.com/platform/libcore/+/refs/heads/master/luni/src/main/java/java/math/Multiplication.java

Static library that provides all multiplication of BigInteger methods.
/** * Static library that provides all multiplication of {@link BigInteger} methods. */
class Multiplication {
Just to denote that this class can't be instantiated.
/** Just to denote that this class can't be instantiated. */
private Multiplication() {} static final BigInteger FIVE = BigInteger.valueOf(5);
An array with the first powers of ten in BigInteger version. (10^0,10^1,...,10^31)
/** * An array with the first powers of ten in {@code BigInteger} version. * ({@code 10^0,10^1,...,10^31}) */
static final BigInteger[] bigTenPows = new BigInteger[32]; static { bigTenPows[0] = BigInteger.ONE; bigTenPows[1] = BigInteger.TEN; bigTenPows[2] = BigInteger.valueOf(100); bigTenPows[3] = BigInteger.valueOf(1000); bigTenPows[4] = BigInteger.valueOf(10000); bigTenPows[5] = BigInteger.valueOf(100000); bigTenPows[6] = BigInteger.valueOf(1000000); bigTenPows[7] = BigInteger.valueOf(10000000); bigTenPows[8] = BigInteger.valueOf(100000000); bigTenPows[9] = BigInteger.valueOf(1000000000); bigTenPows[10] = BigInteger.valueOf(10000000000L); bigTenPows[11] = BigInteger.valueOf(100000000000L); bigTenPows[12] = BigInteger.valueOf(1000000000000L); bigTenPows[13] = BigInteger.valueOf(10000000000000L); bigTenPows[14] = BigInteger.valueOf(100000000000000L); bigTenPows[15] = BigInteger.valueOf(1000000000000000L); bigTenPows[16] = BigInteger.valueOf(10000000000000000L); bigTenPows[17] = BigInteger.valueOf(100000000000000000L); bigTenPows[18] = BigInteger.valueOf(1000000000000000000L); for (int i=19; i < bigTenPows.length; i++) { bigTenPows[i] = bigTenPows[i - 1].multiply(BigInteger.TEN); } }
It calculates a power of ten, which exponent could be out of 32-bit range. Note that internally this method will be used in the worst case with an exponent equals to: Integer.MAX_VALUE - Integer.MIN_VALUE.
  • exp – the exponent of power of ten, it must be positive.
Returns:a BigInteger with value 10<sup>exp</sup>.
/** * It calculates a power of ten, which exponent could be out of 32-bit range. * Note that internally this method will be used in the worst case with * an exponent equals to: {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE - Integer.MIN_VALUE}. * @param exp the exponent of power of ten, it must be positive. * @return a {@code BigInteger} with value {@code 10<sup>exp</sup>}. */
static BigInteger powerOf10(long exp) { // PRE: exp >= 0 int intExp = (int)exp; // "SMALL POWERS" if (exp < bigTenPows.length) { // The largest power that fit in 'long' type return bigTenPows[intExp]; } else if (exp <= 50) { // To calculate: 10^exp return BigInteger.TEN.pow(intExp); } BigInteger res; try { // "LARGE POWERS" if (exp <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) { // To calculate: 5^exp * 2^exp res = FIVE.pow(intExp).shiftLeft(intExp); } else { /* * "HUGE POWERS" * * This branch probably won't be executed since the power of ten is too * big. */ // To calculate: 5^exp BigInteger powerOfFive = FIVE.pow(Integer.MAX_VALUE); res = powerOfFive; long longExp = exp - Integer.MAX_VALUE; intExp = (int) (exp % Integer.MAX_VALUE); while (longExp > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { res = res.multiply(powerOfFive); longExp -= Integer.MAX_VALUE; } res = res.multiply(FIVE.pow(intExp)); // To calculate: 5^exp << exp res = res.shiftLeft(Integer.MAX_VALUE); longExp = exp - Integer.MAX_VALUE; while (longExp > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { res = res.shiftLeft(Integer.MAX_VALUE); longExp -= Integer.MAX_VALUE; } res = res.shiftLeft(intExp); } } catch (OutOfMemoryError error) { throw new ArithmeticException(error.getMessage()); } return res; } }