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package org.jruby.java.invokers;

import java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Member;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyModule;
import org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.JavaMethod;
import org.jruby.java.dispatch.CallableSelector;
import org.jruby.java.proxies.ArrayJavaProxy;
import org.jruby.java.proxies.ConcreteJavaProxy;
import org.jruby.java.proxies.JavaProxy;
import org.jruby.javasupport.Java;
import org.jruby.javasupport.JavaCallable;
import org.jruby.javasupport.JavaConstructor;
import org.jruby.javasupport.ParameterTypes;
import org.jruby.runtime.Arity;
import org.jruby.runtime.Visibility;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.util.cli.Options;
import org.jruby.util.collections.IntHashMap;
import org.jruby.util.collections.NonBlockingHashMapLong;

import static org.jruby.util.CodegenUtils.prettyParams;

public abstract class RubyToJavaInvoker<T extends JavaCallable> extends JavaMethod {
    static final NonBlockingHashMapLong NULL_CACHE = new NullHashMapLong();

    protected T javaCallable; /* null if multiple callable members */
    protected T[][] javaCallables; /* != null if javaCallable == null */
    protected T[] javaVarargsCallables; /* != null if any var args callables */

    // in case multiple callables (overloaded Java method - same name different args)
    // for the invoker exists  CallableSelector caches resolution based on args here
    NonBlockingHashMapLong<T> cache;

    volatile boolean initialized;

    private final Ruby runtime;
    private final Supplier<Member[]> members;

    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // NULL_CACHE
    RubyToJavaInvoker(RubyModule host, Supplier<Member[]> members, String name) {
        super(host, Visibility.PUBLIC, name);

        this.runtime = host.getRuntime();
        this.members = members;


    void initialize() {
        if (initialized) return;

        synchronized (this) {
            if (initialized) return;

            // initialize all the callables for this method
            final T callable;
            final T[][] callables;
            T[] varargsCallables = null;
            int minVarArgsArity = -1;
            int maxArity, minArity;

            Member[] members = this.members.get();

            final int length = members.length;
            if (length == 1) {
                callable = createCallable(runtime, members[0]);
                maxArity = minArity = callable.getArity();
                if (callable.isVarArgs()) {
                    varargsCallables = createCallableArray(callable);
                    minVarArgsArity = getMemberArity(members[0]) - 1;
                callables = null;

                cache = NULL_CACHE; // if there's a single callable - matching (and thus the cache) won't be used
            } else {
                callable = null;
                maxArity = -1;
                minArity = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

                IntHashMap<ArrayList<T>> arityMap = new IntHashMap<>(length, 1);

                ArrayList<T> varArgs = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                    final Member method = members[i];
                    final int currentArity = getMemberArity(method);
                    maxArity = Math.max(currentArity, maxArity);
                    minArity = Math.min(currentArity, minArity);

                    final T javaMethod = createCallable(runtime, method);

                    ArrayList<T> methodsForArity = arityMap.get(currentArity);
                    if (methodsForArity == null) {
                        // most calls have 2-3 callables length (a.k.a. overrides)
                        // using capacity of length is a win-win here - will (likely)
                        // use small internal [len] + no resizing even in worst case
                        methodsForArity = new ArrayList<T>(length);
                        arityMap.put(currentArity, methodsForArity);

                    if (javaMethod.isVarArgs()) {
                        final int usableArity = currentArity - 1;
                        // (String, Object...) has usable arity == 1 ... (String)
                        if ((methodsForArity = arityMap.get(usableArity)) == null) {
                            methodsForArity = new ArrayList<T>(length);
                            arityMap.put(usableArity, methodsForArity);

                        if (varArgs == null) varArgs = new ArrayList<T>(length);

                        if (minVarArgsArity == -1) minVarArgsArity = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                        minVarArgsArity = Math.min(usableArity, minVarArgsArity);

                callables = createCallableArrayArray(maxArity + 1);
                for (IntHashMap.Entry<ArrayList<T>> entry : arityMap.entrySet()) {
                    ArrayList<T> methodsForArity = entry.getValue();

                    T[] methodsArray = methodsForArity.toArray(createCallableArray(methodsForArity.size()));
                    callables[entry.getKey() /* int */] = methodsArray;

                if (varArgs != null /* && varargsMethods.size() > 0 */) {
                    varargsCallables = (T[]) varArgs.toArray(createCallableArray(varArgs.size()));
                // NOTE: tested (4, false); with opt_for_space: false but does not
                // seem to give  the promised ~10% improvement in map's speed ...
                cache = new NonBlockingHashMapLong<>(4, true); // 8 still uses MIN_SIZE_LOG == 4

            this.javaCallable = callable;
            this.javaCallables = callables;
            this.javaVarargsCallables = varargsCallables;

            setArity(minArity, maxArity, minVarArgsArity);

            initialized = true;

    private void setArity(final int minArity,  final int maxArity, final int minVarArgsArity) {
        if ( minVarArgsArity == -1 ) { // no var-args
            if ( minArity == maxArity ) {
                setArity( Arity.fixed(minArity) );
            else { // multiple overloads
                setArity(Arity.required(minArity)); // but <= maxArity
        else {
            setArity( Arity.required(minVarArgsArity < minArity ? minVarArgsArity : minArity) );

    final void setupNativeCall() { // if it's not overloaded, set up a NativeCall
        if (javaCallable != null) {
            // no constructor support yet
            if (javaCallable instanceof org.jruby.javasupport.JavaMethod) {
                setNativeCallIfPublic(((org.jruby.javasupport.JavaMethod) javaCallable).getValue());
        } else { // use the lowest-arity non-overload
            for ( int i = 0; i< javaCallables.length; i++ ) {
                final JavaCallable[] callablesForArity = javaCallables[i];
                if ( callablesForArity == null || callablesForArity.length != 1 ) continue;
                if ( callablesForArity[0] instanceof org.jruby.javasupport.JavaMethod ) {
                    final Method method = ((org.jruby.javasupport.JavaMethod) callablesForArity[0]).getValue();
                    if ( setNativeCallIfPublic( method ) ) break;

    private boolean setNativeCallIfPublic(final Method method) {
        final int mod = method.getModifiers(); // only public, since non-public don't bind
        if ( Modifier.isPublic(mod) && Modifier.isPublic( method.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers() ) ) {
            setNativeCall(method.getDeclaringClass(), method.getName(), method.getReturnType(), method.getParameterTypes(), Modifier.isStatic(mod), true);
            return true;
        return false;

Internal API
  • signatureCode –
/** * Internal API * @param signatureCode * @return callable */
public final T getSignature(int signatureCode) { return cache.get(signatureCode); }
Internal API
  • signatureCode –
  • callable –
/** * Internal API * @param signatureCode * @param callable */
public final void putSignature(int signatureCode, T callable) { cache.put(signatureCode, callable); } protected abstract T createCallable(Ruby runtime, Member member); protected abstract T[] createCallableArray(T callable); protected abstract T[] createCallableArray(int size); protected abstract T[][] createCallableArrayArray(int size); protected abstract Class[] getMemberParameterTypes(Member member); @Deprecated // no longer used! protected abstract boolean isMemberVarArgs(Member member); final int getMemberArity(Member member) { return getMemberParameterTypes(member).length; } public static Object[] convertArguments(final ParameterTypes method, final IRubyObject[] args) { return convertArguments(method, args, 0); // 0 - no additional space } public static Object[] convertArguments(final ParameterTypes method, final IRubyObject[] args, final int addSpace) { final Class<?>[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); final Object[] javaArgs; final int len = args.length; if ( method.isVarArgs() ) { final int last = paramTypes.length - 1; javaArgs = new Object[ last + 1 + addSpace ]; for ( int i = 0; i < last; i++ ) { javaArgs[i] = args[i].toJava(paramTypes[i]); } javaArgs[ last ] = convertVarArgumentsOnly(paramTypes[ last ], last, args); } else { javaArgs = new Object[ len + addSpace ]; for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { javaArgs[i] = args[i].toJava(paramTypes[i]); } } return javaArgs; } // specialized case of above convertArguments(IRubyObject...) public static Object[] convertArguments(final ParameterTypes method, final IRubyObject arg0, final int addSpace) { final Class<?>[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); final Object[] javaArgs; if ( method.isVarArgs() ) { javaArgs = new Object[ 1 + addSpace ]; javaArgs[0] = convertVarArgumentsOnly(paramTypes[0], arg0); } else { javaArgs = new Object[ 1 + addSpace ]; javaArgs[0] = arg0.toJava(paramTypes[0]); } return javaArgs; } private static Object convertVarArgumentsOnly(final Class<?> varArrayType, final int varStart, final IRubyObject[] args) { final int varCount = args.length - varStart; if ( args.length == 0 || varCount <= 0 ) { return Array.newInstance(varArrayType.getComponentType(), 0); } if ( varCount == 1 && args[varStart] instanceof ArrayJavaProxy ) { // we may have a pre-created array to pass; try that first return args[varStart].toJava(varArrayType); } final Class<?> compType = varArrayType.getComponentType(); final Object varArgs = Array.newInstance(compType, varCount); for ( int i = 0; i < varCount; i++ ) { Array.set(varArgs, i, args[varStart + i].toJava(compType)); } return varArgs; } // specialized case of above convertVarArgumentsOnly private static Object convertVarArgumentsOnly(final Class<?> varArrayType, /* final int varStart = 0, */ final IRubyObject arg0) { if ( arg0 instanceof ArrayJavaProxy ) { // we may have a pre-created array to pass; try that first return arg0.toJava(varArrayType); } final Class<?> compType = varArrayType.getComponentType(); final Object varArgs = Array.newInstance(compType, 1); Array.set(varArgs, 0, arg0.toJava(compType)); return varArgs; } static JavaProxy castJavaProxy(final IRubyObject self) { assert self instanceof JavaProxy : "Java methods can only be invoked on Java objects"; return (JavaProxy) self; } static <T extends AccessibleObject & Member> T setAccessible(T accessible) { // TODO: Replace flag that's false on 9 with proper module checks if (!accessible.isAccessible() && !Ruby.isSecurityRestricted() && Options.JI_SETACCESSIBLE.load() && accessible instanceof Member) { try { Java.trySetAccessible(accessible); } catch (SecurityException e) {} catch (RuntimeException re) { rethrowIfNotInaccessibleObject(re); } } return accessible; } static <T extends AccessibleObject & Member> T[] setAccessible(T[] accessibles) { // TODO: Replace flag that's false on 9 with proper module checks if (!Ruby.isSecurityRestricted() && Options.JI_SETACCESSIBLE.load()) { try { for (T accessible : accessibles) { if (accessible.isAccessible()) continue; if (!(accessible instanceof Member)) continue; Java.trySetAccessible(accessible); } } catch (SecurityException e) {} catch (RuntimeException re) { rethrowIfNotInaccessibleObject(re); } } return accessibles; } private static void rethrowIfNotInaccessibleObject(RuntimeException re) { // Mega gross, but how else are we supposed to catch this and support Java 8? if (re.getClass().getName().equals("java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException")) { // ok, leave it inaccessible } else { // throw all other RuntimeException throw re; } } private static <T extends AccessibleObject> boolean allAreAccessible(T[] accessibles) { for (T accessible : accessibles) if (!accessible.isAccessible()) return false; return true; } private static <T extends AccessibleObject> boolean allAreMember(T[] accessibles) { for (T accessible : accessibles) if (!(accessible instanceof Member)) return false; return true; } protected T findCallable(IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject[] args, final int arity) { switch (arity) { case 0: return findCallableArityZero(self, name); case 1: return findCallableArityOne(self, name, args[0]); case 2: return findCallableArityTwo(self, name, args[0], args[1]); case 3: return findCallableArityThree(self, name, args[0], args[1], args[2]); case 4: return findCallableArityFour(self, name, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); } return findCallableArityN(self, name, args, arity); } protected final T findCallableArityZero(IRubyObject self, String name) { T callable = this.javaCallable; if ( callable == null ) { final T[] callablesForArity; if ( javaCallables.length == 0 || (callablesForArity = javaCallables[0]) == null ) { if ( ( callable = matchVarArgsCallableArityZero(self) ) == null ) { throw newErrorDueNoMatchingCallable(self, name); } return callable; } callable = CallableSelector.matchingCallableArityZero(runtime, this, callablesForArity); if ( callable == null ) { if ((callable = matchVarArgsCallableArityZero(self)) == null ) { throw newErrorDueArgumentTypeMismatch(self, callablesForArity); } } } else { if (!callable.isVarArgs()) checkCallableArity(callable, 0); } return callable; } protected final T findCallableArityOne(IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject arg0) { T callable = this.javaCallable; if ( callable == null ) { // TODO: varargs? final T[] callablesForArity; if ( javaCallables.length <= 1 || (callablesForArity = javaCallables[1]) == null ) { if ((callable = matchVarArgsCallableArityOne(self, arg0)) == null) { throw runtime.newArgumentError(1, javaCallables.length - 1); } return callable; } callable = CallableSelector.matchingCallableArityOne(runtime, this, callablesForArity, arg0); if ( callable == null ) { if ((callable = matchVarArgsCallableArityOne(self, arg0)) == null ) { throw newErrorDueArgumentTypeMismatch(self, callablesForArity, arg0); } } } else { if (!callable.isVarArgs()) checkCallableArity(callable, 1); } return callable; } protected final T findCallableArityTwo(IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { T callable = this.javaCallable; if ( callable == null ) { // TODO: varargs? final T[] callablesForArity; if ( javaCallables.length <= 2 || (callablesForArity = javaCallables[2]) == null ) { if ((callable = matchVarArgsCallableArityTwo(self, arg0, arg1)) == null ) { throw runtime.newArgumentError(2, javaCallables.length - 1); } return callable; } callable = CallableSelector.matchingCallableArityTwo(runtime, this, callablesForArity, arg0, arg1); if ( callable == null ) { if ((callable = matchVarArgsCallableArityTwo(self, arg0, arg1)) == null ) { throw newErrorDueArgumentTypeMismatch(self, callablesForArity, arg0, arg1); } } } else { if (!callable.isVarArgs()) checkCallableArity(callable, 2); } return callable; } protected final T findCallableArityThree(IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2) { T callable = this.javaCallable; if ( callable == null ) { // TODO: varargs? final T[] callablesForArity; if ( javaCallables.length <= 3 || (callablesForArity = javaCallables[3]) == null ) { if ( ( callable = matchVarArgsCallableArityThree(self, arg0, arg1, arg2) ) == null ) { throw runtime.newArgumentError(3, javaCallables.length - 1); } return callable; } callable = CallableSelector.matchingCallableArityThree(runtime, this, callablesForArity, arg0, arg1, arg2); if ( callable == null ) { if ( ( callable = matchVarArgsCallableArityThree(self, arg0, arg1, arg2) ) == null ) { throw newErrorDueArgumentTypeMismatch(self, callablesForArity, arg0, arg1, arg2); } } } else { if (!callable.isVarArgs()) checkCallableArity(callable, 3); } return callable; } protected final T findCallableArityFour(IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, IRubyObject arg3) { T callable = this.javaCallable; if ( callable == null ) { // TODO: varargs? final T[] callablesForArity; if ( javaCallables.length <= 4 || (callablesForArity = javaCallables[4]) == null ) { if ( ( callable = matchVarArgsCallableArityFour(self, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) ) == null ) { throw runtime.newArgumentError(4, javaCallables.length - 1); } return callable; } callable = CallableSelector.matchingCallableArityFour(runtime, this, callablesForArity, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); if ( callable == null ) { if ( ( callable = matchVarArgsCallableArityFour(self, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) ) == null ) { throw newErrorDueArgumentTypeMismatch(self, callablesForArity, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } } } else { if (!callable.isVarArgs()) checkCallableArity(callable, 4); } return callable; } private T findCallableArityN(IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject[] args, int arity) { T callable = this.javaCallable; if ( callable == null ) { final T[] callablesForArity; if ( arity >= javaCallables.length || (callablesForArity = javaCallables[arity]) == null ) { if ( ( callable = matchVarArgsCallableArityN(self, args) ) == null ) { throw runtime.newArgumentError(args.length, javaCallables.length - 1); } return callable; } callable = CallableSelector.matchingCallableArityN(runtime, this, callablesForArity, args); if ( callable == null ) { if ( ( callable = matchVarArgsCallableArityN(self, args) ) == null ) { throw newErrorDueArgumentTypeMismatch(self, callablesForArity, args); } } } else { if (!callable.isVarArgs()) checkCallableArity(callable, args.length); } return callable; } private T matchVarArgsCallableArityZero(IRubyObject self) { final T[] varArgsCallables = this.javaVarargsCallables; if ( varArgsCallables != null ) { T callable = CallableSelector.matchingCallableArityZero(runtime, this, varArgsCallables); if ( callable == null ) { throw newErrorDueArgumentTypeMismatch(self, varArgsCallables); } return callable; } return null; } private T matchVarArgsCallableArityOne(IRubyObject self, IRubyObject arg0) { final T[] varArgsCallables = this.javaVarargsCallables; if ( varArgsCallables != null ) { T callable = CallableSelector.matchingCallableArityOne(runtime, this, varArgsCallables, arg0); if ( callable == null ) { throw newErrorDueArgumentTypeMismatch(self, varArgsCallables, arg0); } return callable; } return null; } private T matchVarArgsCallableArityTwo(IRubyObject self, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { final T[] varArgsCallables = this.javaVarargsCallables; if ( varArgsCallables != null ) { T callable = CallableSelector.matchingCallableArityTwo(runtime, this, varArgsCallables, arg0, arg1); if ( callable == null ) { throw newErrorDueArgumentTypeMismatch(self, varArgsCallables, arg0, arg1); } return callable; } return null; } private T matchVarArgsCallableArityThree(IRubyObject self, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2) { final T[] varArgsCallables = this.javaVarargsCallables; if ( varArgsCallables != null ) { T callable = CallableSelector.matchingCallableArityThree(runtime, this, varArgsCallables, arg0, arg1, arg2); if ( callable == null ) { throw newErrorDueArgumentTypeMismatch(self, varArgsCallables, arg0, arg1, arg2); } return callable; } return null; } private T matchVarArgsCallableArityFour(IRubyObject self, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, IRubyObject arg3) { final T[] varArgsCallables = this.javaVarargsCallables; if ( varArgsCallables != null ) { T callable = CallableSelector.matchingCallableArityFour(runtime, this, varArgsCallables, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); if ( callable == null ) { throw newErrorDueArgumentTypeMismatch(self, varArgsCallables, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } return callable; } return null; } private T matchVarArgsCallableArityN(IRubyObject self, IRubyObject[] args) { final T[] varArgsCallables = this.javaVarargsCallables; if ( varArgsCallables != null ) { T callable = CallableSelector.matchingCallableArityN(runtime, this, varArgsCallables, args); if ( callable == null ) { throw newErrorDueArgumentTypeMismatch(self, varArgsCallables, args); } return callable; } return null; } private void checkCallableArity(final T callable, final int expected) { final int arity = callable.getArity(); if ( arity != expected ) throw runtime.newArgumentError(expected, arity); } private T someCallable() { if ( javaCallable == null ) { for ( int i = 0; i < javaCallables.length; i++ ) { T[] callables = javaCallables[i]; if ( callables != null && callables.length > 0 ) { for ( int j = 0; j < callables.length; j++ ) { if ( callables[j] != null ) return callables[j]; } } } return null; // not expected to happen ... } return javaCallable; } private boolean isConstructor() { return someCallable() instanceof JavaConstructor; } RaiseException newErrorDueArgumentTypeMismatch(final IRubyObject receiver, final T[] methods, IRubyObject... args) { final Class[] argTypes = new Class[args.length]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { argTypes[i] = getClass( args[i] ); } final StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder(64); error.append("no "); if ( isConstructor() ) error.append("constructor"); else { org.jruby.javasupport.JavaMethod method = (org.jruby.javasupport.JavaMethod) methods[0]; error.append("method '").append( method.getValue().getName() ).append("'"); } error.append(" for arguments "); prettyParams(error, argTypes); error.append(" on ").append( formatReceiver(receiver) ); if ( methods.length > 1 ) { error.append("\n available overloads:"); for (ParameterTypes method : methods) { Class<?>[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); error.append("\n "); prettyParams( error, paramTypes ); } } // TODO should have been ArgumentError - might break users to refactor at this point return runtime.newNameError(error.toString(), null); } private RaiseException newErrorDueNoMatchingCallable(final IRubyObject receiver, final String name) { final StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder(48); error.append("no "); if ( isConstructor() ) error.append("constructor"); else { error.append("method '").append( name ).append("'"); } error.append(" (for zero arguments) on ").append( formatReceiver(receiver) ); return runtime.newArgumentError( error.toString() ); } private static Class<?> getClass(final IRubyObject object) { if (object == null) return void.class; if (object instanceof ConcreteJavaProxy) { return ((ConcreteJavaProxy) object).getJavaClass(); } return object.getClass(); } private static String formatReceiver(final IRubyObject object) { if ( object instanceof RubyModule ) { return ((RubyModule) object).getName(); } return object.getMetaClass().getRealClass().getName(); } private static class NullHashMapLong<V> extends NonBlockingHashMapLong<V> { NullHashMapLong() { super(0, false); } @Override public V put( long key, V val) { return null; } @Override public V putIfAbsent( long key, V val ) { return null; } // public final V get( long key ) @Override public V get(Object key) { return null; } } }