

import java.util.*;

public class LocalOptimizationPass extends CompilerPass {
    public String getLabel() {
        return "Local Optimizations";

    public String getShortLabel() {
        return "Local Opts";

    public Object execute(FullInterpreterContext fic, Object... data) {
        for (BasicBlock b: fic.getCFG().getBasicBlocks()) {
            runLocalOptsOnBasicBlock(fic, b);

        // LVA information is no longer valid after this pass
        // Currently, we don't run this after LVA, but just in case ...
        // FIXME: Grrr ... this seems broken to have to create a new object to invalidate
        (new LiveVariableAnalysis()).invalidate(fic);

        return null;

    private static void recordSimplification(Variable res, Operand val, Map<Operand, Operand> valueMap, Map<Variable, List<Variable>> simplificationMap) {
        valueMap.put(res, val);

        // For all variables used by val, record a reverse mapping to let us track
        // Read-After-Write scenarios when any of these variables are modified.
        List<Variable> valVars = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Variable v: valVars) {
           List<Variable> x = simplificationMap.get(v);
           if (x == null) {
              x = new ArrayList<>();
              simplificationMap.put(v, x);

    public static Instr optInstr(FullInterpreterContext fic, Instr instr, Map<Operand,Operand> valueMap, Map<Variable,List<Variable>> simplificationMap) {
        // System.out.println("BEFORE: " + instr);

        // Simplify instruction and record mapping between target variable and simplified value
        Operand val = instr.simplifyAndGetResult(fic.getScope(), valueMap);

        // Variable dst = (instr instanceof ResultInstr) ? ((ResultInstr) instr).getResult() : null;
        // System.out.println("AFTER: " + instr + "; dst = " + dst + "; val = " + val);

        if (!(instr instanceof ResultInstr)) {
            return instr;

        Instr newInstr = instr;
        Variable res = ((ResultInstr) instr).getResult();
        if (val == null) {
            // If we didn't get a simplified value, remove existing simplifications
            // for the result to get rid of RAW hazards!
        } else {
            if (!res.equals(val)) {
                recordSimplification(res, val, valueMap, simplificationMap);

            if (!instr.hasSideEffects()) {
                if (instr instanceof CopyInstr) {
                    if (res.equals(val) && instr.canBeDeletedFromScope(fic)) {
                } else {
                    newInstr = new CopyInstr(res, val);

        // Purge all entries in valueMap that have 'res' as their simplified value
        // to take care of RAW scenarios (because we aren't in SSA form yet!)
        if (!res.equals(val)) {
            List<Variable> simplifiedVars = simplificationMap.get(res);
            if (simplifiedVars != null) {
                for (Variable v: simplifiedVars) {

        return newInstr;

    // FIXME: Currently dead but why was this made dead?
    public static void runLocalOptsOnInstrArray(FullInterpreterContext fic, Instr[] instrs) {
        // Reset value map if this instruction is the start/end of a basic block
        Map<Operand,Operand> valueMap = new HashMap<>();
        Map<Variable,List<Variable>> simplificationMap = new HashMap<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < instrs.length; i++) {
            Instr instr = instrs[i];
            Instr newInstr = optInstr(fic, instr, valueMap, simplificationMap);
            if (newInstr != instr) {
                instrs[i] = newInstr;

            // If the call has been optimized away in the previous step, it is no longer a hard boundary for opts!
            // Right now, calls are considered hard boundaries for optimization and
            // information cannot be propagated across them!
            // SSS FIXME: Rather than treat all calls with a broad brush, what we need
            // is to capture different attributes about a call :
            //   - uses closures
            //   - known call target
            //   - can modify scope,
            //   - etc.
            // This information is present in instruction flags on CallBase. Use it!
            Operation iop = instr.getOperation();
            if (iop.startsBasicBlock() || iop.endsBasicBlock() || (iop.isCall() && !instr.isDead())) {
                valueMap = new HashMap<>();
                simplificationMap = new HashMap<>();

    public static void runLocalOptsOnBasicBlock(FullInterpreterContext fic, BasicBlock b) {
        ListIterator<Instr> instrs = b.getInstrs().listIterator();
        // Reset value map if this instruction is the start/end of a basic block
        Map<Operand,Operand> valueMap = new HashMap<>();
        Map<Variable,List<Variable>> simplificationMap = new HashMap<>();
        while (instrs.hasNext()) {
            Instr instr =;
            Instr newInstr = optInstr(fic, instr, valueMap, simplificationMap);
            if (newInstr.isDead()) {
            } else if (newInstr != instr) {

            // If the call has been optimized away in the previous step, it is no longer a hard boundary for opts!
            // Right now, calls are considered hard boundaries for optimization and
            // information cannot be propagated across them!
            // SSS FIXME: Rather than treat all calls with a broad brush, what we need
            // is to capture different attributes about a call :
            //   - uses closures
            //   - known call target
            //   - can modify scope,
            //   - etc.
            // This information is present in instruction flags on CallBase. Use it!
            Operation iop = instr.getOperation();
            if (iop.isCall() && !instr.isDead()) {
                valueMap = new HashMap<>();
                simplificationMap = new HashMap<>();