
import org.jruby.RubyModule;
import org.jruby.parser.StaticScope;
import org.jruby.runtime.DynamicScope;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;

This instruction will be generated whenever speculative optimizations are performed based on assuming that an object's metaclass is C (as determined by the version number of C -- where the version number changes every time C's class structure changes).
/** * This instruction will be generated whenever speculative optimizations are performed * based on assuming that an object's metaclass is C (as determined by the version number * of C -- where the version number changes every time C's class structure changes). */
public class ModuleVersionGuardInstr extends TwoOperandInstr implements FixedArityInstr { private final int expectedVersion; // The token value that has been assumed private final RubyModule module; // The module whose version we are testing */ public ModuleVersionGuardInstr(RubyModule module, int expectedVersion, Operand candidateObj, Label failurePathLabel) { super(Operation.MODULE_GUARD, candidateObj, failurePathLabel); this.module = module; this.expectedVersion = expectedVersion; }
The object whose metaclass token has to be verified
/** The object whose metaclass token has to be verified*/
public Operand getCandidateObject() { return getOperand1(); }
Where to jump if the version assumption fails?
/** Where to jump if the version assumption fails? */
public Label getFailurePathLabel() { return (Label) getOperand2(); } // FIXME: We should remove this and only save what we care Module cannot be necessary here? public RubyModule getModule() { return module; } public int getExpectedVersion() { return expectedVersion; } @Override public String[] toStringNonOperandArgs() { return new String[] { "name: " + module.getName(), "expected_version: " + expectedVersion}; } @Override public Instr clone(CloneInfo ii) { return new ModuleVersionGuardInstr(module, expectedVersion, getCandidateObject().cloneForInlining(ii), ii.getRenamedLabel(getFailurePathLabel())); } private boolean versionMatches(ThreadContext context, StaticScope currScope, DynamicScope currDynScope, IRubyObject self, Object[] temp) { IRubyObject receiver = (IRubyObject) getCandidateObject().retrieve(context, self, currScope, currDynScope, temp); // if (module.getGeneration() != expectedVersion) ... replace this instr with a direct jump // // SSS FIXME: This is not always correct. Implementation class is not always receiver.getMetaClass() // as we know from how we add instance-methods. We add it to rubyClass value on the stack. So, how // do we handle this sticky situation? boolean matches = receiver.getMetaClass().getGeneration() == getExpectedVersion(); if (!matches) { //System.out.println("GUARD: " + (receiver.getMetaClass().getGeneration() == getExpectedVersion()) + ", OBJ: " + // receiver + ", VERS: " + receiver.getMetaClass().getGeneration() + ", EVERSE: " + getExpectedVersion()); } return matches; } @Override public int interpretAndGetNewIPC(ThreadContext context, DynamicScope currDynScope, StaticScope currScope, IRubyObject self, Object[] temp, int ipc) { return versionMatches(context, currScope, currDynScope, self, temp) ? ipc : getFailurePathLabel().getTargetPC(); } @Override public void visit(IRVisitor visitor) { visitor.ModuleVersionGuardInstr(this); } }