
import org.jruby.dirgra.Edge;

import java.util.*;

public class LiveVariableNode extends FlowGraphNode<LiveVariablesProblem, LiveVariableNode> {
    public LiveVariableNode(LiveVariablesProblem prob, BasicBlock n) {
        super(prob, n);

    public void init() {
        setSize = problem.getDFVarsCount();
        out = new BitSet(setSize);

    private void addDFVar(Variable v) {
        if (!problem.dfVarExists(v)) problem.addDFVar(v);

    public void buildDataFlowVars(Instr i) {
        // FIXME: We could potentially have used a Set<Variable> to represent live variables
        // rather than use a BitSet. BitSet operations (meet/set/get) could be more
        // efficient. However, given that we have to getDFVar(..) for every variable
        // in every instruction when analysing it before accessing the BitSet, unsure
        // if the bitset really buys us anything!
        // StoreLocalVarPlacement and LoadLocalVarPlacement analyses use
        // Set<LocalVariable> rather than BitSets.
        if (i instanceof ResultInstr) addDFVar(((ResultInstr) i).getResult());

        for (Variable x: i.getUsedVariables()) {

    public void applyPreMeetHandler() {
        in = new BitSet(setSize);

        if (basicBlock.isExitBB()) {
            Collection<LocalVariable> lv = problem.getVarsLiveOnScopeExit();
            if (lv != null && !lv.isEmpty()) {
                for (Variable v: lv) {

            // If this scope's binding has escaped, all variables
            // should be considered live on exit from the scope.
            if (problem.getFIC().bindingHasEscaped()) {
                for (Variable x: problem.getNonSelfLocalVars()) {
        // System.out.println("Init state for BB " + basicBlock.getID() + " is " + toString());

    public void compute_MEET(Edge e, LiveVariableNode pred) {
        // System.out.println("computing meet for BB " + basicBlock.getID() + " with BB " + pred.basicBlock.getID());
        // All variables live at the entry of 'pred' are also live at exit of this node

    private void markAllVariablesLive(LiveVariablesProblem lvp, Collection<? extends Variable> variableList) {
        for (Variable variable: variableList) {
            markVariableLive(lvp, variable);

    private void markVariableLive(LiveVariablesProblem lvp, Variable x) {
        Integer dv = lvp.getDFVar(x);

        // A buggy Ruby program that uses but does not assign a value to a var
        // will be null.
        if (dv != null) living.set(dv);

    public void initSolution() {
        living = (BitSet) in.clone();

    public void applyTransferFunction(Instr i) {
        boolean scopeBindingHasEscaped = problem.getFIC().bindingHasEscaped();

        // v is defined => It is no longer live before 'i'
        if (i instanceof ResultInstr) {
            Variable v = ((ResultInstr) i).getResult();

        // Check if 'i' is a call and uses a closure!
        // If so, we need to process the closure for live variable info.
        if (i instanceof ClosureAcceptingInstr) {
            Operand o = ((ClosureAcceptingInstr)i).getClosureArg();
            // If this is a dataflow barrier -- mark all local vars but %self and %block live
            if ((o != null && o instanceof WrappedIRClosure) || scopeBindingHasEscaped) {
                // System.out.println(".. call is a data flow barrier ..");
                // Mark all non-self, non-block local variables live if 'c' is a dataflow barrier!
                for (Variable x: problem.getNonSelfLocalVars()) {
            } else {
                // Variables that belong to outer scopes should always
                // be considered live since they can be accessed downstream
                // of this call.
                for (Variable x: problem.getNonSelfLocalVars()) {
                    if (x instanceof LocalVariable && ((LocalVariable)x).isOuterScopeVar()) {

        // NOTE: This is unnecessary in the case of calls in scopes where
        // the binding has escaped since the if (scopeBindingHasEscapd) check above
        // would have handled it. But, extra readability of the DRY-ed version is
        // worth the the little bit of extra work.
        if (i.canRaiseException()) makeOutExceptionVariablesLiving();

        // Now, for all variables used by 'i', mark them live before 'i'
        markAllVariablesLive(problem, i.getUsedVariables());

    public boolean solutionChanged() {
        return !living.equals(out);

    public void finalizeSolution() {
        out = living;

Collect variables live out of the exception target node. Since this instr. can directly jump to the rescue block (or scope exit) without executing the rest of the instructions in this bb, we have a control-flow edge from this instr. to that block. Since we dont want to add a control-flow edge from pretty much every instr. to the rescuer/exit BB, we are handling it implicitly here.
/** * Collect variables live out of the exception target node. Since this instr. can directly jump to * the rescue block (or scope exit) without executing the rest of the instructions in this bb, we * have a control-flow edge from this instr. to that block. Since we dont want to add a * control-flow edge from pretty much every instr. to the rescuer/exit BB, we are handling it * implicitly here. */
private void makeOutExceptionVariablesLiving() { living.or(getExceptionTargetNode().out); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("\tVars Live on Entry: "); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < in.size(); i++) { if (in.get(i)) { count++; buf.append(' ').append(problem.getVariable(i)); if (count % 10 == 0) buf.append("\t\n"); } } if (count % 10 != 0) buf.append("\t\t"); buf.append("\n\tVars Live on Exit: "); count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < out.size(); i++) { if (out.get(i)) { count++; buf.append(' ').append(problem.getVariable(i)); if (count % 10 == 0) buf.append("\t\n"); } } if (count % 10 != 0) buf.append("\t\t"); return buf.append('\n').toString(); } /* ---------- Protected / package fields, methods --------- */ void markDeadInstructions() { // System.out.println("-- Identifying dead instructions for " + basicBlock.getID() + " -- "); boolean scopeBindingHasEscaped = problem.getFIC().bindingHasEscaped(); if (in == null) { // 'in' cannot be null for reachable bbs // This bb is unreachable! (or we have a mighty bug!) // Mark everything dead in here! for (Instr i: basicBlock.getInstrs()) { i.markDead(); } return; } initSolution(); // Traverse the instructions in this basic block in reverse order! // Mark as dead all instructions whose results are not used! List<Instr> instrs = basicBlock.getInstrs(); ListIterator<Instr> it = instrs.listIterator(instrs.size()); while (it.hasPrevious()) { Instr i = it.previous(); // System.out.println("DEAD?? " + i); if (i instanceof ResultInstr) { Variable v = ((ResultInstr) i).getResult(); Integer dv = problem.getDFVar(v); // If 'v' is not live at the instruction site, and it has no side effects, mark it dead! // System.out.println("df var for " + v + " is " + dv); if (living.get(dv)) { living.clear(dv); // System.out.println("NO! LIVE result:" + v); } else if (i.isDeletable()) { // System.out.println("YES! (result)"); i.markDead(); it.remove(); } else { // System.out.println("NO! has side effects! Op is: " + i.getOperation()); } } else if (i.isDeletable()) { // System.out.println("YES! (non-result)"); i.markDead(); it.remove(); } else { // System.out.println("NO! has side effects! Op is: " + i.getOperation()); } if (i instanceof ClosureAcceptingInstr) { Operand o = ((ClosureAcceptingInstr)i).getClosureArg(); if ((o != null && o instanceof WrappedIRClosure) || scopeBindingHasEscaped) { // Mark all non-self, non-block local variables live if 'c' is a dataflow barrier! for (Variable x: problem.getNonSelfLocalVars()) { living.set(problem.getDFVar(x)); } } else { // Variables that belong to outer scopes should always // be considered live since they can be accessed downstream // of this call. for (Variable x: problem.getNonSelfLocalVars()) { if (x instanceof LocalVariable && ((LocalVariable)x).isOuterScopeVar()) { living.set(problem.getDFVar(x)); } } } } // NOTE: This is unnecessary in the case of calls in scopes where // the binding has escaped since the if (scopeBindingHasEscapd) check above // would have handled it. But, extra readability of the DRY-ed version is // worth the the little bit of extra work. if (i.canRaiseException()) makeOutExceptionVariablesLiving(); // Do not mark this instruction's operands live if the instruction itself is dead! if (!i.isDead()) markAllVariablesLive(problem, i.getUsedVariables()); } } BitSet getLiveInBitSet() { return in; } BitSet getLiveOutBitSet() { return out; } private BitSet in; // Variables live at entry of this node private BitSet out; // Variables live at exit of node private BitSet living; // Temporary state while applying transfer function private int setSize; // Size of the "" and "this.out" bit sets }