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/***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: EPL 2.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public * License Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * Copyright (C) 2008 JRuby project * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the EPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the EPL, the GPL or the LGPL. ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
package org.jruby.ext.ffi; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.jruby.Ruby; import org.jruby.RubyBoolean; import org.jruby.RubyModule; import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod; import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext; import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject; import org.jruby.util.SafePropertyAccessor; /** * */ public class Platform { private static final java.util.Locale LOCALE = java.util.Locale.ENGLISH; public static final CPU_TYPE CPU = determineCPU(); public static final OS_TYPE OS = determineOS(); private static final int ARCH_DATA_MODEL = determineArchDataModel(); public static final String NAME = CPU + "-" + OS; public static final String LIBPREFIX = OS == OS.WINDOWS ? "" : "lib"; public static final String LIBSUFFIX = determineLibExt(); public static final String LIBC = determineLibC(); public static final int BIG_ENDIAN = 4321; public static final int LITTLE_ENDIAN = 1234; public static final int BYTE_ORDER = ByteOrder.nativeOrder().equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) ? BIG_ENDIAN : LITTLE_ENDIAN; protected final int addressSize, longSize; private final long addressMask; protected final Pattern libPattern; private int javaVersionMajor = -1; public enum OS_TYPE { DARWIN, FREEBSD, NETBSD, OPENBSD, DRAGONFLYBSD, LINUX, SOLARIS, AIX, WINDOWS, UNKNOWN; @Override public String toString() { return name().toLowerCase(LOCALE); } } public enum CPU_TYPE { I386, X86_64, POWERPC, POWERPC64, POWERPC64LE, SPARC, SPARCV9, S390X, ARM, AARCH64, UNKNOWN; @Override public String toString() { return name().toLowerCase(LOCALE); } } private static final class SingletonHolder { private static final Platform PLATFORM = determinePlatform(determineOS()); } private static final OS_TYPE determineOS() { String osName = System.getProperty("").split(" ")[0]; if (startsWithIgnoreCase(osName, "mac") || startsWithIgnoreCase(osName, "darwin")) { return OS_TYPE.DARWIN; } else if (startsWithIgnoreCase(osName, "sunos") || startsWithIgnoreCase(osName, "solaris")) { return OS_TYPE.SOLARIS; } for (OS_TYPE os : OS_TYPE.values()) { if (startsWithIgnoreCase(osName, os.toString())) { return os; } } return OS_TYPE.UNKNOWN; } private static final Platform determinePlatform(OS_TYPE os) { switch (os) { case DARWIN: return new Darwin(); case LINUX: return new Linux(); case AIX: return new AIX(); case WINDOWS: return new Windows(); case UNKNOWN: return new Unsupported(os); default: return new Default(os); } } private static final CPU_TYPE determineCPU() { String archString = System.getProperty("os.arch").toLowerCase(LOCALE); if ("x86".equals(archString) || "i386".equals(archString) || "i86pc".equals(archString)) { return CPU.I386; } else if ("x86_64".equals(archString) || "amd64".equals(archString)) { return CPU.X86_64; } else if ("ppc".equals(archString) || "powerpc".equals(archString)) { return CPU.POWERPC; } else if ("ppc64".equals(archString)) { return CPU.POWERPC64; } else if ("ppc64le".equals(archString)) { return CPU.POWERPC64LE; } else if ("sparc".equals(archString)) { return CPU.SPARC; } else if ("sparcv9".equals(archString)) { return CPU.SPARCV9; } else if ("s390x".equals(archString)) { return CPU.S390X; } else if ("arm".equals(archString)) { return CPU.ARM; } else if ("aarch64".equals(archString)) { return CPU.AARCH64; } else if ("universal".equals(archString)) { // OS X OpenJDK7 builds report "universal" right now String bits = SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty(""); if ("32".equals(bits)) { System.setProperty("os.arch", "i386"); return CPU.I386; } else if ("64".equals(bits)) { System.setProperty("os.arch", "x86_64"); return CPU.X86_64; } } return CPU.UNKNOWN; } private static final String determineLibC() { switch (OS) { case WINDOWS: return "msvcrt.dll"; case LINUX: return ""; case AIX: if (ARCH_DATA_MODEL == 32) { return "libc.a(shr.o)"; } else { return "libc.a(shr_64.o)"; } default: return LIBPREFIX + "c." + LIBSUFFIX; } } private static final String determineLibExt() { switch (OS) { case WINDOWS: return "dll"; case AIX: return "a"; case DARWIN: return "dylib"; default: return "so"; } } private static int determineArchDataModel() { int dataModel = SafePropertyAccessor.getInt(""); // default: 0 if (dataModel != 32 && dataModel != 64) { switch (CPU) { case I386: case POWERPC: case SPARC: dataModel = 32; break; case X86_64: case POWERPC64: case POWERPC64LE: case SPARCV9: case S390X: case AARCH64: dataModel = 64; break; default: dataModel = 0; } } return dataModel; } protected Platform(OS_TYPE os) { addressSize = ARCH_DATA_MODEL; addressMask = addressSize == 32 ? 0xffffffffL : 0xffffffffffffffffL; longSize = os == OS.WINDOWS ? 32 : addressSize; // Windows is LLP64 String libpattern; switch (os) { case WINDOWS: libpattern = ".*\\.dll$"; break; case DARWIN: libpattern = "lib.*\\.(dylib|jnilib)$"; break; case AIX: libpattern = "lib.*\\.a$"; break; default: libpattern = "lib.*\\.so.*$"; break; } libPattern = Pattern.compile(libpattern); }
Gets the current Platform
Returns:The current platform.
/** * Gets the current <tt>Platform</tt> * * @return The current platform. */
public static final Platform getPlatform() { return SingletonHolder.PLATFORM; }
Gets the current Operating System.
Returns:A OS value representing the current Operating System.
/** * Gets the current Operating System. * * @return A <tt>OS</tt> value representing the current Operating System. */
public final OS_TYPE getOS() { return OS; }
Gets the current processor architecture the JVM is running on.
Returns:A CPU value representing the current processor architecture.
/** * Gets the current processor architecture the JVM is running on. * * @return A <tt>CPU</tt> value representing the current processor architecture. */
public final CPU_TYPE getCPU() { return CPU; }
Gets the version of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) jffi is running on.
Returns:A number representing the java version. e.g. 8 for java 1.8, 9 for java 9
/** * Gets the version of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) jffi is running on. * * @return A number representing the java version. e.g. 8 for java 1.8, 9 for java 9 */
public final int getJavaMajorVersion() { if (javaVersionMajor != -1) return javaVersionMajor; int version = 5; try { String versionString = SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty("java.version"); if (versionString != null) { // remove additional version identifiers, e.g. -ea versionString = versionString.split("-|\\+")[0]; String[] v = versionString.split("\\."); if (v[0].equals("1")) { // Pre Java 9, 1.x style version = Integer.valueOf(v[1]); } else { // Java 9+, x.y.z style version = Integer.valueOf(v[0]); } } } catch (Exception ex) { version = 0; } return javaVersionMajor = version; } public final boolean isBSD() { return OS == OS.FREEBSD || OS == OS.OPENBSD || OS == OS.NETBSD || OS == OS.DARWIN || OS == OS.DRAGONFLYBSD; } public final boolean isUnix() { return OS != OS.WINDOWS; } public final boolean isSupported() { return OS != OS.UNKNOWN && CPU != CPU.UNKNOWN && (addressSize == 32 || addressSize == 64); } public static void createPlatformModule(Ruby runtime, RubyModule ffi) { RubyModule module = ffi.defineModuleUnder("Platform"); Platform platform = Platform.getPlatform(); OS_TYPE os = platform.getOS(); module.defineConstant("ADDRESS_SIZE", runtime.newFixnum(platform.addressSize)); module.defineConstant("LONG_SIZE", runtime.newFixnum(platform.longSize)); module.defineConstant("OS", runtime.newString(OS.toString())); module.defineConstant("ARCH", runtime.newString(platform.getCPU().toString())); module.defineConstant("NAME", runtime.newString(platform.getName())); module.defineConstant("IS_WINDOWS", runtime.newBoolean(os == OS.WINDOWS)); module.defineConstant("IS_BSD", runtime.newBoolean(platform.isBSD())); module.defineConstant("IS_FREEBSD", runtime.newBoolean(os == OS.FREEBSD)); module.defineConstant("IS_DRAGONFLYBSD", runtime.newBoolean(os == OS.DRAGONFLYBSD)); module.defineConstant("IS_OPENBSD", runtime.newBoolean(os == OS.OPENBSD)); module.defineConstant("IS_SOLARIS", runtime.newBoolean(os == OS.SOLARIS)); module.defineConstant("IS_LINUX", runtime.newBoolean(os == OS.LINUX)); module.defineConstant("IS_MAC", runtime.newBoolean(os == OS.DARWIN)); module.defineConstant("LIBC", runtime.newString(LIBC)); module.defineConstant("LIBPREFIX", runtime.newString(LIBPREFIX)); module.defineConstant("LIBSUFFIX", runtime.newString(LIBSUFFIX)); module.defineConstant("BYTE_ORDER", runtime.newFixnum(BYTE_ORDER)); module.defineConstant("BIG_ENDIAN", runtime.newFixnum(BIG_ENDIAN)); module.defineConstant("LITTLE_ENDIAN", runtime.newFixnum(LITTLE_ENDIAN)); module.defineAnnotatedMethods(Platform.class); } @JRubyMethod(name = "windows?", module=true) public static IRubyObject windows_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv) { return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(context, OS == OS.WINDOWS); } @JRubyMethod(name = "mac?", module=true) public static IRubyObject mac_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv) { return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(context, OS == OS.DARWIN); } @JRubyMethod(name = "unix?", module=true) public static IRubyObject unix_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv) { return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(context, Platform.getPlatform().isUnix()); } @JRubyMethod(name = "bsd?", module=true) public static IRubyObject bsd_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv) { return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(context, Platform.getPlatform().isBSD()); } @JRubyMethod(name = "linux?", module=true) public static IRubyObject linux_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv) { return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(context, OS == OS.LINUX); } @JRubyMethod(name = "solaris?", module=true) public static IRubyObject solaris_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv) { return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(context, OS == OS.SOLARIS); }
An extension over System.getProperty method. Handles security restrictions, and returns the default value if the access to the property is restricted.
  • property – The system property name.
  • defValue – The default value.
Returns:The value of the system property, or the default value.
/** * An extension over <code>System.getProperty</code> method. * Handles security restrictions, and returns the default * value if the access to the property is restricted. * @param property The system property name. * @param defValue The default value. * @return The value of the system property, * or the default value. */
public static String getProperty(String property, String defValue) { try { return System.getProperty(property, defValue); } catch (SecurityException se) { return defValue; } }
Gets the size of a C 'long' on the native platform.
Returns:the size of a long in bits
/** * Gets the size of a C 'long' on the native platform. * * @return the size of a long in bits */
public final int longSize() { return longSize; }
Gets the size of a C address/pointer on the native platform.
Returns:the size of a pointer in bits
/** * Gets the size of a C address/pointer on the native platform. * * @return the size of a pointer in bits */
public final int addressSize() { return addressSize; }
Gets the 32/64bit mask of a C address/pointer on the native platform.
Returns:the size of a pointer in bits
/** * Gets the 32/64bit mask of a C address/pointer on the native platform. * * @return the size of a pointer in bits */
public final long addressMask() { return addressMask; }
Gets the name of this Platform.
Returns:The name of this platform.
/** * Gets the name of this <tt>Platform</tt>. * * @return The name of this platform. */
public String getName() { return CPU + "-" + OS; } public String mapLibraryName(String libName) { // // A specific version was requested - use as is for search // if (libPattern.matcher(libName).find()) { return libName; } return System.mapLibraryName(libName); } private static class Supported extends Platform { public Supported(OS_TYPE os) { super(os); } } private static class Unsupported extends Platform { public Unsupported(OS_TYPE os) { super(os); } } private static final class Default extends Platform { public Default(OS_TYPE os) { super(os); } }
A Platform subclass representing the MacOS system.
/** * A {@link Platform} subclass representing the MacOS system. */
private static final class Darwin extends Supported { public Darwin() { super(OS.DARWIN); } @Override public String mapLibraryName(String libName) { // // A specific version was requested - use as is for search // if (libPattern.matcher(libName).find()) { return libName; } return "lib" + libName + ".dylib"; } }
A Platform subclass representing the Linux operating system.
/** * A {@link Platform} subclass representing the Linux operating system. */
private static final class Linux extends Supported { public Linux() { super(OS.LINUX); } @Override public String mapLibraryName(String libName) { // Older JDK on linux map 'c' to '' which doesn't work return "c".equals(libName) || "".equals(libName) ? "" : super.mapLibraryName(libName); } }
A Platform subclass representing the Linux operating system.
/** * A {@link Platform} subclass representing the Linux operating system. */
private static final class AIX extends Supported { public AIX() { super(OS.AIX); } @Override public String mapLibraryName(String libName) { return "c".equals(libName) || "".equals(libName) ? LIBC : super.mapLibraryName(libName); } }
A Platform subclass representing the Windows system.
/** * A {@link Platform} subclass representing the Windows system. */
private static class Windows extends Supported { public Windows() { super(OS.WINDOWS); } } private static boolean startsWithIgnoreCase(String s1, String s2) { return s1.startsWith(s2) || s1.toUpperCase(LOCALE).startsWith(s2.toUpperCase(LOCALE)) || s1.toLowerCase(LOCALE).startsWith(s2.toLowerCase(LOCALE)); } }