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package org.jruby.ext.date;

import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.jruby.*;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;

import static org.jruby.ext.date.DateUtils.*;
import static org.jruby.ext.date.RubyDate.*;

Time's extensions from `require 'date'`
/** * Time's extensions from `require 'date'` * * @author kares */
public abstract class TimeExt { private TimeExt() { /* no instances */ } static void load(Ruby runtime) { runtime.getTime().defineAnnotatedMethods(TimeExt.class); } @JRubyMethod public static RubyTime to_time(IRubyObject self) { return (RubyTime) self; } @JRubyMethod(name = "to_date") public static RubyDate to_date(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self) { final DateTime dt = ((RubyTime) self).getDateTime(); long jd = civil_to_jd(dt.getYear(), dt.getMonthOfYear(), dt.getDayOfMonth(), GREGORIAN); return new RubyDate(context, getDate(context.runtime), jd_to_ajd(context, jd), CHRONO_ITALY_UTC, 0); } @JRubyMethod(name = "to_datetime") public static RubyDateTime to_datetime(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self) { final RubyTime time = (RubyTime) self; DateTime dt = ((RubyTime) self).getDateTime(); long subMillisNum = 0, subMillisDen = 1; if (time.getNSec() != 0) { IRubyObject subMillis = RubyRational.newRationalCanonicalize(context, time.getNSec(), 1_000_000); if (subMillis instanceof RubyRational) { subMillisNum = ((RubyRational) subMillis).getNumerator().getLongValue(); subMillisDen = ((RubyRational) subMillis).getDenominator().getLongValue(); } else { subMillisNum = ((RubyInteger) subMillis).getLongValue(); } } final int off = dt.getZone().getOffset(dt.getMillis()) / 1000; int year = dt.getYear(); if (year <= 0) year--; // JODA's Julian chronology (no year 0) if (year == 1582) { // take the "slow" path - JODA isn't adjusting for missing (reform) dates return calcAjdFromCivil(context, dt, off, subMillisNum, subMillisDen); } dt = new DateTime( year, dt.getMonthOfYear(), dt.getDayOfMonth(), dt.getHourOfDay(), dt.getMinuteOfHour(), dt.getSecondOfMinute(), dt.getMillisOfSecond(), getChronology(context, ITALY, dt.getZone()) ); return new RubyDateTime(context.runtime, getDateTime(context.runtime), dt, off, ITALY, subMillisNum, subMillisDen); } private static RubyDateTime calcAjdFromCivil(ThreadContext context, final DateTime dt, final int off, final long subMillisNum, final long subMillisDen) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; long jd = civil_to_jd(dt.getYear(), dt.getMonthOfYear(), dt.getDayOfMonth(), ITALY); RubyNumeric fr = timeToDayFraction(context, dt.getHourOfDay(), dt.getMinuteOfHour(), dt.getSecondOfMinute()); final RubyNumeric ajd = jd_to_ajd(context, jd, fr, off); RubyDateTime dateTime = new RubyDateTime(context, getDateTime(runtime), ajd, off, ITALY); dateTime.dt = dateTime.dt.withMillisOfSecond(dt.getMillisOfSecond()); dateTime.subMillisNum = subMillisNum; dateTime.subMillisDen = subMillisDen; return dateTime; } }