 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * Other licenses:
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 * For more information, please visit: http://www.jooq.org/licenses
package org.jooq.impl;

import static org.jooq.Clause.CONDITION;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.condition;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.exists;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.notExists;

import org.jooq.Clause;
import org.jooq.Condition;
import org.jooq.Context;
import org.jooq.Field;
import org.jooq.QueryPart;
import org.jooq.SQL;
import org.jooq.Select;

Author:Lukas Eder
/** * @author Lukas Eder */
abstract class AbstractCondition extends AbstractQueryPart implements Condition {
Generated UID
/** * Generated UID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6683692251799468624L; private static final Clause[] CLAUSES = { CONDITION }; AbstractCondition() {}
[#10179] Subclasses may override this method to indicate that the condition may produce TRUE, FALSE, or NULL.
/** * [#10179] Subclasses may override this method to indicate that the * condition may produce <code>TRUE</code>, <code>FALSE</code>, or * <code>NULL</code>. */
boolean isNullable() { return true; } @Override public Clause[] clauses(Context<?> ctx) { return CLAUSES; } @Override public final Condition and(Condition other) { return DSL.and(this, other); } /* * Subclasses may override this implementation when implementing * A BETWEEN B AND C */ @Override public Condition and(Field<Boolean> other) { return and(condition(other)); } @Override public Condition and(Boolean other) { return and(condition(other)); } @Override public final Condition or(Condition other) { return DSL.or(this, other); } @Override public final Condition or(Field<Boolean> other) { return or(condition(other)); } @Override public final Condition or(Boolean other) { return or(condition(other)); } @Override public final Condition and(SQL sql) { return and(condition(sql)); } @Override public final Condition and(String sql) { return and(condition(sql)); } @Override public final Condition and(String sql, Object... bindings) { return and(condition(sql, bindings)); } @Override public final Condition and(String sql, QueryPart... parts) { return and(condition(sql, parts)); } @Override public final Condition or(SQL sql) { return or(condition(sql)); } @Override public final Condition or(String sql) { return or(condition(sql)); } @Override public final Condition or(String sql, Object... bindings) { return or(condition(sql, bindings)); } @Override public final Condition or(String sql, QueryPart... parts) { return or(condition(sql, parts)); } @Override public final Condition andNot(Condition other) { return and(other.not()); } @Override public final Condition andNot(Field<Boolean> other) { return andNot(condition(other)); } @Override public final Condition andNot(Boolean other) { return andNot(condition(other)); } @Override public final Condition orNot(Condition other) { return or(other.not()); } @Override public final Condition orNot(Field<Boolean> other) { return orNot(condition(other)); } @Override public final Condition orNot(Boolean other) { return orNot(condition(other)); } @Override public final Condition andExists(Select<?> select) { return and(exists(select)); } @Override public final Condition andNotExists(Select<?> select) { return and(notExists(select)); } @Override public final Condition orExists(Select<?> select) { return or(exists(select)); } @Override public final Condition orNotExists(Select<?> select) { return or(notExists(select)); } @Override public /* non-final */ Condition not() { return new NotCondition(this); } }