 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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package org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.reflect;

import java.beans.ConstructorProperties;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Parameter;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.OptionalInt;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.Nested;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.PropagateNull;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.RowMapper;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.RowMapperFactory;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.SingleColumnMapper;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.reflect.internal.PojoMapper;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.qualifier.QualifiedType;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.qualifier.Qualifiers;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.statement.StatementContext;

import static org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.reflect.JdbiConstructors.findFactoryFor;
import static org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.reflect.ReflectionMapperUtil.anyColumnsStartWithPrefix;
import static org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.reflect.ReflectionMapperUtil.findColumnIndex;
import static org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.reflect.ReflectionMapperUtil.getColumnNames;

A row mapper which maps the fields in a result set into a constructor. The default implementation will perform a case insensitive mapping between the constructor parameter names and the column labels, also considering camel-case to underscores conversion.

This mapper respects Nested annotations on constructor parameters.

Constructor parameters annotated as @Nullable may be omitted from the result set without error. Any annotation named "Nullable" is respected--nay, worshipped--no matter which package it is from.

/** * A row mapper which maps the fields in a result set into a constructor. The default implementation will perform a * case insensitive mapping between the constructor parameter names and the column labels, * also considering camel-case to underscores conversion. * <p> * This mapper respects {@link Nested} annotations on constructor parameters. * <p> * Constructor parameters annotated as {@code @Nullable} may be omitted from the result set without * error. Any annotation named "Nullable" is respected--nay, worshipped--no matter which package it is from. */
public class ConstructorMapper<T> implements RowMapper<T> { private static final String DEFAULT_PREFIX = ""; private static final String UNMATCHED_CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMETERS = "Instance factory '%s' could not match any parameter to any columns in the result set. " + "Verify that the Java compiler is configured to emit parameter names, " + "that your result set has the columns expected, annotate the " + "parameter names explicitly with @ColumnName, or annotate nullable parameters as @Nullable"; private static final String UNMATCHED_CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMETER = "Instance factory '%s' parameter '%s' has no matching columns in the result set. " + "Verify that the Java compiler is configured to emit parameter names, " + "that your result set has the columns expected, annotate the " + "parameter names explicitly with @ColumnName, or annotate nullable parameters as @Nullable"; private static final String UNMATCHED_COLUMNS_STRICT = "Mapping instance factory %s could not match parameters for columns: %s"; private static final String MISSING_COLUMN_MAPPER = "Could not find column mapper for type '%s' of parameter '%s' for instance factory '%s'";
Use the only declared constructor to map a class.
  • clazz – the class to find a constructor of
Returns:the factory
/** * Use the only declared constructor to map a class. * * @param clazz the class to find a constructor of * @return the factory */
public static RowMapperFactory factory(Class<?> clazz) { return RowMapperFactory.of(clazz, ConstructorMapper.of(clazz)); }
Use the only declared constructor to map a class.
  • clazz – the class to find a constructor of
  • prefix – a prefix for the parameter names
Returns:the factory
/** * Use the only declared constructor to map a class. * * @param clazz the class to find a constructor of * @param prefix a prefix for the parameter names * @return the factory */
public static RowMapperFactory factory(Class<?> clazz, String prefix) { return RowMapperFactory.of(clazz, ConstructorMapper.of(clazz, prefix)); }
Use a Constructor<T> to map its declaring type.
  • constructor – the constructor to invoke
Returns:the factory
/** * Use a {@code Constructor<T>} to map its declaring type. * * @param constructor the constructor to invoke * @return the factory */
public static RowMapperFactory factory(Constructor<?> constructor) { return RowMapperFactory.of(constructor.getDeclaringClass(), ConstructorMapper.of(constructor)); }
Use a Constructor<T> to map its declaring type.
  • constructor – the constructor to invoke
  • prefix – a prefix to the constructor parameter names
Returns:the factory
/** * Use a {@code Constructor<T>} to map its declaring type. * * @param constructor the constructor to invoke * @param prefix a prefix to the constructor parameter names * @return the factory */
public static RowMapperFactory factory(Constructor<?> constructor, String prefix) { return RowMapperFactory.of(constructor.getDeclaringClass(), ConstructorMapper.of(constructor, prefix)); }
Return a ConstructorMapper for the given type.
  • type – the mapped type
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type to map
Returns:the mapper
/** * Return a ConstructorMapper for the given type. * * @param <T> the type to map * @param type the mapped type * @return the mapper */
public static <T> RowMapper<T> of(Class<T> type) { return ConstructorMapper.of(type, DEFAULT_PREFIX); }
Return a ConstructorMapper for the given type and prefix.
  • type – the mapped type
  • prefix – the column name prefix
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type to map
Returns:the mapper
/** * Return a ConstructorMapper for the given type and prefix. * * @param <T> the type to map * @param type the mapped type * @param prefix the column name prefix * @return the mapper */
public static <T> RowMapper<T> of(Class<T> type, String prefix) { return new ConstructorMapper<>(findFactoryFor(type), prefix); }
Return a ConstructorMapper using the given constructor
  • constructor – the constructor to be used in mapping
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type to map
Returns:the mapper
/** * Return a ConstructorMapper using the given constructor * * @param <T> the type to map * @param constructor the constructor to be used in mapping * @return the mapper */
public static <T> RowMapper<T> of(Constructor<T> constructor) { return ConstructorMapper.of(constructor, DEFAULT_PREFIX); }
Instantiate a ConstructorMapper using the given constructor and prefix
  • constructor – the constructor to be used in mapping
  • prefix – the column name prefix
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type to map
Returns:the mapper
/** * Instantiate a ConstructorMapper using the given constructor and prefix * * @param <T> the type to map * @param constructor the constructor to be used in mapping * @param prefix the column name prefix * @return the mapper */
public static <T> RowMapper<T> of(Constructor<T> constructor, String prefix) { return new ConstructorMapper<>(new ConstructorInstanceFactory<>(constructor), prefix); } private final InstanceFactory<T> factory; private final String prefix; private final ConstructorProperties constructorProperties; private final Map<Parameter, ConstructorMapper<?>> nestedMappers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private ConstructorMapper(InstanceFactory<T> factory, String prefix) { this.factory = factory; this.prefix = prefix.toLowerCase(); this.constructorProperties = factory.getAnnotation(ConstructorProperties.class); } @Override public T map(ResultSet rs, StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException { return specialize(rs, ctx).map(rs, ctx); } @Override public RowMapper<T> specialize(ResultSet rs, StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException { final List<String> columnNames = getColumnNames(rs); final List<ColumnNameMatcher> columnNameMatchers = ctx.getConfig(ReflectionMappers.class).getColumnNameMatchers(); final List<String> unmatchedColumns = new ArrayList<>(columnNames); RowMapper<T> mapper = specialize0(ctx, columnNames, columnNameMatchers, unmatchedColumns) .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( UNMATCHED_CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMETERS, factory))); if (ctx.getConfig(ReflectionMappers.class).isStrictMatching() && anyColumnsStartWithPrefix(unmatchedColumns, prefix, columnNameMatchers)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format(UNMATCHED_COLUMNS_STRICT, factory, unmatchedColumns)); } return mapper; } private Optional<RowMapper<T>> specialize0(StatementContext ctx, List<String> columnNames, List<ColumnNameMatcher> columnNameMatchers, List<String> unmatchedColumns) { final int count = factory.getParameterCount(); final Parameter[] parameters = factory.getParameters(); boolean matchedColumns = false; final List<String> unmatchedParameters = new ArrayList<>(); final List<ParameterData> paramData = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final Parameter parameter = parameters[i]; boolean nullable = isNullable(parameter); Nested anno = parameter.getAnnotation(Nested.class); if (anno == null) { final String paramName = prefix + paramName(parameters, i, constructorProperties); final OptionalInt columnIndex = findColumnIndex(paramName, columnNames, columnNameMatchers, () -> debugName(parameter)); if (columnIndex.isPresent()) { int colIndex = columnIndex.getAsInt(); final QualifiedType<?> type = QualifiedType.of(parameter.getParameterizedType()) .withAnnotations(ctx.getConfig(Qualifiers.class).findFor(parameter)); paramData.add(new ParameterData(i, parameter, ctx.findColumnMapperFor(type) .map(mapper -> new SingleColumnMapper<>(mapper, colIndex + 1)) .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException( String.format(MISSING_COLUMN_MAPPER, type, paramName, factory))))); matchedColumns = true; unmatchedColumns.remove(columnNames.get(colIndex)); } else if (nullable) { paramData.add(new ParameterData(i, parameter, (r, c) -> null)); } else { unmatchedParameters.add(paramName); } } else { final String nestedPrefix = prefix + anno.value(); final Optional<? extends RowMapper<?>> nestedMapper = nestedMappers .computeIfAbsent(parameter, p -> new ConstructorMapper<>(findFactoryFor(p.getType()), nestedPrefix)) .specialize0(ctx, columnNames, columnNameMatchers, unmatchedColumns); if (nestedMapper.isPresent()) { paramData.add(new ParameterData(i, parameter, nestedMapper.get())); matchedColumns = true; } else if (nullable) { paramData.add(new ParameterData(i, parameter, (r, c) -> null)); } else { unmatchedParameters.add(paramName(parameters, i, constructorProperties)); } } } if (!matchedColumns) { return Optional.empty(); } Collections.sort(paramData, Comparator.comparing( p -> p.propagateNull ? 1 : 0)); if (!unmatchedParameters.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( UNMATCHED_CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMETER, factory, unmatchedParameters)); } final Optional<String> nullMarkerColumn = Optional.ofNullable(factory.getAnnotationIncludingType(PropagateNull.class)) .map(PropagateNull::value); return Optional.of((r, c) -> { if (PojoMapper.propagateNull(r, nullMarkerColumn)) { return null; } final Object[] params = new Object[count]; for (ParameterData p : paramData) { params[p.index] = p.mapper.map(r, c); if (p.propagateNull && (params[p.index] == null || p.isPrimitive && r.wasNull())) { return null; } } return factory.newInstance(params); }); } private boolean isNullable(Parameter parameter) { // Any annotation named @Nullable is honored. We're nice that way. return Stream.of(parameter.getAnnotations()) .map(Annotation::annotationType) .map(Class::getSimpleName) .anyMatch("Nullable"::equals); } private static String paramName(Parameter[] parameters, int position, ConstructorProperties parameterNames) { final Parameter parameter = parameters[position]; ColumnName dbName = parameter.getAnnotation(ColumnName.class); if (dbName != null) { return dbName.value(); } if (parameterNames != null) { return parameterNames.value()[position]; } return parameter.getName(); } private String debugName(Parameter parameter) { return String.format("%s constructor parameter %s", factory.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName(), parameter.getName()); } private static class ParameterData { ParameterData(int index, Parameter parameter, RowMapper<?> mapper) { this.index = index; this.parameter = parameter; this.mapper = mapper; propagateNull = parameter.getAnnotation(PropagateNull.class) != null; isPrimitive = parameter.getType().isPrimitive(); } final int index; final Parameter parameter; final RowMapper<?> mapper; final boolean propagateNull; final boolean isPrimitive; } }