package org.jboss.resteasy.core.providerfactory;

import org.jboss.resteasy.core.MediaTypeMap;
import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.util.Types;


Allow us to sort message body implementations that are more specific for their types i.e. MessageBodyWriter<Object> is less specific than MessageBodyWriter<String>.

This helps out a lot when the desired media type is a wildcard and to weed out all the possible default mappings.

/** * Allow us to sort message body implementations that are more specific for their types * i.e. MessageBodyWriter&#x3C;Object&#x3E; is less specific than MessageBodyWriter&#x3C;String&#x3E;. * <p> * This helps out a lot when the desired media type is a wildcard and to weed out all the possible * default mappings. */
public class SortedKey<T> implements Comparable<SortedKey<T>>, MediaTypeMap.Typed { private final T obj; private final boolean isBuiltin; private final Class<?> template; private final int priority; public SortedKey(final Class<?> intf, final T reader, final Class<?> readerClass, final int priority, final boolean isBuiltin) { this.obj = reader; // check the super class for the generic type 1st Class<?> t = Types.getTemplateParameterOfInterface(readerClass, intf); template = (t != null) ? t : Object.class; this.priority = priority; this.isBuiltin = isBuiltin; } public SortedKey(final Class<?> intf, final T reader, final Class<?> readerClass, final boolean isBuiltin) { this(intf, reader, readerClass, Priorities.USER, isBuiltin); } public SortedKey(final Class<?> intf, final T reader, final Class<?> readerClass) { this(intf, reader, readerClass, Priorities.USER, false); }
Direct populate
  • obj –
  • isBuiltin –
  • template – template class of component type
  • priority –
/** * Direct populate * * @param obj * @param isBuiltin * @param template template class of component type * @param priority */
public SortedKey(final T obj, final boolean isBuiltin, final Class<?> template, final int priority) { this.obj = obj; this.isBuiltin = isBuiltin; this.template = template; this.priority = priority; } public int compareTo(SortedKey<T> tMessageBodyKey) { // Sort user provider before builtins if (this == tMessageBodyKey) return 0; if (isBuiltin == tMessageBodyKey.isBuiltin) { if (this.priority < tMessageBodyKey.priority) { return -1; } if (this.priority == tMessageBodyKey.priority) { return 0; } if (this.priority > tMessageBodyKey.priority) { return 1; } } if (isBuiltin) return 1; else return -1; } public Class<?> getType() { return template; } public T getObj() { return obj; } public int getPriority() { return priority; } }