package org.jboss.resteasy.core;

import org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.delegates.MediaTypeHeaderDelegate;
import org.jboss.resteasy.util.MediaTypeHelper;

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

A copy-on-write MediaType index of T.
Author:Bill Burke
Version:$Revision: 1 $
/** * A copy-on-write MediaType index of T. * * @author <a href="">Bill Burke</a> * @version $Revision: 1 $ */
public class MediaTypeMap<T> { public interface Typed { Class<?> getType(); } private static class TypedEntryComparator implements Comparator<Entry<?>>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8815419198743440920L; private Class<?> type; TypedEntryComparator(final Class<?> type) { this.type = type; } private boolean isAssignableFrom(Typed typed) { if (typed.getType() == null) return false; return typed.getType().isAssignableFrom(type); } private int compareTypes(Entry<?> entry, Entry<?> entry1) { int val = 0; if (entry.object instanceof Typed && entry1.object instanceof Typed && type != null) { Typed one = (Typed) entry.object; Typed two = (Typed) entry1.object; boolean oneTyped = isAssignableFrom(one); boolean twoTyped = isAssignableFrom(two); if (oneTyped == twoTyped && (!oneTyped && !twoTyped)) { // both are false val = 0; } else if (oneTyped == twoTyped) { // both are true. // test for better assignability if (one.getType().equals(two.getType())) { val = 0; } else if (one.getType().isAssignableFrom(two.getType())) { val = 1; } else { val = -1; } } else if (oneTyped) val = -1; else val = 1; } return val; } public int compare(Entry<?> entry, Entry<?> entry1) { int val = compareTypes(entry, entry1); if (val == 0) val = entry.compareTo(entry1); return val; } } private static class Entry<T> implements Comparable<Entry<?>> { public MediaType mediaType; public T object; private Entry(final MediaType mediaType, final T object) { this.mediaType = mediaType; this.object = object; } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public int compareTo(Entry<?> entry) { int val = MediaTypeHelper.compareWeight(mediaType, entry.mediaType); if (val == 0 && object instanceof Comparable && entry.object instanceof Comparable) { return ((Comparable) object).compareTo(entry.object); } return val; } } private static final Pattern COMPOSITE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([^\\+]+)\\+(.+)"); // Composite subtypes are of the pattern *+subtype i.e. *+xml, *+json public static final Pattern COMPOSITE_SUBTYPE_WILDCARD_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\*\\+(.+)"); // This composite is subtype+* i.e. atom+* rss+* public static final Pattern WILD_SUBTYPE_COMPOSITE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([^\\+]+)\\+\\*"); public static String compositeWildSubtype(String subtype) { final Matcher matcher = COMPOSITE_SUBTYPE_WILDCARD_PATTERN.matcher(subtype); if (matcher.matches()) { return; } return null; } public static String wildCompositeSubtype(String subtype) { final Matcher matcher = WILD_SUBTYPE_COMPOSITE_PATTERN.matcher(subtype); if (matcher.matches()) { return; } return null; } private class SubtypeMap<T> { private volatile Map<String, List<Entry<T>>> index; private volatile Map<String, List<Entry<T>>> compositeIndex; private volatile Map<String, List<Entry<T>>> wildCompositeIndex; private volatile List<Entry<T>> wildcards; private volatile List<Entry<T>> all; private SubtypeMap() { index = new HashMap<>(); compositeIndex = new HashMap<>(); wildCompositeIndex = new HashMap<>(); wildcards = new ArrayList<>(); all = new ArrayList<>(); } private SubtypeMap(final SubtypeMap<T> subtypeMap) { index = subtypeMap.index; compositeIndex = subtypeMap.compositeIndex; wildCompositeIndex = subtypeMap.wildCompositeIndex; wildcards = subtypeMap.wildcards; all = subtypeMap.all; } private void add(Entry<T> entry) { final Matcher matcher = COMPOSITE_SUBTYPE_WILDCARD_PATTERN.matcher(entry.mediaType.getSubtype()); final Matcher wildCompositeMatcher = WILD_SUBTYPE_COMPOSITE_PATTERN.matcher(entry.mediaType.getSubtype()); if (entry.mediaType.isWildcardSubtype()) { addWildcard(entry); } else if (matcher.matches()) { String baseSubType =; addCompositeWild(entry, baseSubType); } else if (wildCompositeMatcher.matches()) { String base =; addWildComposite(entry, base); } else { addRegular(entry); } } private void addRegular(Entry<T> entry) { Map<String, List<Entry<T>>> newIndex = index; if (lockSnapshots) newIndex = copy(index); add(newIndex, entry.mediaType.getSubtype(), entry); index = newIndex; merge(entry); } private void addWildComposite(Entry<T> entry, String base) { Map<String, List<Entry<T>>> newWildCompositeIndex = wildCompositeIndex; if (lockSnapshots) newWildCompositeIndex = (wildCompositeIndex); add(newWildCompositeIndex, base, entry); wildCompositeIndex = newWildCompositeIndex; merge(entry); } private void addCompositeWild(Entry<T> entry, String baseSubType) { Map<String, List<Entry<T>>> newCompositeIndex = compositeIndex; if (lockSnapshots) newCompositeIndex = copy(compositeIndex); add(newCompositeIndex, baseSubType, entry); compositeIndex = newCompositeIndex; merge(entry); } private void addWildcard(Entry<T> entry) { if (lockSnapshots) wildcards = copyAndAdd(wildcards, entry); else wildcards.add(entry); merge(entry); } private void merge(Entry<T> entry) { if (lockSnapshots) { all = copyAndAdd(all, entry); } else { all.add(entry); } } private Map<String, List<Entry<T>>> copy(final Map<String, List<Entry<T>>> original) { final Map<String, List<Entry<T>>> copy = new HashMap<>(original.size()); original.forEach((key, value) -> copy.put(key, new ArrayList<>(value))); return copy; } private void add(final Map<String, List<Entry<T>>> map, final String key, final Entry<T> entry) { map.putIfAbsent(key, new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>()); map.get(key).add(entry); } private List<Entry<T>> getPossible(MediaType accept) { if (accept.isWildcardSubtype()) { return all; } else { List<Entry<T>> matches = new ArrayList<Entry<T>>(); List<Entry<T>> indexed = index.get(accept.getSubtype()); if (indexed != null) matches.addAll(indexed); Matcher matcher = COMPOSITE_PATTERN.matcher(accept.getSubtype()); String compositeKey = accept.getSubtype(); if (matcher.matches()) { String wildCompositeKey =; List<Entry<T>> windex = wildCompositeIndex.get(wildCompositeKey); if (windex != null) matches.addAll(windex); compositeKey =; } List<Entry<T>> indexed2 = compositeIndex.get(compositeKey); if (indexed2 != null) matches.addAll(indexed2); matches.addAll(wildcards); return matches; } } } static <A> List<A> copyAndAdd(List<A> a, A entry) { // reduce internal array copying ArrayList<A> newList = new ArrayList<A>(a.size() + 1); newList.add(entry); newList.addAll(0, a); return newList; } private static class CachedMediaTypeAndClass { // we need a weak reference because of possible hot deployment // Although, these reference should get cleared up with any add() invocation private WeakReference<Class<?>> clazz; private MediaType mediaType; private final int hash; @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) private CachedMediaTypeAndClass(final Class clazz, final MediaType mediaType) { this.clazz = new WeakReference(clazz); this.mediaType = mediaType; int result = clazz.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + (mediaType.getType() != null ? mediaType.getType().hashCode() : 0) + (mediaType.getSubtype() != null ? mediaType.getSubtype().hashCode() : 0); hash = result; } private Class<?> getClazz() { return clazz.get(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; CachedMediaTypeAndClass that = (CachedMediaTypeAndClass) o; // WeakReference may have GC'd Class<?> clazz = getClazz(); if (clazz == null || that.getClazz() == null) return false; if (!clazz.equals(that.getClazz())) return false; if (mediaType.getType() != null) { if (!mediaType.getType().equals(that.mediaType.getType())) return false; } else if ((mediaType.getType() != that.mediaType.getType())) return false; if (mediaType.getSubtype() != null) { if (!mediaType.getSubtype().equals(that.mediaType.getSubtype())) return false; } else if ((mediaType.getSubtype() != that.mediaType.getSubtype())) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return hash; } } private volatile Map<String, SubtypeMap<T>> index; private volatile Map<CachedMediaTypeAndClass, List<T>> classCache; private volatile List<Entry<T>> wildcards; private volatile List<Entry<T>> everything; private boolean lockSnapshots; public MediaTypeMap() { index = new HashMap<>(); wildcards = new ArrayList<>(); everything = new ArrayList<>(); }
Shallow copy, any additional adds will deep copy
  • mediaTypeMap –
/** * Shallow copy, any additional adds will deep copy * * @param mediaTypeMap */
public MediaTypeMap(final MediaTypeMap<T> mediaTypeMap) { lockSnapshots = true; index = mediaTypeMap.index; wildcards = mediaTypeMap.wildcards; everything = mediaTypeMap.everything; classCache = mediaTypeMap.classCache; }
After this is called, all new adds will deep copy itself.
/** * After this is called, all new adds will deep copy itself. * */
public void lockSnapshots() { //if (!lockSnapshots) Collections.sort(everything); lockSnapshots = true; }
Add an object to the media type map. This is synchronized to serialize adds.
  • type – media type
  • obj – object
/** * Add an object to the media type map. This is synchronized to serialize adds. * * @param type media type * @param obj object */
public synchronized void add(final MediaType type, final T obj) { final MediaType newType = new MediaType(type.getType().toLowerCase(), type.getSubtype().toLowerCase(), type.getParameters()); final Entry<T> entry = new Entry<>(newType, obj); add(entry); }
Add an object to the media type map. This is synchronized to serialize adds.
  • mediaType – media type
  • obj – object
/** * Add an object to the media type map. This is synchronized to serialize adds. * * @param mediaType media type * @param obj object */
public synchronized void add(String mediaType, final T obj) { final MediaType newType = MediaTypeHeaderDelegate.parse(mediaType.toLowerCase()); final Entry<T> entry = new Entry<>(newType, obj); add(entry); } public synchronized void addWildcard(final T obj) { final Entry<T> entry = new Entry<>(MediaType.WILDCARD_TYPE, obj); addWildcard(entry); } protected void add(Entry<T> entry) { if (entry.mediaType.isWildcardType()) { addWildcard(entry); } else { Map<String, SubtypeMap<T>> newIndex = copyIndex(); newIndex.putIfAbsent(entry.mediaType.getType(), new SubtypeMap<>()); newIndex.get(entry.mediaType.getType()).add(entry); index = newIndex; mergeEverything(entry); } } private Map<String, SubtypeMap<T>> copyIndex() { Map<String, SubtypeMap<T>> newIndex = index; if (lockSnapshots) { Map<String, SubtypeMap<T>> finalIndex = new HashMap<>(); newIndex = finalIndex; index.forEach((key, value) -> finalIndex.put(key, new SubtypeMap<>(value))); } return newIndex; } private void addWildcard(Entry<T> entry) { if (lockSnapshots) wildcards = copyAndAdd(wildcards, entry); else wildcards.add(entry); mergeEverything(entry); } public synchronized void addRegular(MediaType mediaType, T obj) { final Entry<T> entry = new Entry<>(mediaType, obj); Map<String, SubtypeMap<T>> newIndex = copyIndex(); newIndex.putIfAbsent(entry.mediaType.getType(), new SubtypeMap<>()); SubtypeMap<T> subtypeMap = newIndex.get(entry.mediaType.getType()); subtypeMap.addRegular(entry); index = newIndex; mergeEverything(entry); } public synchronized void addCompositeWild(MediaType mediaType, T obj, String baseSubtype) { final Entry<T> entry = new Entry<>(mediaType, obj); Map<String, SubtypeMap<T>> newIndex = copyIndex(); newIndex.putIfAbsent(entry.mediaType.getType(), new SubtypeMap<>()); SubtypeMap<T> subtypeMap = newIndex.get(entry.mediaType.getType()); subtypeMap.addCompositeWild(entry, baseSubtype); index = newIndex; mergeEverything(entry); } public synchronized void addWildComposite(MediaType mediaType, T obj, String baseSubtype) { final Entry<T> entry = new Entry<>(mediaType, obj); Map<String, SubtypeMap<T>> newIndex = copyIndex(); newIndex.putIfAbsent(entry.mediaType.getType(), new SubtypeMap<>()); SubtypeMap<T> subtypeMap = newIndex.get(entry.mediaType.getType()); subtypeMap.addWildComposite(entry, baseSubtype); index = newIndex; mergeEverything(entry); } public synchronized void addWildSubtype(MediaType mediaType, T obj) { final Entry<T> entry = new Entry<>(mediaType, obj); Map<String, SubtypeMap<T>> newIndex = copyIndex(); newIndex.putIfAbsent(entry.mediaType.getType(), new SubtypeMap<>()); SubtypeMap<T> subtypeMap = newIndex.get(entry.mediaType.getType()); subtypeMap.addWildcard(entry); index = newIndex; mergeEverything(entry); } private void mergeEverything(Entry<T> entry) { List<Entry<T>> newAll = everything; if (lockSnapshots) { newAll = copyAndAdd(everything, entry); Collections.sort(newAll); everything = newAll; } else { everything.add(entry); Collections.sort(everything); } classCache = null; } private static <T> List<T> convert(List<Entry<T>> list) { List<T> newList = new ArrayList<T>(list.size()); for (Entry<T> entry : list) { newList.add(entry.object); } return newList; }
Returns a list of objects sorted based on their media type where the first in the list is the best match
  • accept – mime to match
Returns:list of objects
/** * Returns a list of objects sorted based on their media type where the first in the list * is the best match * * @param accept mime to match * @return list of objects */
public List<T> getPossible(MediaType accept) { accept = new MediaType(accept.getType().toLowerCase(), accept.getSubtype().toLowerCase(), accept.getParameters()); List<Entry<T>> matches = new ArrayList<Entry<T>>(); if (accept.isWildcardType()) { return convert(everything); } else { SubtypeMap<T> indexed = index.get(accept.getType()); if (indexed != null) { matches.addAll(indexed.getPossible(accept)); } matches.addAll(wildcards); } Collections.sort(matches); return convert(matches); }
By default, MediaTypeMap will cache possible MediaType/Class matches. Set this to false to turn off caching
/** * By default, MediaTypeMap will cache possible MediaType/Class matches. Set this to false to turn off * caching * */
public static boolean useCache = true; public List<T> getPossible(MediaType accept, Class<?> type) { List<T> cached = null; CachedMediaTypeAndClass cacheEntry = null; if (useCache) { cacheEntry = new CachedMediaTypeAndClass(type, accept); if (classCache != null) { cached = classCache.get(cacheEntry); if (cached != null) return cached; } } accept = new MediaType(accept.getType().toLowerCase(), accept.getSubtype().toLowerCase(), accept.getParameters()); List<Entry<T>> matches = new ArrayList<Entry<T>>(); if (accept.isWildcardType()) { matches.addAll(everything); } else { SubtypeMap<T> indexed = index.get(accept.getType()); if (indexed != null) { matches.addAll(indexed.getPossible(accept)); } matches.addAll(wildcards); } Collections.sort(matches, new TypedEntryComparator(type)); cached = convert(matches); if (useCache) { Map<CachedMediaTypeAndClass, List<T>> cache = classCache; if (cache == null) { synchronized (this) { if (classCache == null) { classCache = new HashMap<>(); } cache = classCache; } } cache.put(cacheEntry, cached); } return cached; } }