 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2012, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
 * statements applied by the authors.  All third-party contributions are
 * distributed under license by Red Hat Inc.
 * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
 * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
 * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this distribution; if not, write to:
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc.
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package org.hibernate.jpa.spi;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.persistence.CacheRetrieveMode;
import javax.persistence.CacheStoreMode;
import javax.persistence.EntityExistsException;
import javax.persistence.EntityGraph;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException;
import javax.persistence.EntityTransaction;
import javax.persistence.FlushModeType;
import javax.persistence.LockModeType;
import javax.persistence.LockTimeoutException;
import javax.persistence.NoResultException;
import javax.persistence.NonUniqueResultException;
import javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContextType;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
import javax.persistence.PessimisticLockException;
import javax.persistence.PessimisticLockScope;
import javax.persistence.Query;
import javax.persistence.QueryTimeoutException;
import javax.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery;
import javax.persistence.SynchronizationType;
import javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException;
import javax.persistence.Tuple;
import javax.persistence.TupleElement;
import javax.persistence.TypedQuery;
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder;
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaDelete;
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery;
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate;
import javax.persistence.criteria.Selection;
import javax.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel;
import javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitTransactionType;
import javax.transaction.Status;
import javax.transaction.SystemException;
import javax.transaction.TransactionManager;

import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure;
import org.hibernate.CacheMode;
import org.hibernate.FlushMode;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.LockMode;
import org.hibernate.LockOptions;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException;
import org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException;
import org.hibernate.QueryException;
import org.hibernate.SQLQuery;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.StaleObjectStateException;
import org.hibernate.StaleStateException;
import org.hibernate.TransientObjectException;
import org.hibernate.TypeMismatchException;
import org.hibernate.UnresolvableObjectException;
import org.hibernate.boot.registry.classloading.spi.ClassLoaderService;
import org.hibernate.boot.registry.classloading.spi.ClassLoadingException;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Environment;
import org.hibernate.dialect.lock.LockingStrategyException;
import org.hibernate.dialect.lock.OptimisticEntityLockException;
import org.hibernate.dialect.lock.PessimisticEntityLockException;
import org.hibernate.engine.ResultSetMappingDefinition;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.HQLQueryPlan;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.sql.NativeSQLQueryConstructorReturn;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.sql.NativeSQLQueryReturn;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.sql.NativeSQLQueryRootReturn;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.NamedQueryDefinition;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.NamedSQLQueryDefinition;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.jta.JtaStatusHelper;
import org.hibernate.engine.transaction.jta.platform.spi.JtaPlatform;
import org.hibernate.engine.transaction.spi.JoinStatus;
import org.hibernate.engine.transaction.spi.TransactionCoordinator;
import org.hibernate.engine.transaction.spi.TransactionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.engine.transaction.synchronization.spi.AfterCompletionAction;
import org.hibernate.engine.transaction.synchronization.spi.ExceptionMapper;
import org.hibernate.engine.transaction.synchronization.spi.ManagedFlushChecker;
import org.hibernate.engine.transaction.synchronization.spi.SynchronizationCallbackCoordinator;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.collections.CollectionHelper;
import org.hibernate.jpa.AvailableSettings;
import org.hibernate.jpa.HibernateEntityManagerFactory;
import org.hibernate.jpa.QueryHints;
import org.hibernate.jpa.criteria.ValueHandlerFactory;
import org.hibernate.jpa.criteria.compile.CompilableCriteria;
import org.hibernate.jpa.criteria.compile.CriteriaCompiler;
import org.hibernate.jpa.criteria.expression.CompoundSelectionImpl;
import org.hibernate.jpa.internal.EntityManagerFactoryImpl;
import org.hibernate.jpa.internal.EntityManagerMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.jpa.internal.HEMLogging;
import org.hibernate.jpa.internal.QueryImpl;
import org.hibernate.jpa.internal.StoredProcedureQueryImpl;
import org.hibernate.jpa.internal.TransactionImpl;
import org.hibernate.jpa.internal.util.CacheModeHelper;
import org.hibernate.jpa.internal.util.ConfigurationHelper;
import org.hibernate.jpa.internal.util.LockModeTypeHelper;
import org.hibernate.procedure.ProcedureCallMemento;
import org.hibernate.procedure.UnknownSqlResultSetMappingException;
import org.hibernate.proxy.HibernateProxy;
import org.hibernate.transform.BasicTransformerAdapter;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

Author:Gavin King, Emmanuel Bernard, Steve Ebersole, Hardy Ferentschik
/** * @author <a href="mailto:gavin@hibernate.org">Gavin King</a> * @author Emmanuel Bernard * @author Steve Ebersole * @author Hardy Ferentschik */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public abstract class AbstractEntityManagerImpl implements HibernateEntityManagerImplementor, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 78818181L; private static final EntityManagerMessageLogger LOG = HEMLogging.messageLogger( AbstractEntityManagerImpl.class ); private static final List<String> ENTITY_MANAGER_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES = new ArrayList<String>(); static { ENTITY_MANAGER_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES.add( AvailableSettings.LOCK_SCOPE ); ENTITY_MANAGER_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES.add( AvailableSettings.LOCK_TIMEOUT ); ENTITY_MANAGER_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES.add( AvailableSettings.FLUSH_MODE ); ENTITY_MANAGER_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES.add( AvailableSettings.SHARED_CACHE_RETRIEVE_MODE ); ENTITY_MANAGER_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES.add( AvailableSettings.SHARED_CACHE_STORE_MODE ); ENTITY_MANAGER_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES.add( QueryHints.SPEC_HINT_TIMEOUT ); } private EntityManagerFactoryImpl entityManagerFactory; protected transient TransactionImpl tx = new TransactionImpl( this ); private SynchronizationType synchronizationType; private PersistenceUnitTransactionType transactionType; private Map<String, Object> properties; private LockOptions lockOptions; protected AbstractEntityManagerImpl( EntityManagerFactoryImpl entityManagerFactory, PersistenceContextType type, // TODO: remove as no longer used SynchronizationType synchronizationType, PersistenceUnitTransactionType transactionType, Map properties) { this.entityManagerFactory = entityManagerFactory; this.synchronizationType = synchronizationType; this.transactionType = transactionType; this.lockOptions = new LockOptions(); this.properties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for ( String key : ENTITY_MANAGER_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES ) { if ( entityManagerFactory.getProperties().containsKey( key ) ) { this.properties.put( key, entityManagerFactory.getProperties().get( key ) ); } if ( properties != null && properties.containsKey( key ) ) { this.properties.put( key, properties.get( key ) ); } } } // protected PersistenceUnitTransactionType transactionType() { // return transactionType; // } // // protected SynchronizationType synchronizationType() { // return synchronizationType; // } // // public boolean shouldAutoJoinTransactions() { // // the Session should auto join only if using non-JTA transactions or if the synchronization type // // was specified as SYNCHRONIZED // return transactionType != PersistenceUnitTransactionType.JTA // || synchronizationType == SynchronizationType.SYNCHRONIZED; // } public PersistenceUnitTransactionType getTransactionType() { return transactionType; } protected void postInit() { //register in Sync if needed if ( transactionType == PersistenceUnitTransactionType.JTA && synchronizationType == SynchronizationType.SYNCHRONIZED ) { joinTransaction( false ); } setDefaultProperties(); applyProperties(); } private void applyProperties() { getSession().setFlushMode( ConfigurationHelper.getFlushMode( properties.get( AvailableSettings.FLUSH_MODE ) ) ); setLockOptions( this.properties, this.lockOptions ); getSession().setCacheMode( CacheModeHelper.interpretCacheMode( currentCacheStoreMode(), currentCacheRetrieveMode() ) ); } private Query applyProperties(Query query) { if ( lockOptions.getLockMode() != LockMode.NONE ) { query.setLockMode( getLockMode(lockOptions.getLockMode())); } Object queryTimeout; if ( (queryTimeout = getProperties().get(QueryHints.SPEC_HINT_TIMEOUT)) != null ) { query.setHint( QueryHints.SPEC_HINT_TIMEOUT, queryTimeout ); } Object lockTimeout; if( (lockTimeout = getProperties().get( AvailableSettings.LOCK_TIMEOUT ))!=null){ query.setHint( AvailableSettings.LOCK_TIMEOUT, lockTimeout ); } return query; } private CacheRetrieveMode currentCacheRetrieveMode() { return determineCacheRetrieveMode( properties ); } private CacheRetrieveMode determineCacheRetrieveMode(Map<String, Object> settings) { return ( CacheRetrieveMode ) settings.get( AvailableSettings.SHARED_CACHE_RETRIEVE_MODE ); } private CacheStoreMode currentCacheStoreMode() { return determineCacheStoreMode( properties ); } private CacheStoreMode determineCacheStoreMode(Map<String, Object> settings) { return ( CacheStoreMode ) settings.get( AvailableSettings.SHARED_CACHE_STORE_MODE ); } private void setLockOptions(Map<String, Object> props, LockOptions options) { Object lockScope = props.get( AvailableSettings.LOCK_SCOPE ); if ( lockScope instanceof String && PessimisticLockScope.valueOf( ( String ) lockScope ) == PessimisticLockScope.EXTENDED ) { options.setScope( true ); } else if ( lockScope instanceof PessimisticLockScope ) { boolean extended = PessimisticLockScope.EXTENDED.equals( lockScope ); options.setScope( extended ); } else if ( lockScope != null ) { throw new PersistenceException( "Unable to parse " + AvailableSettings.LOCK_SCOPE + ": " + lockScope ); } Object lockTimeout = props.get( AvailableSettings.LOCK_TIMEOUT ); int timeout = 0; boolean timeoutSet = false; if ( lockTimeout instanceof String ) { timeout = Integer.parseInt( ( String ) lockTimeout ); timeoutSet = true; } else if ( lockTimeout instanceof Number ) { timeout = ( (Number) lockTimeout ).intValue(); timeoutSet = true; } else if ( lockTimeout != null ) { throw new PersistenceException( "Unable to parse " + AvailableSettings.LOCK_TIMEOUT + ": " + lockTimeout ); } if ( timeoutSet ) { if ( timeout == LockOptions.SKIP_LOCKED ) { options.setTimeOut( LockOptions.SKIP_LOCKED ); } else if ( timeout < 0 ) { options.setTimeOut( LockOptions.WAIT_FOREVER ); } else if ( timeout == 0 ) { options.setTimeOut( LockOptions.NO_WAIT ); } else { options.setTimeOut( timeout ); } } }
Sets the default property values for the properties the entity manager supports and which are not already explicitly set.
/** * Sets the default property values for the properties the entity manager supports and which are not already explicitly * set. */
private void setDefaultProperties() { if ( properties.get( AvailableSettings.FLUSH_MODE ) == null ) { properties.put( AvailableSettings.FLUSH_MODE, getSession().getFlushMode().toString() ); } if ( properties.get( AvailableSettings.LOCK_SCOPE ) == null ) { this.properties.put( AvailableSettings.LOCK_SCOPE, PessimisticLockScope.EXTENDED.name() ); } if ( properties.get( AvailableSettings.LOCK_TIMEOUT ) == null ) { properties.put( AvailableSettings.LOCK_TIMEOUT, LockOptions.WAIT_FOREVER ); } if ( properties.get( AvailableSettings.SHARED_CACHE_RETRIEVE_MODE ) == null ) { properties.put( AvailableSettings.SHARED_CACHE_RETRIEVE_MODE, CacheModeHelper.DEFAULT_RETRIEVE_MODE ); } if ( properties.get( AvailableSettings.SHARED_CACHE_STORE_MODE ) == null ) { properties.put( AvailableSettings.SHARED_CACHE_STORE_MODE, CacheModeHelper.DEFAULT_STORE_MODE ); } } @Override public Query createQuery(String jpaqlString) { checkOpen(); try { return applyProperties( new QueryImpl<Object>( internalGetSession().createQuery( jpaqlString ), this ) ); } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { throw convert( e ); } } protected abstract void checkOpen(); @Override public <T> TypedQuery<T> createQuery(String jpaqlString, Class<T> resultClass) { checkOpen(); try { // do the translation org.hibernate.Query hqlQuery = internalGetSession().createQuery( jpaqlString ); resultClassChecking( resultClass, hqlQuery ); // finally, build/return the query instance return new QueryImpl<T>( hqlQuery, this ); } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { throw convert( e ); } } protected void resultClassChecking(Class resultClass, org.hibernate.Query hqlQuery) { // make sure the query is a select -> HHH-7192 final SessionImplementor session = unwrap( SessionImplementor.class ); final HQLQueryPlan queryPlan = session.getFactory().getQueryPlanCache().getHQLQueryPlan( hqlQuery.getQueryString(), false, session.getLoadQueryInfluencers().getEnabledFilters() ); if ( queryPlan.getTranslators()[0].isManipulationStatement() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Update/delete queries cannot be typed" ); } // do some return type validation checking if ( Object[].class.equals( resultClass ) ) { // no validation needed } else if ( Tuple.class.equals( resultClass ) ) { TupleBuilderTransformer tupleTransformer = new TupleBuilderTransformer( hqlQuery ); hqlQuery.setResultTransformer( tupleTransformer ); } else { final Class dynamicInstantiationClass = queryPlan.getDynamicInstantiationResultType(); if ( dynamicInstantiationClass != null ) { if ( ! resultClass.isAssignableFrom( dynamicInstantiationClass ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Mismatch in requested result type [" + resultClass.getName() + "] and actual result type [" + dynamicInstantiationClass.getName() + "]" ); } } else if ( hqlQuery.getReturnTypes().length == 1 ) { // if we have only a single return expression, its java type should match with the requested type if ( !resultClass.isAssignableFrom( hqlQuery.getReturnTypes()[0].getReturnedClass() ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Type specified for TypedQuery [" + resultClass.getName() + "] is incompatible with query return type [" + hqlQuery.getReturnTypes()[0].getReturnedClass() + "]" ); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot create TypedQuery for query with more than one return using requested result type [" + resultClass.getName() + "]" ); } } } public static class TupleBuilderTransformer extends BasicTransformerAdapter { private List<TupleElement<?>> tupleElements; private Map<String,HqlTupleElementImpl> tupleElementsByAlias; public TupleBuilderTransformer(org.hibernate.Query hqlQuery) { final Type[] resultTypes = hqlQuery.getReturnTypes(); final int tupleSize = resultTypes.length; this.tupleElements = CollectionHelper.arrayList( tupleSize ); final String[] aliases = hqlQuery.getReturnAliases(); final boolean hasAliases = aliases != null && aliases.length > 0; this.tupleElementsByAlias = hasAliases ? CollectionHelper.<String, HqlTupleElementImpl>mapOfSize( tupleSize ) : Collections.<String, HqlTupleElementImpl>emptyMap(); for ( int i = 0; i < tupleSize; i++ ) { final HqlTupleElementImpl tupleElement = new HqlTupleElementImpl( i, aliases == null ? null : aliases[i], resultTypes[i] ); tupleElements.add( tupleElement ); if ( hasAliases ) { final String alias = aliases[i]; if ( alias != null ) { tupleElementsByAlias.put( alias, tupleElement ); } } } } @Override public Object transformTuple(Object[] tuple, String[] aliases) { if ( tuple.length != tupleElements.size() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Size mismatch between tuple result [" + tuple.length + "] and expected tuple elements [" + tupleElements.size() + "]" ); } return new HqlTupleImpl( tuple ); } public static class HqlTupleElementImpl<X> implements TupleElement<X> { private final int position; private final String alias; private final Type hibernateType; public HqlTupleElementImpl(int position, String alias, Type hibernateType) { this.position = position; this.alias = alias; this.hibernateType = hibernateType; } @Override public Class getJavaType() { return hibernateType.getReturnedClass(); } @Override public String getAlias() { return alias; } public int getPosition() { return position; } public Type getHibernateType() { return hibernateType; } } public class HqlTupleImpl implements Tuple { private Object[] tuple; public HqlTupleImpl(Object[] tuple) { this.tuple = tuple; } @Override public <X> X get(String alias, Class<X> type) { final Object untyped = get( alias ); if ( untyped != null ) { if ( ! type.isInstance( untyped ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( "Requested tuple value [alias=%s, value=%s] cannot be assigned to requested type [%s]", alias, untyped, type.getName() ) ); } } return (X) untyped; } @Override public Object get(String alias) { HqlTupleElementImpl tupleElement = tupleElementsByAlias.get( alias ); if ( tupleElement == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown alias [" + alias + "]" ); } return tuple[ tupleElement.getPosition() ]; } @Override public <X> X get(int i, Class<X> type) { final Object result = get( i ); if ( result != null && ! type.isInstance( result ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( "Requested tuple value [index=%s, realType=%s] cannot be assigned to requested type [%s]", i, result.getClass().getName(), type.getName() ) ); } return ( X ) result; } @Override public Object get(int i) { if ( i < 0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "requested tuple index must be greater than zero" ); } if ( i > tuple.length ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "requested tuple index exceeds actual tuple size" ); } return tuple[i]; } @Override public Object[] toArray() { // todo : make a copy? return tuple; } @Override public List<TupleElement<?>> getElements() { return tupleElements; } @Override public <X> X get(TupleElement<X> tupleElement) { if ( HqlTupleElementImpl.class.isInstance( tupleElement ) ) { return get( ( (HqlTupleElementImpl) tupleElement ).getPosition(), tupleElement.getJavaType() ); } else { return get( tupleElement.getAlias(), tupleElement.getJavaType() ); } } } } @Override public <T> QueryImpl<T> createQuery( String jpaqlString, Class<T> resultClass, Selection selection, QueryOptions queryOptions) { try { org.hibernate.Query hqlQuery = internalGetSession().createQuery( jpaqlString ); if ( queryOptions.getValueHandlers() == null ) { if ( queryOptions.getResultMetadataValidator() != null ) { queryOptions.getResultMetadataValidator().validate( hqlQuery.getReturnTypes() ); } } // determine if we need a result transformer List tupleElements = Tuple.class.equals( resultClass ) ? ( ( CompoundSelectionImpl<Tuple> ) selection ).getCompoundSelectionItems() : null; if ( queryOptions.getValueHandlers() != null || tupleElements != null ) { hqlQuery.setResultTransformer( new CriteriaQueryTransformer( queryOptions.getValueHandlers(), tupleElements ) ); } return new QueryImpl<T>( hqlQuery, this, queryOptions.getNamedParameterExplicitTypes() ); } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { throw convert( e ); } } private static class CriteriaQueryTransformer extends BasicTransformerAdapter { private final List<ValueHandlerFactory.ValueHandler> valueHandlers; private final List tupleElements; private CriteriaQueryTransformer(List<ValueHandlerFactory.ValueHandler> valueHandlers, List tupleElements) { // todo : should these 2 sizes match *always*? this.valueHandlers = valueHandlers; this.tupleElements = tupleElements; } @Override public Object transformTuple(Object[] tuple, String[] aliases) { final Object[] valueHandlerResult; if ( valueHandlers == null ) { valueHandlerResult = tuple; } else { valueHandlerResult = new Object[tuple.length]; for ( int i = 0; i < tuple.length; i++ ) { ValueHandlerFactory.ValueHandler valueHandler = valueHandlers.get( i ); valueHandlerResult[i] = valueHandler == null ? tuple[i] : valueHandler.convert( tuple[i] ); } } return tupleElements == null ? valueHandlerResult.length == 1 ? valueHandlerResult[0] : valueHandlerResult : new TupleImpl( tuple ); } private class TupleImpl implements Tuple { private final Object[] tuples; private TupleImpl(Object[] tuples) { if ( tuples.length != tupleElements.size() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Size mismatch between tuple result [" + tuples.length + "] and expected tuple elements [" + tupleElements.size() + "]" ); } this.tuples = tuples; } public <X> X get(TupleElement<X> tupleElement) { int index = tupleElements.indexOf( tupleElement ); if ( index < 0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Requested tuple element did not correspond to element in the result tuple" ); } // index should be "in range" by nature of size check in ctor return ( X ) tuples[index]; } public Object get(String alias) { int index = -1; if ( alias != null ) { alias = alias.trim(); if ( alias.length() > 0 ) { int i = 0; for ( TupleElement selection : ( List<TupleElement> ) tupleElements ) { if ( alias.equals( selection.getAlias() ) ) { index = i; break; } i++; } } } if ( index < 0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Given alias [" + alias + "] did not correspond to an element in the result tuple" ); } // index should be "in range" by nature of size check in ctor return tuples[index]; } public <X> X get(String alias, Class<X> type) { final Object untyped = get( alias ); if ( untyped != null ) { if ( ! type.isInstance( untyped ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( "Requested tuple value [alias=%s, value=%s] cannot be assigned to requested type [%s]", alias, untyped, type.getName() ) ); } } return (X) untyped; } public Object get(int i) { if ( i >= tuples.length ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Given index [" + i + "] was outside the range of result tuple size [" + tuples.length + "] " ); } return tuples[i]; } public <X> X get(int i, Class<X> type) { final Object result = get( i ); if ( result != null && ! type.isInstance( result ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( "Requested tuple value [index=%s, realType=%s] cannot be assigned to requested type [%s]", i, result.getClass().getName(), type.getName() ) ); } return ( X ) result; } public Object[] toArray() { return tuples; } public List<TupleElement<?>> getElements() { return tupleElements; } } } private CriteriaCompiler criteriaCompiler; protected CriteriaCompiler criteriaCompiler() { if ( criteriaCompiler == null ) { criteriaCompiler = new CriteriaCompiler( this ); } return criteriaCompiler; } @Override public <T> TypedQuery<T> createQuery(CriteriaQuery<T> criteriaQuery) { checkOpen(); try { return (TypedQuery<T>) criteriaCompiler().compile( (CompilableCriteria) criteriaQuery ); } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { throw convert( e ); } } @Override public Query createQuery(CriteriaUpdate criteriaUpdate) { checkOpen(); try { return criteriaCompiler().compile( (CompilableCriteria) criteriaUpdate ); } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { throw convert( e ); } } @Override public Query createQuery(CriteriaDelete criteriaDelete) { checkOpen(); try { return criteriaCompiler().compile( (CompilableCriteria) criteriaDelete ); } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { throw convert( e ); } } @Override public Query createNamedQuery(String name) { return buildQueryFromName( name, null ); } private QueryImpl buildQueryFromName(String name, Class resultType) { checkOpen(); // we can't just call Session#getNamedQuery because we need to apply stored setting at the JPA Query // level too final SessionFactoryImplementor sfi = entityManagerFactory.getSessionFactory(); final NamedQueryDefinition jpqlDefinition = sfi.getNamedQueryRepository().getNamedQueryDefinition( name ); if ( jpqlDefinition != null ) { return createNamedJpqlQuery( jpqlDefinition, resultType ); } final NamedSQLQueryDefinition nativeQueryDefinition = sfi.getNamedQueryRepository().getNamedSQLQueryDefinition( name ); if ( nativeQueryDefinition != null ) { return createNamedSqlQuery( nativeQueryDefinition, resultType ); } throw convert( new IllegalArgumentException( "No query defined for that name [" + name + "]" ) ); } protected QueryImpl createNamedJpqlQuery(NamedQueryDefinition namedQueryDefinition, Class resultType) { final org.hibernate.Query hibQuery = ( (SessionImplementor) internalGetSession() ).createQuery( namedQueryDefinition ); if ( resultType != null ) { resultClassChecking( resultType, hibQuery ); } return wrapAsJpaQuery( namedQueryDefinition, hibQuery ); } protected QueryImpl wrapAsJpaQuery(NamedQueryDefinition namedQueryDefinition, org.hibernate.Query hibQuery) { try { final QueryImpl jpaQuery = new QueryImpl( hibQuery, this ); applySavedSettings( namedQueryDefinition, jpaQuery ); return jpaQuery; } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { throw convert( e ); } } protected void applySavedSettings(NamedQueryDefinition namedQueryDefinition, QueryImpl jpaQuery) { if ( namedQueryDefinition.isCacheable() ) { jpaQuery.setHint( QueryHints.HINT_CACHEABLE, true ); if ( namedQueryDefinition.getCacheRegion() != null ) { jpaQuery.setHint( QueryHints.HINT_CACHE_REGION, namedQueryDefinition.getCacheRegion() ); } } if ( namedQueryDefinition.getCacheMode() != null ) { jpaQuery.setHint( QueryHints.HINT_CACHE_MODE, namedQueryDefinition.getCacheMode() ); } if ( namedQueryDefinition.isReadOnly() ) { jpaQuery.setHint( QueryHints.HINT_READONLY, true ); } if ( namedQueryDefinition.getTimeout() != null ) { jpaQuery.setHint( QueryHints.SPEC_HINT_TIMEOUT, namedQueryDefinition.getTimeout() * 1000 ); } if ( namedQueryDefinition.getFetchSize() != null ) { jpaQuery.setHint( QueryHints.HINT_FETCH_SIZE, namedQueryDefinition.getFetchSize() ); } if ( namedQueryDefinition.getComment() != null ) { jpaQuery.setHint( QueryHints.HINT_COMMENT, namedQueryDefinition.getComment() ); } if ( namedQueryDefinition.getFirstResult() != null ) { jpaQuery.setFirstResult( namedQueryDefinition.getFirstResult() ); } if ( namedQueryDefinition.getMaxResults() != null ) { jpaQuery.setMaxResults( namedQueryDefinition.getMaxResults() ); } if ( namedQueryDefinition.getLockOptions() != null ) { if ( namedQueryDefinition.getLockOptions().getLockMode() != null ) { jpaQuery.setLockMode( LockModeTypeHelper.getLockModeType( namedQueryDefinition.getLockOptions().getLockMode() ) ); } } if ( namedQueryDefinition.getFlushMode() != null ) { if ( namedQueryDefinition.getFlushMode() == FlushMode.COMMIT ) { jpaQuery.setFlushMode( FlushModeType.COMMIT ); } else { jpaQuery.setFlushMode( FlushModeType.AUTO ); } } } protected QueryImpl createNamedSqlQuery(NamedSQLQueryDefinition namedQueryDefinition, Class resultType) { if ( resultType != null ) { resultClassChecking( resultType, namedQueryDefinition ); } return wrapAsJpaQuery( namedQueryDefinition, ( (SessionImplementor) internalGetSession() ).createSQLQuery( namedQueryDefinition ) ); } protected void resultClassChecking(Class resultType, NamedSQLQueryDefinition namedQueryDefinition) { final SessionFactoryImplementor sfi = entityManagerFactory.getSessionFactory(); final NativeSQLQueryReturn[] queryReturns; if ( namedQueryDefinition.getQueryReturns() != null ) { queryReturns = namedQueryDefinition.getQueryReturns(); } else if ( namedQueryDefinition.getResultSetRef() != null ) { final ResultSetMappingDefinition rsMapping = sfi.getResultSetMapping( namedQueryDefinition.getResultSetRef() ); queryReturns = rsMapping.getQueryReturns(); } else { throw new AssertionFailure( "Unsupported named query model. Please report the bug in Hibernate EntityManager"); } if ( queryReturns.length > 1 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot create TypedQuery for query with more than one return" ); } final NativeSQLQueryReturn nativeSQLQueryReturn = queryReturns[0]; if ( nativeSQLQueryReturn instanceof NativeSQLQueryRootReturn ) { final Class<?> actualReturnedClass; final String entityClassName = ( (NativeSQLQueryRootReturn) nativeSQLQueryReturn ).getReturnEntityName(); try { actualReturnedClass = sfi.getServiceRegistry().getService( ClassLoaderService.class ).classForName( entityClassName ); } catch ( ClassLoadingException e ) { throw new AssertionFailure( "Unable to load class [" + entityClassName + "] declared on named native query [" + namedQueryDefinition.getName() + "]" ); } if ( !resultType.isAssignableFrom( actualReturnedClass ) ) { throw buildIncompatibleException( resultType, actualReturnedClass ); } } else if ( nativeSQLQueryReturn instanceof NativeSQLQueryConstructorReturn ) { final NativeSQLQueryConstructorReturn ctorRtn = (NativeSQLQueryConstructorReturn) nativeSQLQueryReturn; if ( !resultType.isAssignableFrom( ctorRtn.getTargetClass() ) ) { throw buildIncompatibleException( resultType, ctorRtn.getTargetClass() ); } } else { //TODO support other NativeSQLQueryReturn type. For now let it go. } } @Override public <T> TypedQuery<T> createNamedQuery(String name, Class<T> resultClass) { return buildQueryFromName( name, resultClass ); } private IllegalArgumentException buildIncompatibleException(Class<?> resultClass, Class<?> actualResultClass) { return new IllegalArgumentException( "Type specified for TypedQuery [" + resultClass.getName() + "] is incompatible with query return type [" + actualResultClass + "]" ); } @Override public Query createNativeQuery(String sqlString) { checkOpen(); try { SQLQuery q = internalGetSession().createSQLQuery( sqlString ); return new QueryImpl( q, this ); } catch ( RuntimeException he ) { throw convert( he ); } } @Override public Query createNativeQuery(String sqlString, Class resultClass) { checkOpen(); try { SQLQuery q = internalGetSession().createSQLQuery( sqlString ); q.addEntity( "alias1", resultClass.getName(), LockMode.READ ); return new QueryImpl( q, this ); } catch ( RuntimeException he ) { throw convert( he ); } } @Override public Query createNativeQuery(String sqlString, String resultSetMapping) { checkOpen(); try { final SQLQuery q = internalGetSession().createSQLQuery( sqlString ); q.setResultSetMapping( resultSetMapping ); return new QueryImpl( q, this ); } catch ( RuntimeException he ) { throw convert( he ); } } @Override public StoredProcedureQuery createNamedStoredProcedureQuery(String name) { checkOpen(); try { final ProcedureCallMemento memento = ( (SessionImplementor) internalGetSession() ).getFactory() .getNamedQueryRepository().getNamedProcedureCallMemento( name ); if ( memento == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No @NamedStoredProcedureQuery was found with that name : " + name ); } final StoredProcedureQueryImpl jpaImpl = new StoredProcedureQueryImpl( memento, this ); // apply hints if ( memento.getHintsMap() != null ) { for ( Map.Entry<String,Object> hintEntry : memento.getHintsMap().entrySet() ) { jpaImpl.setHint( hintEntry.getKey(), hintEntry.getValue() ); } } return jpaImpl; } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { throw convert( e ); } } @Override public StoredProcedureQuery createStoredProcedureQuery(String procedureName) { checkOpen(); try { return new StoredProcedureQueryImpl( internalGetSession().createStoredProcedureCall( procedureName ), this ); } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { throw convert( e ); } } @Override public StoredProcedureQuery createStoredProcedureQuery(String procedureName, Class... resultClasses) { checkOpen(); try { return new StoredProcedureQueryImpl( internalGetSession().createStoredProcedureCall( procedureName, resultClasses ), this ); } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { throw convert( e ); } } @Override public StoredProcedureQuery createStoredProcedureQuery(String procedureName, String... resultSetMappings) { checkOpen(); try { try { return new StoredProcedureQueryImpl( internalGetSession().createStoredProcedureCall( procedureName, resultSetMappings ), this ); } catch (UnknownSqlResultSetMappingException unknownResultSetMapping) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( unknownResultSetMapping.getMessage(), unknownResultSetMapping ); } } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { throw convert( e ); } } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T getReference(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) { checkOpen(); try { return ( T ) internalGetSession().load( entityClass, ( Serializable ) primaryKey ); } catch ( MappingException e ) { throw convert( new IllegalArgumentException( e.getMessage(), e ) ); } catch ( TypeMismatchException e ) { throw convert( new IllegalArgumentException( e.getMessage(), e ) ); } catch ( ClassCastException e ) { throw convert( new IllegalArgumentException( e.getMessage(), e ) ); } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { throw convert( e ); } } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <A> A find(Class<A> entityClass, Object primaryKey) { checkOpen(); return find( entityClass, primaryKey, null, null ); } @Override public <T> T find(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey, Map<String, Object> properties) { checkOpen(); return find( entityClass, primaryKey, null, properties ); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <A> A find(Class<A> entityClass, Object primaryKey, LockModeType lockModeType) { checkOpen(); return find( entityClass, primaryKey, lockModeType, null ); } @Override public <A> A find(Class<A> entityClass, Object primaryKey, LockModeType lockModeType, Map<String, Object> properties) { checkOpen(); Session session = internalGetSession(); CacheMode previousCacheMode = session.getCacheMode(); CacheMode cacheMode = determineAppropriateLocalCacheMode( properties ); LockOptions lockOptions = null; try { if ( properties != null && !properties.isEmpty() ) { ( (SessionImplementor) session ).getLoadQueryInfluencers() .setFetchGraph( (EntityGraph) properties.get( QueryHints.HINT_FETCHGRAPH ) ); ( (SessionImplementor) session ).getLoadQueryInfluencers() .setLoadGraph( (EntityGraph) properties.get( QueryHints.HINT_LOADGRAPH ) ); } session.setCacheMode( cacheMode ); if ( lockModeType != null ) { lockOptions = getLockRequest( lockModeType, properties ); if ( !LockModeType.NONE.equals( lockModeType) ) { checkTransactionNeeded(); } return ( A ) session.get( entityClass, ( Serializable ) primaryKey, lockOptions ); } else { return ( A ) session.get( entityClass, ( Serializable ) primaryKey ); } } catch ( EntityNotFoundException ignored ) { // DefaultLoadEventListener.returnNarrowedProxy may throw ENFE (see HHH-7861 for details), // which find() should not throw. Find() should return null if the entity was not found. if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() ) { String entityName = entityClass != null ? entityClass.getName(): null; String identifierValue = primaryKey != null ? primaryKey.toString() : null ; LOG.ignoringEntityNotFound( entityName, identifierValue ); } return null; } catch ( ObjectDeletedException e ) { //the spec is silent about people doing remove() find() on the same PC return null; } catch ( ObjectNotFoundException e ) { //should not happen on the entity itself with get throw new IllegalArgumentException( e.getMessage(), e ); } catch ( MappingException e ) { throw convert( new IllegalArgumentException( e.getMessage(), e ) ); } catch ( TypeMismatchException e ) { throw convert( new IllegalArgumentException( e.getMessage(), e ) ); } catch ( ClassCastException e ) { throw convert( new IllegalArgumentException( e.getMessage(), e ) ); } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { throw convert( e, lockOptions ); } finally { session.setCacheMode( previousCacheMode ); ( (SessionImplementor) session ).getLoadQueryInfluencers().setFetchGraph( null ); ( (SessionImplementor) session ).getLoadQueryInfluencers().setLoadGraph( null ); } } public CacheMode determineAppropriateLocalCacheMode(Map<String, Object> localProperties) { CacheRetrieveMode retrieveMode = null; CacheStoreMode storeMode = null; if ( localProperties != null ) { retrieveMode = determineCacheRetrieveMode( localProperties ); storeMode = determineCacheStoreMode( localProperties ); } if ( retrieveMode == null ) { // use the EM setting retrieveMode = determineCacheRetrieveMode( this.properties ); } if ( storeMode == null ) { // use the EM setting storeMode = determineCacheStoreMode( this.properties ); } return CacheModeHelper.interpretCacheMode( storeMode, retrieveMode ); } private void checkTransactionNeeded() { if ( !isTransactionInProgress() ) { throw new TransactionRequiredException( "no transaction is in progress" ); } } @Override public void persist(Object entity) { checkOpen(); try { internalGetSession().persist( entity ); } catch ( MappingException e ) { throw convert( new IllegalArgumentException( e.getMessage() ) ) ; } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { throw convert( e ); } } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <A> A merge(A entity) { checkOpen(); try { return ( A ) internalGetSession().merge( entity ); } catch ( ObjectDeletedException sse ) { throw convert( new IllegalArgumentException( sse ) ); } catch ( MappingException e ) { throw convert( new IllegalArgumentException( e.getMessage(), e ) ); } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { //including HibernateException throw convert( e ); } } @Override public void remove(Object entity) { checkOpen(); try { internalGetSession().delete( entity ); } catch ( MappingException e ) { throw convert( new IllegalArgumentException( e.getMessage(), e ) ); } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { //including HibernateException throw convert( e ); } } @Override public void refresh(Object entity) { refresh( entity, null, null ); } @Override public void refresh(Object entity, Map<String, Object> properties) { refresh( entity, null, properties ); } @Override public void refresh(Object entity, LockModeType lockModeType) { refresh( entity, lockModeType, null ); } @Override public void refresh(Object entity, LockModeType lockModeType, Map<String, Object> properties) { checkOpen(); final Session session = internalGetSession(); final CacheMode previousCacheMode = session.getCacheMode(); final CacheMode localCacheMode = determineAppropriateLocalCacheMode( properties ); LockOptions lockOptions = null; try { session.setCacheMode( localCacheMode ); if ( !session.contains( entity ) ) { throw convert ( new IllegalArgumentException( "Entity not managed" ) ); } if ( lockModeType != null ) { if ( !LockModeType.NONE.equals( lockModeType) ) { checkTransactionNeeded(); } lockOptions = getLockRequest( lockModeType, properties ); session.refresh( entity, lockOptions ); } else { session.refresh( entity ); } } catch (MappingException e) { throw convert( new IllegalArgumentException( e.getMessage(), e ) ); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw convert( e, lockOptions ); } finally { session.setCacheMode( previousCacheMode ); } } @Override public boolean contains(Object entity) { checkOpen(); try { if ( entity != null && !( entity instanceof HibernateProxy ) && internalGetSession().getSessionFactory().getClassMetadata( entity.getClass() ) == null ) { throw convert( new IllegalArgumentException( "Not an entity:" + entity.getClass() ) ); } return internalGetSession().contains( entity ); } catch (MappingException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( e.getMessage(), e ); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw convert( e ); } } @Override public LockModeType getLockMode(Object entity) { checkOpen(); if ( !isTransactionInProgress() ) { throw new TransactionRequiredException( "Call to EntityManager#getLockMode should occur within transaction according to spec" ); } if ( !contains( entity ) ) { throw convert( new IllegalArgumentException( "entity not in the persistence context" ) ); } return getLockModeType( internalGetSession().getCurrentLockMode( entity ) ); } @Override public void setProperty(String s, Object o) { checkOpen(); if ( ENTITY_MANAGER_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES.contains( s ) ) { properties.put( s, o ); applyProperties(); } else { LOG.debugf("Trying to set a property which is not supported on entity manager level"); } } @Override public Map<String, Object> getProperties() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap( properties ); } @Override public void flush() { checkOpen(); checkTransactionNeeded(); try { internalGetSession().flush(); } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { throw convert( e ); } }
return a Session
  • IllegalStateException – if the entity manager is closed
/** * return a Session * * @throws IllegalStateException if the entity manager is closed */
public abstract Session getSession();
Return a Session (even if the entity manager is closed).
Returns:A session.
Deprecated:Deprecated in favor of getRawSession()
/** * Return a Session (even if the entity manager is closed). * * @return A session. * @deprecated Deprecated in favor of {@link #getRawSession()} */
@Deprecated protected abstract Session getRawSession();
Return a Session without any validation checks.
Returns:A session.
/** * Return a Session without any validation checks. * * @return A session. */
protected abstract Session internalGetSession(); @Override public EntityTransaction getTransaction() { if ( transactionType == PersistenceUnitTransactionType.JTA ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "A JTA EntityManager cannot use getTransaction()" ); } return tx; } @Override public EntityManagerFactoryImpl getEntityManagerFactory() { checkOpen(); return internalGetEntityManagerFactory(); } protected EntityManagerFactoryImpl internalGetEntityManagerFactory() { return entityManagerFactory; } @Override public HibernateEntityManagerFactory getFactory() { return entityManagerFactory; } @Override public CriteriaBuilder getCriteriaBuilder() { checkOpen(); return getEntityManagerFactory().getCriteriaBuilder(); } @Override public Metamodel getMetamodel() { checkOpen(); return getEntityManagerFactory().getMetamodel(); } @Override public void setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushModeType) { checkOpen(); if ( flushModeType == FlushModeType.AUTO ) { internalGetSession().setFlushMode( FlushMode.AUTO ); } else if ( flushModeType == FlushModeType.COMMIT ) { internalGetSession().setFlushMode( FlushMode.COMMIT ); } else { throw new AssertionFailure( "Unknown FlushModeType: " + flushModeType ); } } @Override public void clear() { checkOpen(); try { internalGetSession().clear(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw convert( e ); } } @Override public void detach(Object entity) { checkOpen(); try { internalGetSession().evict( entity ); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw convert( e ); } }
Hibernate can be set in various flush modes that are unknown to JPA 2.0. This method can then return null. If it returns null, do em.unwrap(Session.class).getFlushMode() to get the Hibernate flush mode
/** * Hibernate can be set in various flush modes that are unknown to * JPA 2.0. This method can then return null. * If it returns null, do em.unwrap(Session.class).getFlushMode() to get the * Hibernate flush mode */
@Override public FlushModeType getFlushMode() { checkOpen(); FlushMode mode = internalGetSession().getFlushMode(); if ( mode == FlushMode.AUTO ) { return FlushModeType.AUTO; } else if ( mode == FlushMode.COMMIT ) { return FlushModeType.COMMIT; } else { // otherwise this is an unknown mode for EJB3 return null; } } public void lock(Object entity, LockModeType lockMode) { lock( entity, lockMode, null ); } public void lock(Object entity, LockModeType lockModeType, Map<String, Object> properties) { checkOpen(); checkTransactionNeeded(); LockOptions lockOptions = null; try { if ( !contains( entity ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "entity not in the persistence context" ); } lockOptions = getLockRequest( lockModeType, properties ); internalGetSession().buildLockRequest( lockOptions ).lock( entity ); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw convert( e, lockOptions ); } } public LockOptions getLockRequest(LockModeType lockModeType, Map<String, Object> properties) { LockOptions lockOptions = new LockOptions(); LockOptions.copy( this.lockOptions, lockOptions ); lockOptions.setLockMode( getLockMode( lockModeType ) ); if ( properties != null ) { setLockOptions( properties, lockOptions ); } return lockOptions; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private static LockModeType getLockModeType(LockMode lockMode) { //TODO check that if we have UPGRADE_NOWAIT we have a timeout of zero? return LockModeTypeHelper.getLockModeType( lockMode ); } private static LockMode getLockMode(LockModeType lockMode) { return LockModeTypeHelper.getLockMode( lockMode ); } public boolean isTransactionInProgress() { return ( ( SessionImplementor ) internalGetSession() ).isTransactionInProgress(); } private SessionFactoryImplementor sfi() { return (SessionFactoryImplementor) internalGetSession().getSessionFactory(); } @Override public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> clazz) { checkOpen(); if ( Session.class.isAssignableFrom( clazz ) ) { return ( T ) internalGetSession(); } if ( SessionImplementor.class.isAssignableFrom( clazz ) ) { return ( T ) internalGetSession(); } if ( EntityManager.class.isAssignableFrom( clazz ) ) { return ( T ) this; } throw new PersistenceException( "Hibernate cannot unwrap " + clazz ); } @Override public void markForRollbackOnly() { LOG.debugf("Mark transaction for rollback"); if ( tx.isActive() ) { tx.setRollbackOnly(); } else { //no explicit use of the tx. boundaries methods if ( PersistenceUnitTransactionType.JTA == transactionType ) { TransactionManager transactionManager = sfi().getServiceRegistry().getService( JtaPlatform.class ).retrieveTransactionManager(); if ( transactionManager == null ) { throw new PersistenceException( "Using a JTA persistence context wo setting hibernate.transaction.jta.platform" ); } try { if ( transactionManager.getStatus() != Status.STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION ) { transactionManager.setRollbackOnly(); } } catch (SystemException e) { throw new PersistenceException( "Unable to set the JTA transaction as RollbackOnly", e ); } } } } @Override public boolean isJoinedToTransaction() { checkOpen(); final SessionImplementor session = (SessionImplementor) internalGetSession(); final TransactionCoordinator transactionCoordinator = session.getTransactionCoordinator(); final TransactionImplementor transaction = transactionCoordinator.getTransaction(); return isOpen() && transaction.getJoinStatus() == JoinStatus.JOINED; } @Override public void joinTransaction() { checkOpen(); joinTransaction( true ); } private void joinTransaction(boolean explicitRequest) { if ( transactionType != PersistenceUnitTransactionType.JTA ) { if ( explicitRequest ) { LOG.callingJoinTransactionOnNonJtaEntityManager(); } return; } final SessionImplementor session = (SessionImplementor) internalGetSession(); final TransactionCoordinator transactionCoordinator = session.getTransactionCoordinator(); final TransactionImplementor transaction = transactionCoordinator.getTransaction(); transaction.markForJoin(); transactionCoordinator.pulse(); LOG.debug( "Looking for a JTA transaction to join" ); if ( ! transactionCoordinator.isTransactionJoinable() ) { if ( explicitRequest ) { // if this is an explicit join request, log a warning so user can track underlying cause // of subsequent exceptions/messages LOG.unableToJoinTransaction(Environment.TRANSACTION_STRATEGY); } } try { if ( transaction.getJoinStatus() == JoinStatus.JOINED ) { LOG.debug( "Transaction already joined" ); return; // noop } // join the transaction and then recheck the status transaction.join(); if ( transaction.getJoinStatus() == JoinStatus.NOT_JOINED ) { if ( explicitRequest ) { throw new TransactionRequiredException( "No active JTA transaction on joinTransaction call" ); } else { LOG.debug( "Unable to join JTA transaction" ); return; } } else if ( transaction.getJoinStatus() == JoinStatus.MARKED_FOR_JOINED ) { throw new AssertionFailure( "Transaction MARKED_FOR_JOINED after isOpen() call" ); } // register behavior changes final SynchronizationCallbackCoordinator callbackCoordinator = transactionCoordinator.getSynchronizationCallbackCoordinator(); callbackCoordinator.setManagedFlushChecker( new ManagedFlushCheckerImpl() ); callbackCoordinator.setExceptionMapper( new CallbackExceptionMapperImpl() ); callbackCoordinator.setAfterCompletionAction( new AfterCompletionActionImpl( session, transactionType ) ); } catch (HibernateException he) { throw convert( he ); } }
returns the underlying session
/** * returns the underlying session */
public Object getDelegate() { checkOpen(); return internalGetSession(); } private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException { oos.defaultWriteObject(); } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ois.defaultReadObject(); tx = new TransactionImpl( this ); } @Override public void handlePersistenceException(PersistenceException e) { if ( e instanceof NoResultException ) { return; } if ( e instanceof NonUniqueResultException ) { return; } if ( e instanceof LockTimeoutException ) { return; } if ( e instanceof QueryTimeoutException ) { return; } try { markForRollbackOnly(); } catch ( Exception ne ) { //we do not want the subsequent exception to swallow the original one LOG.unableToMarkForRollbackOnPersistenceException(ne); } } @Override public void throwPersistenceException(PersistenceException e) { handlePersistenceException( e ); throw e; } @Override public RuntimeException convert(HibernateException e) { //FIXME should we remove all calls to this method and use convert(RuntimeException) ? return convert( e, null ); } public RuntimeException convert(RuntimeException e) { RuntimeException result = e; if ( e instanceof HibernateException ) { result = convert( (HibernateException) e ); } else { markForRollbackOnly(); } return result; } public RuntimeException convert(RuntimeException e, LockOptions lockOptions) { RuntimeException result = e; if ( e instanceof HibernateException ) { result = convert( (HibernateException) e , lockOptions ); } else { markForRollbackOnly(); } return result; } @Override public RuntimeException convert(HibernateException e, LockOptions lockOptions) { if ( e instanceof StaleStateException ) { final PersistenceException converted = wrapStaleStateException( (StaleStateException) e ); handlePersistenceException( converted ); return converted; } else if ( e instanceof LockingStrategyException ) { final PersistenceException converted = wrapLockException( e, lockOptions ); handlePersistenceException( converted ); return converted; } else if ( e instanceof org.hibernate.exception.LockTimeoutException ) { final PersistenceException converted = wrapLockException( e, lockOptions ); handlePersistenceException( converted ); return converted; } else if ( e instanceof org.hibernate.PessimisticLockException ) { final PersistenceException converted = wrapLockException( e, lockOptions ); handlePersistenceException( converted ); return converted; } else if ( e instanceof org.hibernate.QueryTimeoutException ) { final QueryTimeoutException converted = new QueryTimeoutException( e.getMessage(), e ); handlePersistenceException( converted ); return converted; } else if ( e instanceof ObjectNotFoundException ) { final EntityNotFoundException converted = new EntityNotFoundException( e.getMessage() ); handlePersistenceException( converted ); return converted; } else if ( e instanceof org.hibernate.NonUniqueObjectException ) { final EntityExistsException converted = new EntityExistsException( e.getMessage() ); handlePersistenceException( converted ); return converted; } else if ( e instanceof org.hibernate.NonUniqueResultException ) { final NonUniqueResultException converted = new NonUniqueResultException( e.getMessage() ); handlePersistenceException( converted ); return converted; } else if ( e instanceof UnresolvableObjectException ) { final EntityNotFoundException converted = new EntityNotFoundException( e.getMessage() ); handlePersistenceException( converted ); return converted; } else if ( e instanceof QueryException ) { return new IllegalArgumentException( e ); } else if ( e instanceof TransientObjectException ) { try { markForRollbackOnly(); } catch ( Exception ne ) { //we do not want the subsequent exception to swallow the original one LOG.unableToMarkForRollbackOnTransientObjectException( ne ); } return new IllegalStateException( e ); //Spec 3.2.3 Synchronization rules } else { final PersistenceException converted = new PersistenceException( e ); handlePersistenceException( converted ); return converted; } } @Override public void throwPersistenceException(HibernateException e) { throw convert( e ); } @Override public PersistenceException wrapStaleStateException(StaleStateException e) { PersistenceException pe; if ( e instanceof StaleObjectStateException ) { final StaleObjectStateException sose = (StaleObjectStateException) e; final Serializable identifier = sose.getIdentifier(); if ( identifier != null ) { try { final Object entity = internalGetSession().load( sose.getEntityName(), identifier ); if ( entity instanceof Serializable ) { //avoid some user errors regarding boundary crossing pe = new OptimisticLockException( e.getMessage(), e, entity ); } else { pe = new OptimisticLockException( e.getMessage(), e ); } } catch ( EntityNotFoundException enfe ) { pe = new OptimisticLockException( e.getMessage(), e ); } } else { pe = new OptimisticLockException( e.getMessage(), e ); } } else { pe = new OptimisticLockException( e.getMessage(), e ); } return pe; } public PersistenceException wrapLockException(HibernateException e, LockOptions lockOptions) { final PersistenceException pe; if ( e instanceof OptimisticEntityLockException ) { final OptimisticEntityLockException lockException = (OptimisticEntityLockException) e; pe = new OptimisticLockException( lockException.getMessage(), lockException, lockException.getEntity() ); } else if ( e instanceof org.hibernate.exception.LockTimeoutException ) { pe = new LockTimeoutException( e.getMessage(), e, null ); } else if ( e instanceof PessimisticEntityLockException ) { final PessimisticEntityLockException lockException = (PessimisticEntityLockException) e; if ( lockOptions != null && lockOptions.getTimeOut() > -1 ) { // assume lock timeout occurred if a timeout or NO WAIT was specified pe = new LockTimeoutException( lockException.getMessage(), lockException, lockException.getEntity() ); } else { pe = new PessimisticLockException( lockException.getMessage(), lockException, lockException.getEntity() ); } } else if ( e instanceof org.hibernate.PessimisticLockException ) { final org.hibernate.PessimisticLockException jdbcLockException = (org.hibernate.PessimisticLockException) e; if ( lockOptions != null && lockOptions.getTimeOut() > -1 ) { // assume lock timeout occurred if a timeout or NO WAIT was specified pe = new LockTimeoutException( jdbcLockException.getMessage(), jdbcLockException, null ); } else { pe = new PessimisticLockException( jdbcLockException.getMessage(), jdbcLockException, null ); } } else { pe = new OptimisticLockException( e ); } return pe; } private static class AfterCompletionActionImpl implements AfterCompletionAction { private final SessionImplementor session; private final PersistenceUnitTransactionType transactionType; private AfterCompletionActionImpl(SessionImplementor session, PersistenceUnitTransactionType transactionType) { this.session = session; this.transactionType = transactionType; } @Override public void doAction(TransactionCoordinator transactionCoordinator, int status) { if ( session.isClosed() ) { LOG.trace("Session was closed; nothing to do"); return; } final boolean successful = JtaStatusHelper.isCommitted( status ); if ( !successful && transactionType == PersistenceUnitTransactionType.JTA ) { ( (Session) session ).clear(); } session.getTransactionCoordinator().resetJoinStatus(); } } private static class ManagedFlushCheckerImpl implements ManagedFlushChecker { @Override public boolean shouldDoManagedFlush(TransactionCoordinator coordinator, int jtaStatus) { return !coordinator.getTransactionContext().isClosed() && !coordinator.getTransactionContext().isFlushModeNever() && !JtaStatusHelper.isRollback( jtaStatus ); } } private class CallbackExceptionMapperImpl implements ExceptionMapper { @Override public RuntimeException mapStatusCheckFailure(String message, SystemException systemException) { throw new PersistenceException( message, systemException ); } @Override public RuntimeException mapManagedFlushFailure(String message, RuntimeException failure) { if ( HibernateException.class.isInstance( failure ) ) { throw convert( failure ); } if ( PersistenceException.class.isInstance( failure ) ) { throw failure; } throw new PersistenceException( message, failure ); } } }