 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.loader.plan.build.internal;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.engine.FetchStrategy;
import org.hibernate.engine.FetchStyle;
import org.hibernate.engine.FetchTiming;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.loader.PropertyPath;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.build.internal.returns.CollectionReturnImpl;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.build.internal.returns.EntityReturnImpl;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.build.internal.spaces.QuerySpacesImpl;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.build.spi.ExpandingEntityIdentifierDescription;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.build.spi.ExpandingFetchSource;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.build.spi.ExpandingQuerySpaces;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.build.spi.LoadPlanBuildingAssociationVisitationStrategy;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.build.spi.LoadPlanBuildingContext;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.AttributeFetch;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.CollectionAttributeFetch;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.CollectionFetchableElement;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.CollectionFetchableIndex;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.CollectionReference;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.CollectionReturn;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.CompositeAttributeFetch;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.CompositeFetch;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.EntityFetch;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.EntityReference;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.EntityReturn;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.FetchSource;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.Return;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.Joinable;
import org.hibernate.persister.walking.internal.FetchStrategyHelper;
import org.hibernate.persister.walking.spi.AnyMappingDefinition;
import org.hibernate.persister.walking.spi.AssociationAttributeDefinition;
import org.hibernate.persister.walking.spi.AssociationKey;
import org.hibernate.persister.walking.spi.AttributeDefinition;
import org.hibernate.persister.walking.spi.CollectionDefinition;
import org.hibernate.persister.walking.spi.CollectionElementDefinition;
import org.hibernate.persister.walking.spi.CollectionIndexDefinition;
import org.hibernate.persister.walking.spi.CompositionDefinition;
import org.hibernate.persister.walking.spi.EntityDefinition;
import org.hibernate.persister.walking.spi.EntityIdentifierDefinition;
import org.hibernate.persister.walking.spi.WalkingException;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.logging.MDC;

A LoadPlanBuildingAssociationVisitationStrategy is a strategy for building a LoadPlan. LoadPlanBuildingAssociationVisitationStrategy is also a AssociationVisitationStrategy, which is used in conjunction with visiting associations via walking metamodel definitions.

So this strategy defines a AssociationVisitationStrategy that walks the metamodel-defined associations after which is can then build a LoadPlan based on the visited associations. determineFetchStrategy is the main decision point that determines if an association is walked.
Author:Steve Ebersole
See Also:
/** * A LoadPlanBuildingAssociationVisitationStrategy is a strategy for building a LoadPlan. * LoadPlanBuildingAssociationVisitationStrategy is also a AssociationVisitationStrategy, which is used in * conjunction with visiting associations via walking metamodel definitions. * <p/> * So this strategy defines a AssociationVisitationStrategy that walks the metamodel-defined associations after * which is can then build a LoadPlan based on the visited associations. {@link #determineFetchStrategy} is the * main decision point that determines if an association is walked. * * @author Steve Ebersole * * @see org.hibernate.loader.plan.build.spi.LoadPlanBuildingAssociationVisitationStrategy * @see org.hibernate.persister.walking.spi.AssociationVisitationStrategy */
public abstract class AbstractLoadPlanBuildingAssociationVisitationStrategy implements LoadPlanBuildingAssociationVisitationStrategy, LoadPlanBuildingContext { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( AbstractLoadPlanBuildingAssociationVisitationStrategy.class ); private static final String MDC_KEY = "hibernateLoadPlanWalkPath"; private final SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory; private final QuerySpacesImpl querySpaces; private final PropertyPathStack propertyPathStack = new PropertyPathStack(); private final ArrayDeque<ExpandingFetchSource> fetchSourceStack = new ArrayDeque<ExpandingFetchSource>();
Constructs an AbstractLoadPlanBuildingAssociationVisitationStrategy.
  • sessionFactory – The session factory.
/** * Constructs an AbstractLoadPlanBuildingAssociationVisitationStrategy. * * @param sessionFactory The session factory. */
protected AbstractLoadPlanBuildingAssociationVisitationStrategy(SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory) { this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory; this.querySpaces = new QuerySpacesImpl( sessionFactory ); }
Gets the session factory.
Returns:The session factory.
/** * Gets the session factory. * * @return The session factory. */
protected SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory() { return sessionFactory; } @Override public ExpandingQuerySpaces getQuerySpaces() { return querySpaces; } // stack management ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ private void pushToStack(ExpandingFetchSource fetchSource) { log.trace( "Pushing fetch source to stack : " + fetchSource ); propertyPathStack.push( fetchSource.getPropertyPath() ); fetchSourceStack.addFirst( fetchSource ); } private ExpandingFetchSource popFromStack() { final ExpandingFetchSource last = fetchSourceStack.removeFirst(); log.trace( "Popped fetch owner from stack : " + last ); propertyPathStack.pop(); return last; } protected ExpandingFetchSource currentSource() { return fetchSourceStack.peekFirst(); } // top-level AssociationVisitationStrategy hooks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @Override public void start() { if ( ! fetchSourceStack.isEmpty() ) { throw new WalkingException( "Fetch owner stack was not empty on start; " + "be sure to not use LoadPlanBuilderStrategy instances concurrently" ); } propertyPathStack.push( new PropertyPath() ); } @Override public void finish() { propertyPathStack.pop(); MDC.remove( MDC_KEY ); fetchSourceStack.clear(); } protected abstract void addRootReturn(Return rootReturn); // Entity-level AssociationVisitationStrategy hooks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ protected boolean supportsRootEntityReturns() { return true; } // Entities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @Override public void startingEntity(EntityDefinition entityDefinition) { // see if the EntityDefinition is a root... final boolean isRoot = fetchSourceStack.isEmpty(); if ( ! isRoot ) { // if not, this call should represent a fetch which should have been handled in #startingAttribute return; } // if we get here, it is a root log.tracef( "%s Starting root entity : %s", StringHelper.repeat( ">>", fetchSourceStack.size() ), entityDefinition.getEntityPersister().getEntityName() ); if ( !supportsRootEntityReturns() ) { throw new HibernateException( "This strategy does not support root entity returns" ); } final EntityReturnImpl entityReturn = new EntityReturnImpl( entityDefinition, querySpaces ); addRootReturn( entityReturn ); pushToStack( entityReturn ); // also add an AssociationKey for the root so we can later on recognize circular references back to the root. final Joinable entityPersister = (Joinable) entityDefinition.getEntityPersister(); associationKeyRegistered( new AssociationKey( entityPersister.getTableName(), entityPersister.getKeyColumnNames() ) ); } @Override public void finishingEntity(EntityDefinition entityDefinition) { // Only process the entityDefinition if it is for the root return. final FetchSource currentSource = currentSource(); final boolean isRoot = EntityReturn.class.isInstance( currentSource ) && entityDefinition.getEntityPersister().equals( EntityReturn.class.cast( currentSource ).getEntityPersister() ); if ( !isRoot ) { // if not, this call should represent a fetch which will be handled in #finishingAttribute return; } // if we get here, it is a root final ExpandingFetchSource popped = popFromStack(); checkPoppedEntity( popped, entityDefinition ); log.tracef( "%s Finished root entity : %s", StringHelper.repeat( "<<", fetchSourceStack.size() ), entityDefinition.getEntityPersister().getEntityName() ); } private void checkPoppedEntity(ExpandingFetchSource fetchSource, EntityDefinition entityDefinition) { // make sure what we just fetchSource represents entityDefinition if ( ! EntityReference.class.isInstance( fetchSource ) ) { throw new WalkingException( String.format( "Mismatched FetchSource from stack on pop. Expecting EntityReference(%s), but found %s", entityDefinition.getEntityPersister().getEntityName(), fetchSource ) ); } final EntityReference entityReference = (EntityReference) fetchSource; // NOTE : this is not the most exhaustive of checks because of hierarchical associations (employee/manager) if ( ! entityReference.getEntityPersister().equals( entityDefinition.getEntityPersister() ) ) { throw new WalkingException( "Mismatched FetchSource from stack on pop" ); } } // entity identifiers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @Override public void startingEntityIdentifier(EntityIdentifierDefinition entityIdentifierDefinition) { log.tracef( "%s Starting entity identifier : %s", StringHelper.repeat( ">>", fetchSourceStack.size() ), entityIdentifierDefinition.getEntityDefinition().getEntityPersister().getEntityName() ); final EntityReference entityReference = (EntityReference) currentSource(); // perform some stack validation if ( ! entityReference.getEntityPersister().equals( entityIdentifierDefinition.getEntityDefinition().getEntityPersister() ) ) { throw new WalkingException( String.format( "Encountered unexpected fetch owner [%s] in stack while processing entity identifier for [%s]", entityReference.getEntityPersister().getEntityName(), entityIdentifierDefinition.getEntityDefinition().getEntityPersister().getEntityName() ) ); } if ( ExpandingEntityIdentifierDescription.class.isInstance( entityReference.getIdentifierDescription() ) ) { pushToStack( (ExpandingEntityIdentifierDescription) entityReference.getIdentifierDescription() ); } } @Override public void finishingEntityIdentifier(EntityIdentifierDefinition entityIdentifierDefinition) { // only pop from stack if the current source is ExpandingEntityIdentifierDescription.. final ExpandingFetchSource currentSource = currentSource(); if ( ! ExpandingEntityIdentifierDescription.class.isInstance( currentSource ) ) { // in this case, the current source should be the entity that owns entityIdentifierDefinition if ( ! EntityReference.class.isInstance( currentSource ) ) { throw new WalkingException( "Unexpected state in FetchSource stack" ); } final EntityReference entityReference = (EntityReference) currentSource; if ( entityReference.getEntityPersister().getEntityKeyDefinition() != entityIdentifierDefinition ) { throw new WalkingException( String.format( "Encountered unexpected fetch owner [%s] in stack while processing entity identifier for [%s]", entityReference.getEntityPersister().getEntityName(), entityIdentifierDefinition.getEntityDefinition().getEntityPersister().getEntityName() ) ); } return; } // the current source is ExpandingEntityIdentifierDescription... final ExpandingEntityIdentifierDescription identifierDescription = (ExpandingEntityIdentifierDescription) popFromStack(); // and then on the node before it (which should be the entity that owns the identifier being described) final ExpandingFetchSource entitySource = currentSource(); if ( ! EntityReference.class.isInstance( entitySource ) ) { throw new WalkingException( "Unexpected state in FetchSource stack" ); } final EntityReference entityReference = (EntityReference) entitySource; if ( entityReference.getIdentifierDescription() != identifierDescription ) { throw new WalkingException( String.format( "Encountered unexpected fetch owner [%s] in stack while processing entity identifier for [%s]", entityReference.getEntityPersister().getEntityName(), entityIdentifierDefinition.getEntityDefinition().getEntityPersister().getEntityName() ) ); } log.tracef( "%s Finished entity identifier : %s", StringHelper.repeat( "<<", fetchSourceStack.size() ), entityIdentifierDefinition.getEntityDefinition().getEntityPersister().getEntityName() ); } // Collections ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ private ArrayDeque<CollectionReference> collectionReferenceStack = new ArrayDeque<CollectionReference>(); private void pushToCollectionStack(CollectionReference collectionReference) { log.trace( "Pushing collection reference to stack : " + collectionReference ); propertyPathStack.push( collectionReference.getPropertyPath() ); collectionReferenceStack.addFirst( collectionReference ); } private CollectionReference popFromCollectionStack() { final CollectionReference last = collectionReferenceStack.removeFirst(); log.trace( "Popped collection reference from stack : " + last ); propertyPathStack.pop(); return last; } private CollectionReference currentCollection() { return collectionReferenceStack.peekFirst(); } @Override public void startingCollection(CollectionDefinition collectionDefinition) { // see if the EntityDefinition is a root... final boolean isRoot = fetchSourceStack.isEmpty(); if ( ! isRoot ) { // if not, this call should represent a fetch which should have been handled in #startingAttribute return; } log.tracef( "%s Starting root collection : %s", StringHelper.repeat( ">>", fetchSourceStack.size() ), collectionDefinition.getCollectionPersister().getRole() ); // if we get here, it is a root if ( ! supportsRootCollectionReturns() ) { throw new HibernateException( "This strategy does not support root collection returns" ); } final CollectionReturn collectionReturn = new CollectionReturnImpl( collectionDefinition, querySpaces ); pushToCollectionStack( collectionReturn ); addRootReturn( collectionReturn ); associationKeyRegistered( new AssociationKey( ( (Joinable) collectionDefinition.getCollectionPersister() ).getTableName(), ( (Joinable) collectionDefinition.getCollectionPersister() ).getKeyColumnNames() ) ); } protected boolean supportsRootCollectionReturns() { return true; } @Override public void finishingCollection(CollectionDefinition collectionDefinition) { final boolean isRoot = fetchSourceStack.isEmpty() && collectionReferenceStack.size() == 1; if ( !isRoot ) { // if not, this call should represent a fetch which will be handled in #finishingAttribute return; } final CollectionReference popped = popFromCollectionStack(); checkedPoppedCollection( popped, collectionDefinition ); log.tracef( "%s Finished root collection : %s", StringHelper.repeat( "<<", fetchSourceStack.size() ), collectionDefinition.getCollectionPersister().getRole() ); } private void checkedPoppedCollection(CollectionReference poppedCollectionReference, CollectionDefinition collectionDefinition) { // make sure what we just poppedCollectionReference represents collectionDefinition. if ( ! poppedCollectionReference.getCollectionPersister().equals( collectionDefinition.getCollectionPersister() ) ) { throw new WalkingException( "Mismatched CollectionReference from stack on pop" ); } } @Override public void startingCollectionIndex(CollectionIndexDefinition indexDefinition) { final Type indexType = indexDefinition.getType(); log.tracef( "%s Starting collection index graph : %s", StringHelper.repeat( ">>", fetchSourceStack.size() ), indexDefinition.getCollectionDefinition().getCollectionPersister().getRole() ); final CollectionReference collectionReference = currentCollection(); final CollectionFetchableIndex indexGraph = collectionReference.getIndexGraph(); if ( indexType.isEntityType() || indexType.isComponentType() ) { if ( indexGraph == null ) { throw new WalkingException( "CollectionReference did not return an expected index graph : " + indexDefinition.getCollectionDefinition().getCollectionPersister().getRole() ); } if ( !indexType.isAnyType() ) { pushToStack( (ExpandingFetchSource) indexGraph ); } } else { if ( indexGraph != null ) { throw new WalkingException( "CollectionReference returned an unexpected index graph : " + indexDefinition.getCollectionDefinition().getCollectionPersister().getRole() ); } } } @Override public void finishingCollectionIndex(CollectionIndexDefinition indexDefinition) { final Type indexType = indexDefinition.getType(); if ( indexType.isAnyType() ) { // nothing to do because the index graph was not pushed in #startingCollectionIndex. } else if ( indexType.isEntityType() || indexType.isComponentType() ) { // todo : validate the stack? final ExpandingFetchSource fetchSource = popFromStack(); if ( !CollectionFetchableIndex.class.isInstance( fetchSource ) ) { throw new WalkingException( "CollectionReference did not return an expected index graph : " + indexDefinition.getCollectionDefinition().getCollectionPersister().getRole() ); } } log.tracef( "%s Finished collection index graph : %s", StringHelper.repeat( "<<", fetchSourceStack.size() ), indexDefinition.getCollectionDefinition().getCollectionPersister().getRole() ); } @Override public void startingCollectionElements(CollectionElementDefinition elementDefinition) { final Type elementType = elementDefinition.getType(); log.tracef( "%s Starting collection element graph : %s", StringHelper.repeat( ">>", fetchSourceStack.size() ), elementDefinition.getCollectionDefinition().getCollectionPersister().getRole() ); final CollectionReference collectionReference = currentCollection(); final CollectionFetchableElement elementGraph = collectionReference.getElementGraph(); if ( elementType.isAssociationType() || elementType.isComponentType() ) { if ( elementGraph == null ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "CollectionReference did not return an expected element graph : " + elementDefinition.getCollectionDefinition().getCollectionPersister().getRole() ); } if ( !elementType.isAnyType() ) { pushToStack( (ExpandingFetchSource) elementGraph ); } } else { if ( elementGraph != null ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "CollectionReference returned an unexpected element graph : " + elementDefinition.getCollectionDefinition().getCollectionPersister().getRole() ); } } } @Override public void finishingCollectionElements(CollectionElementDefinition elementDefinition) { final Type elementType = elementDefinition.getType(); if ( elementType.isAnyType() ) { // nothing to do because the element graph was not pushed in #startingCollectionElement.. } else if ( elementType.isComponentType() || elementType.isAssociationType()) { // pop it from the stack final ExpandingFetchSource popped = popFromStack(); // validation if ( ! CollectionFetchableElement.class.isInstance( popped ) ) { throw new WalkingException( "Mismatched FetchSource from stack on pop" ); } } log.tracef( "%s Finished collection element graph : %s", StringHelper.repeat( "<<", fetchSourceStack.size() ), elementDefinition.getCollectionDefinition().getCollectionPersister().getRole() ); } @Override public void startingComposite(CompositionDefinition compositionDefinition) { log.tracef( "%s Starting composite : %s", StringHelper.repeat( ">>", fetchSourceStack.size() ), compositionDefinition.getName() ); if ( fetchSourceStack.isEmpty() && collectionReferenceStack.isEmpty() ) { throw new HibernateException( "A component cannot be the root of a walk nor a graph" ); } // No need to push anything here; it should have been pushed by // #startingAttribute, #startingCollectionElements, #startingCollectionIndex, or #startingEntityIdentifier final FetchSource currentSource = currentSource(); if ( !CompositeFetch.class.isInstance( currentSource ) && !CollectionFetchableElement.class.isInstance( currentSource ) && !CollectionFetchableIndex.class.isInstance( currentSource ) && !ExpandingEntityIdentifierDescription.class.isInstance( currentSource ) ) { throw new WalkingException( "Mismatched FetchSource from stack on pop" ); } } @Override public void finishingComposite(CompositionDefinition compositionDefinition) { // No need to pop anything here; it will be popped by // #finishingAttribute, #finishingCollectionElements, #finishingCollectionIndex, or #finishingEntityIdentifier log.tracef( "%s Finishing composite : %s", StringHelper.repeat( "<<", fetchSourceStack.size() ), compositionDefinition.getName() ); } protected PropertyPath currentPropertyPath = new PropertyPath( "" ); @Override public boolean startingAttribute(AttributeDefinition attributeDefinition) { log.tracef( "%s Starting attribute %s", StringHelper.repeat( ">>", fetchSourceStack.size() ), attributeDefinition ); final Type attributeType = attributeDefinition.getType(); final boolean isComponentType = attributeType.isComponentType(); final boolean isAssociationType = attributeType.isAssociationType(); final boolean isBasicType = ! ( isComponentType || isAssociationType ); currentPropertyPath = currentPropertyPath.append( attributeDefinition.getName() ); if ( isBasicType ) { return true; } else if ( isAssociationType ) { // also handles any type attributes... return handleAssociationAttribute( (AssociationAttributeDefinition) attributeDefinition ); } else { return handleCompositeAttribute( attributeDefinition ); } } @Override public void finishingAttribute(AttributeDefinition attributeDefinition) { final Type attributeType = attributeDefinition.getType(); if ( attributeType.isAssociationType() ) { final AssociationAttributeDefinition associationAttributeDefinition = (AssociationAttributeDefinition) attributeDefinition; if ( attributeType.isAnyType() ) { // Nothing to do because AnyFetch does not implement ExpandingFetchSource (i.e., it cannot be pushed/popped). } else if ( attributeType.isEntityType() ) { final ExpandingFetchSource source = currentSource(); // One way to find out if the fetch was pushed is to check the fetch strategy; rather than recomputing // the fetch strategy, simply check if current source's fetched attribute definition matches // associationAttributeDefinition. if ( AttributeFetch.class.isInstance( source ) && associationAttributeDefinition.equals( AttributeFetch.class.cast( source ).getFetchedAttributeDefinition() ) ) { final ExpandingFetchSource popped = popFromStack(); checkPoppedEntity( popped, associationAttributeDefinition.toEntityDefinition() ); } } else if ( attributeType.isCollectionType() ) { final CollectionReference currentCollection = currentCollection(); // One way to find out if the fetch was pushed is to check the fetch strategy; rather than recomputing // the fetch strategy, simply check if current collection's fetched attribute definition matches // associationAttributeDefinition. if ( AttributeFetch.class.isInstance( currentCollection ) && associationAttributeDefinition.equals( AttributeFetch.class.cast( currentCollection ).getFetchedAttributeDefinition() ) ) { final CollectionReference popped = popFromCollectionStack(); checkedPoppedCollection( popped, associationAttributeDefinition.toCollectionDefinition() ); } } } else if ( attributeType.isComponentType() ) { // CompositeFetch is always pushed, during #startingAttribute(), // so pop the current fetch owner, and make sure what we just popped represents this composition final ExpandingFetchSource popped = popFromStack(); if ( !CompositeAttributeFetch.class.isInstance( popped ) ) { throw new WalkingException( String.format( "Mismatched FetchSource from stack on pop; expected: CompositeAttributeFetch; actual: [%s]", popped ) ); } final CompositeAttributeFetch poppedAsCompositeAttributeFetch = (CompositeAttributeFetch) popped; if ( !attributeDefinition.equals( poppedAsCompositeAttributeFetch.getFetchedAttributeDefinition() ) ) { throw new WalkingException( String.format( "Mismatched CompositeAttributeFetch from stack on pop; expected fetch for attribute: [%s]; actual: [%s]", attributeDefinition, poppedAsCompositeAttributeFetch.getFetchedAttributeDefinition() ) ); } } log.tracef( "%s Finishing up attribute : %s", StringHelper.repeat( "<<", fetchSourceStack.size() ), attributeDefinition ); currentPropertyPath = currentPropertyPath.getParent(); } private Map<AssociationKey,FetchSource> fetchedAssociationKeySourceMap = new HashMap<AssociationKey, FetchSource>(); @Override public boolean isDuplicateAssociationKey(AssociationKey associationKey) { return fetchedAssociationKeySourceMap.containsKey( associationKey ); } @Override public void associationKeyRegistered(AssociationKey associationKey) { // todo : use this information to maintain a map of AssociationKey->FetchSource mappings (associationKey + current FetchSource stack entry) // that mapping can then be used in #foundCircularAssociationKey to build the proper BiDirectionalEntityFetch // based on the mapped owner log.tracef( "%s Registering AssociationKey : %s -> %s", StringHelper.repeat( "..", fetchSourceStack.size() ), associationKey, currentSource() ); fetchedAssociationKeySourceMap.put( associationKey, currentSource() ); } @Override public FetchSource registeredFetchSource(AssociationKey associationKey) { return fetchedAssociationKeySourceMap.get( associationKey ); } @Override public void foundCircularAssociation(AssociationAttributeDefinition attributeDefinition) { final FetchStrategy fetchStrategy = determineFetchStrategy( attributeDefinition ); if ( fetchStrategy.getStyle() != FetchStyle.JOIN ) { return; // nothing to do } final AssociationKey associationKey = attributeDefinition.getAssociationKey(); // go ahead and build the bidirectional fetch if ( attributeDefinition.getAssociationNature() == AssociationAttributeDefinition.AssociationNature.ENTITY ) { final Joinable currentEntityPersister = (Joinable) currentSource().resolveEntityReference().getEntityPersister(); final AssociationKey currentEntityReferenceAssociationKey = new AssociationKey( currentEntityPersister.getTableName(), currentEntityPersister.getKeyColumnNames() ); // if associationKey is equal to currentEntityReferenceAssociationKey // that means that the current EntityPersister has a single primary key attribute // (i.e., derived attribute) which is mapped by attributeDefinition. // This is not a bidirectional association. // TODO: AFAICT, to avoid an overflow, the associated entity must already be loaded into the session, or // it must be loaded when the ID for the dependent entity is resolved. Is there some other way to // deal with this??? final FetchSource registeredFetchSource = registeredFetchSource( associationKey ); if ( registeredFetchSource != null && ! associationKey.equals( currentEntityReferenceAssociationKey ) ) { currentSource().buildBidirectionalEntityReference( attributeDefinition, fetchStrategy, registeredFetchSource( associationKey ).resolveEntityReference() ); } } else { // Do nothing for collection } } // TODO: is the following still useful??? // @Override // public void foundCircularAssociationKey(AssociationKey associationKey, AttributeDefinition attributeDefinition) { // // use this information to create the bi-directional EntityReference (as EntityFetch) instances // final FetchSource owningFetchSource = fetchedAssociationKeySourceMap.get( associationKey ); // if ( owningFetchSource == null ) { // throw new IllegalStateException( // String.format( // "Expecting AssociationKey->FetchSource mapping for %s", // associationKey.toString() // ) // ); // } // // final FetchSource currentFetchSource = currentSource(); // ( (ExpandingFetchSource) currentFetchSource ).addCircularFetch( new CircularFetch( )) // // currentFetchOwner().addFetch( new CircularFetch( currentSource(), fetchSource, attributeDefinition ) ); // } // // public static class CircularFetch implements EntityFetch, EntityReference { // private final FetchOwner circularFetchOwner; // private final FetchOwner associationOwner; // private final AttributeDefinition attributeDefinition; // // private final EntityReference targetEntityReference; // // private final FetchStrategy fetchStrategy = new FetchStrategy( // FetchTiming.IMMEDIATE, // FetchStyle.JOIN // ); // // public CircularFetch(FetchOwner circularFetchOwner, FetchOwner associationOwner, AttributeDefinition attributeDefinition) { // this.circularFetchOwner = circularFetchOwner; // this.associationOwner = associationOwner; // this.attributeDefinition = attributeDefinition; // this.targetEntityReference = resolveEntityReference( associationOwner ); // } // // @Override // public EntityReference getTargetEntityReference() { // return targetEntityReference; // } // // protected static EntityReference resolveEntityReference(FetchOwner owner) { // if ( EntityReference.class.isInstance( owner ) ) { // return (EntityReference) owner; // } // if ( CompositeFetch.class.isInstance( owner ) ) { // return resolveEntityReference( ( (CompositeFetch) owner ).getOwner() ); // } // // todo : what others? // // throw new UnsupportedOperationException( // "Unexpected FetchOwner type [" + owner + "] encountered trying to build circular fetch" // ); // // } // // @Override // public FetchOwner getSource() { // return circularFetchOwner; // } // // @Override // public PropertyPath getPropertyPath() { // return null; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. // } // // @Override // public Type getFetchedType() { // return attributeDefinition.getType(); // } // // @Override // public FetchStrategy getFetchStrategy() { // return fetchStrategy; // } // // @Override // public boolean isNullable() { // return attributeDefinition.isNullable(); // } // // @Override // public String getAdditionalJoinConditions() { // return null; // } // // @Override // public String[] toSqlSelectFragments(String alias) { // return new String[0]; // } // // @Override // public Fetch makeCopy(CopyContext copyContext, FetchOwner fetchSourceCopy) { // // todo : will need this implemented // return null; // } // // @Override // public LockMode getHibernateFlushMode() { // return targetEntityReference.getHibernateFlushMode(); // } // // @Override // public EntityReference getEntityReference() { // return targetEntityReference; // } // // @Override // public EntityPersister getEntityPersister() { // return targetEntityReference.getEntityPersister(); // } // // @Override // public IdentifierDescription getIdentifierDescription() { // return targetEntityReference.getIdentifierDescription(); // } // // @Override // public void injectIdentifierDescription(IdentifierDescription identifierDescription) { // throw new IllegalStateException( "IdentifierDescription should never be injected from circular fetch side" ); // } // } @Override public void foundAny(AnyMappingDefinition anyDefinition) { // do nothing. } protected boolean handleCompositeAttribute(AttributeDefinition attributeDefinition) { final CompositeFetch compositeFetch = currentSource().buildCompositeAttributeFetch( attributeDefinition ); pushToStack( (ExpandingFetchSource) compositeFetch ); return true; } protected boolean handleAssociationAttribute(AssociationAttributeDefinition attributeDefinition) { // todo : this seems to not be correct for one-to-one final FetchStrategy fetchStrategy = determineFetchStrategy( attributeDefinition ); final ExpandingFetchSource currentSource = currentSource(); currentSource.validateFetchPlan( fetchStrategy, attributeDefinition ); final AssociationAttributeDefinition.AssociationNature nature = attributeDefinition.getAssociationNature(); if ( nature == AssociationAttributeDefinition.AssociationNature.ANY ) { // for ANY mappings we need to build a Fetch: // 1) fetch type is SELECT // 2) (because the fetch cannot be a JOIN...) do not push it to the stack // regardless of the fetch style, build the fetch currentSource.buildAnyAttributeFetch( attributeDefinition, fetchStrategy ); return false; } else if ( nature == AssociationAttributeDefinition.AssociationNature.ENTITY ) { // regardless of the fetch style, build the fetch EntityFetch fetch = currentSource.buildEntityAttributeFetch( attributeDefinition, fetchStrategy ); if ( FetchStrategyHelper.isJoinFetched( fetchStrategy ) ) { // only push to the stack if join fetched pushToStack( (ExpandingFetchSource) fetch ); return true; } else { return false; } } else { // Collection // regardless of the fetch style, build the fetch CollectionAttributeFetch fetch = currentSource.buildCollectionAttributeFetch( attributeDefinition, fetchStrategy ); if ( FetchStrategyHelper.isJoinFetched( fetchStrategy ) ) { // only push to the stack if join fetched pushToCollectionStack( fetch ); return true; } else { return false; } } } protected abstract FetchStrategy determineFetchStrategy(AssociationAttributeDefinition attributeDefinition); protected int currentDepth() { return fetchSourceStack.size(); } protected boolean isTooManyCollections() { return false; } // LoadPlanBuildingContext impl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @Override public SessionFactoryImplementor getSessionFactory() { return sessionFactory(); }
Maintains stack information for the property paths we are processing for logging purposes. Because of the recursive calls it is often useful (while debugging) to be able to see the "property path" as part of the logging output.
/** * Maintains stack information for the property paths we are processing for logging purposes. Because of the * recursive calls it is often useful (while debugging) to be able to see the "property path" as part of the * logging output. */
public static class PropertyPathStack { private ArrayDeque<PropertyPath> pathStack = new ArrayDeque<PropertyPath>(); public void push(PropertyPath path) { pathStack.addFirst( path ); MDC.put( MDC_KEY, extractFullPath( path ) ); } private String extractFullPath(PropertyPath path) { return path == null ? "<no-path>" : path.getFullPath(); } public void pop() { pathStack.removeFirst(); PropertyPath newHead = pathStack.peekFirst(); MDC.put( MDC_KEY, extractFullPath( newHead ) ); } } }