 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.persister.walking.spi;

import org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.FetchSource;

Strategy for walking associations as defined by the Hibernate metamodel. Is essentially a callback listener for interesting events while walking a metamodel graph

start() and finish() are called at the start and at the finish of the process.

Walking might start with an entity or a collection depending on where the walker is asked to start. When starting with an entity, startingEntity/finishingEntity ()} will be the outer set of calls. When starting with a collection, startingCollection/finishingCollection will be the outer set of calls.
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * Strategy for walking associations as defined by the Hibernate metamodel. Is essentially a callback listener for * interesting events while walking a metamodel graph * <p/> * {@link #start()} and {@link #finish()} are called at the start and at the finish of the process. * <p/> * Walking might start with an entity or a collection depending on where the walker is asked to start. When starting * with an entity, {@link #startingEntity}/{@link #finishingEntity} ()} will be the outer set of calls. When starting * with a collection, {@link #startingCollection}/{@link #finishingCollection} will be the outer set of calls. * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public interface AssociationVisitationStrategy {
Notification we are preparing to start visitation.
/** * Notification we are preparing to start visitation. */
public void start();
Notification we are finished visitation.
/** * Notification we are finished visitation. */
public void finish();
Notification we are starting to walk an entity.
  • entityDefinition – The entity we are preparing to walk
/** * Notification we are starting to walk an entity. * * @param entityDefinition The entity we are preparing to walk */
public void startingEntity(EntityDefinition entityDefinition);
Notification we are finishing walking an entity.
  • entityDefinition – The entity we are finishing walking.
/** * Notification we are finishing walking an entity. * * @param entityDefinition The entity we are finishing walking. */
public void finishingEntity(EntityDefinition entityDefinition);
Notification we are starting to walk the identifier of an entity.
  • entityIdentifierDefinition – The identifier we are preparing to walk
/** * Notification we are starting to walk the identifier of an entity. * * @param entityIdentifierDefinition The identifier we are preparing to walk */
public void startingEntityIdentifier(EntityIdentifierDefinition entityIdentifierDefinition);
Notification we are finishing walking an entity.
  • entityIdentifierDefinition – The identifier we are finishing walking.
/** * Notification we are finishing walking an entity. * * @param entityIdentifierDefinition The identifier we are finishing walking. */
public void finishingEntityIdentifier(EntityIdentifierDefinition entityIdentifierDefinition);
Notification that we are starting to walk a collection
  • collectionDefinition – The collection we are preparing to walk
/** * Notification that we are starting to walk a collection * * @param collectionDefinition The collection we are preparing to walk */
public void startingCollection(CollectionDefinition collectionDefinition);
Notification that we are finishing walking a collection
  • collectionDefinition – The collection we are finishing
/** * Notification that we are finishing walking a collection * * @param collectionDefinition The collection we are finishing */
public void finishingCollection(CollectionDefinition collectionDefinition);
Notification that we are starting to walk the index of a collection (List/Map). In the case of a Map, if the indices (the keys) are entities this will be followed up by a call to startingEntity
  • collectionIndexDefinition – The collection index we are preparing to walk.
/** * Notification that we are starting to walk the index of a collection (List/Map). In the case of a Map, * if the indices (the keys) are entities this will be followed up by a call to {@link #startingEntity} * * @param collectionIndexDefinition The collection index we are preparing to walk. */
public void startingCollectionIndex(CollectionIndexDefinition collectionIndexDefinition);
Notification that we are finishing walking the index of a collection (List/Map).
  • collectionIndexDefinition – The collection index we are finishing
/** * Notification that we are finishing walking the index of a collection (List/Map). * * @param collectionIndexDefinition The collection index we are finishing */
public void finishingCollectionIndex(CollectionIndexDefinition collectionIndexDefinition);
Notification that we are starting to look at the element definition for the collection. If the collection elements are entities this will be followed up by a call to startingEntity
  • elementDefinition – The collection element we are preparing to walk..
/** * Notification that we are starting to look at the element definition for the collection. If the collection * elements are entities this will be followed up by a call to {@link #startingEntity} * * @param elementDefinition The collection element we are preparing to walk.. */
public void startingCollectionElements(CollectionElementDefinition elementDefinition);
Notification that we are finishing walking the elements of a collection (List/Map).
  • elementDefinition – The collection element we are finishing
/** * Notification that we are finishing walking the elements of a collection (List/Map). * * @param elementDefinition The collection element we are finishing */
public void finishingCollectionElements(CollectionElementDefinition elementDefinition);
Notification that we are preparing to walk a composite. This is called only for:
  • top-level composites for entity attributes. composite entity identifiers do not route through here, see startingEntityIdentifier if you need to hook into walking the top-level cid composite.
  • All forms of nested composite paths
  • compositionDefinition – The composite we are preparing to walk.
/** * Notification that we are preparing to walk a composite. This is called only for:<ul> * <li> * top-level composites for entity attributes. composite entity identifiers do not route through here, see * {@link #startingEntityIdentifier} if you need to hook into walking the top-level cid composite. * </li> * <li> * All forms of nested composite paths * </li> * </ul> * * @param compositionDefinition The composite we are preparing to walk. */
public void startingComposite(CompositionDefinition compositionDefinition);
Notification that we are done walking a composite. Called on the back-end of the situations listed on startingComposite
  • compositionDefinition – The composite we are finishing
/** * Notification that we are done walking a composite. Called on the back-end of the situations listed * on {@link #startingComposite} * * @param compositionDefinition The composite we are finishing */
public void finishingComposite(CompositionDefinition compositionDefinition); // get rid of these ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // public void startingCompositeCollectionElement(CompositeCollectionElementDefinition compositionElementDefinition); // public void finishingCompositeCollectionElement(CompositeCollectionElementDefinition compositionElementDefinition); // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Notification that we are preparing to walk an attribute. May be followed by calls to startingEntity (one-to-one, many-to-one), startingComposite, or startingCollection.
  • attributeDefinition – The attribute we are preparing to walk.
Returns:true if the walking should continue; false if walking should stop.
/** * Notification that we are preparing to walk an attribute. May be followed by calls to {@link #startingEntity} * (one-to-one, many-to-one), {@link #startingComposite}, or {@link #startingCollection}. * * @param attributeDefinition The attribute we are preparing to walk. * * @return {@code true} if the walking should continue; {@code false} if walking should stop. */
public boolean startingAttribute(AttributeDefinition attributeDefinition);
Notification that we are finishing walking an attribute.
  • attributeDefinition – The attribute we are done walking
/** * Notification that we are finishing walking an attribute. * * @param attributeDefinition The attribute we are done walking */
public void finishingAttribute(AttributeDefinition attributeDefinition); public void foundAny(AnyMappingDefinition anyDefinition); public void associationKeyRegistered(AssociationKey associationKey); public FetchSource registeredFetchSource(AssociationKey associationKey); public void foundCircularAssociation(AssociationAttributeDefinition attributeDefinition); public boolean isDuplicateAssociationKey(AssociationKey associationKey); }