 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.internal;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InvalidObjectException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import javax.naming.Reference;
import javax.naming.StringRefAddr;
import javax.persistence.EntityGraph;
import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContextType;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceUnitUtil;
import javax.persistence.Query;
import javax.persistence.SynchronizationType;
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder;
import javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitTransactionType;

import org.hibernate.ConnectionAcquisitionMode;
import org.hibernate.ConnectionReleaseMode;
import org.hibernate.CustomEntityDirtinessStrategy;
import org.hibernate.EmptyInterceptor;
import org.hibernate.FlushMode;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.Interceptor;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionBuilder;
import org.hibernate.SessionEventListener;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactoryObserver;
import org.hibernate.StatelessSession;
import org.hibernate.StatelessSessionBuilder;
import org.hibernate.TypeHelper;
import org.hibernate.boot.cfgxml.spi.CfgXmlAccessService;
import org.hibernate.boot.cfgxml.spi.LoadedConfig;
import org.hibernate.boot.registry.classloading.spi.ClassLoaderService;
import org.hibernate.boot.spi.BootstrapContext;
import org.hibernate.boot.spi.MetadataImplementor;
import org.hibernate.boot.spi.SessionFactoryOptions;
import org.hibernate.cache.spi.CacheImplementor;
import org.hibernate.cfg.AvailableSettings;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Environment;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Settings;
import org.hibernate.context.internal.JTASessionContext;
import org.hibernate.context.internal.ManagedSessionContext;
import org.hibernate.context.internal.ThreadLocalSessionContext;
import org.hibernate.context.spi.CurrentSessionContext;
import org.hibernate.context.spi.CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver;
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.SQLFunctionRegistry;
import org.hibernate.engine.config.spi.ConfigurationService;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.connections.spi.ConnectionProvider;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.connections.spi.JdbcConnectionAccess;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.connections.spi.MultiTenantConnectionProvider;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.JdbcServices;
import org.hibernate.engine.jndi.spi.JndiService;
import org.hibernate.engine.profile.Association;
import org.hibernate.engine.profile.Fetch;
import org.hibernate.engine.profile.FetchProfile;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.QueryPlanCache;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.ReturnMetadata;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.FilterDefinition;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.NamedQueryDefinition;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.NamedQueryDefinitionBuilder;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.NamedSQLQueryDefinition;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.NamedSQLQueryDefinitionBuilder;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionBuilderImplementor;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionOwner;
import org.hibernate.engine.transaction.jta.platform.spi.JtaPlatform;
import org.hibernate.event.service.spi.EventListenerGroup;
import org.hibernate.event.service.spi.EventListenerRegistry;
import org.hibernate.event.spi.EventType;
import org.hibernate.id.IdentifierGenerator;
import org.hibernate.id.factory.IdentifierGeneratorFactory;
import org.hibernate.integrator.spi.Integrator;
import org.hibernate.integrator.spi.IntegratorService;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.config.ConfigurationException;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.config.ConfigurationHelper;
import org.hibernate.jpa.internal.AfterCompletionActionLegacyJpaImpl;
import org.hibernate.jpa.internal.ExceptionMapperLegacyJpaImpl;
import org.hibernate.jpa.internal.ManagedFlushCheckerLegacyJpaImpl;
import org.hibernate.jpa.internal.PersistenceUnitUtilImpl;
import org.hibernate.mapping.RootClass;
import org.hibernate.metadata.ClassMetadata;
import org.hibernate.metadata.CollectionMetadata;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.internal.MetamodelImpl;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.spi.MetamodelImplementor;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.EntityPersister;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.Loadable;
import org.hibernate.procedure.ProcedureCall;
import org.hibernate.proxy.EntityNotFoundDelegate;
import org.hibernate.proxy.HibernateProxyHelper;
import org.hibernate.query.criteria.internal.CriteriaBuilderImpl;
import org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.spi.PhysicalConnectionHandlingMode;
import org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.spi.StatementInspector;
import org.hibernate.resource.transaction.backend.jta.internal.synchronization.AfterCompletionAction;
import org.hibernate.resource.transaction.backend.jta.internal.synchronization.ExceptionMapper;
import org.hibernate.resource.transaction.backend.jta.internal.synchronization.ManagedFlushChecker;
import org.hibernate.resource.transaction.spi.TransactionCoordinatorBuilder;
import org.hibernate.secure.spi.GrantedPermission;
import org.hibernate.secure.spi.JaccPermissionDeclarations;
import org.hibernate.secure.spi.JaccService;
import org.hibernate.service.spi.ServiceRegistryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.service.spi.SessionFactoryServiceRegistry;
import org.hibernate.service.spi.SessionFactoryServiceRegistryFactory;
import org.hibernate.stat.spi.StatisticsImplementor;
import org.hibernate.tool.schema.spi.DelayedDropAction;
import org.hibernate.tool.schema.spi.SchemaManagementToolCoordinator;
import org.hibernate.type.SerializableType;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;
import org.hibernate.type.TypeResolver;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

import static org.hibernate.metamodel.internal.JpaMetaModelPopulationSetting.determineJpaMetaModelPopulationSetting;

Concrete implementation of the SessionFactory interface. Has the following responsibilities
  • caches configuration settings (immutably)
  • caches "compiled" mappings ie. EntityPersisters and CollectionPersisters (immutable)
  • caches "compiled" queries (memory sensitive cache)
  • manages PreparedStatements
  • delegates JDBC Connection management to the ConnectionProvider
  • factory for instances of SessionImpl
This class must appear immutable to clients, even if it does all kinds of caching and pooling under the covers. It is crucial that the class is not only thread safe, but also highly concurrent. Synchronization must be used extremely sparingly.
Author:Gavin King, Steve Ebersole, Chris Cranford
/** * Concrete implementation of the <tt>SessionFactory</tt> interface. Has the following * responsibilities * <ul> * <li>caches configuration settings (immutably) * <li>caches "compiled" mappings ie. <tt>EntityPersister</tt>s and * <tt>CollectionPersister</tt>s (immutable) * <li>caches "compiled" queries (memory sensitive cache) * <li>manages <tt>PreparedStatement</tt>s * <li> delegates JDBC <tt>Connection</tt> management to the <tt>ConnectionProvider</tt> * <li>factory for instances of <tt>SessionImpl</tt> * </ul> * This class must appear immutable to clients, even if it does all kinds of caching * and pooling under the covers. It is crucial that the class is not only thread * safe, but also highly concurrent. Synchronization must be used extremely sparingly. * * @author Gavin King * @author Steve Ebersole * @author Chris Cranford */
public final class SessionFactoryImpl implements SessionFactoryImplementor { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = CoreLogging.messageLogger( SessionFactoryImpl.class ); private final String name; private final String uuid; private transient boolean isClosed; private final transient SessionFactoryObserverChain observer = new SessionFactoryObserverChain(); private final transient SessionFactoryOptions sessionFactoryOptions; private final transient Settings settings; private final transient Map<String,Object> properties; private final transient SessionFactoryServiceRegistry serviceRegistry; private transient JdbcServices jdbcServices; private final transient SQLFunctionRegistry sqlFunctionRegistry; // todo : org.hibernate.jpa.boot.spi.PersistenceUnitDescriptor too? private final transient MetamodelImplementor metamodel; private final transient CriteriaBuilderImpl criteriaBuilder; private final PersistenceUnitUtil jpaPersistenceUnitUtil; private final transient CacheImplementor cacheAccess; private final transient org.hibernate.query.spi.NamedQueryRepository namedQueryRepository; private final transient QueryPlanCache queryPlanCache; private final transient CurrentSessionContext currentSessionContext; private DelayedDropAction delayedDropAction; // todo : move to MetamodelImpl private final transient Map<String,IdentifierGenerator> identifierGenerators; private final transient Map<String, FilterDefinition> filters; private final transient Map<String, FetchProfile> fetchProfiles; private final transient TypeHelper typeHelper; public SessionFactoryImpl( final BootstrapContext bootstrapContext, final MetadataImplementor metadata, SessionFactoryOptions options) { LOG.debug( "Building session factory" ); this.sessionFactoryOptions = options; this.settings = new Settings( options, metadata ); this.serviceRegistry = options .getServiceRegistry() .getService( SessionFactoryServiceRegistryFactory.class ) .buildServiceRegistry( this, bootstrapContext, options ); prepareEventListeners( metadata ); final CfgXmlAccessService cfgXmlAccessService = serviceRegistry.getService( CfgXmlAccessService.class ); String sfName = settings.getSessionFactoryName(); if ( cfgXmlAccessService.getAggregatedConfig() != null ) { if ( sfName == null ) { sfName = cfgXmlAccessService.getAggregatedConfig().getSessionFactoryName(); } applyCfgXmlValues( cfgXmlAccessService.getAggregatedConfig(), serviceRegistry ); } this.name = sfName; this.uuid = options.getUuid(); final JdbcServices jdbcServices = serviceRegistry.getService( JdbcServices.class ); this.properties = new HashMap<>(); this.properties.putAll( serviceRegistry.getService( ConfigurationService.class ).getSettings() ); if ( !properties.containsKey( AvailableSettings.JPA_VALIDATION_FACTORY ) ) { if ( getSessionFactoryOptions().getValidatorFactoryReference() != null ) { properties.put( AvailableSettings.JPA_VALIDATION_FACTORY, getSessionFactoryOptions().getValidatorFactoryReference() ); } } maskOutSensitiveInformation(this.properties); logIfEmptyCompositesEnabled( this.properties ); this.sqlFunctionRegistry = new SQLFunctionRegistry( jdbcServices.getJdbcEnvironment().getDialect(), options.getCustomSqlFunctionMap() ); this.cacheAccess = this.serviceRegistry.getService( CacheImplementor.class ); this.criteriaBuilder = new CriteriaBuilderImpl( this ); this.jpaPersistenceUnitUtil = new PersistenceUnitUtilImpl( this ); for ( SessionFactoryObserver sessionFactoryObserver : options.getSessionFactoryObservers() ) { this.observer.addObserver( sessionFactoryObserver ); } this.typeHelper = new TypeLocatorImpl( metadata.getTypeConfiguration().getTypeResolver() ); this.filters = new HashMap<>(); this.filters.putAll( metadata.getFilterDefinitions() ); LOG.debugf( "Session factory constructed with filter configurations : %s", filters ); LOG.debugf( "Instantiating session factory with properties: %s", properties ); this.queryPlanCache = new QueryPlanCache( this ); class IntegratorObserver implements SessionFactoryObserver { private ArrayList<Integrator> integrators = new ArrayList<>(); @Override public void sessionFactoryCreated(SessionFactory factory) { } @Override public void sessionFactoryClosed(SessionFactory factory) { for ( Integrator integrator : integrators ) { integrator.disintegrate( SessionFactoryImpl.this, SessionFactoryImpl.this.serviceRegistry ); } integrators.clear(); } } final IntegratorObserver integratorObserver = new IntegratorObserver(); this.observer.addObserver( integratorObserver ); try { for ( Integrator integrator : serviceRegistry.getService( IntegratorService.class ).getIntegrators() ) { integrator.integrate( metadata, this, this.serviceRegistry ); integratorObserver.integrators.add( integrator ); } //Generators: this.identifierGenerators = new HashMap<>(); metadata.getEntityBindings().stream().filter( model -> !model.isInherited() ).forEach( model -> { IdentifierGenerator generator = model.getIdentifier().createIdentifierGenerator( metadata.getIdentifierGeneratorFactory(), jdbcServices.getJdbcEnvironment().getDialect(), settings.getDefaultCatalogName(), settings.getDefaultSchemaName(), (RootClass) model ); identifierGenerators.put( model.getEntityName(), generator ); } ); LOG.debug( "Instantiated session factory" ); this.metamodel = metadata.getTypeConfiguration().scope( this , bootstrapContext); ( (MetamodelImpl) this.metamodel ).initialize( metadata, determineJpaMetaModelPopulationSetting( properties ) ); //Named Queries: this.namedQueryRepository = metadata.buildNamedQueryRepository( this ); settings.getMultiTableBulkIdStrategy().prepare( jdbcServices, buildLocalConnectionAccess(), metadata, sessionFactoryOptions ); SchemaManagementToolCoordinator.process( metadata, serviceRegistry, properties, action -> SessionFactoryImpl.this.delayedDropAction = action ); currentSessionContext = buildCurrentSessionContext(); //checking for named queries if ( settings.isNamedQueryStartupCheckingEnabled() ) { final Map<String, HibernateException> errors = checkNamedQueries(); if ( !errors.isEmpty() ) { StringBuilder failingQueries = new StringBuilder( "Errors in named queries: " ); String separator = System.lineSeparator(); for ( Map.Entry<String, HibernateException> entry : errors.entrySet() ) { LOG.namedQueryError( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() ); failingQueries .append( separator) .append( entry.getKey() ) .append( " failed because of: " ) .append( entry.getValue() ); } throw new HibernateException( failingQueries.toString() ); } } // this needs to happen after persisters are all ready to go... this.fetchProfiles = new HashMap<>(); for ( org.hibernate.mapping.FetchProfile mappingProfile : metadata.getFetchProfiles() ) { final FetchProfile fetchProfile = new FetchProfile( mappingProfile.getName() ); for ( org.hibernate.mapping.FetchProfile.Fetch mappingFetch : mappingProfile.getFetches() ) { // resolve the persister owning the fetch final String entityName = metamodel.getImportedClassName( mappingFetch.getEntity() ); final EntityPersister owner = entityName == null ? null : metamodel.entityPersister( entityName ); if ( owner == null ) { throw new HibernateException( "Unable to resolve entity reference [" + mappingFetch.getEntity() + "] in fetch profile [" + fetchProfile.getName() + "]" ); } // validate the specified association fetch Type associationType = owner.getPropertyType( mappingFetch.getAssociation() ); if ( associationType == null || !associationType.isAssociationType() ) { throw new HibernateException( "Fetch profile [" + fetchProfile.getName() + "] specified an invalid association" ); } // resolve the style final Fetch.Style fetchStyle = Fetch.Style.parse( mappingFetch.getStyle() ); // then construct the fetch instance... fetchProfile.addFetch( new Association( owner, mappingFetch.getAssociation() ), fetchStyle ); ((Loadable) owner).registerAffectingFetchProfile( fetchProfile.getName() ); } fetchProfiles.put( fetchProfile.getName(), fetchProfile ); } this.observer.sessionFactoryCreated( this ); SessionFactoryRegistry.INSTANCE.addSessionFactory( getUuid(), name, settings.isSessionFactoryNameAlsoJndiName(), this, serviceRegistry.getService( JndiService.class ) ); } catch (Exception e) { for ( Integrator integrator : serviceRegistry.getService( IntegratorService.class ).getIntegrators() ) { integrator.disintegrate( this, serviceRegistry ); integratorObserver.integrators.remove( integrator ); } close(); throw e; } } private void prepareEventListeners(MetadataImplementor metadata) { final EventListenerRegistry eventListenerRegistry = serviceRegistry.getService( EventListenerRegistry.class ); final ConfigurationService cfgService = serviceRegistry.getService( ConfigurationService.class ); final ClassLoaderService classLoaderService = serviceRegistry.getService( ClassLoaderService.class ); eventListenerRegistry.prepare( metadata ); for ( Map.Entry entry : ( (Map<?, ?>) cfgService.getSettings() ).entrySet() ) { if ( !String.class.isInstance( entry.getKey() ) ) { continue; } final String propertyName = (String) entry.getKey(); if ( !propertyName.startsWith( org.hibernate.jpa.AvailableSettings.EVENT_LISTENER_PREFIX ) ) { continue; } final String eventTypeName = propertyName.substring( org.hibernate.jpa.AvailableSettings.EVENT_LISTENER_PREFIX.length() + 1 ); final EventType eventType = EventType.resolveEventTypeByName( eventTypeName ); final EventListenerGroup eventListenerGroup = eventListenerRegistry.getEventListenerGroup( eventType ); for ( String listenerImpl : ( (String) entry.getValue() ).split( " ," ) ) { eventListenerGroup.appendListener( instantiate( listenerImpl, classLoaderService ) ); } } } private Object instantiate(String listenerImpl, ClassLoaderService classLoaderService) { try { return classLoaderService.classForName( listenerImpl ).newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new HibernateException( "Could not instantiate requested listener [" + listenerImpl + "]", e ); } } private void applyCfgXmlValues(LoadedConfig aggregatedConfig, SessionFactoryServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) { final JaccService jaccService = serviceRegistry.getService( JaccService.class ); if ( jaccService.getContextId() != null ) { final JaccPermissionDeclarations permissions = aggregatedConfig.getJaccPermissions( jaccService.getContextId() ); if ( permissions != null ) { for ( GrantedPermission grantedPermission : permissions.getPermissionDeclarations() ) { jaccService.addPermission( grantedPermission ); } } } if ( aggregatedConfig.getEventListenerMap() != null ) { final ClassLoaderService cls = serviceRegistry.getService( ClassLoaderService.class ); final EventListenerRegistry eventListenerRegistry = serviceRegistry.getService( EventListenerRegistry.class ); for ( Map.Entry<EventType, Set<String>> entry : aggregatedConfig.getEventListenerMap().entrySet() ) { final EventListenerGroup group = eventListenerRegistry.getEventListenerGroup( entry.getKey() ); for ( String listenerClassName : entry.getValue() ) { try { group.appendListener( cls.classForName( listenerClassName ).newInstance() ); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConfigurationException( "Unable to instantiate event listener class : " + listenerClassName, e ); } } } } } private JdbcConnectionAccess buildLocalConnectionAccess() { return new JdbcConnectionAccess() { @Override public Connection obtainConnection() throws SQLException { return !settings.getMultiTenancyStrategy().requiresMultiTenantConnectionProvider() ? serviceRegistry.getService( ConnectionProvider.class ).getConnection() : serviceRegistry.getService( MultiTenantConnectionProvider.class ).getAnyConnection(); } @Override public void releaseConnection(Connection connection) throws SQLException { if ( !settings.getMultiTenancyStrategy().requiresMultiTenantConnectionProvider() ) { serviceRegistry.getService( ConnectionProvider.class ).closeConnection( connection ); } else { serviceRegistry.getService( MultiTenantConnectionProvider.class ).releaseAnyConnection( connection ); } } @Override public boolean supportsAggressiveRelease() { return false; } }; } public Session openSession() throws HibernateException { return withOptions().openSession(); } public Session openTemporarySession() throws HibernateException { return withOptions() .autoClose( false ) .flushMode( FlushMode.MANUAL ) .connectionHandlingMode( PhysicalConnectionHandlingMode.DELAYED_ACQUISITION_AND_RELEASE_AFTER_STATEMENT ) .openSession(); } public Session getCurrentSession() throws HibernateException { if ( currentSessionContext == null ) { throw new HibernateException( "No CurrentSessionContext configured!" ); } return currentSessionContext.currentSession(); } @Override public SessionBuilderImplementor withOptions() { return new SessionBuilderImpl( this ); } @Override public StatelessSessionBuilder withStatelessOptions() { return new StatelessSessionBuilderImpl( this ); } public StatelessSession openStatelessSession() { return withStatelessOptions().openStatelessSession(); } public StatelessSession openStatelessSession(Connection connection) { return withStatelessOptions().connection( connection ).openStatelessSession(); } @Override public void addObserver(SessionFactoryObserver observer) { this.observer.addObserver( observer ); } @Override public Map<String, Object> getProperties() { validateNotClosed(); return properties; } protected void validateNotClosed() { if ( isClosed ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "EntityManagerFactory is closed" ); } } @Override public String getUuid() { return uuid; } @Override public String getName() { return name; } @Override public JdbcServices getJdbcServices() { if ( jdbcServices == null ) { jdbcServices = getServiceRegistry().getService( JdbcServices.class ); } return jdbcServices; } public IdentifierGeneratorFactory getIdentifierGeneratorFactory() { return null; }
Retrieve the Type resolver associated with this factory.
Returns:The type resolver
Deprecated:(since 5.3) No replacement, access to and handling of Types will be much different in 6.0
/** * Retrieve the {@link Type} resolver associated with this factory. * * @return The type resolver * * @deprecated (since 5.3) No replacement, access to and handling of Types will be much different in 6.0 */
@Deprecated public TypeResolver getTypeResolver() { return metamodel.getTypeConfiguration().getTypeResolver(); } public QueryPlanCache getQueryPlanCache() { return queryPlanCache; } private Map<String,HibernateException> checkNamedQueries() throws HibernateException { return namedQueryRepository.checkNamedQueries( queryPlanCache ); } @Override public DeserializationResolver getDeserializationResolver() { return new DeserializationResolver() { @Override public SessionFactoryImplementor resolve() { return (SessionFactoryImplementor) SessionFactoryRegistry.INSTANCE.findSessionFactory( uuid, name ); } }; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public Settings getSettings() { return settings; } @Override public <T> List<EntityGraph<? super T>> findEntityGraphsByType(Class<T> entityClass) { return getMetamodel().findEntityGraphsByType( entityClass ); } // todo : (5.2) review synchronizationType, persistenceContextType, transactionType usage // SynchronizationType -> should we auto enlist in transactions private transient SynchronizationType synchronizationType; // PersistenceContextType -> influences FlushMode and 'autoClose' private transient PersistenceContextType persistenceContextType; @Override public Session createEntityManager() { validateNotClosed(); return buildEntityManager( SynchronizationType.SYNCHRONIZED, Collections.emptyMap() ); } private Session buildEntityManager(SynchronizationType synchronizationType, Map map) { assert !isClosed; SessionBuilderImplementor builder = withOptions(); if ( synchronizationType == SynchronizationType.SYNCHRONIZED ) { builder.autoJoinTransactions( true ); } else { builder.autoJoinTransactions( false ); } final Session session = builder.openSession(); if ( map != null ) { map.keySet().forEach( key -> { if ( key instanceof String ) { session.setProperty( (String) key, map.get( key ) ); } } ); } return session; } @Override public Session createEntityManager(Map map) { validateNotClosed(); return buildEntityManager( SynchronizationType.SYNCHRONIZED, map ); } @Override public Session createEntityManager(SynchronizationType synchronizationType) { validateNotClosed(); errorIfResourceLocalDueToExplicitSynchronizationType(); return buildEntityManager( synchronizationType, Collections.emptyMap() ); } private void errorIfResourceLocalDueToExplicitSynchronizationType() { // JPA requires that we throw IllegalStateException in cases where: // 1) the PersistenceUnitTransactionType (TransactionCoordinator) is non-JTA // 2) an explicit SynchronizationType is specified if ( !getServiceRegistry().getService( TransactionCoordinatorBuilder.class ).isJta() ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Illegal attempt to specify a SynchronizationType when building an EntityManager from a " + "EntityManagerFactory defined as RESOURCE_LOCAL (as opposed to JTA)" ); } } @Override public Session createEntityManager(SynchronizationType synchronizationType, Map map) { validateNotClosed(); errorIfResourceLocalDueToExplicitSynchronizationType(); return buildEntityManager( synchronizationType, map ); } @Override public CriteriaBuilder getCriteriaBuilder() { validateNotClosed(); return criteriaBuilder; } @Override public MetamodelImplementor getMetamodel() { validateNotClosed(); return metamodel; } @Override public boolean isOpen() { return !isClosed; } @Override public EntityGraph findEntityGraphByName(String name) { return getMetamodel().findEntityGraphByName( name ); } @Override public SessionFactoryOptions getSessionFactoryOptions() { return sessionFactoryOptions; } public Interceptor getInterceptor() { return sessionFactoryOptions.getInterceptor(); } @Override public Reference getReference() { // from javax.naming.Referenceable LOG.debug( "Returning a Reference to the SessionFactory" ); return new Reference( SessionFactoryImpl.class.getName(), new StringRefAddr("uuid", getUuid()), SessionFactoryRegistry.ObjectFactoryImpl.class.getName(), null ); } @Override public org.hibernate.query.spi.NamedQueryRepository getNamedQueryRepository() { return namedQueryRepository; } public Type getIdentifierType(String className) throws MappingException { return getMetamodel().entityPersister( className ).getIdentifierType(); } public String getIdentifierPropertyName(String className) throws MappingException { return getMetamodel().entityPersister( className ).getIdentifierPropertyName(); } public Type[] getReturnTypes(String queryString) throws HibernateException { final ReturnMetadata metadata = queryPlanCache.getHQLQueryPlan( queryString, false, Collections.EMPTY_MAP ) .getReturnMetadata(); return metadata == null ? null : metadata.getReturnTypes(); } public String[] getReturnAliases(String queryString) throws HibernateException { final ReturnMetadata metadata = queryPlanCache.getHQLQueryPlan( queryString, false, Collections.EMPTY_MAP ) .getReturnMetadata(); return metadata == null ? null : metadata.getReturnAliases(); } public ClassMetadata getClassMetadata(Class persistentClass) throws HibernateException { return getClassMetadata( persistentClass.getName() ); } public CollectionMetadata getCollectionMetadata(String roleName) throws HibernateException { return (CollectionMetadata) getMetamodel().collectionPersister( roleName ); } public ClassMetadata getClassMetadata(String entityName) throws HibernateException { return (ClassMetadata) getMetamodel().entityPersister( entityName ); } @Override public Map<String,ClassMetadata> getAllClassMetadata() throws HibernateException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "org.hibernate.SessionFactory.getAllClassMetadata is no longer supported" ); } public Map getAllCollectionMetadata() throws HibernateException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "org.hibernate.SessionFactory.getAllCollectionMetadata is no longer supported" ); } public Type getReferencedPropertyType(String className, String propertyName) throws MappingException { return getMetamodel().entityPersister( className ).getPropertyType( propertyName ); }
Closes the session factory, releasing all held resources.
  1. cleans up used cache regions and "stops" the cache provider.
  2. close the JDBC connection
  3. remove the JNDI binding
Note: Be aware that the sessionFactory instance still can be a "heavy" object memory wise after close() has been called. Thus it is important to not keep referencing the instance to let the garbage collector release the memory.
  • HibernateException –
/** * Closes the session factory, releasing all held resources. * * <ol> * <li>cleans up used cache regions and "stops" the cache provider. * <li>close the JDBC connection * <li>remove the JNDI binding * </ol> * * Note: Be aware that the sessionFactory instance still can * be a "heavy" object memory wise after close() has been called. Thus * it is important to not keep referencing the instance to let the garbage * collector release the memory. * @throws HibernateException */
public void close() throws HibernateException { //This is an idempotent operation so we can do it even before the checks (it won't hurt): Environment.getBytecodeProvider().resetCaches(); if ( isClosed ) { if ( getSessionFactoryOptions().getJpaCompliance().isJpaClosedComplianceEnabled() ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "EntityManagerFactory is already closed" ); } LOG.trace( "Already closed" ); return; } LOG.closing(); observer.sessionFactoryClosing( this ); isClosed = true; settings.getMultiTableBulkIdStrategy().release( serviceRegistry.getService( JdbcServices.class ), buildLocalConnectionAccess() ); // NOTE : the null checks below handle cases where close is called from // a failed attempt to create the SessionFactory if ( cacheAccess != null ) { cacheAccess.close(); } if ( metamodel != null ) { metamodel.close(); } if ( queryPlanCache != null ) { queryPlanCache.cleanup(); } if ( delayedDropAction != null ) { delayedDropAction.perform( serviceRegistry ); } SessionFactoryRegistry.INSTANCE.removeSessionFactory( getUuid(), name, settings.isSessionFactoryNameAlsoJndiName(), serviceRegistry.getService( JndiService.class ) ); observer.sessionFactoryClosed( this ); serviceRegistry.destroy(); } public CacheImplementor getCache() { validateNotClosed(); return cacheAccess; } @Override public PersistenceUnitUtil getPersistenceUnitUtil() { validateNotClosed(); return jpaPersistenceUnitUtil; } @Override public void addNamedQuery(String name, Query query) { validateNotClosed(); // NOTE : we use Query#unwrap here (rather than direct type checking) to account for possibly wrapped // query implementations // first, handle StoredProcedureQuery try { final ProcedureCall unwrapped = query.unwrap( ProcedureCall.class ); if ( unwrapped != null ) { addNamedStoredProcedureQuery( name, unwrapped ); return; } } catch ( PersistenceException ignore ) { // this means 'query' is not a StoredProcedureQueryImpl } // then try as a native-SQL or JPQL query try { org.hibernate.query.Query hibernateQuery = query.unwrap( org.hibernate.query.Query.class ); if ( hibernateQuery != null ) { // create and register the proper NamedQueryDefinition... if ( org.hibernate.query.NativeQuery.class.isInstance( hibernateQuery ) ) { getNamedQueryRepository().registerNamedSQLQueryDefinition( name, extractSqlQueryDefinition( (org.hibernate.query.NativeQuery) hibernateQuery, name ) ); } else { getNamedQueryRepository().registerNamedQueryDefinition( name, extractHqlQueryDefinition( hibernateQuery, name ) ); } return; } } catch ( PersistenceException ignore ) { // this means 'query' is not a native-SQL or JPQL query } // if we get here, we are unsure how to properly unwrap the incoming query to extract the needed information throw new PersistenceException( String.format( "Unsure how to how to properly unwrap given Query [%s] as basis for named query", query ) ); } private void addNamedStoredProcedureQuery(String name, ProcedureCall procedureCall) { getNamedQueryRepository().registerNamedProcedureCallMemento( name, procedureCall.extractMemento( procedureCall.getHints() ) ); } private NamedSQLQueryDefinition extractSqlQueryDefinition(org.hibernate.query.NativeQuery nativeSqlQuery, String name) { final NamedSQLQueryDefinitionBuilder builder = new NamedSQLQueryDefinitionBuilder( name ); fillInNamedQueryBuilder( builder, nativeSqlQuery ); builder.setCallable( nativeSqlQuery.isCallable() ) .setQuerySpaces( nativeSqlQuery.getSynchronizedQuerySpaces() ) .setQueryReturns( nativeSqlQuery.getQueryReturns() ); return builder.createNamedQueryDefinition(); } private NamedQueryDefinition extractHqlQueryDefinition(org.hibernate.query.Query hqlQuery, String name) { final NamedQueryDefinitionBuilder builder = new NamedQueryDefinitionBuilder( name ); fillInNamedQueryBuilder( builder, hqlQuery ); // LockOptions only valid for HQL/JPQL queries... builder.setLockOptions( hqlQuery.getLockOptions().makeCopy() ); return builder.createNamedQueryDefinition(); } private void fillInNamedQueryBuilder(NamedQueryDefinitionBuilder builder, org.hibernate.query.Query query) { builder.setQuery( query.getQueryString() ) .setComment( query.getComment() ) .setCacheable( query.isCacheable() ) .setCacheRegion( query.getCacheRegion() ) .setCacheMode( query.getCacheMode() ) .setReadOnly( query.isReadOnly() ) .setFlushMode( query.getHibernateFlushMode() ); if ( query.getQueryOptions().getFirstRow() != null ) { builder.setFirstResult( query.getQueryOptions().getFirstRow() ); } if ( query.getQueryOptions().getMaxRows() != null ) { builder.setMaxResults( query.getQueryOptions().getMaxRows() ); } if ( query.getQueryOptions().getTimeout() != null ) { builder.setTimeout( query.getQueryOptions().getTimeout() ); } if ( query.getQueryOptions().getFetchSize() != null ) { builder.setFetchSize( query.getQueryOptions().getFetchSize() ); } } @Override public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> type) { if ( type.isAssignableFrom( SessionFactory.class ) ) { return type.cast( this ); } if ( type.isAssignableFrom( SessionFactoryImplementor.class ) ) { return type.cast( this ); } if ( type.isAssignableFrom( SessionFactoryImpl.class ) ) { return type.cast( this ); } if ( type.isAssignableFrom( EntityManagerFactory.class ) ) { return type.cast( this ); } throw new PersistenceException( "Hibernate cannot unwrap EntityManagerFactory as '" + type.getName() + "'" ); } @Override public <T> void addNamedEntityGraph(String graphName, EntityGraph<T> entityGraph) { getMetamodel().addNamedEntityGraph( graphName, entityGraph ); } public boolean isClosed() { return isClosed; } private transient StatisticsImplementor statistics; public StatisticsImplementor getStatistics() { if ( statistics == null ) { statistics = serviceRegistry.getService( StatisticsImplementor.class ); } return statistics; } public FilterDefinition getFilterDefinition(String filterName) throws HibernateException { FilterDefinition def = filters.get( filterName ); if ( def == null ) { throw new HibernateException( "No such filter configured [" + filterName + "]" ); } return def; } public boolean containsFetchProfileDefinition(String name) { return fetchProfiles.containsKey( name ); } public Set getDefinedFilterNames() { return filters.keySet(); } public IdentifierGenerator getIdentifierGenerator(String rootEntityName) { return identifierGenerators.get(rootEntityName); } private boolean canAccessTransactionManager() { try { return serviceRegistry.getService( JtaPlatform.class ).retrieveTransactionManager() != null; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } private CurrentSessionContext buildCurrentSessionContext() { String impl = (String) properties.get( Environment.CURRENT_SESSION_CONTEXT_CLASS ); // for backward-compatibility if ( impl == null ) { if ( canAccessTransactionManager() ) { impl = "jta"; } else { return null; } } if ( "jta".equals( impl ) ) { // if ( ! transactionFactory().compatibleWithJtaSynchronization() ) { // LOG.autoFlushWillNotWork(); // } return new JTASessionContext( this ); } else if ( "thread".equals( impl ) ) { return new ThreadLocalSessionContext( this ); } else if ( "managed".equals( impl ) ) { return new ManagedSessionContext( this ); } else { try { Class implClass = serviceRegistry.getService( ClassLoaderService.class ).classForName( impl ); return (CurrentSessionContext) implClass.getConstructor( new Class[] { SessionFactoryImplementor.class } ) .newInstance( this ); } catch( Throwable t ) { LOG.unableToConstructCurrentSessionContext( impl, t ); return null; } } } @Override public ServiceRegistryImplementor getServiceRegistry() { return serviceRegistry; } @Override public EntityNotFoundDelegate getEntityNotFoundDelegate() { return sessionFactoryOptions.getEntityNotFoundDelegate(); } public SQLFunctionRegistry getSqlFunctionRegistry() { return sqlFunctionRegistry; } public FetchProfile getFetchProfile(String name) { return fetchProfiles.get( name ); } public TypeHelper getTypeHelper() { return typeHelper; } @Override public Type resolveParameterBindType(Object bindValue) { if ( bindValue == null ) { // we can't guess return null; } return resolveParameterBindType( HibernateProxyHelper.getClassWithoutInitializingProxy( bindValue ) ); } @Override public Type resolveParameterBindType(Class clazz){ String typename = clazz.getName(); Type type = getTypeResolver().heuristicType( typename ); boolean serializable = type != null && type instanceof SerializableType; if ( type == null || serializable ) { try { getMetamodel().entityPersister( clazz.getName() ); } catch (MappingException me) { if ( serializable ) { return type; } else { throw new HibernateException( "Could not determine a type for class: " + typename ); } } return getTypeHelper().entity( clazz ); } else { return type; } } public static Interceptor configuredInterceptor(Interceptor interceptor, SessionFactoryOptions options) { // NOTE : DO NOT return EmptyInterceptor.INSTANCE from here as a "default for the Session" // we "filter" that one out here. The return from here should represent the // explicitly configured Interceptor (if one). Return null from here instead; Session // will handle it if ( interceptor != null && interceptor != EmptyInterceptor.INSTANCE ) { return interceptor; } // prefer the SF-scoped interceptor, prefer that to any Session-scoped interceptor prototype if ( options.getInterceptor() != null && options.getInterceptor() != EmptyInterceptor.INSTANCE ) { return options.getInterceptor(); } // then check the Session-scoped interceptor prototype if ( options.getStatelessInterceptorImplementor() != null && options.getStatelessInterceptorImplementorSupplier() != null ) { throw new HibernateException( "A session scoped interceptor class or supplier are allowed, but not both!" ); } else if ( options.getStatelessInterceptorImplementor() != null ) { try { /** * We could remove the getStatelessInterceptorImplementor method and use just the getStatelessInterceptorImplementorSupplier * since it can cover both cases when the user has given a Supplier<? extends Interceptor> or just the * Class<? extends Interceptor>, in which case, we simply instantiate the Interceptor when calling the Supplier. */ return options.getStatelessInterceptorImplementor().newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { throw new HibernateException( "Could not supply session-scoped SessionFactory Interceptor", e ); } } else if ( options.getStatelessInterceptorImplementorSupplier() != null ) { return options.getStatelessInterceptorImplementorSupplier().get(); } return null; } static class SessionBuilderImpl<T extends SessionBuilder> implements SessionBuilderImplementor<T>, SessionCreationOptions { private static final Logger log = CoreLogging.logger( SessionBuilderImpl.class ); private final SessionFactoryImpl sessionFactory; private SessionOwner sessionOwner; private Interceptor interceptor; private StatementInspector statementInspector; private Connection connection; private PhysicalConnectionHandlingMode connectionHandlingMode; private boolean autoJoinTransactions = true; private FlushMode flushMode; private boolean autoClose; private boolean autoClear; private String tenantIdentifier; private TimeZone jdbcTimeZone; private boolean queryParametersValidationEnabled; private List<SessionEventListener> listeners; //todo : expose setting private SessionOwnerBehavior sessionOwnerBehavior = SessionOwnerBehavior.LEGACY_NATIVE; private PersistenceUnitTransactionType persistenceUnitTransactionType; SessionBuilderImpl(SessionFactoryImpl sessionFactory) { this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory; this.sessionOwner = null; // set up default builder values... this.statementInspector = sessionFactory.getSessionFactoryOptions().getStatementInspector(); this.connectionHandlingMode = sessionFactory.getSessionFactoryOptions().getPhysicalConnectionHandlingMode(); this.autoClose = sessionFactory.getSessionFactoryOptions().isAutoCloseSessionEnabled(); this.flushMode = sessionFactory.getSessionFactoryOptions().isFlushBeforeCompletionEnabled() ? FlushMode.AUTO : FlushMode.MANUAL; if ( sessionFactory.getCurrentTenantIdentifierResolver() != null ) { tenantIdentifier = sessionFactory.getCurrentTenantIdentifierResolver().resolveCurrentTenantIdentifier(); } this.jdbcTimeZone = sessionFactory.getSessionFactoryOptions().getJdbcTimeZone(); listeners = sessionFactory.getSessionFactoryOptions().getBaselineSessionEventsListenerBuilder().buildBaselineList(); queryParametersValidationEnabled = sessionFactory.getSessionFactoryOptions().isQueryParametersValidationEnabled(); } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // SessionCreationOptions @Override public SessionOwner getSessionOwner() { return sessionOwner; } @Override public ExceptionMapper getExceptionMapper() { if ( sessionOwner != null ) { return sessionOwner.getExceptionMapper(); } else { return sessionOwnerBehavior == SessionOwnerBehavior.LEGACY_JPA ? ExceptionMapperLegacyJpaImpl.INSTANCE : null; } } @Override public AfterCompletionAction getAfterCompletionAction() { if ( sessionOwner != null ) { return sessionOwner.getAfterCompletionAction(); } return sessionOwnerBehavior == SessionOwnerBehavior.LEGACY_JPA ? AfterCompletionActionLegacyJpaImpl.INSTANCE : null; } @Override public ManagedFlushChecker getManagedFlushChecker() { if ( sessionOwner != null ) { return sessionOwner.getManagedFlushChecker(); } return sessionOwnerBehavior == SessionOwnerBehavior.LEGACY_JPA ? ManagedFlushCheckerLegacyJpaImpl.INSTANCE : null; } @Override public boolean isQueryParametersValidationEnabled() { return this.queryParametersValidationEnabled; } @Override public boolean shouldAutoJoinTransactions() { return autoJoinTransactions; } @Override public FlushMode getInitialSessionFlushMode() { return flushMode; } @Override public boolean shouldAutoClose() { return autoClose; } @Override public boolean shouldAutoClear() { return autoClear; } @Override public Connection getConnection() { return connection; } @Override public Interceptor getInterceptor() { return configuredInterceptor( interceptor, sessionFactory.getSessionFactoryOptions() ); } @Override public StatementInspector getStatementInspector() { return statementInspector; } @Override public PhysicalConnectionHandlingMode getPhysicalConnectionHandlingMode() { return connectionHandlingMode; } @Override public String getTenantIdentifier() { return tenantIdentifier; } @Override public TimeZone getJdbcTimeZone() { return jdbcTimeZone; } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // SessionBuilder @Override public Session openSession() { log.tracef( "Opening Hibernate Session. tenant=%s, owner=%s", tenantIdentifier, sessionOwner ); final SessionImpl session = new SessionImpl( sessionFactory, this ); for ( SessionEventListener listener : listeners ) { session.getEventListenerManager().addListener( listener ); } return session; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T owner(SessionOwner sessionOwner) { this.sessionOwner = sessionOwner; return (T) this; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T interceptor(Interceptor interceptor) { this.interceptor = interceptor; return (T) this; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T noInterceptor() { this.interceptor = EmptyInterceptor.INSTANCE; return (T) this; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T statementInspector(StatementInspector statementInspector) { this.statementInspector = statementInspector; return (T) this; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T connection(Connection connection) { this.connection = connection; return (T) this; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T connectionReleaseMode(ConnectionReleaseMode connectionReleaseMode) { // NOTE : Legacy behavior (when only ConnectionReleaseMode was exposed) was to always acquire a // Connection using ConnectionAcquisitionMode.AS_NEEDED.. final PhysicalConnectionHandlingMode handlingMode = PhysicalConnectionHandlingMode.interpret( ConnectionAcquisitionMode.AS_NEEDED, connectionReleaseMode ); connectionHandlingMode( handlingMode ); return (T) this; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T connectionHandlingMode(PhysicalConnectionHandlingMode connectionHandlingMode) { this.connectionHandlingMode = connectionHandlingMode; return (T) this; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T autoJoinTransactions(boolean autoJoinTransactions) { this.autoJoinTransactions = autoJoinTransactions; return (T) this; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T autoClose(boolean autoClose) { this.autoClose = autoClose; return (T) this; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T autoClear(boolean autoClear) { this.autoClear = autoClear; return (T) this; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T flushMode(FlushMode flushMode) { this.flushMode = flushMode; return (T) this; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T tenantIdentifier(String tenantIdentifier) { this.tenantIdentifier = tenantIdentifier; return (T) this; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T eventListeners(SessionEventListener... listeners) { Collections.addAll( this.listeners, listeners ); return (T) this; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T clearEventListeners() { listeners.clear(); return (T) this; } @Override public T jdbcTimeZone(TimeZone timeZone) { jdbcTimeZone = timeZone; return (T) this; } @Override public T setQueryParameterValidation(boolean enabled) { queryParametersValidationEnabled = enabled; return (T) this; } } public static class StatelessSessionBuilderImpl implements StatelessSessionBuilder, SessionCreationOptions { private final SessionFactoryImpl sessionFactory; private Connection connection; private String tenantIdentifier; private boolean queryParametersValidationEnabled; public StatelessSessionBuilderImpl(SessionFactoryImpl sessionFactory) { this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory; if ( sessionFactory.getCurrentTenantIdentifierResolver() != null ) { tenantIdentifier = sessionFactory.getCurrentTenantIdentifierResolver().resolveCurrentTenantIdentifier(); } queryParametersValidationEnabled = sessionFactory.getSessionFactoryOptions().isQueryParametersValidationEnabled(); } @Override public StatelessSession openStatelessSession() { return new StatelessSessionImpl( sessionFactory, this ); } @Override public StatelessSessionBuilder connection(Connection connection) { this.connection = connection; return this; } @Override public StatelessSessionBuilder tenantIdentifier(String tenantIdentifier) { this.tenantIdentifier = tenantIdentifier; return this; } @Override public boolean shouldAutoJoinTransactions() { return true; } @Override public FlushMode getInitialSessionFlushMode() { return FlushMode.ALWAYS; } @Override public boolean shouldAutoClose() { return false; } @Override public boolean shouldAutoClear() { return false; } @Override public Connection getConnection() { return connection; } @Override public Interceptor getInterceptor() { return configuredInterceptor( EmptyInterceptor.INSTANCE, sessionFactory.getSessionFactoryOptions() ); } @Override public StatementInspector getStatementInspector() { return null; } @Override public PhysicalConnectionHandlingMode getPhysicalConnectionHandlingMode() { return null; } @Override public String getTenantIdentifier() { return tenantIdentifier; } @Override public TimeZone getJdbcTimeZone() { return sessionFactory.getSessionFactoryOptions().getJdbcTimeZone(); } @Override public SessionOwner getSessionOwner() { return null; } @Override public ExceptionMapper getExceptionMapper() { return null; } @Override public AfterCompletionAction getAfterCompletionAction() { return null; } @Override public ManagedFlushChecker getManagedFlushChecker() { return null; } @Override public boolean isQueryParametersValidationEnabled() { return queryParametersValidationEnabled; } @Override public StatelessSessionBuilder setQueryParameterValidation(boolean enabled) { queryParametersValidationEnabled = enabled; return this; } } @Override public CustomEntityDirtinessStrategy getCustomEntityDirtinessStrategy() { return getSessionFactoryOptions().getCustomEntityDirtinessStrategy(); } @Override public CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver getCurrentTenantIdentifierResolver() { return getSessionFactoryOptions().getCurrentTenantIdentifierResolver(); } // Serialization handling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Custom serialization hook defined by Java spec. Used when the factory is directly serialized
  • out – The stream into which the object is being serialized.
/** * Custom serialization hook defined by Java spec. Used when the factory is directly serialized * * @param out The stream into which the object is being serialized. * * @throws IOException Can be thrown by the stream */
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { LOG.debugf( "Serializing: %s", getUuid() ); out.defaultWriteObject(); LOG.trace( "Serialized" ); }
Custom serialization hook defined by Java spec. Used when the factory is directly deserialized
  • in – The stream from which the object is being deserialized.
/** * Custom serialization hook defined by Java spec. Used when the factory is directly deserialized * * @param in The stream from which the object is being deserialized. * * @throws IOException Can be thrown by the stream * @throws ClassNotFoundException Again, can be thrown by the stream */
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { LOG.trace( "Deserializing" ); in.defaultReadObject(); LOG.debugf( "Deserialized: %s", getUuid() ); }
Custom serialization hook defined by Java spec. Used when the factory is directly deserialized. Here we resolve the uuid/name read from the stream previously to resolve the SessionFactory instance to use based on the registrations with the SessionFactoryRegistry
Returns:The resolved factory to use.
/** * Custom serialization hook defined by Java spec. Used when the factory is directly deserialized. * Here we resolve the uuid/name read from the stream previously to resolve the SessionFactory * instance to use based on the registrations with the {@link SessionFactoryRegistry} * * @return The resolved factory to use. * * @throws InvalidObjectException Thrown if we could not resolve the factory by uuid/name. */
private Object readResolve() throws InvalidObjectException { LOG.trace( "Resolving serialized SessionFactory" ); return locateSessionFactoryOnDeserialization( getUuid(), name ); } private static SessionFactory locateSessionFactoryOnDeserialization(String uuid, String name) throws InvalidObjectException{ final SessionFactory uuidResult = SessionFactoryRegistry.INSTANCE.getSessionFactory( uuid ); if ( uuidResult != null ) { LOG.debugf( "Resolved SessionFactory by UUID [%s]", uuid ); return uuidResult; } // in case we were deserialized in a different JVM, look for an instance with the same name // (provided we were given a name) if ( name != null ) { final SessionFactory namedResult = SessionFactoryRegistry.INSTANCE.getNamedSessionFactory( name ); if ( namedResult != null ) { LOG.debugf( "Resolved SessionFactory by name [%s]", name ); return namedResult; } } throw new InvalidObjectException( "Could not find a SessionFactory [uuid=" + uuid + ",name=" + name + "]" ); }
Custom serialization hook used during Session serialization.
  • oos – The stream to which to write the factory
  • IOException – Indicates problems writing out the serial data stream
/** * Custom serialization hook used during Session serialization. * * @param oos The stream to which to write the factory * @throws IOException Indicates problems writing out the serial data stream */
void serialize(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException { oos.writeUTF( getUuid() ); oos.writeBoolean( name != null ); if ( name != null ) { oos.writeUTF( name ); } }
Custom deserialization hook used during Session deserialization.
  • ois – The stream from which to "read" the factory
Returns:The deserialized factory
/** * Custom deserialization hook used during Session deserialization. * * @param ois The stream from which to "read" the factory * @return The deserialized factory * @throws IOException indicates problems reading back serial data stream * @throws ClassNotFoundException indicates problems reading back serial data stream */
static SessionFactoryImpl deserialize(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { LOG.trace( "Deserializing SessionFactory from Session" ); final String uuid = ois.readUTF(); boolean isNamed = ois.readBoolean(); final String name = isNamed ? ois.readUTF() : null; return (SessionFactoryImpl) locateSessionFactoryOnDeserialization( uuid, name ); } private void maskOutSensitiveInformation(Map<String, Object> props) { maskOutIfSet( props, AvailableSettings.JPA_JDBC_USER ); maskOutIfSet( props, AvailableSettings.JPA_JDBC_PASSWORD ); maskOutIfSet( props, AvailableSettings.USER ); maskOutIfSet( props, AvailableSettings.PASS ); } private void maskOutIfSet(Map<String, Object> props, String setting) { if ( props.containsKey( setting ) ) { props.put( setting, "****" ); } } private void logIfEmptyCompositesEnabled(Map<String, Object> props ) { final boolean isEmptyCompositesEnabled = ConfigurationHelper.getBoolean( AvailableSettings.CREATE_EMPTY_COMPOSITES_ENABLED, props, false ); if ( isEmptyCompositesEnabled ) { // It would be nice to do this logging in ComponentMetamodel, where // AvailableSettings.CREATE_EMPTY_COMPOSITES_ENABLED is actually used. // Unfortunately that would end up logging a message several times for // each embeddable/composite. Doing it here will log the message only // once. LOG.emptyCompositesEnabled(); } } }