 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.engine.spi;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;

import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.PropertyValueException;
import org.hibernate.action.internal.AbstractEntityInsertAction;
import org.hibernate.action.internal.BulkOperationCleanupAction;
import org.hibernate.action.internal.CollectionRecreateAction;
import org.hibernate.action.internal.CollectionRemoveAction;
import org.hibernate.action.internal.CollectionUpdateAction;
import org.hibernate.action.internal.EntityActionVetoException;
import org.hibernate.action.internal.EntityDeleteAction;
import org.hibernate.action.internal.EntityIdentityInsertAction;
import org.hibernate.action.internal.EntityInsertAction;
import org.hibernate.action.internal.EntityUpdateAction;
import org.hibernate.action.internal.OrphanRemovalAction;
import org.hibernate.action.internal.QueuedOperationCollectionAction;
import org.hibernate.action.internal.UnresolvedEntityInsertActions;
import org.hibernate.action.spi.AfterTransactionCompletionProcess;
import org.hibernate.action.spi.BeforeTransactionCompletionProcess;
import org.hibernate.action.spi.Executable;
import org.hibernate.cache.CacheException;
import org.hibernate.engine.internal.NonNullableTransientDependencies;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreLogging;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.metadata.ClassMetadata;
import org.hibernate.proxy.HibernateProxy;
import org.hibernate.proxy.LazyInitializer;
import org.hibernate.type.CollectionType;
import org.hibernate.type.CompositeType;
import org.hibernate.type.EntityType;
import org.hibernate.type.ForeignKeyDirection;
import org.hibernate.type.OneToOneType;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

Responsible for maintaining the queue of actions related to events. The ActionQueue holds the DML operations queued as part of a session's transactional-write-behind semantics. The DML operations are queued here until a flush forces them to be executed against the database.
Author:Steve Ebersole, Gail Badner, Anton Marsden
/** * Responsible for maintaining the queue of actions related to events. * * The ActionQueue holds the DML operations queued as part of a session's transactional-write-behind semantics. The * DML operations are queued here until a flush forces them to be executed against the database. * * @author Steve Ebersole * @author Gail Badner * @author Anton Marsden */
public class ActionQueue { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = CoreLogging.messageLogger( ActionQueue.class ); private SessionImplementor session; private UnresolvedEntityInsertActions unresolvedInsertions; // NOTE: ExecutableList fields must be instantiated via ListProvider#init or #getOrInit // to ensure that they are instantiated consistently. // Object insertions, updates, and deletions have list semantics because // they must happen in the right order so as to respect referential // integrity private ExecutableList<AbstractEntityInsertAction> insertions; private ExecutableList<EntityDeleteAction> deletions; private ExecutableList<EntityUpdateAction> updates; // Actually the semantics of the next three are really "Bag" // Note that, unlike objects, collection insertions, updates, // deletions are not really remembered between flushes. We // just re-use the same Lists for convenience. private ExecutableList<CollectionRecreateAction> collectionCreations; private ExecutableList<CollectionUpdateAction> collectionUpdates; private ExecutableList<QueuedOperationCollectionAction> collectionQueuedOps; private ExecutableList<CollectionRemoveAction> collectionRemovals; // TODO: The removeOrphan concept is a temporary "hack" for HHH-6484. This should be removed once action/task // ordering is improved. private ExecutableList<OrphanRemovalAction> orphanRemovals; private transient boolean isTransactionCoordinatorShared; private AfterTransactionCompletionProcessQueue afterTransactionProcesses; private BeforeTransactionCompletionProcessQueue beforeTransactionProcesses;
A LinkedHashMap containing providers for all the ExecutableLists, inserted in execution order
/** * A LinkedHashMap containing providers for all the ExecutableLists, inserted in execution order */
private static final LinkedHashMap<Class<? extends Executable>,ListProvider> EXECUTABLE_LISTS_MAP; static { EXECUTABLE_LISTS_MAP = new LinkedHashMap<Class<? extends Executable>,ListProvider>( 8 ); EXECUTABLE_LISTS_MAP.put( OrphanRemovalAction.class, new ListProvider<OrphanRemovalAction>() { ExecutableList<OrphanRemovalAction> get(ActionQueue instance) { return instance.orphanRemovals; } ExecutableList<OrphanRemovalAction> init(ActionQueue instance) { // OrphanRemovalAction executables never require sorting. return instance.orphanRemovals = new ExecutableList<OrphanRemovalAction>( false ); } } ); EXECUTABLE_LISTS_MAP.put( AbstractEntityInsertAction.class, new ListProvider<AbstractEntityInsertAction>() { ExecutableList<AbstractEntityInsertAction> get(ActionQueue instance) { return instance.insertions; } ExecutableList<AbstractEntityInsertAction> init(ActionQueue instance) { if ( instance.isOrderInsertsEnabled() ) { return instance.insertions = new ExecutableList<AbstractEntityInsertAction>( new InsertActionSorter() ); } else { return instance.insertions = new ExecutableList<AbstractEntityInsertAction>( false ); } } } ); EXECUTABLE_LISTS_MAP.put( EntityUpdateAction.class, new ListProvider<EntityUpdateAction>() { ExecutableList<EntityUpdateAction> get(ActionQueue instance) { return instance.updates; } ExecutableList<EntityUpdateAction> init(ActionQueue instance) { return instance.updates = new ExecutableList<EntityUpdateAction>( instance.isOrderUpdatesEnabled() ); } } ); EXECUTABLE_LISTS_MAP.put( QueuedOperationCollectionAction.class, new ListProvider<QueuedOperationCollectionAction>() { ExecutableList<QueuedOperationCollectionAction> get(ActionQueue instance) { return instance.collectionQueuedOps; } ExecutableList<QueuedOperationCollectionAction> init(ActionQueue instance) { return instance.collectionQueuedOps = new ExecutableList<QueuedOperationCollectionAction>( instance.isOrderUpdatesEnabled() ); } } ); EXECUTABLE_LISTS_MAP.put( CollectionRemoveAction.class, new ListProvider<CollectionRemoveAction>() { ExecutableList<CollectionRemoveAction> get(ActionQueue instance) { return instance.collectionRemovals; } ExecutableList<CollectionRemoveAction> init(ActionQueue instance) { return instance.collectionRemovals = new ExecutableList<CollectionRemoveAction>( instance.isOrderUpdatesEnabled() ); } } ); EXECUTABLE_LISTS_MAP.put( CollectionUpdateAction.class, new ListProvider<CollectionUpdateAction>() { ExecutableList<CollectionUpdateAction> get(ActionQueue instance) { return instance.collectionUpdates; } ExecutableList<CollectionUpdateAction> init(ActionQueue instance) { return instance.collectionUpdates = new ExecutableList<CollectionUpdateAction>( instance.isOrderUpdatesEnabled() ); } } ); EXECUTABLE_LISTS_MAP.put( CollectionRecreateAction.class, new ListProvider<CollectionRecreateAction>() { ExecutableList<CollectionRecreateAction> get(ActionQueue instance) { return instance.collectionCreations; } ExecutableList<CollectionRecreateAction> init(ActionQueue instance) { return instance.collectionCreations = new ExecutableList<CollectionRecreateAction>( instance.isOrderUpdatesEnabled() ); } } ); EXECUTABLE_LISTS_MAP.put( EntityDeleteAction.class, new ListProvider<EntityDeleteAction>() { ExecutableList<EntityDeleteAction> get(ActionQueue instance) { return instance.deletions; } ExecutableList<EntityDeleteAction> init(ActionQueue instance) { // EntityDeleteAction executables never require sorting. return instance.deletions = new ExecutableList<EntityDeleteAction>( false ); } } ); }
Constructs an action queue bound to the given session.
  • session – The session "owning" this queue.
/** * Constructs an action queue bound to the given session. * * @param session The session "owning" this queue. */
public ActionQueue(SessionImplementor session) { this.session = session; isTransactionCoordinatorShared = false; } public void clear() { for ( ListProvider listProvider : EXECUTABLE_LISTS_MAP.values() ) { ExecutableList<?> l = listProvider.get( this ); if( l != null ) { l.clear(); } } if( unresolvedInsertions != null ) { unresolvedInsertions.clear(); } }
Adds an entity insert action
  • action – The action representing the entity insertion
/** * Adds an entity insert action * * @param action The action representing the entity insertion */
public void addAction(EntityInsertAction action) { LOG.tracev( "Adding an EntityInsertAction for [{0}] object", action.getEntityName() ); addInsertAction( action ); } private void addInsertAction(AbstractEntityInsertAction insert) { if ( insert.isEarlyInsert() ) { // For early inserts, must execute inserts before finding non-nullable transient entities. // TODO: find out why this is necessary LOG.tracev( "Executing inserts before finding non-nullable transient entities for early insert: [{0}]", insert ); executeInserts(); } NonNullableTransientDependencies nonNullableTransientDependencies = insert.findNonNullableTransientEntities(); if ( nonNullableTransientDependencies == null ) { LOG.tracev( "Adding insert with no non-nullable, transient entities: [{0}]", insert ); addResolvedEntityInsertAction( insert ); } else { if ( LOG.isTraceEnabled() ) { LOG.tracev( "Adding insert with non-nullable, transient entities; insert=[{0}], dependencies=[{1}]", insert, nonNullableTransientDependencies.toLoggableString( insert.getSession() ) ); } if( unresolvedInsertions == null ) { unresolvedInsertions = new UnresolvedEntityInsertActions(); } unresolvedInsertions.addUnresolvedEntityInsertAction( insert, nonNullableTransientDependencies ); } } private void addResolvedEntityInsertAction(AbstractEntityInsertAction insert) { if ( insert.isEarlyInsert() ) { LOG.trace( "Executing insertions before resolved early-insert" ); executeInserts(); LOG.debug( "Executing identity-insert immediately" ); execute( insert ); } else { LOG.trace( "Adding resolved non-early insert action." ); addAction( AbstractEntityInsertAction.class, insert ); } if ( !insert.isVeto() ) { insert.makeEntityManaged(); if( unresolvedInsertions != null ) { for ( AbstractEntityInsertAction resolvedAction : unresolvedInsertions.resolveDependentActions( insert.getInstance(), session ) ) { addResolvedEntityInsertAction( resolvedAction ); } } } else { throw new EntityActionVetoException( "The EntityInsertAction was vetoed.", insert ); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T extends Executable & Comparable & Serializable> void addAction(Class<T> executableClass, T action) { EXECUTABLE_LISTS_MAP.get( executableClass ).getOrInit( this ).add( action ); }
Adds an entity (IDENTITY) insert action
  • action – The action representing the entity insertion
/** * Adds an entity (IDENTITY) insert action * * @param action The action representing the entity insertion */
public void addAction(EntityIdentityInsertAction action) { LOG.tracev( "Adding an EntityIdentityInsertAction for [{0}] object", action.getEntityName() ); addInsertAction( action ); }
Adds an entity delete action
  • action – The action representing the entity deletion
/** * Adds an entity delete action * * @param action The action representing the entity deletion */
public void addAction(EntityDeleteAction action) { addAction( EntityDeleteAction.class, action ); }
Adds an orphan removal action
  • action – The action representing the orphan removal
/** * Adds an orphan removal action * * @param action The action representing the orphan removal */
public void addAction(OrphanRemovalAction action) { addAction( OrphanRemovalAction.class, action ); }
Adds an entity update action
  • action – The action representing the entity update
/** * Adds an entity update action * * @param action The action representing the entity update */
public void addAction(EntityUpdateAction action) { addAction( EntityUpdateAction.class, action ); }
Adds a collection (re)create action
  • action – The action representing the (re)creation of a collection
/** * Adds a collection (re)create action * * @param action The action representing the (re)creation of a collection */
public void addAction(CollectionRecreateAction action) { addAction( CollectionRecreateAction.class, action ); }
Adds a collection remove action
  • action – The action representing the removal of a collection
/** * Adds a collection remove action * * @param action The action representing the removal of a collection */
public void addAction(CollectionRemoveAction action) { addAction( CollectionRemoveAction.class, action ); }
Adds a collection update action
  • action – The action representing the update of a collection
/** * Adds a collection update action * * @param action The action representing the update of a collection */
public void addAction(CollectionUpdateAction action) { addAction( CollectionUpdateAction.class, action ); }
Adds an action relating to a collection queued operation (extra lazy).
  • action – The action representing the queued operation
/** * Adds an action relating to a collection queued operation (extra lazy). * * @param action The action representing the queued operation */
public void addAction(QueuedOperationCollectionAction action) { addAction( QueuedOperationCollectionAction.class, action ); }
Adds an action defining a cleanup relating to a bulk operation (HQL/JPQL or Criteria based update/delete)
  • action – The action representing the queued operation
/** * Adds an action defining a cleanup relating to a bulk operation (HQL/JPQL or Criteria based update/delete) * * @param action The action representing the queued operation */
public void addAction(BulkOperationCleanupAction action) { registerCleanupActions( action ); } private void registerCleanupActions(Executable executable) { if( executable.getBeforeTransactionCompletionProcess() != null ) { if( beforeTransactionProcesses == null ) { beforeTransactionProcesses = new BeforeTransactionCompletionProcessQueue( session ); } beforeTransactionProcesses.register( executable.getBeforeTransactionCompletionProcess() ); } if ( session.getFactory().getSessionFactoryOptions().isQueryCacheEnabled() ) { invalidateSpaces( convertTimestampSpaces( executable.getPropertySpaces() ) ); } if( executable.getAfterTransactionCompletionProcess() != null ) { if( afterTransactionProcesses == null ) { afterTransactionProcesses = new AfterTransactionCompletionProcessQueue( session ); } afterTransactionProcesses.register( executable.getAfterTransactionCompletionProcess() ); } } private static String[] convertTimestampSpaces(Serializable[] spaces) { return (String[]) spaces; }
Are there unresolved entity insert actions that depend on non-nullable associations with a transient entity?
Returns:true, if there are unresolved entity insert actions that depend on non-nullable associations with a transient entity; false, otherwise
/** * Are there unresolved entity insert actions that depend on non-nullable associations with a transient entity? * * @return true, if there are unresolved entity insert actions that depend on non-nullable associations with a * transient entity; false, otherwise */
public boolean hasUnresolvedEntityInsertActions() { return unresolvedInsertions != null && !unresolvedInsertions.isEmpty(); }
Throws PropertyValueException if there are any unresolved entity insert actions that depend on non-nullable associations with a transient entity. This method should be called on completion of an operation (after all cascades are completed) that saves an entity.
/** * Throws {@link org.hibernate.PropertyValueException} if there are any unresolved entity insert actions that depend * on non-nullable associations with a transient entity. This method should be called on completion of an operation * (after all cascades are completed) that saves an entity. * * @throws org.hibernate.PropertyValueException if there are any unresolved entity insert actions; * {@link org.hibernate.PropertyValueException#getEntityName()} and * {@link org.hibernate.PropertyValueException#getPropertyName()} will return the entity name and property value for * the first unresolved entity insert action. */
public void checkNoUnresolvedActionsAfterOperation() throws PropertyValueException { if(unresolvedInsertions != null) { unresolvedInsertions.checkNoUnresolvedActionsAfterOperation(); } } public void registerProcess(AfterTransactionCompletionProcess process) { if( afterTransactionProcesses == null ) { afterTransactionProcesses = new AfterTransactionCompletionProcessQueue( session ); } afterTransactionProcesses.register( process ); } public void registerProcess(BeforeTransactionCompletionProcess process) { if( beforeTransactionProcesses == null ) { beforeTransactionProcesses = new BeforeTransactionCompletionProcessQueue( session ); } beforeTransactionProcesses.register( process ); }
Perform all currently queued entity-insertion actions.
  • HibernateException – error executing queued insertion actions.
/** * Perform all currently queued entity-insertion actions. * * @throws HibernateException error executing queued insertion actions. */
public void executeInserts() throws HibernateException { if ( insertions != null && !insertions.isEmpty() ) { executeActions( insertions ); } }
Perform all currently queued actions.
  • HibernateException – error executing queued actions.
/** * Perform all currently queued actions. * * @throws HibernateException error executing queued actions. */
public void executeActions() throws HibernateException { if ( hasUnresolvedEntityInsertActions() ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "About to execute actions, but there are unresolved entity insert actions." ); } for ( ListProvider listProvider : EXECUTABLE_LISTS_MAP.values() ) { ExecutableList<?> l = listProvider.get( this ); if ( l != null && !l.isEmpty() ) { executeActions( l ); } } }
Prepares the internal action queues for execution.
  • HibernateException – error preparing actions.
/** * Prepares the internal action queues for execution. * * @throws HibernateException error preparing actions. */
public void prepareActions() throws HibernateException { prepareActions( collectionRemovals ); prepareActions( collectionUpdates ); prepareActions( collectionCreations ); prepareActions( collectionQueuedOps ); } private void prepareActions(ExecutableList<?> queue) throws HibernateException { if( queue == null ) { return; } for ( Executable executable : queue ) { executable.beforeExecutions(); } }
Performs cleanup of any held cache softlocks.
  • success – Was the transaction successful.
/** * Performs cleanup of any held cache softlocks. * * @param success Was the transaction successful. */
public void afterTransactionCompletion(boolean success) { if ( !isTransactionCoordinatorShared ) { // Execute completion actions only in transaction owner (aka parent session). if( afterTransactionProcesses != null ) { afterTransactionProcesses.afterTransactionCompletion( success ); } } }
Execute any registered BeforeTransactionCompletionProcess
/** * Execute any registered {@link org.hibernate.action.spi.BeforeTransactionCompletionProcess} */
public void beforeTransactionCompletion() { if ( !isTransactionCoordinatorShared ) { // Execute completion actions only in transaction owner (aka parent session). if( beforeTransactionProcesses != null ) { beforeTransactionProcesses.beforeTransactionCompletion(); } } }
Check whether any insertion or deletion actions are currently queued.
Returns:true if insertions or deletions are currently queued; false otherwise.
/** * Check whether any insertion or deletion actions are currently queued. * * @return {@code true} if insertions or deletions are currently queued; {@code false} otherwise. */
public boolean areInsertionsOrDeletionsQueued() { return ( insertions != null && !insertions.isEmpty() ) || hasUnresolvedEntityInsertActions() || (deletions != null && !deletions.isEmpty()) || (orphanRemovals != null && !orphanRemovals.isEmpty()); }
Check whether the given tables/query-spaces are to be executed against given the currently queued actions.
  • tables – The table/query-spaces to check.
Returns:true if we contain pending actions against any of the given tables; false otherwise.
/** * Check whether the given tables/query-spaces are to be executed against given the currently queued actions. * * @param tables The table/query-spaces to check. * * @return {@code true} if we contain pending actions against any of the given tables; {@code false} otherwise. */
public boolean areTablesToBeUpdated(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Set tables) { if ( tables.isEmpty() ) { return false; } for ( ListProvider listProvider : EXECUTABLE_LISTS_MAP.values() ) { ExecutableList<?> l = listProvider.get( this ); if ( areTablesToBeUpdated( l, tables ) ) { return true; } } if(unresolvedInsertions == null) { return false; } return areTablesToBeUpdated( unresolvedInsertions, tables ); } private static boolean areTablesToBeUpdated(ExecutableList<?> actions, @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Set tableSpaces) { if ( actions == null || actions.isEmpty() ) { return false; } for ( Serializable actionSpace : actions.getQuerySpaces() ) { if ( tableSpaces.contains( actionSpace ) ) { LOG.debugf( "Changes must be flushed to space: %s", actionSpace ); return true; } } return false; } private static boolean areTablesToBeUpdated(UnresolvedEntityInsertActions actions, @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Set tableSpaces) { for ( Executable action : actions.getDependentEntityInsertActions() ) { final Serializable[] spaces = action.getPropertySpaces(); for ( Serializable space : spaces ) { if ( tableSpaces.contains( space ) ) { LOG.debugf( "Changes must be flushed to space: %s", space ); return true; } } } return false; }
Perform Executable.execute() on each element of the list
  • list – The list of Executable elements to be performed
/** * Perform {@link org.hibernate.action.spi.Executable#execute()} on each element of the list * * @param list The list of Executable elements to be performed * * @throws HibernateException */
private <E extends Executable & Comparable<?> & Serializable> void executeActions(ExecutableList<E> list) throws HibernateException { // todo : consider ways to improve the double iteration of Executables here: // 1) we explicitly iterate list here to perform Executable#execute() // 2) ExecutableList#getQuerySpaces also iterates the Executables to collect query spaces. try { for ( E e : list ) { try { e.execute(); } finally { if( e.getBeforeTransactionCompletionProcess() != null ) { if( beforeTransactionProcesses == null ) { beforeTransactionProcesses = new BeforeTransactionCompletionProcessQueue( session ); } beforeTransactionProcesses.register( e.getBeforeTransactionCompletionProcess() ); } if( e.getAfterTransactionCompletionProcess() != null ) { if( afterTransactionProcesses == null ) { afterTransactionProcesses = new AfterTransactionCompletionProcessQueue( session ); } afterTransactionProcesses.register( e.getAfterTransactionCompletionProcess() ); } } } } finally { if ( session.getFactory().getSessionFactoryOptions().isQueryCacheEnabled() ) { // Strictly speaking, only a subset of the list may have been processed if a RuntimeException occurs. // We still invalidate all spaces. I don't see this as a big deal - after all, RuntimeExceptions are // unexpected. Set propertySpaces = list.getQuerySpaces(); invalidateSpaces( convertTimestampSpaces( propertySpaces ) ); } } list.clear(); session.getJdbcCoordinator().executeBatch(); } private static String[] convertTimestampSpaces(Set spaces) { return (String[]) spaces.toArray( new String[ spaces.size() ] ); }
  • executable – The action to execute
/** * @param executable The action to execute */
public <E extends Executable & Comparable<?>> void execute(E executable) { try { executable.execute(); } finally { registerCleanupActions( executable ); } }
This method is now called once per execution of an ExecutableList or once for execution of an Execution.
  • spaces – The spaces to invalidate
/** * This method is now called once per execution of an ExecutableList or once for execution of an Execution. * * @param spaces The spaces to invalidate */
private void invalidateSpaces(String... spaces) { if ( spaces != null && spaces.length > 0 ) { for ( Serializable s : spaces ) { if( afterTransactionProcesses == null ) { afterTransactionProcesses = new AfterTransactionCompletionProcessQueue( session ); } afterTransactionProcesses.addSpaceToInvalidate( (String) s ); } // Performance win: If we are processing an ExecutableList, this will only be called once session.getFactory().getCache().getTimestampsCache().preInvalidate( spaces, session ); } }
Returns a string representation of the object.
Returns:a string representation of the object.
/** * Returns a string representation of the object. * * @return a string representation of the object. */
@Override public String toString() { return "ActionQueue[insertions=" + toString( insertions ) + " updates=" + toString( updates ) + " deletions=" + toString( deletions ) + " orphanRemovals=" + toString( orphanRemovals ) + " collectionCreations=" + toString( collectionCreations ) + " collectionRemovals=" + toString( collectionRemovals ) + " collectionUpdates=" + toString( collectionUpdates ) + " collectionQueuedOps=" + toString( collectionQueuedOps ) + " unresolvedInsertDependencies=" + unresolvedInsertions + "]"; } private static String toString(ExecutableList q) { return q == null ? "ExecutableList{size=0}" : q.toString(); } public int numberOfCollectionRemovals() { if( collectionRemovals == null ) { return 0; } return collectionRemovals.size(); } public int numberOfCollectionUpdates() { if( collectionUpdates == null ) { return 0; } return collectionUpdates.size(); } public int numberOfCollectionCreations() { if( collectionCreations == null ) { return 0; } return collectionCreations.size(); } public int numberOfDeletions() { int del = deletions == null ? 0 : deletions.size(); int orph = orphanRemovals == null ? 0 : orphanRemovals.size(); return del + orph; } public int numberOfUpdates() { if( updates == null ) { return 0; } return updates.size(); } public int numberOfInsertions() { if( insertions == null ) { return 0; } return insertions.size(); } public TransactionCompletionProcesses getTransactionCompletionProcesses() { if( beforeTransactionProcesses == null ) { beforeTransactionProcesses = new BeforeTransactionCompletionProcessQueue( session ); } if( afterTransactionProcesses == null ) { afterTransactionProcesses = new AfterTransactionCompletionProcessQueue( session ); } return new TransactionCompletionProcesses( beforeTransactionProcesses, afterTransactionProcesses ); }
Bind transaction completion processes to make them shared between primary and secondary session. Transaction completion processes are always executed by transaction owner (primary session), but can be registered using secondary session too.
  • processes – Transaction completion processes.
  • isTransactionCoordinatorShared – Flag indicating shared transaction context.
/** * Bind transaction completion processes to make them shared between primary and secondary session. * Transaction completion processes are always executed by transaction owner (primary session), * but can be registered using secondary session too. * * @param processes Transaction completion processes. * @param isTransactionCoordinatorShared Flag indicating shared transaction context. */
public void setTransactionCompletionProcesses(TransactionCompletionProcesses processes, boolean isTransactionCoordinatorShared) { this.isTransactionCoordinatorShared = isTransactionCoordinatorShared; this.beforeTransactionProcesses = processes.beforeTransactionCompletionProcesses; this.afterTransactionProcesses = processes.afterTransactionCompletionProcesses; } public void sortCollectionActions() { if ( isOrderUpdatesEnabled() ) { // sort the updates by fk if( collectionCreations != null ) { collectionCreations.sort(); } if( collectionUpdates != null ) { collectionUpdates.sort(); } if( collectionQueuedOps != null ) { collectionQueuedOps.sort(); } if( collectionRemovals != null ) { collectionRemovals.sort(); } } } public void sortActions() { if ( isOrderUpdatesEnabled() && updates != null ) { // sort the updates by pk updates.sort(); } if ( isOrderInsertsEnabled() && insertions != null ) { insertions.sort(); } } private boolean isOrderUpdatesEnabled() { return session.getFactory().getSessionFactoryOptions().isOrderUpdatesEnabled(); } private boolean isOrderInsertsEnabled() { return session.getFactory().getSessionFactoryOptions().isOrderInsertsEnabled(); } public void clearFromFlushNeededCheck(int previousCollectionRemovalSize) { if( collectionCreations != null ) { collectionCreations.clear(); } if( collectionUpdates != null ) { collectionUpdates.clear(); } if( collectionQueuedOps != null ) { collectionQueuedOps.clear(); } if( updates != null) { updates.clear(); } // collection deletions are a special case since update() can add // deletions of collections not loaded by the session. if ( collectionRemovals != null && collectionRemovals.size() > previousCollectionRemovalSize ) { collectionRemovals.removeLastN( collectionRemovals.size() - previousCollectionRemovalSize ); } } @SuppressWarnings("SimplifiableConditionalExpression") public boolean hasAfterTransactionActions() { return isTransactionCoordinatorShared ? false : afterTransactionProcesses != null && afterTransactionProcesses.hasActions(); } @SuppressWarnings("SimplifiableConditionalExpression") public boolean hasBeforeTransactionActions() { return isTransactionCoordinatorShared ? false : beforeTransactionProcesses != null && beforeTransactionProcesses.hasActions(); } public boolean hasAnyQueuedActions() { return ( updates != null && !updates.isEmpty() ) || ( insertions != null && !insertions.isEmpty() ) || hasUnresolvedEntityInsertActions() || ( deletions != null && !deletions.isEmpty()) || ( collectionUpdates != null && !collectionUpdates.isEmpty() ) || ( collectionQueuedOps != null && !collectionQueuedOps.isEmpty() ) || ( collectionRemovals != null && !collectionRemovals.isEmpty() ) || ( collectionCreations != null && !collectionCreations.isEmpty() ); } public void unScheduleDeletion(EntityEntry entry, Object rescuedEntity) { if ( rescuedEntity instanceof HibernateProxy ) { LazyInitializer initializer = ( (HibernateProxy) rescuedEntity ).getHibernateLazyInitializer(); if ( !initializer.isUninitialized() ) { rescuedEntity = initializer.getImplementation( session ); } } if( deletions != null ) { for ( int i = 0; i < deletions.size(); i++ ) { EntityDeleteAction action = deletions.get( i ); if (action.getInstance() == rescuedEntity) { deletions.remove( i ); return; } } } if( orphanRemovals != null ) { for ( int i = 0; i < orphanRemovals.size(); i++ ) { EntityDeleteAction action = orphanRemovals.get( i ); if (action.getInstance() == rescuedEntity) { orphanRemovals.remove( i ); return; } } } throw new AssertionFailure( "Unable to perform un-delete for instance " + entry.getEntityName() ); }
Used by the owning session to explicitly control serialization of the action queue
  • oos – The stream to which the action queue should get written
  • IOException – Indicates an error writing to the stream
/** * Used by the owning session to explicitly control serialization of the action queue * * @param oos The stream to which the action queue should get written * @throws IOException Indicates an error writing to the stream */
public void serialize(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException { LOG.trace( "Serializing action-queue" ); if( unresolvedInsertions == null ) { unresolvedInsertions = new UnresolvedEntityInsertActions(); } unresolvedInsertions.serialize( oos ); for ( ListProvider p : EXECUTABLE_LISTS_MAP.values() ) { ExecutableList<?> l = p.get( this ); if( l == null ) { oos.writeBoolean( false ); } else { oos.writeBoolean( true ); l.writeExternal( oos ); } } }
Used by the owning session to explicitly control deserialization of the action queue.
  • ois – The stream from which to read the action queue
  • session – The session to which the action queue belongs
Returns:The deserialized action queue
/** * Used by the owning session to explicitly control deserialization of the action queue. * * @param ois The stream from which to read the action queue * @param session The session to which the action queue belongs * @return The deserialized action queue * @throws IOException indicates a problem reading from the stream * @throws ClassNotFoundException Generally means we were unable to locate user classes. */
public static ActionQueue deserialize(ObjectInputStream ois, SessionImplementor session) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { final boolean traceEnabled = LOG.isTraceEnabled(); if ( traceEnabled ) { LOG.trace( "Deserializing action-queue" ); } ActionQueue rtn = new ActionQueue( session ); rtn.unresolvedInsertions = UnresolvedEntityInsertActions.deserialize( ois, session ); for ( ListProvider provider : EXECUTABLE_LISTS_MAP.values() ) { ExecutableList<?> l = provider.get( rtn ); boolean notNull = ois.readBoolean(); if( notNull ) { if(l == null) { l = provider.init( rtn ); } l.readExternal( ois ); if ( traceEnabled ) { LOG.tracev( "Deserialized [{0}] entries", l.size() ); } l.afterDeserialize( session ); } } return rtn; } private abstract static class AbstractTransactionCompletionProcessQueue<T> { protected SessionImplementor session; // Concurrency handling required when transaction completion process is dynamically registered // inside event listener (HHH-7478). protected Queue<T> processes = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<T>(); private AbstractTransactionCompletionProcessQueue(SessionImplementor session) { this.session = session; } public void register(T process) { if ( process == null ) { return; } processes.add( process ); } public boolean hasActions() { return !processes.isEmpty(); } }
Encapsulates behavior needed for before transaction processing
/** * Encapsulates behavior needed for before transaction processing */
private static class BeforeTransactionCompletionProcessQueue extends AbstractTransactionCompletionProcessQueue<BeforeTransactionCompletionProcess> { private BeforeTransactionCompletionProcessQueue(SessionImplementor session) { super( session ); } public void beforeTransactionCompletion() { while ( !processes.isEmpty() ) { try { processes.poll().doBeforeTransactionCompletion( session ); } catch (HibernateException he) { throw he; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionFailure( "Unable to perform beforeTransactionCompletion callback", e ); } } } }
Encapsulates behavior needed for after transaction processing
/** * Encapsulates behavior needed for after transaction processing */
private static class AfterTransactionCompletionProcessQueue extends AbstractTransactionCompletionProcessQueue<AfterTransactionCompletionProcess> { private Set<String> querySpacesToInvalidate = new HashSet<String>(); private AfterTransactionCompletionProcessQueue(SessionImplementor session) { super( session ); } public void addSpaceToInvalidate(String space) { querySpacesToInvalidate.add( space ); } public void afterTransactionCompletion(boolean success) { while ( !processes.isEmpty() ) { try { processes.poll().doAfterTransactionCompletion( success, session ); } catch (CacheException ce) { LOG.unableToReleaseCacheLock( ce ); // continue loop } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionFailure( "Exception releasing cache locks", e ); } } if ( session.getFactory().getSessionFactoryOptions().isQueryCacheEnabled() ) { session.getFactory().getCache().getTimestampsCache().invalidate( querySpacesToInvalidate.toArray( new String[querySpacesToInvalidate.size()] ), session ); } querySpacesToInvalidate.clear(); } }
Wrapper class allowing to bind the same transaction completion process queues in different sessions.
/** * Wrapper class allowing to bind the same transaction completion process queues in different sessions. */
public static class TransactionCompletionProcesses { private final BeforeTransactionCompletionProcessQueue beforeTransactionCompletionProcesses; private final AfterTransactionCompletionProcessQueue afterTransactionCompletionProcesses; private TransactionCompletionProcesses( BeforeTransactionCompletionProcessQueue beforeTransactionCompletionProcessQueue, AfterTransactionCompletionProcessQueue afterTransactionCompletionProcessQueue) { this.beforeTransactionCompletionProcesses = beforeTransactionCompletionProcessQueue; this.afterTransactionCompletionProcesses = afterTransactionCompletionProcessQueue; } }
Order the ActionQueue.insertions queue such that we group inserts against the same entity together (without violating constraints). The original order is generated by cascade order, which in turn is based on the directionality of foreign-keys. So even though we will be changing the ordering here, we need to make absolutely certain that we do not circumvent this FK ordering to the extent of causing constraint violations.

Sorts the insert actions using more hashes.

NOTE: this class is not thread-safe.
Author:Jay Erb
/** * Order the {@link #insertions} queue such that we group inserts against the same entity together (without * violating constraints). The original order is generated by cascade order, which in turn is based on the * directionality of foreign-keys. So even though we will be changing the ordering here, we need to make absolutely * certain that we do not circumvent this FK ordering to the extent of causing constraint violations. * <p> * Sorts the insert actions using more hashes. * </p> * NOTE: this class is not thread-safe. * * @author Jay Erb */
private static class InsertActionSorter implements ExecutableList.Sorter<AbstractEntityInsertAction> {
Singleton access
/** * Singleton access */
public static final InsertActionSorter INSTANCE = new InsertActionSorter(); private static class BatchIdentifier { private final String entityName; private final String rootEntityName; private Set<String> parentEntityNames = new HashSet<>( ); private Set<String> childEntityNames = new HashSet<>( ); private BatchIdentifier parent; BatchIdentifier(String entityName, String rootEntityName) { this.entityName = entityName; this.rootEntityName = rootEntityName; } public BatchIdentifier getParent() { return parent; } public void setParent(BatchIdentifier parent) { this.parent = parent; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if ( this == o ) { return true; } if ( !( o instanceof BatchIdentifier ) ) { return false; } BatchIdentifier that = (BatchIdentifier) o; return Objects.equals( entityName, that.entityName ); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash( entityName ); } String getEntityName() { return entityName; } String getRootEntityName() { return rootEntityName; } Set<String> getParentEntityNames() { return parentEntityNames; } Set<String> getChildEntityNames() { return childEntityNames; } boolean hasAnyParentEntityNames(BatchIdentifier batchIdentifier) { return parentEntityNames.contains( batchIdentifier.getEntityName() ) || parentEntityNames.contains( batchIdentifier.getRootEntityName() ); } boolean hasAnyChildEntityNames(BatchIdentifier batchIdentifier) { return childEntityNames.contains( batchIdentifier.getEntityName() ); }
Check if the this BatchIdentifier has a parent or grand parent matching the given reference.
Returns:This BatchIdentifier has a parent matching the given reference
/** * Check if the this {@link BatchIdentifier} has a parent or grand parent * matching the given {@link BatchIdentifier reference. * * @param batchIdentifier {@link BatchIdentifier} reference * * @return This {@link BatchIdentifier} has a parent matching the given {@link BatchIdentifier reference */
boolean hasParent(BatchIdentifier batchIdentifier) { return ( parent == batchIdentifier || ( parentEntityNames.contains( batchIdentifier.getEntityName() ) ) || parent != null && parent.hasParent( batchIdentifier, new ArrayList<>() ) ); } private boolean hasParent(BatchIdentifier batchIdentifier, List<BatchIdentifier> stack) { if ( !stack.contains( this ) && parent != null ) { stack.add( this ); return parent.hasParent( batchIdentifier, stack ); } return ( parent == batchIdentifier || parentEntityNames.contains( batchIdentifier.getEntityName() ) ); } } // the mapping of entity names to their latest batch numbers. private List<BatchIdentifier> latestBatches; // the map of batch numbers to EntityInsertAction lists private Map<BatchIdentifier, List<AbstractEntityInsertAction>> actionBatches; public InsertActionSorter() { }
Sort the insert actions.
/** * Sort the insert actions. */
public void sort(List<AbstractEntityInsertAction> insertions) { // optimize the hash size to eliminate a rehash. this.latestBatches = new ArrayList<>( ); this.actionBatches = new HashMap<>(); for ( AbstractEntityInsertAction action : insertions ) { BatchIdentifier batchIdentifier = new BatchIdentifier( action.getEntityName(), action.getSession() .getFactory() .getMetamodel() .entityPersister( action.getEntityName() ) .getRootEntityName() ); // the entity associated with the current action. Object currentEntity = action.getInstance(); int index = latestBatches.indexOf( batchIdentifier ); if ( index != -1 ) { batchIdentifier = latestBatches.get( index ); } else { latestBatches.add( batchIdentifier ); } addParentChildEntityNames( action, batchIdentifier ); addToBatch( batchIdentifier, action ); } insertions.clear(); // Examine each entry in the batch list, and build the dependency graph. for ( int i = 0; i < latestBatches.size(); i++ ) { BatchIdentifier batchIdentifier = latestBatches.get( i ); for ( int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j-- ) { BatchIdentifier prevBatchIdentifier = latestBatches.get( j ); if ( prevBatchIdentifier.hasAnyParentEntityNames( batchIdentifier ) ) { prevBatchIdentifier.parent = batchIdentifier; } if ( batchIdentifier.hasAnyChildEntityNames( prevBatchIdentifier ) ) { prevBatchIdentifier.parent = batchIdentifier; } } for ( int j = i + 1; j < latestBatches.size(); j++ ) { BatchIdentifier nextBatchIdentifier = latestBatches.get( j ); if ( nextBatchIdentifier.hasAnyParentEntityNames( batchIdentifier ) ) { nextBatchIdentifier.parent = batchIdentifier; } if ( batchIdentifier.hasAnyChildEntityNames( nextBatchIdentifier ) ) { nextBatchIdentifier.parent = batchIdentifier; } } } boolean sorted = false; long maxIterations = latestBatches.size() * latestBatches.size(); long iterations = 0; sort: do { // Examine each entry in the batch list, sorting them based on parent/child association // as depicted by the dependency graph. iterations++; for ( int i = 0; i < latestBatches.size(); i++ ) { BatchIdentifier batchIdentifier = latestBatches.get( i ); // Iterate next batches and make sure that children types are after parents. // Since the outer loop looks at each batch entry individually and the prior loop will reorder // entries as well, we need to look and verify if the current batch is a child of the next // batch or if the current batch is seen as a parent or child of the next batch. for ( int j = i + 1; j < latestBatches.size(); j++ ) { BatchIdentifier nextBatchIdentifier = latestBatches.get( j ); if ( batchIdentifier.hasParent( nextBatchIdentifier ) && !nextBatchIdentifier.hasParent( batchIdentifier ) ) { latestBatches.remove( batchIdentifier ); latestBatches.add( j, batchIdentifier ); continue sort; } } } sorted = true; } while ( !sorted && iterations <= maxIterations); if ( iterations > maxIterations ) { LOG.warn( "The batch containing " + latestBatches.size() + " statements could not be sorted after " + maxIterations + " iterations. " + "This might indicate a circular entity relationship." ); } // Now, rebuild the insertions list. There is a batch for each entry in the name list. for ( BatchIdentifier rootIdentifier : latestBatches ) { List<AbstractEntityInsertAction> batch = actionBatches.get( rootIdentifier ); insertions.addAll( batch ); } }
Add parent and child entity names so that we know how to rearrange dependencies
  • action – The action being sorted
  • batchIdentifier – The batch identifier of the entity affected by the action
/** * Add parent and child entity names so that we know how to rearrange dependencies * * @param action The action being sorted * @param batchIdentifier The batch identifier of the entity affected by the action */
private void addParentChildEntityNames(AbstractEntityInsertAction action, BatchIdentifier batchIdentifier) { Object[] propertyValues = action.getState(); ClassMetadata classMetadata = action.getPersister().getClassMetadata(); if ( classMetadata != null ) { Type[] propertyTypes = classMetadata.getPropertyTypes(); for ( int i = 0; i < propertyValues.length; i++ ) { Object value = propertyValues[i]; Type type = propertyTypes[i]; addParentChildEntityNameByPropertyAndValue( action, batchIdentifier, type, value ); } } } private void addParentChildEntityNameByPropertyAndValue(AbstractEntityInsertAction action, BatchIdentifier batchIdentifier, Type type, Object value) { if ( type.isEntityType() && value != null ) { final EntityType entityType = (EntityType) type; final String entityName = entityType.getName(); final String rootEntityName = action.getSession().getFactory().getMetamodel().entityPersister( entityName ).getRootEntityName(); if ( entityType.isOneToOne() && OneToOneType.class.cast( entityType ).getForeignKeyDirection() == ForeignKeyDirection.TO_PARENT ) { if ( !entityType.isReferenceToPrimaryKey() ) { batchIdentifier.getChildEntityNames().add( entityName ); } if ( !rootEntityName.equals( entityName ) ) { batchIdentifier.getChildEntityNames().add( rootEntityName ); } } else { batchIdentifier.getParentEntityNames().add( entityName ); if ( !rootEntityName.equals( entityName ) ) { batchIdentifier.getParentEntityNames().add( rootEntityName ); } } } else if ( type.isCollectionType() && value != null ) { CollectionType collectionType = (CollectionType) type; final SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory = ( (SessionImplementor) action.getSession() ) .getSessionFactory(); if ( collectionType.getElementType( sessionFactory ).isEntityType() ) { String entityName = collectionType.getAssociatedEntityName( sessionFactory ); String rootEntityName = action.getSession().getFactory().getMetamodel().entityPersister( entityName ).getRootEntityName(); batchIdentifier.getChildEntityNames().add( entityName ); if ( !rootEntityName.equals( entityName ) ) { batchIdentifier.getChildEntityNames().add( rootEntityName ); } } } else if ( type.isComponentType() && value != null ) { // Support recursive checks of composite type properties for associations and collections. CompositeType compositeType = (CompositeType) type; final SharedSessionContractImplementor session = action.getSession(); Object[] componentValues = compositeType.getPropertyValues( value, session ); for ( int j = 0; j < componentValues.length; ++j ) { Type componentValueType = compositeType.getSubtypes()[j]; Object componentValue = componentValues[j]; addParentChildEntityNameByPropertyAndValue( action, batchIdentifier, componentValueType, componentValue ); } } } private void addToBatch(BatchIdentifier batchIdentifier, AbstractEntityInsertAction action) { List<AbstractEntityInsertAction> actions = actionBatches.get( batchIdentifier ); if ( actions == null ) { actions = new LinkedList<>(); actionBatches.put( batchIdentifier, actions ); } actions.add( action ); } } private abstract static class ListProvider<T extends Executable & Comparable & Serializable> { abstract ExecutableList<T> get(ActionQueue instance); abstract ExecutableList<T> init(ActionQueue instance); ExecutableList<T> getOrInit( ActionQueue instance ) { ExecutableList<T> list = get( instance ); if ( list == null ) { list = init( instance ); } return list; } } }