 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.cfg;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Convert;
import javax.persistence.Converts;
import javax.persistence.EmbeddedId;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;
import javax.persistence.JoinTable;

import org.hibernate.AnnotationException;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XClass;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XProperty;
import org.hibernate.boot.spi.MetadataBuildingContext;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.loader.PropertyPath;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Component;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Join;
import org.hibernate.mapping.KeyValue;
import org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Property;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Table;

PropertyHolder for composites (Embeddable/Embedded).

To facilitate code comments, I'll often refer to this example:
    @Convert( attributeName="city", ... )
    class Address {
        public String city;
    @Convert( attributeName="homeAddress.city", ... )
    class Person {
        @Convert( attributeName="city", ... )
        public Address homeAddress;
As you can see, lots of ways to specify the conversion for embeddable attributes :(
Author:Steve Ebersole, Emmanuel Bernard
/** * PropertyHolder for composites (Embeddable/Embedded). * <p/> * To facilitate code comments, I'll often refer to this example: * <pre> * &#064;Embeddable * &#064;Convert( attributeName="city", ... ) * class Address { * ... * &#064;Convert(...) * public String city; * } * * &#064;Entity * &#064;Convert( attributeName="homeAddress.city", ... ) * class Person { * ... * &#064;Embedded * &#064;Convert( attributeName="city", ... ) * public Address homeAddress; * } * </pre> * * As you can see, lots of ways to specify the conversion for embeddable attributes :( * * @author Steve Ebersole * @author Emmanuel Bernard */
public class ComponentPropertyHolder extends AbstractPropertyHolder { //TODO introduce a overrideTable() method for columns held by sec table rather than the hack // joinsPerRealTableName in ClassPropertyHolder private Component component; private boolean isOrWithinEmbeddedId; private boolean isWithinElementCollection; // private boolean virtual; private String embeddedAttributeName; private Map<String,AttributeConversionInfo> attributeConversionInfoMap; public ComponentPropertyHolder( Component component, String path, PropertyData inferredData, PropertyHolder parent, MetadataBuildingContext context) { super( path, parent, inferredData.getPropertyClass(), context ); final XProperty embeddedXProperty = inferredData.getProperty(); setCurrentProperty( embeddedXProperty ); this.component = component; this.isOrWithinEmbeddedId = parent.isOrWithinEmbeddedId() || ( embeddedXProperty != null && ( embeddedXProperty.isAnnotationPresent( Id.class ) || embeddedXProperty.isAnnotationPresent( EmbeddedId.class ) ) ); this.isWithinElementCollection = parent.isWithinElementCollection() || parent instanceof CollectionPropertyHolder; if ( embeddedXProperty != null ) { // this.virtual = false; this.embeddedAttributeName = embeddedXProperty.getName(); this.attributeConversionInfoMap = processAttributeConversions( embeddedXProperty ); } else { // could be either: // 1) virtual/dynamic component // 2) collection element/key // temp // this.virtual = true; this.embeddedAttributeName = ""; this.attributeConversionInfoMap = processAttributeConversions( inferredData.getClassOrElement() ); } }
This is called from our constructor and handles (in order):
  1. @Convert annotation at the Embeddable class level
  2. @Converts annotation at the Embeddable class level
  3. @Convert annotation at the Embedded attribute level
  4. @Converts annotation at the Embedded attribute level

The order is important to ensure proper precedence.

@Convert/@Converts annotations at the Embeddable attribute level are handled in the calls to startingProperty. Duplicates are simply ignored there.
  • embeddedXProperty – The property that is the composite being described by this ComponentPropertyHolder
/** * This is called from our constructor and handles (in order):<ol> * <li>@Convert annotation at the Embeddable class level</li> * <li>@Converts annotation at the Embeddable class level</li> * <li>@Convert annotation at the Embedded attribute level</li> * <li>@Converts annotation at the Embedded attribute level</li> * </ol> * <p/> * The order is important to ensure proper precedence. * <p/> * {@literal @Convert/@Converts} annotations at the Embeddable attribute level are handled in the calls to * {@link #startingProperty}. Duplicates are simply ignored there. * * @param embeddedXProperty The property that is the composite being described by this ComponentPropertyHolder */
private Map<String,AttributeConversionInfo> processAttributeConversions(XProperty embeddedXProperty) { final Map<String,AttributeConversionInfo> infoMap = new HashMap<String, AttributeConversionInfo>(); final XClass embeddableXClass = embeddedXProperty.getType(); // as a baseline, we want to apply conversions from the Embeddable and then overlay conversions // from the Embedded // first apply conversions from the Embeddable... processAttributeConversions( embeddableXClass, infoMap ); // then we can overlay any conversions from the Embedded attribute { // @Convert annotation on the Embedded attribute final Convert convertAnnotation = embeddedXProperty.getAnnotation( Convert.class ); if ( convertAnnotation != null ) { final AttributeConversionInfo info = new AttributeConversionInfo( convertAnnotation, embeddableXClass ); if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( info.getAttributeName() ) ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Convert placed on Embedded attribute must define (sub)attributeName" ); } infoMap.put( info.getAttributeName(), info ); } } { // @Converts annotation on the Embedded attribute final Converts convertsAnnotation = embeddedXProperty.getAnnotation( Converts.class ); if ( convertsAnnotation != null ) { for ( Convert convertAnnotation : convertsAnnotation.value() ) { final AttributeConversionInfo info = new AttributeConversionInfo( convertAnnotation, embeddableXClass ); if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( info.getAttributeName() ) ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Convert placed on Embedded attribute must define (sub)attributeName" ); } infoMap.put( info.getAttributeName(), info ); } } } return infoMap; } private void processAttributeConversions(XClass embeddableXClass, Map<String, AttributeConversionInfo> infoMap) { { // @Convert annotation on the Embeddable class level final Convert convertAnnotation = embeddableXClass.getAnnotation( Convert.class ); if ( convertAnnotation != null ) { final AttributeConversionInfo info = new AttributeConversionInfo( convertAnnotation, embeddableXClass ); if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( info.getAttributeName() ) ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "@Convert placed on @Embeddable must define attributeName" ); } infoMap.put( info.getAttributeName(), info ); } } { // @Converts annotation on the Embeddable class level final Converts convertsAnnotation = embeddableXClass.getAnnotation( Converts.class ); if ( convertsAnnotation != null ) { for ( Convert convertAnnotation : convertsAnnotation.value() ) { final AttributeConversionInfo info = new AttributeConversionInfo( convertAnnotation, embeddableXClass ); if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( info.getAttributeName() ) ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "@Converts placed on @Embeddable must define attributeName" ); } infoMap.put( info.getAttributeName(), info ); } } } } private Map<String,AttributeConversionInfo> processAttributeConversions(XClass embeddableXClass) { final Map<String,AttributeConversionInfo> infoMap = new HashMap<String, AttributeConversionInfo>(); processAttributeConversions( embeddableXClass, infoMap ); return infoMap; } @Override protected String normalizeCompositePath(String attributeName) { return embeddedAttributeName + '.' + attributeName; } @Override protected String normalizeCompositePathForLogging(String attributeName) { return normalizeCompositePath( attributeName ); } @Override public void startingProperty(XProperty property) { if ( property == null ) { return; } // if ( virtual ) { // return; // } // again : the property coming in here *should* be the property on the embeddable (Address#city in the example), // so we just ignore it if there is already an existing conversion info for that path since they would have // precedence // technically we should only do this for properties of "basic type" final String path = embeddedAttributeName + '.' + property.getName(); if ( attributeConversionInfoMap.containsKey( path ) ) { return; } { // @Convert annotation on the Embeddable attribute final Convert convertAnnotation = property.getAnnotation( Convert.class ); if ( convertAnnotation != null ) { final AttributeConversionInfo info = new AttributeConversionInfo( convertAnnotation, property ); attributeConversionInfoMap.put( property.getName(), info ); } } { // @Converts annotation on the Embeddable attribute final Converts convertsAnnotation = property.getAnnotation( Converts.class ); if ( convertsAnnotation != null ) { for ( Convert convertAnnotation : convertsAnnotation.value() ) { final AttributeConversionInfo info = new AttributeConversionInfo( convertAnnotation, property ); attributeConversionInfoMap.put( property.getName(), info ); } } } } @Override protected AttributeConversionInfo locateAttributeConversionInfo(XProperty property) { final String propertyName = property.getName(); // conversions on parent would have precedence AttributeConversionInfo conversion = locateAttributeConversionInfo( propertyName ); if ( conversion != null ) { return conversion; } return null; } @Override protected AttributeConversionInfo locateAttributeConversionInfo(String path) { final String embeddedPath = StringHelper.qualifyConditionally( embeddedAttributeName, path ); AttributeConversionInfo fromParent = parent.locateAttributeConversionInfo( embeddedPath ); if ( fromParent != null ) { return fromParent; } AttributeConversionInfo fromEmbedded = attributeConversionInfoMap.get( embeddedPath ); if ( fromEmbedded != null ) { return fromEmbedded; } return attributeConversionInfoMap.get( path ); } public String getEntityName() { return component.getComponentClassName(); } public void addProperty(Property prop, Ejb3Column[] columns, XClass declaringClass) { //Ejb3Column.checkPropertyConsistency( ); //already called earlier /* * Check table matches between the component and the columns * if not, change the component table if no properties are set * if a property is set already the core cannot support that */ if (columns != null) { Table table = columns[0].getTable(); if ( !table.equals( component.getTable() ) ) { if ( component.getPropertySpan() == 0 ) { component.setTable( table ); } else { throw new AnnotationException( "A component cannot hold properties split into 2 different tables: " + this.getPath() ); } } } addProperty( prop, declaringClass ); } public Join addJoin(JoinTable joinTableAnn, boolean noDelayInPkColumnCreation) { return parent.addJoin( joinTableAnn, noDelayInPkColumnCreation ); } public String getClassName() { return component.getComponentClassName(); } public String getEntityOwnerClassName() { return component.getOwner().getClassName(); } public Table getTable() { return component.getTable(); } public void addProperty(Property prop, XClass declaringClass) { component.addProperty( prop ); } public KeyValue getIdentifier() { return component.getOwner().getIdentifier(); } public boolean isOrWithinEmbeddedId() { return isOrWithinEmbeddedId; } public boolean isWithinElementCollection() { return isWithinElementCollection; } public PersistentClass getPersistentClass() { return component.getOwner(); } public boolean isComponent() { return true; } public boolean isEntity() { return false; } public void setParentProperty(String parentProperty) { component.setParentProperty( parentProperty ); } @Override public Column[] getOverriddenColumn(String propertyName) { //FIXME this is yukky Column[] result = super.getOverriddenColumn( propertyName ); if ( result == null ) { String userPropertyName = extractUserPropertyName( "id", propertyName ); if ( userPropertyName != null ) result = super.getOverriddenColumn( userPropertyName ); } if ( result == null ) { String userPropertyName = extractUserPropertyName( PropertyPath.IDENTIFIER_MAPPER_PROPERTY, propertyName ); if ( userPropertyName != null ) result = super.getOverriddenColumn( userPropertyName ); } return result; } private String extractUserPropertyName(String redundantString, String propertyName) { String result = null; String className = component.getOwner().getClassName(); if ( propertyName.startsWith( className ) && propertyName.length() > className.length() + 2 + redundantString.length() // .id. && propertyName.substring( className.length() + 1, className.length() + 1 + redundantString.length() ).equals( redundantString ) ) { //remove id we might be in a @IdCLass case result = className + propertyName.substring( className.length() + 1 + redundantString.length() ); } return result; } @Override public JoinColumn[] getOverriddenJoinColumn(String propertyName) { return super.getOverriddenJoinColumn( propertyName ); } @Override public String toString() { return super.toString() + "(" + parent.normalizeCompositePathForLogging( embeddedAttributeName ) + ")"; } }