 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi;

import org.hibernate.persister.entity.PropertyMapping;

Defines a persister reference (either entity or collection) or a composite reference. In JPA terms this is an "abstract schema type" when discussing JPQL or JPA Criteria queries. This models a single source of attributes (and fetches).
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * Defines a persister reference (either entity or collection) or a composite reference. In JPA terms this is * an "abstract schema type" when discussing JPQL or JPA Criteria queries. This models a single source of attributes * (and fetches). * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public interface QuerySpace {
The uid/alias which uniquely identifies this QuerySpace. Can be used to uniquely reference this QuerySpace elsewhere.
See Also:
Returns:The uid
/** * The uid/alias which uniquely identifies this QuerySpace. Can be used to uniquely reference this * QuerySpace elsewhere. * * @return The uid * * @see QuerySpaces#findQuerySpaceByUid(java.lang.String) */
public String getUid();
Get the QuerySpaces object that is our owner.
Returns:The QuerySpaces containing this QuerySpace
/** * Get the {@link QuerySpaces} object that is our owner. * * @return The QuerySpaces containing this QuerySpace */
public QuerySpaces getQuerySpaces();
Get the PropertyMapping for this QuerySpace.
Returns:The PropertyMapping
/** * Get the {@link PropertyMapping} for this QuerySpace. * * @return The PropertyMapping */
public PropertyMapping getPropertyMapping();
Get the aliased column names for the specified property in the query space..
  • alias – - the table alias
  • propertyName – - the property name
Returns:the aliased column names for the specified property
/** * Get the aliased column names for the specified property in the query space.. * * @return the aliased column names for the specified property * @param alias - the table alias * @param propertyName - the property name */
public String[] toAliasedColumns(String alias, String propertyName);
Enumeration of the different types of QuerySpaces we can have.
/** * Enumeration of the different types of QuerySpaces we can have. */
public static enum Disposition {
We have an entity-based QuerySpace. It is castable to EntityQuerySpace for more details.
/** * We have an entity-based QuerySpace. It is castable to {@link EntityQuerySpace} for more details. */
We have a collection-based QuerySpace. It is castable to CollectionQuerySpace for more details.
/** * We have a collection-based QuerySpace. It is castable to {@link CollectionQuerySpace} for more details. */
We have a composition-based QuerySpace. It is castable to CompositeQuerySpace for more details.
/** * We have a composition-based QuerySpace. It is castable to {@link CompositeQuerySpace} for more details. */
What type of QuerySpace (more-specific) is this?
Returns:The enum value representing the more-specific type of QuerySpace
/** * What type of QuerySpace (more-specific) is this? * * @return The enum value representing the more-specific type of QuerySpace */
public Disposition getDisposition();
Obtain all joins which originate from this QuerySpace, in other words, all the joins which this QuerySpace is the left-hand-side of.

For all the joins returned here, Join.getLeftHandSide() should point back to this QuerySpace such that space.getJoins().forEach{ join -> join.getLeftHandSide() == space } is true for all.
Returns:The joins which originate from this query space.
/** * Obtain all joins which originate from this QuerySpace, in other words, all the joins which this QuerySpace is * the left-hand-side of. * <p/> * For all the joins returned here, {@link Join#getLeftHandSide()} should point back to this QuerySpace such that * <code> * space.getJoins().forEach{ join -> join.getLeftHandSide() == space } * </code> * is true for all. * * @return The joins which originate from this query space. */
public Iterable<Join> getJoins(); }