 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi;

Represents a join in the QuerySpace-sense. In HQL/JP-QL, this would be an implicit/explicit join; in metamodel-driven LoadPlans, this would be joins indicated by the metamodel.
/** * Represents a join in the QuerySpace-sense. In HQL/JP-QL, this would be an implicit/explicit join; in * metamodel-driven LoadPlans, this would be joins indicated by the metamodel. */
public interface Join {
Get the QuerySpace from the left-hand-side of the join.
Returns:the query space from the left-hand-side of the join.
/** * Get the {@link QuerySpace} from the left-hand-side of the join. * * @return the query space from the left-hand-side of the join. */
public QuerySpace getLeftHandSide();
Get the QuerySpace from the right-hand-side of the join.
Returns:the query space from the right-hand-side of the join.
/** * Get the {@link QuerySpace} from the right-hand-side of the join. * * @return the query space from the right-hand-side of the join. */
public QuerySpace getRightHandSide();
Indicates if the joined attribute is required to be non-null.
Returns:true, if the joined attribute is required to be non-null; false, otherwise.
/** * Indicates if the joined attribute is required to be non-null. * * @return true, if the joined attribute is required to be non-null; false, otherwise. */
public boolean isRightHandSideRequired(); // Ugh! This part will unfortunately be SQL specific :( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Resolves the column names prefixed by the specified alias on the left-hand-side of the join.
  • leftHandSideTableAlias – The table alias used to prefix the columns.
Returns:the aliased columns on the left-hand-side of the join.
/** * Resolves the column names prefixed by the specified alias on the * left-hand-side of the join. * * @param leftHandSideTableAlias The table alias used to prefix the columns. * @return the aliased columns on the left-hand-side of the join. */
public String[] resolveAliasedLeftHandSideJoinConditionColumns(String leftHandSideTableAlias);
Resolves the raw (unaliased) column names on the right-hand-side of the join.
Returns:the columns on the right-hand-side of the join.
/** * Resolves the raw (unaliased) column names on the right-hand-side of the join. * * @return the columns on the right-hand-side of the join. */
public String[] resolveNonAliasedRightHandSideJoinConditionColumns();
Gets any additional conditions on the right-hand-side of the join using the specified table alias.
  • rhsTableAlias – The table alias.
Returns:additional conditions on the right-hand-side of the join.
/** * Gets any additional conditions on the right-hand-side of the join using * the specified table alias. * * @param rhsTableAlias The table alias. * @return additional conditions on the right-hand-side of the join. */
public String getAnyAdditionalJoinConditions(String rhsTableAlias); }