 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi;

import java.util.List;

Describes a plan for performing a load of results. Generally speaking there are 3 forms of load plans:

todo : would also like to see "call back" style access for handling "subsequent actions" such as...
  • follow-on locking
  • join fetch conversions to subselect fetches
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * Describes a plan for performing a load of results. * * Generally speaking there are 3 forms of load plans:<ul> * <li> * {@link org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.LoadPlan.Disposition#ENTITY_LOADER} - An entity load plan for * handling get/load handling. This form will typically have a single return (of type {@link org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.EntityReturn}) * defined by {@link #getReturns()}, possibly defining fetches. * </li> * <li> * {@link org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.LoadPlan.Disposition#COLLECTION_INITIALIZER} - A collection initializer, * used to load the contents of a collection. This form will typically have a single return (of * type {@link org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.CollectionReturn}) defined by {@link #getReturns()}, possibly defining fetches * </li> * <li> * {@link org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.LoadPlan.Disposition#MIXED} - A query load plan which can contain * multiple returns of mixed type (though all implementing {@link org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.Return}). Again, may possibly define fetches. * </li> * </ul> * <p/> * todo : would also like to see "call back" style access for handling "subsequent actions" such as...<ul> * <li>follow-on locking</li> * <li>join fetch conversions to subselect fetches</li> * </ul> * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public interface LoadPlan {
What is the disposition of this LoadPlan, in terms of its returns.
Returns:The LoadPlan's disposition
/** * What is the disposition of this LoadPlan, in terms of its returns. * * @return The LoadPlan's disposition */
public Disposition getDisposition();
Get the returns indicated by this LoadPlan.

When generating SQL, the Returns provide columns/formulas used in the "select clause".
See Also:
Returns:The Returns for this LoadPlan.
/** * Get the returns indicated by this LoadPlan.<ul> * <li> * A {@link Disposition#ENTITY_LOADER} LoadPlan would have just a single Return of type {@link org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.EntityReturn}. * </li> * <li> * A {@link Disposition#COLLECTION_INITIALIZER} LoadPlan would have just a single Return of type * {@link org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.CollectionReturn}. * </li> * <li> * A {@link Disposition#MIXED} LoadPlan would contain a mix of {@link org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.EntityReturn} and * {@link org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.ScalarReturn} elements, but no {@link org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.CollectionReturn}. * </li> * </ul> * <p/> * When generating SQL, the Returns provide columns/formulas used in the "select clause". * * @return The Returns for this LoadPlan. * * @see Disposition */
public List<? extends Return> getReturns();
Gets the QuerySpaces for the load plan, which contains a QuerySpace reference for each non-scalar return and for each entity, collection, and composite FetchSource.

When generating SQL, the query spaces provide data for the "from clause" including joins.
Returns:The QuerySpaces
/** * Gets the {@link QuerySpaces} for the load plan, which contains a {@link QuerySpace} * reference for each non-scalar return and for each entity, collection, and composite * {@link FetchSource}. * <p/> * When generating SQL, the query spaces provide data for the "from clause" including joins. * * @return The QuerySpaces */
public QuerySpaces getQuerySpaces();
Does this load plan indicate that lazy attributes are to be force fetched?

Here we are talking about laziness in regards to the legacy bytecode enhancement which adds support for partial selects of an entity's state (e.g., skip loading a lob initially, wait until/if it is needed)

This one would effect the SQL that needs to get generated as well as how the result set would be read. Therefore we make this part of the LoadPlan contract.

NOTE that currently this is only relevant for HQL loaders when the HQL has specified the FETCH ALL PROPERTIES key-phrase. In all other cases, this returns false.
Returns:Whether or not to
/** * Does this load plan indicate that lazy attributes are to be force fetched? * <p/> * Here we are talking about laziness in regards to the legacy bytecode enhancement which adds support for * partial selects of an entity's state (e.g., skip loading a lob initially, wait until/if it is needed) * <p/> * This one would effect the SQL that needs to get generated as well as how the result set would be read. * Therefore we make this part of the LoadPlan contract. * <p/> * NOTE that currently this is only relevant for HQL loaders when the HQL has specified the {@code FETCH ALL PROPERTIES} * key-phrase. In all other cases, this returns false. * @return Whether or not to */
public boolean areLazyAttributesForceFetched();
Convenient form of checking getReturns() for scalar root returns.
Returns:true if getReturns() contained any scalar returns; false otherwise.
/** * Convenient form of checking {@link #getReturns()} for scalar root returns. * * @return {@code true} if {@link #getReturns()} contained any scalar returns; {@code false} otherwise. */
public boolean hasAnyScalarReturns();
Enumerated possibilities for describing the disposition of this LoadPlan.
/** * Enumerated possibilities for describing the disposition of this LoadPlan. */
public static enum Disposition {
This is an "entity loader" load plan, which describes a plan for loading one or more entity instances of the same entity type. There is a single return, which will be of type EntityReturn
/** * This is an "entity loader" load plan, which describes a plan for loading one or more entity instances of * the same entity type. There is a single return, which will be of type {@link org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.EntityReturn} */
This is a "collection initializer" load plan, which describes a plan for loading one or more entity instances of the same collection type. There is a single return, which will be of type CollectionReturn
/** * This is a "collection initializer" load plan, which describes a plan for loading one or more entity instances of * the same collection type. There is a single return, which will be of type {@link org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.CollectionReturn} */
We have a mixed load plan, which will have one or more returns of EntityReturn and ScalarReturn (NOT CollectionReturn).
/** * We have a mixed load plan, which will have one or more returns of {@link org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.EntityReturn} * and {@link org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.ScalarReturn} (NOT {@link org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.CollectionReturn}). */