 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2013, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
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package org.hibernate.loader.custom.sql;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.sql.NativeSQLQueryReturn;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.loader.custom.CustomQuery;
import org.hibernate.persister.collection.SQLLoadableCollection;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.SQLLoadable;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

Implements Hibernate's built-in support for native SQL queries.

This support is built on top of the notion of "custom queries"...
Author:Gavin King, Max Andersen, Steve Ebersole
/** * Implements Hibernate's built-in support for native SQL queries. * <p/> * This support is built on top of the notion of "custom queries"... * * @author Gavin King * @author Max Andersen * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class SQLCustomQuery implements CustomQuery, Serializable { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = Logger.getMessageLogger( CoreMessageLogger.class, SQLCustomQuery.class.getName() ); private final String sql; private final Set querySpaces = new HashSet(); private final Map namedParameterBindPoints = new HashMap(); private final List customQueryReturns = new ArrayList(); public String getSQL() { return sql; } public Set getQuerySpaces() { return querySpaces; } public Map getNamedParameterBindPoints() { return namedParameterBindPoints; } public List getCustomQueryReturns() { return customQueryReturns; } public SQLCustomQuery( final String sqlQuery, final NativeSQLQueryReturn[] queryReturns, final Collection additionalQuerySpaces, final SessionFactoryImplementor factory) throws HibernateException { LOG.tracev( "Starting processing of sql query [{0}]", sqlQuery ); SQLQueryReturnProcessor processor = new SQLQueryReturnProcessor(queryReturns, factory); SQLQueryReturnProcessor.ResultAliasContext aliasContext = processor.process(); // Map[] propertyResultMaps = (Map[]) processor.getPropertyResults().toArray( new Map[0] ); // Map[] collectionResultMaps = (Map[]) processor.getCollectionPropertyResults().toArray( new Map[0] ); // // List collectionSuffixes = new ArrayList(); // List collectionOwnerAliases = processor.getCollectionOwnerAliases(); // List collectionPersisters = processor.getCollectionPersisters(); // int size = collectionPersisters.size(); // if (size!=0) { // collectionOwners = new int[size]; // collectionRoles = new String[size]; // //collectionDescriptors = new CollectionAliases[size]; // for ( int i=0; i<size; i++ ) { // CollectionPersister collectionPersister = (CollectionPersister) collectionPersisters.get(i); // collectionRoles[i] = ( collectionPersister ).getRole(); // collectionOwners[i] = processor.getAliases().indexOf( collectionOwnerAliases.get(i) ); // String suffix = i + "__"; // collectionSuffixes.add(suffix); // //collectionDescriptors[i] = new GeneratedCollectionAliases( collectionResultMaps[i], collectionPersister, suffix ); // } // } // else { // collectionRoles = null; // //collectionDescriptors = null; // collectionOwners = null; // } // // String[] aliases = ArrayHelper.toStringArray( processor.getAliases() ); // String[] collAliases = ArrayHelper.toStringArray( processor.getCollectionAliases() ); // String[] collSuffixes = ArrayHelper.toStringArray(collectionSuffixes); // // SQLLoadable[] entityPersisters = (SQLLoadable[]) processor.getPersisters().toArray( new SQLLoadable[0] ); // SQLLoadableCollection[] collPersisters = (SQLLoadableCollection[]) collectionPersisters.toArray( new SQLLoadableCollection[0] ); // lockModes = (LockMode[]) processor.getLockModes().toArray( new LockMode[0] ); // // scalarColumnAliases = ArrayHelper.toStringArray( processor.getScalarColumnAliases() ); // scalarTypes = ArrayHelper.toTypeArray( processor.getScalarTypes() ); // // // need to match the "sequence" of what we return. scalar first, entity last. // returnAliases = ArrayHelper.join(scalarColumnAliases, aliases); // // String[] suffixes = BasicLoader.generateSuffixes(entityPersisters.length); SQLQueryParser parser = new SQLQueryParser( sqlQuery, new ParserContext( aliasContext ), factory ); this.sql = parser.process(); this.namedParameterBindPoints.putAll( parser.getNamedParameters() ); // SQLQueryParser parser = new SQLQueryParser( // sqlQuery, // processor.getAlias2Persister(), // processor.getAlias2Return(), // aliases, // collAliases, // collPersisters, // suffixes, // collSuffixes // ); // // sql = parser.process(); // // namedParameterBindPoints = parser.getNamedParameters(); customQueryReturns.addAll( processor.generateCustomReturns( parser.queryHasAliases() ) ); // // Populate entityNames, entityDescrptors and querySpaces // entityNames = new String[entityPersisters.length]; // entityDescriptors = new EntityAliases[entityPersisters.length]; // for (int i = 0; i < entityPersisters.length; i++) { // SQLLoadable persister = entityPersisters[i]; // //alias2Persister.put( aliases[i], persister ); // //TODO: Does not consider any other tables referenced in the query // ArrayHelper.addAll( querySpaces, persister.getQuerySpaces() ); // entityNames[i] = persister.getEntityName(); // if ( parser.queryHasAliases() ) { // entityDescriptors[i] = new DefaultEntityAliases( // propertyResultMaps[i], // entityPersisters[i], // suffixes[i] // ); // } // else { // entityDescriptors[i] = new ColumnEntityAliases( // propertyResultMaps[i], // entityPersisters[i], // suffixes[i] // ); // } // } if ( additionalQuerySpaces != null ) { querySpaces.addAll( additionalQuerySpaces ); } // if (size!=0) { // collectionDescriptors = new CollectionAliases[size]; // for ( int i=0; i<size; i++ ) { // CollectionPersister collectionPersister = (CollectionPersister) collectionPersisters.get(i); // String suffix = i + "__"; // if( parser.queryHasAliases() ) { // collectionDescriptors[i] = new GeneratedCollectionAliases( collectionResultMaps[i], collectionPersister, suffix ); // } else { // collectionDescriptors[i] = new ColumnCollectionAliases( collectionResultMaps[i], (SQLLoadableCollection) collectionPersister ); // } // } // } // else { // collectionDescriptors = null; // } // // // // Resolve owners // Map alias2OwnerAlias = processor.getAlias2OwnerAlias(); // int[] ownersArray = new int[entityPersisters.length]; // for ( int j=0; j < aliases.length; j++ ) { // String ownerAlias = (String) alias2OwnerAlias.get( aliases[j] ); // if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty(ownerAlias) ) { // ownersArray[j] = processor.getAliases().indexOf( ownerAlias ); // } // else { // ownersArray[j] = -1; // } // } // if ( ArrayHelper.isAllNegative(ownersArray) ) { // ownersArray = null; // } // this.entityOwners = ownersArray; } private static class ParserContext implements SQLQueryParser.ParserContext { private final SQLQueryReturnProcessor.ResultAliasContext aliasContext; public ParserContext(SQLQueryReturnProcessor.ResultAliasContext aliasContext) { this.aliasContext = aliasContext; } public boolean isEntityAlias(String alias) { return getEntityPersisterByAlias( alias ) != null; } public SQLLoadable getEntityPersisterByAlias(String alias) { return aliasContext.getEntityPersister( alias ); } public String getEntitySuffixByAlias(String alias) { return aliasContext.getEntitySuffix( alias ); } public boolean isCollectionAlias(String alias) { return getCollectionPersisterByAlias( alias ) != null; } public SQLLoadableCollection getCollectionPersisterByAlias(String alias) { return aliasContext.getCollectionPersister( alias ); } public String getCollectionSuffixByAlias(String alias) { return aliasContext.getCollectionSuffix( alias ); } public Map getPropertyResultsMapByAlias(String alias) { return aliasContext.getPropertyResultsMap( alias ); } } }