 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.loader.custom;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

Extension point allowing any SQL query with named and positional parameters to be executed by Hibernate, returning managed entities, collections and simple scalar values.
Author:Gavin King, Steve Ebersole
/** * Extension point allowing any SQL query with named and positional parameters * to be executed by Hibernate, returning managed entities, collections and * simple scalar values. * * @author Gavin King * @author Steve Ebersole */
public interface CustomQuery {
The SQL query string to be performed.
Returns:The SQL statement string.
/** * The SQL query string to be performed. * * @return The SQL statement string. */
public String getSQL();
Any query spaces to apply to the query execution. Query spaces are used in Hibernate's auto-flushing mechanism to determine which entities need to be checked for pending changes.
Returns:The query spaces
/** * Any query spaces to apply to the query execution. Query spaces are * used in Hibernate's auto-flushing mechanism to determine which * entities need to be checked for pending changes. * * @return The query spaces */
public Set<String> getQuerySpaces();
A map representing positions within the supplied query to which we need to bind named parameters.

Optional, may return null if no named parameters.

The structure of the returned map (if one) as follows:
  1. The keys into the map are the named parameter names
  2. The corresponding value is either an Integer if the parameter occurs only once in the query; or a List of Integers if the parameter occurs more than once
/** * A map representing positions within the supplied {@link #getSQL query} to * which we need to bind named parameters. * <p/> * Optional, may return null if no named parameters. * <p/> * The structure of the returned map (if one) as follows:<ol> * <li>The keys into the map are the named parameter names</li> * <li>The corresponding value is either an {@link Integer} if the * parameter occurs only once in the query; or a List of Integers if the * parameter occurs more than once</li> * </ol> */
public Map getNamedParameterBindPoints();
A collection of descriptors describing the JDBC result set to be expected and how to map this result set.
Returns:List of return descriptors.
/** * A collection of {@link Return descriptors} describing the * JDBC result set to be expected and how to map this result set. * * @return List of return descriptors. */
public List<Return> getCustomQueryReturns(); }