 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.loader.collection;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.dialect.pagination.LimitHelper;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.LoadQueryInfluencers;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.PersistenceContext;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.QueryParameters;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.RowSelection;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.collections.ArrayHelper;
import org.hibernate.loader.JoinWalker;
import org.hibernate.loader.Loader;
import org.hibernate.loader.spi.AfterLoadAction;
import org.hibernate.persister.collection.QueryableCollection;
import org.hibernate.pretty.MessageHelper;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

A BatchingCollectionInitializerBuilder that builds CollectionInitializer instances capable of dynamically building its batch-fetch SQL based on the actual number of collections keys waiting to be fetched.
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * A BatchingCollectionInitializerBuilder that builds CollectionInitializer instances capable of dynamically building * its batch-fetch SQL based on the actual number of collections keys waiting to be fetched. * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class DynamicBatchingCollectionInitializerBuilder extends BatchingCollectionInitializerBuilder { public static final DynamicBatchingCollectionInitializerBuilder INSTANCE = new DynamicBatchingCollectionInitializerBuilder(); @Override protected CollectionInitializer createRealBatchingCollectionInitializer( QueryableCollection persister, int maxBatchSize, SessionFactoryImplementor factory, LoadQueryInfluencers influencers) { return new DynamicBatchingCollectionInitializer( persister, maxBatchSize, factory, influencers ); } @Override protected CollectionInitializer createRealBatchingOneToManyInitializer( QueryableCollection persister, int maxBatchSize, SessionFactoryImplementor factory, LoadQueryInfluencers influencers) { return new DynamicBatchingCollectionInitializer( persister, maxBatchSize, factory, influencers ); } public static class DynamicBatchingCollectionInitializer extends BatchingCollectionInitializer { private final int maxBatchSize; private final Loader singleKeyLoader; private final DynamicBatchingCollectionLoader batchLoader; public DynamicBatchingCollectionInitializer( QueryableCollection collectionPersister, int maxBatchSize, SessionFactoryImplementor factory, LoadQueryInfluencers influencers) { super( collectionPersister ); this.maxBatchSize = maxBatchSize; if ( collectionPersister.isOneToMany() ) { this.singleKeyLoader = new OneToManyLoader( collectionPersister, 1, factory, influencers ); } else { this.singleKeyLoader = new BasicCollectionLoader( collectionPersister, 1, factory, influencers ); } this.batchLoader = new DynamicBatchingCollectionLoader( collectionPersister, factory, influencers ); } @Override public void initialize(Serializable id, SessionImplementor session) throws HibernateException { // first, figure out how many batchable ids we have... final Serializable[] batch = session.getPersistenceContext() .getBatchFetchQueue() .getCollectionBatch( collectionPersister(), id, maxBatchSize ); final int numberOfIds = ArrayHelper.countNonNull( batch ); if ( numberOfIds <= 1 ) { singleKeyLoader.loadCollection( session, id, collectionPersister().getKeyType() ); return; } final Serializable[] idsToLoad = new Serializable[numberOfIds]; System.arraycopy( batch, 0, idsToLoad, 0, numberOfIds ); batchLoader.doBatchedCollectionLoad( session, idsToLoad, collectionPersister().getKeyType() ); } } private static class DynamicBatchingCollectionLoader extends CollectionLoader { // todo : this represents another case where the current Loader contract is unhelpful // the other recent case was stored procedure support. Really any place where the SQL // generation is dynamic but the "loading plan" remains constant. The long term plan // is to split Loader into (a) PreparedStatement generation/execution and (b) ResultSet // processing. // // Same holds true for org.hibernate.loader.entity.DynamicBatchingEntityLoaderBuilder.DynamicBatchingEntityLoader // // for now I will essentially semi-re-implement the collection loader contract here to be able to alter // the SQL (specifically to be able to dynamically build the WHERE-clause IN-condition) later, when // we actually know the ids to batch fetch private final String sqlTemplate; private final String alias; public DynamicBatchingCollectionLoader( QueryableCollection collectionPersister, SessionFactoryImplementor factory, LoadQueryInfluencers influencers) { super( collectionPersister, factory, influencers ); JoinWalker walker = buildJoinWalker( collectionPersister, factory, influencers ); initFromWalker( walker ); this.sqlTemplate = walker.getSQLString(); this.alias = StringHelper.generateAlias( collectionPersister.getRole(), 0 ); postInstantiate(); if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() ) { LOG.debugf( "SQL-template for dynamic collection [%s] batch-fetching : %s", collectionPersister.getRole(), sqlTemplate ); } } private JoinWalker buildJoinWalker( QueryableCollection collectionPersister, SessionFactoryImplementor factory, LoadQueryInfluencers influencers) { if ( collectionPersister.isOneToMany() ) { return new OneToManyJoinWalker( collectionPersister, -1, null, factory, influencers ) { @Override protected StringBuilder whereString(String alias, String[] columnNames, String subselect, int batchSize) { if ( subselect != null ) { return super.whereString( alias, columnNames, subselect, batchSize ); } return StringHelper.buildBatchFetchRestrictionFragment( alias, columnNames, getFactory().getDialect() ); } }; } else { return new BasicCollectionJoinWalker( collectionPersister, -1, null, factory, influencers ) { @Override protected StringBuilder whereString(String alias, String[] columnNames, String subselect, int batchSize) { if ( subselect != null ) { return super.whereString( alias, columnNames, subselect, batchSize ); } return StringHelper.buildBatchFetchRestrictionFragment( alias, columnNames, getFactory().getDialect() ); } }; } } public final void doBatchedCollectionLoad( final SessionImplementor session, final Serializable[] ids, final Type type) throws HibernateException { if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() ) LOG.debugf( "Batch loading collection: %s", MessageHelper.collectionInfoString( getCollectionPersisters()[0], ids, getFactory() ) ); final Type[] idTypes = new Type[ids.length]; Arrays.fill( idTypes, type ); final QueryParameters queryParameters = new QueryParameters( idTypes, ids, ids ); final String sql = StringHelper.expandBatchIdPlaceholder( sqlTemplate, ids, alias, collectionPersister().getKeyColumnNames(), getFactory().getDialect() ); try { final PersistenceContext persistenceContext = session.getPersistenceContext(); boolean defaultReadOnlyOrig = persistenceContext.isDefaultReadOnly(); if ( queryParameters.isReadOnlyInitialized() ) { // The read-only/modifiable mode for the query was explicitly set. // Temporarily set the default read-only/modifiable setting to the query's setting. persistenceContext.setDefaultReadOnly( queryParameters.isReadOnly() ); } else { // The read-only/modifiable setting for the query was not initialized. // Use the default read-only/modifiable from the persistence context instead. queryParameters.setReadOnly( persistenceContext.isDefaultReadOnly() ); } persistenceContext.beforeLoad(); try { try { doTheLoad( sql, queryParameters, session ); } finally { persistenceContext.afterLoad(); } persistenceContext.initializeNonLazyCollections(); } finally { // Restore the original default persistenceContext.setDefaultReadOnly( defaultReadOnlyOrig ); } } catch ( SQLException e ) { throw getFactory().getSQLExceptionHelper().convert( e, "could not initialize a collection batch: " + MessageHelper.collectionInfoString( collectionPersister(), ids, getFactory() ), sql ); } LOG.debug( "Done batch load" ); } private void doTheLoad(String sql, QueryParameters queryParameters, SessionImplementor session) throws SQLException { final RowSelection selection = queryParameters.getRowSelection(); final int maxRows = LimitHelper.hasMaxRows( selection ) ? selection.getMaxRows() : Integer.MAX_VALUE; final List<AfterLoadAction> afterLoadActions = Collections.emptyList(); final SqlStatementWrapper wrapper = executeQueryStatement( sql, queryParameters, false, afterLoadActions, session ); final ResultSet rs = wrapper.getResultSet(); final Statement st = wrapper.getStatement(); try { processResultSet( rs, queryParameters, session, true, null, maxRows, afterLoadActions ); } finally { session.getTransactionCoordinator().getJdbcCoordinator().release( st ); } } } }