 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.id;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;

For composite identifiers, defines a number of "nested" generations that need to happen to "fill" the identifier property(s).

This generator is used implicitly for all composite identifier scenarios if an explicit generator is not in place. So it make sense to discuss the various potential scenarios:
  • "embedded" composite identifier - this is possible only in HBM mappings as <composite-id/> (notice the lack of both a name and class attribute declarations). The term "embedded" here refers to the Hibernate usage which is actually the exact opposite of the JPA meaning of "embedded". Essentially this means that the entity class itself holds the named composite pk properties. This is very similar to the JPA @IdClass usage, though without a separate pk-class for loading.
  • pk-class as entity attribute - this is possible in both annotations (@EmbeddedId) and HBM mappings (<composite-id name="idAttributeName" class="PkClassName"/>)
  • "embedded" composite identifier with a pk-class - this is the JPA @IdClass use case and is only possible in annotations

Most of the grunt work is done in Component.
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * For composite identifiers, defines a number of "nested" generations that * need to happen to "fill" the identifier property(s). * <p/> * This generator is used implicitly for all composite identifier scenarios if an * explicit generator is not in place. So it make sense to discuss the various * potential scenarios:<ul> * <li> * <i>"embedded" composite identifier</i> - this is possible only in HBM mappings * as {@code <composite-id/>} (notice the lack of both a name and class attribute * declarations). The term {@link org.hibernate.mapping.Component#isEmbedded() "embedded"} * here refers to the Hibernate usage which is actually the exact opposite of the JPA * meaning of "embedded". Essentially this means that the entity class itself holds * the named composite pk properties. This is very similar to the JPA {@code @IdClass} * usage, though without a separate pk-class for loading. * </li> * <li> * <i>pk-class as entity attribute</i> - this is possible in both annotations ({@code @EmbeddedId}) * and HBM mappings ({@code <composite-id name="idAttributeName" class="PkClassName"/>}) * </li> * <li> * <i>"embedded" composite identifier with a pk-class</i> - this is the JPA {@code @IdClass} use case * and is only possible in annotations * </li> * </ul> * <p/> * Most of the grunt work is done in {@link org.hibernate.mapping.Component}. * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class CompositeNestedGeneratedValueGenerator implements IdentifierGenerator, Serializable, IdentifierGeneratorAggregator {
Contract for declaring how to locate the context for sub-value injection.
/** * Contract for declaring how to locate the context for sub-value injection. */
public static interface GenerationContextLocator {
Given the incoming object, determine the context for injecting back its generated id sub-values.
  • session – The current session
  • incomingObject – The entity for which we are generating id
Returns:The injection context
/** * Given the incoming object, determine the context for injecting back its generated * id sub-values. * * @param session The current session * @param incomingObject The entity for which we are generating id * * @return The injection context */
public Serializable locateGenerationContext(SessionImplementor session, Object incomingObject); }
Contract for performing the actual sub-value generation, usually injecting it into the determined context
/** * Contract for performing the actual sub-value generation, usually injecting it into the * determined {@link GenerationContextLocator#locateGenerationContext context} */
public static interface GenerationPlan {
Execute the value generation.
  • session – The current session
  • incomingObject – The entity for which we are generating id
  • injectionContext – The context into which the generated value can be injected
/** * Execute the value generation. * * @param session The current session * @param incomingObject The entity for which we are generating id * @param injectionContext The context into which the generated value can be injected */
public void execute(SessionImplementor session, Object incomingObject, Object injectionContext);
Register any sub generators which implement PersistentIdentifierGenerator by their generatorKey.
  • generatorMap – The map of generators.
/** * Register any sub generators which implement {@link PersistentIdentifierGenerator} by their * {@link PersistentIdentifierGenerator#generatorKey generatorKey}. * * @param generatorMap The map of generators. */
public void registerPersistentGenerators(Map generatorMap); } private final GenerationContextLocator generationContextLocator; private List generationPlans = new ArrayList(); public CompositeNestedGeneratedValueGenerator(GenerationContextLocator generationContextLocator) { this.generationContextLocator = generationContextLocator; } public void addGeneratedValuePlan(GenerationPlan plan) { generationPlans.add( plan ); } @Override public Serializable generate(SessionImplementor session, Object object) throws HibernateException { final Serializable context = generationContextLocator.locateGenerationContext( session, object ); for ( Object generationPlan : generationPlans ) { final GenerationPlan plan = (GenerationPlan) generationPlan; plan.execute( session, object, context ); } return context; } @Override public void registerPersistentGenerators(Map generatorMap) { for ( Object generationPlan : generationPlans ) { final GenerationPlan plan = (GenerationPlan) generationPlan; plan.registerPersistentGenerators( generatorMap ); } } }