 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.hql.internal.classic;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;

import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.QueryException;
import org.hibernate.engine.internal.JoinSequence;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.CollectionSubqueryFactory;
import org.hibernate.persister.collection.CollectionPropertyMapping;
import org.hibernate.persister.collection.QueryableCollection;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.EntityPersister;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.PropertyMapping;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.Queryable;
import org.hibernate.sql.JoinType;
import org.hibernate.type.AssociationType;
import org.hibernate.type.CollectionType;
import org.hibernate.type.EntityType;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

Parses an expression of the form foo.bar.baz and builds up an expression involving two less table joins than there are path components.
/** * Parses an expression of the form foo.bar.baz and builds up an expression * involving two less table joins than there are path components. */
public class PathExpressionParser implements Parser { //TODO: this class does too many things! we need a different //kind of path expression parser for each of the diffferent //ways in which path expressions can occur //We should actually rework this class to not implement Parser //and just process path expressions in the most convenient way. //The class is now way to complex! private int dotcount; private String currentName; private String currentProperty; private String oneToOneOwnerName; private AssociationType ownerAssociationType; private String[] columns; private String collectionName; private String collectionOwnerName; private String collectionRole; private final StringBuilder componentPath = new StringBuilder(); private Type type; private final StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(); private boolean ignoreInitialJoin; private boolean continuation; private JoinType joinType = JoinType.INNER_JOIN; //default mode private boolean useThetaStyleJoin = true; private PropertyMapping currentPropertyMapping; private JoinSequence joinSequence; private boolean expectingCollectionIndex; private LinkedList collectionElements = new LinkedList(); void setJoinType(JoinType joinType) { this.joinType = joinType; } void setUseThetaStyleJoin(boolean useThetaStyleJoin) { this.useThetaStyleJoin = useThetaStyleJoin; } private void addJoin(String name, AssociationType joinableType) throws QueryException { try { joinSequence.addJoin( joinableType, name, joinType, currentColumns() ); } catch ( MappingException me ) { throw new QueryException( me ); } } private void addJoin(String name, AssociationType joinableType, String[] foreignKeyColumns) throws QueryException { try { joinSequence.addJoin( joinableType, name, joinType, foreignKeyColumns ); } catch ( MappingException me ) { throw new QueryException( me ); } } String continueFromManyToMany(String entityName, String[] joinColumns, QueryTranslatorImpl q) throws QueryException { start( q ); continuation = true; currentName = q.createNameFor( entityName ); q.addType( currentName, entityName ); Queryable classPersister = q.getEntityPersister( entityName ); //QueryJoinFragment join = q.createJoinFragment(useThetaStyleJoin); addJoin( currentName, q.getFactory().getTypeResolver().getTypeFactory().manyToOne( entityName ), joinColumns ); currentPropertyMapping = classPersister; return currentName; } public void ignoreInitialJoin() { ignoreInitialJoin = true; } public void token(String token, QueryTranslatorImpl q) throws QueryException { if ( token != null ) path.append( token ); String alias = q.getPathAlias( path.toString() ); if ( alias != null ) { reset( q ); //reset the dotcount (but not the path) currentName = alias; //after reset! currentPropertyMapping = q.getPropertyMapping( currentName ); if ( !ignoreInitialJoin ) { JoinSequence ojf = q.getPathJoin( path.toString() ); try { joinSequence.addCondition( ojf.toJoinFragment( q.getEnabledFilters(), true ).toWhereFragmentString() ); //after reset! } catch ( MappingException me ) { throw new QueryException( me ); } // we don't need to worry about any condition in the ON clause // here (toFromFragmentString), since anything in the ON condition // is already applied to the whole query } } else if ( ".".equals( token ) ) { dotcount++; } else { if ( dotcount == 0 ) { if ( !continuation ) { if ( !q.isName( token ) ) throw new QueryException( "undefined alias: " + token ); currentName = token; currentPropertyMapping = q.getPropertyMapping( currentName ); } } else if ( dotcount == 1 ) { if ( currentName != null ) { currentProperty = token; } else if ( collectionName != null ) { //processCollectionProperty(token, q.getCollectionPersister(collectionRole), collectionName); continuation = false; } else { throw new QueryException( "unexpected" ); } } else { // dotcount>=2 // Do the corresponding RHS Type propertyType = getPropertyType(); if ( propertyType == null ) { throw new QueryException( "unresolved property: " + path ); } if ( propertyType.isComponentType() ) { dereferenceComponent( token ); } else if ( propertyType.isEntityType() ) { if ( !isCollectionValued() ) dereferenceEntity( token, ( EntityType ) propertyType, q ); } else if ( propertyType.isCollectionType() ) { dereferenceCollection( token, ( ( CollectionType ) propertyType ).getRole(), q ); } else { if ( token != null ) throw new QueryException( "dereferenced: " + path ); } } } } private void dereferenceEntity(String propertyName, EntityType propertyType, QueryTranslatorImpl q) throws QueryException { //NOTE: we avoid joining to the next table if the named property is just the foreign key value //if its "id" boolean isIdShortcut = EntityPersister.ENTITY_ID.equals( propertyName ) && propertyType.isReferenceToPrimaryKey(); //or its the id property name final String idPropertyName; try { idPropertyName = propertyType.getIdentifierOrUniqueKeyPropertyName( q.getFactory() ); } catch ( MappingException me ) { throw new QueryException( me ); } boolean isNamedIdPropertyShortcut = idPropertyName != null && idPropertyName.equals( propertyName ) && propertyType.isReferenceToPrimaryKey(); if ( isIdShortcut || isNamedIdPropertyShortcut ) { // special shortcut for id properties, skip the join! // this must only occur at the _end_ of a path expression if ( componentPath.length() > 0 ) componentPath.append( '.' ); componentPath.append( propertyName ); } else { String entityClass = propertyType.getAssociatedEntityName(); String name = q.createNameFor( entityClass ); q.addType( name, entityClass ); addJoin( name, propertyType ); if ( propertyType.isOneToOne() ) oneToOneOwnerName = currentName; ownerAssociationType = propertyType; currentName = name; currentProperty = propertyName; q.addPathAliasAndJoin( path.substring( 0, path.toString().lastIndexOf( '.' ) ), name, joinSequence.copy() ); componentPath.setLength( 0 ); currentPropertyMapping = q.getEntityPersister( entityClass ); } } private void dereferenceComponent(String propertyName) { if ( propertyName != null ) { if ( componentPath.length() > 0 ) componentPath.append( '.' ); componentPath.append( propertyName ); } } private void dereferenceCollection(String propertyName, String role, QueryTranslatorImpl q) throws QueryException { collectionRole = role; QueryableCollection collPersister = q.getCollectionPersister( role ); String name = q.createNameForCollection( role ); addJoin( name, collPersister.getCollectionType() ); //if ( collPersister.hasWhere() ) join.addCondition( collPersister.getSQLWhereString(name) ); collectionName = name; collectionOwnerName = currentName; currentName = name; currentProperty = propertyName; componentPath.setLength( 0 ); currentPropertyMapping = new CollectionPropertyMapping( collPersister ); } private String getPropertyPath() { if ( currentProperty == null ) { return EntityPersister.ENTITY_ID; } else { if ( componentPath.length() > 0 ) { return new StringBuilder() .append( currentProperty ) .append( '.' ) .append( componentPath.toString() ) .toString(); } else { return currentProperty; } } } private PropertyMapping getPropertyMapping() { return currentPropertyMapping; } private void setType() throws QueryException { if ( currentProperty == null ) { type = getPropertyMapping().getType(); } else { type = getPropertyType(); } } protected Type getPropertyType() throws QueryException { String propertyPath = getPropertyPath(); Type propertyType = getPropertyMapping().toType( propertyPath ); if ( propertyType == null ) { throw new QueryException( "could not resolve property type: " + propertyPath ); } return propertyType; } protected String[] currentColumns() throws QueryException { String propertyPath = getPropertyPath(); String[] propertyColumns = getPropertyMapping().toColumns( currentName, propertyPath ); if ( propertyColumns == null ) { throw new QueryException( "could not resolve property columns: " + propertyPath ); } return propertyColumns; } private void reset(QueryTranslatorImpl q) { //join = q.createJoinFragment(useThetaStyleJoin); dotcount = 0; currentName = null; currentProperty = null; collectionName = null; collectionRole = null; componentPath.setLength( 0 ); type = null; collectionName = null; columns = null; expectingCollectionIndex = false; continuation = false; currentPropertyMapping = null; } public void start(QueryTranslatorImpl q) { if ( !continuation ) { reset( q ); path.setLength( 0 ); joinSequence = new JoinSequence( q.getFactory() ).setUseThetaStyle( useThetaStyleJoin ); } } public void end(QueryTranslatorImpl q) throws QueryException { ignoreInitialJoin = false; Type propertyType = getPropertyType(); if ( propertyType != null && propertyType.isCollectionType() ) { collectionRole = ( ( CollectionType ) propertyType ).getRole(); collectionName = q.createNameForCollection( collectionRole ); prepareForIndex( q ); } else { columns = currentColumns(); setType(); } //important!! continuation = false; } private void prepareForIndex(QueryTranslatorImpl q) throws QueryException { QueryableCollection collPersister = q.getCollectionPersister( collectionRole ); if ( !collPersister.hasIndex() ) throw new QueryException( "unindexed collection before []: " + path ); String[] indexCols = collPersister.getIndexColumnNames(); if ( indexCols.length != 1 ) throw new QueryException( "composite-index appears in []: " + path ); //String[] keyCols = collPersister.getKeyColumnNames(); JoinSequence fromJoins = new JoinSequence( q.getFactory() ) .setUseThetaStyle( useThetaStyleJoin ) .setRoot( collPersister, collectionName ) .setNext( joinSequence.copy() ); if ( !continuation ) addJoin( collectionName, collPersister.getCollectionType() ); joinSequence.addCondition( collectionName + '.' + indexCols[0] + " = " ); //TODO: get SQL rendering out of here CollectionElement elem = new CollectionElement(); elem.elementColumns = collPersister.getElementColumnNames(collectionName); elem.elementType = collPersister.getElementType(); elem.isOneToMany = collPersister.isOneToMany(); elem.alias = collectionName; elem.joinSequence = joinSequence; collectionElements.addLast( elem ); setExpectingCollectionIndex(); q.addCollection( collectionName, collectionRole ); q.addFromJoinOnly( collectionName, fromJoins ); } static final class CollectionElement { Type elementType; boolean isOneToMany; String alias; String[] elementColumns; JoinSequence joinSequence; StringBuilder indexValue = new StringBuilder(); } public CollectionElement lastCollectionElement() { return ( CollectionElement ) collectionElements.removeLast(); } public void setLastCollectionElementIndexValue(String value) { ( ( CollectionElement ) collectionElements.getLast() ).indexValue.append( value ); } public boolean isExpectingCollectionIndex() { return expectingCollectionIndex; } protected void setExpectingCollectionIndex() throws QueryException { expectingCollectionIndex = true; } public JoinSequence getWhereJoin() { return joinSequence; } public String getWhereColumn() throws QueryException { if ( columns.length != 1 ) { throw new QueryException( "path expression ends in a composite value: " + path ); } return columns[0]; } public String[] getWhereColumns() { return columns; } public Type getWhereColumnType() { return type; } public String getName() { return currentName == null ? collectionName : currentName; } public String getCollectionSubquery(Map enabledFilters) throws QueryException { return CollectionSubqueryFactory.createCollectionSubquery( joinSequence, enabledFilters, currentColumns() ); } public boolean isCollectionValued() throws QueryException { //TODO: is there a better way? return collectionName != null && !getPropertyType().isCollectionType(); } public void addAssociation(QueryTranslatorImpl q) throws QueryException { q.addJoin( getName(), joinSequence ); } public String addFromAssociation(QueryTranslatorImpl q) throws QueryException { if ( isCollectionValued() ) { return addFromCollection( q ); } else { q.addFrom( currentName, joinSequence ); return currentName; } } public String addFromCollection(QueryTranslatorImpl q) throws QueryException { Type collectionElementType = getPropertyType(); if ( collectionElementType == null ) { throw new QueryException( "must specify 'elements' for collection valued property in from clause: " + path ); } if ( collectionElementType.isEntityType() ) { // an association QueryableCollection collectionPersister = q.getCollectionPersister( collectionRole ); Queryable entityPersister = ( Queryable ) collectionPersister.getElementPersister(); String clazz = entityPersister.getEntityName(); final String elementName; if ( collectionPersister.isOneToMany() ) { elementName = collectionName; //allow index() function: q.decoratePropertyMapping( elementName, collectionPersister ); } else { //many-to-many q.addCollection( collectionName, collectionRole ); elementName = q.createNameFor( clazz ); addJoin( elementName, ( AssociationType ) collectionElementType ); } q.addFrom( elementName, clazz, joinSequence ); currentPropertyMapping = new CollectionPropertyMapping( collectionPersister ); return elementName; } else { // collections of values q.addFromCollection( collectionName, collectionRole, joinSequence ); return collectionName; } } String getCollectionName() { return collectionName; } String getCollectionRole() { return collectionRole; } String getCollectionOwnerName() { return collectionOwnerName; } String getOneToOneOwnerName() { return oneToOneOwnerName; } AssociationType getOwnerAssociationType() { return ownerAssociationType; } String getCurrentProperty() { return currentProperty; } String getCurrentName() { return currentName; } public void fetch(QueryTranslatorImpl q, String entityName) throws QueryException { if ( isCollectionValued() ) { q.setCollectionToFetch( getCollectionRole(), getCollectionName(), getCollectionOwnerName(), entityName ); } else { q.addEntityToFetch( entityName, getOneToOneOwnerName(), getOwnerAssociationType() ); } } }